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Lifting people out of debt and poverty

christians against poverty

the mission of

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What is Plan A?In 1992, my whole world fell apart. A mix of circumstances brought my businesses crashing down around me and I found myself a broken man, trapped in $180 000 of crippling debt.Even though I was part of a team that pioneered consumer finance companies, I found it so hard to find a way out. Debt almost broke me.

But in the midst of my despair, I felt God calling me to respond not just to the poverty in my own life, but to the poverty in our whole nation. So, in 1996, Christians Against Poverty was born and I set out to help those struggling in the grip of debt.

CAP is now a movement of Christians across the world, all united by their desire to transform the lives of those in debt and poverty.

Christians Against Poverty is on a mission to relieve poverty and bring justice through top quality debt counselling in partnership with local churches, so that people can experience the love of Jesus.

‘Plan A’ is to have 150 CAP Debt Centres throughout Australia to reach people as quickly as we can. With the help of like-minded people like you, we can bring hope, justice and salvation to the poor in our nation.There is no ‘Plan B’. Will you join us today?

John KirkbyFounder & International Director

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Ross Buttenshaw is the

National Director of CAP

Australia. With 15 years

experience in the finance

and banking industry, Ross

is extremely passionate

about reaching the poor and

spreading God’s love.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Hebrews 12:1

Ross Buttenshaw

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Real poverty exists here in Australia and debt is a major contributor. For people living on a low income and struggling to make ends meet, debt repayments can mean they are unable to afford the basics of life: regular meals, heating, clothing or medication.

Debt causes relational poverty too. Stress, sleepless nights and constant arguing about money put a massive strain on marriages and families. This all results in emotional poverty: bitterness, depression and even suicide attempts.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon us to preach good news to the poor.” Luke 4:18

Relieving poverty

visited their GP, 76% of

these were prescribed

medication to cope.

Source: CAP client questionnaire 2012

Before our clients asked for our help:


the effects of debt



>84% lived in fear from

financial pressure

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I’d recently separated from my husband and everything seemed to fall apart. There was less money coming in, but I was still in the house we were in together. The rent was still high, the bills were still high, and they just kept piling up.

It was very heart breaking and I was really ashamed of where I was; I felt like I’d let my kids and myself down, I felt that I wasn’t a very good person for letting myself get to that point.That time was horrendous for me. I was anxious all the time; I hardly ate. I was trying to find that answer, that bit of hope to lift me out of that hole we were in.

I was attending a community organisation centre that offered free counselling for my daughter and they had the CAP pamphlet there. I thought ‘there is no way anyone can help me’, but I gave them a call. That was August 2012 and that was the phone call that changed my life.

Source: CAP client questionnaire 2012

MARIA’s story

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suffered from depression or anxiety

because of their debt


Anyone who has taken out credit can suddenly find themselves in unmanageable debt. For most people, all it takes is a change of circumstances – the loss of a job or an unexpected illness. For many who

Bringing justice

What call centre would listen to

Maria and agree on a reduced

payment?Which bank would stop interest

and charges to prevent her

debts from rising?

How would Maria know that the

companies threatening court

action are powerless in the face

of a fair financial statement?

How would she know to open a

new bank account that wasn’t

overdrawn so she can start a

new budget?

How could she save for the

unexpected and stop the cycle

of debt? If she needed to go bankrupt,

how would she fill in the huge

forms alone?How could Maria do all

this when she was feeling so


BEFORE CAP our clients:

more than

1 IN 3had a relationship breakdown due

to their financial state

are on the edges of society, there is no way out of the black hole.This is where CAP steps in to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. . . defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9

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On that first appointment I was very nervous, I didn’t know what

to expect. Linda and Gloria arrived and we sat down and looked

over everything. Not once did they make me feel like I was a bad

person; there was no judgement and they made me feel so safe

and peaceful.

I still needed to wait for the budget to arrive, but nothing was

a worry anymore; I knew I was being taken care of and I had


I had people supporting, trusting, and believing in me that

together we could do this and that was amazing. After that

appointment, I was so excited, I had a bit of a skip in my step and I

felt really good!

MARIA’s story

63%said their housing was at risk due to their financial situation

14%of those said they were actually without housing

Source: CAP client questionnaire 2012

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If a client is in severe debt then we can walk them through the appropriate insolvency route. We can help our clients with filling out forms and specialist advice.

CAP doesn’t just help for a few weeks, but through the whole process until people are debt free. This is truly relieving poverty over the long haul.

A CAP Account, which acts like a

simple bank account, is set up. The

client makes one weekly or monthly

payment into their account to cover

their bills and debt repayments, which

we then distribute on their behalf.

Topquality debt


CAP then works out a realistic budget; by prioritising essential bills, negotiating affordable payments with each creditor and working to stop unfair interest and charges.

After calling CAP, each client is visited in their own home by a CAP Debt Centre Manager and Support Worker from their local CAP Debt Centre.

the cap plan to get

out of debt

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My CAP Case Worker, Patrick, has been a wonderful support to me. It’s great having someone positive, non-judgemental and supportive on my side. From that confidence from him I’m now able to deal with certain situations and creditors that I never would before.

