Page 1: TITLE Saskatchewan Geological Open House Tuesday December … · 2019. 11. 20. · 49 th SASKATCHEWAN GEOLOGICAL OPEN HOUSE

Monday December 2, 20197:00 to 8:00 pm – Battleford Room

The unlikely story of “The Sleeping Dragon”

the world’s best-preserved armoured dinosaur

Dr. Caleb BrownRoyal Tyrrell Museum, Drumheller

About Our Speaker


Monday December 2, 20197:00 to 8:00 pm – Battleford Room

Royal Tyrrell Museum, Drumheller


In March 2011, Shawn Funk was working in the Suncor Millennium Mine north of Ft. McMurray Alberta, opera�ng a giant excavator when it hit something out of the ordinary: a dinosaur skeleton. Following more than five years of careful prepara�on and conserva�on, the Royal Tyrrell Museum revealed one of the best-preserved dinosaur specimens in the world. The specimen is a type of armoured dinosaur – a nodosaur – that not only had the skeleton preserved, but also the armour, skin and other so� �ssues, and even the remains of its last meal. This talk will highlight the steps in the paleontological process for this one-of-a-kind specimen – from its unlikely discovery, through its prepara�on and conserva�on, and finally the mul�ple research projects, both published and ongoing, inves�ga�ng this animal.

Dr. Caleb Brown was born in northern Bri�sh Columbia and grew up in Red Deer, Alberta. From early childhood he was fascinated by fossils and dinosaurs, which ul�mately secured him a posi�on as Curator of Dinosaur Systema�cs and Evolu�on at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta.

Tuesday December 3, 20195:30 to 7:30 pm – Battleford Room

Public Lecture 50 Years of Open House50thSaskatchewan

Geological Open House

December 2 to 4, 2019Delta Bessborough Hotel







From its humble beginnings at the Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History in Regina (now known as the Royal Saskatchewan Museum), where a handful of geoscien�sts gathered to share their research findings, the Saskatchewan Geological Open House has grown and evolved into the province’s premier minerals-focused geoscience event, now rou�nely a�rac�ng over 700 delegates each year.Originally established as a means to disseminate public geoscience research, early Open House talks and posters focused on mapping and research done by the Saskatchewan Geological Survey, the Saskatchewan Research Council, and the geology departments at the universi�es of Regina and Saskatoon. By the mid-1990s, the Open House had relocated to Saskatoon, and was broadened to include presenta�ons from mineral explora�on companies who shared project updates and highlights with the public. As the event grew, a trade show component was added, providing a venue for explora�on companies and service providers to meet and develop partnerships for future field programs. More recently, the Saskatchewan Geological Survey has partnered with the Saskatchewan Geological Society to host the conference, as it serves to fulfill both organiza�ons’ respec�ve mandates of fostering the responsible development of the province’s resources and of promo�ng geoscience to the public.

Photo: Saskatchewan Archives

Background Map:Geology of the Stanley Area,

Forsyth (1969)

Come Celebrate With Us!







Dr. Ken Ashton accepting the 2019 Provincial Geologist’s medal in Cranbrook, BC

Bush camp

• Axiom Group• Bryson Drilling Ltd.• City of Saskatoon• Discovery Interna�onal Geophysics Inc.• Discovery Mining Services• Geotech Airborne Geophysical Surveys• Helicopter Transport Services (Canada) Inc.• Hy-Tech Drilling Ltd.• Miller Thomson LLP• New Age Drilling Solu�ons• Northern Shield Helicopters• OH! Media• Osprey Wings Ltd.• Quantec Geoscience Ltd.• RESPEC Consul�ng Inc.• Saskatchewan Mining Associa�on• SaskTel

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Since 1958

Page 2: TITLE Saskatchewan Geological Open House Tuesday December … · 2019. 11. 20. · 49 th SASKATCHEWAN GEOLOGICAL OPEN HOUSE

49 th




Registra�on begins at 3:00 pm Monday, December 3 Conven�on Floor

Conference registra�on will con�nue to be available un�l 1:30 pm Wednesday, December 5




Registration begins at 3:00 pm Monday, December 2 Convention Floor

On-site registration will be available until 1:30 pm Wednesday, December 4

COMMERCIAL EXHIBITS (Convention and Mezzanine Floor) Monday – 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Tuesday – 9:00 am to 5:30 pm Wednesday – 9:00 am to 1:30 pm

POSTER DISPLAYS (Mezzanine Floor) Same time as Commercial Exhibits Authors will be present: Monday – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Tuesday – 4:00 pm to 6:45 pm

