Page 1: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also


Thomas Passananti received his Ph.D. in Mexican history from the University of Chicago where he studied withjohn Coatsworth and Friedrich Katz. He has been a visiting professor at University of California, San Diego and Colgate University. He is currently associate professor of Latin American history at San Diego State University. His recent publications include: "Conflicto y cooperaci6n financiera en la Belle Epoque: Bancos alemanes en el porfiriato tardfo," in México y la economia atlantica, siglos XVIII-XX (Mexico, 2006); "Nada de papeluchos: Managing Globalization in Early Porfirian Mexico", Latin American Research Review, vol. 42, no. 3 (October 2007}; "Dynamizing the Economy in a façon irrégulière: A New Look at Financial Politics in Porfirian México", Mexican Studies, Estudios Mexicanos, voL 24, no. 1 (Winter 2008).


Page 2: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

Abstract This essay explores the hidden history of the origin and gestation of Mexico's Monetary Refonn of 1905. It argues that two

symmetrical forces pushed the Mexican government toward the refonn: foreign financiers (and their domestic allies), whose capital investments (and expatriated profits) suffered under a depreciating currency and the Mexican government, which wished to maintain its export model while seeking to avoid inflation and deteriorating tern1s of trade. Furthermore, the essay reconstructs the internai political climate, dosely following the nuanced conflict between rival domestic power groups, and the ways in which external actors, especially U .S. bank ers exacerbated those conflicts.

Key words: silver, monetary reform, Limantour, Cree!, Cientificos, Porfiriato, gold standard.

Resumen Este ensayo explora la historia escondida del origen y gestacion de la reforma monetaria de 1905. Encuentra la sirnetrfa explicativa entre ambos vectores que influyeron en la decision del gobiemo me xi cano: las presiones del capital extranjero, sus aliados intemos, y la necesidad del gobiemo mexicano de mantener su plataforma de exportacion y evitar el derrumbe de la moneda, la inflacion y el deterioro de los ténninos de intercambio. Ademâs reconstruye el elima polftico interno, con llamadas a la intervencion de actores externos -especialmente los banqueras estadunidenses-, destacando los matices del conflicto doméstico entre grupos de poder.

Palabras dave: plata, refonna monetaria, Limantour, Cree!, Cientificos, porfiriato, patron del oro.

Fecha de recepcion: septiembre de 2007 Fecha de aceptaci6n: noviembre de 2007

Page 3: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also



Thomas P. Passananti

There is no sacrifice, however great it may seem to be, that the nation ought not make in order not to inten upt the flow of outside capital which in recent years has fertilized our soil, by the construction of railways, by the operation of mines of ali kinds, by the expansion of agricultural pro­duction or, intime, by participation in the creation of new industries or the extension of industries already estab­lished.

Joaquin Casasus, 1905

Mexico has already suffered enough for silver and silver producers. lt will now have to weigh its international against its domestic interests in the matter, and when it does so impartially it will be forced to the conclusion that the international interests are the more important of the two.

W.R. Lawson, 1903

s a way to address the economie crisis that erupted in the early 1980s Mexiçan policymakers sought to re-integrate their economy

tightly into the wider world. This contemporary strategy of globalization struck many researchers as remarkably similar to the pre­revolutionary era in Mexico history. In response historians have begun to re-examine the Porfirian era as a distant mirror, both be cause of the obvi­ous analogies it offers and because of the lessons it might hold. One of

AMÉRICA LATINA EN LA HISTORIA ECONQMICA ntimero 30, julio-diciembre de 2008 ( 69J

Page 4: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

70 Thomas P. Passananti

the Porfirian initiatives most studied has been Mexico's Monetary Re­fonn of 1905.1 The 1905 monetary reform was a key policy event for a variety reasons. First, by placing Mexico on a gold-exchange standard, the refonn represented a dramatic departure from Mexico's almost four hundred year association of silver and money. Second the reform culmi­nated a generation of economie policies that sought to attract and retain foreign investment, and as such was perhaps the most patent concession to the policy preferences of extemal actors. Third, as this essay will argue, the monetary refonn was a contentious domestic policy initiative, per­haps the most controversial reform debated among Mexico's business groups. Finally, 1 will argue that the reform signaled the clear policy dominance of one fraction of the Mexican political elite, the so-called Cientificos. Ali of these Porfirian trends find striking parallels in Mexico's contemporary economie opening.

This paper seeks to contribute to the growing scholarship on the 1905 Monetary refonn scholarship by closely examining the extemal pressures the Mexican government (and private entrepreneurs) faced to refonn the monetary system. The chief extemal pressures faced by the regime were from foreign bankers and investors. Banking syndicates were concemed that Mexico's falling exchange rate would jeopardize the govemment's ability to service its debt. Likewise, foreign direct investors were growing reluctant to invest in Mexican industry and infrastructure, given that fall­ing exchange rates reduced expatriated profits ( denominated in foreign currency). The paper also scrutinizes the contradictory internai pressures within Mexico both to accommodate and resist this policy change. Public officiais, who struggled to pay a gold-denominated debt with domestic taxes collected in silver, and domestic entrepreneurs who sought foreign partners embraced the reform. Other key business groups did not. Namely, silver miners as weil as export producers (who benefited from a weak silver peso) opposed moving off a silver-based currency.

Detailing and analyzing more precisely these complex pressures, which had long weighed on monetary policy, helps us understand the context (and the timing) of the reform. Such a political analysis of the reform also underlines the tensions and conflicts engendered by globalization and economie integration, not only among the popular classes but also among those seen as its principal beneficiaries. ln short, the case of Mexico's monetary reform suggests that even in developing countries where class

1 Over the past ten years, Mexico's Monetary Reform of 1905 has been the subject of renewed interest and many fine historical studies. Although there is no monographie study of the refonn in its entirety, the number of essays that examine different aspects of the reform is impressive. Among them are: Borja, "Reforma~, 1998; Mussachio, "Refmma", 2002; Passananti, "Acting"; Romero, "Refonna", 2005; Schell, "Money", 1996, and Schell, "Silver", 2001.

Page 5: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The politics of silver and gold: the origins of Mexico 's monetary reform of 1905 71

and interest politics are often assumed to be far less complex, external pressures to implement economie reform can threaten delicate domestic political arrangements, even among business classes. Thus I pay special attention to the politics of the reform, namely how public officiais sought to manage and contain the considerable political conflict surrounding the cali for monetary reform.

In 1905, reversing centuries of the circulation of silver as the coin of the realm, Mexico instituted a monetary reform that placed the country on a gold-exchange standard. The purpose of the new standard was to stabilize the value of the Mexican peso relative to the world's major cur­rencies. Prior to the 1905 gold reform, the Mexican peso lacked a ftxed value; technically, it held no ftduciary value. The peso's international worth was determined solely by its silver content, so the peso's value fluctuated with every rise and fall in the world priee of silver bullion. Beginning in the 1870s, silver bullion suffered a secular decline so that by the early 1900s the value of an ounce of silver had diminished by more than ftfty percent. During the same period, the peso paralleled silver's path, also losing over half of its international value. The 1905 Reform stabilized Mexico's exchange rate by decoupling the peso's value from its silver content. Under the gold-exchange standard, a silver peso contin­ued to circulate as coin, but its value was enhanced because the Mexican government limited its supply to the nation's gold reserves.

This seemingly technical adjustment was in fact an issue of lively political dispute, requiring that public officiais intervene and manage a complex set of foreign and domestic demands. The adoption of the gold standard presented Mexico's ftve-term President, Porfirio Diaz, with a sharp political dilemma. On the one hand, foreign investors threatened to derail Mexico's project of intensive growth by withholding investment capital until Mexico adopted the gold standard. On the other, broad sectors of the Mexican bourgeoisie opposed the gold reform, and their hostility threatened the Pax Porfiriana. In part the Porftriato's political stability tumed on Diaz's ability to avert open disputes that pitted rival elite factions against each other, especially over matters of economie policy. And yet paradoxically, increasingly Diaz's ability ta contain elite rival­ries depended upon the foreign-ftnanced, export-driven growth that was associated with one fraction of political elites, the Cientificos, who cham­pioned the external-oriented growth madel.

No previous Proftrian public policy had so sharply divided Mexico's upper class.2 I would suggest that it was the monetary reform, and not the

2 The Mexican upper class was not an especially pacifie lot, as Mexico's national history clown to the Porfiriato attests. What deserves explanation is their apparent docility under Diaz.

Page 6: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

72 Thomas P. Passananti

subsequent issue of whom Diaz would select as 'his' candidate for the newly created office of the vice-presidency, that underlined the Cientificos emergence as Mexico's ruling class, a group that nevertheless ruled at Diaz's pleasure. The stress on the conflict over the 1904 vice-presidency by the late historian François-Xavier Guerra, however provocative and weil formulated, was misplaced. Guerra asked:

lHay que ver en este episodio [1904 selection of a vice-president] clave de la division de las elites porfiristas, como Jo hace Bulnes con su talento de polemista, una consecuencia del exceso de perfidia del presidente, que deseaba dividir para reinar, minando con ello incluso los fundamentos de su regimen? Es posible, quizas, ver en ello mas prosaicamente un atolladero no buscado, la consecuencia de un imposible dilema: escoger entre el entorno de tecn6cratas, de la que dependfan la imagen y el crédito internacional del régimen, o una clientela de fiel es, de la que dependra el control del pais. 3

Guerra rightly discerned that Diaz confronted a political dilemma, he rightly identified the groups involved, but he mistook the issue. The issue was not Diaz's choice for vice-president, but rather whether to reform the monetary system. The stark alternatives were caught by the contemporary British economist, W. R. Lawson, who posed the prob­lem: "Mexico has already suffered enough for silver and silver produc­ers. It will now have to weigh its international against its domestic inter­ests in the matter, and when it does so impartially it will be forced to the

The key variable, as Friedrich Katz has noted, was how under Diaz, the upper class as a social group was able to benefit from export-driven growth. He argued that "on the whole the changes and transformations that the Diaz regime wrought in Mexico's upper class may have increased the tensions and conflicts among them. Until the tum of the century, however, the Diaz regime succeeded in preventing any of the se groups from attempting to further the ir interests by armed revoit. His regime granted them so many opportunities for accurnulating wealth that they simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59.

Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also stressed the nomination of Corral as the moment when Diaz's choice between the different groups within the ruling class was made explicit. To support his interpretation he argues: "Corral was elected vice president in 1904. It was a major victory for the Cientificos that Diaz underlined when he removed their most powerful enemy, Bernardo Reyes, from his post as secretary ofwar." Katz, "México", 1986. p. 69. Katz confused the chronology of these two events. Reyes resigned from office not in 1904, but instead on December 22 1902, a full year and a half before Corral became vice-president. The pointis not trivial, for it suggests that Reyes, the leader of the anti-cientffico faction within the Porfirian elite, had fallen from from grace long before the vice-presidential issue arase. ln fact, one could argue that Corral's selection "underlined" the Cientificoi victory, which had occurred with Diaz's agreement ta adopt the monetary reform and remove Reyes from office. My hypothesis, which 1 will develop in a future paper, is that Diaz selected Corral, a man of weak ties to the Cientificos, because Diaz recognized that while the Cientfjicos were entrusted with running the affairs of state, their widespread unpopularity prevented a prominent member of their clique from holding the second office of Mexico.

Page 7: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The politics of silver and gold: the origins of Mexico's monetary reform of7905 73

conclusion that the international interests are the more important of the two."4

By eventually adopting the gold standard, Diaz answered the dilemma by siding with the Cientfjicos and with Mexico's international interests.

Diaz's decision, and that of the Cientfjicos, underlined the Porfiriato's dependence on external factors, namely on its ability to attract foreign capital. Put another way, the monetary reform underlined the extent to which external constraints limited Mexico's ability to fashion indepen­dent public policy. Indeed, during the monetary reform deliberations, a leading cientifico wrote,

There is no sacrifice, however great it may seem to be, that the nation ought not make in order not to interrupt the flow of outside capital which in recent years has fertilized our soil, by the construction of railways, by the operation of mines of ali kinds, by the expansion of agricultural production or, in time, by partici­pation in the creation of new industries or the extension of industries already established. 5

However, Mexican officiais adopted the reform only after they had attempted to externalize sorne of the economie costs of the refonn, tried to turn specifie international currents to their favor, enlarged domestic control over the country's infrastructure, and effectively reduced the do­mestic political costs involved in adopting the gold standard.6

The essay is organized as follows. The body begins with a sketch of Mexico's search for foreign capital in 1902 and the reasons why foreign loans and direct investments were not forthcoming. The next section con­siders the causes of Mexico's economie crisis and its inability to solve them unaided. Thereafter, I describe in sorne detail how United States bankers pressured Mexico to adopt the gold standard and the methods Mexico's leaders adopted to manage that external pressure, confront grow­ing domestic opposition, and convince President Diaz of the necessity of the gold-exchange standard. In the last substantive section, I show that, after a number of temporary solutions had failed, the Mexican finance minister addressed the domestic opposition by pursuing a collaborative international monetary initiative, establishing a domestic monetary com­mission, and inviting U.S. financial experts to Mexico to advise the gov-

4 Lawson, "Mexican", 1903, p. 22. Lawson's analysis here was trenchant, if we only add the agricultural producers to Lawson's "domestic interests," we accurately characterize the monetary refonn' s intra-class conflict.

5 Casasus, Reforma, 1905, p. 65. 6 Limantour explained that the government wanted to "expose the country as litde as

possible to unnecessary expenses and grave upheavals of vested interests," p. 8.

Page 8: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

7 4 Thomas P. Passananti

ernment on its proposed reform. Given that the paper considers closely the politics of the reform, the conclusion briefly revisits the historiogra­phy that asserts a relationship between the monetary reform and Mexi­can Revolution of 1910.


In 1902 the Mexican Congress authorized the Finance Ministry to con­tract a $25 million loan, whose intended purpose was to extend the cientîfico modernization project. The loan proposal earmarked funds for economie (port and rail improvements), political and cultural (a new leg­islative building), and health purposes (the improvement of sanitation conditions in Mexico City).7 These goals reflected the particular sort of modernization the Cientificos envisioned and promoted: one that allo­cated the bulk of government resources to development of the export economy, whose politics stressed style over substance, and that heavily biased social expenditures toward Mexico City. The architect of the cientîfico project and the man who had designed and submitted the 1902 loan proposal to Congress wasjosé Yves Limantour. Limantour, the leader of the Cientificos, had directed economie policy for the past ten years as Fi­nance Minister and generally took credit for Mexico's dramatic financial and economie recovery. 8 Among his successes, Limantour regarded highly the govemment's 1899 foreign debt consolidation loan of $110 million.9

Limantour had negotiated the loan at an interest rate of five percent, the lowest in the republic's history, and had even reduced the onerous condi­tions attached to prior loans. Thus in 1902, flush from his success three

7 See Casio, Historia, 1995, vol. u, p. 965. 8 Porfirio Diaz had appointed him Finance Minister in 1893. Alan Knight argues:

"Limantour's successes depended to a large extent on global trends which-as the recession of 1907 displayed-were beyond his control." Knight, Mexican, 1986, p. 23. This is doubtlessly true. However, one should hasten to add that Mexico's ability to profit from the era's generally favorable global trends were Jess related to Limantour's stewardship of the Finance Ministry, but rather were based on the bold risk-taking of the Mexican government in the Iate 1870s and 1880s when it opened its economy to international currents. On this point see Passananti, "Nada", 2007.

