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    Marshalls Law Dateline - Gratis PSC* Primer Can you comprehend truth? So much protected speech-so few pages! Patriot Security Conservative

  • TEXAS DRIFTER: TODAYS TRUTH YESTERDAY Marshalls Law Dateline - Gratis PSC* Primer Can you comprehend truth? So much protected speech-so few pages! Patriot Security Conservative

  • Legal Notice No part of this book, TEXAS DRIFTER: TODAYS TRUTH YESTERDAY including but not limited to TEXAS DRIFTER RENT SCREENPLAY CONCEPTS, shall be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, photographic, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system for any and all commercial purposes without prior written permission of John R. Marshall. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this publisher's contract copy, the author assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions. Neither is any liability assumed by the author for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. All Copyrights and All Rights Reserved - Before and After 1999 including 2015 and beyond; for all other John R. Marshall, Texas words, concepts or ideas used in Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library except as follows. Refresher Courtesy Dateline Reader should feel free to download Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library to their personal files; so long as downloads are not edited and or used for commercial purposes. One example, free gifts for Reader to enjoy and distribute; from Texas Drifter and Editor Marshall - reference Library Entry # 732 Marketing Memo for Editor Marshall and M.LT.D. Library Index #759A.

  • Texas Drifter: Todays Truth Yesterday Marshalls Law Dateline Gratis PSC* Primer Index Patriot Security Conservative 810 Texas Drifter: Affirmative Action Corrupts All Law Enforcement 809 Texas Drifter: Put Pox on Mussolini Republicans? 808 Texas Drifter: Obama's Armageddon Strategy for Texas? 807 Texas Drifter: How to Investigate Unpatriotic Threats 806 Texas Drifter: Obama's Darkest Secret? 805 Texas Drifter: Some Americans Still Support Crucifixion? 804 Texas Drifter: Different Ways to Die 803 Texas Drifter: Ten Questions for Reader 802 Texas Drifter: Are You Too Selfish To Survive Freedom? 801 Texas Drifter: Same Roles All Through History 800 Texas Drifter: Do You Need 250K Cash? 799 Texas Drifter: America's Jury System Fascist? Epilogue - 732 Texas Drifter: Marketing Memo for Editor Marshall

  • Marshall's Law Texas Drifter Library Monday, April 27, 2015 Texas Drifter: Affirmative Action Corrupts All Law Enforcement Library Entry # 810 Marshalls Law Dateline Affirmative Action corrupts all law enforcement and constitutional due process justice. How, first because Affirmative Action by lowering ethical standards facilitates law enforcement becoming storm troopers like what recently happened in Wisconsin. Second, undeniable undisputable fact: it is always easier to promote up and out than fire incompetent corrupt bureaucrats. Example vitriolic hatred of Americas constitutional due process judicial system by Obama; a truth proven beyond dispute by Obamas Attorney Generals at Obamas Justice Department. (Editor Marshall Insert - Reader can Google, Wisconsin lawfare for additional details. Going a step further what has recently been discovered in Wisconsin, has been occurring in Rio Grande Valley North Mexico, Texas under one party Democrat rule for minimum of five decades.) Many can argue that Obama and Obamas Administration represent Americas first and hopefully last, truly all Affirmative Action government! Examples start with Obamas fanatical devotion to unconstitutional non-due process executive actions. Additional real world examples include 1. Amnesty for what could easily result in non-legal citizenship for thirty million to forty million illegal immigrants 2. IRS using Gestapo tactics to successfully corrupt 2012 Presidential Election 3. Benghazi One (I) along Americas Southern Border 4. Benghazi Two (II) in Libya 5. Allowing H. Clinton to get away with destroying government records which might show that Obama indirectly benefited by Clinton Foundation bribes to foreign governments, businesses, and other interests 6. Protects Black based; Muslim based; Hetero-phobic based hate crimes, against innocent law abiding Americans of all races, ethnic backgrounds, and other non-due process distinctions 7. Promotes race hatred based: rioting, looting, arson, violent assaults plus other felonies 8. Poor security policies and practices like that involving government computers all the way down to White House Grounds 9. No attempts to stop Progressive Democrat lawfare against those who simply do not approve of Obamas Marxist-fascist politics 10. No policy procedures to prevent drug cartels from having prostitution parties for DEA agents

  • 11. Domestic tranquility and national security threats from Obamas affirmative action government are worse than estimated ninety-eight percent of patriots can imagine. Doubt this, wait and experience pending results, since Obama has replaced over 400 (four hundred), and continues to replace Americas professional experienced Armed Forces commanders and officers with dumbest of incompetent. 12. Reader can add to list how Obamas Affirmative Action appointments tolerated by Mussolini Republicans like McConnell, Cornyn, McCain, Boehner, along with Bush and Romney Clans (just to name few of evil among us in U.S.) continues to threaten: Americas constitutional integrity; ethical capitalist economy; domestic tranquility; and national security. Question, guess above factual observations makes Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Entry # 808 Obamas Armageddon Strategy for Texas? appear to be closer to fact than fiction. TRUE or FALSE Question, citizens have an inalienable constitutional right to peacefully assemble to petition government for grievances; peacefully assemble does NOT include ANY right or privilege to riot; loot, and or burn buildings. In some instances, lethal force can be used to stop arsonist in act of committing arson. TRUE or FALSE Clue Civic leaders like mayors, who set aside a small portion of public or private property for rioters or looters to destroy are accessories to crimes committed by looters, rioters, and arsonists. Mob rule in name of civil rights is no different than mob rule based any other sociopathic rationalization. TRUE not FALSE Bonus Question - Mob rule vandalisms, assaults, and murders motivated by racial, ethnic, hetero-phobic, class jealousies, of Islam hatreds will always be tolerated more by beneficiaries of Affirmative Action policies. Why, because in their hearts of hearts; beneficiaries of Affirmative Action policies know their successes were based on cheating and stealing from others who were more quailed. TRUE not FALSE Bonus thought question relying on family ancestry searches for more than entertainment information; might make one too lazy to ever do anything other than live off their ancestors accomplishments. Seems like an attitude that would embarrass ones ancestors who strived to provide a better future for their future generations. TRUE or FALSE Clue could living off ones ancestors accomplishments be pretend affirmative action for mostly lazy white folks? Then again, the ancestry search might help one resolve genetic cultural spiritual issues that are not related to vanity motivated laziness? Especially for those who believe that old world family legends of curses could have followed their ancestors and them to America. Bonus thought second question, Obamas favorite social class as the Marxist-fascist Christian hating Muslim Brotherhood terrorist sympathizer Obama seems to be, includes following which can be described by one word lump proletariat:

  • 1. Professional welfare and corporate subsidy addicts 2. Those addicted to food stamps 3. Those permanently unemployable who keep getting unemployable benefits 4. Illegal immigrants who live one welfare stolen from others 5. Illegal immigrants who will breed as many children as quick as possible to increase getting others welfare benefits 6. Minority members willing to become Obamas public sector fascist bureaucrat storm troopers 7. Obamas ally haters who hate anything not Black, not promiscuous, not representing any American principle, tradition, value 8. Reader can add to list Definition of lump proletariat (Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Entry # 624 - Which Obama Purge Includes You?) (Insert) - List could also include White Hollywood elites that Obama could easily include as lump proletariat. There will probably be many members of lump proletariat class really surprised when they discover what Obama really thinks of their social status. Enforcers for Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats government plantations which are intended to store all worth nothing Americans who in ancient Rome would have had lowest social class status, that Marx later called lump proletariat which includes: Professional poor also called public subsidy addicts described by Marx as lump proletariat (permanent under-class low lifes like promiscuous, criminals, homeless, and permanently unemployed). (End excerpt) Days are rapidly approaching when Affirmative Action, will represent the purely evil concept it truly stands for. TRUE or FALSE Clue If Affirmative action is such a wonderful idea; why then, should Affirmative Action not be stringently applied to all professional, collegiate, and secondary school sports venues at all levels in America? Civil rights for all or civil rights for none! Friday, April 24, 2015 Texas Drifter: Put Pox on Mussolini Republicans Library Entry # 809 Marshalls Law Dateline Time seems to be arriving for patriots to wish on corporate fascist Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats also called Mussolini Republicans that which the evil among us deserve. Concept theme for this writing exercise: Participants in Americas pending Civil War will be divided between obvious bad guys and obvious good guys:

