
Thurrock Education Services Web Portal

Sarah Williams

Web Communications Officer

Heather Clark

Senior Data Liaison Officer

What is the web portal

Made up of three distinct areasMy PortalE-briefingMy Communities


Thurrock Portal

Purpose: General dissemination of information

about education in Thurrock• Education Services• Contact Details• Day to day operational information

The Education web-portal

will be linked to the Corporate web-site

Thurrock Portal

Audiences:General Public:

• Including Parents, Carers and Pupils

LEA StaffSchools

• Including Heads, Teachers, Support Staff


Thurrock Portal

Type of Contents:News – What’s happeningNotice Boards – Latest InformationResources – Guidance / InformationCalendars – Events / meetingsPictures – Gallery for pupil art work Web-links to other useful sitesContact details – e.g. school lists

The Portal – In Development

Content: Gaps in LEA Services Information – some

sections still to submit content Calendars

In development Staff Area

This area is being extensively enhanced to provide a virtual office for staff throughout the LEA and schools

Contact Sarah if you have any

suggestions for site content

E-briefing Purpose

Is to manage all documents sent from the Local Authority to schools.

It is a gate-keeping process complying with DfES requirements.

A classification system is used to tag and organise documents into different Education categories

E-briefing Type of Contents

All documents sent to schools• Statutory plans

• Policy documents

• Guidance

• Briefings

• Circulars

• General letters

E-briefing Audiences Specific groups have been set up

• Head teachers• Governors• LEA Staff• Education Management Team• School Effectiveness• SENCO• School Administration• Class & Pupil Support• School Support Staff• Parents/Carers

Access to E-Briefing Documents

Belonging to a particular group will give users access to appropriate documents

Not all documents will be in the public domain or available to all groups e.g. draft documents or those containing personal information

How to use E-briefing

You will need to register and state the group/s you belong to in order to retrieve documents

New users will be vetted by the Web Development Officer

After registering you will receive an email with your password for the site, you can change your password in the ‘managing your profile area’

Managing your subscriptions

You will receive e-mails when new documents have been made available on E-Briefing

You can tailor how you receive notification of updates via weekly or daily email alerts

You can choose which type of documents you wish to be notified about in the ‘managing your subscriptions area’

E-briefing - Now

Documents are currently being loaded Documents created for schools from Sept

2004 onwardsOther Key current documents gathered

through OFSTED process (e.g. policies)

E-Briefing in Development

We are working with ELT admin team (Denise) on:New procedures for submitting documents

through e-briefingGuidance on classifying documents to

categories A Generic e-mail address has been

created for document [email protected]

What we need from YOU Register with E-Briefing (see flyer) Tailor the way you receive information

(e.g. e-mail alerts / types of documents) Familiarise yourself with the document

classification groups (you can view categories in ‘manage your subscriptions’) as these will be used to tag all future documents you produce for schools

My Communities Purpose

Creates a Forum area for communication and information sharing between specific groups of people

Brings together people located in different places – e.g. offices, schools

A community forum can be accessed from any computer with internet access

My Communities – Audiences

Examples of potential communities: SEN Co-ordinators Head teachersFinance StaffAdmin StaffEMTTeenage Parents

My Communities Content

Type of Contents:Discussion Areas – sorted by topicResources –

• Shared Documents

Calendars – Events / meetingsWeb-links to other useful sites

My Communities How:

Each community has a designated manager who has responsibility for vetting members and content

Users need to register with a community or can be pre-joined by a community manager.

Access is password protected

Development of MyCommunity

Currently only pilot communities setup New communities are to be approved by the web

development team

We would like ideas for new communities Do you belong to a forum that would find

MyCommunities useful?

An exciting development opportunity

We are looking for : Designated Officers Designated Web-publishers My Community Managers

Talk to your EMT if you are interested

Designated Officers

Designated Officers will help to: submit content items and resources in their

field of work seek approval for content from their EMT

manager encourage news items regularly review content

Designated Web Publishers

Designated Web Publishers will help:

To learn how to publish content for their team to the portal (Training will be provided by Sarah)

To attend a web development user

group meeting once a term
