Page 1: THK Railroads. PENNSYLVANIABALTIMORE M OHIO BMLRQ.iI gUPREMD COURT, COUNTY OP NEW York. — Israelltlacher Brueder-Verein Blumenthal (No. 1). plaintiff, against Moses M. Rappaport



—Israelltlacher Brueder-Verein Blumenthal

(No. 1). plaintiff, against Moses M. Rappaport atal.. Defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore-closure and sale, duly made and entered In the above-entitled action and t^eartnt: <J*t» the 6th Jay of April.1&05. I, the undersigned, tne Referee In sail Judgmentnamed, willcell at public auction at the Exchange Sales-room. Nob. 14-18 Vesey street, In the Borough of Man-hattan, City of New-York, on the 11th day of Slay, ISMat 12 o'clock noon on that day, by Philip A. Smyth,auctioneer, the premises directed by saM Judgment tobe sold, and therein described as follows: All that certainlot, piece or parcel of land, situated In the City. Countyand State of New York, and bounded and described amfollows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the North sideof Seventy-eighth Btreet, distant One Hundred and eighty-eight (188) feet and four (4) Inches East of the North-east corner of Seventy-eighth Street and Third Avenue;thence running North parallel with Third Avenue, OneHundred and two (102) feet and two (2) Inches; thenceBast parallel with Seventy-eighth Street Sixteen fig)feet and eicht

'*' Inches; thence South parallel withThird Avenue, one hundred and two (102) feet acd two(21 Inches to ti'a North side of Seventy-eighth Streetan.l thence West along the North side of Seventy-eighth

Street sixteen (IB) f««t and eight (Si inches to the pointor pliwa of beginning. The said premises lie in S<rtlcn6 Ulock 1.4.13. in the Land Mao of the City of New- iYork and are r.ow known as No. 215 East Seventy- ,elCi Tork. April 17. 1808.fiated New Tork. April 17. I

J. ALEXANDER KOON-RS, Heferee.LEON" I^APKI. Attorney for Plaintiff. 13-21 Park Row.

Boroiißh of Mar.hatf.n. New Tork City.The following is a diagram of the property to be sold:

its street number Is 218 East Seventy-eighth Street:7Cth Street.

The approximate amount of the lien or charge tosatisfy which the abov*-described property la to b« sold,Is $7184.20 with Interest thf-reon from the 2d day of,

March 1S«13, tocether with costs and allowance amount-ing to $411.82. and Int. rest thereon from April6th. 1900,together with the expenses of the sale. The approxi-mate amount of the taxes, assessments and water rates,

or other Hens to be allowed to the purchaser out ot thepurchase-money, or paid by the Referee, is $779.36 and

Interest.Dated New Tork, April 17th. 1W35.


Help Wanted— Male.


To BALTIMORE and WASHINGTON.L>e*va aoutu terry inuuuua earner.

Vv,Liberty Street a.OO am. £xcept bun. t>aily. Dinar.••

......12.00 noon. Dally. Diner.•* ...... 1. 00 pro. Dally. Buffet

•*"•»limited" ao^ l>aily.AllFuUraM,

\u25a0 '".111 7.00 pro. Dally. Buffet.•• . .IS. 15 night. Dally. Bleeders.STXENDID TK.VIN SEKVUat.

TITROOGH TKALNS TO TH« WESTDally E.T. New York City.South Ferry. Liberty St.

Pltt,h«rg 11.10 IMSnt Sl..pep.

t'hiougu. Columbus 11 am. 12.00 noon. Dinar.PittKburr, Cleveland 8.66 pm. 4.00 pm. Llmtted."I'lttsliurgUuitted" 865 pm. 700 pro. Buffet.Cincinnati. St. Louis 12.10 nt IMSnt Pleeper.Cincinnati St. I.oole 35. am. 10.00 am. Diner.Cincinnati. St. I.onU 8S 3 pm. «.00 pm. Dln.r.

Ortiees: SSI 4J*. «300 Broadway. a Astor lljuw,101Greenwich St.. 25 Union Square W. 31*1 Grand Bt-N. V.;343 Fulton Street. Brooklyn; Souta Terry wadLiberty Street.

V\rAXTEI>—SHIP DRAFTSMEN. 55.04. 54.4S and $4.00

\V per Hem Naval Station, Cavite, P. I. An examine

tlon willbe held at the Navy Yard. Brooklyn, N. V., June2 15><>o for th» purpose of establishing an tllgibla regis-

ter of 'the above. Fbr application and further informa-

tion address "COMMANDANT, Navy Yard. Brooklyn.K. Y."

HEW YORK, NEW HAVEN 8 HARTFORD R. Rl-raina depart Irom Ur<Loa uibujJ suuon, t:d Sc ana

ayr3r A°Lsdo%t;^ "wvuuiW^t i'w°lllunln^lm;SA.M.. t2:00 P. X,

BOSTON! via BDlilHiltl- 13*A. M.. till2=oo. «|I4UX|

triVi \u25a0hi'L'RU via Putnam and Woree«t«»r t3:oO P. SI.tTk"vIlSs" and NORFOLJC— tB:BO A. M., t3:31 P. M.G^ BVIIRINGTON. STOCKBBIDGE. UeInOX. PITT3.VlKLll—T4 '-i> tS3O A. at. t3:»l P. M,


tV..'--' «•10-02 (to Waterbury) A. M.. tl:03. T*:3o.lt3:0l! trt I*o. t«:0O n° Waterbury) P. M.\u25a0Picket orUc«s at cGrand Central Station and cl2Bt»

«t also at c«a. c2CI. 1.155. e1.854 Broadway. cS Park)£i".V«^^"i Ilm^n 6<iuara. cl!<2 Fifth Aye., cS43 ColumbusAxe W» Mad .on Ay« cZll West 125tii St.. SLT9S Thtr,

iv*" in itrooklyn. c^42. beo Fulton St.. 3yO Broad-

W^Dany tExe«pt Sundays. ISundaya) only "{Stops as)

l"st St. »-\u25a0• :-» at 12Sth Bt, Buryiay*«nly tParior C*#

lotted iiU" dining car. ci-axlor and Bleeping CM

Utkeu also. c T HEMPSTBAD. Oca. Fas*. Ag*.

O. M. SHEPAM>. Gen. SujK.

Lackawanna Railroad.Leave. New York. loot Barclay and Cbrtsto^aer «*•«

tBUI A. 11.—For Biuicamioo and Syracuse. >

•lvW> A ll.—For liu.talo. Chicago and SU Louis. ..-.•140 P. M.—Fcr Buffalo and Chicago.

\u26664 UO P M—

For Scraaton and Plymouth.•fi.lo P. M.—For Buffalo and Chicago.•H.45 P. M.—For Buffalo. Siracuse. Itloa.•2 00 A. M.—For Chicago— op« at

•P- M.__

Tickets. 149. \u25a0•-«. 1183. I*l4Broadway. K.V.; 829 ToW

ton St.. Brooklyn.

LEHICH VALLEY.Foot of Wat ZMA;tort!andt and DertrossesSejets •\u25a0•Dally. iKxcepebaaaaf. Monday: a7^3. Ji.ia. e7 48. oOJi. AM.* "\u25a0 d.T.N.Y..Ai»Jf.t-BMaachChna. Local -a* *2•?51S

wiues-Barre 1"


'\u25a0""'\u25a0'- «*'- \u2666s'JoJltCM,:^«ndTiVon^v«th)iil"eExpreia.... -n;«0 r- »rt «,*

Prl£l£>y li'SisrAve..» ESmi M- West; »J Columbw Ara,\ V S «*-'iFnitoaSt., B*iBroadway an*foot Ku.waba,

Jiiya.T»T.Transfer Co. willc*ilfor sad baggage.

NAVAL BTORES.•The market for spirits turpentine Is steady to firm, with

62- . quoted. Kosin waa steady and unchanged. Tarrule.l firm at former price*. We quote:


bPIRITS Tl.-Kl-K-Vri.SK-01l and machine bbla, 611.9

»^rtinßakjnwk&18IHawVKMißWttfiM. $*85«l*»;N. *ft10;

fro. $3 35. and W W. $5 60.STOCKS ON HAND.

Rosin, bbls -, •* 7-2S*Bi>irit3 turpentine, bbl3 ****"ll*l!l.ttH

• I**W 90; X.l*;M. *4»; N. I*Wi WO.J4SO;

lettaD. Ma ia-TCRPENTINB and ROSIX. noth-

May lOL-TTRPENnXE-Beceipt* 60

—American siraln&d. b» "'•*• *™ w.


L,v,rrlJ^y XO-^^^H^^^^dul^No^6. "w

"COilN^pot steady; African

mixed. n«w 4s. SUd.tutuiresswaa .FIX>URr


_LncyPE^ 1

short clear b?,c^'r.lIVkA" Jl to 13 m. firm. 335.

tcrVevKse-W .we. *«» «J-f?£F*^feg

firm £. TBiTIIOI.EL'M—lUJined quiet. 5-»d. LI.NsLCD(jlU—Strong. 2«>9 i»J. , __^^^_^___


The Net Sales 42%I of the


Daily and Sunday

TRIBUNEfor April. 1905. Were

yg^o/ 1 More Than During the m*y0/42/o same Month in 1903. *^^/o

AdH)ertising.During the first four months in1905 The New-York

Dailyand Sunday TRIBUNE printed 376.588 lines ofadvertising (excluding Tribune advertisements) moretha.n in the same months in 1904.

a Cain of O*Oer I*l9l Column*(Circulation Book* Open to All.)

To Get Results Advertise in THE TRIBUNE.

Buffalo. May 10—FLOUR flrm.^ WHEAT. ™>"»lr«.lone. CORN" firm- No 2 yellow, 5601 No 2 corn. 64..

oTtS firm; NoTWhite. 84c; No 2 mixed. 83»4c. Canalfreights steady; wheat. 4c; oats, 2'.4e. to New-lor*.

Chicago, Hay 10.—

Tho leading futures ranged as fol-lows:

"Wheat. No 2: Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing.May yi'.a M »1H 81*July 83^©S4 84HSS4H 8314 S2-SSeptember 78%0787i 7ST» T8 78%

Com, No 2:May 48"4«J>48 H 4SH 4S>4 4?"4July (old) 47347. 47H 48S 4''>*»if4>!"8July (new) 49T» 4fiT J7 46H 40=t,ij}4C*4September (01d).. 48% 7% •If.7* 4(m 4aH®4G"-iSeptember (now).. 4GH 4tt"i, 46 H 4>;U

Oat:. No 2:May 2» ai 80 29?; 80July 20'»28H3-o'4 29@2s)H 20"iSeptember 27T4Q23 2S 27"i 2S

Mess pork, per bbl:May

— — —$1220

July $1240 $1247% $12 37% 12 43September 12 GO li67Vj 12 60 12 63

Lard, per 100 Ib:

May— — —

7 17HJuly 7 55 733 7 32l4 735.September 7 52H 7B2'i 7 60 7 r._ j

Phort ribs, per ICO Ib:May

— — —707H

July 7 30 730 7 27H 7 80September 7 47^ 7 52 Vi 7 47 '-» 7 52 '»

Cush quotations were as follows: FLOUR steady;WHEAT, No 2 spring. 9G-ai>So; No 3. SStiU7c; No 2 red,91H<H>5o; CORN, No 2, 48*o; No 2 yellow. SOiic; OATS.No 2. 30 No 2 white. S3c; No 3 white. .; 632 . RYE, No2, 78c; BARLEY, good" feeding, 37040a; fair to choicemalting, +&<,< **>'\u25a0_<\u25a0\u25a0, FLAXBEED, No 1. *123; No 1 North-western. $1 39; TIMOTHY SEED, prime, $3; CLOVJSR-SEED, contract grade, $12®J12 60: PORK, mess, it>r lihl.$1220<a51325; LARD, per 100 It. $7 17% 57 20 CUTMEATS—Short rib sides (loose). $7 05i?$7 15; short clearaides (boxed). $7ifis7 lth%; WHISKEr, basis of high wines,$1 20. On the Produce E»change to-day the BUTTKRmarket was st'.ady; creameries. 24c; dairies lUSJ2OC.EGGS weaker; at mark, cases ln-'luded. 14Vie tlrsts.15ht?lGc; prim« firsts, lC'^c; extras, ISo. CHEESHEteauy, 13%{f14c.