  • Obvious Bad Guys 1. Those fighting to be slave masters Obamas Progressive Democrats and public sector bureaucrats and death squads 2. Those fighting to live on properties stolen from others public subsidy addicts / illegal immigrants 3. Those fighting to be moneylenders; unethical capitalists; internationalist corporate fascists Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats also known as Mussolini Republicans like following who voted for Obamas newest A.G. - Ten Republican senators broke ranks and sided with Democrats to get Lynch over the 50-vote threshold. Republican Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (Ohio) Thad Cochran (Miss.), Ron Johnson (Wis.) and Mitch McConnell (Ky.) all voted for Lynch. 4. Those fighting as allies for Mussolini Republicans who tend to be coalitions of media ratings cults collectively called Conservative Mafia 5. Those fighting as Obamas allies to promote racial and ethnic hatreds 6. Those fighting as Obamas allies for their rights to be promiscuous in public 7. Those fighting as Obamas allies because the world owes them a living 8. Those fighting as Obamas allies just because they hate all things American 9. Reader can fill in specific names for above lists Side notes: Those in item four (conservative Mafia like to maintain close social ties to Mussolini Republicans. Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats must depend on bad guys listed in items: 2;5;6;7;8; to continue their reign as tyrants and public slave owners. Obvious Good Guys 1. Judeo-Christians; Conservatives; Constitutionalists; Ethical Capitalists; Reagan Democrats; Libertarians; Patriotic Security Conservatives; others Reader can list What makes this group different than all Obvious Bad Guys in group one; is Obvious Good Guys are not fighting for freedom to exploit, abuse, injure, cripple, or murder others in name of liberty. Obvious Good Guys are fighting for their very physical and spiritual survival. How Reader asks; Obvious Good Guys are fighting to defend their inalienable rights to accountable free will. Obvious Good Guys have no reason to exist without free will. Without free will, there is no purpose for life as there can be no Salvation for life by Heavens only Son without free will. Obvious Good Guys not being motivated by lust, greed, hatred, self-contempt as are Obvious Bag guys; tend to divide life scenarios into to paraphrase other patriots: 1. Time to preach to teach 2. Time to pray 3. Time to fight Some examples of policies supported by contemporary Mussolini Republicans:

  • 1. Jeb Bush; plus U.S. Senators like Hatch who believed that Obama has the right to appoint U.S. Constitution disobeying bureaucrats because politically correct race and gender are more important than integrity of Americas Constitution that millions of Americans have fought and died to protect. 2. Insuring destruction of Americas national security by allowing Obama to hand deliver nuclear weapons to Iran. 3. Insuring destruction of Americas domestic tranquility by tolerating Obama granting amnesty to what could easily be thirty million to forty million illegal immigrants. 4. Letting H. Clinton have amnesty for selling both Americas national security and domestic tranquility interests to highest bidders; then giving H. Clinton pass on destroying government records establishing entire Clinton familys degree of guilt. 5. Reader can add to list. 6. ABOVE are TRUE or FALSE Observation questions: Reader should never let worlds population forget that all senseless bloodshed of innocents in Middle East among: Arabs/ Iran; Sunnis/Shite; Christians/Others; resulted from all Obamas insane, ignorant, incompetency, and self-consuming hatreds. How, from Obamas loyalties to Obamas Rasputins: V. Jarrett and H. Clinton plus others Reader might list. TRUE or FALSE Clue seems ironic, that too ashamed to publicly admit that Obama is Muslim; means Obama, could very well be remembered by future historians to end up as being Muslims most destructive feral hog? Just asking, not accusing. Possible bonus thought question, will future historians record that the two most influential women in Obamas life were Rasputins, Jarrett and Clinton and possibly one or two others; perhaps followed by Michelle filling in as fifth? Who could possibly care about abut such a question; guess the question was just a silly old mans conjecture? An issue tolerated by Mussolini Republicans addressed in earlier writing exercise, that still needs more scrutiny is as follows: Question would good campaign issue in 2016 Presidential Election, be Obama replacing in last few years over four hundred United States high ranking Armed Forces officers; then replacing them with under qualified affirmative action political appointees probably based on Jarretts recommendations? Reader can do their own research to firm up dates, numbers, and names of professional patriot officers purged by Obama based probably on Jarretts advice. Did not Obamas closest frequent visitors to Whitehouse Muslim Brotherhood attempt same tactic in Egypt until Egypts Military had had enough government by Islamic Radicals called terrorists by many? Reader can Google Obama replacing armed forces officers to generate over million references to hopefully stimulate Readers interests. Another issue for Reader to consider: Are Mexicos cartels leaders evolving from profit motivated to being ideologically motivated by new ethnic and religious hatreds?

  • Difference from past was that cartels were more motivated by making mega-profits not satisfying hatreds of Middle East groups Hezbollah has had training camps around Mexico (like Northern Mexico near Monterrey for years). Recent reports suggest that IS (Islamic State) might have training camp near El Paso, Texas. Report that might need solid verification as Chamber types will want to deny the reports to protect their laundering cartel profits through retail sales despite threats to Americans domestic tranquility or Americas national security. TRUE or FALSE Clue Following from Texas Drifter writing exercise November 02-2007 - Americas Three Sided Fort Suicide bombers like many under-socialized third world illegal immigrants are adults in years with personalities of two year old children. People who never grow beyond the terrible twos often become rapists or serial killers. The increase of under-socialized third world illegals on United States soil will result in rampant promiscuity, alcohol-drug abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, driving while intoxicated deaths, violent felonies, and even serial killer crimes in America. Under-socialized illegals can become recruitment material for ideological terrorists creating a real possibility for radical Hispanics seeking the re-conquest of lost homelands. A more dangerous alliance would be between radical racists Hispanics and Middle Eastern terrorist groups. My readers can witness emerging ties between gangs like MS-13 and Hezbollah along Americas Southern Border. (End excerpt) Simple bonus question - Mussolini Republicans by tolerating Obama Care are directly responsible for shortening life-span averages for American citizens. Bet Reader does not hear Bush or Romney Clans bragging about that accomplishment? As for McConnell, Boehner and rest of Mussolini Republican advocates perhaps Americas Good Guys should wish for a spiritual pox on them too? TRUE or FALSE Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Texas Drifter: Obama's Armageddon Strategy for Texas? Library Entry # 808 Marshalls Law Dateline Russia had Stalin; Germany had Hitler; China had Mao; America has Obama. Question will Obamas with help of Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats real legacy be creating Worlds Dark Ages II, known by future historians as Americas First Dark Ages. How, by Americans not preparing for, or stopping, or surviving an E.M.P. incident? TRUE or FALSE Before answering, Reader might acknowledge following: It is very likely that after initial E.M.P. incident, average citizens will not know: 1) specific type E.M.P incident; 2) who

  • was responsible for incident; 3) why incident occurred; 4) how incident occurred; 5) how far E.M.P. damage spread across America: to be more specific, 1) if damage was only regional, 2) if damage was all across Texas, 3) how much of America was impacted? About only thing that Reader will know, are results of incident/s which will include most all of following. Now imagine a world for your children and grandchildren permanently affected by E.M.P: - No safe drinking water - Mostly garbage for food - Cash will eventually be replaced with economy based on stealing to barter - No electric lights - No accessible dependable communications systems - Practically no mechanized transportation - None to limited public: law enforcement; fire suppression services, emergency medical services - Primitive first aid clinics only, no emergency rooms or hospital services - No public records for: properties deeds, personal identities, tax rolls, criminal / civil records - No private records like bank records, medical records, or family papers or memory photos - Streets and urban areas will be mostly controlled by racist rioters, street gangs, illegal immigrants and other welfare recipients looters - Obamas final tactic for above strategy could be to send in Federal armed bureaucrats to re-establish Obamas concept of vindictive racist law and order in Texas In an effort to help reader experience first day of Obama and Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats preventable first day of their Dark Ages II in Texas. Why Start in Texas; reader will learn that later. Clue is Texas is mostly one electric Grid State. (Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) manages scheduling on an electric grid carrying 85 percent of Texas' load.) Back to letting Reader experience what can easily be fifty-fifty future real world experiences. Following notes are for: whomever finds this diary; about what, start of Worlds Dark Ages II; when, during Americas First Dark Ages; where, in one red state called Texas; specific location, somewhere in Rio Grande Valley North Mexico, Texas, United States. Primary Players this PART I: Security Consultant (Security); Professor (Old Man); Young Girl (Daughter); Assorted Bad Guys; Puppy (as Sir); Assorted Good Guys Awoke sometime before sunrise; all covered in sweat. My first response was air conditioner must have blown a fuse. Reached for closest light switch, again nothing happened. No problem, reached for my cell phone, still nothing; not even indication battery dead. Opened curtain to only to notice there was no street light on outside my small temporary residence; only darkness as far as one can see on a cloudy moonless night.

