Page 1: Tips to plan a menu for your wedding event in Maryland

Tips to plan a menu for your wedding event in Maryland

One of the most thoughtful processes in planning a wedding is the food menu. Everyone has a different taste and you as the host have to make sure that your guests find the food finger-licking good. Maryland, Virginia & Washington or wherever you are, we know it can be hard to finalize the wedding menu. It is tough to decide the beverages and starters; you might be confused between sit down lunch/dinner or a buffet. Then deciding about the different food stations and desserts is also not an easy task. To help you out in the process of planning an excellent menu for your wedding, we have listed the main factors which need your consideration.

• The starting point: Know who your guests are and what food do they like: - The first step which will help you decide the menu is by considering your guest list. You might be having a count for total number of people but counting their average age will help you decide the type of food they might like. Youngsters and elders have different food choices, so make sure you go according to their taste.

• Number of appetizers:- Number of appetizers in your menu is another tricky question. While it entirely depends on your budget but if you ask us the average number of appetizers in a wedding menu, then we would suggest you to keep a minimum of 4 different starters.

• Consider the season:- Do not forget to pay attention to the current season at the time of your wedding and try including seasonal options in your menu. Ask your catering company to provide you with seasonal menus. It will not only be a favorite among your guests but will also save you money.

• Pay attention to the venue:- Deciding between a buffet and a sit-down lunch/dinner needs your attention towards the venue. Paying a visit to the venue to have a look will give you the best idea. You can also ask your wedding planner or the booking manager of your wedding venue to show you some pictures of recently hosted events. This will help you decide the type of lunch/dinner for your wedding.

Page 2: Tips to plan a menu for your wedding event in Maryland

• List priorities along with budget:- While making your wedding menu list, do not limit yourself to only the chosen items. If you plan to serve 5 appetizers, then we would recommend you to add 7 or 8 to your planning list so that you are able to make a final choice considering the budget and other factors.

Here are some pre-made customized wedding menus in pdf format which are worth your attention. Check them out here: These menus have been prepared by Catering at Your Door Team in Maryland, Virginia and Washington.

Still confused about your wedding menu? We are here to give you professional advice that suits your budget and makes your event a memorable one.

Call us at: 240-328-5071Visit us here: