
Tools for Linking Tools for Linking Management Measures to Management Measures to

Water QualityWater Quality

Information Center for the Environment

Mike Byrne

March 6, 2001


BackgroundNRPIManagement Measures – Management

Practices DataRWQCB TMDL support


ICE is:– A Team of Analysts, Specialists, and

Programmers– Researching and developing methods for

integrating spatial data and multiple databases– In order to provide better resource decision

making tools


Cooperative Facility (interdepartmental) within the Dept. of Environmental Science and Policy– GIS, database and modeling support– Public access to data, maps, models and reports– Maintains one of the most extensive on-line

environmental bibliographies– Website is accessed over 14,000 times per week

Natural Resource Projects Natural Resource Projects Inventory (NRPI)Inventory (NRPI)

A Cooperative Effort Between

UC Davis Information Center for the

Environment (ICE)

California Biodiversity Council

Natural Resource Projects Natural Resource Projects Inventory (NRPI)Inventory (NRPI)

Natural Resource Projects Natural Resource Projects Inventory (NRPI)Inventory (NRPI)

A searchable on-line database with nearly 2000 watershed management and on-the-ground restoration projects in California

A decision support tool and tracking device for resource managers and the public, receiving over 1200 hits daily

Contains over 2400 cooperators, funders, and landowners; 1600 contacts; and 1200 species

Over 1600 projects are spatially referenced

NRPI NRPI OverviewOverview Internet


Watershed Groups Database

Watershed Projects Inventory


CA Ecological Restoration Projects Inventory (CERPI)

CA Noxious WeedControl Projects



On-line Mapping

California Rivers Assessment (CARA)

Components of NRPI Components of NRPI DatabaseDatabase

WPI (Watershed Projects Inventory)– Started with funds from CBC to UC Davis in

1993, with primary direction and support from CDFG and SWRCB

– Additional support from BLM, CDF and USEPA

– Focus is on projects with 3 or more cooperators – Can be a watershed plan that is yet to be

implemented– Contains: contacts, purpose, location, habitat,

species, cooperators, methods and more –

Components of NRPI Components of NRPI DatabaseDatabase

CERPI (Ecological Restoration Projects)– Funded in 1996 through grant from USEPA,

plus matching funds from CA Department of Conservation and CA Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SERCAL)

– On-the-ground restoration projects Can be single group or multi-group effort Same data fields as WPI


Components of NRPI Components of NRPI DatabaseDatabase

CalWeed (California Noxious Weed Control Projects Inventory)– Group formed by the Signing of a Memorandum

of Understanding (1995 – 1997) by sixteen State and Federal Agencies

– An Inventory of Noxious Weed Projects in California Searchable by Species, Controls, Location, etc.

– An On-line Encyclopedia of Weed biology and Control Data with additional links


Other ProjectsOther Projects

EPA’s California Water Quality Planning Projects–– Includes all 319(h) and 205(j) projects

CALFED Ecosystem Restoration Projects – Spatial and text searches for projects including:

CALFED Ecological Management Unit Boundaries, Watershed Boundaries, Political Boundaries (in development)

Web-based Interfaces in Web-based Interfaces in ProgressProgress

My Watershed Page (in development)– Accessible on the Sacramento River Watershed Program

Homepage– Will query NRPI database by Sacramento River

watershed map

San Francisco Bay Fund Inventory Project (in development)– Will provide access to NRPI data through clickable map

Management Measures - Management Measures - Management PracticesManagement Practices

For SWRCBTrack the effectiveness of Management

MeasuresTag to AuthoritiesIssues

– No standardization (between agencies) of BMP’s

– No clear idea of effectiveness

Management Measures - Management Measures - Management PracticesManagement Practices

Strategy– Tag projects (TMDL watersheds) with

measures and practices– GPS the site– Photo Document the site

Management Measures - Management Measures - Management PracticesManagement Practices

Create a Database for– Tracking– Initiation– Implementation– Effectiveness

Enter projects into NRPIDigital Photographic evidenceRegister to Authorities Database

Management Measures - Management Measures - Management PracticesManagement Practices

Outcome – GIS ready– Simple documentation of management

measures and practices – Return potential to examine effectiveness– Database, searchable, on-line– Standards– Pilot additional in depth work

Region 5 TMDL SupportRegion 5 TMDL Support

TMDL on the Sacramento River for Diazinon Spray for dormant orchards Grouping of Management Practices to reduce

– Runoff reduction– Selection of pest management strategies– Application methods

Voluntary - Survey

Region 5 TMDL SupportRegion 5 TMDL Support

Create a survey to assess the amount of voluntary management practices

Compile survey into a databaseSpatially Reference the surveyCreate GIS tools to view CA Dept.

Pesticide Regulation Data and survey data in one framework

Region 5 TMDL SupportRegion 5 TMDL Support

Amount of pesticide applied per 1 square mile

Land Use (Orchard)– Almond, Prune, Peaches, Walnuts

Amount of pesticide applied per orchardTypes and amount of BMP’s per orchardIdentify trends in pesticide reduction



Diazinon Use in the Diazinon Use in the Sacramento ValleySacramento Valley

Region 5 TMDL SupportRegion 5 TMDL Support

Provide mechanism in ArcView to see where Management Practices are reducing the amount of Diazinon run-off

Over time

Information Center for the Information Center for the EnvironmentEnvironment Byrne – [email protected] Ward – [email protected]

On-line NRPI Data Entry FormTracking system for Authorities,

Management Measures and 9o0iiiiiiiiiiiiii98iouuuuujukih5

Photo documentation of implemented BMPs

Boolean Query system for NRPI database

Coming Soon for NRPIComing Soon for NRPI

How to ParticipateHow to Participate

Download NRPI form at:–

Obtain form included in RFP for Calfed’s Ecosystem Restoration Projects, EPA’s 319(h) and 205(j) Grants, Prop 13’s three new RFPs, and DWR’s Urban Stream Restoration Project

Contact Kevin Ward at: (ph) 530-752-2378, (fax) 530-752-3350 or email at: [email protected]