Page 1: Tips for blossoming Student Entrepreneurs to carve future
Page 2: Tips for blossoming Student Entrepreneurs to carve future

Leaders of tomorrow

There are always two ways for everyone, one is the way

that everybody opts for, and then there is the untapped way

waiting to be ventured only by bold minds.

Yes, in a world with a population of around 7 billion,

only 400 million dare to become entrepreneurs. As young

minds of the country, students must think big and aim high

in order to take charge of the world as entrepreneurs.

History has shown us how powerful a student entrepreneur

can be, and what impact it will make on the world.

Student entrepreneurship isn’t something that we

haven’t heard of earlier. Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve

Jobs and many others who started off as students, are the

most striking names in the world of technology and internet.

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It is evident that a student’s mind with right ideas and

futuristic vision will leave the world a much better place to

live in than we actually thought of.

To tune the young minds of students, we provide some

tips to help you become the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

Page 4: Tips for blossoming Student Entrepreneurs to carve future

Embark on your visions

When you have some kind of geekish thoughts, never

feel bad about giving it a shot. Actually 54% of students want

to start a business born out of their own idea. Every

revolutionary effort was called a geek idea and considered as

impossible tasks by most common folk. When you

accomplish it, the world will certainly celebrate it more than

you. Whatever may the field, the passion and your vision are

the key factors for making it big.

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Sketch your icon

Being a student, you should have role models. They may

be from any field, and irrespective of the field, they all shine

as the veterans. So to keep holding the line, you need

to always have a personality who inspires you to do things

better. The path they travelled during their tough times will

guide you through odds.

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Keep track of records

Being young compliments to your success to a great

extent. Once you have chosen your field and icon,

always keep an eye on the current happenings on the

subject. This information will help you have some foresight

on certain situations, and will help you in making

decisions. Over time, this will prove to be of greater worth,

and will help you even as a case study.

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Fix your launch

When you have done some paper work, field work, and

you are pretty much confident of the subject, you should fix

the appropriate time for launching your business. Most of

the students, around 51% of students plan to zero in on it

within the next five years or so. Hence, it is very important

to have a time frame so that you could start ticking the check

boxes you have planned for.

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Fund handling

Today’s generation is ultra-smart. The younger

generation can explore anything and pursue whatever they

want. There are several banks that take additional interests

on students, some provide loans for promising youngsters.

However, that isn’t the only way available. Some young

minds prefer to invest in stock market and trade in shares.

So when you have a fair knowledge in stocks and shares, then

the risk factor is considerably reduced.

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Networking has become mandatory for almost

everything that you do on a public front. Networking sites

are keenly rented by youngsters. So it’s a great

platform where you can share your ideas with each other,

and let yourselves know about the important things buzzing

around. So regular networking can prove to be rewarding.

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Author’s Bio: Thirumurugan is one of best business

consultant with his strategic planning techniques for your

business growth. He is the Founder and Director of Our

Business Ladder, a motivational speaker and writer. Contact

him through