Duluth. May 10.— -WHEAT. No 1Northern PGHe; No2 Northern. 86HOO80: May. 9ftVio; July. tHo; September.71>7aC.

Milwaukee. May 10.— WHEAT, No 1Northern. $104;No -iNorthern. $l'trSl <X\. July. 63 \i -2-53%0 bid RYE, No 1.78©78Hc. KAKLBYsteady; No 2, 51c; sample-. 40<S50cCORN, No 3. 4SVi34U^c; July, old, 4ti"i*j4<l:'sc.

Minneapolis. May 10.—WHEAT, May, closed $1 02;July, i'Go; September, 7» 7ic; No 1 hard. $1 07: No 1Northern, $106: .\\> 2 Northern, $1 (X!. FLOUR firstpatents, $5 (t»i;ss 7:., second patents. 1585G9385; Histclears, $4tls4 lo; second clears. (2 73'»-$aSO. BHAN Inbulk, $1* i».

Philadelphia, May WHEAT unchanged; contractgrad«. May. ih'-jjii)f.:-;\u25a0 CORN steady; May 63'5'C.3'.-,,c

OATB weak; No 2 white natural, S6®BS"&c; So 2 whiteclipped, 88H&37& Dc'ITKLIC weaker; extra Westerncreamery, 27!4c; extra nearby prints. 20c. EGGS un-changed; nearby, fresh, 17c, at mark: Western, fresh.174 1 IS--, at mark. LTHHESE firmer; New-York fullcreSn, funcy, old. HUOliHe; do choice old. 14- donew. 12HO13Vic, Iteceipts— Flour. 1.000 bbls and 811.000Ib In sarkii; corn, 2,000 bush; oats 84.000 bush. Ship-ments

—Corn, 2.00U bosh; vats. 13.000 tush.

.-t. Louis, May 10— WILE AT. No 2 red. cash, ele-vator. &OHc; May. OO"tc; July, 78%c; No 2 hard, U7QVSo.CORN, -No 2, cash, 49Hc; May, 47Tio; July -i., »OATS, No 2, cash, 30c; ilay, 20c; July. 27*»{;2,?ic; No2 white, iJ3Va&

Toledo, May 10.—

CLOVKRSEEI>. cash. $7: October.$507H. ALSIKE, prim-, $7 60. TiMOTill',prime, $L6O.

SOUTHERN COTTON MARKET.Middling. Net. Gross Sales. Stock.

Oalveston firm "'•> 8.800 B.WO 2.838 143.440i_irlean» firm 7 13-16 7, '.•<> 7.983 1.C73 157.05.S

Mobile firm 7 11-16 44 > 440 l«w 87.UM)Savannah linn 7 »-16 8.028 6.0C8 at;7 71.1>"JCharleston quiet 7 7-16 113 US


Houston steady 7 » T.BW 7>ol KA 44.821Augusta steady 1 912 I'l- «i3O 4*'.'.»--iMemphis Him 774 353 188 1.400 63.050

LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET.Liven-. May 10. 4p. m—COTTON—Spot In fair de-

mand; prices unchanged; American middling. 4.84i1. Thosales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which l,ouo wer«for speculation and export and Included («.sui> American.Receipts. 18,000 bales. Including 17.000 American. Futuresopened quiet and steady and closed quiet; American mid-dling g D c May. 4.1.M. May and June. *.18d; June andJuly 4 I'M;July and A II Ist, 4 21d; Augiint and Septemb-er," 4.22d; Keptember nnJ Octoln-r. 4.23d; October ar.JNovember, 4.2-1 November and December. 4.23


ber and January, 4.20d; January and February, 4_27d; Feb-ruary and March. 4 284; Marcs tad April, 4.-od.


—The off-rings at the wool sales to-day

amounted to ia.i>4ii> bales. Fine merinos were occasionally10 to 13 per cent above the March wiles, Americana pay-Ing Is 4^d for Tasmanian first gr«*»r clothlug. hcouredswere in active demand for Fran a an IGermaiiy. Mediumanj fine cros»breds were 20 to 30 per cent higher than theMarch average owing to the strong American demand.Coarse croasbredi were tnktn largely by home buyers at10 per cent advance. Parcels suitable for America were18 per cent higher. Following are the salts m detail:New South Wales. 2.400 balea-ycoure<£ JWdtPls lOVsd;greasy. «'/idSls 3Sd. Queensland. 100«ls lid Victoria. 60*> bales— Scoured. HHdijls Od;greasy 7dyiB lSd. South Australia, 1,700 bales


B'.idMls 3'jd. West Australia, 100 balesH-HJreasy 7%,5>lid. Tasmania 700 bales

—Greasy. I'dgls SJ. New-

Zealand, 4.*A> -Scoured, B'adffls lid; greasy, 6'-jd'JIs 3d. Cape of Good Hope and NataL 800 bales— Scoured!Is VAC&UBV4d: greasy, bUglOhd. Punta Aranaa, B.MMfc*lee—S««oxtdV i. 6%&; greusr* Had©!*,

OTHER MARKETS-BY TELEGRAPH.Chicago, May 10.—CATTLE—Receipts i. 7.000 head:

market slow, lower. Prime steers. $5 li ;*<". X,. P_^r \u25a0 '.'medium $4 «Bas3 80; stockers and fee-lers. $4 jSff?.>.cows, fe«*s! heifers. $•'* lo®^.-^:


r,: .«r-. *X$3 4O: bulls. $2 50^$4 75: calves. \u25ba*?*!, !:


celpts, 26.000 head; market strong to 60 higher. Mlx«Jand butchers'. M30^ «S 52H;good to choice heavy. to *>®$562"4 lrough, heavy, $5 15«55 35; light, J» -»*$5 -?.0,;bulk o?V.alei*s3 40®45 60. SHEBP-Beortpt* lo.o<johead; sheep strong; Umba 10c higher. Ooo<i to.choiceweth«rs $4 00-IWS 25: fair to choloa mlxad. *««*-';

naT.n'A ''^alo^^aV^O.-CATTT^-necetpts. B0 head:quiet. Prime steers. $6 10«f»u 60; snipping, $5 Bt>4£6;butchers-. $4 •\u0084,:,'.<:, 75; heifers, $8 7MT4O; cows., »60©$4 65; bulls. $3ff54.10. VMVLS—Receipts IT,') head; ac-

tive and steady. $4 sOfisß 75. HOGS-R«ceipts 2,^0I..I shade stronger: act!'., on light; slow on heavy.

!i.,vy, »5T0«6 80i mixed. «SfiOs»Ss: Yorker, an.l

pigs. $5 8O«88 90: roughs, 84 75®*5; stags. $3©s3 .5

SHEEP ANDLAMBS—Receipts. J>,400 haad; sheep active

and strong: lambs slow. KVo^Vj !»*"•• Lam b«. 84j8O«?.i4O: a few $060; yearlings, *5 23<ij $5 30: wet he™ $5 10

i*sr> 2.v ewes, $4 25Q«4 60; Bheep, mixed, $2 50-»?4. .5

Cincinnati May 10.—HOGS steady: butchers'. $3 47®$5 CO; common. 30. CATTLB steady: fair to roodshippers. $-.ffssßs; common. $2 2-.©s3 15. fettii£P steady,*; as^[fM$


yISII!^A-TTLn_Ry1SlI!^A-TTLn_Re Pts .7.300he«d

including 700 Southerns; market steady; butchers steady

to 10c lowor- choice export and dressed beef steers, *\u25a0> 60fMABO' fair to good. J I

—1 ir.V. 40: Western f«d steers.$*60$i«S»r stoker." «d feeders, $3 2^Ss3; Southern

ste^r- $3 7.'.rr*.r>60; Southern cows. $2 2-.y5400: native

c0w^'>2.25«*4.00: native heifers. $3 00©$5 33; bulls, $2 70

fflft4«s' calves |3©fs 6a HOGS— Receipts. 12.400 head;

mirket to higher; top. $5 37%; bulk of «aies $5 •*»5*35- heavy $6 80C$6 3Hi: packers. $5 25S$o 32S . pigsmd ilghtsi 54W?3 .30. SHEEP-Recelpts^ 4.0U0 head;

market 10c higher: native lambs Bi?S.'W ?! «lambs $sf.<i^s7; fed ewes and yearlings, $4233*6, Texas

clipped yearlings. $4 76»38 *: Texas clipped sheep. 849$4 S3; stockera and feeders. $360«5488v


Bal«»_c. Rockefel!«r: 12 fresh oowa, with calf. $60 perhead; 1 cow anA calf, for $40. _^.»« ..„».

A. HcCabe: lt» cow» and calves, at 28 3*

TJJSV. _^.

f O. f-ur-ls *Son: 10 cow. and «^v«si^i siL^^Uswtsvßeilbruan: 12 oow» and calves, $35<& \u2666•*.•***._«• ft Hollls: 7 cows and calvea. $30«t50 aMb; 1extra»w, calf. $00..

\u0084 vW. R. Hume: 3 cows and c-Uv*e. $3&5«33. each..CALVES—Receipts were 4.3C1 head. Including 1.8 for

B and 4.IKJ for the nvarlitt. maklnK. w:ib jr««ter-

d^y's late arrival*. 4.550 on nale. of which 3.0-3 were at*«h-,t. and I.SCS at Jersey City. The receipts thus farfor tho week aro 3.700 less than for tho same tlrno last

week. There was a brisk demand for the st;>ck this

morning at an advance of >fMo over Itonda) s nu;,-5Prices; some late arrivals, however, show*.! decline- or -.«c

from early sale, of the name grade. Everythin g ".aicleaned up. Inferior to d -\u0084\u25a0•.* veals sold at $.*«?• aw P"100 Ib; a few heud at $7 75: culls at $4Q$4 'JL'W f^calveji at ?3ITS3 50; reneral sales were 3«S".»»J*i -" >"\u25a0_me<iium to prime. Dro.w-d calves firmer at Infli"perlb for city dressed and 69»Hc for country dressed v«ii».

Sales— J O. Curtis A. Bon: 1." veals. 140 Tr. average,at $7 60 per 100 Ib; .':."+ do, 124 rh, at $7 25: 2^2 do. 1-3"'

at $7: 88 di. 124 ft, nt $7. less $5 on the lot; 10» do122 lb. at $«75; 8 do. 132 h> at $«.'.O; 8 do. 107 p. at

*«: 3 do. 11l n>. at $«50: 18 do. 102 ft, at jr.:» d'>, h.**>. nt $4 50- 32 do 105 Ib, at $4; 8 little calves, .J ID,

at *3 50. \u25a0>\u25a0,-,

Andrew Mullen! 25 veals, 147 tb, at $7 SO: 76 do. 133">. at 57 25; 6 do 138 Ib. at $7; 111 do. 121 » at JO 70.**

do, lift rb, at $0 78. less $5 on the lot: 2 do. 113 TT\ at•860; 1 do. 104 rb. at $«: « do. SI rt>. at $5; 3 do. 8* $4; 23 mixed calves. 127 Ib, at $5.