9 Contemporary foreign bankers often noted Limantour's desire to promote his tenure as fmance minister by wresting every last advantage from debt negotiations and then publicly celebrating them. See for example a letter Paul Gloner to Bleichroeder, where Gloner notes that Limantour had something persona! at stake in the negotiations, "because not only practical considerations but also persona! feelings play a role in the Minister's dedsion-making, espe­cially the desire to make the conversion of the 6% Loan appear to crown his financial refonns, only after eliminating the clauses that are burdensome to the state. 1 believe that the Minister will not be dissuaded from his long cherished goal by practical considerations." May 14, 1898, Deutsche Bank Historische Archiv (DBHA) A44.

Page 9: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The politics of silver and gold: the origins of Mexico 's monetary reform of 1905 75

years earlier, Limantour felt confident that he could secure the relatively small $25 million loan quickly and at a rate stilllower.

During 1902, extemal shocks undermined Limantour's search for new foreign financing. In 1898 and 1899 Limantour had watched American and European bankers seemingly fall over each other in a scramble to grant Mexico a $110 million loan. 10 Now, however, Europe and the United States tumed a tin ear to his protestations that Mexico be granted a $25 million loan at four percent interest.

Mexico continued to run trade and budget surpluses, and the nation's 1899 bonds enjoyed quotations of par or better on the foreign exchanges. The difficulty sprang from the world priee of silver and from the vagaries of international capital markets. In late 1901, the priee of silver began to drop violently; this drop affected Mexico doubly because silver served bath as Mexico's principal export and its currency. As currency, the Mexi­can silver peso did not possess a fiduciary value; its worth fluctuated with every movement in the silver market. The decline, together with a tem­porary scarcity in European capital markets, made international banking houses reluctant to grant Mexico a loan on the tenus that the Mexican legislature had authorized. In his annual report to Congress, Limantour explained the situation: "El ejecutivo ... esperô el momento propicio para realizar el empréstito en las mejores condiciones; mas la escasez de dinero en Nueva York, en Inglaterra y en Alemania, por una parte, y por la otra, el alto nivel del cambio en esos mercados, impidieron la colocaciôn del empréstito de referencia, al precio prudente y a la altura del crédita de nuestro pais."u

The Mexican government's domestic banker, the Banco Nacional de México, was informed by its European director, Eduardo Noetzlin, that in Paris, "le prix très élevé qu'on demande formera sans doute, la principale difficulté."12 Given the temporary scarcity of funds through­out the major capital markets in 1902, Mexico's asking priee for the 1902 loan was too high.

The terms of the proposed Mexican loan were less an obstacle in the United States because no dearth of funds existed on Wall Street. There, however, the "high rate of exchange," as Limantour referred to the de­preciated peso, prejudiced American investment bankers against issuing Mexico the loan.

1° For details of these elaborate negotiations see Passananti, "Conflicto", 2006. 11 Secretaria, Memoria, 1907, p. XVI. 12 Eduardo Noetzlin a Banque Nationale du Mexique, 31 Octobre 1902 "Correspondencia

remitida por el Comité de Paris a la Direcci6n del Banco Nacional de Mexico en Mexico", vol. du 17 Avril 1902 au 15 Septiembre 1905, Archivo Hist6rico Banco Nacional de México (en adelante AHBNM).

Page 10: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

76 Thomas P Passananti

These varying attitudes and approaches to Mexico's proposed loan reflected differences in the shares of direct investment in Mexico held by Americans and Europeans. In 1902, the year in which Mexico began contemplating the monetary reform, direct American investment in Mexico totaled more than $500 million, easily the largest share of foreign investment in Mexico. 13 Far behind the United States, and in second po­sition, lagged Great Britain, with less than $250 million of direct invest­ment.14 Although exact percentages are not known, during this era Ameri­can sources accounted for somewhere between 50 and 65 percent of total foreign investment in Mexico.15 The preponderance of American capital invested in Mexican enterprises, together with the secular decline in the value of Mexican currency, meant that American capitalists suffered greater losses than their European counterparts, both in tenus of capital invested and profits repatriated. 16 Jjmantour aptly captured how the peso's fall rav­aged American investments in Mexico:

[T]he large investments of the money of citizens of the U.S. in railways, mines, coffee plantations, smelting works, and many other enterprises in Mexico, exceeding in amount $500,000,000 gold ... make the stability of relationship between the moneys of the two countries of direct importance to the U.S. The eaming of these enterprises, remitted to American investors, have suffered a serious fall in gold value with every fall in the value of Mexican money, and the principal of the investment has suffered in the same manner, when considered from the standpoint of converting it back into gold. 17

America's greater share of direct investment and the close links be­tween American investors in Mexico and New York investment houses, explain why Wall Street financiers led the cali for Mexico to stabilize its currency system through the adoption of the gold standard.


México, in the person of Enrique C. Creel, confronted the severity and the import of the silver crisis during a business trip to New York in late 1901. Creel called on Wall Street bankers in order to borrow money for

13 D'Olwer, "lnversiones", 1998, p. 1160. ({ Ibid., p. 1158. 15 For various estimates see D'Olwer, "Inversiones", 1998, pp. 1152-1153. 16 For an intelligent, extensive discussion of the effects of silver's decline on Arnerican

investments in Mexico, see Pletcher "Fall", 1958, pp. 33-55. 17 Commission, Stability, 1903, p. 40.

Page 11: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The politics ofsilver andgold: the origins ofMexico's monetary reform of1905 77

his Banco Central de México.18 His discussions underlined the impor­tance of the silver crisis. During a banquet given in his honor by the city's alta banca, U.S. bankers noted that Mexico's depreciating currency wreaked havoc on foreign investments. They assured him that if Mexico did not adopt the gold standard, foreign interests would suspend future investments. These financiers then pressed a reluctant Creel to express his own opinion about Mexico's monetary problems. Emphasizing that he spoke as private individual, Creel declared himself in favor of gold. Creel's declaration was noteworthy. Americans and Mexicans alike re­garded Creel as a key member of Mexico's ruling establishment, the Cientificos, and believed his views either reflected or could help shape broader sentiment.

The next day Creel's support of the gold standard was leaked to the wire services. A political frrestorm erupted in Mexico. The crisis first broke out among Mexican mine owners and agricultural exporters, who had long claimed that the silver standard was vital to their prosperity, and thus the prosperity of Mexico. Leading miners and exporters met and selected the mining industry's patriarch,José Landero y Cos, to express their fears and anger to President Dfaz. In the meeting Landero y Cos wa.t ned Dfaz that the gold standard would spell Mexico's imminent ruin. Sensitive to the economie interests represented by Landero y Cos, Dfaz reassured him that no such reform was being contemplated. Although Limantour tacitly agreed with Creel, he deemed the moment impolitic to defend him, so he joined Diaz in condemning Creel's imprudent remark. Creel recalled the censure vividly: "El general Diaz y aun el sefior licenciado don José Yves Limantour se alarmaron y por conducto de mi excelente amigo, el sefior licenciado don Joaquin D. Casasus, desaprobaron mis ideas y me suplicaron que me callara."19

On his return to Mexico, Creel conferred with Diaz and Limantour, explained his actions and, curiously, received instructions from them to undertake a study, una propaganda, in favor of monetary reform, only stipulating that his study be presented after a long period of prepa­ration.20

Given the political tensions Creel had ignited, and given that Diaz immediately had censured him, why did the President and his first minis-

18 The following account is based large! y on typewritten notes of Enrique C. Cree! entitled "La Reforma Monetaria," a copy of which the Iate Eduardo Cree! (the banker's grandson) generously provided me. See also "Mexican Financial Step Impending," New ~rk Times, January 11, 1903. For a somewhat different description of Creel's dinner with the New York fmancial elite, see "Awakened Mexico," New ~rk Times, November 10, 1901.

