
TLC Homes, Inc. Policy Handbook

TLC Homes, Inc Policy

Policy No: 600

Effective: 9/1/2015

Policy Title: Employee Grievances


The purpose of this policy is to establish and communicate employee options for communicating

concerns, the internal process used to submit and investigate grievances, and the rights and

responsibilities of the individual and TLC Homes with regard to the grievance process.

For purposes of this policy, the term “employee” includes job applicants, current employees and

terminated employees. The term “supervisor” refers to the Human Resources Department for an

applicant, the direct supervisor for a current employee and the supervisor at the time of

termination for a terminated employee. The term “personnel file” refers to the personnel file for

current and terminated employees and the applicant file for applicants.


Teamwork is required for achieving our goals with persons served and as an organization. With

this concept in mind, the importance of communication cannot be underestimated. It is our policy

to openly discuss any issues, ideas or areas of concern than an employee may have. This sharing

of ideas and concerns is conducive to growth and is necessary to facilitate the concept of


An employee who feels an issue or area of concern has not been resolved through informal

discussion is encouraged to submit a timely, formal grievance as outlined within this policy. A

grievance is defined as an expressed dissatisfaction concerning an interpretation or application of

a work-related policy or practice by management, supervisors or other employees. Examples of

matters that may be considered appropriate grievances under this policy include alleged

discrimination or harassment, or employment issues such as hiring, disciplinary action or

termination. The formal grievance should identify the problem, name the person(s) affected,

briefly outline the history of the problem, state the desired outcome and include the date and

signature of the person filing the grievance.

It is the policy of TLC Homes to assess each grievance and attempt to reach a resolution quickly

through the grievance procedure. Each grievance will be addressed within the established time

frames and the employee will be notified of the grievance outcome. A copy of the formal

grievance, as well as documentation as to the final resolution of the grievance will become a

permanent part of the grieving employee’s individual personnel file or an applicant’s file.

Staff will receive training regarding this policy during the new hire orientation. An employee

submitting a grievance shall be free from any restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or

reprisal. If an employee feels he or she is subject to any of these, the employee should

immediately report such conduct to the Human Resources Director.

TLC Homes, Inc. Policy Handbook


I. If an employee has an issue or area of concern, the first step in this process should be

discussion with their supervisor.

II. If an employee feels an issue or area of concern has not been resolved through

informal discussion with the supervisor, the issue or area of concern should become a

formal grievance. An applicant for employment or a former employee may also use this

grievance procedure.

III. Time periods for submitting a formal grievance or requesting additional review of a


A. In order to ensure an adequate opportunity to investigate issues raised in the

grievance and address issues quickly, a grievance should normally be filed within

30-days of the occurrence. If an employee submits a grievance beyond the 30-

day deadline, the VP-Chief Operating Officer (COO), in consultation with the

Human Resources Director, will consider whether there was a compelling reason

for the grievance to be submitted late and whether it will be considered.

B. If a grievance is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction, an employee must

submit a request for a grievance review to the next level of the grievance

procedure (see section V) within 14 calendar days of receiving the decision

(which is being contested) from the previous level.

IV. Submitting a formal grievance.

A. The employee will first submit a written grievance to the immediate supervisor.

B. If the complaint is a violation of policy #100 Equal Employment Opportunity or

policy #606 Harassment, the employee is strongly encouraged to submit the

complaint in writing, however all complaints regarding discrimination or

harassment will be promptly investigated. If the employee is alleging that the

immediate supervisor is discriminating or harassing in violation of policy #100

Equal Employment Opportunity or policy #606 Harassment the employee should

submit the written grievance to the next level of supervision. The steps outlined

below in C-G will then be followed by that level of supervision.

C. The supervisor will forward a copy of the grievance to the Human Resources

Director for placement in the personnel file.

D. The supervisor will initiate an investigation in response to the grievance.

E. The supervisor will investigate and review facts, interviews and documents

relevant to the grievance. The supervisor will conduct an interview, preferably

face to face, with the person registering the grievance. Depending on the nature

of the grievance, this investigation and review may also include:

1. Interviews with other employees or persons served.

2. Review of relevant policies and procedures

3. Review of relevant documents/evidence.

4. Review of laws and regulations

5. Consultation with Human Resources Director

TLC Homes, Inc. Policy Handbook

F. The supervisor will document the discussion with the employee, investigation of

the grievance, the action taken or decision made and follow-up meeting(s) and

communication with the employee registering the grievance.

G. Within 14 calendar days, the supervisor will notify the employee of the findings,

decision and any action taken regarding the grievance. The supervisor will notify

the employee in writing, if an extension is necessary to conclude the grievance

review. The supervisor will send a copy of the response to the employee

registering the complaint and the Human Resources Director for the employee’s

personnel file.

V. Additional levels of review of grievance.

A. If the grievance is not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction after

following the steps outlined in Sections I – IV, the employee may request a

review of the grievance by each of the next levels of supervision up to the COO.

An employee that bypasses any of the supervisor levels of the grievance review

will be re-directed to the appropriate next level for review.

B. The employee will submit a written request for each additional level review of

the grievance to the person conducting the review.

C. The person reviewing the grievance will consult the supervisor to ensure all

relevant documents and information regarding the grievance are considered.

D. The person reviewing the grievance will provide a response within 30 calendar

days of receipt of the employee’s written request for review. The response will

notify both the employee and the supervisor of the findings resulting from the

grievances investigation and will be documented in the employee’s individual

personnel file.

E. The person reviewing the grievance will notify the employee in writing, if an

extension is necessary to conclude the grievance review.

VI. Grievance does not suspend disciplinary action.

The initial disposition or subsequent review of a grievance may involve action

concerning employee discipline, including the modification or reversal of disciplinary

action. However, disciplinary action, including termination, is not suspended or deferred

as a result of filing a grievance under this policy.

VIII. Employees should contact Human Resources with questions regarding procedure or the

next level of supervision within the process.

IX. Policy Exception.

Any exception to this policy must be made in consultation with the COO.

• Following are the policies referenced within this policy in order as they appear:

#100 Equal Employment Opportunity

#606 Harassment
