Page 1: The Time is Right for a Common Conceptual Framework

The Time is Right for a Common Conceptual Framework

Kentucky Conference on Social Work Practice and EducationFeb 8-10, 2001 - Lexington, KY

Richard RamsayUniversity of Calgary

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Dedicated To . . . .

Harriet Bartlett Jim Billups

William Gordon Dorothy Miller

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Bartlett’s Concern . . . .

“. . . the lack of adequate words, terms, concepts to represent the important facets and components of the profession’s practice as a whole” Bartlett, 1970, p. 46.

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Bartlett’s Dream . . . .

Graduates will leave schools of social work with “an initial grasp of social work’s full scope and content” Bartlett, 1970, p. 83.

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Wakefield’s priority . . . .

“. . . The conceptual analysis of social work’s purpose should be high among the profession’s intellectual priorities” Wakefield, 1996, p. 210.

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Begin with Conclusions

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Common Conceptual Framework

Aligned with holistic worldview Based on a common organizing framework Utilizes Nature’s minimum whole system Allows for co-existing opposites Displays entity-relationship constellations Highlights relationship-centered focus

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Common Organizing Structure

Tetrahedral Constellation

3-dimensionaltop view

2-dimensionalunfolded view

Multi-dimensionalcomplex view

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Common Conceptual Framework

Core Components Domain of Practice

Paradigm of Profession

Domain of Social Worker

Methods of Practice

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Common Conceptual Framework

Domain of Practice

3 systemic(network-like)

Domain of Social Worker

Method of Practice

Paradigm of Profession

1 systematic(phase-like)

Scope of Social Work Map

relationship-connected pathways

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Revisiting the Working Definiton and Conceptual Framework


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1958 Working DefinitionPentahedral Constellation



Knowledge Method


R = (n2-n)/2R = (25-5)/2R = 10

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Strengthen maximum potential in individual, groups, communities

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Common Values

Interdependence of elements Social responsibility for one another Common needs; diversely unique Right to realize full potential; expectation of

active participation Societal responsibility to prevent barriers

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Sanctions Agencies

Government and NGOs

Profession Legislation, standards, code of ethics ‘Safety net’ profession ‘care for’ profession

Social assignment Dependency problems (Popple, 1985)

Minimum distributive justice problems (Wakefield, 1996)

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Human development Giving and taking Communicating Group processes Cultural heritage Relationships Community Social services Self

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Orderly systematic mode Disciplined use of self in relationship Practitioner is facilitator of PIE interactions Includes observation, assessment, plan of action Aided by techniques and technology Technical expertise to use knowledge

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1st CF Meeting: Is there a Common Conceptual Framework?

Commissioned papers Pincus and Minahan

• Resources, interaction, objectives, tasks and activities Dean

• Political philosophies cannot be ignored Morris

• A “caring for” profession Cooper

• A professional mechanism for inducing change Read

• Problem-oriented models that can be tested scientifically

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Madison Meeting: Is there a Common Conceptual Framework?

Reaction papers Morales

• Over emphasis on knowledge to do clinical work Simon

• The basis for a common framework; time is not right Gilbert

• Absence of a well articulated conceptual framework Alexander

• Past dichotomies reconstructed and repeated

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O’Hare Meeting: Purpose and Objective

Purpose and Beliefs- Improved and clarified

Objectives- added

Hexahedral Constellation

Purpose Objectives

Values Sanctions

Knowledge MethodR = (n2-n)/2R = (36-6)/2R = 15

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O’Hare Meeting

Beliefs reworked Purpose reworked Functional objectives added Direct practice articulated Identified unit of attention targets Silent on relationship-centred focus Silent on indirect practice

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Moving in the Direction of a Common Conceptual

Framework-Definition Integration

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Bartlett’s Common Base

Intervention repertoireBroad Orientation

Social functioning domain

Triangular base

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Beyond the Working Definition Practitioner action, directed to a purpose

guided by values, knowledge and methods Values and knowledge

interact in determining professional goals Sanction

removed as a basic definer Central concern of social work

not in WD, nor recognized as needed Social workers

not taught to think holistically

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Beyond the Common Base: Systems Informed Models

Meyer Pincus & Minahan Middleman & Goldberg Goldstein Comptom & Galaway Geraine & Gitterman

Shulman Johnson Sheafor et al Zastrow O’Neil O’Miley et al

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Post Madison and O’Hare Meetings

1982, IFSW international definition common base elements

2000, CASW National Scope of Practice domain, preparation, practitioner, method

2000, IFSW international definition purpose, focus, knowledge, values

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Can We Do What We Came Here To Do?

