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To Kill a Mockingbird

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Likely to argue with someone SYNONYMS: quarrelsome,

argumentative Brothers and sisters often have

contentious relationships in that they argue and fight a lot.


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Uncertain, not final; not fully worked out

SYNONYMS: unconfirmed; indefinite; unsettled

We have tentative plans for Homecoming; however, the plans could still change if it begins to rain while we are outside.

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an authoritative statement or decree SYNONYMS: a command, an order Hitler created inhumane dictums while

he was the leader of Germany. (A person does not have to be a dictator to hand down dictums.)


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inclined to silence; reluctant to join in conversation.

SYNONYMS: quiet, shy, reserved

A shy person is usually taciturn.

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QUAINT 1. strange or unusual in an interesting

or amusing way 2. having an old-fashioned charm or

attractiveness SYNONYMS: 1.strange, peculiar, odd

2. enchanting, charming He had a quaint sense of humor which

only his friends understood.

A quaint


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having an evil influence SYNONYMS: wicked, malicious Your parents may be fearful of you

walking the streets alone at night due to malevolent strangers possibly lurking in the shadows.

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preference toward something; strong fondness for

SYNONYMS: preference, fondness, liking

Some people have a predilection for ice-cream and eat it every day.

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Place of residence SYNONYMS: home or residence For many students their domicile has

been Carmel, Indiana since they were born.

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immoral, disrespectful of religion SYNONYMS: disrespectful, sinful, vulgar The principal made it clear that

students who use profane language at the game will be asked to leave.


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Promising success, favored by fortune SYNONYMS: favorable, encouraging,

lucky After reading her horoscope in the

paper, Mary felt it was an auspicious time to purchase a lottery ticket.

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native to or characteristic of a certain area

SYNONYMS: native, local Gray squirrels are indigenous to the

Midwest, and if you travel to California, you will see different species of squirrels.

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Smaller than average size SYNONYMS: tiny, small, miniature The store which specialized in selling

doll houses was filled with diminutive versions of the houses one will find on Main Street. BIG CAT DIMINUTIVE CAT

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Difficult to control; unruly, disobedient

SYNONYMS: disobedient; irritable

During the pep-rally the fractious students began to push each other, and soon there was a big fight among them.

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Strong disapproval, typically on moral grounds

SYNONYMS: disapproval

The unruly child faced the disapprobation of her parents when they learned she hit her brother.

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Attempting to avoid attention due to fear of getting caught

SYNOYMS: secretive, sneaky, sly

During the test, Blaine made furtive glances at Greyson’s test answers.

A furtive


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Not showing due respect for another person

SYNONYMS: disrespectful, rude The student’s impudent act of

swearing at his teacher and then skipping school lead to his expulsion.

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desire to do good to others SYNONYMS: kindness, generosity Donating to the poor or needy is an act

of benevolence.



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Easily made angry SYNONYMS: irritable, touchy Just about anything could set off his

irascible temper.

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a drawing of a person which exaggerates his traits for comic effect

SYNONYMS: cartoon, parody

Cartoonists draw many caricatures of presidents.

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not within reasonable limits

SYNONYMS: excessive, extravagant

Mike took an inordinate amount of candy when trick or treating.

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Innocent; free from restraint

SYNONYMS: innocent, naïve, sincere, honest

Because of the ingenuous nature of young children, they most often tell the truth when questioned by an adult.

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existing in one from birth; a natural quality

SYNONYMS: inborn, native

Many researchers believe that personality is an innate quality rather than a series of traits we learn from our parents and society.

Is personality innate?

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Innocent and without deception

SYNONYMS: honest, straightforward

Is it possible to find a guileless politician in Washington D.C., or do they all have the potential for dishonesty? Guileless or Not


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A person with extreme and uncritical enthusiasm for something

SYNONYMS: extremist

A Colt’s fanatic will paint his body blue and white for every game, even if they are on a losing streak.

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devotion to God and observance of religious principles

SYNONYMS: faithfulness, holiness

The reverend’s pious sermon motivated the congregation to pray with piety.

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