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2014 Questionnaire For Candidates Running for Local Government Office

Progressive Maryland is a grassroots advocacy organization that defends the interests of Maryland’s working families. We have over 23,000 members and supporters statewide and over 40 of Maryland’s strongest labor, civil rights, faith and like-minded organizations as affiliates. We maintain offices in Silver Spring and Baltimore. Learn more at

Progressive Maryland supports candidates who favor a pro-working family agenda that builds a strong middle class in Maryland. Elections can have an enormous impact on our work to reduce income inequality and improve the lives of working families in Maryland. It is our responsibility to advocate for working families by engaging in the political process and we do so utilizing our vast membership base, electronic communications and professional door-to-door canvass.

To be considered for Progressive Maryland’s endorsement, please return the completed questionnaire to our Executive Director Kate Planco Waybright at [email protected] no later than noon on Monday, April 28, 2014. Your responses will be available to the public at

Candidate Information

Candidate Last Name:


Candidate First Name:


Office Seeking:


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Campaign Contact Information

Committee Name:


Street Address:




Zip Code:


Business Phone:


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Campaign Website:


Candidate Contact Information

Cell Phone:


Email Address:


Treasurer Contact Information

Treasurer Name:


Street Address:


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Zip Code:




Candidate History

Previous Elected Offices:

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Which Years Did You Serve:

Have you ever received an endorsement from Progressive Maryland? YES_____ or NO_____

If Yes, when:

Have you ever assisted Progressive Maryland in achieving its goals? YES_____ or NO_____


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Major Endorsements (Elected Officials/Organizations/Opinion Leaders):

Issue Questions

1. The skyrocketing cost of campaigns gives wealthy individuals and large corporations too much power in deciding who gets elected. It’s time to return that power to everyday voters. Do you support enacting a voluntary public campaign finance system for elections at the local level?

YES_____ or NO_____


2. Will you support passage of a Large Retailer Accountability Act which would require that retail stores larger than 75,000 square feet pay a living wage, provide adequate health benefits, and engage in first source hiring agreements?

YES_____ or NO_____

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3. Public employee collective bargaining rights, absent a comprehensive law like the National Labor Relations Act for private sector workers, consist of a patchwork of laws around the country and throughout the state of Maryland. Being that the County Council and County Executive are routinely asked to express support/opposition to pending legislation in Annapolis, would you support legislation for a comprehensive public employee collective bargaining law in Maryland?

YES_____ or NO_____


4. Do you support legislation that would require final and binding arbitration of all labor disputes by public employees?

YES_____ or NO_____

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5. Do you support requiring any businesses which receive public support, in the form of industrial revenue bonds, enterprise zone benefits, tax increment financing, tax breaks and the like, to provide jobs with living wages and health benefits?

YES_____ or NO_____


6. Once a contract agreement has been reached between a collective bargaining agent and the county or other government entity, do you commit to fully funding those contracts?

YES_____ or NO_____

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7. Do you support legislation that requires any public entities to recognize a union, providing that union submits authorization cards by a majority of eligible members and that once a union is recognized, all persons covered in the bargaining unit pay reasonable service fees, if they choose not to belong to the recognized union?

YES_____ or NO_____


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Assisting Progressive Maryland & Allies

For the measures above that you have agreed to support would you be willing to:

Co-sponsor legislation? YES_____ or NO_____

Work with our lobbyists to pass a bill? YES_____ or NO_____

Testify at a hearing in support of legislation? YES_____ or NO_____

Speak at public events in support of legislation? YES_____ or NO_____

Write a letter in support of legislation? YES_____ or NO_____

Write an op-ed in support of legislation? YES_____ or NO_____

In order to build progressive grassroots organizations, would you be willing to help by:

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Speaking at Progressive Maryland events?

Urging employers to respect their employees’ right to form a union by remaining neutral during a union campaign?

Urge employers to recognize a union voluntarily when the majority of their employees choose to form a union?

Write a letter to unorganized workers endorsing an organizing drive by a labor union?

Walk a picket line with a labor union?

YES_____ or NO_____

YES_____ or NO_____

YES_____ or NO_____

YES_____ or NO_____

YES_____ or NO_____