  • 7/25/2019 Topic1-Concept of Teaching and Learning-Tesl2016








  • 7/25/2019 Topic1-Concept of Teaching and Learning-Tesl2016



    Entrance SurveyEntrance Survey

    New RMKNew RMK

    Semester PlanSemester PlanLectures and TutorialsLectures and Tutorials

    Main References BookMain References Book

    Project AssinmentProject Assinment

    Sc!ool Based E"#erience $SBE%Sc!ool Based E"#erience $SBE%

    02/11/16 TCL-JIP_IPGKPP

  • 7/25/2019 Topic1-Concept of Teaching and Learning-Tesl2016


    Main ReferencesMain References

    Sc!unk& '( )( $*+,*%(Sc!unk& '( )( $*+,*%( Learning theories: AnLearning theories: Aneducational perspective. (6educational perspective. (6ththed.).ed.).Boston-Boston-Pearson Education& .nc(Pearson Education& .nc(

    Trillin& B(& 0 1adel& 2( $*++3%(Trillin& B(& 0 1adel& 2( $*++3%( 2121ststCenturyCentury

    Skills: Learning for life in our tiesSkills: Learning for life in our ties( San( San1rancisco- 4ossey5Bass(1rancisco- 4ossey5Bass(

    6oolfolk& A(E( $*+,*%(6oolfolk& A(E( $*+,*%( !ducational!ducational

    psychologypsychology$,*$,*t!t!ed(%(New 4ersey- Prentice )all(ed(%(New 4ersey- Prentice )all(

    02/11/16 TCL-JIP_IPGKPP

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    Project AssinmentProject Assinment

    Academic 6ritin 7+8Academic 6ritin 7+8

    SBE Re#ort *+8SBE Re#ort *+8

    Presentation 9+8Presentation 9+8

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    Lectures and TutorialsLectures and Tutorials

    Tutorial 'iscussionTutorial 'iscussion

    2oo#erative Learnin2oo#erative Learnin

    :rou# distri;ution:rou# distri;utionActivities ;ased learninActivities ;ased learnin

    Lectures notes and ReferencesLectures notes and References

    1ace;ook < w!atsa## rou#1ace;ook < w!atsa## rou#

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    Topic 1:Topic 1:Concept of Teaching andConcept of Teaching and


  • 7/25/2019 Topic1-Concept of Teaching and Learning-Tesl2016



    Pre#are a #iece of colour #a#erPre#are a #iece of colour #a#er

    Let=s fold a Pa#er )elico#terLet=s fold a Pa#er )elico#ter

    )ands >n activities)ands >n activitiesRe?ectionRe?ection

    S!arin of e"#erienceS!arin of e"#erience


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    @sin iT).NK circle ma#& list@sin iT).NK circle ma#& list

    c!aracteristics of Teac!inc!aracteristics of Teac!in

    c!aracteristics of Learninc!aracteristics of LearninPrinci#les of learninPrinci#les of learnin

    02/11/16 TCL-JIP_IPGKPP

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    'enition of teac!in and'enition of teac!in andlearninlearnin

    Princi#les of learninPrinci#les of learnin

    Ty#es of learninTy#es of learnin

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    C-ncept -. TeachingC-ncept -. Teaching

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    >#erational 'enitions of>#erational 'enitions ofTeac!inTeac!in

    'escri#tive 'enitions of'escri#tive 'enitions ofTeac!inTeac!in

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    >#erational 'enitions of>#erational 'enitions ofTeac!inTeac!in

    t!e action of a #erson w!ot!e action of a #erson w!oteac!esC t!e #rofession of ateac!esC t!e #rofession of a

    teac!erDteac!erDteac!in is im#artin knowledeteac!in is im#artin knowlede

    or skillor skill

    stimulation& uidance& directionstimulation& uidance& directionand encouraement of learnin(Dand encouraement of learnin(D

    02/11/16 TCL-JIP_IPGKPP

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    'escri#tive 'enitions of'escri#tive 'enitions of

    Teac!in $,%Teac!in $,%

    Teac!in as SuccessTeac!in as Success

    F teac!in is t!at w!ic! results inteac!in is t!at w!ic! results in

    learninlearninFT!is is t!eT!is is t!e #rocess 5 #roduct#rocess 5 #roduct a##roac!a##roac!