  • Managed to get dressed so I could drive about six blocks to area convenience store. Things got less pleasant, as my cars remote also seemed to have a dead battery. The remote would not unlock my cars doors, or have the vehicle do anything else. Decided walk might be good exercise, went back into my home to get my Cougar .40 Cal just in case. Having spent most of my career in private sector security industry; being paid to always be paranoid made just in case; seem like just another day at work. Had barely gone three blocks, when it dawned on me that current events involved more than just a temporary electrical outage. Obvious clue was vehicles all seemed to stop where they were last running. Terrified people were running up asking What is happening? My car just stopped; my phone wont work; my lap top doesnt work; there is no electricity how am I going to charge my phone battery? Kept on walking only to see a police cruiser, two fire trucks, ambulance all more or less evenly spaced in route to house somewhere none were running none had working lights none with any working radios either vehicle mounted or hand held. Asked one of the fire fighters what happened, said he did not know. He told me to move on, as they were trying to decide whether to stay with their vehicles or start walking back to their station. Eventually made it to convenience store no surprise that it was closed. Decided to keep heading down to mini-mall to check on ATM. Seemed more entertaining than heading back to my small rental residence. Walking became more bizarre as more people were waking up to realize that their routine lifestyles had totally changed over-night. Making things worse was, everyone wanted to know why this was happening and how long before things would be back to normal? Perception struck me, now I know what it is like when time stops for technology, but not for the living. As I approached the not working ATM; I noticed couple of gang members starting to rob older man. I being modest, introduced them to my Cougar 40.Cal and asked them to leave. Which they did without my having to ask them twice. The old man said I like you. Then asked if I wanted to make two hundred dollars cash by escorting him to his house about mile away? I asked where he got the money since the ATM was not working, His response, I bought it with me; then said We should get going before the street gangsters come back. After we walked about hundred yards, told the old man I want hundred now and other hundred when we get to your house. Old man smiled and said you look like you are

  • honest; then handed me both one hundred dollar bills. My bemused response After you. Was thinking as I followed the old man down the street At least, there might be some money making opportunities during these whatever is going on days! As we approached old man's house, he said "Come in my daughter can fix you breakfast - Knew these days were coming - I have working appliances most people don't - I will give you a ten minute summary of what is going on - Plus I will pay you another fifty dollars for your time - that's what private guns like you like - right? Smiled at old man then said, You can pay me after breakfast. Old man then quipped, Good, I knew you were honest." Old man began a brief lecture about EMP, while waiting for my breakfast to be served. EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) can be generated by 1) detonation of one high altitude nuclear bomb; 2) non-nuclear generator SGEMP (System Generator EMP) or 3) magnetic explosion on the sun like Carrington Event September 1859 which disrupted telegraph systems world-wide. Objectives for use of EMP weapons are to disrupt, damage, and destroy, the following: electricity transmission lines and generators plus consumer systems / appliances used for: communications (passive and interactive); transportation; including but not limited to computer related: hardware, hard drives, software; data storage systems like scandisks, parts of internet cloud; and even magnetic tapes. Real world impact generally explained includes but is not limited to the following: 1. No electricity for: lights, air conditioners, hot water heaters, stoves, radios, televisions, street lights, street signal lights, fresh drinking water, list goes on 2. No working repairable: electrical appliances of any kind 3. No working repairable: cell phones, laptops, any type of consumer computer retail products 4. No electronic financial transactions: no bank cash with-drawls; no debit/ credit card transactions at any store, ATM, or anywhere else - anywhere means anywhere; in fact, since data sources have been destroyed it will be almost impossible for anyone to verify they even have bank accounts; Reader can forget electronic direct deposit transfers from Social Security or other retirement or dividend checks - this is only brief list of no longer available routine financial transactions. 5. No working transportation using cars /vehicles; trucks; buses; trains, airplanes, boats one might hope for transportation from few riding lawnmowers, National Guard type trucks might show up sometime in future. 6. No responding law enforcement, fire department, ambulances due to no operating vehicles, radios, or phone services 7. No emergency room or hospital services as their backup generators were probably destroyed during EMP incident; leaving facilities without electricity, water, using

  • computers to request patient records, or know which prescription drugs to prescribe; tragic as it may be; most patients in hospitals and nursing homes in poor health will probably die where they are. 8. Even parts of electric grid not destroyed by EMP incident; could suddenly experience electrical back surges in remaining grid not damaged by EMP incident, and burn up rest of electric grid? 9. Other EMP incident problems Reader can list, like effects on those depending on pacemakers. Beneficiaries of possible EMP incident on Texas soil; list might include Russia; China; Middle East Terrorists (both old enemies and new enemies); possibly most to benefit would be Obamas Administration. How it would give Obama reason to suspend 2016 elections while punishing Red States like Texas. According to Wall Street Journal The Growing Threat from an EMP Attack A nuclear device detonated above the U.S. could kill millions, and we've done almost nothing to prepare. By R. James Woolsey and Peter Vincent Pry Aug. 12, 2014 - It was suggested that - Estimated cost to protect U.S. from EMP attack according to EMP Commission would be about two billion dollars which is about what U.S. gives to Pakistan. Ways to prevent damages of man-made or natural solar EMP incidents; are not really important now after incident has occurred are they? Sir you have three options after you finish your breakfast: 1. Stay here and die like many others; remember, since you intervened on my behalf you will be a primary target for the rioters and looters. 2. Escort my daughter to safe location far from here and protect her for twelve months where you will be given a new identity and ten thousand dollars gold. 3. Think about that while enjoying your breakfast. 4. Something for you to also think about, it could be as long as a year or more before electrical service is restored; and that does not even include whatever law and order becomes to mean in society having been ruled by mobs and looters? 5. In case you are foolishly considering making it until electric power is re-established; who will replace destroyed consumer electrical appliances; who will provide parts to repair damaged vehicles; who will provide new jobs; what about all bank deposit records, property ownership records, personal identity records, criminal records, other records required of civil society; it will be impossible to separate legal citizens from illegal immigrants bottom brutal truth is there will be no going back to normal perhaps forever! 6. Being positive, the hideaway ranch you will be escorting my daughter too, has multiple copies of necessary documents on both paper and CDs; plus other conveniences those you leave behind will not even remember by this time next week. Old mans daughter sets incredibly pleasing breakfast on table.

  • Security: (After finishing breakfast.) Hopefully that was not best last breakfast I ever have! Question how do we get from here to your hide-a-way ranch? Old Man: Follow me leads to garage (Security steps inside to see small two seat helicopter.) Old Man continues: Modified American Sports Copter Ultra Sport 496 two person 4 cylinder - fuel injection replaced with carbs HP 110 Range 200 miles Cruise 70MPH Max Speed 110MPH useful load 540 pounds Fuel capacity 20 gallons Security: There are only two seats Old Man: I am not going Security: I cannot fly that thing Old Man: My daughter can She built it entirely by herself; plus she hand tightened every single bolt in her Eagle not that thing as you called it. Security: Need few thing out of my house plus other things others do not need to find. Old Man: Anything there worth dying for? You are a marked man since you helped me. I can go back and make sure that nothing in your place is ever found by anyone. Rioters and looters will probably work the convenience stores, liquor stores, and retail stores until darkness; before they start breaking into private homes. Know what these are? Security: Yes Dragon breath rounds with time delay and trip wire detonators. Old Man: Very good as soon as you and my daughter lift off about sundown; I will rig my place to go up first; then take back alleys to you your place, open gas line and set both time delay and trip wire detonators to insure there are no misfires. Security: Where will you go after that? Old Man: Have few friends in neighborhood nursing home; will stay and care for them until our time has come. With no electricity, air conditioning, lights, food, water, computer records for prescriptions, or way to call for additional medical care services or law enforcement; we probably will not make it much past sunrise as rioters will enter looking for drugs. Security: You can still take my place on your daughters Eagle. Old Man: No sir, it is time for my generation to reap what we tolerated It is up to you and my daughter to survive long enough to give the next generation chances to re-build Heavens favorite republic. Kind of Ironic that an America that worshiped affirmative

  • action for all; will now learn that EMP incidents are the ultimate social-economic class equalizers of all time. Old Man: Go sleep best you can your job just starts with liftoff as sun sets. (Old Man and Daughter share heart breaking parting words) Old Man: Go do Eagles pre-flight checks and get ready to lift off - Old Man (Few Words with Security) (Daughter tearfully waves bye as Security straps himself into Eagle then asks Daughter) Have lot of flight hours? Daughter (smiles then yells above copter motor) ALMOST EIGHTY ALL VIDEO SIMULATOR (Daughter then jerks Eagle off ground into flight for both their hopeful new lives - Daughter continues: WERE HEADING FOR JUST PAST PORT MANSFIELD CUT ON ISLAND - WELL STAY THEIR - TILL SUNRISE - END PART ONE PART TWO TO BE CONTINUED AT ANOTHER TIME Question If it would only cost about two billion dollars to harden America against EMP incidents; would it not be good idea for Texas Governor Greg Abbott to call Special Session to consider spending estimated two hundred million dollars to harden Texas electrical grid; plus maybe another fifty million dollars to educate Texans on how to prepare for eventual man-made or natural EMP incident? TRUE or FALSE Bonus thought question, only component this writing exercise can, and could never totally describe is the stench of death that always saturates EMP incidents. Refresher Courtesy Dateline Reader should feel free to download Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library to their personal files; so long as downloads are not edited and or used for commercial purposes. One example, free gifts for Reader to enjoy and distribute; from Texas Drifter and Editor Marshall - reference Library Entry # 732 Marketing Memo for Editor Marshall and M.LT.D. Library Index #759A. Monday, April 6, 2015 Texas Drifter: How to Investigate Unpatriotic Threats Library Entry # 807

