Page 1: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Story House Template 2.8 WRITER: Rob PRODUCER: Moses, Maria PROOFREADER: James

Hi! My name is .

The Ugly Duckling

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Page 2: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

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1. Don’t touch this slide.

Page 3: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Repeat After Me

Drill 2

(ey) (e) (ee) (i)





















Vowel Pronunciation: Say these words naturally. Ask students to repeat you and copy your voice. Correct them for accuracy.

1. Don’t touch this slide.

Page 4: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Try to say each one five times fast.

Warm-up: Tongue Twisters

Warm-up 2

1. Bob threw three balls.

2. Willie wishes to wash his watch.

1. Copy–paste two tongue twisters from the Warm-up 2 Word doc. Use the “Keep Text Only” paste option (Ctrl, T).

2. Adjust each colored text box to fit each sentence on one line (if possible).

Example Layout

Page 5: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Vocabulary • Vocabulary Slide #1 1. Balance out the number of terms across

these two Vocabulary slides. 2. Delete the rows you don’t need, starting from

the bottom. 3. Copy–paste Vocab terms, Chinese

translations, and parts of speech from the lesson’s Word doc into the correct table cells.

4. All verb entries should have the past simple and past participle forms underneath the item, in parentheses, and unbolded. Example:

5. Copy–paste the Vocab pictures from the Word doc.

6. Copy and paste the image format to all pictures (Ctrl + Shift + c – Ctrl + Shift + v).

7. Arrange the pictures how you want them. 8. Select all the pictures (Shift + Click), right click

one, and choose “Send to Back”. 9. Place the letter choices in the bottom left

corner of the images, matching the example. Make sure the letter–picture pairs are random.

10. Write the letter answers in the Answer Key.

Match the terms to the pictures.

1. hatch (hatched)

孵出;孵化 v.

2. reflection

倒影 n.

3. swan

天鵝 n.

4. spring

春天 n.

1. wake up (woke, woken)

醒來 v.

Image Format

Example Layout

1. C 2. A

3. B 4. D

Page 6: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Vocabulary • Vocabulary Slide #2 1. See instructions on previous slide.

Match the terms to the pictures.

1. hide (hid, hidden)

躲;藏 v.

2. bush

草叢 n.

3. crack (cracked)

(使)裂開 v.

4. shocked

驚訝的; 震驚的


Image Format

Example Layout

1. D 2. B

3. A 4. C

Page 7: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings


It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1

mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One

by one, they cracked open. Her cute little

ducklings came out. Finally, the last and largest

egg hatched. But there was no cute yellow

duckling inside. There was only an ugly2 gray


The mother duck tried to love him, but he

was too different. What’s worse, his brothers

and sisters were mean to him. They said, “Go

away, ugly duckling!” So, he sadly ran away

from home. An old woman found him. She

said, “Poor ugly duckling! I’ll take you home.”

The ugly duckling thought, “I finally have a



1. 驕傲 2. 醜

• Story Slide #1 1. Balance out the amount of text across these

three Story slides. 2. From the Article doc, paste about one third of

the story onto each Story slide. Choose “Keep Text Only” from the small Paste Options box that appears (Hotkeys: Ctrl, T)

3. Indent each new paragraph (Tab). 4. Number the translation terms. Start from 1

on each slide. 5. Copy–paste the Chinese translations in the

footer. There are six columns by default. (If any translations are too long, you can reduce the number of columns.)

6. Copy–paste pictures from the raw content PDF. If the PDF is not in that folder, then talk to someone who can find it in the AP folder.

7. If pictures aren’t availble, then find some suitable pictures online.

8. If the pictures don’t already have a style (such as faded edges), then copy and paste the Image Format to all pictures.

Example Layout

Read the story to the students. The goal is for them to practice listening comprehension.

Page 8: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings


The ugly duckling didn’t stay with her for

long. Her cat kept trying to eat him. So, he ran

away again. While he was out, he saw some

beautiful swans. He thought, “I want to join

them, but I’m too ugly!” So he hid in the

bushes. Soon, the swans flew south for the


The cold winter arrived1. The ugly

duckling thought he was going to die. Luckily2 a

farmer found him. The farmer brought him

home. The ugly duckling thought, “Now I’m

safe!” But then he met the farmer’s noisy

children. The ugly duckling became scared. He

ran away a third time.


1. 抵達 2. 幸運

• Story Slide #2

Read the story to the students. The goal is for them to practice listening comprehension.

Page 9: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings


The ugly duckling spent the winter alone.

