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Training and development in the fast food industry

How training and development is beneficial for your business

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The present study focuses on importance and role of Training and Development’s effect, in

business exclusively focusing on fast food industry. The secondary data consisting of all-

inclusive literature review is the backbone of this study. To understand all the factors influencing

the overall performance of the organizations and the role in business an empirical analysis was

conducted. Results reveal that Training and Development, Training Design and Delivery style

considerably influence success of a business and all of these have positive effects on the

performance of organizations. It implies that the overall business performance is increased due to

effective training and development practices.

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Table of Contents

1. Chapter 1.................................................................................................................................. 4

1.1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 4

1.2. Objective:........................................................................................................................... 5

1.3. Possible Outcomes:............................................................................................................ 6

2. Chapter 2- Literature Review .................................................................................................. 8

2.1. Overview............................................................................................................................ 8

2.2. Programs for Training and Development of Employees ................................................... 9

2.3. Components of the Training and Development ............................................................... 10

2.4. Individual Benefits of Training & Development ............................................................. 11

2.5. Organizational Benefits of Training and Development ................................................... 13

2.6. Employee Retention......................................................................................................... 15

2.7. Meta Analysis of Previous Work..................................................................................... 16

2.8. Summary .......................................................................................................................... 19

3. CHAPTER 3- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................... 21

3.1. Research Paradigm .......................................................................................................... 21

3.2. Research Design .............................................................................................................. 21

3.3. Data Collection ................................................................................................................ 22

3.4. Validity and reliability ..................................................................................................... 27

4. Chapter 4 – Findings and Discussion .................................................................................... 28

5. Chapter 5- Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 33

References ..................................................................................................................................... 36

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1. Chapter 1

1.1. Introduction

In today’s dynamic world the need for professional and highly skilled workforce are necessary

for every type of organization to perform well in this environment. The employees need to be

trained as highly skilled. And the developments inside the company are very essential.

There is always a need in organization to maximize the job performance of the employees.

Training and development is one of the major steps that most companies need and they choose as

well to maximize their goals. The performance of every company is related to the performance of

their employees. With better-trained employees organizations are able to save their budget and

can easily meet with the requirements of shareholders, creditors.

This practice of training and development is not only limited to the ordinary employees but as

well as to the higher management, to develop skills required in the diversity and competition in

the market by making the organization successful. This technique is always beneficial for the

employees and the company itself.

Training and development is a function of human resource management concerned with

organizational activity aimed at improving the performance of individuals and groups inside

the organization. Training provides essential work-related skills, techniques and knowledge.

Some fast food restaurants essentially surrender it over to the manager how to train new workers.

At the point when another worker is procured, the manager will take him around the restaurant

and head over the fundamental occupation works that he will be required to satisfy. At times, the

manager will let the representative begin working and learn by doing. Managers can finish

fundamental obligations and are off and on again the most qualified to demonstrate to new

representatives. Many fast food restaurants use training and development programmes to

ceaselessly enhance the nature of work that workers produce. A few organizations put an

accentuation on helping workers keeps on improving. For instance, they may offer a trainee

program with representatives. Now and again, the restaurants will utilize general pretend to help

workers enhance how they handle certain circumstances. Head honchos might likewise offer

motivators for enhanced execution so that representatives dependably strive to improve

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A standout amongst the most normally utilized training techniques within the fast food industry

is employment shadowing. With this system, managers attached another representative with a

worker who has been in the business for quite a while. The new worker essentially chases after

the current representative and watches what he does. The current representative tries to grant any

learning that he has amassed about how to successfully do the employment. Thusly, the new

representative can perceive how the employment functions in individual.

Now and again, organizations use instructional courses to demonstrate to their workers best

practices to do their occupations. With this methodology, new representatives are put into a class

or class with an accomplished mentor. The coach head over the essential techniques of the

business and demonstrates to the representative proper methodologies to handle different

circumstances. This could incorporate instructional features, machine projects. A few

organizations may oblige representatives to pass the class before they can start working.