  • Marshall's Law Dateline - Following is divided into two parts: first few basic investigation techniques, followed by profiles of some unpatriotic threats to Americas domestic tranquility and national security. Definition of investigate is systematic inquiry by observation and or close examination. Side note, response to recent inquiry, why does Texas Drifter make references to Judeo-Christian? Answer: As roots provide life foundation for plants; there would and could be no Christianity without Judeo roots. Moving on to how to investigate unpatriotic threats to America. PART I: FEW BASIC INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUES Readers assignments to investigate are limited to investigating; not prosecuting, passing judgment, or carrying out penalties. Integrity of any investigation, depends on whether systematic inquiry process is conducted with prejudicial or non-prejudicial methods of gathering information; called intelligence by some. Information collected can generate: clues, leads, or evidence which may be used in legal due process systems often called trials. Sources of information, can result from physical forensics. One example: bullet in victim can be tired to gun in car with suspects finger prints on gun, and powder residue on suspects hands and clothing. Other sources of information can include eye witness; or hear-say; or suspects own admission. This is called human intelligence. Often investigator or undercover agent needs to think like bad guy/s to obtain confession; or forensic clues. Leads, or evidence. One combination technique can involve up close and personal, short range, medium range, or long range surveillance; which might include one or both audio-visual recordings. This information can generate clues, leads, or evidence based on common sense, time-line coincidences. Another sometimes useful tool can be statistical probabilities based on past and potential suspects actions. Investigation students often ask where to start their investigation. Recall investigators objectives are similar to those of long gone journalists before journalists become little more than special interest propagandists: who, what, when, where, how, why. One good place for investigator to start investigation, start closest to center, and work out like ripples from a small stone tossed into a pond.

  • Brief observation, messing up investigation process, or blowing an undercover assignment; makes it multiple times more difficult to restart investigation by next investigator. Difficulties extend to both investigating and agents physical security. Few miscellaneous notes: 1. Desk pilot experiences do not generally produce professional quality on scene or in the field investigators who produce professional productive non-prejudicial investigations. This premise is multiplied many times when it comes to insuring that desk pilots do not make good investigation managers. 2. Never accept assignments from investigation managers who treat investigation agents or team members like bullet catchers. 3. Judge potential bad guys, as well as bad guys by their actions not their words or promises. 4. Never get into a situation where one owes bad guys even the tiniest of favors; it is always preferable to have bad guys owe good guys favors. Reader can supplement PART I FEW BASIC INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUES with following: 1. Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Entry # 668 Security Conservatives Primer 2. MLTDL Entry # 617 Of Scouts and Hired Guns 3. Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Index 579 Reference to SPY AS A VERB: Art and Ethics of Surveillance (available no charge - Google - to - View complete profile to - ML Dateline Volume III to - Tx D Volume 2 Spy As A Verb) 4. Other random writing exercises MLTDL PART II: PROFILES OF THREE UNPATRIOTIC GROUPS THREATS TO AMERICA I. First profile is of patriots who are not threat to America traditionalists wanting to conserve (conservatives) Americas traditions, values, principles (reader can list); these are citizens who always defend constitutional law enforcement and Americas Armed Forces. Some examples include: Judeo-Christians; Constitutionalists; Ethical nationalist Capitalists; Reagan Democrats; Libertarians; Patriot Security Conservatives; others Reader can list like most legal immigrants and most legal residents. II. First group threatening Americas traditions, values, principles presently but also in Americas future are simply identified as haters. These haters are publicly obvious in their hatreds of Americas Law Enforcement and Armed Forces. Such sub-groups include: 1. Progressive Liberal Democrats who hate Judeo-Christians first and other conservatives next. 2. Hetero-phobic special interests who hate all non-promiscuous conservatives that do not publicly endorse same sex life styles

  • 3. Some Blacks and some Hispanics who hate other races and ethnic groups mostly Anglo and Asian 4. Marxist-fascists who hate all capitalists and others who have more property than Americas communists interest groups 5. Feminist extremists who hate all males 6. Corporate fascist Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats who hate Americas middle class, ethical capitalists, nationalists, and conservatives in general 7. Many public sector bureaucrats who hate Americas private sector producers who might cut public bureaucrats employment opportunities to subsidize public subsidy addicts (welfare recipients), plus shorten bureaucrats careers to terrorize Americans with Nazi like non-legislated regulations 8. Public subsidy addicts who feel world owes them subsidized middle class lifestyle paid for by Americas working middle class 9. Illegal immigrants who hate Americans for opposing illegal immigrants rights to re-colonize America while living on American public subsidies; instead of assimilating into Americas society by becoming self-sufficient 10. Apologists for race and ethnic haters like much of Americas mainstream media, entertainment media and sports media 11. Others Reader can list III. Apathetic who care about nothing except place to sleep out of weather; food to eat; someone to breed; entertainment to pass the time. Seems that when their time comes to serve America; apathetic attitudes will be like Pontius Pilot who just did not want to get involved. IV. International criminals; terrorists; imperialist financiers seeking to establish one world government through one world economy; militaristic imperialists like corporate fascist China and some Middle East oil countries. Question, above profiles which reflect one side of good guys, and three sides of bad guys in Americas pending cultural civil war, is accurate representation of contemporary realities. TRUE or FALSE Bonus question, just being on the right side, does not guarantee victory; side with best alliances win. TRUE or FALSE Clue best may or may not be appropriate word. Bonus thought question Some whine all I want is love obvious explanation is Heaven will provide them with more love than they deserve, when they quit being constantly repetitive free will sinners. TRUE or FALSE Clue Reference Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Entry # 777 Is James Brother Still Right? About recent inquiry - How could Texas Drifter could make following observation in recent writing exercise: Question what will be final total numbers of senseless deaths

  • caused by Obama allegedly following Jarretts making nice with Irans contemporary government? Policies which will result in one hundred percent odds that Iran will eventually try to use nuclear weapons against Israel, Europe, America, and Islamic peoples not suitable to Irans thousand years hatreds? Answer could not be any simpler: Evil always does what evil is. Thursday, April 2, 2015 Texas Drifter: Obama's Darkest Secret? Library Entry # 806 Marshalls Law Dateline Perhaps Obamas darkest secret could very well be, Obamas sub-conscious addiction to subserviently please a Rasputin type master? Just asking, as Americans have God given inalienable right to know what motivates their President and Commander-In-Chief. Why ask above question, tens of millions of Americans from all parts of Americas society are asking. Why Obama is engaging in what millions and millions are calling irrational totally non-pragmatic political management decisions which seemed aimed at destroying Americas traditions, values, principles, Constitution, domestic tranquility and national security. Two brief excerpts about Rasputin: First: Rasputin - J. Kadosh 1998 Rasputin In Brief Tripod .com Rasputin gave the royal family a bad reputation as heavily reliant on him and his advice to them. He made several bad political decisions through the tsar and tsaritsa which caused the people (and the tsar) much trouble. He was one major reason for the downfall of the Russian royal family. Hence, one may safely state that he had a very negative influence on the royal family in general. Second: Rasputin type personality profile: He was argued to be a mystic with the ability to heal and tell the future. . . Strangely, he was also a promiscuous drunkard who embraced a philosophy that to reach God, one must sin and then repent. Reader can do continuing research on if Obamas sub-conscious is addicted to subserviently pleasing a Rasputin type master. Consider the following, seems that Obamas closest advisers are women like: Valerie Jarrett. Consider following: AMERICAN THINKER August 14, 2012 Obamas Strange Dependence on Valerie Jarrett - Valerie Jarrett is the most powerful woman in Washington. She has guided the president's decisions on health care, the budget, the stimulus, the deficit, foreign affairs.