~ '.JelllfTe Wright & Co.: 11 veal?. 14« IT), at $< 50: 444

do 123 Ib at ?7; 23 do, IIS rb. at 86; 14 do. 93 tb. at $4.

H. H. Hollls: S veals. 182 ft, at f775; 2O do, 132 ft,»' 17 60; 148 do 125 lb. at $7 25; 1 do 12« Ib, at J..-

do, a It', at »5; 2 do, 75 ft, at $4 50; 1 do, 6* ».at $4.

W. R. Hume: B5 veals, 130 Ib, at $7 B0; 04 do, 130 $7 25; 17 do. 118 th. at $5. , ,,

AJohn P. Nelson: 287 veals. 133 rb. at $7 25; 4 do, 110»>. fit $5; 15 do. 114 it. lit J4 50. „

George & L. S Dlllenback: S6B veals. 124, tT>. at $7;183 do UK it, at $8 76; 36 do. Jlt> Ib. at $4.

B. W. Otis & Co.: 04 veals. ISO Ib, at $.50; 11 do,117 Th. at ?5 DO „_

.-\u25a0 Judd 4 Co : 20 veals 145 lb. at *7 80; 102 do. 133rb. at $7 2:.; 116 do, 124 ft, at *7; 103 do. 124 lb. at$rtS7Mj; 110 do, 123 Ib, at 75; 1« do, 11. Ib. at Jo*3:l«5 do, 125 Ib. at $8 60: 80 do. 117 Ib at $6 45; 154 do,117 ft, at $0 23; 73 do, 112 Ib, at ?«: 18 do. 106 Ib, at $3;27 do, 7t» Ib. at $3 50; 9 «U>. 01 Ib, at $3.

Newton iCo.: 1 veal.'140 tb, at $6 87V4: 12T do. 121

ft, at $0 50; 12 do. 100 Tr>, at $5.Tobln & Shannon: 127 Pennsylvania veals. 11» ib, at

$875: 10 do, 94 lb. at 86 60. . m M \u0084„

_ .S. Banders: 7'". veals 130 Ib. at ?«T5: 26 do, 119 rb. atJ« 50; 8 do 08 Th. at $6; 15 do. 10« IT), at $5.

McPheraoD & Co.: 0 veals. 104 Ib. at $« 78.SHEEP AND LAMliS—Receipts were 222 car», cr 0...48

head. Including 0 cars for slaughterers and 13 for th»market, making, with th^ few held over yesterday, l*cars on sale. Scattering sales of sheep were at steady

prices, but an almost nominal market; food yearlingiambs (all clipped) met with a fair Inquiry at well sus-tained values; tha undergrade* were Blow; spring Iair.cawere .'.oc per head lower and In slack demand. About allthe offerings were cleaned up. Clipped she«p "fidat &3P\u25a0:}?, per 100 Ib: clipped yearllntr lambs at $5 .otfJtJ .™.with choice State da. selilnr at $*»eoesO6s: culls at J4^»$3; spring lambs at $4 !h>ff,s3 per head. with nearly allthe sales Maryland and Virginia lambs at $3 DressMmutton eteady at 7(!T«1 per lb: dressed J? mb*at lipl3Hc: <!res.-ed spring lambs lower at *3£so 50 per carcass.

Sales Kerns Commission Company: 256 clipped Buffnlo

lambs. 70 ft averse*, at $6 4O per 100 Ib; 312" do B8 Ib

at $9 87V4: 280 do, C2rh. at $3 TT.; 226 do. 62 lb. at to 73:170 Maryland iprlng lambs at $5 per bead; 142 do at Jo

n ft Ox: 203 clipped Btat« lambs 70 tb. at$6 66; 3 clipped State sheep. ©6 rh. at_ss: 1do. SO re. at$4- 9 Maryland do, 80 rb. at $3 75; 170 Maryland spring


h3Harrl'ngton^ e22» dipped Buffalo lambs 82 Th at

8860; SBO do. TO Tb. at 88 Si 261 <J.o, «5 ID, at $0; 2M do.

''°lIb'Ht Hollls:' 170 clipped Vermont lamh*. 6* rb. at$650; 10 do (culls). «•& at $5; 38 clipped. VermontSh

Tr*in3& Shannon data yesterday)! 64 Jersey spring

lambs A^Hurne:$rt 50 each.Btaf lambs. 76 Tb. at $6

„W R Hume: 142 clipped Btate lamhs, .6 rh. at Jft «*

105 ,10 62 IT, at $0; 31 do (culls). 43 Ib. at $4; 8 clippedStats sheep, mo Ib. at W.

Andrew Mullln: 2 State "P^lpgJambs. $4 50 each.J. O. Curtis & Son: 3 clipped State sheer.. 00 rh. at $3.

HOGS—Receipts were S3 cars, or 8.034 head Including

about ir.u for the market. Prices full steady. Good 6tat»

hogs sold at J« per 100 tb. Country dressed hags un-chanre.l at 6HWc per Ib for heavy m llKht weights.

Safes— S. Banders: 2 State hogs. 170 Ib, at $»».

do ch,,ioe*

!:' an<l nearby, selected white,, 20«01c-'

lv \vw'

uIJ ie:•)•• mixed, extra. 18H©19c; do firsts<!.. '«. ., \u0084",'

'"',-!'^-<'IteJ> fancy. i-«.;!s>.. do firsts. lSc;

n-ssee Tit- Hi. .f;Kentucky. 16%©17Vic; do Ten-l«ViaiK».r*C7c.:feou 'hfrn. poor to fair. 13<rri.V; dirties.i:*i';s '-.I'iJ'l-':*"*\u25a0 >3^ < DUCK EGGS, IHi'Hc; OOOSB

Drovf.vV n>" ,IUED~Pr

'r evaporated apples have lm-

aJs . .., gh»d» since yesterday. Th» future market hasvemil ,'rlil<;"neil

-w'* Prime apples for October nd No-

Kutiiredel 'very now offered at 6V\ with s«ic bid.


« »\u25a0\u25a0'!•'<\u25a0 quoted at $1 25081 and chops at 11 7u«JHmnil ,1 dried apples continue dull, with little tradingchan.- /ru' were Inactive and California fruits «n-i,,.fr

a-[nines very1 lull and uncalled for. We quote:'Mr \u25a0• <>v»Pi»ratt'd, fan. y. per Iti. ll'i^c;do choice,

nelli."<]o me, per 100 hi. i&39&5530: do common toau»r !

'pr|> c- per m-

«H©so; do Canadian, mo dried,

out -iir"'

\u25a0-"' ; llvlState and Western, sun dried, coarse

d 1 r"t<P-^'C; do Southern, sun dried, coarse cut. 232"*e;uo rnoDped, \u25a0...• 100 It. $1 45e$l 30; do cores and skins.?S2??c: CHERRIES, per IT. 13Hc; HUCKLEBERRIES,lo^uc: I«LACKItF7RRIE3. 6H©7c; RAPPBEIRRIES, 24QTiT;in 'RIOOTS, California Moorparlc, 12f014c: do Royal,nil' '!"• PEAfHBS. California, peeled. 15eiCe; d.> un-


ic: IMiUNEX.California, 2>35"«c; do Oregcn,

i'tMR^ITt-FnE8H—Apples la light receipt to-day andrntn Strawberries selling promptly when prime, but2J*iJ?, •driving out of condition, with large quantitiesworinieas. Oranges inactive demand Pineapples neatly.

ilrfiMUol'*: U>PLEs Northern Spy and i*pitzenberK. per

d^ «le,.'">ad bbl, $2 SoOs3 do Ben Davis, 82e5275;


*2«f260; do Greening, »1 «k&s3; do Russet.;'.".'\u25a0\u25a0•,•,:\u25a0 do »'oor tv f"i*- stock, all varieties. $lOsl 75;

11- • IBs- California, per b v 7.1c^2 25: STRAW-Itl'-nKIEs. Maryland, per -mart. lOflloc; do Norfolk, r.^'»i' \u25a0 v' N !

'! Carolina, lfd'c; do South Carolina. l®10c;

ti>-"i GEs Florida per box SI PO«J*3 SO: Uo California.*l«is4; do Porto Rico. $1 26©*2; do per H box. 45cig*l 28:00 <atani:i. SI 40©$l 90 TANGEaUNEB, Florida, pet

cr?Ff.,-$,t?$3f'°: rt» Ci.lfornU. per '-. box. $I©s2 60:{ . FRUIT. Florida, per box. $1©«7: do California,

7i t,S?412: DEMONS. California, per box. $12.-.^s2 75;

do Palermo. ?i .\u25a0jr,Tfs2 .-,o:"

do Messina. $l!f$l8(>; °?i '\u25a0' "'\u25a0 *] *S©II55; PINEAPPLES, Cuban, per™''! I<>^'

-5": do Nart-au, $125«52 15; MUSKMEL-'•«», 1\u25a0 , rllla

-per orale. I3®W., v"1

'"7"Tne combination on the Pacific Coast Is still. 5s5s firmly at goc. but there is a report of sales by anoutside holder at 24V2'„-:„ in this State remaining stock«\u25a0 wry ght ami hcCders firm In their views. The local

niarKet continue* quiet and prices -hanged. We quote:Mate. 1804. choice, per IT>, 27T?2«'-; i\n prime, 28C* domedium. 23U24c; do Pacific Coast. IHO4. choice. 27!i?2Sc:do prime, 25926c; do medium, 23©24c; do Stat? and Pac"',:, oast. 1903, choice, 223>21c; do old olds. U©l2c.•MlLh AND CREAM—ThB exenange price of milk waslowered to 2Vic a art net to the shipper In the »'»'.ozone, effective May 8. The receipts of milk and cream, in4(Mjuart cans, for the week ending May G were as fol-_ , MIIU. Cream.*•«•» 84,840 2,820Susquehanna 14.1'L>7 u.'.fWest Shore 17.031 1.600I^ackawanna .. SS 122 1.f>07New-York Centra] (long haul) 88.800 1.750New-York Central (.Harlem) H.5-'". 01Ontario 3<1,443 2.W9LehiKh Valley 13.477 575Homer Ramsdtll Lino ft,»<« 1C!)

Haven 7,650 .Other sources 4.2t<5 171

Totals 221.073 11.815.HAY.AND STRAW—HAT—The market Is In goodsnape; aemand steady for ill useful to bes.t grades, andmuch of the low dragging stock has b •

0 worked out.Bt»l we •re in need of lines of good Quality hay. RecentInvoices from Ohio, Indiana and Michigan have been aWf-lconie resource this season for best buyers. Pricesheld all of their late strength. Wo quote: Prime, largebales, per 100 rb, S2fe(i(!-oc; No 1. 77Vs''ai>0c; No 2, 70075c; No 3, «;."i'r i<;,;\u25a0\u25a0.„\u25a0. shipping, 47^aiRv"iOc; clover, mixed,roc; clover, dear, O.V. STRAW—Long rye is steady andfirm at SS^OOc. Supplies In favor of tellers. Exports, inpales, for week: Bermuda, 177. Barbados, 192; Mexico.890; Porto Rl< .. 170; Port Union. .7. Total, 1.486 bales;last week, 4,b bales. Receipts of hay and straw, Inton?, reported at the Produce Exchange at noon to-day:Hudson River Railroad, 850; \V»-st Shore. SO; Erie, 880;Pennsylvania, 20; Delaware, Lackawanna and -stern.20; I.ehigh Valley, 80; Ilalttmore and Ohio, 30; Central ofNew Jersey, 100; river boats, 170. Total, 1.160 tons.Total for week, 6,620 tons; last week, 8.400 tons. Re-ceipts of straw. 60 tons; for week. 620; last week. »70.

