Page 1: Tiger Tracks - Oct. 27, 2014

San Jose Christian School | October 27, 2014

Tiger TracksAttendance Line (408) 371-4815

This Week at SJCS See Sports this Week for

practice schedule.

Monday 10/27 No Events

Tuesday 10/28 SJCS Fall Town Hall Meeting 6:30pm | Auditorium *see attachment for details !Wednesday 10/29 6th Grade F/T | depart 9am

Thurs day 10/30 No Events

Friday 10/31 4th Grade F/T | depart 9am

6th - 8th Grade F/T | depart 8:45am

Advanced Dates

November 6-7 Parent Teacher Conferences JK-8 No Classes | Extended Care Open

Parent Teacher Conferences PS No Classes 2’s, 3’s, 4’s Infant Care Open

November 10-17 SJCS Annual Book Fair - Room 12

November 14 1-2 Musical “I am a Promise” | 7pm

November 19 SJCS Science & Dine Out Night | 6:30pm at SJCS

November 26 - 28 Thanksgiving Break - ICC - 8th Campus Closed - No Extended Care

Tiger Stripes Reflections on Who We Are by Mr. Den Boer Core Values Part 4 What exactly are our fundamental beliefs and guiding principles? This is the fourth of six articles where I will offer some ideas stemming from meetings with Board, staff, and community members. I welcome your comments at [email protected]. !Core Value #3: Outstanding Teachers: We value outstanding, passionate and faith-filled teachers, who meet the highest professional standards and are flourishing both personally and professionally. Our teachers are committed to the calling of Christian education. !Do we at SJCS actually have outstanding teachers? If so, why do you think so? Let us know what you think! !Parent/Teacher Conference The deadline to sign up for your Parent Teacher Conference is this Wednesday, at 5pm. If you have not selected a conference time, one will be selected for you. Reminder: all middle school students must attend their conference. !Discount for Early YearBook Orders! Don't forget, if you order your yearbook by this Friday, October 31, you will receive a 10% discount! Order your yearbooks at; our school's passcode is 1013449838724379. !!

Want to play? Love reaches out to those in need of a friend. Last week, SJCS unveiled its “buddy bench” on the elementary school playground. The buddy bench is designed to be a physical reminder that God calls us to reach out to others in love. Here’s how it works: !If someone is looking for a friend at recess but can’t find anyone to play with (or maybe is too shy to ask), that student can go sit on the buddy bench. This will be a sign to other students that someone is looking to play. They will then go invite the student to play with them. !The students are very excited about having the buddy bench on the playground, and we’ve already seen some great examples of love being shown to others. If you’re on campus, be sure to look on the playground at our beautiful new bench. And if you need a friend, you know where to go! !1-2 Musical Tickets Beginning Wednesday 10/29, families of students in grades 1 and 2 may reserve their tickets for the 1-2 Musical performance scheduled for Friday November 14 at 7pm in the auditorium. After 11/4, the remaining tickets will be available to the rest of the school community. There is no charge for this year’s tickets.

Report Cards/PowerSchool Report cards were sent home on Friday, October 24. Please remember that PowerSchool does not differentiate between excused tardies/unexecused tardies.

Page 2: Tiger Tracks - Oct. 27, 2014

Tiger Tracks

Teacher Tales Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things in the classrooms of San Jose Christian School.

In Mrs. Reeve’s 1st grade class, the students are incorporating the theme “Love Does” on a daily basis. How Full is Your Bucket?, written by Tom Rath, is the inspiration behind the buckets you may have noticed hanging in the classroom. These buckets serve as physical representations of positivity, reminding students that we are called by God to build others up (“fill their bucket”) through love and encouragement. !Mrs. Reeves has challenged students to be “bucket fillers” by doing kind things for others. It’s a great visual way to remind students that even their “small” actions have an effect on the community in their classroom and at school. Simple things work, like a smile, a hug, sweet words and helping hands. When these acts of kindness occur, students receive a fuzzy ball in their bucket. When their buckets are full, they will receive a prize. The students are working hard to fill their buckets and we’re delighted by the acts of kindness we’ve seen. LOVE DOES!