  • Read more Two points, first is there something about Obamas personality development that might cause Obama to depend on women like Jarrett, Rice, Clinton and others Reader can list? Perhaps reader might reference materials by a psychiatrist? Second, will future historians write how Valerie Jarrett was Obamas Rasputin; that not only destroyed Obamas sacred future legacy; Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats future role in American politics; not including all the damage caused to Americas Constitution, Americas domestic tranquility, Americas national security? If Obama does have a Rasputin, Reader might research all deaths, and destruction Rasputin caused Russias Royal Family, and Russian people; which eventually led to Stalins reign of terror that caused more deaths than Hitler several times over. Question what will be final total numbers in senseless deaths caused by Obama allegedly following Jarretts making nice with Irans contemporary government? Policies which will result in one hundred percent odds that Iran will eventually try to use nuclear weapons against Israel, Europe, America, and Islamic peoples not suitable to Irans thousand years hatreds? Question would good campaign issue in 2016 Presidential Election, be Obama replacing in last few years over four hundred United States high ranking Armed Forces officers, then replacing them with under qualified affirmative action political appointees probably based on Jarretts recommendations? Reader can do their own research to firm up dates, numbers, and names of professional patriot officers purged by Obama based probably on Jarretts advice. Did not Obamas closest frequent visitors to Whitehouse Muslim Brotherhood attempt same tactic in Egypt until Egypts Military had had enough government by Islamic Radicals called terrorists by many? Question Is what is happening in Middle East a diversion to what Iran plans to do to Great Satin on U.S. soil? How, by exploiting Obamas and probably Jarretts Southern porous border. Only time will tell, if Reader is willing to wager their families future: lives; health; and liberties on Obama advice received from Jarrett. TRUE or FALSE Clue side note one basic investigation tool includes time-line coincidences. One reliable lesson of intelligence industry is never over look or readily dismiss what is called unknown variable. Perhaps Obama has at least two personalities, and one happens to be his very own Rasputin. Who knows perhaps Obamas closest advisers are Rasputin elves, like Santa Claus has his own elves?

  • Above might explain question being asked by millions of Americans: how is it that Obama cannot see what his failed policies are causing to happen in America; in the Middle East; Eastern Europe; and throughout rest of the world. Translation, could it be that Obama only sees reality through Obamas own second personalitys Rasputin eyes; and Obama only gets advice from only tell Obama what Obama wants to hear Rasputin elves? TRUE or FALSE Clue Not all political leaders are immune from having multiple personalities. Bonus question Perhaps the State of Texas should Send Americas Federal Government a bill for all financial costs to Texas for Federal Government not securing Texas border with Mexico. Before all liberals starting squealing about not having enough money; Texas Drifter has simple answer: appraise values of all Federal lands in Texas. Then Texas can take possession of lands Feds do not manage well anyway. TRUE or FALSE Feds are prone to spend hard earned tax payer dollars on studies to discover that native flora attracts native fauna. Translation, native animal eat native plants. Apparently not an idea that common sense could determine? Bonus thought question, concerning an inquiry to Texas Drifter about Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Entry # 805 Some Americans Still Support Crucifixion? Is it proper to tell one that allegedly based on their actions, and their public words still supports crucifixion of Heavens Son: Why should I voluntarily socialize or engage in commerce with you? What say you Reader YES or NO? Final thought, if Reader verifies Obamas darkest secret; please for the good of Americas future generations; spread the truth near, far, and beyond! Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Texas Drifter: Some Americans Still Support Crucifixion? Library Entry # 805 Marshalls Law Dateline Observation, judgment day is personal. Not being a religious scholar, just asking: Will Americans who still support Crucifixion of Heavens Son, be able to use excuse on their personal judgment days, I did not know any better? Brief background of Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) 1. First signed into law by President Clinton 1993 2. Supreme Court ruled in 1997 that RFRA could not be applied to States 3. Since Supreme Court ruling over twenty States have adopted similar legislation to RFRA

  • Controversy seems to be: 1. That businesses (are not corporations businesses) have free exercise rights equaling rights matching those of individuals and churches 2. Businesses / corporations have free exercise rights defense against a private law suit by another person rather than actions simply brought by government Bottom line is that opponents to RFRA seemingly wish to provide individual haters same rights as government to engage in activities that violate: 1. First Commandment of Ten Thou shall have no other gods before me (tyranny like government) 2. First Bill of Right of Ten - prohibit citizens who own or run businesses from exercising their religious beliefs while engaged in commerce (tyranny like government) 3. Tenth Bill of Right prohibit States from exercising States Rights Seems opponents to above laws might have felt that a citizen mob should have been allowed to crucify Heavens Son, because haters are entitled to act like private sector tyrants, just as most governments act like tyrants. These whole world owes us, because we haters believe that we are entitled to sovereignty immunity, because only our rights matter." Translation concepts like inalienable rights; U.S. Constitutional guaranteed rights plus those in Bill of Rights do not apply to Judeo-Christians, or anyone else not willing to worship the self-appointed we are better than you false prophets. It is not a very long journey from ruining or destroying: reputations, financial lives, physical health and well-being of Judeo-Christian citizens for not sacrificing their sacred honors; to demanding that a thief be released so a private mob could crucify Heavens Son. Why, simply for not worshiping or publicly honoring selfish spoiled false prophets among us. Question does not condemning Religious Freedom Restoration Acts like the one in Indiana, Texas, and other States promote mob rule injustices against business owners who do not wish to leave their religious values out of all their business decisions? Texas Drifter not a legal scholar, could be wrong, did not The United States Supreme Court, in 1819, provide (partial excerpt) legal description of a corporation: A corporation is an artificial being, (end excerpt). Does not this artificial being reflect the moral ethical standards of its owners and managers who are living individuals? Explain why these living individuals can only extend their religious principles to their personal and social lives; and not their lives while engaged in commerce. Better still, show Texas Drifter where such a prohibition is protected in either Ten Commandments or Bill of Rights. Observation restated different way: Does not condemning Religious Freedom Restoration Acts like the one in Indiana, Texas, and other States promote mob rule injustices against business owners who do not wish to leave their religious values out of all their business

  • decisions? If it is not a very long journey from ruining or destroying: reputations, financial lives, physical health and well-being of Judeo-Christian citizens for not sacrificing their sacred honors in commerce. Why, for not worshiping or publicly honoring selfish spoiled false prophets among us; to demanding that a thief be released so a private mob could crucify Heavens Son. How can Reader be sure that those wailing against Indianas Religious Freedom Restoration Act, would not also still support crucifixion of Heaven Son? Some of most outspoken have included: NASCAR; Walmart; NCAA; some Fox Radio Sports celebrities; others Reader might list. TRUE or FALSE Not accusing, just asking. Question, opponents of Religious Freedom Restoration Acts probably also oppose ethical capitalism. TRUE or FALSE Bonus question - Opening Dateline for this writing exercise: Observation, judgment day is personal. Not being a religious scholar, just asking: Will Americans who still support Crucifixion of Heavens Son, be able to use "excuse" on their personal judgment days, I did not know any better?; is probably more right than wrong. TRUE or FALSE Monday, March 30, 2015 Texas Drifter: Different Ways to Die Library Entry # 804 Marshalls Law Dateline There is truth in old adage: Only when ones time is up; is ones time up. Clarification, ones time can be hurried along by ones own hand or others hands. Different pathways to death or injury. 1. Natural causes like getting old, wearing out, breaking down, dying; or illness from disease/s 2. Accidents generally few and seldom, generally more likely negligence 3. Negligence causing injury or harm by tending to forget or ignore responsibilities 4. Stupidity self-explanatory not necessarily negligence 5. Crazy different than just being stupid 6. Suicide 7. Criminal conduct which can be negligent or premeditated 8. Enemy conduct 9. Terrorism 10. Treason by traitor (perhaps most offensive) 11. Self Defense

  • 12. Due Process 13. Righteous Revenge Reader might reference following insert for above items eight, nine, "ten" Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Entry # 781 Unintended Consequences Overview (Insert) Following seems better national security process for dealing with terrorists; rather than Obamas policy of releasing terrorist to the battlefield to have second chances too kill Americans and Americas allies. (Excerpt) Texas Drifter adheres to old school lessons, and believes that security forces jobs are not done when bad guys leave field of combat; assignment is complete once bad guys are tracked down and completely destroyed. Why, simple answer is so bad guys do not have opportunity to re-group to kill good guys or their allies and families on another day. Reader can reference excerpt from Library Entry # 726 Guide to Your Political Personality - Patriot Security Conservatives, as well as most grownups understand that terrorists are not lawful combatants, and are not entitled to civilian constitutional due process legal systems; not entitled to Uniform Code of Military Justice legal processes; not entitled to Geneva Convention due processes for lawful combatant prisoners of war. Terrorists are only entitled to be interrogated for good intelligence, and eventually be summarily executed. (End excerpt) Few observations, justice without due process is nothing more than mob rule lynching even when carried out by Obamas Justice department. Citizen patience requires letting due process slowly attempt to achieve justice whether process be civilian or military trials; no how offensive the defendant. Lynching the defendant make those in lynch mob worse than person being lynched. Casualties numbers vary from civilian to military; hence need for separate due process legal systems. Civilian deaths may on average directly affect guestimate five hundred people. Since military members, consider themselves brothers in arms; death of one of their own by say one deserter, could affect hundreds of thousands of armed forces members. Hence different due process system with what seems like harsher sentences to civilians. Items ""eleven" and "twelve" can be referenced at numerous Marshall's Law Texas Drifter Library Index Entry #s. Another observation, righteous Revenge is a shades of gray concept which Reader might review at Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Entry # 781 Unintended Consequences Overview. Moving on to other Obama policies besides Obama Care that are getting Americans killed without due process. First, Americas federal government is not realistically engaged in even a proxy war effort to secure Americas Southern porous border.