POULTRY—ALJVEJ- Receipts to-ciay Included 3i> carsby freight and a few scattering coops by express. Fowlscontinue only moderately active, but prices held aboutsteady. Very Hula other live poultry other than fowls ar-riving. A few small scattering lots of nearby springchickens are selling at 7r.. \u25a0/ s1 per pair when of good size.We quote: SPRING CHICKENS, nearby, per pa 1 75c©$1; FOULS. Western, per 111. UVSc; ROOSTERS, Western,old. per Ib, '.'•_\u25a0:. TURKEYS, old. per Ib. 12c; DL'CKd,Western average, per pair, 70®MJc; do Southern, oo<ijHsoe.;GEESE, Western average, per pair. »r;.i.>i l^>; do South-ern. $1; PIQ2ONS, p<T pair, 25c. DRESSED


of fresh killed fowls nrera comparatively moderate to-day,an.l with supplies to come in not considered excessive thofeeling Is fairly steady. Fresh turkeys dull nn.l irregular.Spring ducks In derate supply and unchanged. Squabsplentiful and dull, excepting Jumbo. Frozen poultry mod-erately active and prices steadily sustained. We quote:FRESH KILLED (ICED)—TURKEYS; Western averagebest. 17@lHc; do mixed, fair to good, 13@lttc; do poor, l'.i'ipli.;BROILERS, Philadelphia, ;, Ib and under to pair, perIb, 44J045c; do Western, dry picked. 33@35c; do ecalded,3(jc; CHICKIONB. Philadel m:.\ed sizes, 17i&'2<>c; doState and Pennsylvania, mixed size.-, 15317c; FOWLS,dry picked an.i scalded, medium size, la'/sc; do heavyweighis. 13c; do poor to fair, IO&IUV.-c; OLD COCKS, perIb, 10©10Wc; SPRING DUCKS. Long Island and Eastern,per Ib, ISo; do Pennsylvania and Virginia, 22Q240;&OUABS, prime, largo, white, per dozen, $2 £>o<gS2 76; domixed. S2 123J2 25; do lark, $1 "\u25a0<\u25a0s; 'J. FROZEN—TURKEYS, toms, No 1, per tT>. 22©Jac; do hens. 21&22C;do No 2, liJ^lbc;do old toms and hens, lli^'Jic; CAPONS,Choice, large, per Ib, 20&22c; do broilers, dry picked. No1. per n>, 20-BiJc; do scalded. 180200; CHICKENS, roast-Ing, soft meuted. per Tit, 17c; do average, No 1, 15»jltic;do mediun* gradet, 13@14c; FOWLS. .\u 1. per It.. 13',2C;

do No L', 10013 c; OLD ROOSTERS, per fb, 10®10 l,ie;DUCKS, No X, per rb, 16@16c; (JKiiaE, No 1, poi Ib, 12®We


New potatoes Inlarger supply ami 25c lower. Old potatoes steady forprime. Sweet potatoes dull. Bermuda onions weak andlower; Egyptian steady: New-Orleans neglected. As-paragus shows further decline. Ueets and carrots irreg-ular. Cabbages higher lor best marks. Cucun\ steady.Cum firm. Eggplants largely poor. Lettuce dragging.Ijlma beans lower. Peas show wide ranee In quality, andalso siring beans, with many about worthless. Radlsheedragging. Rhubarb weak. Tomatoes helling- mainly from$1 7.'. down; quality poor. Other vegetables as quoted.\Yu quote: POTATOES, old, per bbl or bag, 75c(&*l20;do new. No 1. per bbl, .«•- .".••'•;s4 CO; do No 2, »2 gr SO;do culls, »1BO®*2; BV»rfcßT POTATOES, Jersey, per bbl,S2g's4; do per basket, $1 -."• .>i >.".; 1 0 Houtliern, per bbl,$ISO@s2so; do per basket, fl2SQISI <15; ASPARAGUS,per dozen bunches, 60c&$2 75; ARTICHOKES, California,per '.• to 16 dozen drum, ;m<*<;, liliE-TS, Charleston, ptr100 bunches. SlQs7; do Florida, pel bbl crate, $I'<J*2;do New-Orleans, per 100 bunches, ?ltts3; CARROTS,Ctiarleston, per 100 bunches, »1 do New-Orleans. $1<tf?3;do old. waslied. per bbl or bag, ?1 50; do unwashed,5-1 25©fl .•>"; CABBAGES, North Carolina, per crate. BOe©$1;do Charleston, Flat Dutch, per crate, 7&c(fisl 20; doemail, 3Sc#Sl; CUCUMBERS, Charleston, per basket, 51t^sl 75; do Savannah, •;>! BO; do per crate. 7&c'3fl 25;do Florida, per basket. ;->K :$1 26; do pei- crate, Cucsjsl;COHX, Florida, per case of lou. SI ;,.\u25a0.,.>.,.-,.., CELERY.California, per case $4@sd: do Florida, per case, i'Zsf$'<S 50; do per ;icas«. (.>-; do State and Western, perdozen Bialks, i;.y>.i . UHICOIIY and ESOAROLE New-Orleans, per bbl, J2®ss; EOGPLANTS, Florida per box,$1 .\u25a0•"•;.>.!; KALI), nearby, par bbl, 50076c; KuILLRABI.New-Orleans, per 100 bunches. *2#s4; LETTUCE, nearb.v.per bbl, $I®s! 75; do Southern, per basket, SU^OOc; LIMABEANS. Florida, per crate. $l&U^f2so; OKRA, Floridaper carrier, $1Do@|2; ONIONS. Bermuda, per crate, (-115®ti25; do Egyptian, per bag, Vi25@52 60; New-Orleans. perbag. $1 254? 51 50; do nearby, green, per 100 bunches. isc<s$1; do domestic, old. pur bbl. $1 &o@*3; OYSTER PLANTS,per 100 bunches, $2QJ3; PEAS, North Carolina, per half-bbl basket. |l@isl 76; i.. per bush basket, r.Oc!ff|l 25; doSouth Carolina and Georgia, 60c(i?jl; PEPPERS, Florida,per carrier or basket. ?l'a-<2; PARSLEY, New-Orleans,per 100 bunches. JI&J2; PARSNIPS, old. per bbl or bag,81; RADISHES, nearby, per 100 bunches, $l<afl 25; doSouthern, p«r baski 23@75e; ROMAINE. New-Orleans,per bbl. $21; 54; RHUBARB, nearby, per 100 bunches, 7f)C®

25; STRING LEANS. Charleston, wax. per basket. 7-> i$l&0;d. round green, Ilosl 75; i,Bat green, $l£f*l1»;6}• Savannah, wax. 50c*j$l25; do gTeen 41©$1 76- doFlorida, wax. per basket. 50clj?l 25; do per crate, SOcS"$1;do gTeen. per basket. r^>cgjl M>;do per crate. SOoiiJX;<•,-. Orleans, per bush basket. .".OcgSl &o; white. p<?r box or bas'iet, 2.jQ75c; <!o yellow crook-neck. 7">ciJsl 25; do Hubbard, old, per bbl, |lfi*l25; doroarrow, $1; SPINACH nearby, per bbl ?! til.'.<> doSouthern. ~>ocftsl; TOMATOISS, Florida, per carrier, 7Dc91225; do Cuban, 76c<S$l 75; TURNIPS, white, per WObunches, 2503>51; do Canadian, rutabaga, per bU, 75c05l-WATERCRESS, per 100 bunche*. 5-1

HOTHOUSE PRODUCTS— Mushrooms dull nnd weak.Cucumbers dragging. Other kinds receiving little atten-tion. We quote: CUCUMBERS, per .are J.200®?3BO;do Charleston, per basket of 7 dozen. $4; CAULIFLOW-ERS, per dozen. $2-&s4; LETTUCE, per \u25a0<•\u25a0\u25a0 rr. Isi 20MUSHROOMS, per Ib, 10®50c RADISHES, per 100bunches, "Scgjl 26-; TOMATOES, per Ib, 10'al5c.

LIVESTOCK MARKET.New-York, May 10, 1905.—

Receipts were .is cars, or 1.280 head, Includ-ing 44 for slsughterera and 24 for the market, making,with til cattle held over from yesterday. 29 cars on sale,of which -<; were at Jersey City an.l 3 at the <>"t!. styards. Steers were In Sght supply and {food to choicegrades steady to strong; others slow at about Monday'sprices; fat bulls ruled dull; bolojrna bulls and commoncows were In good demand and common cows firm; me-dium cows very slow; fat cows luotably unchanged. Theyards we cleared. Ordinary to prime, native steers soldat $4 75 to 8646 per 100 Ib; a car of choice Ohio red".Vtstern steers, 1380 n. average, shipped here by Dun-ning & Stevens, was -.:! by .1 B. Gibson .<.- Co. to M.Meyer & Bon at $;CS, the highesl f.^ure paid on thismarket since April 21. Plat staga and oxen sold at 84 000$5 of.; bulls, $3 3l*ii-*4M;1 fancy bull nt $4 75. an:cows.Jl 7.r.'a?4 85 Slaughterers reported a fair trado in dressedbeef a BVi®6'£c per Ib for inferior to prime native sides,with choice Belling up to 10c. Liverpool and London mar-kets were lower for live cattle, with sales at 12i*ia*iep«r IT), dressed weltfit.SHEEP steady at 14ii>14^e, dressedweight. Refrigerator beef lower at :> L-^:L-^: per n>. Ship-ments to-da.y were 4,000 quarters of beef in the Oceanicto Liverpool.


Tobln & Shannon: liPennsylvania steers, 141.1rb, at $ti 46; 20 do, 1^:.:. Ib, at ftllt>; 20 Kentucky do. 1102Ib, at $5 30.

Sherman & Culver: 13 Pennsylvania steers, 1202 rb at20; 28 do, 1239 Ib. at J0«".; 19 do, HS7 Ib, at $5 80.J. B. Gibson & (>j.: IS Ohio stetrs, 13S0 It., at $6 65:

1 bu.l, 18!tO Id, at $4 40.J. Shambergr .v Son: 12 Chicago etaers, 1130 Ib, at

t>; SO; 5 do. 1130 tb, at S5 50.Newton & Co : 20 Pennsylvania steers. 1276 It) at

88 10; 21 do. 1228 Ib, at $5 h0; 22 do. 1143 Ib, at $5 75; 0Pennsylvania steers and stags, i;s*H rt>. at Jrt 20- 1 Penn-sylvania bull. 1300 tb, at Hi.:» Pennsylvania, 'cows, C53Tb, at 40; 6 do, 740 Ib, at Jl 00.

A. 11. Epstein: 20 Illinois steers, 1115 !t>. at 15 65- 20do, 1080 II at $• 70.B. Sanders: IS Pennsylvania steers, 1253 rb, at

$607"i; 1H do, 1204 It>. 8888: 11 do 1143 Id. at $5 00- 3 do,1088 lb, $3 20; 30 do. lOUO Ib. $3; 3 do. 010 ID. at $4 S3-2 do. 935 !t>. at $4 7.'.; 1do. 900 Ib, at $!15; 1* Ohio do1174 It), at $5»0; 1 I'enn.sylvan.a stajr. 1-50 It>, at 05-23 cows. 1068 n>. at $4 26; 3 do, 1000 It>, at <3 7&- 1 dobOO It), at $2 10.