    Teac!in as .ntentional ActivityTeac!in as .ntentional Activity

    F teac!in is undertakin certain tasksteac!in is undertakin certain tasksor activities t!eor activities t!e intentionintentionof w!ic! is toof w!ic! is toinduce learnininduce learnin

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    Teac!in as Normative ActivityTeac!in as Normative Activity

    F normative teac!in reGuires t!at t!enormative teac!in reGuires t!at t!eactivities of teac!in conform toactivities of teac!in conform tocertaincertain et!ical conditionset!ical conditions

    Scientic 'enition of Teac!inScientic 'enition of Teac!in

    F teac!in is t!e #rocess of carryin outteac!in is t!e #rocess of carryin out

    t!ose activities t!at e"#erience !ast!ose activities t!at e"#erience !ass!own to ;e eHective in ettins!own to ;e eHective in ettinstudents to learnstudents to learn

    'escri#tive 'enitions of'escri#tive 'enitions ofTeac!in $*%Teac!in $*%

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    Teaching i/ 0!!

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    2!aracteristics of Teac!in2!aracteristics of Teac!in

    includes t!e #rovision of desira;leincludes t!e #rovision of desira;leinformationinformation

    To ac!ieve learnin outcomesTo ac!ieve learnin outcomesNeeds eIcient #lanninNeeds eIcient #lannin

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    Princi#les of Teac!inPrinci#les of Teac!in

    @sin #revious knowlede@sin #revious knowlede

    2onsiderin individual diHerence2onsiderin individual diHerence

    MeaninfulnessMeaninfulness>;tain learnin outcomes>;tain learnin outcomes

    Proceedin from sim#le to com#le"&Proceedin from sim#le to com#le"&

    concrete to a;stract& eneral toconcrete to a;stract& eneral tos#ecic(s#ecic(

    2reative and innovative2reative and innovative

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    C-ncept -. Lea1ningC-ncept -. Lea1ning

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    1. Learning is inferred from PERFORMANCEPERFORMANCE.

    If there is no behavior to observe then we cant say

    for sure whether or not learning has occurred.

    2. Learning involves A CHANGE IN THE MENTAL

    STATE of an organism . Acquired knowledge must be

    coded or represented in the brain.

    3. Learning stems from EXPERIENCE

    This distinguishes learning from instinct, which

    refers to behaviors present at birth.

    What is Learning?

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    Knowlede acGuisitionKnowlede acGuisition

    an e"#erience w!ic! #roduces a relativelyan e"#erience w!ic! #roduces a relatively#ermanent c!ane#ermanent c!ane in #otentialin #otential ;e!aviour;e!aviour(D(DF e"cludes natural c!anes of ;e!aviour due to ;ioloicale"cludes natural c!anes of ;e!aviour due to ;ioloical

    rowt!& tem#orary c!anes due to eHects of drus orrowt!& tem#orary c!anes due to eHects of drus or#!ysical fatiue(#!ysical fatiue(

    an inferred c!ane in t!ean inferred c!ane in t!e oranisms=oranisms= mental statemental statew!ic! results from e"#erience and w!ic!w!ic! results from e"#erience and w!ic!

    in?uences in a relativelyin?uences in a relatively #ermanent fas!ion#ermanent fas!ion t!et!eoranisms=oranisms= #otential#otentialfor su;seGuent ada#tivefor su;seGuent ada#tive;e!avior(;e!avior(

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    Leaning i! "##Leaning i! "##

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    2!aracteristics of Learnin2!aracteristics of Learnin

    2!anes of ;e!avior2!anes of ;e!avior

    Active involvementActive involvement

    Attainment of oalAttainment of oal:rowt! in e"#erience& knowlede and:rowt! in e"#erience& knowlede and


    Lifelon #rocessLifelon #rocess

    >raniJin e"#erience>raniJin e"#erience

    .nteraction and communication.nteraction and communication

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    Ty#es of LearninTy#es of Learnin

    1ormal Learnin1ormal Learnin

    .nformal learnin.nformal learnin

    Non51ormal LearninNon51ormal Learnin

    'o you know t!e diHerent of'o you know t!e diHerent of

    t!ese learnin :ive an e"am#le oft!ese learnin :ive an e"am#le ofeac! ty#es of learnin(eac! ty#es of learnin(

    02/11/16 TCL-JIP_IPGKPP

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    1ormal Learnin1ormal Learnin

    >raniJed& uided ;y a formal>raniJed& uided ;y a formalcurriculum& leads to a formallycurriculum& leads to a formally

    reconiJed credential suc! as areconiJed credential suc! as a!i! sc!ool com#letion di#loma or!i! sc!ool com#letion di#loma ora deree& and is often uided anda deree& and is often uided andreconiJed ;y overnment at somereconiJed ;y overnment at somelevel( Teac!ers are usually trainedlevel( Teac!ers are usually trainedas #rofessionals in some way(as #rofessionals in some way(