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Reworking the Working Definition

Yes! A common conceptual framework is possible

No! We don’t have to repeat dichotomies Yes! Bartlett’s dream of a comprehensive

professional model can be achieved We can do it!Make the WD elements an

integral part of the conceptual framework

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Common Conceptual Framework based on minimum whole system constellation


informed by Bartlett’s common base Social functioning, broad orientation, intervention repertoire

informed by Wilber’s domain-method criteria Identifiable domain/area of practice Refutable method/intervention process

informed by Kuhn’s paradigm criteria Common values, rules and standards of practice of a like-

minded group

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Common Conceptual Framework

Domain of Social Work

3 systemic

Domain of Social Worker

Method of Practice

Paradigm of Profession

1 systematic


Social functioning- role performance- just environment

SW functioning- competent- burn-out


Operational Framework

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Domain of Social Work Practice

Defining Purpose/Organizing Value Informed by tensionally connected moral imperatives Contains clear vision and mission Guides the use of diverse repertoire of methods

Functional Objectives Guided by defining purpose vision and mission

Informed by: Diverse knowledge bases

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Paradigm of Profession

Values Primary Instrumental

Practice Options/Decisions Functions Modes of delivery/programs Knowledge


Sanctions Social assignment

• (Popple) (Wakefield) Profession

• enabling Governments and NGOs

• Embracing and/or limiting Corporate world

• limiting

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Domain of Social Worker

disciplined use of self personal-professional integration ability to rise above personal beliefs

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Methods of Practice

Intervention repertoire Phase-like processes

Mixture of linear and non-linear dynamics Dialectical/dialogical

Intervention-specific theories Techniques Skills

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Think ConceptuallyPractice Specifically

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Common Conceptual Framework

Domain of Social Work

3 systemic

Domain of Social Worker

Method of Practice

Paradigm of Profession

1 systematic


Social functioning- role performance- just environment

SW functioning- competent- burn-out


Operational Framework

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Back To The Conclusion

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Futurist Vision

“How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or the disadvantage of anyone?” R.Buckminster Fuller

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End of Paper

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Response to Responder

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Working Definition IssuesWorking Definition Re-worked Definition

individual concern worldview base

Divided whole Equilibrium health

self-determination linear-circular causes social functioning

Quality of life Strengthen max potential

dual purpose

individual-collective worldview base

Undivided whole Far from equilibrium health

co-determination linear-non-linear patterns social well being

Just and civil society Distributive justice

unifying purpose

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Working Definition IssuesWorking Definition Re-worked Definition

Change focus is entity-centered

Intervention target is abstract entity

empowering methods bestowed outcome

dichotomous opposites theory that links method

and purpose

change focus is relationship-centered

Intervention target is entity-centred

enabling methods Co-empowered outcomes

co-existive complementarity conceptually clear purpose;

methods to pursue purpose

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Working Definition IssuesWorking Definition Re-worked Definition

person-in-environment (PIE) domain

2 practice options Client and target

science derived knowledge

no organizing framework “house”

person-environment network (PEN) domain

4 practice options Client, target, action, c.a.system

science-indigenous derived knowledge

nested in a common organizing framework “house”

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Say It Again Sam!Lest We Forget

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Appendix 1b

Common Conceptual Framework

Domain of Practice

• systemic person-in-environment area

• unifying purpose

• relationship-centred target of change

Domain of Social Worker need to address and critique biases,

values, personal issues

Method of Practice systematic challenge/problem solving process

theory-specific interventions dialogical process

minimum system phase process (3-4)

Paradigm of Profession


Social functioning- role performance- just environment

SW functioning- competent- burn-out

Operational Framework








like-minded agreement domain, values, ethics, functions practice options

VO - Validator Otherness CS - Client System RO - Resource Otherness CAS - Change Agent System/Social WorkerPO - Personal Otherness TS - Target SystemP - Person/Practitioner AS - Action System

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Working Definition: Context, Essence (What it is), Function (What it does) Context The professional boundaries and global scope of social

work and social work practice are governed primarily by sanctions and constraints of educational preparation, ethical principles, social work statutes, legislative regulations, code(s) of ethics, standards of care and local case law, or some combination of the aforementioned.

The extent to which the scope of social work can be practiced in a given society or setting is ultimately governed by societal sanctions, moral imperatives, organizational constraints and precedent requirements in statutory laws or other regulatory systems

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Working Definition: Context, Essence (What it is), Function (What it does)

Essence Social work is the science-profession of social well being

functioning. Social work has a distinct “person-in-environment” domain of practice and defining purpose that is directed to social well being, individual and communal.

The central focus of social work is on societal relationships that advance distributive justice and well being for all.

Value-guided and evidence-based knowledge and methods of enabling others that are derived from the sciences (including social work), humanities and human experience inform the function of social work.

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Working Definition: Context, Essence (What it is), Function (What it does)

Function The practice of social work employs two kinds of dialogical

process-guided social well-being/distributive justice activities/interventions.

One is directly with individuals and families in their contextual environments. Psychotherapy, psychosocial counseling, group work, and social support methods of social caring principally aid this kind of practice.

The other is indirectly with contextually relevant environment systems, including societal validators, institutional structures and social support resources, and their distributive justice/social well-being impact on individual and communal social well-being. Community development, social policy and social justice methods of social change principally aid this kind of practice.
