




Long, long ago, the world was asleep in a dark

void. There was nothing around but pitch black darkness.

The Spirit then gathered strength and created Our Lady of

Infinite Love. She was an ethereal presence that danced

among the heavens.

As she twirled, the heavenly bodies would move with

her. Her dancing became the rhythm of all creation. The light

emanating from her hair gave birth to all the stars and

planets. Her quickened dancing formed the bodies of water

and the mountains. She beautifully sang words of love and

joy, giving life to flowers and trees. Her breath gave colors to

the universe. Her laughter became the sound of the running

water of the rivers and streams and the crashing waves of the

oceans. She shed tears of joy; and these turned to rainfall as

nourishment of the Earth. This way, everything became vivid

and vibrant; pulsating with life!

Her dancing slowed and she needed a

companion with whom she can share the wonders of the

world. The Spirit then created The Lord as Our Lady’s

companion for life. The Spirit made her companion half spirit

and half animal so that together they could populate the


The Lord’s power can only move through her, and

together they gave birth to all animal life: birds, fishes, and

humans. To protect and guide the humans on Earth, they

both created the power spirits. The power spirits are the

energies we cannot see and yet are always with us. The Lady

gave each bird a magic song, while the Lord gave each

animal the instincts to survive. The Lord is the master of the

animal and plant life and wears the antlers of a stag on his


When the humans began to grow and prosper,

the Lord and Lady felt they needed healers among them. And

so they drew energy from the angels, power animals, and

humans to create the Witches. The Witches are blessed with

the wisdom of the Lord and Lady. The Witches have the

ability to heal, and are learned in the art of magic. It was the

Lady herself who taught the witches how to cast a magic

circle and how to communicate with the Spirit. The Lord

taught the witches how to communicate with the elements:

Water, Fire, Air and Earth, and the Spirit animals.

The humans and the witches lived harmoniously for a

long time. But the time came when the humans began to fear

the witches. So the witches started practicing their rituals

and spells in secret. They feared death at the hands of the


It was a dark period when ignorance and hate of

human creation grew. At this point, the Lady took the Moon

to represent her peaceful light and the Lord took the rays of

the Sun to represent his strength. This is why every month,

when the Moon is full, the witches would celebrate and think

of the blessings the Lady has bestowed upon the Earth. For

four times a year, the Witches would celebrate festivals of fire

in honor of the Lord and his love for us. At the four quarters

of the seasons, the Witches celebrate and honor the cycle of

life--the Equinoxes and Solstices.

The Lady has many names. She can go by the following:

Isis, Astarte, Bride, Diana, Aradia, Hecate. She resides in

every woman. The Lord has many faces, from Cernunnos to

Pan. He resides within each man. Whenever you hear thunder

and see lightning take that as a sign that the Lord and Lady

are dancing the rhythm of creation to serve as a reminder

that we are not alone. Each sunrise each is a sign of the

Lord’s love for us. The Moon’s different phases, makes us

understand the cycle of birth, growth, death, and rebirth.

When your time comes, the Spirit moves and

flows through the Lord and Lady so that we continue to learn

the mysteries of the Universe so that we may be reborn to

serve our brothers and sisters. In each lifetime, the Spirit is

with us in our learning experiences, preparing us for our

individual missions. There are lifetimes where we find

ourselves with our own kind. There are some lifetimes where

we must seek out our spiritual family. Your chosen path will

come to you once you reach maturity and adulthood.

The witches represent wisdom on Earth. We are the

people who come back from death. We represent power and

change. We have been reincarnated in every race and

culture. We are the divine angels on Earth.