19 Enrique Creel, "La reforma monetaria", private archives. 20 Ibid.

Page 12: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

78 Thomas P. Passananti

ter only weeks later assign Creel to investigate and promote monetary reform? The initiative had come from Liman tour who, facing se veral conflicting interests, designed the strategy and persuaded Diaz of its ben­efits.21 In part, the Finance Minister took this tack to satisfy Diaz's desire to silence Creel.22 Limantour also wanted to dissociate the reform from foreign interests, especially those of Wall Street.23 Without question the gold standard loomed as the most divisive issue among the Porfirian bour­geoisie, and the results of Creel's study would help serve, as ali cientifico inquiry did, to depoliticize public policy. Lastly this step would signal American bankers and industrialists that Mexico had taken the first step down the road of fiscal probity.

On October 20, 1902, Creel delivered his paper, "El patron de oro", at the home of the cientifico Dr. Porfirio Parra.24 The Cientificos attending the lecture heard Creel give a well-crafted, shrewd endorsement of the gold standard, hedged by the proviso that Mexico still needed a period of economie evolution of ten to fifteen years before the country could afford to discard silver. He had sent an abridged version of the paper to fonner American Assistant Treasury Secretary Robert Meikeljohn, asking him to circulate it a.mong the Wall Street community; it soon appeared as an article in Banlœr's Magazine. Creel suggested that, before Mexico could adopt the gold standard,

it will be necessary that other developments should take place. Developments in agriculture, so that the priee of corn and wheat may be lower; developments in railroads, so as to have lower rates to the mining camps; mechanical develop­ments, so as to have modem machinery; developments in coal and oil, so as to have cheap power and other advantages; and besicles, other improvements, so that the loss in wages, when paid in gold, may be compensated by or counter­balanced with lower rates of freight, less expense in mining on account of machinery, less expense in treatrnent and smelting of the ores and also lower

21 Limantour recalled that "it was no easy matter ta awaken public interest without running the risk of seriously unsettling people's minds and of working harm ta important and sacred interests, without any countervailing advantage." Limantour, Monetary, 1904, p. 2.

22 An American adviser ta the Mexican Government, Charles Canant, remembered that "President Diaz was at first reluctant ta take up sa far-reaching a subject, feeling that the many constructive measures which he had carried out for the benefit of his country entitled him ta a certain degree of repose in his declining years; but was finally persuaded by Minister Limantour and Mr. Enrique C. Cree! ta take the initial steps." Although Canant slighted the interest-group and ideological resistance ta the refonn, which largely accounted for Diaz's initial opposition, his statement correctly emphasizes Limantour's and Creel's leadership in the refonn as weil as Diaz's reluctance. Canant, History, 1927, p. 487n.

23 Despite his efforts, the refonn was criticized as a conspiracy of Mexican and American bank ers.

24 Cree!, "Patron", 1902.

Page 13: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The politics ofsilver and gold: the origins ofMexico's monetary reform of1905 79

wages on account of the low priee of corn and wheat and the increase in the purchasing power of the gold currency as regards food, clothing and other commodities.25

He concluded that

the evolution in favor of gold has started in Mexico. Every year it will advance more and more ... 1 must say, however, that the country is not ready. It would be a very great mistake to make an experiment now, because 1 fear that failure would follow, and it would delay for many years the betterrnent as regards the currency of the country, which otherwise will come in a natural way, perhaps after twelve or fifteen years, more or less. If we have the good luck to increase our ratio of prosperity and to have the good sound Govemment which is help­ing Mexico in such an important and beneficiai way it may come sooner.25

Throughout the version written for the American audience, Creel complained that Mexico's situation was not weil understood by foreign­ers who were clamoring for Mexico ta adopt the gold standard. For ex­ample, Creel believed the Mexican banking system enjoyed prosperity under the silver standard, but added that this "real condition is not weil understood by business men who favor the gold standard, and there is also a prejudice against silver sa that altogether the credit of the Mexican banks in gold countries is not as high as it should be, taking into consider­ation the dean and splendid record of the Mexican banks, and the sound moral character of the business community."27 With this propaganda Creel (and Limantour) sought ta still the American voices that urged currency reform. They promised that the gold standard stood in the offing, warned that its immediate adoption would wreck the Mexican economy, and com­plained that the strength of Mexican economy was underestimated.

As Creellater recalled, his "El patron de oro" did not assuage impa­tient American investors.28 Shortly after his speech American capitalists flooded Limantour with demands that gold be adopted forthwith. One New York banker, George Cook, had written ta bath Limantour and President Diaz, volunteering his own plan by which Mexico might go on the gold standard, and offering ta underwrite a $25 million loan ta ac­complish the transition.29 This effort by Cook, like an earlier one in which

25 Creel, "Silver", 1902, p. 679. 26 Ibid., p. 681. 27 Ibid., p. 680. 28 Enrique Creel, "La reforma monetaria", private archives. 29 George Cook to Porfirio Diaz, September 27, 1902, Colecci6n General Porfirio Diaz

(cGPD), leg. 27, nûm. 011695.

Page 14: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

80 Thomas P. Passananti

he personally spoke to Diaz about the gold standard, was to no avail. Numerous other unsolicited currency proposais besieged Diaz and Limantour. 30

By early November 1902 Mexico's financial situation had worsened. Creel's propaganda effort had failed; American capital had stepped up demands that Mexico adopt gold; tight European capital markets per­sisted; silver priees plummeted, suffering their greatest monthly loss in history. Still the domestic political priee of the gold standard seemed tao dear. President Diaz remained reluctant to move against the com­bined opposition of mining and agricultural interests.31 Limantour him­self was unwilling to assume responsibility for initiating the hattie, espe­cially at a time when he was already in the midst of a political fight against a group of anti-Cientificos (loosely associated with Secretary of War Bernardo Reyes), who were attempting to drive a wedge between the Cientificos and Diaz.32 Limantour feared that the so-called reyistas would exploit the silver issue for political ends. In early December, the New York Times carried a front page story about the monetary crisis. The paper reported that

the silver question continues to be one of the great topics of public discussion. It is now certain that the silver miners and the fanning classes will make corn­mon cause against the adoption of the gold standard. The Miners argue that silver mines in gold standard countries will have to shut down at the present priee of silver, while Mexican mines cannot continue to be operated, also that silver mining and agricultural interests have more daim on the protection of the Govemment than railroads or merchants. Meantime ali prides are being raised,

30 The most curious proposai, perhaps, came from one Luis Bananiecki in a letter dated 28 August, 1902. Bananiecki, writing from Blumenau, Sudbrazil, urged President Diaz to intro­duce the monetary refonn of a businessman, Silvio Gesell. Gesell's plan would "preserve the independence of Mexico and of its government" from "las peunanentes intrigas del Union norte americano con su presidente Rooseveldt [sic)." Diaz did notrespond to Bananiecki's offer. CGPD Jeg. 27, ntim. 011520.

31 Cree! recalled that "La opinion ptiblica de México, seguia favoreciendo el sistema de libre acufiaciôn. La oposici6n de los mineras pesaba mucho en el ânimo del sefior general Diaz," Enrique Cree!, "La reforma monetaria", private archives.

32 The reyistas had accused Limantour of attempting to promote himself as the next presi­dent of Mexico. For general accounts of this court intrigue see Bryan, "Mexican", 1969, pp. 97-109, and Luna, Carrera, 1975, pp. 68-71. Reyes' efforts to sabotage Limantour did not end with his resignation as Secretary ofWar in December of 1902. During Limantour's trip to Europe the following summer, Reyes sent Diaz an article entitled "The N ext President of Mexico," from the New York monthly, Success. The artide's subject, of course, was Limantour. Reyes had kindly provided a Spanish translation for Diaz's perusal. See B. Reyes al General Diaz,July 23, 1903, CGPD, leg. 28, ntim. 009113. For a revealing series of exchanges between Diaz and Reyes about the cientificos in general and Limantour specifically during the summer of 1903, see the Reyes Collection at CONDUMEX, carpeta 35, leg. 6818-6827.

