Page 1: Timeline into film history


The background of film history.

Page 2: Timeline into film history


Moving pictures was finally screened to audiences.

The films was very short featuring events that

actually happened and was called ‘actualities’.

One was called The sneeze and the kiss.

Films started to get longer and the films had a some sort

of story to it, some even included special effects. Just

Like A trip to the moon By Georges Melies. However the

Films were silent with on-screen text.

Hollywood began to dominate film production by setting up

Powerful, rich film studios, known as the studio system.



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1920-1950’sThe first talking film

was released called The Jazz Singer, this changed film production forever.

The first film to use Technicolor

were produced, just like The

Wizard Of Oz in 1939




Popularity of epic films resulted in bigger screens, an

early form of today's widescreen technology.

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1970-1990’sThe first film to

use Dolby


sound was

made- Star

Wars IV.

The first film to use CGI

(computer generated

imagery) was Disney’s Tron




The first film to be filmed mostly using digital

cameras- meaning that digital editing was used

during Star Wars I.

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2000’sMore developments

that makes the films


realistic, IMAX 3D

screens will use

Sony’s new stereo

topic Real-D

technology to

make film viewing a

virtual reality


The first film to use IMAX

technology in the shooting

of the film was Christopher

Nolan’s The Dark Night.



21st CenturyPeter Jackson used breakthrough CGI

technology called motion capture

animation to create the realistic character

Gollum for The Lord Of The Rings. Done by

using sensors on actors recording

movements onto computer generated


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The Six Big American Film


Warner Bros

Paramount Pictures

Walt Disney

Sony Columbia Pictures

Universal Studios

20th Century Fox

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Fox Searchlight information.The Fox searchlight studio was set up in 1994 as an American film

division of Fox Entertainment Group alongside the larger Fox

studio 20th Century Fox.

Set up in Hollywood in LA.

They have made films such as Slum Dog Millionaire, Little Miss

Sunshine, Juno, The Black Swan, British independent films that

are low budget (They’ve made some Bristish films, but mainly

their films are American), having unknown/less known actors in

them and although they make a lot of comedy's it tackles

serious issues too for example Juno deals with teenage

pregnancy but is still a comedy.

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Warner Brothers information.

Warner Brothers were set up in 1918. It is one of the

major film studios, it is a subsidiary of Time Warner,

with its headquarters in Burbank, California

(Hollywood, LA again).

Specialise in making the bigger budget blockbuster

films such as Harry Potter, The Dark Knight.

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Problems the film Industry faces:

The problems that the media technology have created for the

film industry include things such as illegal downloading which means that the film industry loses out on profits as people now

download the movies for free. This also results in people

watching the movies at home rather then going to the

cinema and paying for them, also this means that they do not

buy the film when it becomes realised on DVD.

A lot more people will be spending their time using the new

technology rather then spending money that the film industry

should earn.

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Some of the things the film industry

has done to over come these


The film industry have improved viewings in the cinema such as 3D, this means the target audience who are downloading the

movies/ films illegally loose the quality of the film and are not

satisfied with it which makes them go back to the cinema.