Page 1: Tpt's tendering process at a glance

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TPT CE’s Procurement Imbizo

KZN Region

Tender and Three Quote Educational Presentation

2nd November 2015

Page 2: Tpt's tendering process at a glance

Step 1 Demand Planning

Step 2 Procurement strategy &


Step 3 Bid preparation

Step 4 Issue, receipt & opening of bids

Step 5 Bid evaluation

Step 6 Shortlisting

Step 7 Adjudication

Step 8 Contract award and


Typical Procurement Cycle

Page 3: Tpt's tendering process at a glance

How does Transnet buy its Goods and Services ?

Mainly through the open tender (RFP) system


Low value items through the quotation (RFQ) method

Fax quotes

RFQ document

Sometimes once-off delivery

Sometimes contracts for a specific period or specific value or both (as and when required)

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What is the value of the


How often do I require these


What is the nature of the market?

Below R2m (excl VAT)?

Above R2m (excl VAT)?

Once off


Known/Unknown market

Limited/Competitive market

Factors to consider in determining the appropriate Procurement Mechanism

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Tender is advertised Newspaper/s Tender bulletin board Internet

Transnet Tendering Process at a Glance(RFP)

Peruse tender and collect copy if inter-ested Provide proof of

payment when necessary

Attend briefing ses-sion / site visitwhere necessary Ensure that atten-

dance certificate issigned

Assemble the rele-vant documents, in-formation, costing Complete the tender


Provide goods andservices as tendered Service Level Agree-

ment (SLA)

Unsuccessful ten-derers are informedwho got the busi-ness and on whataspect they hadfailed Price B-BBEE Technical

If successful, theaward of businesswill be communica-ted and a contractwill be signed

Deliver the tenderbefore the closingtime on the closingdate In tender box; or Deliver to Acquisition

Council Secretary


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Where are tenders advertised?

Transnet tenders are normally advertised in the following publications:

National Treasury eTender Publication Portal at effect form the 1st May 2015.

National Newspapers (e.g. Sowetan, Sunday Times, City Press, New Age, etc.).

CIDB website –for engineering & construction tenders.

Tender notice boards at Transnet offices.

For those who do not have access to internet, bid documents can still be obtained at a relevant Transnet office where the bid is advertised.

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Briefing Sessions

The tender document will sometimes indicate that a compulsory briefing

session / site visit will be held.

Briefing sessions / site visits may also be non-compulsory in which case

tenderers may attend if they wish, to obtain more information or to look at the


The purpose of the briefing session / site visit is to explain Transnet’s

requirements in more detail and to allow questions from prospective tenderers

so that tenderers may be sure as to what is expected of them when they

respond to the tender.

If you don’t attend a compulsory briefing session / site visit, you will not be

allowed to participate in the tender process.

Even if the briefing session is non compulsory you are strongly encouraged to


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Lets look at the basic structure of a tender document

Notice to tenderers / bidders.

Background, Overview and Scope of Requirements.

Pricing and Delivery Schedule.

Proposal Form and List of Returnable Documents.

RFP Declaration and Breach of Law Form.

Clarification Request Form.

B-BBEE Preference Points Claim Form.

Certification of Attendance of RFP Compulsory Briefing.

Supplier Development Initiatives.

Declaration of Supplier Development Commitments.

B-BBEE Improvement Plan

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Notice to tenderers / bidders

Description of services/goods required.

Contract period / anticipated contract period.*

Date, time and address for tender briefing/site meeting (if any).

Date and time of tender closing.*

Address where tender should be submitted.

Manner in which tender can be submitted, e.g. original and 2 copies, in tender

box or per courier.*

Information on B-BBEE, Supplier Development, Subcontracting,


Communication:- who to contact for clarity, when to contact that person and

how to communicate with that person.

The secretary’s address and that of the tender box will be indicated in the

tender document.

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Background, Overview & Scope of Requirements

The tenderer needs to be aware of the following:

Background of the services needed by Transnet and the overview thereof.

Scope of requirements:- this is the actual scope of work that the bidder will be required to provide.

Green Economy:- the bidder is required to provide its policy on Green economy.

General Service Provider Obligation:- a commitment from the bidder that, it will comply with all requirements as per the RFP and shall be responsible for the acts of its employees.

Evaluation Method, this shall be explained in detail on slide 22*

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Pricing and Delivery Schedule

The bidders need to:

State the total price and applicable VAT separately.*

Give a breakdown of the different component costs that make up that priceso it is clear how you got to the final price.

The breakdown should include the labour portion, materials costs, importcosts, fuel/transport costs, etc.

Service Levels:- bidders to accept service levels with Transnet.

Suppliers must indicate how prices will increase and what factors will informsuch increases.*

Financial stability:- bidders are required to submit their audited financialstatements

NOTE: Suppliers MUST NOT intentionally quote lower prices with the hopeof increasing the price at a later stage *

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Proposal Form & List of Returnable Documents

Examples of returnable documents include:

− Copy of ID − Financial Statements − Confirmation of turnover − References − B-BBEE certificate − Original valid tax clearance certificate - Pricing Schedule - Declaration of Supplier Development Commitment

And where applicable:• Joint Venture Agreement• Share agreements/certification• CIBD grading• Technical specifications and drawings• Tender briefing attendance form• Receipt for payment re. tender form

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RFP Declaration & Breach of Law Form

In this section bidders are expected to declare that:

All the questions they might have had and submitted to Transnet for clarityhave been answered to their satisfaction by Transnet.