McPherson & Co '- oxe.n. 1590 Ib, at $5; 1 bull 1600It), at {478; 1do, 1860 ft, at $4 15; 4 do, 1352 rb at J3 75-8 do, 973 It', at $3 60: £1 cows 1183 Tb, at $4 35; 1 do1070 It), at $4 10; 10 do, 1071 it, at |4; 1do 8li) Ib, at$3 60 14 do, 091 It), at *.5flO; A do, 012 It), at J3 16 4do J>.V. ft, at $3; 1do, 1020 It), at $2 90; 14 do. 001 rb at$2W; 3 do. 867 ft, at *2 40; 3 do. 707 Ib, at $2 85; 16 do.,s_T, Ib at 8380 8 do, 801 n>. at 20; 23 do. 778 ID. at$U: I heifer. 710 Ib, at $4 *>.

Kern« Commission Company: 1 Indiana nag. irt*o rbat $4 60; 1Indiana bull. l«70 IT), at $4 50; 1 do, 1250 m. at*415- 8 do 1528 Ib, at $4.

S Judd Si Co.: 1 bull, 1600 rb. at $4; 2 do. t>es IT. at$3 tin; 1 <30. 6SO Ib. at 88 60; 2 cows. 800 It, at (2; 2 do673 ft. at $1 75.

J G Curtis & Son: 1bull 1240 ft, at $4: 1do. 1330 It.,at $3 IK>- '\u25a0 do, 1070 Ib. at $3 8B; 1 do. 1100 rt>, at id m*'0 d" I^7B IT), at $3 75: 1 Jo, 1030 Ib, ttt $3 70; 2 do.

!<.7i ft at $3 00; 3 do. 973 Ib. at $3 80; 11 do, 740 lb. atI*385 'l > flfer SOrt 17- a: $3 25; 1 cow, li*oIb, at $3 75;! \u25a01 do" IC.-7 IT,. at $3 .".0: 2 do. 000 lb, at S3 X;a do. 870ilfj 'at f'iIBj

" a°- 1080 ft, at P6B; 3da tea Ib, at 32 to-i 4 do '&!ft. \u25a0\u25a0: $2; 2 1 \u25a0. 755 ft, at $1K>.

John Oucey: 2 bulls. 800 ft. at 13 90. 1do. 1080 ft, atSI <;.', 1 do, 7CO Ib. at $3 30; 1 oow, lo>/> Tb. at JS 50; 1do. liflO ft. at $2 75, 2 do. 685 D. at $2 sO| 1do. I*lo lib.atl?3 iV Hollls: 1bull. 1010 Ib, at $4; 1 oow, 880 ft, at$3 60; i"do. 600 IT), at 12.

Andrew Muli'.n: ft cows. 7150 Tb. at *2.MILCH «*>\Vti

—Receipts were 13S head, Includinc C3for

fu'burt an dealer! and 75 for market. There, was a fairlypoodltinuiryUr all grades of fresh cows, and pood block wasfirm. Report Kl eaiea ranged from *-•"> to $o5 forcommon to choice milkers, calf Included; .trart sold at\u25a02MM2& General sales were from #34 to Ii«. One extra

ttllaw brou«bW wIU h»r calf, BM,


BBANS .' YD PKAF.—Receipts to-day, 254 sacks beansand 300 sac peas. Aside from a tittlemore lobbing de-mand for cfu .cc pea and a stronger holding of Californialima, the market It without change of Importance. Thegeneral trails remains quiet. Scotch peas steadier In toneand celling; a little, better. We quote: BEANS, marrow,choice, per bush, $2 66'a$2 90; d«j medium. $2 10; do pea.Jl 75; do red kidney. $2 66; do white kidney, 1810; doblack turtle *our>. 13 20; do yellow «-ye. 12942 U5; do lima,California. $3 1345; GREEN PEAS, Scotch, per bush.07'*!.

IJUTTnU—Receipts ti day, 8.824 pkgs. Fupplles haveshown fair increase this week, but there were so manyholes to fllrjthat it has taken all of the goods that havecome In. and a very clopa clearance reported again to-day. The feeling Is still firm, but there Is not quit* sor:iucii strength shown as at tho close of last week. Cur-rent trading is more nt-arly on tho basis of former quo-tations and the quotation committee did not feel dis-posed to rnaku any change, in the official rate* to-day...'<• quote: Creamery- extras, per IT), 20H®27c (Mercan-tile lixcharge ..fti'-la! quotation, extras, per It), Me); dofirsts. 25026 Vie; do seconds, •j.'feJi'2-Jc; State dairy tub%<-xtras. 20c; do firsts, '24 '» 'a -.'>'\u25a0 -ir. do seconds, 2:t'3<240; dothirds, 2iy220; do Western Imitation creamery, extras.I!«5c: do firsts. 2.1©24.-; renovated, extras. 2T.'5I2SV!C; dofirsts, 23©21c; <lo 6e.x.nds, 'MSi'lZc; da thirds. 17«>lfM;\V«it*Tn factory, firsts. 23c; do seconds, 21^22c; do thirds,

l^S2oc.CHEESB— Receipts to-day, .'\u25a0\u25a0«!' tones. Hemalnlng

stocks of old dieese are gradually workingout In a ped-dling way at firm prices. N*wgradually Increasing, butno surplus a" ••!. and with a »T'jo<l demand prices areflmilv su»tnln»d. New skims sell fairly when fine, butpoor 'grades dull an.l irregular. Liverpool cable. ."\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0. fld forfinest white and ."^s fcr finest colored. We quote: O!d.Ftate rul! cream, small, 1.-..1 and white, fancy,14«,«c- do fins. 13\c; \u25a0:\u25a0. late made colored and white,choice. iß'ic; do fair to gnod. 12'i3-12%ic: do poor. 10«4Cll"i«c- do large, colored and white, fancy. Ho; do fine,IStt^lSVie! do late made, colored and white, choice,I.V- do fair to good; ll',43>ll"*e; do poor, loVigaic New-State full crea-m, «maJI. colored and white, fine, lac;d.> fair to cho!<e. Uttol2V»c: do light skims, small,choice 10U*jiO*ic: do rime. l»H6«^c; do part skims.t-rline-T SHoSc'. do rood. K^i^Hc; do common to fair,

I™^^ —• T^market is: »cc The market U

\u25a0nstalned w!th soma firmness on th* hlptiest grades ofSelected si'ick, of which the offerings are not heavy.

Good medium' OMdIUW are meeting with fair demand,

but all lower .qualities are urgently offered and "*<-*«•Dirty «W« a!r« plenty. «uU and. low«. W« quoteiißtate,

No 1 Northern Duluth. Jl 03'i. and No 1hard Manitoba.97c. fob afloat. The gov«rnmwt report, m expected,showed an advance the condition being t8.6, agmlnat laft month. The Indicated yield on this condition,according to Statistician Heln«er, of the lToduce Ex-ehinge was 400,704000 hush, compared with 47*787.000bush ... month and 832.935.000 bush actual last year.

The area abandoned wan acres, and the propor-tion of spring pk.Ußhlng done toMaj

'1WtM 71 o per centOr. the late curb July was 8h l.i-lOc bid In the localmarket. CORN— The corn market l.r.d

f rgood \u25a0*«*. buj

West.weak later \u25a0•• the day .v

hlKher on thehere and

::\u25a0.., acted firm and closed higher on the

of thn cub situation. including light Mocks and anxietyamine H ..ns. I^te positions were Uc down. aBainstVc advance In tho May. The Interior nnlya'.s were

1.12 0.1. bull.; acaln.t iso.o.y, bush last year ami {\u25a0« hoardclearances reached IKxTonb bi:sh. Exporter, took .{ loadsv« •> .-, .n r!• \u25a0<.»(! Tt Vie elevator, and at Dane, fob

efloaf^No \u25a0'

'white at mJ «nd No 3 yellow at .Me.

rob' afloat. OATS Mo« of the day oaujwere very

ttead^. bel£ he:,^' by SSta ot MO.OOO b«h Jor export.

The V:ish market Wai steady and 'I'"''*'1 ?Bt3sSMlxe,!. 2fl to 32 !t>. :<4'i«J3.V:""'u".C«wtc bahi.eV•?-.'-.'fi

-!7c- clinncd white Til! to 4tl Tb. 5»wA:UAKUtSX

-Ma^pko,' duU: tedVng, *4Uc c 1 f New-York; mnltin8.406C2S. c 1 !' Buffalo.

NKW-YOBK PRICES. TestaeWheat: O^nir.., Hlgjx. (-- %* '^?-

September 5* BS* W» s- A sa^»


\u25a0 ":::::::::SS 5«. S3 S5 S-,BepUmber 78 13-10 78>Ts 18

-s ' (b-*

MS"!! 4J* «* «* g* 4SU

::\u25a0:::::::: 85 S«.;S| \u25a0• ISSeftsmher IB *> \u25a0»'

* *

Jul^ r<l: $735 *7 3 *7?2 J7 35 «7 4?September

~ '>- 7 52 < L'O '•-

jts!^ if z» 7 jT TIB t;'Sf1 tember ...... 7 4. 1\u25a0'- \u25a0

•• >.""Pork: „,„ 1O

„,a£L".:::::a« 1247 SS 38 SS. U6O 18 <H K« 1


> 1" >

SSsss: of hread«tu«l at interior polntf !n tapusands... ciphers (« mltted. Hour bbU. grain '\u25a0"•"•

a. follows:c>rn n »

Chic3Ko 30 21 95 if 1* 14:Milwaukee, 8 4 i 14

i tMinneapolis .. —

S<> 4 14 l'


2— - * _

Ft. Louii .4 3 7 2*- —

Kansas City...— « 13 1

— _Toledo ....... —

1 ii 46— -

Detroit 1—


— __l'eoria

— - -•' * "~

Totals 7~43 122 ~162 301 18 \u25a0 1"=Shipments trova these points:

Chicago » 81 f>« 147 10 J.Mll«-a.ike« .... 6 12 13 r>g


Minneapolis ..20 4S-

48~~ »<





Et. Louis 10 80 18 41— —

.Kansas City....—

41 -\u25a0'\u25a0 JO'Toledo

— —9 -'

—Detroit .'.'.'..'!! — — '•' -- — —I'eoria

—a 2 lv _~ _H

Totals 781 "219 ITS 608 10 ai

Receipts at Atlantic ports:

New-York .... 18 37 22 47— '•

Boston 4 10 I W- -

Philadelphia, ..4— -

\u25a0*Baltimore .... 4 1 4 7

-- _New-Orleans .1

— •* »~

Totals ......81 ~Ti ~~32 1?)—


Exporta from Atlantic ports:

New-York 2—

214— —


16 80— — —

Baltimore .... 1—

206— "" _SZ

Totals I 16 800— — —

METAI-S—TlN—There was little change, In th« lyind^n

tin mark**, where spot closed at £136 12a «1 and futures

at £134 10s Locally the market was easy*in«r at M.9o®So.loa COPPER TO higher in Un-

don. with bpoi closing at £63 15» and future- at MB 18a »d,Locally the market continues quiet. Lake an.1\u0084'V^t

">'yU°are quoted at 15c and cast Ing at 14.75 c LEAD \u25a0*»•«

little- hlpher In the London market. doting at til l«;a 3d.while, it remained unchanged locally at 4..0j;4.fi0c. blEL-

TFR was weak In the local market at ri.6T.W5.70c and

unchanged at £23 10s In London. IKON oloiiedat 82a Min Glasgow nd at Ms iM i:i Middlesboro. Iy<«ii> the

BltuatloS rhow. no change. No l foundry Northern 75diiot».l at $1" 205517 7". No 2 foundry Northern a' *>•>'•»

«T» 725 Nolitnundry Southern »nd No 1 foundry South-ern »oft at $173f1" SO and No 2 foundry Southern at

$16 75©$l" The market for pig iron certificates on the

FVOI'^SES AN*D6'SYRUPS— grades ctm;la S

were iUnar at full values owing to the quick demand

r Mlml-PJ Byrup. wer« Eteady and unchanged.