Page 15: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The poli tics of silver and gold: the origins of Mexico 's monetary reform of 1905 81

and there is rnuch anxiety felt arnong the middle classes, especially wage eam­ers and salaried rnen.33

The rumors that the declining value of silver was causing both an economie crisis and an political opportunity for associated with General Reyes to exploit continued to fester. During early 1903, one of the confi­dential agents sent to New York by Limantour, Emeterio de la Garza was asked and denied that.


The 1902 silver crisis not only created political tension, and damaged the short-term prospects of obtaining the public-works loan authorized the previous June, but also threw into doubt the viability of the Cientificoi general economie program. With the continued fall in silver, federal rev­enues, collected in specie were increasingly inadequate to service Mexico's largely gold-denominated foreign debt. Absent a dramatic recovery, shrinking government reserves may soon have forced Mexico to delay debt service. Limantour understood h.uther that, given silver's volatility, any govemment dumping of silver on the world market would cause its priee to plummet huther. Limantour moved to meet these short-term exigencies. He also tried a more tangible measure, given that Creel's trial balloon had burst, to placate American investors.

This effort sought to relieve the injury to the group of American in­vestors most damaged by silver's fall, the owners of the railroads. Limantour permitted them to raise their freight rates.34 The rail industry, largely foreign (and this mainly American) owned, suffered thrice from the effects of the falling peso. First, by dint of their need to purchase most of their capital goods abroad (and the railways perforee had large fiXed costs), railroad companies made substantial purchases with an underval­ued currency. Second, when profits were remitted, a portion of their value was lost.35 Third, the principal of the investments themselves, due in part

33 New JVrk Times, December 13, 1902, p. 1. 34 In 1902, it was estimated that more than three-fifths of American investment in Mexico,

more than $330 million, was in railroads. See D'Olwer, "lnversiones", 1955, p. 1160. 35 As Coatsworth has argued: "[I)t seems clear, therefore, that the depreciation in Mexico's

silver currency which accelerated during the 1890s did not result in compensating adjustments in railroad tariffs sufficient to raise revenues earned per ton kilometer. In contrast to the rapid depreciation of the peso, railroad revenues per ton kilometer, in both current and deflated pesos, remained remarkably steady. With a major source of the ir inputs and most of their stockholders located abroad, chiefly in the United States and Great Britain, Mexican railroads companies had to meet rising foreign currency expenses out of constant peso eamings per unit of service. Most

Page 16: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

82 Thomas P. Passananti

to the law profitability caused by the high exchange rates, did not appre­ciate accordingly. Had railroad freight rates kept pace with the rising ex­change rate and increased costs, investors might have tolerated silver's decline.36 But such had not been the case.

Throughout the Porfiriato, the Mexican government had imposed ceilings on the rates that railroads could charge shippers. Given the ex­port-driven madel of economie growth, freight rate limits taxed railroad companies and subsidized export shippers. These rates, especially after 1898 (when the government created a special Tariff Commission weighted toward the interest of shippers), were increasingly inadequate to over­come rising costs.37 In October 1902, Limantour directed the Tariff Com­mission to permit freight rates to be increased by fifteen percent when the peso-dollar ex change rate exceeded $2.20. 38 At this point, Liman tour had conceded tao little, tao late; American investors demanded an eco­nomie environment that guaranteed stability and predictability, not one in which profits depended on the discretion of a sometimes sympathetic fmance minister. At the turn of the century, the international institutional arrangement that seemed best suited to insure stability and predictability for capital investments was the gold standard.

Next, on October 29 1902, the Finance Minister addressed a confi­dential communiqué to the Banco Nacional de México. Limantour re­quested the Banco to begin selling daily on the London market small quantities of government silver (from 50 to 100 000 ounces), applying the revenue from these sales toward the foreign debt coupons due December 15, 1902. The purpose of this action was to convert silver revenue into gold without further lowering silver's quotation.39 A month later, in early December, Limantour stipulated that these sales be transacted only when the priee of silver had risen 1/16 pence over the quotation of the previous

companies suffered significant pressures on their profit margins, which neither the diminishing sympathy of the government nor their own transi tory poo ling arrangements sufficed to abate." Coatsworth, Growth, 1981, p. 93.

36 This is the point Casasus argued during the subsequent deliberations of the monetary commission: "The land transportation business, would , if it had been able, have protected its interests, as ali the producers have done, by increasing its tariff rates; but it has not been able to adopt a protective policy of that nature, because ail the railroad corporations in the country are subject, by virtue of their concessions, to definite freight and passenger rates which they cannot put uE at their pleasure." Casasus, Reforma, 1905, p. 214.

Coatsworth argues that "(i]ncreased fonnal representation of shipping interests in the detemùnation of railroad tariffs [after 1898] may help explain why railroad revenues per ton kilometer declined sharply in 1901-1902 and failed to retum to previous levels thereafter," Coatsworth, Growth, 1981, p. 45.

38 Viollet, Problème, 1907, p. 82. 39 Limantour al Banco Nacional de México. AHBNM, Cartas de Hacienda al banco, enero

1897 a junio 1904, nlim. 59, 29 de octubre de 1902.

Page 17: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The poli tics of silver and gold: the origins of Mexico 's monetary reform of 1905 83

day. Limantour was attempting to effect a rise in Ùle priee of silver, or at least to protect silver from further drops. Apparently this strategy could not produce fue immediate consequences desired; nevertheless Mexico persisted in the policy for the next year.40

A second, related problem confronted Limantour. The declining priee of silver meant that the tariff revenues received in silver would be worth less and less in gold. And since the debt was payable in gold, this state of affairs presaged a fiscal crisis. To compensate for the depreciation of sil­ver, Limantour in November of 1902 devised a sliding tariff schedule that based tariff rates on a fixed gold amount regardless of silver's priee. Such a schedule had been used in other Latin American countries during the 1890s to address fiscal problems of inflationary currency. Limantour con­ceded that the new tariff policy would prejudice imports: "The Govern­ment of Mexico, compelled by the necessity of preserving a suffi.cient revenue for meeting its gold obligations abroad, has placed the import tariff itself upon a sliding scale, which will increase the burden of the silver charges upon merchandise imported from gold countries."41


Given the inability of the various temporary solutions to relieve the pres­sure on the Mexican treasury, and given the apparently permanent de­cline {and instability) in the priee of silver bullion, in late 1902 Finance Minister Limantour moved to address the problems more radically. First he sent a confidential mission, led by Enrique Creel to New York and Washington, D.C., to discuss with U.S. offi.cials, bankers, and representa­tives of ASARCO a plan to call for monetary refonn in China as a way to address the severe perturbations upsetting the world silver market. The international initiative had a clear economie goal of helping to shore up the priee of silver.42 However, the plan also served political purposes-to show Mexico's mining sector that the govenmtent was working on behalf of silver interests and to portray the Mexican government as the initiator in an important international endeavor.43 For that reason Limantour, who

40 AHBNM, La correspondencia de direccion y consejeros con sucurales y con autoridades

del gobierno, 1894-1915, nu.m. 18, Manuel Pereda al seftor donJosé Ives Limantour, 1 y 2 de diciembre de 1902, and Gustavo Struck al Limantour, 3 de diciembre de 1902. See various letters in nûm. 18 regarding this policy.

41 Limantour, Stability, 1903, p. 40. 42 See Limantour's instructions to Enrique Cree! and Emeterio de la Garza,J. Y. Limantour

al seftor diputado don Enrique C. Cree!, Mexico, 29 de diciembre de 1902, Arcbivo Hist6rico, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores (AHSRE), leg. 43, exp. 2.