1.2. Objective:

How training and skill development help employees to perform his/her specific job.

To analyse various training programmes occurring on the company.

To understand company's training programmes and its impacts on the new employees.

To identify whether training and development has increased their expertise level

To analyse whether training and development has contributed to their performance and

productivity level.

To make suggestions and answer to the problems to improve training and development.

To determine perspectives of the employees about training and development within the


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1.3. Possible Outcomes:

Through training and development overall performance of the employee and the organization can

be enhanced.

Through training and development overall competitiveness of the organization can be enhanced.

It is an opportunity for organization to give better understanding of business processes for the

new employees. It can be an effective way to introduce to the organization culture.

Training and development is to be considered as an effective tool for the future growth of the

new employees. It is always been a trick to reduce ambiguity between employer and employees.

And to reduce the communication barrier, which is always better for the performance of the

company. It is easy to communicate to the higher management to resolve issues. The

responsibilities and the roles of the employees inside the organization are emphasized. This is

very effective to the performance but also in the cost control. It can be a good message to the

new employees that they have to act as an integral part of the growth of organization.

Regardless of the introductory financial expenses, staff-preparing will pays back your

speculation. Here is only a portion of the motivations to assume advancement activities:

Training and development programmes help your business run better. Prepared workers will be

better prepared to handle client request, make a deal or utilization machine frameworks.

Training employees is an enrolling apparatus. Today's young specialists need more than a

paycheque. They are designed to always learn new abilities. You are more inclined to draw in

and keep great representatives on the off chance that you can offer improvement opportunities.

Training and development programmes advances work fulfilment. Sustaining workers to create

more adjusted aptitude sets will help them help the organization. The more captivated and

included they are in meeting expectations for your prosperity, the better your prizes.

Training and development is a maintenance apparatus, ingraining reliability and responsibility

from great specialists. Staff searching for the following test will be more inclined to stay in the

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event that you offer training programmes for them to learn and develop while at your


Training and development includes adaptability and productivity. You can broadly educate

representatives to be skilled in more than one part of the business. Show them to be skilful in

deals, client administration, organization and operations. This will help keep them intrigued and

will be gigantically useful to you when setting timetables or filling in for nonattendances.

Broadly educating additionally cultivates cooperation, as workers admire the difficulties

confronted by collaborators.

Training and development is crucial for learning exchange. It’s vital to impart learning among

your staff. If one individual has exceptional abilities, you'll have an intense time recovering their

insight in the event that they all of a sudden leave the organization. Spread learning around —

it’s similar to enhancing your speculations.

Training and development gives occasional specialists motivation to return. Tell regular

representatives there are a bigger number of courses than one to help. As opposed to enlisting

another person, offer them an opportunity to take in new aptitudes and profit from their


On the other hand training and development programs cost organizations lot money. And every

organization has taken care of the timing and the necessity of training activities. If such programs

are not conducted in planned and structured way then there could be the following possible


If trainee is not competent then it will cause more harm than how much he or she can

give benefit to the organization later on.

If one person is conducting all training program then there is a possibility of missing

important information etc.

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2. Chapter 2- Literature Review

2.1. Overview

Training is a systematic development of skills, attitudes and knowledge that is needed by every

individual for performing adequately when given a job or task. Training is an act that increases

knowledge and the skills of every employee to do any job. Thus, the term training can be

explained as the process that improves the skills, abilities and aptitudes of employees for

performing particular jobs. It helps to update old talents and develop new ones. To be successful

in their work, the employees require training for performing the duties effectively. The main

objective is to ensure the availability of skilled and the willing workforce. In addition, four

objectives are also there (Abbasian, 2005). The Individual Objectives, which help the employees

to achieve their goals and in turn, increases their individual contribution to organization. The

Organizational Objectives, which helps the firm to increase the individual effectiveness. The

Functional Objectives, which helps to maintain contribution of department at the level suited to

requirements of firm. The Social Objectives, which makes sure that the firm is socially and

ethically responsible to requirements and challenges of society.