The most amazing experience for me through CAP is having that support from Patrick. Without it, I know CAP would still help me and be a great resource, but the case workers are phenomenal and its helping me to grow and learn more about money, and to budget. I’ve never budgeted so well in my life and to do that; I never thought that was possible!

Client EventsThroughout the year we hold ‘Client Events’. These give families the chance to be cared for, have fun, and have some space and time to think about the gospel message and talk it through with our team.

Maria’s story

Clients use their CAP Account to

pay their bills and debts; and are

supported by CAP HQ until they

are debt free.

Maria’s Case Worker, Patrick

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We believe that the Church is the hope of the world. It holds the only message that can change lives and communities, both now and for eternity. That’s why our Debt Centres are always opened in partnership with a local church – when a client asks for CAP’s help, they also meet the Church!

CAP gives each partner church an amazing tool to reach the poor on their doorstep. We equip them with a professional service that practically shows God’s love in action and the church provides a welcoming family for our clients.

We need 150 CAP Debt Centres throughout Australia to enable anyone to access our debt help service. We are working hard at achieving this goal and will not stop until we succeed.

churchThe local

If your church would like to help

people out of debt in your community,

there are many ways you can work

with CAP. Just contact [email protected]

your church?

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Partnering with CAP has had a much bigger impact on our church than we could have ever anticipated. We have helped hundreds of families and individuals in our local community to get out of debt, with many becoming followers of Christ and joining our church. This has changed the demographic of our church from being predominantly middle-class, to more accurately reflecting our local community.

CAP has fitted in very well with other church ministries, with many CAP clients attending Alpha Courses, Mums and Toddlers Group, Sunday services or small groups. We have also seen it work the other way, with people we meet through other church ministries then being linked with CAP to help them with their debts.

Overall I couldn’t recommend CAP highly enough to anyone looking to meet a real need and make a genuine difference in their community.

President C3 Church, International

Ps. Phil Pringle

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One of the great things about CAP is that people invite us into their homes to help them. Every-time we go into a home, Jesus walks in with us. We take on people’s financial burdens, giving them hope for the future instead of judging them. Our Support Workers (volunteers from our partner churches) are there to listen and be there for the client. We also allow God an opportunity to speak as we offer to pray with all our clients. Christians Against Poverty lets people experience God’s love.


For every 100 clients, we see 16 become Christians!

At our Head Office in Newcastle, an old

fire bell is rung every time one of our clients

becomes a Christian, calling staff together to

celebrate and pray for the client.

‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest’. Matthew 11:28

god’s love

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I was invited by Linda from the CAP Centre to come to a pamper

day at C3 Robina. At the end of the day, they gave a major prize

away to someone, and that someone was me! It was a night away at

a beautiful resort.

I was crying and thanking God, because it was him saying ‘here is

your break’. I knew I needed to come to church,

so I attended the next day and said the salvation prayer. Since then, I

keep coming back and I cannot imagine being anywhere else!

One thing I noticed when I started coming to church was everybody

seemed to have something in them; it was beautiful, like a light. I

thought ‘that’s what I want for me!’

Now, I feel I have that in me and I want to spread that around to


MARIA’s story

Maria being baptised

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The big picture

We receive no Government funding for our work and so we rely on the generosity of individuals who share our passion to bring justice and salvation to those suffering in debt and poverty – people like you!

Join over 3,000 like-minded people and become a Life Changer today. Set up your regular donation by calling (02) 4914 0500 or visiting

Join us and make our ‘Plan A’ a reality; let’s change this nation together.

95%of clients said CAP’s service was life transforming or a great help.

For every 100 clients, we see 16 become


CAP also exists in the UK, New Zealand and


CAP helps approximately 50 new families each month.

CAP handles over$22 million of clients’ debt.CAP is currently supporting

almost 1,000 clients out of debt.

On average, over 20 families become debt free every month.

1650 families$22m


20CAP also operates the CAP

Money Course to help people

budget, save and spend better.

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I/We request you, Christians Against Poverty, to arrange for funds to be debited from my/our nominated

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Please mail me the Direct Debit Service Agreement.

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Signature/s: Date:

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Payment Method 1: Direct Debit

Payment Method 2: Credit Card (monthly)




I would like to become a Life Changer (regular donor)Please deduct the amount of: $10 | $20 | $50 | $100 (please circle) or other: $

Monthly or Fortnightly

All donations over$2 are tax deductible

Please return to:Supporter Relations Team, Christians Against PovertyPO Box 298 Hunter Region MC NSW 2310

Do your bit

I would like to make a One Off Donation

I would like to increase my Life Changer (regular donor)

Please deduct the amount of: $50 | $20 | $10 | $100 (please circle) or other: $

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PO Box 298, Hunter Region MC NSW 2310ABN: 92 104 471 516 Australian Credit Licence: 426594Copyright © 2015 Christians Against Poverty. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced for any purpose without first obtaining written permission from Christians Against Poverty.

(02) 4914 0500 [email protected]




Lifting people out of debt and poverty