O»o"? follow: New-Orleans centrifugal, common,

J2'l13c- fair, 1501 7c: good. 18©21c: prime. 22^27c; K«-Orie^ op'nkeul.: COff37c SYKUPS-Common .14015c: fair. lCgif^e; good, 19^21c: prime. 22Si>c. lancy.

2SJJ3OC•; FRKIGHTS—Trading In steam an.l aatliton-

ed I'ilet In all ..lepartmenis. «h« a-mnml

dan!, r. . -\u25a0 37H \u0084!*..; Ur--r,-.i. .• Ik . \u25a0 •to Llverpo 1. per i<w n>.

;?.L?: ,. '{(.^.,1 r°rt« Urge tonnage. 2a. nomtiil;London,

oafs 7hFt ci\^RTER3-Brltl8 attawr.—-

taw «>al.NVrfok to Manila. ¥4; British steamer. 2.870 urns ore.Bombay to Philadelphia or Ualtimore lha, 3d Ma> -June


andiS ack^orth 'of STatteras

Fernandlna;schooner, 880 tons,

\u25a0 cement, hence lo *Umlngton,S3 25- FchrH>ncr 437 tons, cement, hence to Wilmington.Eteamer. 2.882 tons, general carpo,

New-Orleans to United Kingdom or Continent, time

?a-Ptd«W^I, firmer to^Uy oneovertng and professional buying. Business was moreatthJe. Sales: 400 May at 27. . 200 do at 27^c; 200 June

at 2«c; 1.000 July at 28Ho; l«0 Beptember at 29%ej 2.000rto at 29%r Linsee-1 oil was unohaiura]. lierined petro-leum was In good demand at recent prices. We ouote:rETKOLKfM—Stan-lard white, bble. *\u25a0..'.\u25a0: bulk, ?4".,,

Philad'elphla, |6M; bulk, $4; refined, cases. New-York,<i, i(.-,- Philadelphia SO 60; water white, capes. New-York,f'bls 150 test *8 98 bulk, *«05: Philadelphia. $8 "°:bulk.S3- water white, cases. New-York. |12 65; Philadelphia,$1260 COTTONSEED oil. Prime crude, fob mills,21c: prime summer yellow, May. 27 >4 27Vie:June, 27fcflS«c: Ju iv 2S'a'fi2«Vc; Auarust, 29e2flHc; September, 29Vi-,«.,-. ' 'and October, 2!^*@.'!oc; off summer yellow, nom-

ln'ii- prime white. 290-28 : prime winter yellow. 2;i'-.ySOc

'LISSEIBO American Feed, city, raw. 4141


Sut' of town. raw. «6©470; Calcutta, raw, 60c LARDOIL 584JC9C


Notwithstanding the lower live hogs,provisions o[»-r.ed higher and held generally firm all day

on demand from packers and commission houses. Closingprices were at about top figures for the da.y. Hog receipts

at Chicago 20 000 head; Kansas City. I' '.»Kl. and Omaha,n sO<» whllo the whole West received 05.000. PORK quiet,(juoted- Met' Sir. 12H@*13 62% : family. SH 604i*15;short clear. Jl.tfl*',r.. PEEK firm. Quoted: Mess. $11 #Jll .vi family $13 609(14; packet, $12SOO$1S; extra Indiamess $205622.Vi. PKKF HAMS steady; quoted at $2Hi$'>2 .'.O DBES9ED HOGS firm Quoted: Bacons, 7Vic; 180tb 7Hc; 100 ft, 77 a1:a 1:140 Ib, 7 7ic; pigs, SflS'ic. CUTMEATS

—Pickled bellies firm. Quoted: Smoking, fie: 10

ft 7%(B«c; 12 It). 7Vi«7%c; 14 '!. 7H©7%c. Pickledshoulders, nominal; quoted at 54©6c. Pickled' hairsquiet: quoted at ;i'.''f TALLOW quiet; city, 4Vtc;country. 41»«i441»«i4 LARD steady. Quoted: Chicago primeBtnain, 7.2.r>a7.3.'ic; AJiddle We:

• rime, 7.1T.'g7.2<)c. Citylard steady; quoted at C\W«"i,c. R^rined lard quiet.Qtoted: South America, 8.20cj Continent, 7. 4"' Hrnzllkegs, 9.2T.C. Compound «tea<fy; quoted at 6i4©5%C.STEARINK easy. Quoted: Oleo. S'.»c; c-!ty lard stearlne,se^uc.

BUOAR— sugar prices were reduced 80 pointsby all refiners to-day. Some decline was looked for, but*ucn a heavy break came as a surprise. At the- sametime, it la claimed that the market is now In better shapethan it hat b-.-en for a long time, and that the countrywill row buy freely. The New-York market Is now 5points under New-Orleans. Lark of demand for refinednnd lower prices for raws were stated as the reasons forthe decline in refined. Prices quoted are net, less 1 percent for cash: Cut loaf and crushed, «.&"ic; mould A.C.20-: cubes. 6.10c; XXX.V powdered, flc; powdered, coarsepowdered and fruit powdered. B B6 ;Eagle confectioners'pranulated. 6.10c; Eagle coarse and extra fine granulated.5.9! Eagle 2-!t> carton-i. 2-IT) bags and B-U) bags offine granulated, fie: Eagle fine or standard granulated anddiamond A. f.-SSc; confectioners' A. 5.70c: No 1 fiBV;Nos 2 and 3, r..4.r.c; No 4....35c; No 0, D 30c: No 0, r..2?c;No 7. B.aoc; No S. 5.10c; No '\u25a0>. B.OBc No 10, sc; No 11.4.fioe; No 12, 4.86c; No 13, 4.78c; No 14, 4.70c; No 15,4.70c. The local raw sugar market was steady, withprices unchanged. and duty paid rates were named asfollows: Centrifugal, M test, 4:ic; muscovado, SO test.

8/»c;8 /»c; molaswea sugar. 69 test, 3Hc. A xalo of 10,000 bogsCuba centrifugal, M test, was made for Junn shljmentat BHc, which Is the price previously paid, and It equalsthe duty paid price of 4Hc. The London market wassteady and about 3d higher at 12» 3 x«d for May and12s 4 'id fcr June.

GENERAL MARKET REPORT.New-York. May 1". !>"'•'>

'"O7FrE - TTie r«iTe« market was <i«)pt. but aftero~f.ii^f Fti^iy,ruled it little eapier urnier rrallzing. Tl:enetf appeared fren*-r»l'y favorable. an«i first rrl< *-s were6 r^Hri-t h! followlns which the market saßßei oftan^i rlitf?»r»> at r.»t unchanged pr!''en. Sale 3were rc-

r-rrtf-i of '2.'»00 r>ars. Tlio Initial advance vras< in U*i*w:h fifsdy eablea from a^tnaO. continued small Urazlllanrewlpti ani li!>»rßl warr-hr.use dell

- • •:\u25a0 The rtemandT.lll m«rs or Iff* scattering mnl"("rancil very much oftii» »atr^ character as that recently noted, but the ad-i«r <• ca»T?-ir<t the marVrt a.h<-njt Ni points above th« lowlevel of la«t moiith attracted rrailzlr.p by speculattvwhf>H»-». ari th« market tvas barely abl<« to absorb th»oTrylrys Bivre, » hlch at tho time of tr:<> l^ral openir.^*\u25a0»!> 'J fr&-,i:hlchfr. a'.Fo r.i<>t -.v:th rf-allzlnsr sal»» ap-f»rfr:!y. «n>s when th« <-!o.slng rab!» from ther<» lot? of half the farly sain, prb es h-jr« sasgred off.P-;h the »?rai;!ian markPtf »-fr> hlprlior. Rio repottingi-a-lvan'c of 173 re!*, wrtillf Pan) .- wa< li«> r»i* higher.Pervipls at all points w<*re lie'it. tnii warehouse de-liveries at New—Tork. as reporto.! for the previousday. rearh^d 2LOOO bags, v.hile rntrchanta reports a goodttmnrA and a firm market for spot coffee. Th« sp^tttarkrx va? firm, with quotations on the ba?ls of S.jofof F.ii No 7.

Tt.e ranee of contract prices in the local market to-iay wa* «s fallows:

Tester-Oatattlne High. I»w. Oose. das'.

S««v . . 6.8S 6.83 6.S<» fißfifj"".S3 C Kf»Jur.e

— — —rt.KVjtVUO rt.K5

Juiy 7.M 7.00 r..» <V1»5A7.00 \u25a0. s*sAugust .... — — —

7 <i.v,17 ;•> :.'.r.Fertfmh#r 7.20 7.20 7.1.1 7 1&»7.2n 7.11Ocu.lK-r

— — —7.2.1i87.a) 7.2.ri

Nov.rr.ber— — —

7 .': <-tt .ftt 7.Mr*cemh«r 7.4.1 7 4.". 7.40 7.4W7.45 7.41>January 7.4.1 7.45 7 4." 1 \u25a0\u25a01--77 4.% 7.4')I^br-jary . . — -- —

-.•».-'?7.. 7.4.">Slarr-h 7.M 7..".5 7..V. 7.Wig-..ris 7..V.Apiil 7.50 7..'.!> 7.50 7.r^«7.:.S

—<'uff» i-aKeit.—Xin

—Toffee marmot firm;No 7 Rio. ;J77.'.

e»rhante rate. l'J2J4..121 ; rfcrlpts. 1,000 tu-ie^; shipmentsfnr tli<« United Statea, bag'; Etotk. lftS.i.MV) bags.EVmtos

—Ooflee markf-t f.nn; pood average Pantos, 4s3<M;

rvoeSsta. 5.000 r^ss; stock. R2S.OO* baps. Hamburg"—Cofc-i*+ u-.fkf-t <.i*n'<l % p's higher; at 2:30 \u25a0»«» net In*i'~tp!)t hicber; fale^, 7«)'«> lagp. Havre—Coffee market<r*r#i s frano higher; at 12 m nas urchante'i; at Bpmwas

-t fran? hiclier; at r.:3"j p m was V* franc lower;

f»]es. ;.^.<«K> bags.January .... 47.00! Ju1y 4. > 7T.February 47.2" ,Auirust 46.00JUreh Il£fi]September 4t;.li">

April . 47.60'October 4«..">

May 4S Vi Kovetnber 4«5 r.j

June 45.75 December .4T.0 IThe statistical position of Brazilian ceffee is ea follows:

To-4av. Last week. L&st m<^nth.>.-« T.--Tork •'erivertes 21 \u25a0" 12.f.'.(5 0,907I^a!t:tn'.r<» rttllveries <K»S M 412New-Orieans deliveries .. 2 1.'.l 1.470 IT.I

Total dellveri-s .. .. 24,14(J 14.402 6,270»w_york stock 3.a2.2<Ji 5,722,f-fls S.KiO.WJBaitirro;« itock 77,!»12 M1.&4 80,<;7S>i«».-<sr:ean» itoek 96,051 151.714 107,037

Etotlt at a!l port! 3.7-Sl3l 8.854.615 8,943.524««1r.«« 307,«W 2Q4.000 437.'»-<>

VisibU Bjpplv 4.m?..2Z,2 4.210,913 4.250.924Sania time lt">4 2.793.157 2.702.0D1 2.8H3.2'Ji

COTTON—The cotton market, while not bo active as theprevlo'ii d«y. reflected a fair volume of trajlng anilrulidr«»!)y firmer, with final prfcNa shewing a fair Rain forthe day, Th« (.per.lnß %»«? firm at an advance of 4 to 10pnlnts In reKpr.n*9 to much better eablea than looked for.There »«». btllvo fOverinjr, but the. rit-mantl seen^ed to be/"V.irjrchiefly froni nhnrtc. an<l there seemed to be an im-

ttiat local bull*, havlnsr imja ban.l inadvancingfre Uverpool market, were utilizing tbe higher level bertto oril'.ad a poitionof their holdings, rolling was m<Te or1»*» ÜbersJ, ibt-rafore, und aitor the first rush ut coveringHi fr.t it» roitrket up to a net gain of about lo to 13V^mt prices m»i-d off to within 4 or 5 r-^nts of tlio pre-vie^v nU;rit_ But there was a renewal of bull support onft*reaction, aiui shorts, sednfr that the market wat notflMii.K;o the:r efTcrtt. besan coverlr.R. This demand sentince<i :n the middle of the after] up to- a new highlevrl :'or tho •\u2666\u25a0sfiiTi. or a net advance of about 14 to IS><rtnts. vi.cii realizing *et tn an-J toward th« clone th*Siark't haKced nfl fiom tha beet. The final tone wasBtatdy at a net «Jv*nce of 7 to 14 point*. Sales wer«ertlinatej at 23.'j.0ij0 bales. Advices from the Soul <;on-

tlsu»>l more or leas cor.fllctir.j;. but the burden of evidencei*rta'.niy raivrs the !(3ea tl:ut in some sections the cropfcM had tn un'ivorable ctart. though conservative j-'oplo»r» clow tjaiinit that such (sraw"uaek» n« exist couM notbi r<;airel by a vjtllr.f favorable weather. The weatherCiap to-<fay \u25a0 >>» con?! •. encouritginß. an*! whileSouthern rp.jt \u25a0-•.-• potted sieaiiy in their Mews,frev'. <temai;d »ra» 6a!d to be light. Receipts continue full]a» compared with the email figures of last year.

