Page 1: The Uses of Carbon Dioxide


Adam Tan

The uses of Carbon Dioxide


Carbon dioxide is an unreactive colourless gas that to humans and

other animals is a waste product, however despite being rather

boring and dull CO2 is vital for the survival of the human race.

Without it our planet would be uninhabitable. The energy

absorbed by the double carbon bonds gives the earth enough

warmth to make it suitable for life as we know it. Estimates

vary as to how much colder the earth would be some say by

about 30-40 degrees and some estimate it would be as much

as 150 degrees colder.

Plants also need CO2 without it they would not be able to

make food and grow. As we are ultimately dependant on

plants for food we are also dependant on CO2 as without it

we would have no plants and no food.

As well as acting as a cosy blanket, and allowing plants to

grow us food Humans have come up with all sorts of uses for

this seemingly boring gas.

It’s un-reactiveness and it being a gas at room temperature make it ideal for many things,

here are a few:

  Fire extinguishers

  Carbonating drinks

  Enhancing crop yield in greenhouses

  Firearm propellant e.g. paintball , airsoft , bb etc.

  Dry ice

  Enhanced oil extraction


This is a plant

Page 2: The Uses of Carbon Dioxide