Tiger Cubs - Tips and Information about Preschool! !Fall is in full swing at the preschool! We have enjoyed learning about the Autumn season, in addition to several other fantastic topics and lessons. !This week, we are celebrating with a Fall Fest! The Fall Fest will take place this Friday, from 9:00-10:00 am. !Festivities will include a scavenger hunt, cookie decorating, and pumpkin decorating. !Students should bring in a small pumpkin to school by tomorrow. Costumes are not allowed, yet students may wear orange if they would like. If your child does not attend school on Fridays but would like to attend the party, you are more than welcome to bring them. Parents are welcome to attend the festivities!

October Box Tops Bring in your Box Tops during the month of October as part of a classroom competition. Trim the Box Top labels from the packaging of a wide range of household products, and SJCS will receive money from these companies. The winning class gets a party. Funds raised through Box Tops for Education are used for campus beautification

SJCS Instagram Challenge! @sjcstigers is within striking distance to our goal of 100 followers. We can do this! We are at 88 as of 10/27. Only 12 more! This week find one new person to follow us on Instagram. Our goal is to reach 100 by October 30. Let’s go Tigers! #HisTigers

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Cross Country Our XCountry team has another full week of practice. Additionally the team will participate in a meet this Tuesday at Hillbrook. These Tigers continue to prepare for the division finals on November 7. If you are a XCountry parent and can help with off campus practices, please contact Coach Reeves at [email protected]. !Softball The girls finished their season last week with a tough loss to the Tabernacle Tigers in the 2nd round playoffs in Concord. The score (28-2) does not reflect the awesome effort that was put forth by our team. It is notable to point out the most runs scored against Tabernacle this year was 2! Only the SJCS Tigers and 1 other team have scored 2 runs against them! Well done Tigers. Coach Phillips and Coach Kunde would like to truly compliment the entire team for an outstanding season. A special thank you to our 8th grade players, Naomi R., Natasha O., Emily D., and Kathryn G.


Tiger Tracks


CROSS COUNTRY: Practice Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Hillbrook Meet Tuesday | Depart 3:15pm !GIRLS BASKETBALL: Practice Wed. and Thurs. 3:15-5:00 !BOYS BASKETBALL: Practice Mon-Thurs 3:15-5:00

!!The mission of SJCS is to advance the

kingdom of God by providing exceptional teaching and curriculum fully integrated

with Biblical perspective. Within our committed Christian community, we live to

engage and transform culture for Jesus Christ.

The Mission of SJCS

CPTA Summary The first CPTA meeting of the year was held last Friday, Oct. 24. We had a great turnout of parents representing families new and old! Many topics and events were discussed such as our upcoming Science Night lead by Jill Zapp, the Staff holiday luncheon in December, and WAT updates. There were also great suggestions brought up regarding the monthly coffee cart, volunteer opportunities for working and non-working families, and possible updates for our website. A lot gets covered at these meetings so please join us next time to hear all the latest going on in our school! !If you would like to connect directly with a member of the CPTA leadership, please feel free to contact them.

• Peter Lam, President ([email protected]) • Jill Zapp, Vice President ([email protected]) • Julee Lundholm, Treasurer ([email protected]) • Lily Kleinberg, Secretary ([email protected]) • Janelle Hendricks, Teacher Liaison ([email protected]) • Emily Rios, Room Parent Coordinator ([email protected]) • Betsy Phillips, Director of Community Development, CPTA Advisor ([email protected]) !

Annual SJCS Book Fair The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to SJCS on 11/10-11/17. Buying books for your kids earns us new books for the SJCS library as well. You may also purchase books for specific classrooms to be enjoyed by all the students.To sign up to help with a sales shift, please go to our school website under "parents" and "volunteer opportunities" or click here to go directly to the website. Help us make this exciting event a great success!