They have been afforded access to Transnet operational sites for them toassess Transnet so that they will be in a better position to bid.

They are satisfied with the bidding process and with the requiredinformation as per RFP

They have no family, business or social relationship with the employees,Board members of Transnet or with any person who might be involved inthe evaluation process

They have not been found guilty of breaching any law in the last five years(company law for an example). This does not include minor offences suchas traffic offences.

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Clarification Request Form

This is the form that bidders are required to complete for purposesfor seeking or requesting clarity for a particular bid.

The form has the contact details of the person to whom request forclarity should be addressed to.

In turn the response for clarity will be sent to all bidders who areparticipating in the bid to ensure fairness to all bidders.

It is important that, the bidders who sought clarity fill in theircorrect details in the form as the response is sent back as per thedetails appearing on the form.

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B-BBEE Preference Points Claim Form

It is important to note that, in this section a total of ten (10) points shall beawarded for B-BBEE Status level of contribution. It is therefore important forthe bidders to:-

Complete the form and state their B-BBEE Status Level of Contribution, andthis should be accompanied with the accredited Verification Agencies’Certificate

In the absence of the Certificate by the accredited Verification Agencies asworn affidavit will suffice, but this is only applicable to Exempted MicroEnterprises (EMEs) and Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs)

In the event that the bidder intends to subcontract, then the B-BBEEStatus Level of the company to be subcontracted must also be reflected onthe form.

The percentage of the contract to be subcontracted must also be reflectedon the form.

The bidder must declare that, the level of B-BBEE status claimed is correctand true, and is not fraudulent.

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Certificate of Attendance of RFP Briefing

It is important to note that, where a briefing session is compulsory, thenbidders must complete and submit the certificate of attendance of the RFPbriefing together with their proposal as proof of attendance.

A bidder who does not have in their possession valid RFP documents willnot be allowed to attend a briefing session.

It must be noted further that, a failure by the bidders to attend acompulsory briefing session will result in disqualification.

It is also important that bidders stick to the time for a briefing session asstipulated in the RFP document as there will not be time allocated to repeatwhat has already been discuss for purposes of accommodating those thatarrive late.

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Tax clearance requirements

The tenderer must submit an original, valid tax clearance certificate /letter of good tax standing.

Transnet is not allowed to do business with a company whose taxaffairs are not in order.

Delivery period

The tenderer must state the delivery period in words− whether delivery

will occur in calendar days, working days, weeks or months.

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Tender evaluation criteria

Always remember : Price is not the only factor !!

Various criteria are taken into account when evaluating tenderresponses (including quality, proposed supplier development andB-BBEE status).

The mere fact that the tenderer has offered the cheapest pricedoes not guarantee that business will be awarded to him/her.

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Tender evaluation criteria contd…

The tender document will state the criteria that will be used to evaluate thetender responses. The tender evaluation criteria are determined before thetender is put out.

Criteria can include, but are not limited to the following: Price

Price basis (firm/fixed or subject to escalation)

Discounts / rebates

Transport charges


Supplier development


B-BBEE status / scorecard

Delivery period / Lead times

Previous experience/references

Financial stability

Technical / functional compliance


After sales support or service / value add


Insurance cover


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Tender evaluation process

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5






Threshold for

Local Content


Threshold for



scoring / 100



B-BBEE s/c & FRC







B-BBEE s/c & FRC

Technical /






Threshold for



Step 2Step 1 Step 6

Bid lodged on


Ret. Docs.

Ret schedules

Missing docs by

ext. deadline

Doc signed


criteria met?

Priced offer

Crucial aspects



compliance with

scope/ spec

Designated/ non



May use threshold

in normal


Threshold must be




FRC: (0wnership,

Mgt control, Empl.

Equity, ED, Pref.





Technology & IP


Skills development,

Job creation

Small business


Adherence to spec

Service levels



National footprint

After sales services





prices/ TCO

(value to


SD scores in step

4, transposed


scorecard &

FRC scores in

step 4


Page 21: Tpt's tendering process at a glance

The required returnable documents by bidders must be determined. There are two

categories of returnable documents :

Mandatory Documents:

• must be submitted by the closing date and time

• must be limited to critical documents that will be used to evaluate bidders e.g. Pricing


Essential Documents

• other required documents which may not result in automatic elimination if not

submitted e.g. Audited Financial Statements and the B-BBEE Improvement Plan

• NB: Failure to submit mandatory returnable documents at the closing date and time of

the bid WILL result in the bidder’s disqualification, and failure to submit essential

returnable documents MAY result in the bidder’s disqualification.