As per the study by Leer (2014) there are some additional objectives like preparing all

employees so that they can meet all present and future requirements of firm and the job,

preventing obsolescence, imparting basic skill and knowledge in new entrants required by an

intelligent performance of specific job. It also includes preparing employees to do high level

tasks, assisting them for functioning effectively in existing jobs by giving them exposure to latest

information, techniques and concepts and also developing their skills required in their specific

fields, building a second set of the competent officers and preparing them to achieve much better

responsible positions, ensuring efficient and smooth working of departments and also ensuring

economic output of the required quality (Leer, 2014).

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2.2. Programs for Training and Development of Employees

All the industries and organizations follow different practices. So the programs of training and

development depend on requirements of job profile. There are many kinds of programs.

The training must be conducted in systematic way to derive the expected benefits. It involves

four stages- assessing the needs of the training and development programs; Designing the

programs; Implementation of the programs and Evaluating the review of training programs.

As per the study by Milhem (2014) the process of decision-making and ways applied for human

resources training and its development involves risk factors. These decisions are optimized by

training and development of human resources and so are readily available in two ways of

analysis. They are first the decision tree and second the decision matrix method. Both the

methods compute alternatives that are based on EMV or estimated monetary value (Milhem,

2014). Both analyses present two easily applicable, scalable and viable framework analyses to

select optimum course of the action about training and development of the human resources.

They generate same solutions and depend on accuracy of EMV or expected monetary value

method of calculating each course of alternative action. Of the two methods, the selection of

decision method is based on complexity of situation, circumstances and the preferences of


Selko (2015) conducted a research in evaluation of the training in firms as the proposal for the

integrated model. The purpose was to show the evaluated model that was successfully applied in

Spanish context, which integrates the training effects and dimensions, to be as the global tool for

firms. The model analyses learning, transfer, satisfaction, pedagogical aspects, profitability and

impact of training is thus the global model. The author also says that the training is the key

strategy for development of human resources and to achieve organizational objectives (Selko,

2015). The authorities of public and organizations invest huge amount of resources in the

training but do not have enough data for showing results of investment. Due to difficulty

involved and lack of the viable models and valid instruments, very few firms evaluate the

training deeply.

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The paper work is theoretical and the method involves review of the previous evaluation of

models and the improvement in comparison to their application practically. He also applied this

model very successfully in many private and public firms, in service and industrial sectors,

which show its viability and usefulness to evaluate results of the training (Blades, 2015). Thus, it

has practical and interesting implications as one of the useful tools to train managers to evaluate

training results and also provide simple global approach for complex evaluation functions. The

originality lies in the focus on the novel and key aspect i.e. pedagogical dimension that provides

an integrated tool, which can be adapted easily by any firm.

2.3. Components of the Training and Development

Though no particular method is there to develop the employee training, some specific vital

methods can be measured. The perfect program must involve career development, goal setting

and knowledge. These approaches benefit the programs to be helpful to firms and employees.

The present firms are using extensively systems of IT or Information Technology for the learning

programs. The system of knowledge and information are moving ahead rapidly and the firms,

which cannot provide up-to-date knowledge about this, do not survive (Cespedes, 2014).

As demonstrated by Morgado (2014) the employees must be given training for any new task to

easily deal with it. It is the responsibility of firm to make sure that the employees have skills,

abilities and knowledge according to required level of task. The training must be provided at

right time. For all this the firms require computer-based programs.

The main reason for the career planning is not only to support the employees with finance for

their career but also help them to manage different characteristics of their lives. Though the

employers cannot promise the job security, but can provide opportunities for improving their

skills and knowledge to remain in the job market (Morgado, 2014). For this, the employees need

to sort their work, the priorities and skills they own for their job. Thus the employees must

improve the understanding of their work, strategy to achieve upcoming goals and the aim of their


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The execution of this practice is the main problem for firms. This leads the employees to leave

their jobs and find a new one. The main element is setting of the goal. So it is described that the

learning programs do support employees for enhancing the performance and not just increase the

work competencies. It is good to offer opportunities to employees for performing their work

effectively and if required, the firms must give them accurate tools to do the work. The

development program helps employees in learning. The Sears Roebuck & Co. wanted all its

employees to think similarly but needed to provide them the conceptual skills for thinking in a

different way (Blades, 2015).