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    .nformal Learnin.nformal Learnin

    No formal curriculum and no creditsNo formal curriculum and no creditsearned( T!e teac!er is sim#lyearned( T!e teac!er is sim#ly

    someone wit! more e"#eriencesomeone wit! more e"#eriencesuc! as a #arent& rand#arent or asuc! as a #arent& rand#arent or afriend( A fat!er teac!in !is c!ild tofriend( A fat!er teac!in !is c!ild to#lay catc! or a ;a;ysitter teac!in#lay catc! or a ;a;ysitter teac!in

    a c!ild t!eir AB2=s is an e"am#le ofa c!ild t!eir AB2=s is an e"am#le ofinformal education(informal education(

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    Non5formal LearninNon5formal Learnin

    >raniJed& may or may not ;e uided ;y a>raniJed& may or may not ;e uided ;y aformal curriculum(formal curriculum(

    led ;y a Gualied teac!er or ;y a leader wit!led ;y a Gualied teac!er or ;y a leader wit!more e"#erience( T!ou! it doesn=t result in amore e"#erience( T!ou! it doesn=t result in a

    formal deree or di#loma& non5formal educationformal deree or di#loma& non5formal educationis !i!ly enric!in and ;uilds an individual=sis !i!ly enric!in and ;uilds an individual=sskills and ca#acities(skills and ca#acities(

    2ontinuin2ontinuin education courseseducation courses for e"am#le&for e"am#le&

    attendin conferences& seminars& s!ort courses&attendin conferences& seminars& s!ort courses&trainin cam#& colloGuium& works!o# and trainintrainin cam#& colloGuium& works!o# and trainin#roram(#roram(

    Ac!ieve s!ort term learnin #ur#osesAc!ieve s!ort term learnin #ur#oses02/11/16 TCL-JIP_IPGKPP

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  • 7/25/2019 Topic1-Concept of Teaching and Learning-Tesl2016


    Types of Learning in NewTypes of Learning in NewGenerationGeneration


    6e;5;ased learnin6e;5;ased learnin

    'iital :ame5;ased learnin'iital :ame5;ased learnin>nline Learnin>nline Learnin

    Multimedia LearninMultimedia Learnin

    Social Media LearninSocial Media Learnin

    Mo;ile LearninMo;ile Learnin

    irtual Learninirtual Learnin

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    Categories of Learning -Categories of Learning -GagnGagn

    :an identies ve major:an identies ve majorcateories of learnin( 'iHerentcateories of learnin( 'iHerent

    internal and e"ternal conditionsinternal and e"ternal conditionsare necessary for eac! ty#e ofare necessary for eac! ty#e oflearnin(learnin(

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    Gagns Nine Events OfGagns Nine Events Of


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    Reations!ip "etweenReations!ip "etweenTeac!ing and LearningTeac!ing and Learning

    Teac!ingTeac!ingis w!at teac!ers do& w!ileis w!at teac!ers do& w!ilelearninlearninis w!at students do(is w!at students do(

    Teac!ingTeac!ingandand learninlearnin are a #rocess t!at are a #rocess t!at

    !a##ened concurrently in t!e classroom!a##ened concurrently in t!e classroom Teac!ingTeac!ingis eHective only w!enis eHective only w!en earninearnin

    are eHective and meaninfulare eHective and meaninful

    Teac!ers are res#onsi;le to ensure eHectiveTeac!ers are res#onsi;le to ensure eHective

    student learnin in t!e classroomstudent learnin in t!e classroomTeac!ers are accounta;le for studentTeac!ers are accounta;le for student

    learnin des#ite #oor #arentin& neativelearnin des#ite #oor #arentin& neativeattitudes& and ot!er social ills(attitudes& and ot!er social ills(02/11/16 TCL-JIP_IPGKPP

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    Leaning Pincip$e! of E%e$$Leaning Pincip$e! of E%e$$

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    #rincipes of Learning-Ewe#rincipes of Learning-Ewe

    Active involvementActive involvement

    Pattern reconition and connectivismPattern reconition and connectivism

    .nformal learnin.nformal learnin1irst !and e"#erience1irst !and e"#erience

    2om#ellin Situation2om#ellin Situation

    2ontinuous reinforcement2ontinuous reinforcement

    Stimulatin environmentStimulatin environment


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