  • Security 101 teaches that any security strategy starts with establishing secure perimeter which involves not letting bad guys cross a specific line in the sand which might be controlled by a secure fence. How many military officers follow policy of allowing bad guys inside perimeter, and then try to round up bad guys? Seems more efficient way would start with keeping bad guys from crossing perimeter? Texas should send Obamas government bill for Texas having to use Texans tax dollars to fund Texas Department of Public Safety officers to secure international border which is Americas Federal Governments U.S. Constitutional responsibility. Reader recall? Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." How many hundreds of thousands of cases of domestic violence have illegal immigrants committed against American citizens and legal residents? Those crimes do not even include hundreds of dollars of public tax dollars at all levels of government that illegal immigrants have stolen or defrauded from Americas citizens and legal residents. Brutal truths question: Most of illegal immigrants victims are not American Anglo citizens; rather illegal immigrants largest group of victims are American Hispanic citizens and legal residents. Accessories to these crimes against Americas Hispanic citizens and legal residents include. 1. Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats seeking to get illegal immigrants addicted to welfare in return for their votes. 2. Conservative politicians like former Texas Governor Rick Perry who supported policies to provide children on illegal immigrants less expensive costs for college educations ; while not extending same benefits to veterans of other states with children wanting to attend college in Texas. 3. Many Chamber types who have made and are making fortunes laundering cartel profits through retail sales. These same corporate fascist Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats like Jeb Bush, also support amnesty for cheap labor illegal immigrants to displace American citizens and legal residents from job markets on U.S. side of its southern Border. 4. Conservatives need to understand one almost carved in stone reality about Hispanic liberal voters: The Heavenly Father could run for any office as a Republican; while Satin itself, could run for any office as Liberal Democrat; and Liberal Hispanic voters would still vote for Satin itself. TRUE or FALSE Simple question - Back to some paths to death observation question: Texas Drifter is not a religious scholar and could be wrong; is not that one Commandment about Thou Shall Not Murder; not thou shall not kill in self- defense? TRUE or FALSE

  • Bonus question - As for self-defense against tyrants, reader might reference Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Entry # 742 Sacred Origin Second Amendment about Abjuration Act 1581. TRUE or FALSE Clue Only reason most politicians need to use teleprompters; is to keep their propaganda lies straight. Bonus question Do some Born-Again Christians act like some recovering alcoholics in that some recovering alcoholics often act like superior snobs to those who never made free will choices that lead them down a road to alcoholism or drug addiction? Question explained, some Born-Again Christians act like superior snobs to Not-Born Again Christians for their not making free will decisions to live pre-meditated sinful lives? TRUE or FALSE Bonus thought question Is it not hypocritical for some conservative celebrities to advocate ruining lives of some college kids for singing stupid offensive song about Blacks at O.U.; while ignoring Black kids making millions of dollars singing about raping and murdering White women and White children in contemporary Rap music? Started this writing exercise with adage; will end with adage: Two wrongs do not make a right; as ignoring one wrong for Nazi political correctness does not make it right. TRUE or FALSE Following writing exercise did not thoroughly review different ways for integrity / personal honor to die. Maybe another time; then again maybe not! Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Texas Drifter: Ten Questions for Reader Library Entry # 803 Marshalls Law Dateline Sometimes, having trainees finding answers; is better training tool than trainees simply hearing answers. Question One How can American citizens demand Americas governments use Fracking to manage Mexicos grossly obvious unfriendly behavior towards America; while preserving Americas domestic tranquility and national security? Answer in twenty words or less. Question Two Can free will standards metaphorically be based on following? 1. Conduct does not scare horses! 2. Conduct does not pollute water!

  • 3. Conduct does not expect my church, to give certificate of appreciation for what my churchs theological principles consider to be conduct not worthy of certificate of appreciation! TRUE or FALSE Question Three Might new format for post high school educations include: two years to learn vocational skills at learning institutions like Texas State Technical Institutes. Followed by those two years of education being credited as first two years of learning towards Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degrees, at typical four year degree programs at typical state universities or colleges. Four year colleges will probably squeal like female dogs in heat. Who cares, their loan financed educations are generally worth less employment dollars upon graduation, than two years of learned vocational skills at tax payer funded TSTI facilities. Plus economic vales of contemporary master degrees and monkey PHDs should be re-valuated based on cost to economic return benefits ratios. TRUE not FALSE Question Four - Simply cutting off finances or defunding any and all non-essential federal agency bureaucracies is in Americas best interests - both domestic tranquility and national security; plus GNP. Some agencies needing to go include: Interior; BLM; EPA; Education; plus many others Reader can list. TRUE or FALSE Question Five If Feds cook the books on unemployment numbers; why should anyone believe that Federal Reserve would not blatantly lie about inflation ratios? Remember Federal Reserve supporters lie about Federal Reserve being audited. Reference section from Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Index # 801 Insert: Both corporate fascist Republican establishment and Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats Achilles heel in more ways than one; is public audit of Federal Reserve, Reader can consider the following: For specific GAO restrictions of Auditing Federal Reserve System, Reader can Google - GAO Report T-GGD-94-44, entitled "Federal Reserve System Audits: Restrictions on GAO's Access." Reader should reference full report especially Appendix 1 restrictions on GAO Audits contained in the Federal Reserve Banking Agency Audit Act specifically audits of the Federal reserve Board and Federal reserve banks may not include. Reader can check out four listed items for themselves; then ask what is government hiding and for whom are they hiding what government does not want American patriots to know? (End insert) Back to question premise, how can Federal Reserve claim inflation ratios are near zero without counting increasing cost of fuel; food, prescription drugs, health care services; health insurance premiums; secondary educations; plus others Reader can add? Federal Reserve is serving as investment class strumpet at expense of majority of Americas middle class. TRUE or FALSE Question Six what do Old Testament / New Testament and Americas Declaration of Independence / Constitution / Bill of Rights all share in common? Answer, ordinary common people do not need to pay religious scholars or lawyers to tell them, what above special words mean. TRUE or FALSE

  • Question Seven Texas Drifter and Editor Marshall cannot endorse: any more than qualified conservative 2016 Presidential candidate or campaign. Why, simply because Texas Drifter and Editor Marshall do not want to embarrass any more than qualified conservative Presidential candidate by having others know that the more than qualified conservative candidate or their campaign even at minimum knows of Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library. One quality that the more than qualified conservative candidate will possess that Obama, McConnell, Boehner, J. Bush, or any Progressive Democrat or Republican establishment aristocrat will never have is enough money to buy them integrity. Definition of integrity is personal devotion to sacred honor. TRUE or FALSE Question Eight Reader can in one word, explain why Obama and his Administration are closer friends to terrorist nations like Iran; alleged terrorist organizations like Muslim Brotherhood; and international criminals like illegal immigrants? Than Obama and his Progressive Democrat Party have even been or will probably ever be to Americas time proven international allies; U.S. Congress; American citizens and legal residents. TRUE or FALSE Question Nine It is not a compliment, to express to some liberal women that when some of them lay on their backs and spread their legs; one hopes that they are good at that, because they are too ignorant to be useful for anything else. TRUE or FALSE Question Ten Following attempts to explain why Texas Drifter often uses term ethical capitalism. Capitalism has potential to be best of all economic systems thus far conceived by Americans. Capitalism encompasses more than private property rights including intellectual rights guaranteed in Americas Constitution for potential profits. Capitalism also includes more than voluntary exchange of products, labors, or services for profits. Reader can consider contracts as public records to settle due process civil disputes among parties in commerce transactions. Capitalism without integrity is fraud which is similar to the Thou Shall Not Steal Commandment. Example, offering a starving man ten dollars for a one hundred dollar horse is stealing. Other examples of unethical capitalism include: First, laundering cartel drug profits through retail sales in Rio Grande Valley North Mexico, Texas in U.S.A. Second, Federal Reserve catering to special interest lobbyists on Wall Street, and or internationalist corporate fascist Republican establishment aristocrats seeking cheaper labor at expense of Americans jobs. How, by providing amnesty for illegal immigrants. Reader should know what J. Bush, McConnell, Boehner, and others Reader can list privately stand for. TRUE or FALSE