OPEN MEETINGS Mineral Tenure Outlook Meeting in Kelsey/Sask Room Monday – 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm MARS Workshop in Meewasin Room Tuesday – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Wednesday – 9:00 am to noon Canadian Geoscience Education Network Meeting in Salon Batoche Wednesday – Noon to 2:00 pm

Monday, December 2 – 6:00 to 10:00 pm

ICEBREAKER Poster and Commercial Exhibit Areas Open, Convention Floor and Mezzanine Floor – Sponsors: Matrix Camp, Logistics, and Aviation Management Athabasca Catering Limited Partnership

7:00 – 8:00 pm

PUBLIC LECTURE The unlikely story of “The Sleeping Dragon” the world’s

best-preserved armoured dinosaur Dr. Caleb Brown, Royal Tyrrell Museum

Tuesday, December 3 – Battleford Room

Technical Session 1: Athabasca Basin Uranium: New Ideas and Exploration Updates Sponsored by: Team Drilling LP

Time Speaker(s) Title

8:10 – 8:25 am Welcoming Remarks

8:25 – 8:30 am

Co-chairs: Dillon Johnstone and Colin Card


8:30 – 8:50 am

Ken Ashton*, Colin Card, Guoxiang Chi

Post-metamorphic rocks, alteration, and mineralization of the Beaverlodge uranium district and Fond du Lac gravity low: a 1000 km long zone of elevated mineral potential

8:50 – 9:10 am

Eric Potter, Victoria Tschirhart, Jeremy Powell* and 16 others

Formation of unconformity-related uranium deposits: insights from integrated multidisciplinary studies of the Patterson Lake corridor

9:10 – 9:30 am

Patrick Ledru*, Antonio Benedicto, Jonathan Poh, John Robbins

Implications of a new tectonic model on the role of pre-Athabasca basement-hosted fault systems in the formation of the unconformity-related uranium deposits

9:30 – 9:50 am

Rob Creaser, Mostafa Fayek, Ross McElroy, Paul Ramaekers*

New geochronological data from specific alteration facies, Patterson Lake uranium-mineralized area

9:50 – 10:20 am

Refreshment Break – Sponsored by: ALS Global IRL Supplies (2011) Ltd.

10:20 – 10:40 am

Sean Bosman*, Omid Mahmoodi, Marina Tait

SCIP results and compilation of industry airborne EM data from the central Athabasca Basin: insights into the origin of the subhorizontal conductor in the upper units of the Athabasca Supergroup

10:40 – 11:00 am

Arin Kitchen*, Kathryn Bethune, Gary Delaney, Erik Miller

Deformation bands and their relationship to post-depositional faults associated with unconformity-related uranium deposits: a case study and comparison of the C1 and Phoenix fault zones

11:00 – 11:20 am

Khalifa Eldursi* and 5 others

Configuration and reactivation of pre-existing faults and their roles on the location, shape, and orientation of uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin

11:20 – 11:40 am

David Bingham*, Tonny Dithobane, Dennis Woods

Borehole enhanced 3D DC/IP resistivity technique to aid Athabasca Basin uranium exploration

11:40 am – Noon

Andrew Carmichael*, Justin Rodko, Steve Blower, Craig Parry

The Hurricane uranium discovery, eastern Athabasca Basin: it’s all about the trend

Noon – 1:25 pm

LUNCH BREAK Poster and Commercial Exhibit Areas Open, Convention Floor and Mezzanine Floor

Technical Session 2: Base Metal Exploration in the Trans-Hudson Orogen Sponsored by: Epiroc Canada Inc.

Time Speaker(s)

1:25 – 1:30 pm

Co-chairs: Sean Bosman and Svieda Ma


1:30 – 1:50 pm

Ken Wheatley* and Rick Mazur*

An update on the geology, geophysics and geochemistry of the Janice Lake copper project

1:50 – 2:10 pm

Ryan Morelli* and the Saskatchewan Geological Survey Data Management team

The future of public geoscience information in Saskatchewan and implications for the mineral exploration industry

2:10 – 2:30 pm Charles Normand

First-row transition metals (V-Mn-Co-Ni) in Saskatchewan: highlights of 2018-2019 field seasons