The employee of Tires Plus explained that he gained knowledge about the firm instead of only

performing his job and this helped him to positively influence the goals of firm. Though it is the

responsibility of the firm to provide the opportunities to employees, but the employees are also

required to take initiative for using the opportunities for betterment of their career.

2.4. Individual Benefits of Training & Development

Career Competencies

Milhem (2014) asserts that employees’ benefit greatly from the training and development

programs. They learn soft skills and the technical skills required of their jobs. During the last

three decades, unemployment rates at their lowest which is not beneficial for workers to go for

new jobs in case growth opportunities are fewer. Fresh graduates consider such jobs that provide

intensive training programs, but this idea is not beneficial to the employers as they can lose the

freshly trained employees in few years. Professionals placed in Information Technology industry

realize that knowledge is Power and are required to maintain their talent according to the current

needs in the market (Milhem, 2014). Majority of the employees, know the importance of the

training programs and also desire to increase their salaries. It is expected that fresh graduates are

not well equipped with continually evolving business environment. The young professionals

having entrepreneurial ambitions know that they lack experience and money and hence they try

to join the companies that provide training so as to prepare their employees to be better prepared

for future. Such programs help the employees to face the future by developing new technologies

and cope with newer technologies.

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For many years the requirements for blue collared jobs have remained same and many

companies have modified these to demand learning of programmed systems and software. This

has compelled the workers to enhance their capabilities in order to sustain their jobs. Many

employees have altered their attitudes to gain promoted inside and out of organization. Hence,

the workers prepared a ten-year plan for the future growth and changed their plan after two years

in response to changes in technology and information (Selko, 2015).

Tires Plus provides training for promoting a diverse career that comprises of 80 hours of training

for the supervisors for promoting them to position of the manager, I –Cube, IT Consulting firm

in Mass., provides the development programs to their employees, named as I-Attitude and it is

offered to fresh employees to make them easily adjust to the organization. Employees realize that

the training programs are directed to higher remuneration and superior work duties. Also, by

helping employees improve their knowledge and skills, the organization is helping them to

achieve higher job satisfaction (Cairns, 2012).

Employee Satisfaction

According to Blades (2015) if the employees think that their organization is not caring them,

they will have no feeling towards the organization. Such of the companies willing to spend on

their employees give value to those who work with the company, though this investment benefits

the organization eventually. These companies are achieving high levels of job satisfaction for

their employees and will have low employee turnover. The training enhances the company’s

reliability as the employees recognize that their company is spending for their future career

(Blades, 2015).

It is not possible to calculate the loyalty with the organization but is important to intrinsic

reward, which the employees gain. The employees feel satisfied and want to stay in the

organization, when they feel that they are making efforts in the bottom-line of their organization.

Employees satisfied with the jobs, accept that their work is having a purpose and is important to

the organization. Normally, best performers will not leave the jobs just for financial benefits

(Milhem, 2014). Though these form important part for choosing and retaining the employees,

employees are forever on lookout for better opportunities to acquire useful skills and encounter

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variety of duties and professional and personal development. Hence, supporting these

requirements helps in boosting the confidence, job satisfaction and self-esteem of the employees.

Employee Performance

The positive effects of training on behaviour and working skills of the employees resulted in

better performance and constructive changes that increased overall employee performance. An

analysis was undertaken with a sample size of 1152 from 165 resources that showed that, without

training or pre-condition of training, the training appeared to have positive results on job

performance. But the dissimilarities in the positions among effective sizes were not large and the

efficiencies gained by training varied regarding the training techniques and the skill that was

offered in training (Selko, 2015). The benefits attributed to training were also linked to technical

skills of the employees. For example, in a research having 300 contributors for behaviour model

training could increase the computer skills significantly. Psychological practicing tasks allowed

trainees gain more knowledge and the abilities.