43 This initiative is closely analyzed in Passananti, "Acting".

Page 18: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

84 Thomas P. Passananti

otherwise operated in complete secrecy, publicized various documents re garding the international effort, all of which emphasized Mexico's lead in the movement for international monetary reform.44 Moreover, in the summer of 1903, when Mexican commissioners traveled to Europe in an effort to persuade European governments to support common, collective action in China, Limantour sought to leverage the prestige of those meet­ings to reduce domestic political tension and soften public opinion ta­ward the monetary refonn.45

On February 4, 1903, having leamed that the U.S. would cooperate with Mexico in an effort to cali for monetary refonn in China. Limantour established a domestic commission to undertake a study of Mexico's mon­etary problems and recommend solutions. Historians have general! y taken at face value Limantour's given reason for convoking the monetary com­mission and thus have missed an opportunity to explore the nature of Porfirian politics. The Iate Mexican economie historian, Fernando Rosenzweig, believed that the commission's formation reflected the fact that the government "en realidad, aûn no se tenia una idea clara sobre cômo proceder."46 A less naïve interpretation of the commission came from John Tutino, who charged that Limantour stacked the commission to assure "that the final recommendation would be a shift to the gold standard."47 Bath Rosenzweig and Tutino ignore the political calculus involved in Limantour's decision. A contemporary of Limantour, the French economist André-E. Sayous, believed that the finance minister, "ne de désire que masquer son semi-absolutisme vis-à-vis du président Diaz, toujours jaloux, et de ses rivaux, comme M. J oaquin Casaslis. Il tient également à se préparer des excuses en cas d'insuccès."48 The politi­cal purpose of the commission was at least partially grasped by Enrique Canudas, who believed that "Limantour quiso darle a la reforma toda la apariencia de una medida democrâtica, y para ello creô una Comisiôn Monetaria Nacional [ ... ] En realidad, la decisiôn de la reforma habia si do adoptada desde 1902-1903."49 Canudas correcùy dated the decision to adopt the gold-exchange standard in 1902, but was the commission cre-

44 These remarkable documents can be found in Diario Oficia~ t. LXIV, mnn. 26, pp. 401-405, viernes 30 de enero 1903, as well as the cientifico-dominated Economista Mexicano, suplemento al nfun. 18 del toma xxxv.

45 Limantour's letter to Diaz, August 28, 1903 from Paris, CGPD, leg. 012558-012560, is of special interest, but ali Limantour's correspondence from Europe during the summer of 1903 reflected his concern with retaining Diaz's support for the reform as well as endeavoring to show his good will toward the silver industry. Limantour, Reforma, 1905, p. 2.

46 Casio, Historia, 1955, vol. II, p. 872. 47 Tutino, Insurrection, 1986, pp. 333-334. 48 Sayous, "Reforme", 1904, p. 136. 49 Canudas, México, 1980, p. 428.

Page 19: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The politics ofsilver and gold: the origins of Mexico:r monetary reform of7905 85

ated in arder to give the reform una apariencia democnitica? While ap­parent democracy was a respected and observed tradition in Mexican politics, it had been deployed in elections, not public policy. In the latter realm, "objective" social science reigned. The weakness of the Cientîficoi ruling legitimacy, or if you like, ideological hegemony, sprang from their inability to persuade Mexicans that their public policy was indeed objec­tively beneficiai. For these reasons, the creation of a commission to inves­tigate and recommend crucial public policy was important and demands fuller explanation.

Political considerations clearly prompted Limantour to create the monetary commission. Since the Reform era (1850s), no Mexican gov­ernment had embarked on such a divisive public policy as the gold stan­dard. President Diaz himself remained a reluctant convert to its adop­tion, and a lengthy review process would provide more time to convince him of its merits. Second, given the divisiveness of the refonn, Limantour wanted to spread the responsibility among other important members of the Porfirian upper class. Enrique Creel recalled that "la responsibilidad para el sefior Limantour era muy grande. Necesitaba el apoyo de respetables agrupaciones cientificas para compartir responsibilidades y sobre todo para reunir elementos de convicci6n y de acierto [ ... ] con ese objeto organiz6 la Comisi6n Monetaria. "50 In this sense, Tutino is right in saying that Limantour "selected the members carefully, guaranteeing a majority tied to the government, the railroads, the banks and others with large foreign obligations."51 But contra Tutino, Limantour selected the members not in arder to insure a favorable recommendation, but rather to create solidarity among the upper bourgeoisie. In a letter to Cree! just days after Limantour announced the creation of the commission, the fi­nance minister explained that, "estima muy util que las personas que por su inteligencia o posici6n social representan grandes intereses nacionales, palpen todas las dificultades del problema que, sin duda, pondra de re­lieve la discusi6n, y asuman, a la vez, cierta responsabilidad moral en la manifestaci6n publica y serena de sus opiniones personales. "52

The commission also served to make the reform appear that the mon­etary reform emanated from Mexico and not from New York. Perhaps more importantly, Limantour desired that the new standard not appear to have been dictated by the government ( especially the finance minis­try), but to have arisen instead from the scientific investigations of a larger

50 Enrique Cre el, "La reforma monetaria", private archives. 51 Tutino, Insurrection, 1986, p. 333. 52 José Yves Limantour to Enrique C. Creel, February 10, 1903, Archivo José Y. Liman tour


Page 20: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

86 Thomas P. Passananti

independent body. Here was the political method of the Cientificos: to make politics appear, because of its alleged scientific basis, beyond the pale of public debate, of public choice.53

In addition, by including Landero y Cos as the mining industry's representative, Limantour brought the most outspoken and influential critic of the gold standard within the decision-making process. Neither a token gesture nor a sop, 1 .andero y Cos' appointment was calculated to reduce intra-elite conflict and permit him to participate in policy modifi­cations that would !essen the damage caused to mining. Still, Limantour gave the commission only a modicum of autonomy. In advance he had drawn up the questions that the commission would investigate and had chosen which members sat on each subcommittee. The commission's ul­timate recommendations closely followed American advice, differing with it only on a point of moderate importance.


Not surprisingly, the Mexican government did not publicize its confer­ences with the American financial experts. During their week in Mexico in mid-March 1903, Charles Conant,Jerimiahjenks (Professor of Political Economy at Comell and Edwin Kemmerer's mentor) and Edward Brush (a director of ASARCO) were equally tight-lipped about the agenda pursued and advice given. The focus of the meetings was to discuss the means by which Mexico would adopt the gold standard; to design a coordinated plan for the upcoming international currency conferences; and to reach agreement with ASARCO in order to regulate the world supply of silver. 54

Arguably the most critical item on the agenda was the first, namely to discuss the means by which Mexico would adopt the gold standard. This task was partly technical, partly political. The American advisers urged adoption of the new standard to stabilize the value of the Mexican peso in relation to the world's major currencies. They specifically recommended that Mexico fix the peso's exchange rate at 50 cents U.S. gold, a rate that would facilitate commercial transactions between the two countries. Given

53 Yet, as noted above, tbe preparation of public opinion was an important aspect of tbe cientfficos' leadership. Limantour acknowledged as much in his 'exposé de motifs,' tbat intro­duced tbe monetary refonn bill ta tbe Mexican Congress. He wrote, "tbe notewortby work done botb by tbe Mexican Commission on International Exchange and by tbe Monetary Commission which met at this capital, served ta prepare public opinion." Limantour, Reforma, 1905, f· 2.

5 These meetings are considered in great detail in my essay "Acting Globally, Thinking Locally."

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The poli tics of silver and gold: the origins of Mexico 's monetary reform of 1905 8 7

that Mexico long enjoyed a positive balance of trade with the United States and that a majority of its trade was with America, the rate, denomi­nated in light of the dollar, was a boon not a concession. In addition to its salutary effect upon commerce, a leading school of economie thought held that stable exchange rates best promoted the economie develop­ment of undeveloped countries. Stable exchange rates assured interna­tional capitalists that their investments would not suffer lasses due to do­mestic inflation. This approach required that a nation's (here, Mexico's) circulating currency be limited, and that that circulation bear close rela­tion to the nation's gold reserves. ln this way the gold standard shielded the Mexican currency against fluctuations in the priee of silver.

But the gold standard did more. Its traditional purpose was to pre­vent a country from expanding its money supply, which caused inflation, the creditor's historie enemy. A limit on the money supply made invest­ments more secure. Credit now could be expanded only by increasing the gold reserves. And a nation's gold reserves could be enlarged through only three methods: increased production of gold, a favorable balance of trade or new infusions of foreign capital. Since gold production and trade surpluses could only be manipulated at the margins, the burden of in­creasing the money supply feil, in the short run, on those who could attract foreign loans. ln this scenario, effective control of the money sup­ply passed to foreign lenders.

Theoretically, such a tight money supply promised slower shorHerm economie growth, less volatility, and perhaps, fewer bankruptcies. Arthur Bloomfield made the more general point that in the period 1880-1914,

a period generally characterized by strong secular expansionist forces, restric­tive credit policies, to the degree that they were effective, served perhaps mainly to slow clown or temporarily to hait the rate of expansion in the countries concerned, rather than to involve an absolu te deflation of incomes and priees. To the extent that periods of sharp deflationary pressures did occur in indi­vidual countries, they appear to have taken place more frequently under the impact of world-wide depressions rather than under the influence of restrictive credit policies associated with the need for maintaining convertibility.55

Along with the se benefits, this strategy ca.• ried a number of potential costs, ail of which befell Mexico in the wake of the 1907 international recession. First, toward the end of the expansion of a business cycle for­eign bankers possessed surplus capital that suffered falling interest rates at home. Attracted by higher foreign interest rates, stable exchange rates,

55 Bloomfield, Manetary, 1959, p. 44.

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88 Thomas P. Passananti

and healthy international trade, these capitalists often overextended loans to developing countries. The gold standard, by stabilizing exchange rates, reduced once source of risk while leaving others untouched, thereby per­haps encouraged otherwise risky ventures. When the business cycle turned downward and international trade and capital markets shrank, the bor­rowing countries were left with hefty loans and few means of repayment. This occurred in Mexico in 1907, as treated more fully below. Second, a money supply fixed to gold reserves tied Mexico's hands at time came when the government might have adopted monetary policies to lessen the effects of the crisis.

Mexico's free coinage of silver had assured silver miners of a ready market for their product, and the depreciating currency had served pro­tectionist purposes without the need for burdensome legislation. A stable peso demanded that the government intervene, close the mints, and ac­tively regulate the monetary supply. Here economie science butted heads with formidable social constituencies, and the American advisers pro­vided a sophisticated defense of the gold-exchange standard.

Proponents of the refonn had to res pond to the criticisms of two seg­ments of the Mexican bourgeoisie, silver miners opposed to the closing of the mints and exporters hostile to a stabilized exchange rate.56 Over the course of the previous generation both groups had devised elaborate arguments in defense of silver. Thus, the reform's opponents possessed a coherent ideology, with roots deep in the Porfirian past, that seemed to account for Mexico's unprecedented economie growth. The miners' ar­gument could be dispensed with more easily than that of the agricultural exporters because it rested on what might be called a "proto-leading sec­tor" analysis of silver's place in the Mexican economy. The miners ar­gued that the silver industry had always been, and continued to be, the basis of Mexico's prosperity. Other economie sectors, they claimed, pros­pered only to the extent that silver prospered. José Landero y Cos, ex­emplified this argument:

[L]o que constituye para México el beneficio de clichas minas, no son esas utilidades mas o menos problemâticas, sino el trabajo que dan a buenos jomales en una porci6n numerosa de sus habitantes, el movimiento de efectos que producen, y el fuerte consumo que las empresas, y los empleados y operarios hacen de los frutos de la agricultura y de los productos de la industria de nuestro pais. Visitense los minerales florecientes y se notarâ en ellos movimiento

56 In a sense the division between miners and agriculturalists is overdrawn; the same persan often owned bath mines and haciendas.

Page 23: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The poli tics of si lv er and gold: the origins of Mexico 's monetary reform of 1905 89

y vida, y consuma abundante de los efectos todos, que no se encuentran en ciudades no mineras de doble poblaciôn. Si esos centras mineras son heridos de una manera grave, algunos camo Guanajuato y Zacatecas por su decadencia presente, seran heridos de muerte; sufriran con ellos en mayor o menor escala todos los otros ramos de la riqueza publica, la agricultura, la industria, el comercio y los ferrocarriles, y muy especialmente la masa del puebla trabajador.57

Landero y Cos also claimed that if Mexico abandoned the silver stan­dard, it would weaken the remaining silver-currency nations' will to resist the gold standard, thereby further depressing the world demand for sil­ver. Finally, to underscore the centrality of silver production to the economy, the miners stressed that silver still accounted for forty percent of export revenue.

Despite their passion, their appeal to history, and their politicallinks, the silver owners' argument suffered too much from self-interest.58 Gold advocates, while admitting that silver's share of exports was large, noted that it had been declining for decades. The basis of Mexico's future pros­perity, they insisted, lay in other economie sectors. This analysis in fact dated from the mid-1880s, when the Mexican government first studied how the declining priee of silver affected various sectors of the eco nom y. The study concluded that though silver depreciation damaged mining profits, it spurred other enterprises.59 Severa! years later, in the midst of another silver crisis, a similar argument was made by the British General Consul in Mexico, Lionel Carden. Carden speculated that the falling priee of silver (and the peso) would eventually produce a more balanced Mexican economy in which agricultural properties would attract an in­creasing share of foreign investment, and in turn produce an increasing share of export revenue and national product. 60

Here was the more compelling apologia for the silver standard, and it drew the attention of the American advisers. How could one den y that Mexico had enjoyed economie growth over the past twenty years and that the depreciating currency had played a major role by stimulating the

57 José Landero y Cos, "Observaciones al dictamen de la Comisi6n de Crédita de la Sociedad Agricola respecta ii la adopci6n del patron de oro", 4 de marzo de 1903, Opiniones, 1903, f; 28.

5 In fact, doubts have been raised recently over the importance of the si! ver industry for the general health of the Mexican economy dating from at least the Bourbon period.

59 See here Secretaria, Crisis, 1886, a collection of studies, commissioned by the Mexican government, which examined the effects of the first decade of falling silver priees on Mexico's economy. Sorne of the principal actors in Mexico' s adoption of the gold standard, e.g., Limantour and Casaslis, fust became involved with the problem at this time.

6° Carden, Report, 1893

Page 24: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

90 Thomas P. Passananti

export sector? The agricultural exporters broadened their appeal by paint­ing to Mexico's early industrial process, during which they argued that the depreciating peso had nurtured Mexico's infant industries. For ex­ample, Pedro M. Gorozpe, writing to the editor of La Semana Mercanti~ cautioned that if the gold standard were adopted, "la industria resentiria perjuicios, porque es notorio que par la baja de la plata, ha ida en aumento el m'imero de fabricas de tejidos de algod6n que existen en la republica."61

In other words, the falling peso promoted industry and subsidized ex­ports without the international friction of high tariffs or the fiscal burden of bounties.