2:30 – 2:50 pm

John Shmyr*, Jean-Charles Potvin, Ehsan Salmabadi, Finley Bakker

Brabant-McKenzie Zn-Cu-Pb-Ag VMS project update

2:50 – 3:10 pm

Omid Mahmoodi* and Ralf Maxeiner*

Project SPHALERITE: geophysical data interpretation and preliminary geological map of the Bigstone-Limestone lakes area

3:10 – 3:30 pm

Ernst Schetselaar* and the NGSC working group team

Towards 3D crustal-scale interpretations of the Flin Flon greenstone belt: moving forward in unveiling the base metal and gold potential of SK and MB

3:30 – 3:50 pm Paul Stewart Exploration update on the Knife

Lake Cu-Ag-Au-Co-Zn VMS project

3:50 – 4:10 pm Roger March

Developing Canada’s next base metal mining district: advancing McIlvenna Bay feasibility study

4:00 –6:45 pm

POSTER DISPLAY (Authors Present) William Pascoe Room, Mezzanine Floor

5:30 – 7:30 pm

50TH ANNIVERSARY OF OPEN HOUSE EVENT Battleford Room, Mezzanine Floor

Wednesday, December 4 – Battleford Room

Technical Session 3: Exploration Overview with a Focus on Gold Sponsored by: Dias Geophysical

Time Speaker(s) Title

8:15 – 8:20 am

Co-chairs: Michelle Hanson and Samantha Van De Kerckhove


8:20 – 8:50 am

Gary Delaney and staff of the Sask. Geological Survey

Saskatchewan mineral exploration and development activity including potential opportunities in critical minerals and an update on the Mineral Development Strategy

8:50 – 9:10 am Jeff Killeen PDAC state of mineral finance 2019:

at a crossroads

9:10 – 9:30 am

Cory Belyk*, Kevin Ansdell, Gavin Jensen, Kate MacLachlan

Geoscientists regulating geoscientists: the importance of self-regulation

9:30 – 9:50 am

Michelle Hanson

Drift prospecting, surficial geological mapping and ice-flow history around Macoun Lake, Saskatchewan

9:50 – 10:20 am

Refreshment Break – Sponsored by: Abitibi Geophysics Major Drilling

10:20 – 10:40 am

Ralf Maxeiner*, Ryan Morelli, Gary Delaney

Overview of Paleoproterozoic gold in the Reindeer Zone of the Trans-Hudson Orogen

10:40 – 11:00 am

Svieda Ma* and Ralf Maxeiner

Preliminary bedrock geology of the Colin and Scott lakes area, Kisseynew and Glennie domains, Reindeer Zone

11:00 – 11:20 am

David Tupper* and Chris Buchanan

Lithological and structural controls for gold mineralization at the North Lake and Greywacke North gold deposits

11:20 – 11:40 am

Samantha Van De Kerckhove*, Gavin McNamara, Dillon Johnstone

Geological field investigations in the areas surrounding Irving Lake, Knight Lake and Dirks Lake, Glennie Domain, Reindeer Zone

11:40 am – Noon

Anders Carlson* and Carl Edmunds

Exploration success and resource expansion as the Seabee Gold Operation looks to produce over 100 000 oz of gold in 2019

Noon – 1:25 pm

LUNCH BREAK Poster and Commercial Exhibit Areas Open, Convention Floor and Mezzanine Floor

Technical Session 4: Innovation in Exploration and Mining

Sponsored by: Saskatchewan Research Council

Time Speaker(s) Title

1:25 – 1:30 pm

Co-chairs: Jason Berenyi and Omid Mahmoodi


1:30 – 1:50 pm Ken Witherly

What lies beneath: the merging of mapping and targeting to explore at depth

1:50 – 2:10 pm

Sorin Dobrovicescu*, Cathy Martin, Ross McElroy, Ray Ashley

Application of seismic inversion technique on 2D marine seismic survey for geotechnical objectives at Patterson Lake South Triple R uranium deposit

2:10 –2:30 pm

Kirsten Marcia* and Leo Groenewoud

Williston Basin geothermal power project development

2:30 – 2:50 pm Charlie Harper

Controversy on the age of the Carswell impact structure, western Athabasca Basin

2:50 – 3:10 pm

Chad Sorba* and four others

Application of ISR mining at the Phoenix uranium deposit: increasing confidence and reducing risk

3:10 – 3:30 pm George Read Renewed evaluation of the Star-

Orion South diamond project

3:30 – 3:50 pm Troy Boisjoli

The Arrow deposit, southwestern Athabasca Basin: a geostatistical approach to deposit development

* Denotes speaker for multi-authored talks* Denotes speaker for multi-authored talks

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