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Tips for Singing and Playing the Guitar

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Tips for Singing and Playing the Guitar

Killingworth, CT, native John Sulzbach currently leads activities at Astroseal Products as the production manager. In his downtime, John Sulzbach enjoys playing music and singing, and he participated in various bands throughout high school and college.

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Tips for Singing and Playing the Guitar

The ability to sing and play guitar at the same time might come naturally to some, but for many musicians this skill requires a serious degree of commitment and hours of practice. While simply attempting the task over and over again is the only true way to master the craft, there are a few tips and techniques individuals can attempt in order to maximize their practice time.

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Tips for Singing and Playing the Guitar

First and foremost, a musician should have both the lyrics and chords to the chosen song memorized. Multitasking is hard enough when it comes to singing and playing, but adding reading into the mix can make it nearly impossible.

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Tips for Singing and Playing the Guitar

It can also help to begin by playing songs that only use two or three chords or songs with straightforward, uncomplicated rhythms. Another helpful tip is to set up an iPod or computer to play the song on repeat. Individuals can play and sing along to the track in order to gain confidence and further absorb the hand movements and vocalizations.

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Tips for Singing and Playing the Guitar

Finally, while reading can be an unnecessary complication, other activities can help to occupy one’s mind with a simple distraction. For example, watching television while slowly playing and singing can help a person avoid over-thinking either the chords or lyrics and settle into a helpful, natural rhythm.
