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Page 1: The Warrior- Ryan Grady


By: Ryan Grady

Page 2: The Warrior- Ryan Grady

The Archetype:

• Warrior–The Definition• A noble champion, he acts with honor. This

man is the reluctant rescuer or the knight in shining armor. He’s noble, tenacious, relentless, and he always sticks up for the underdog. If you need a protector, he’s your guy. He doesn’t buckle under to rules, and he doesn’t go along just to get along.

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Culture 1: Ancient Greece

• Perseus was a man in ancient Greek mythology that fits the warrior archetype perfectly. He is noble and fights for all the right reasons. He is also favored by the gods and he always does what he needs to do for the good of everyone. He kills several monsters in his quest and saves many, many people.

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Culture 2: Pre-industrial Japan• The word Samurai means noble warrior

or bushi (武士 ), and that word was closely associated with the middle and upper echelons of the warrior class. In a story about a young samurai named Katori Shinto Ryu, his lover and several other people are killed. He represents the warrior archetype through his relentlessness to find out who killed the people and seek revenge.

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Culture 3: Northern Europe- Pre-Middle Ages

• In Celtic and Norse cultures, warriors appear to be distinguished from the soldiers by the heroic, chivalrous, and flamboyant nature of their actions and strategies in battle. An example is Cassivellaunus who was the defender of Britain in the first century against Caeser. He nobly fought against all of the Romans forces to defend his kingdom and his people, but was defeated.

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Culture 4: Native American

• Geronimo was a great warrior in the American Indian wars. He fought for the freedom of his people and for the rest of the tribes in America. He urged other tribes to stand up to the “white people” and stand up for the land they had lived on for centuries.

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Culture 5: The South-US Revolution

• Robert E. Lee was considered one of the greatest warriors of his time. He fought for the south in the U.S. Revolutionary War. He fought until he had to surrender and he did everything with respect and honor.

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Culture 6: Dark Ages- Europe

• Joan Of Arc was a female warrior in history, proving that not all great warriors are men. She, at first, was not allowed to fight with the men. She disguised herself as a man, and proved herself as a warrior. She led the French into several battles victoriously and gained the respect of her country.

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Culture 7: Ancient Times- B.C.

• David from David and Goliath might be one of the greatest underdog warrior stories. David was just a small child, while Goliath was a huge man. David went and fought him with no fear and only trust in God. He came out victorious.

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Culture 8: Ancient Greece

• The God of War is named Kratos. He fought the gods of Olympus because they had unfairly killed his wife and daughter. He wanted revenge and led the overthrow of Olympus. He had no fear, even in death.