Training has positive effects on employee performance. In a qualitative research that involved

the training the mechanics in India, Barber states that the on-job-training produced higher levels

if creativity and novelty with implicit skills. Professional and technical skills are very important

for employees to execute a job in an effective manner. Offering training opportunities to the

employees will succeed in enhancing their performance. References to invention during training

enhanced the educated mechanics to assemble Jeep bodies by use of only a hammer,

oxyacetylene welding and chisel (SCHENKEL, 2015). Regarding the implicit skills, Barber

claims that the profession of mechanics requires getting a feel of being successful. He described

that the result of the training was that he had a worthy feeling of how to hit metal at a specific

point so as to perform the task in proper and systematic way.

2.5. Organizational Benefits of Training and Development

According to Sung (2015) programs for employee development are useful for any organization

as they help them to remain competitive. Though it is quite expensive, the investment brings

positive benefits to the organization and helps to hold the position in market. The American

Society for Training & Development defined two motives, which are important for knowledge of

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an employee. Firstly, they recognize worth of training and the speed at which the information is

getting transferred in the present business environment (Sung, 2014). The organizations are

therefore required to create and maintain a learning environment for employees in order to

expand the organizational knowledge and competitive abilities. But such training programs are

made available at high prices, though they have positive effect on Return-on-investment. Large

effective organizations such as General Electric and Microsoft, and these companies consider

training as investments.

American Society for Training & Development identified relationship between investing in

employee development program and increased revenues in the stock market. The American

Society of Training & Development has estimated that the companies which invested an average

of $ 1575 on each employee, achieved a growth of 24% in net profit and an increase of 218% in

revenue per employee, compared to the companies which had invested less on the employee

development and training. Investments made in training and development is beneficial for both

the organizations and individuals (Morgado, 2014).

Additionally, the employee training and development programs increase the profits earned by the

organizations as well as make a difference in their local markets. Organizations can support the

current employees, company’s clients and prospective employees with training and development

programs. Idea U, by SD&M, helps the employees to identify their characters and prepare the

people to be superior contributors to them. Finally, the organizations can use these programs to

enhance their image in the job market as best employer.

Organizational Performance

Training is defined as a contributing factor boost organizational effectiveness. A study in this

topic recommends that the investment made in training and developments are justified by the

effect it produces to develop organizational effectiveness. Additionally, previous researchers

explained causation between training and the effectiveness in an organization.

One of the hitches that are problematic to identify in most of cases is to propose an effective

performance calculation of the organization. Many researchers supported this idea on the

grounds that lack of appropriate data and the methodological difficulties prevented proper

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assessment of the impact of the human capital appreciation along with organizational

performance. But there is increasing evidence that the human resources practices impact on work

related manners and attitudes (Abbasian, 2005). For evaluating effectiveness of training and the

development programs, it is advised that one should check the relationship of training to the

organizational discipline. Also, it is known that it is correlated to organizational efficiency.

This study suggests that work related performance and the attitudes are mainly dependent on

perception of the staff as they think that their organizations take care of them. But the same

factor is consistent with social exchange model. It has been suggested that the central element in

the organizational performance is the emotional agreement between the employer and his


It was proposed by Gould-Williams that the social exchange theory created by the organizations

when they wanted to care about the interests of their employees. The employees will respond

with positive attitudinal and behavioural responses that support their organizations. But the

training can be also used to provoke the desired results, which can contain heightened

organizational commitment (Jayakumar, 2014). Current research has proposed that facility for

training and development is usually taken by the consent of the employees that the organizations

should enter into the social exchange. Such a social exchange agreement builds a long-lasting

psychological bond between the employees and the organization.