Th« mage ol contract prices in the local market to-dayw»s i.i follows:Opening Hlnh. Low. Close. day.

«*T 7 .<>. 7.73 7.04 7.6657.71 7.553-ne— — —

7.5*^7 '.. 7.44July 7.61 7«7 , 7..V5 7.Mi1lC 57 VA^eust


"7.72 "'"-\u25a0'\u25a0 7.C70T.78 7St!

Femtmhtr 7.G3 7' '• 7.cj 7.<;u-;i7.7i 780OrtOber 7.75 "Mi 7 7.' 7.75»j7.78 7«SJ>av<mber

— ~ —7 7687 78 7 fISI>ec*r-;brr 7.M 7 \u25a0>» 7.M) 7 i-.VnT .->0 7 7';

Jhziuzry 7.88 7.83 7.55 7.*<»^7.1>0 7soJ'lTjary— — —

7.8287.05 7siUarch .*:11*I""i7.0S 602 7.08 7.97@7.;,9 7.60

The local spot market cluhed Quiet. Id points higher<m the b«i:« of 8.I&0 for middling upland and ti.400 forml4<i!ir.e <JuJf. \u25a0.:.\u25a0- were reported. Southern Bpotnu.rkHn it-re telegi ..\u25a0 I at follows: New-Orleans firm•iV. 1-lGc McUer at 7 j;;16c; sales. 2.000 bales Mobiletern arid I-J6e higher at 7%c Jfavannah quiet and uncharj^ed ai 7»-l»>;; taie^. 2fi7 baiei*. Charleston quietend unefcanc-d at 7 7-l<Je. BaJtitDor* nominal and un-ctangti at 7"*c. Norfollc Bteady ana unclianred at 77 I*.-;1*.-;J2>f. IWJ bales. AUsTU*n« steady and unchanged at' l*-lfle; «£!ei>. COO bales. fft. Louis eteady and unnaneed a: 7 33-l'ic; *ai"s, 111 baJes. Estimated receiptsfor ica'ilne points to-day are: Houston, 4.7&» to 6.2.V)"tier. ?fh::\>\. 3.11)1 ltst week and 4.'1 laet year: GkalvcaJon. ZAxm to 5.J00 bales, against 4.9'-Ti last week andL«eS last y-ar; New-Orleans, 4.000 to 5.500 bales, against«.42a iii't »«-ij and 1,909 J^st year.

Receipts at The p°rts =mlinterior points to-day, com-lared withthe Fame de> lait week and la'


I-ast I^ast I'resentroru: To-flay. week. year. Ktock.flalverton '....3.899 «.S7O 741 14:;. 440

i-srs 7 I<".'. 7.271 4.0(.>a 187.888*obi> 440 12Q 4 S7.CHOPavar.p.jh 5.021> B.tTl 1.143 71.18fJ<T«.rlec..on 118 f,C« 34 18.350»•:."..:;tOn i.'jm °21 •\u25a0 878ijo.-foik J 772 !0;

,71 el.Pi*

fi*li!:nore - . - - - 8,170»«W-ITorfc 44 040 8 103 442B?*t.,n jrs 301 102 4.USPbitodeipbU 27 C37.003»^ris-s 1.081 140 0.102

TVa:s 21,674 441 0,107 629.133Interior:

Aur-ista 912 87S M 40,05SMeaiplii, 788 1.2J7 849 53.9*3«. Louis 2,074 2.«<'4 .rf<l 407'"Jncir.natl ..... m 895 4.'X» ;mHouston 7,891 6.743 DB2 44.5T1

Cotton Txchanse tpeeiel Liverpool cab'est Spot cotton—

A far tNialßeas -Ic.lns; salen, 10.0u«j bales, of w.':lch'•ere Arr.tri.^r. Including eaies of 1 ft 0 bales f:r specula-'^<-n an<} txp^rt. Recei[:ts, 18,000 lalef. including 17.<X)0

\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0Jiericar. Middllr.ff v;iar:tl uncjisr.ue'l on the baßls of4.01d. Future* opened quiet bin ttea^y, unchanged t.> 1X'.nt hiiflir-;closed quiet «'. a net advance of :',64 points;

l!_«v and «ay- June, 4.lfid; June^July. 4.10d: Au|ju»t,4 -Id; Aujrutt-SeptembtT, e.22d September-October. 4.25d;October- November, 4.24-1- Noveniber-I-»ccember. 4 25d; D«-c*mt*r-.January. 4.26d; January- February. 4.27.;. Febru-ar>-Msir<->i, 42r>d: Mnrch-April. 4 sod

11/-H-71 AT>T) MKAl^—Trtidlng; in the flcur market to-«*>• was «r moderate volume, with most of the pur-'h»f-« in rprlng patents, bakers and Kansas *'ralslit-».V-30'iUcii* wei» undiarxed. Spring patents. $.1 25<rf.">80;w.nter c- r;. j...« M600*4 bO; winter patents. $4 Wifiir> 2."i;«.-irt!]r

m '----.' >:\u25a0 4<>S's3«s: extra No 1 winter. J3.r/>ei3 75;

•^iira $(, « winter. ?SS.VSt36O. RYE F!/)i;il—Culet.vaotefl: Fair to xr**^|4 ;.>(ij|(»; choice to fur.ey. $4 r/»3«t SS. CORNSinAL—Pfeady Quoted: Kiln dried, $27Sfl***'•. as to bra-id. ISAGlinAL—Steady. Quoted Flnawtilte «c 1ye:io«-, !120; coarse.. II<.v<7»fl 10. FEED

—western sleadv; city steady. Q-.iotM: Western Frr'r-ff-11..Vi: *tat:4«r.l middllnpx, $17 00; flour do. $2080; redOOjt. *22.Vi Js».y shipment. O'y bran. 110

'\u25a0 rs2<J 1)ul<"

*''-il fca.-k.; tnlddllngK, fa!C«24 W»: re/l dog. »24 60. H'<m-w fli<;,, |13 60fit»73 built, \u25a0 769*21 i^-ciis; oUmeml,•IiSO.

ORAIX—WHEAT—The exr^ctations ff a benrlsh «\u25a0•

(nuneni r'-r.ort checked trading !:, -.vli< to-day, e»;>e-OfUjr ak.rg bull l!n"S. Afier opening steady the marketCfifted off about *«c a bui sndwai weak all the after-loon. fhnttlrc at the lose »i<SHc net decline at New-Tork i'.r.ft at the telling- wan by local houses. In an-Uelpatlen of the beariah report from Washington, altliourhJ*fy caljesi, pa.'ticularly 11 ii]--*i»f;.-from liudapect. guol-'"6 wfeat 2*ic per buiii defllr.e. wtre lltloaaJ f«>-tor«'.t ••

<:Ki.<--. The chief bullish considerations wer« smallinterior rwe'pts «sjrreratlr.« but IZZ.OOO bush, compared»!:ii 176.0>» bu»'h i«ft yoar, cold and wet weather in the''\u25a0'*•« and .-....,., rvpport from elevator interest* fat'i.icHeo a llbtral decrease In the Minneapolis stork1-ir «h*> Weak thu« far. In the last hour prices chunpcl•»< llt'le. er.d t;:» market clr,»ed very dull. There am«\u25a0* 'ietiihri'i f'>r export, and the cash ronrk«t. like futures.''*«-d heavj-. Iteports from Texan wer* bearish an •"ciop eaaOltlOai In that State, but elsewhere over the bellIh* r>tW| rreatf-4 sonic apprfhent-lon that the tXCttylV*Kiss of «he last week or M may have cßUsed some in-Jury 10 Use crop. Ca«h price* In New-York floied «i


• .No 2 r»d. 9iH«. •^vatgr. and lO'/jc, fob afloat;


PENNSYLVANIARailroads. Railroads.



N<\v-Yotk. May ML I'f^-XV*r;*. white, bbls.. 123jErs'i. can* V" 4-',,vwi, 1u«ti 37.0U0|OraR8«a (*'ai>. cm»*s v J-'"-'"Com. bo«* 21.5»'0:Lrmons (Cull. cas<-s.. *HJ(\u25a0H-.f. bush 4*i.rH'ni.\rpl<»''. VM« ,C ,-.peat, t'-sh SOO|t*ot>\toe>. hbli- 1] -'iVI!a:k;, -f-iish 4.BoojOnicnfi. M'ls< '•''•'>!a!t. Hish y,OtK»,^aßi.r. haft« SI- 4'aHire, fkts J<7slOJcake. pke- 3 410

J lav. torus I.ICOJOO. Urd. fcbto '•

htrk». ten. «k»iOll. luX tbls . . 60MillfecS. tonf 234 O'.eo stock, pkgs 1 \u25a0•>

r.T&y* »re.i. in 11" Peanuli . ba^s 1.57^JI-ps. bales J77 Tobaoco, hhd* 880liwt, bh!a 125iTobBcco. pk?* 875Heel (caaiMc), oa«rs. vvhiaKe) M-ls 430i!Bti:< i<l;r« •» Wool. bales HOIL.m,' SB:-:-:".:::: » «\u25a0«', »»«*« udoOut m^at*. j,kCs 1.52ViEtie. bair? }MTvrif». bbls.: « Cotton. \u0084.«. .. 2.100Ia- a fere* Ss»jCotton»e«d oil. bbU... kri:*.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 1.465!C.-pper, p!oce« 6.575j.rrt (J,v».s 830 Copper matte, bags... 1"-•>TiSw to 75 Hides, bales .••<>

fi^kf'kK..'.':.\u25a0." 102 Hide;, bdli 2.000\u25a0 rV.L, r,k4 K«>,t^athor. tiae* 2.300

H,:-.'<r.' rkcal*.::::.:. B.»ejWll« tCal). bbls . «K<ot'htH^r, ;>'kss 2.r>^y;

**Amaylo«*aGreatest Railroad."

NEWYORKS Mil*^C 1 fa |a jwl


Direct Lino fromNew York 6* Boston to Niagara Fan*...5rt

'IU "*•»***from tiraad Central Slauoa, AMhmt*nd i-ourth Avenue. New York, as b«iow;

rrT and west bound trains ej.c«pt Umm le*rtnfijrand central Statloa at 0.30 A. M.. 1.4*. HOw lllil£,*•*;wUI»toP at 1-ilh St. to receive ;ume|« UalS^o"^1;*rt"r '•• *Urand Central Station.b.jUA.M

—tEMPIRB STATE KXPREDa Mori £»•... .«"'»u« train la tha world. Due Ba.T»l* 4.4Jk

10 ••n t"«~

•PA»T MAIL 24 hoar* to CiUc*c*.

