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The Writing Process

What does itreally all mean?

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Stages of the Writing ProcessRecursive, Overlapping, Stages 

• Starting-point

• Exploration

• Incubation• Illumination

• Composing

• Reformulation

• Editing

*Tied to the individual learner

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Starting Point•The writing task is perceived, analysed, andapproached as a problem to be solved.

•Ideally the student will feel a need to write – a need to solve the problem

Exploration•Includes all intellectual preparatory activity:researching ideas, gathering data, criticallyanalysing, synthesising, and connectinginformation, dredging from one’s memory

relevant experiences, ideas, constructs

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Incubation•A conscious withdrawal from the writing taskso that creative, subconscious powers canoperate

Illumination•Moment (s) of insight•Begin to make connections and see

patterns in what you have researched,thought about and written• Solution/ argument begins to take shape

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Composing• The act of writing the first draft

Reformulation •The verification of the text•Words, sentences, and paragraphs are

reworked to more accurately reflect themeaning•Ensuring that ideas are being communicatedeffectively and to their potential•Ensuring that ideas are being communicatedin the format of an academic essay•Ensuring that ideas reflect an awareness of

audience and reader

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 • The final refinements are made to the text

• Concern with superficial, technical matterssuch as discourse conventions,punctuation, spelling and formatting


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Tutor Intervention

Tutors go to where the students are..

They intervene by helping them torecognize, facilitate , and develop their own

individual writing process. Primary method of intervention is talking – “

encouraging, questioning, probing,empathising,

Introduce strategies

Talk through studentsconceptions/misconceptions of writing

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Tutor Intervention

At which stages of the writing process istutor intervention possible?

Starting point◦ Exploration

◦ Reformulation


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Stages where tutors cannotintervene




“ these stages must come on their own

if they come at all” Freedman 

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What tutors should relay tostudents about these stagesIncubation:

• It occurs when you take a break fromresearching, writing about and thinking

about your assignment.Illumination

• The stage when you begin to make

connections and see patterns in whatyou have researched, thought aboutand written

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 The act of writing can help thestudent to:

connect with and internalize ideasfound during research

discover/sort through their own ideas

generate their own ideas

  develop insights and arrive at the

stage of illumination

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In the early stages,writing is a process of learning.

Writing is a process of discovering one’s

own thoughts

Writing is a process of generating one’sown ideas

Writing is a process of connecting with theideas of others

Writing is a process of internalizing thethinking of a discipline

I th l t t

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In the later stages,

writing is a process of

communicating Writing is a process of communicating a

problem and a solution to that problem in

the form of an academic paper Writing is a process of communicating ones

knowledge of a discipline through properformatting and discourse conventions

Writing is a process of communicatingsomething to someone (awareness ofaudience)

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Starting Point


Help the student:

1) understand the assignment

2) connect with the assignment

Strategy: Get student to talk about

knowledge of the topic and areas ofinterest 

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1) Provide the student with researchstrategies

2) Help the student look at information/ideasthey have amassed in deeper more probingways

Strategy: Look at the ideas the student hascome up with thus far and ask questions

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1) Focus on organization of ideas in the essay2) Verify that the paper fulfills the assignment


3) Ensure that paper is in the form of anacademic essay

Strategy: Get student to express ideas verbally

Verify that text conveys ideas being expressed

Create a reverse outline

Check each paragraph for assertion,elaboration supports and return to original


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Intervention: Help students with rules of punctuation,

citations, and bibliographic form

Strategy: Find common errors, discuss rulesand have the student find and correctsimilar errors

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Freedman, A. (1984). The Carleton Universitywriting tutorial service. Carleton Papers in Applied Language Studies , 1, 77-100.

Howard, V.A. & Barton J. H. (1986). Thinkingon paper. New York,N.Y. : William Morrow.