Page 1: thursday morning Engers Kordelaar

UvA eGov course for Trias

Methods and TechniquesPatries Kordelaar and Tom van Engers

Page 2: thursday morning Engers Kordelaar


Background of UvA eGov course

Partly about principles, partly methods and techniques for design

Law students (no formal background) > link with civil servants

Goal M&T part: Learn law students to analyse and design

eGovernment services With the help of some simple IT-representation


M&T part: 4*2 hours class (extensive) homework

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Student’s assignment, your assignment (1)

Help, I got fired! You knew business was not going very well for your company, but that it was so bad that they had to fire you was something you did not expect.

Yesterday your boss gave you your notice, and as of today you are unemployed. You have worked in the canteen of the company for about five years. You did not earn a lot, 1200 Euros (gross) per month, but the work was pleasant and so were your collegues. And you earned enough to provide a decent living for you, your wife and your newborn son, who is just over one year now.

To add to your troubles your landlord told you that after a couple of years of steady rent, he had to raise the rent of your appartment from 300 to 350 Euro per month. What to do? Your think about starting your own one-man company as a gasfitter. You have the appropriate papers for that.....

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Student’s assignment, your assignment (2)

With regard to a eGov service (case)1. Describe the current situation (IST-IS) with the help

of the IT-models Search for the relevant information on the internet

2. Perform a SWOT analysis (based on the principles)3. Make a redesign (SOLL-SHOULD)4. Make an implementation plan

We are going to do step 1 and 2: All relevant information is already in the wiki (no

search on the internet) Focus on dismissal and the unemployment situation

(benefit) (so for the moment not the rental situation and the starting of a new company)

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What theory is in the background?

Design/Engineering Principles of good design

Business process re-engineering Systems engineering

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What would we like to know from you?

Is this useful material for a TRIAS eGov course?

Would you teach it to your students? Does it need alterations for that?

What do you think of the use of the Wiki for this course?

Do you have suggestions for improvement of the material (broad)?

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Let’s get on with it….

4 groups:1. Make one or more use cases of the current situation

(on flipover)2. Make an activity diagram with swimlanes of the

current situation (on computer or flip over)3. Make a sequence diagram (on computer or flipover)

of the current situation4. Make a POWER scenario of the current situation (on


You’ll find all the information you need on the Wiki, start at the education, module, testing and designing eGovernment services page

Tom and I will be walking around to answer questions

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Time frame

First read the case, your technique and the background material about the organisations and the legislation (15-20 minutes)

Make the models and prepare a small presentation (in your head) (45 minutes)

Present your model to audience (5 minutes per group)

We will perform a SWOT together!

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“Environmental” scan

Internal analysis External analysis

Strenghts Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

SWOT matrix