He was cold and hungry. Finally, spring arrived.

The swans had returned from the south. The

ugly duckling didn’t want to live alone

anymore. He thought, “It’s better to be teased1

by these swans than to be alone.”

He was about to say hello to them, when

they saw him. To his surprise, the swans flew

around him and said, “Hello, young swan!

Welcome to our family!” At first, The ugly

duckling was shocked. Then he saw his

reflection in the lake. “This whole time I wasn’t

a duckling. I’m really a swan!” he thought. He

then happily flew away with his new family.


1. 捉弄;戲弄

• Story Slide #3

Read the story to the students. The goal is for them to practice listening comprehension.

Page 10: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Questions 1. From the Article doc, paste the three comprehension questions into the question boxes (next to the number boxes).

2. Copy–paste the three answers into the Answer Key with “Keep Text Only” paste option (Ctrl, T)

1. Why did the ugly duckling run away

from home?

2. Why did the ugly duckling leave the old

woman’s house?

3. What happened at the end of the


1. His mother did not love him. 2. The old woman’s cat tried to eat him. 3. The ugly duckling found out he was really a swan.

Page 11: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Grammar Skills

Grammar Skill was about to / going to is going to do sth 打算;將要

is about to do sth 即將…;正要…

1. Don’t touch this slide until Phase 2. 2. Type the target word–phrase into the yellow

box. Adjust the length of the box as needed. 3. Copy–paste the target grammar and

translations into the white table. Insert more rows and adjust the table as neceesary.

4. Copy–paste the four example sentences (with translations) into the left-side light green box. a. Use the “Keep Text Only” paste option

(Ctrl, T) to keep the ordered letter list. b. Use soft line breaks for the Chinese

translations (Shift + Enter), so that these lies don’t get letters before them.

5. In the sentence containing the target grammar: a. make the subject purple b. make the target grammar orange c. make the object term–clause light blue (You can check the exact colors by selecting the current colored words and opening the color selector dropdown box.)

6. Create two or three fill-in-the-blank exercises for students to practice the target grammar.

7. Type the exercise answers in the Answer Key. Underline the words–phrases that fills the blanks.

A. My parents are going to buy a new house.


B. It is going to rain later.


C. Ryan is about to leave the classroom.

Ryan 正要離開教室。

D. They’re about to go out for dinner.


1. They put their coats on because they

________________ go outside.

2. Later, Kelly ________________ visit her


3. Tomorrow, Kendra _________________ do

her homework.

Examples Exercises

1. are about to 2. is going to 3. is going to

Page 12: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings


檔案 → 另存新檔 → 文件… → 檔案類型選擇PDF → 存檔

Tell your tutor when you’re done.

Page 13: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Correct any one sentence to open your door.

Activity: Grammar Slammer

Example Layout

1. Mary haves a baby.

2. This is Mary’s one-time baby

3. A baby’s name is Leslie?

4. The baby is a sleep.

5. The baby does sleep a lot.

6. The baby no cry.

Activity 6

1. Copy–paste one set of ungrammatical sentences from Activity 6 Word doc. Use the “Keep Text Only” paste option (Ctrl, T).

2. Copy–paste the answers in the Answer Key from that same Word Doc.




Write each student’s name on a jail wall. In turn, ask students to choose a sentence and correct it. If a student is correct, then you click the key to open their door. 1. Mary has a baby.. 2. This is Mary’s first baby.

3. The baby’s name is Leslie? 4. The baby is asleep. 5. The baby sleeps a lot.

(The baby does not sleep a lot.) 6. The baby does not cry.

Page 14: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings


A. about going B. going to go C. about to go

A. a time when flowers grow B. to jump C. the coldest time of the year D. the hottest time of the year

A. The swans flew south for the winter.

B. The old woman’s dog tried to eat him.

C. The farmer’s children were quiet and nice.

D. The ugly duckling’s egg was the first to hatch.




What is true about today’s story?

What does “spring” mean?

I am ________ to Japan next year.

1. From the Article doc, paste the three quiz questions into the question boxes (next to the numbers).

2. Copy–paste the three answers into the Answer Key with “Keep Text Only” paste option (Ctrl, T)

Example Layout

1. A 2. A 3. B

Page 15: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Notes 1. Don’t touch this slide.

Page 16: The Ugly Ducklingswan 天鵝 n. 4. spring ... It was a beautiful spring day. A proud1 mother duck waited for her eggs to hatch. One by one, they cracked open. Her cute little ducklings

Please save your file.

See you next time!

1. Don’t touch this slide.