  • Bonus Question Just a guess, R. Limbaugh probably knows difference between marketing strategies, and self-consuming vanities. It does not seem likely that R. Limbaugh spends much time reading his own press releases or Twitters while standing in front of a mirror. One might not be so sure about other conservatives like: H.; L.; or what some may describe as G.B.s cult like network; or other conservative media celebrities Reader might list. TRUE or FALSE Clue Why do many people complain about police driving so fast and wreck-less to emergency calls across town; but always complain about police driving so slow to emergency calls in their own neighborhood? (Editor Marshall Note Not sure what clue has to do with previous question. Texas Drifter said he was just tired of having it on his list of clues, and wanted to be done with it.) Bonus thought question Finally an opportunity to use expression that has little opportunity to be used: We can head them off at the pass! For the record, speaking for both myself, Texas Drifter and Editor Marshall, neither of us will do interviews with cult like media networks; even though these groups have every right to run hit pieces on Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library. Neither of us are concerned. Why, when truth rises to the top, and it always does sooner or later; many of the cult media network followers will recognize just how mean spirited their self-appointed false prophets have been. Not suggesting that in their beginning some cult media networks have not exposed true evils; their fate is always the same out of control vanities destroy memories of any of their good deeds. TRUE or FALSE Monday, March 23, 2015 Texas Drifter: Are You Too Selfish To Survive Freedom? Library Entry # 802 Marshalls Law Dateline Has majority of American adults become too much like children described as terrible twos to stop Americas decline; which is necessary before re-storing Americas traditions, values, and principles having any hope of becoming future reality? Seems that majority of Americas adult population have become obsessed with satisfying their selfish impulse gratifications at expense of real world problem solving. Included in my pleasures first group are most of following. 1. Younger generation 2. Professional public welfare addicts 3. Illegal immigrants 4. Non-essential public sector bureaucrats 5. Others Reader can list

  • Above groups skills are generally limited to 1. Getting better free food than working middle class purchase 2. Recreational breeding for more benefits 3. Always begging for more free benefits 4. Whining about not having enough free luxuries 5. Rioting like in Greece when their other peoples paid for benefits are reduced Societal symptoms in America include 1. More and more impulse gratifications 2. Higher and higher minimum wage salaries 3. More and more welfare benefits 4. Less and less marketable vocational skills 5. More and more college debts for less marketable employment skills 6. Less and less respect for: - Less and less individual accountability - Fewer and fewer stable single family units - Stealing more and more of other peoples private properties - Ignoring more and more of peoples inalienable rights defined in Bill of Rights - Eliminating more and more Constitutional and common law due processes - Shunning all patriots love and respect for Heavens favorite republic - Other examples Reader can cite 7. Other examples Reader can list Moving on to few questions, first question concerns 2016 Presidential Election. Will corporate fascist Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats be too selfish, to support candidate that is best for stopping Americas decline? Answer, more likely than not, as Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats will probably choose an aristocrat like Jeb Bush! Consequence of Jeb Bush like Republican nomination, will be like 2012 Presidential election where Republican Partys conservative base will stays home and does not vote. Resulting in Electoral College putting fanatic ideologue Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats like Elizabeth Warren as President, and San Antonios communist clone Castro as Vice-President into Americas highest offices. TRUE or FALSE Clue Was not Benito Mussolini a self-admitted corporate fascist? Reader can explain in six words or less why conservatives should not stay home when their 2016 choices are: Stalin type who urinates on U.S. Constitution expanding Obamas Stalinist type federal government, or Mussolini type Internationalist Republican establishment aristocrats paraphrased in their own words: all those ignorant ungrateful working middle class people, should be grateful we are willing to be their political foster parents? Perhaps only more selfish group that might influence Americas future, are vanity motivated for popularity defined by media ratings, self-appointed cult leaders,

  • masquerading as false prophets; described by some conservatives as the conservative mafia. TRUE or FALSE Clues: First, definition of selfish is one being obsessively concerned excessively or exclusively, with ones own advantage, pleasure, or wellbeing; without any regard for any others. Second, the conservative mafia is more likely to purge their own ranks by targeting not true believer; rather than by going after Marxist-fascists or corporate fascists. Reader might reference Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Entry # 793 Conservative Mafia Real? before answering above question. Reader should remember that forming an alliance to confront and eventually stop Americas decline from any evil or evils; does not need to include making any American middle class citizens, especially Southern middle class citizens, step children to any political clown or cult leader masquerading as false prophet. Again, what are differences between being victimized by Stalin type; Mussolini type; or Robespierre conservative mafia type? Answer NONE. Translation nothing - not a darn bit! Bonus question Difference between old men like Texas Drifter and Editor Marshall, compared to most all inexperienced young men and more than many middle age men; is? Answer, old men tend to be less selfish and are more likely to do what is necessary to try and change the inevitable. Perhaps better title for this writing exercise might have been Too Many Selfish to Save America? TRUE or FALSE Clue, definition of inevitable is incapable of being avoided. Friendly warning thought. For who, Progressive Democrats concerning 2016 Presidential Election: Rumors seeping out from under H. Clintons closed doors, are that, when H. Clinton is elected President; H. Clinton intends to teach Progressive Democrats meaning of self-righteous vengeance. Why, for interfering with H. Clintons entitled destiny to be Americas first queen President! Progressive Democrats best hope of avoiding H. Clintons vengeance is to support special prosecutor to investigate political trades made for tens of millions of dollars in contributions from foreign governments, corporations, and special interest groups that have allegedly been made to Clintons Foundation; while H. Clintons served as Secretary of State. TRUE or FALSE Clue do Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats really believe that H. Clinton will compassionately forget all times she feels that Progressive Democrats did worse than making her Highness sit in back of bus; rather all times (H. Clinton has probably kept count) Progressive Democrats threw Americas first entitled queen under many buses? Editor Marshalls Note Clue Reader might be asking, why would Texas Drifter provide helpful advice to Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats? Could one answer be, that Texas Drifter does not like to see pathetic dogs be kicked by people who enjoy being

  • cruel to animals; or could there be another reason that might be good theme for future writing exercise? Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Texas Drifter: Same Roles All Through History Library Entry # 801 Marshalls Law Dateline Seems only the names of players in political roles change all through history. Different political role types all through history: 1. Dictators / ruling tyrant class 2. Loyalists to government tyrant ruling class 3. Patriots / rebels 4. Bandits 5. Terrorists 6. Apathetic 7. Miscellaneous domestic allies - good / bad 8. Miscellaneous foreign allies good / bad 9. Separate good / bad guys can include: opportunists; sympathizers; collaborators; traitors, spies 10. Not involved collateral damage Some specific examples American and Texas History I. Americas Revolution for Independence - Dictator: King of England - Loyalists: Tories (like Republican establishment) - Patriots: Americas Founding Fathers - Bandits: marauding Indians - Terrorists: Hessian mercenaries / Muslim Barbary Coast Pirates - Others can be filled in by Reader II. Texas Revolution for Independence - Dictator: General Santa Anna - Loyalists: Texans supporting Mexican Liberals not wanting Texas to secede like Col Fannin - Patriots: Texas Founding Fathers - Bandits: very few as General Houston had negotiated with Indian Tribes not to raid Texans not serving in Houstons volunteer army. Why, to keep Houstons volunteers from disserting his army to return home to protect their families.

  • - Terrorists: Mexican federal troops under various Santa Anna generals - Mexican federal troops and militias often called bandits continued to terrorize Texas civilians through Mexicos War on United States in 1840s (example Rogers Massacre at Paso Real). Mexican government terrorists, continued their war against Texas and other Southern Border States; until General Pershing solved violence problems along Americas southern porous border in early 1900s. - Others can be filled in by Reader III. Reconstruction in South following Americas first Civil War - Tyrant Ruling Class: Republican Yankee Conservatives - Loyalists: Carpetbaggers (like internationalist Republican establishment) - Patriots: Southern vanquished trying to re-build their lives - Bandits: Carpetbaggers and Scalawags - Terrorists: Some occupying federal troops - Others can be filled in by Reader - Editors Note- Texas Drifter informed me that too much truth about Yankees getting bloody revenge motivated atrocities on South following Civil War during Re-construction would distract from this writing exercise. IV. Contemporary America (time of this writing exercise) - Dueling Tyrant Ruling Classes: Marxist-Fascist Progressive Democrats / Internationalist Corporate Fascist Republican Establishment ruling class aristocrats - Loyalists: (left wing) mainstream media; most public sector bureaucrats; public subsidy addicts; special interest haters based on race, ethnic heritage, sexual orientation, class envy world owes me communists and socialists / (right wing) internationalist greed motivated special interest groups like some corporations; organizations, and media outlets - Patriots: generally groups like Judeo-Christians; constitutionalists; ethical capitalists; Reagan Democrats; Libertarians; Patriotic Security Conservatives (PSC); organizations and many internet media outlets; Reader can list others like - Patriots are supportive of law enforcement and Americas Armed Forces (Note) Where-as most Progressive Democrats the coalition of haters are in an undeclared war with both law enforcement and Americas Armed Forces; while Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats, only sees law enforcement and Americas Armed Forces as hired gun mercenaries to protect and die for corporate fascist economic international mega-profit making schemes (truth not exaggeration). - Bandits: race and ethnic based hate gangs; race and ethnic based rioters; other reader can list - Terrorists: Religious hate groups like Islamic Nazi Terrorists; illegal immigrants who kill or murder too protect drug or smuggling cartels; future terrorists will include public subsidy addicts and illegal immigrants who riot; rampage and engage in violent crimes because their welfare benefits have been reduced violence that happened in Greece during austerity days will seem civilized to what awaits Americans - Others Reader can list