Administrative Responsiveness Test


• returnable documents submitted

• signatures on the Bid documents

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Substantive Responsiveness Test

Whether any pre-qualification criteria (Yes or No Questions) set by

Transnet, have been met:


Supplier Development

Financial Stability

Whether the Bid contains a priced offer as prescribed in the RFP

Whether the Bid materially complies with the scope and/or

specification given

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What could disqualify a tender response

Failure to attend compulsory site/clarification meeting.

Unsigned tender documents.

Tenders deposited after the closing time and date or at the wrong address.

Failure to submit returnable documents asked for e.g. original valid tax clearance orB-BBEE certificate.

Being blacklisted from doing business with Transnet or Government.

No CIDB registration for required grading for construction tenders.

Non-compliance with or contravening legislative provisions.

Not signing a non-disclosure agreement where this was a requirement.

Not complying with material forms and conditions of tender.

Not quoting a price.

Misrepresentation of facts.

Fraud and corruption.

Failure to declare an interest.

Other breaches of law.

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Tips for successful tendering

Do your homework and start early

Get a copy of the tender documents as soon as you can, preferably on the day thetender is issued to the market. (You can read a draft tender document beforedeciding to buy the document.)

Give yourself enough time to plan and prepare your submission.

Review and understand the requirements

Read the tender document carefully and thoroughly.

Attend any scheduled briefing session and ask questions if the information is unclear.

If you need further help or clarification, ask the Transnet contact person, mentioned in the tender document.

Make sure you have all the requested accreditations and documents.

Read the contract terms and conditions and make sure you can comply.

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Tips for successful tendering contd…

Study the evaluation criteria and respond as requested in the RFP

Note any weighting placed on each of them (i.e. how big a role does eachcriterion play in the final evaluation).

Satisfy each of the criteria as best you can.

Work out the budget and resources required to do the work.

Do not under-quote as you will not be allowed to increase your price once thetender is awarded. The contract may be cancelled and you and your companymay be blacklisted for under-performance.

Give a breakdown of your price/cost.

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Tips for successful tendering contd…

Check your tender response for completeness and accuracy

Make sure you include all the requirements and specifications for goods and services to be supplied.

Be 100% sure that you will be able to deliver as tendered.

Inform Transnet how you will meet the requirements.

Check for arithmetical errors in your tender price or other calculations.

Include details of the relevant experience you have in relation to the proposed contract.

Indicate who can give reference for your work/performance on previous contracts.

Attach all returnable documents.

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Tips for successful tendering contd…

Check the closing date, time and place for delivering the tender

Late tenders and tenders delivered to an incorrect address will not beconsidered.

Make sure you have enough time to prepare and submit your tender.

Submit the tender in the right place/tender box.

Make sure the document is completed in full and that all the pages

have been signed/initialled.

Don’t wait until the last minute to deliver/submit your documents.

Do not submit more than one tender in the same envelope.

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Common Challenges

Incorrect or incomplete completion of tender documents;

Failure to seek clarity when unsure;

Failure to ask relevant information during briefing sessions;

Failure to return mandatory documents on or before the closing date;

Failure to submit essential documents on or before the closing date, even when requested to submit within a reasonable time after the closing date;

Failure to read and understand what is required in the tender documents;

Failure to correctly fill in the required information on the pricing schedule;

NB: the Bid document always has a schedule of Mandatory Returnable Documents and Essential Returnable Documents.

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Suppliers At least 3 suppliers

are identified from:• vendor list• previous contracts• Internet• Rotation of

suppliers• End-users

Transnet Quotation Process at a Glance(RFQ)

Request For Quotations Issued to the

identified suppliers

Attend briefing ses-sion / site visitwhere necessary Ensure that atten-

dance certificate issigned

Assemble the rele-vant documents, in-formation, costing Complete the

quotation form

Provide goods andservices as quoted Issuing of delivery

note Issuing of an invoice

If successful, theaward of businesswill be communica-ted and a purchaseorder will be issued

Deliver thequotation before theclosing time on theclosing date Via facsimile/email;

or In tender box



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Common Challenges – 3 Quote System

Incorrect or incomplete quotation (missing stock availability details, delivery time,

warranty details);

Failure to attend briefing sessions resulting in bidders not understanding the Scope

of work (if compulsory, any non-attending vendors’ quotes will be disallowed);

Failure to price according to the pricing schedule provided by the Buyer, (Quoting

total price instead of a breakdown provided; using a different Unit of Measure);

Sending quotations to the wrong fax number or e-mail;

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Common Challenges in Payments of Invoices

Supplier engaged on emergencies whereas tax matters are not correct –

payment is withheld by Finance until the tax matters are resolved;

Changes to the PO during delivery without Procurement’s involvement –

changes to PO to be done upon Procurement’s instruction or revised PO;

Delivering a service without a Purchase Order – this is a violation;

Sending invoices without PO numbers and signed delivery notes/job cards;

Only original invoices are considered for payment – not copies;

Incorrect Terminals invoiced and statement is not sent by the 10th of the next


Backdating invoices to quicken the payment period – invoice date cannot be

earlier than the PO date unless it was an emergency.

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