
The Ten Financial Commandments Robert Morris

1. Put God first.

Exodus 20:3; 1 Kings 17:10–14



2. Don’t worship material things. Exodus 20:4



3. Don’t use God’s name selfishly.

Exodus 20:7



4. Be a good steward. Exodus 20:8–10; Luke 16:10–11 Spend wisely. Save diligently. Give generously.


5. Teach your children. Exodus 20:12; Luke 16:13



6. Live on a budget. Exodus 20:13


7. Live below your means. Exodus 20:14; 1 Timothy 6:6–8; Philippians 4:11; Luke 14:28



8. Don’t buy now and pay later. Exodus 20:15; Romans 8:24


9. Be a good witness. Exodus 20:16; Acts 20:35



10. Be content. Exodus 20:17; Colossians 3:5


What is the Holy Spirit saying to me through this message? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Scripture is from the New King James and New Living Translation versions of the Bible.