  • Few general observations, first why should Americas conservatives donate their money; volunteer their time; or vote for any Jeb Bush type Republican establishment, or any other clone type candidate who shares more values with Obama and Clintons than any conservative patriot? Both corporate fascist Republican establishment and Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats Achilles heel in more ways than one; is public audit of Federal Reserve, Reader can consider the following: For specific GAO restrictions of Auditing Federal Reserve System, Reader can Google - GAO Report T-GGD-94-44, entitled "Federal Reserve System Audits: Restrictions on GAO's Access." Reader should reference full report especially Appendix 1 restrictions on GAO Audits contained in the Federal Reserve Banking Agency Audit Act specifically audits of the Federal reserve Board and Federal reserve banks may not include. Reader can check out four listed items for themselves; then ask what is government hiding and for whom are they hiding what government does not want American patriots to know? Texas Drifter is not a blathering optimist, or is glass half full or half empty person. Heck, I have never even seen that glass most people are talking about. Americas patriots will be able to defeat above bad and evil threats to: Americas constitution, ethical capitalist economy, plus end threats to Americas domestic tranquility and national security provided. Provided, can always be most annoying word in any sentence or statement. To finish previous thought, provided Americas Patriots devote themselves to preserving and serving American traditions, values, and principles all Patriots share in common. Americans can agree to polish the edges after Americas era of decline has been stopped. Remember one cannot start re-building a house until the fire is out. One area that Patriots need never compromise, is vanity motivated cult leaders with Robespierre type personalities replacing one type of fascist tyrant with another type of fascist tyrant is not an improvement and is best left to third world country political systems. Can same observation be made about some Yankee Republican Conservatives? Flaws still held by most Yankee Republican Conservatives: 1. Ignoring facts like less than five percent of Southerners ever owned slaves. 2. Their self-appointed self-righteous obsessions with their rights to inflict sadistic revenge on Souths vanquished and their guilty of the day. 3. Yankee Republican Conservatives publicly admit they will not be without sin, when future historians judge their treatment of Souths vanquished during Reconstruction and even into contemporary times. 4. Others Reader can list. Observation question Brutal future reality, future domestic tranquilitys flashpoint will result from amnesty for illegal immigrants who are by definition criminals; many of

  • whom will become future welfare addicts; gang members, rioters and domestic terrorists when their entitled to public benefits are reduced. TRUE or FALSE Question moral of this writing exercise, is choosing between shades of gray fascism is never an improvement. TRUE or FALSE Clues Two reference options include Texas Drifter Rents Screenplay Concepts: Preface - Parts I - II; - III; and Marshalls Law Texas Drifter Library Index Library Entry # 686 Security Conservatives Primer Fill in the blank question: What is most important; yet least used Amendment to Americas Constitution? __________ Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Texas Drifter: You Need 250K Cash? Library Entry # 800 Marshalls Law Dateline Purpose of following contest, is to send government propagandists following message; your mean spirited and hateful lies are now subject to private citizens analysis. All that is needed for truth to destroy government propaganda: Private citizen/s with half million dollars cash for prizes of: 1. 250K cash 2. 150K cash 3. 100k cash Contest sponsor gets to 1) name contest; 2) set contest rules and standards; and 3) select impartial judges. No reason for sponsor to slant rules as truth is not partisan. Why have such a contest, provide pubic with best concise actual analysis of Obamas Department of Justice recent racist, fascist, propaganda report of law enforcement race relations in Ferguson, Missouri. Those entering contest should include: any human/s or computer A.I. (artificial intelligence) software system. Such a rule would make contest more entertaining! Submitted contest reports should be limited to no more words than Obamas Department of Justice racist, fascist, propaganda report. (Note: words used as references documenting contest entry citations at end of report shall not be included in actual report word count.) Above concept is certainly worth considering TRUE not FALSE

  • Monday, March 16, 2015 Texas Drifter: America's Jury System Fascist? Library Entry # 799 Marshalls Law Dateline Is title truth in form of question? If free citizens do not have enough respect for their government to voluntarily serve as impartial juror for meager compensation; how can any justice ever be achieved using government juror slaves? Definition of fascism is political-economic system where property and means of production are owned by private sector; but are so regulated by governments to either support public subsidy addicts for votes to stay in power (like Obamas Marxist-fascist Progressive Democrats); or generate excessive profits for corporate fascists to stay in power (like Republican establishment ruling class aristocrats). Reader might compare history of Americas slave jurors; to Americas Armed Forces which more cost efficient since relying on volunteers and abandoning drafted slaves. Few examples of Americas spill-over to other levels of governments fascist jury policies. 1. Seems Texas has followed Americas devotion to utilizing fascist juries to serve public sector interests. How, Texas use of public sector terrorism dependent on fear of intimidation. 2. Message sent: potential citizen juror should be cheerful state government slave! Or, lose your Texas property; lose your liberty by being sent to jail; resist and Texas state government might murder you, because you are nothing. Some fair jury foundations 1. Ten Commandments like one which clearly states, Thou shall not steal 2. Abjuration Act 1581 Reader will remember longer if Reader does own research 3. Declaration of Independence inalienable rights to 4. U.S. Constitution Article III Section 2 - The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed. 5. Bill of Rights VII - In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. 6. U.S. Constitution Amendment XIII - Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

  • Could involuntary servitude forced by government threats of citizens loss of property, loss of liberty, loss of life for jury duty be considered an unjust tax on law abiding citizen not convicted of any crime; and specifically be an unjust tax on citizens labor? Where it is stated in above citations that jury duty slavery through involuntary servitude is consistent with Americas traditions, values, and or principles? How can innocent to proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt citizen with Heaven granted inalienable rights ever expect to get fair trial; from government intimidated volunteer slaves serving on government juries? Juries which also happen to be manipulated by many malicious bureaucrat prosecutors loyal only to their lusts for their conviction ratios. They cant. TRUE or FALSE Many above describe prosecutors are Marxist-fascist since their sense of justice only includes only prosecuting private sector middle class citizens who often cannot afford adequate defense against malicious public sector prosecutors with unlimited government budgets. This view is re-enforced by prosecutors offering deals like plead guilty on governments terms; or I will put your wife in jail and your children in permanent foster care. Many prosecutors care about their conviction ratios, not facts of case. All the while, prosecutors never seem to prosecute professional welfare frauds; or hate crimes by minorities against private sector middle class citizens. Why simple, District Attorneys do not want to lose votes for being perceived as being mean to the poor or being closet racists against minorities or being insensitive to other special interest hate groups. Doubt this observations, how many Muslim Islamic terrorists have ever been prosecuted for hate crimes against Anglo Judeo-Christians? Answer is very, very, few to none. TRUE or FALSE Texas Drifter could be wrong, do not think America was envisioned as a due process constitutional republic; so Marxist-fascist prosecutors and some accessory judges could use slave jurors to prosecute. Who, guilty until proven innocent in public mob lynchings masquerading as due process trials. Two examples: 1) Obamas Justice Department and 2) Texas verdict still out will be identified later. Just asking, not accusing TRUE or FALSE Bonus Question (with three clues) Pretending that Reader is in time capsule and could re-visit Americas Founding Fathers during Americas beginning decades. How does Reader think Americas Founders would react, if telling Americas Founders that in little more than two hundred years; following would be reality? Forced government servitude prior to due process conviction of a crime was lawful tax on citizens labor. Plus stealing citizens property; rescinding citizens liberty; or even government killing a citizen who too strenuously objected to serving as government slave on a jury; was common place in Founding Fathers great constitutional experiment. Just a guess, Founding Fathers would not have been amused? TRUE or FALSE

  • Clue 1 - It has been written many times that road to Hades is paved with good intentions. Could it also be true that tolerating inconveniences of seedling tyrannie