2.6. Employee Retention

Khoreva (2015) describes that the research noted that the employee retention is challenging idea

and there are no specific methods that ensure retaining the employees by the organization. Many

organizations have shown that one of the feature that help to retain the employees is offering

them the opportunities that improve their learning. Hence, it is confirmed that there exists a

strong relationship between the employee training programs and employee retention (Khoreva,


Companies must realize that the experienced employees are their important assets and must try to

retain them. Those of the companies that provide training and development programs are more

successful in retaining them. In localities where the managers help their employees develop

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professionally, employee turnover is 49-50% less than in stores it is not done. On the other hand,

many employees taking part in training programs are not offered association between the

programs and retention. Many managers realized that positive atmosphere promoting learning

resulted in higher retention (Jayakumar, 2014).

The organizations that employ employee development programs will witness the success by

retaining employees. Designing an effective training program can ensure the retention in

employees. Employee retention in an organization is undertaken voluntarily to create an

atmosphere that includes employees for long period. According to the recommendations of

researchers regarding the effective retention description, the organization should comprise

training and development programs that can classify volunteer requirements, assignments and

expectations. Organizations should focus on their investments in training and development

programs in order to retain employees. As per the study, Unitel’s monthly turnover has seen a

fall to 6% from 12% ever since the inauguration of Unitel University in the year 1998 (Khoreva,

2015). Even though many persons associated with training and development programs of

employees are not certain about direct relationship between employee retention and programs,

few managers are able to find out the fact that constructive learning atmosphere leads to

increased retention rates.

2.7. Meta Analysis of Previous Work

As per research by Sims (2000) formative training evaluation’s use. At three public-sector

training institutions, the authors conducted a study to test empirically the projected relationship

between formative training evaluation and the training characteristics in Kirkpatrick model. This

research elucidates the casual connection between constituents of formative training evaluation;

the umpiring role of reaction in the relationships between learning and training characteristics

was also scrutinized (Sims, 2000). The key findings showed that 61% and 59% variance in

learning and reaction was explained by a set of seven training characteristics. All training

characteristics positively impacted learning and reaction except training contents. The research

resolved with fields of future study highlighting on connecting formative evaluation with


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In 2000, Loucks reviewed on the topic presenting a concise and applicative method of many

decision-making procedures and methods applicable to human resources training environmental

development having risk factors. The human resources training and development optimized the

decisions, two methods of analysis are readily available and they are: (1) the decision tree

method and (2) the decision matrix method. On the basis of estimated monetary value the

alternatives are computed by both methods (Loucks, 2000). Ultimately the decision tree and the

decision matrix analyses signify two scalable, easily applicable and viable framework analyses to

select the optimal course of action about training and development of human resources. The

same solution is generated by both analyses and depends on the accuracy of estimated monetary

value method designed for every course alternative action. The selected decision method relies

on preferences of the decision makers, circumstances and the complexity of the situation.

Wilson (2005) presented an evaluation model that has been applied successfully in the Spanish

context, which incorporates all training effects and dimensions, to act as universal tool for

organizations. This method analyses learning, impact, satisfaction, and profitability of training,

transfer and pedagogical aspects. According to the author training is a main strategy for human

resources development and in accomplishing organizational goals (Wilson, 2005)

Public authorities and organizations invest huge amounts of resources for training, but seldom

have the data revealing the outcomes of that investment. Just a few organizations assess training

in depth because of the difficulty involved and the absence of viable models and valid

instruments. The approach of the paper is theoretical and the technique used contains a review

of earlier evaluation models along with their improvement by comparing their application in

practice. In many private and public organizations, the author has successfully applied the model,

in service and industry sector, that indicates its viability and usefulness in the evaluation of

training results. So this evaluation model has practical and interesting repercussions, as a tool

useful in training managers to evaluate training results as well as offering a simplified global

approach to the complicated evaluation function. This evaluation model’s originality lays in its

concentration on major and novel aspect-I e. the pedagogical dimension, giving an incorporated

tool that can be adapted easily to any organization (Wilson, 2005).