!SiS • «—'"1--.-FALO LIMITED.

ip:|= CHiJia^LlSfT^."tlAu w~ LlilL'*ti


I10 P w*traln lo Chicago, via Lake Shore.4MP«~ ALBA'NT AND TROT FLTER.IJIP «• MICHIGANCENTRA!. EXPRS3S.

Phi LAKE SHORE LIMITED. ti% howl t«|h«C«





Ui^aflvM\u25a0-•°' f"C'A<'O *BT. LOCT9 SXPIUS&»»lly. tExcept Runway. IBxceDt Monday,o rwi . . lIAItI.KHUltAXm.

ana .Norta Adams. Sunday.. ».2v> A. M.Pullman tare on all through trains.

_. . . «a-n* liiuminated with Plntsco ll«ftt.n^l,™i° *1" *lI*". 261. 415 and 1218 Broadway. 9rvi « Si %W>t * 275 Colurabua Aye.. K3 We»t lSSth Bt,iJw ,C-,

C-? trai St*UoI>. »nd 123th Bt. Btatloo. New toiit*«w and .^iiKui'.>n m. and lutt Broadwajr, BrooUym.Telephone "500 3Sth Str«^" for .New York Central Ck*S \u25a0 tC\. a«««*«a«««*« cheeked from botal or r«.Ul»ae« by

westcott Express Company.A. H. smith. cnonan H. DAxms.General Manager. \u25a0 v«neral P«ea«oc«r AIIOL

EXPORTS TO-DAY./-_. bU(,h 21S.7t3;N'aphtr.a, Bills . 8.000r«i'« bOBh 2- Benzine, nit 1,050I>!»,'. l.if^ 4SD Cottons«jd oil. irals. U.OAOl-.r.-"bM»" *5*LMbrteatlng oil. «al«. 818.380rf^-' M-k« . 1122 Pork, bb!» too

i-^4 rb S.fi2»>|Beef tleroe« tooo^T^o^ "rKC* .... 60iBacon. n> 1.556.133i \u25a0

ITJ L«r<l. It) BK.BBO»*-'k-v ,;.'.... 760;iJird .HI. sale f'oo

-11, ';k^

-n7 ... ... «7.'..«« Tallow. H> . KW.OfMl,,i,n< tmv.'inl*-- aoo'Gr«a«e.>n> 2C».2<)0

7 '>n l.bU. «*Butter, n. -\u25a0<""Tar. bb!« I3|Che«se. n> 55.040li.i.'.-ujp*t, ta'.s... 777.24<i,

CASH QUOTATIONS.Iron Nor. No 1 Wy.11775 [Flour. Mpls patents. . f5 .'0Ir«-' S<» No 2 soft.. 1700 CYvtton. ntiddlinc 8.18f:rri ra'i'f 2S <"*> ICofTe*. No 7 Rio KHLake copper. tugau.; IS 00 :?«car. granulated 5.85•r-n 3J(«J IMidasses. o X prim* l»ad <•">•• iIVef. family IS 75£;„;,,- 5 87H Keef hams 21 7.'.Wb*»t No 2 r*d J»SH ITaSIow. prime . ... 4'i<-^m No 2 n:i»e<i.. f»3 wj!Pork. rn"ss 13 37 l-

ilixA•«'«. 2ti to 32 iH.>e>i. drp?«ed. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• n>. 7^*Tli 34 L2ff3s,I<o.r<J, prime 7 25 ©733


AND DEBBROBBES AND CORTLANDT STREETS.I-I' The leaving time from I>«abrusa«a and CortlandtEtreeta is fivo minutes later than that fflvaa below torTwenty-thtrd Street Station.

FOX THK WEST.••\u25a0\u25a0... A. M. CHICAGO SPECIAL.'9.53 A.M. ST. LOUIS LIMITED. For ClnclnaaU andSt. Louis.


EXPRESS.•4.55 F.St. CHICAGO LIMITED.••}\u25a0"\u25a0'• »'• ». ST- LO! ia ANDCINCINNATIEX*.•\u25a0\u25a0•"..> P.m. WESTERN EXPRESS.


WASHINGTON and THE south.7.5.-..

t825 «9.:5. »t.68. MO.SS a. m.. 11.Si, •12.35. MO(*3.!S. "Cou^res»io!.a.l Limited"), »3.25, *4.2i, mA a»•£» p. m. 12.11) night. Sunday, g.25, »9.25. »10 55

.''*^ lVtt "T'nngT—lnnal Iiliall—r~).

SOUTHERN°RAILWAY.— I2?SS, 1».251».25.


S5t"p. m, XI 10a. in daily.

ATLANTIC COAST LINE.—».2J a m. and 1.2S p. m.SEABOARD AIR LINE,—II.SS p. m. and **»a. m.NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY.— p. m.CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY.—7. a. m. WNk-days. 4.i5 p. m. daily.KOR OLD POINT COMFORT and NORFOLK.—7.Ma. m. w««k-dnys, I.XI p. m. dally.ATLANTIC CITY.— a. m. and 2.51 p. m. wwk-day». Sundays. *7.55 a. m.CAPS MAT.—12.65 p. m. week-days.LONG BRANCH. ASBUKT PARK (North AnburyPark.Sundays), and Point Pleasant. 8.55 a. m.. 12 25, 1I*,,&?« Pi,?• and 1310 nieht w*«k-d*ya. Sunday^12.10, 8.25 a. m. and 4.65 p. m.

FOU I'IIILAOKLriIIA.6^«lt25;,*«t25 ;,*«V '8:a -,>50" «b.Jf

-«tn :.6, *0 35 •\u2666IOCS.

•10.55. 11.58 a, m.. 12.25. '12.6&. -i..-,-, 2.10. 2.55. «3 23.8.55 4.23 '\u25a0'• 2«1*

4?° '*\u25a0\u25a0* for North Philadelphiaonly). «3.63. 0.55. 7.55. 8.23. :. 25 (8.55 for North Phila-delphia only) p. m.. 12.10 nlsnt week-iaya. fcJundays.6.05. »7.55. 8.25. »«.25. •t1).55. i..53. -Tlu.^. •!<>5i aT «12.55. *1.55. -3.25. 3.53. •*.» CM'.W for NorthPhiladelphia only). *4.53. «5.55. 8.55. 7.5.',. 8.23. 025<)>.^ for North Philadelphia only) p. m.. lilO nlzht.•Dining Car. tExtra-fare train.

Ticket otnees. Nos. 461. 1354. att and XlBroadway! IS3Fifth Avenue (below 23.1 St.): 263 Fifth Avenua (corner20th St.); 1 Aator Hou«.\ una stations «amed abo-.Brooklyn. 642 Fulton Street, SflO Fulton Street. Sy«>Broadway, and Pennsylvania Annex Station. The NewYork Transfer Comj*.ny willcall for and ohjck bu-gta**from hotels and residences through to destination.Telephone "543 Chelsea" for Pennsylvania Kallroad QibService.

W. W. ATTERBURT. J. R. WOO©,General Manager. Pass'r Traffic Manarer.

GF.O. W. BOYD.General Passenger Air»nt.

Foreclosure Sales.


UIItUTY BiKJCtT and BOUXU bi.iUtY lUat liMISouth i"err>- fly» nUnuies earlier than nun IxW).

*££££&.BETHLEHEM. AXJJCNTOWN A.NO MA.CC3CHUNK—S4.OU (7.13 it**toa only). ».U> a. rl.1.--0, 4.40*6.00 (3.40 teuton only) p. m j»uria«>a, s-t 3- a. m., 1.U4'.o p. in.WILKk^UARRE AND SCP-ANTOX— tJO a.BWi B.<*

p. in. Sundays, Z4.SO a. m.. 1.00 p. m.LAKKWOOLI, LAKEHUKaT. TOMS IUVKB ANDBAJLNKOAT

—».4O a. ra-» *1.30 (3-4iC(, 4.10. Lake-

wood and Lak«aurst only). ai.OO. x<J-Oi p. sou dnndagrav0.40 a. in.

ATLANTICCITY—•» a. m.. ta.4o p. m.VINELANDAND BIUDGETON—sttuO a. m-, ».«0 a. ayLONli UKANCJ. AsHL'KY PAKK. uCfc-A>t viROVTaV

POINT PLEASANT AND SEASHi_»RB POINTS— \u25a0*. ©Ab.3u, 11.30 a. in., x1.20. «v, &.3U, ti.SO. 11.30 p. m.Sundays, except Ocean drove, t».OU a. m.. *.00, 8.30 p. ra.

ATLANTIC HLDS.. SEABRIGHT. MOUTH BEACH.EAST LONG BRANCH- 4.00. 5.5*». &.*>, lOtt a. m..1.30. 4.8a(3.30 Atlantic Hi-ia, only). 4.30 p. m. Sun-days, 0.00 a. m.. 4.00 p. m.

SANDY HOOK ROtTK—Leave Pier M M. R.. W. 42a*bt.. » '\u25a0'• a in.. 8 5 p. m. Leave. Pier 10 N. R.. CedarEt.. 10.20 a. m. an.i 4.80 p. m. for Atlantis H sManda.bft.ib-.pht. Monmouth }:-ac"i and B. Long Bra:


*4 ••. 7«X18 00 •f>.i«>. tlO.Ou. tILOO a. m.. ri-.irn. •!•»>. JL3U.ta.oo. t3.OU. *4.00, 15.U0, t*.o->. t7-30. i'J-0". |10.20 p. m-.24TH

SAND CH9STNX-T 3TRTETS— I4.2S. \u26669.0.\ •10.0».

•MtOO a. m.. '2.00. t*4.00. "dt", •:'««, t3 25 p. m..

BaLViMOKH AND WASHINGTON*—AOO. »10.00. »12.0aVe*;aOi *4.00 •«".>,

*~"» •1_: 1."

RF^PiN'"-- HARRT3BI_'RO. POTTSVTT,T.E AND WILL.IAMPPORT— II4.OO. J4.25. t« (vi -i ;.-> (10.00. 11 a. m..Reading only). |!§I.OO. 11*1.20. t2 00 p. m. Heading.Pottsville. llarrisburg or.!y. t4.00. +3. 0n r>- *n.rFrom IJb*TtyStreet only. 'Dally. \u2666Pally «xr*p» Sun-•lays. *.-iu^ only. Jl'^rlrr cars only. liViaTana-qua. xSaturdayj. aExcept Saturday*.OhVes: Liberty St. Kerry. South F«rry. « Astor Houwl

2«1 434. 1300, 13*4 Broadway. I--'. -«1 Fifth Ay*.. 25T'nJon Bnnare Wwt, 270^ Thirl Aye.. 273 West 12Sth St."4S Columbus Avi».. N>-v York; 31.'. 3-13. C4t Fultirn Kt..SCO Fulton St.. Brooklyn: JWO I;if>H<lway. Wllllarrubur*.New York Transfer Co. calls for and check. oa*ga.c* lad"w""n

:''btoptj:r C M. KMVlce-Prf». an.3 Gen. M*rr. G«ri- Pasa'r A««nt.