
Top 7 Things To Know If Arrested for DUI in Nevada

By Garrett Ogata

DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney

Las Vegas, Nevada

#1: ALWAYS be polite and

respectful to the police


#2: If detained for a DUI in

NEVADA, politely refuse to

do ANY field sobriety test or

on scene breath test.

However, do request a

BREATHLYZER test at the

police station.

#3: DO NOT answer any

questions about alcohol

consumption. It is best to

stay silent about any and all

facts of your case.

#4 : NEVER consent to

any search of your vehicle,

home or person.

#5: While in custody,

DO NOT discuss your case

with anybody in the jail; they

may be informants.

#6: When you are released,

NEVER make any contact

with the police, District

Attorney or Investigator

without first consulting your

attorney. These people are

not there to help you!

#7: DO NOT try to make deals

with the police. They can and

will lie to get you to confess

to a crime with the promise

that your case will be dropped

and/or that you will be

released from jail.

DO NOT believe them!

Arrested For DUI In Nevada?


(702) 366-0891
