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Page 1: Traffic problem of Silchar


A Presentation by: ZP Group

Page 2: Traffic problem of Silchar

Traffic jam in Silchar generally occurs due to following factors: Poor Condition Of Roads Narrow Roads Bad Traffic operations Encroachment along the roads and poor parking facilities. Entrance of heavy vehicles on main roads.

Silchar, a town with population of around 2 lac, suffers with traffic jam everyday.

According to a survey, it was found that average traffic volume on hospital road is 6500 vehicles per hour which rises to 12000 vehicles per hour in peak hours.

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The problems of traffic jam can be solved by: By improvement and up-gradation of roads making them durable. By widening the roads wherever possible. By employing traffic lights on busy and crowded circles. Removing the encroachment and utilizing the space. By diversion of routes wherever possible. By improving parking facilities Punishing the traffic rule violators.

Major areas causing traffic jams are:SMC Point, Tarapur Road, Rangirkhari Central Road, Capital Point, NIT Point, Meherpur Road

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Some proposed solution at the major places of traffic jam are:

1. NIT Point:

Problem: Too much Autos and poor parking facilities.

Proposed Solution: Provide Auto Parking Stands on bothsides of NH near Kali Manidir ORProvide Auto Parking Stands in front on NIT Entrance.



d Parking

Suggested Parking

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Problem: Poor road condition and poor parking facility causing traffic jam.

Proposed Solutions:1. Construct concrete road in front of SMC with little elevation and provision

of drain along the road preventing accumulation of rain water on the road.

2. Provide two parking stands as in picture.3. On the opposite side of SMC Entrance, there is a space between shops

and roads, we can utilize it for making a stoppage for Autos which stop at SMC passengers.

4. Install CCTV cameras on the SMCH point. Traffic administration will be monitoring traffic and traffic rule violators will be punished by e-Challan.



Space to be utilized for

Stoppage of Autos

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3. Meherpur Road:Problem: Accumulation of traffic on peak hours only.

Proposed Solution: It is seen that jam occurs here only because of poor condition of road. Hence improve the road quality. Besides it, construct a drain along the road to prevent accumulation of rain water on the road.

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4. Rangirkhari Point:

Problem: Traffic Jam in peak hour only.

Proposed solution: 1. Here also, the jam occurs mainly because of poor condition of road. So, construct durable roads.2. Remove encroachment along the road and utilize the area for parking space so that the usable area of road can be increased.

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5. Empire Point:

Problem: Since main market start from here, so it is a crowded place resulting in frequent traffic jam.

Proposed Solution: 1. Removing encroachment along the road and utilizing this space for better parking space. 2. Making Empire Point-Premtola point road one way. Vehicles coming from Premtola point will meet the main road at this point via Gulshan Lane. 3. Install CCTV camera on this point to supervise traffic.

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5. Premtola Point:

Problem: It is the busiest point of Silchar. There is a jam like condition at this point throughout the day.

Solution: 1. Make Rangirkhari-Premtola road one way allowing vehicles from

Rangirkhari to Premtola.2. Provide a diversion for the vehicles intended to go towards Rangirkhari

from Premtola point via Pan Patti and Radhamadhab road as shown in the map.

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Here is how the overall diversion will look like:

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6. Capital Point:

Problems: 1. Poor parking facilities.2. Bad traffic operation.3. Poor condition of existing road.

Proposed Solutions: 1. Remove encroachment and utilize the space for better parking facilities.2. Install CCTV cameras at the point.3. Construct better and durable roads.4. Modify the drainage system to prevent accumulation of rain water on the roads

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7. Other solution for smooth traffic operation: Spread traffic rule awareness among citizens. Encouragement of people obeying traffic rule by rewarding them. Punishment to rule violators. Strict policy implementation on traffic operation.

Conclusion: So, the traffic problem of Silchar can be solved by utilizing resources like parking

space, diversion and making the condition of roads better so that they can withstand the frequent rain.

It is an economical and efficient method to tackle the problem of traffic jam. It can be implemented very quickly, even within a few days. Such kind of traffic management planning is being successfully operated in many

cities in India.

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“If I complain about a traffic jam, I have no one to blame but myself.” -Steve Wynn

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