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  • 8/2/2019 thuc gia thiet



    By: Pham Thi Thu Hang, M.A

  • 8/2/2019 thuc gia thiet


    Function of Subjunctive mood

    Subjunctive mood is a polite and formalstructure used in written English

    Express the desires, wishes, doubtfulness,

    degree, conditions,.in short, it is about theunreal condition or state

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    Kinds of Subjunctive mood

    Present Subjunctive mood

    Past Subjunctive mood

    Past Perfect Subjunctive mood

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    Present Subjunctive mood

    He should be

    here right now

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    Present Subjunctive mood Express a willingness or a requirement of

    someone at present or in future Subject 1 + Verb + that + Subject 2+ (should) +

    propose +


    wish bare verb


    E.g. She wishes that He should be here now

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    1. Present Subjunctive mood

    It + be + Adjective + that + Subject + bareVerb


    urgent, obligatory


    advised, recommended, required,

    suggested , proposed

    e.g. It is important that he be here now

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    -- resent u unct ve moo Besides verbs and adjectives, we also use noun in very special orformal situation

    e.g. There isrequirementfrom your daughter- in- law thatyour son

    Nounbe at home on time everyday.

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    Special expressions

    Curse this toad !

    Long live Uncle Ho!

    Have a good time!

    May your dream come true!

    Might you be soon well again!

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    2--Past Subjunctive mood

    Express an unreal wish at present or in future

    Be Were

    Verb Ved/ Ir Verb

    Wish e.g. I wish I were younger

    She wishes he came here now

    If (second condition)

    e.g. If I were you, I would marry her

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    It is high time + sbd+ Ved

    E.g. it is high time you went to bed

    If only /wish

    E.g. If only you told me the truth now

    As if/ as though

    E.g. You look as if you were ill now

    Would rather/sooner + clause

    Suppose/ supposing that

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    3--Past Perfect Subjunctive mood Past Perfect Had + PII

    E.g. It was a nice day yesterday, I wish I had been at thebeach then

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    Lets practice

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    1. It's important that she (remember) to take her medicinetwice a day.

    2. I suggest that Frank (read) the directions carefully beforeassembling the bicycle. He doesn't want the wheels to falloff while he is riding down a hill3. Mrs. Finkelstein demanded that the heater (repair)immediately. Her apartment was freezing.4. It's vital that the United States (focus) on improving itspublic education system. What we do now will affect ourcountry for generations to come.5. The monk insisted that the tourists (enter) the temple

    until they had removed their shoes.6. I am not going to sit here and let her insult me. I demandthat she (apologize) for what she just said.immediately

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    7. Judy asked that we (attend) her graduation ceremonynext week.8. Was it really necessary that (sit) I there watching you theentire time you were rehearsing for the play? It was reallyboring watching you repeat the scenes over and overagain.

    9. It is important to remember that Janine (think) verydifferently from you. She may not agree to the changes youhave made in the organization of the company.10. It's a little difficult to find the restaurant. I propose thatwe all (drive) together so that nobody gets lost along the

    way.11. The woman insisted that the lost child (take) to store'sinformation desk so his parents could be paged.12. The nutritionist recommended that Sally (reduce) herdaily fat intake.

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    13. The environmental leader felt it wasextremely important that the people of the city(allow) to voice their concerns over the new

    hotel being built on the bay.14. She told me that the government (regulate)the airline industry. I don't know if that is true.15. The sign at the pool recommended thatyou (swim) after eating a large meal.16. It is necessary that a life guard (monitor)the summing pool while the children aretaking their swimming lessons.17. The sun is scorching today. I suggest you

    (put) on sunblock immediately before you geta sun burn.18. John insists that Sarah (invite) to thewedding; otherwise he will not attend.

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    Thanks for