Exporters claimed that protectionism had produced Mexico's export­driven economie growth; the American advisers countered that this growth was more apparent than real. They challenged the assertion that Mexi­can exports had grown significantly in the past decade. They admitted that a depreciating currency promotes "certain temporary benefits [ ... ] in extending and developing the trade of the export country." Y et they raised doubts about "whether the continuous depreciation of the standard may not reach a point which will saon result in the surrender of a given quan­tity of domestic goods to foreign purchases in exchange for a continu­ously declining quantity of foreign goods."62 ln an essay submitted to the Mexican Monetary Commission, Canant, J enks and Brush charged that Mexico's export-driven economie growth was an illusion created by cal­culating the value of exports with inflated currency. The basis of their assertion was an analysis of the growth of the export sector. Adopting what economists today term growth in real, or deflated tenns, the Ameri­cans argued that the value of Mexico's exports grew, in the decade 1892-1902, at the modest annual rate of two percent. 63 This argument was influ­ential; Limantour later used it in the explanatory statement accompanying the gold-exchange standard bill he sent to the Mexican legislature in November 1904. Limantour observed that "the gold value of our exports, which in 1891-1892 was $63 000 000, rose only to $77 000 000 in 1900-1901, the increase being barely from 20 to 22 percent." And since it was during this ten-year period that "our exports have evinced the slowest progressive rate of growth," he concluded that "it is necessary to admit that the depreciation of the currency cannat have exercised a very deci­sive influence in the encouragement of export industries."64

61 Pedro M. Gorozpe al seiior don Everado Egewisch, 22 de diciembre de 1902, en Opiniones, 1903, p. 3.

62 Ibid., p. 431. 63 Conant, Jenks y Brush, "Influence", 1903, p. 432. 64 Limantour, Monetary, 1904, p. 4.

Page 25: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The politics of silver and gold: the origins of Mexico j monetary reform of 7 905 91

A final aspect of the meetings between the Mexican officiais and their U.S. advisers deserves mention and comment. During the meetings, Mexican officiais and Edward Brush of ASARCO discussed a secret pact to control the world silver market. This aborted accord has remained the most recondite aspect of the monetary refonn. ASARCO and the Mexican government agreed that

the value of silver is regulated by the surplus delivered to the London market, amounting to about 100 000 000 ounces per annum. Combined production of the American Smelting and Refining Company and such silver production in Mexico as can be controlled for sale by the Mexican Govemment will certainly equallOO 000 000 ounces, and the selling ofthe same should be so regulated as to maintain a comparatively steady value.65

Behind euphemisms like "combined production," "selling should be so regulated," and "maintain a comparatively steady value" loomed the dar ker image of a clandestine international silver trust, withholding prad­net, fixing priee, and enjoying monopoly profit. Yet the dark portrait is not apt. Both Mexico and ASARCO understood that an immodest scarcity of silver on the London market would create a temporarily high priee for the metal, which would induce marginal producers to reenter the field. The long-run effect would be more silver, lower priees, increased insta­bility, and lower profits. Mexico and Asarco's goals were more modest. They wanted a slight increase in the priee of silver and long-term stability. Nevertheless, it seems that the two parties failed to reach a final agree­ment on this decision. In the following year (1904}, when Limantour in­troduced the monetary refonn bill to Congress, he felt it necessary to deny that any attempt to raise or artificially fix the priee of silver had been made. He declared that,

65 Enclosure of Edward Brush, March 15, 1903, Mexico, entitled "Method for procuring intemational co-operation and. [sit.j Reasons therefore", withinjeremiahjenks to Secretary of Statejohn Hay, April li, 1903, National Archives State Deparment Record Group (NASDRG) 37 (miscellaneous letters). See also the remarkably candid published report by the US Commission on International Exchange, in which it informed Secretary of State John Hay that "there are sold on the London market annually about 100 000 000 ounces [of silver], this market, of course, fixing the priee for the world. Sorne four great organizations of smelters and refmers in the United States have at their disposition from 70 000 000 to 75 000 000 ounces a year, produced in the United States and Mexico. The amount sold by Mexico, exclusive of her product sold by the above-named smelters, amounts to from 25 000 000 to 30 000 000 ounces per year. These establishments are ali working more Jess in harmony, and it is likely that within another year the selling of from 100 000 000 to 110 000 000 ounces per year will be practically handled by one establishment." U .S. Commission, Stability, 1903, p. 30.

Page 26: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

92 Thomas P. Passananti

at one time, it is true, there was sorne talk of curtailing the output of silver in arder to increase the demand; but Mexico would have been the last country to countenance such an idea, for the reason, among others, that she is the largest producer of silver and that the winning of that metal from her soil is intimately bound up with the winning of other metals which constitute a source of great wealth to the nation. Certain negotiations conducted last year by the Commis­sion on International Exchanged, which the govemment sent to Europe, must not be confused with the project just alluded to.66

Despite any evidence that pact was consummated, it is interesting and significant nevertheless that such an arrangement between a private international trust, ASARCO, and a sovereign government was seriously discussed and considered.


Two interpretations of the Mexican Revolution by the U.S. historians John Hart andjohn Tutino, assert that the Mexican Monetary Refonn of 1905 helped spark a political and economie crisis within the Mexican elite, and that this crisis led to the outbreak of civil war and revolution.67 The em­phasis these historians place on the monetary reform is arresting, because their interpretations are based on such little knowledge of the reform's origins, execution, or effects. Despite their provocative theses, present his­torical knowledge cannat bear the weight that Hart and Tutino have given the reform's relation to the Mexican Revolution. Future historical research on the refonn, which exploits new sources and employs a more rigorous method, may yet establish links between the reform and subsequent po­litical and economie conflict that existed on the eve of the Revolution. A crucial question is whether the sharp political division among the Porfirian bourgeoisie over the monetary refonn mirrored schisms that appeared during the presidential crisis of 1910-1911. A second question treats peoples'

66 Limantour, Monetary, 1904, p. 9. 67 See the work of Tutino, Insurrection, 1986, in which he argues that the adoption of the

gold standard caused economie hardship and political division among the elite. The ensuing conflict led, in Tutino's view, to the breakdown of the state that ushered in the Revolution, pp. 332-336. Hart, Revolutionary, 1987, also asserts that the monetary refonn was an economie and political disaster that contributed much to the demise of the Diaz regime. Tutino's account is based upon Maria, "Cientificos", 1979, pp. 157-187. Maria y Campos was the first to develop the thesis that the reform created political tension within the elite, and he cautions against infen ing mu ch about the reform' s relation to the 1907 economie crisis. The au thor notes that both Tutino's and Hart's works exist in Spanish translation.

Page 27: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

The politics of silver and goM: the origins of Mexico 's monetary reform of 7 905 93

perceptions. Did Mexicans link the 1907 recession and subsequent hard­ships on the monetary reform? This question remains relevant regardless of whether, objectively, the reform aggravated economie conditions.68

Politically, the policy process that resulted in the monetary reform revealed a cientifico group more flexible and sensitive ta its intra-class opposition than scholarship has suggested. The process of managing the reform also signaled a surprisingly precocious will (if not capacity) to extemalize the costs of foreign-induced domestic reform. However by ultimately embracing the monetary reform, the Cientificos underlined how completely their development madel was conditioned by continued ac­cess ta foreign loans and investrnent. This marks clearly the limits and contradictions of the program of economie nationalism that has been attributed ta the group.69









Archiva Hist6rico Banco Nacional de México, Mexico, D. F. Archiva Hist6rico, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Mexico, D. F. Archiva José Y. Limantour, CONDUMEX, Mexico, D. F. Colecci6n General Porfirio Diaz, Universidad lberoamericana, D. F. Colecci6n General Bernardo Reyes, CONDUMEX, Mexico, D. F. Deutsche Bank Historische Archiv, Frankfurt, Germany. National Archives State Department Record Group, Washington, D. C.


Diario Oficia~ Mexico City. Economista Mexicano, Mexico City. New York Times, New York. Banker's Magazine, New York.

68 An effort to assess the economie consequences, namely the economie hardships, associ­ated with the monetary reform has been broached in Schell, "Money", 1996.

69 Several historians have pointed to the economie nationalism of the cientificos or the fact that they developed a certain national consciousness. Most prominent among them are Katz "Mexico", 1986, and Knight, Mexican, 1986.

Page 28: THOMAS P. PASSANANTI - Scielo México · simpi,( had too much to Jose to wish for an armed uprising." Katz, "Mexico", 1986, p. 59. Guerra, México, 1988, p. 93. Friedrich Katz also

94 Thomas P. Passananti


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