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Meta-analysis of managerial training effects of (2000) revealed that management

training is reasonably effective. Collins and Holton arrived at the same conclusion while

evaluating their 83 studies from 1982 to 2001, inclusive of medical, education, military and

government organizations. Even a reasonably effective training program may have a significant

effect. The cost of a training program for sixty five bank supervisors was $108,600 but the

usefulness to the organization was more than$34,600 in the first year, by the third year $108,600,

and by the fifth year more than $148,000. It is essential to consider that employees are mature

learners. Knowles’s theory of “Andragogy” or adult learning is based on five concepts: (a) adults

must understand why they learn something, (b) adults must be self-directed, (c) more work

connected experiences are brought in by adults into the learning contexts (d) adults move in to a

learning experience having problem-focused method to learning, and (e) adults are inspired to

learn intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivators (, 2000). A problem-centred method

refer to workers learning better when they can observe how they are helped by learning to

perform tasks or dealing with problems which they face in their work.

At different periods of their careers, employees require diverse types of training and diverse

types of development experiences. While a business degree can prepare a student for his first job,

he will require obtaining knowledge and skills through experience and education as he advances

through his career. Peters proposes that four stages of management education are there having

different learning results: Functional competence, a knowledge of marketing, human resources

management, information technology, accounting, finance, strategy operations and economics;

Understanding strategy and context and the manner in which organizational processes are

interrelated, for making sense of social values, technological change, politics, societal changes

and global issues; Ability of influencing people, on the basis of wide understanding of

motivations and people; and reflective skills, for setting priorities for life goals and work efforts.

Hence in order to exploit the effectiveness of development and training should continuously

evaluate their employee’s present development and training requirements and recognize

development and training requirements for preparing employees to their next position

(, 2000). Organizations must identify that different employees will be having different

requirements and that such requirements will change in course of time since these workers carry

on in their careers.

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The benefits and costs of training programs should be measured for the effective management of

training process. Just as an improved and new section test’s dollar value may be compared to the

current test’s dollar value by comparing the benefits and costs of the tests in terms of decisions

of better selection, a training program’s dollar value also can be calculated, for determining the

return on the investment of training. Simply because employees finished the training program

does not ensure a positive return; several training programs may have negative usefulness. For

evaluating a training program’s utility numerous variables require to be considered (Abbasian,


The better the difference in performance of job between untrained and trained employees the

better the usefulness of the training program. Each training program has budgets, and when the

training program’s cost goes up, its usefulness goes down. If the training program, the more

employees who are trained, improves trained employees’ job performance the utility will be

greater. For determining how efficient a training program in dollars added, an analysis of utility

can be conducted, utilizing the usefulness of training equation. For instance, in meta-analysis of

training programs of Farrell and Hakstian for sales representatives, improvements were found by

them in 23% of sales productivity and per employee a dollar gain for the period of their term of

$64,633 for sales representatives and for senior sales representatives $93,684 (Milhem, 2014).

2.8. Summary

Training and development program forms an important part in the successful functioning of

every organization. Such programs offer the benefits like updating Employee Knowledge,

improvement of Employee Performance at workplace, enhancing their personal Skills and

avoidance of Managerial Obsolescence. These programs serve as easier tools for the

management in assessing job performance and arrive at decisions like rewards, employee

promotion, welfare facilities and compensations etc. Such training programs assist the mangers

in employee retention, motivation and succession planning. They create effective and efficient

employees in an organization (Cairns, 2012).

An organization’s overall performance can be enhanced through training. The important areas in

which employees are usually trained include Personality Development, Soft-skill Development,

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quality improvement programs, Managerial and Supervisory Training Program, Problem solving

techniques, quality circle programs, Time management skills, violence prevention programs,

Interpersonal Relationship, regulatory compliances, workplace communication, goal setting and

implementation of programs, employee efficiency development programs, workplace safety

management and technical processes etc. Training helps the employees in developing skills

which intern aid in enhancing market value of the organization, earning job security and power

for employees. These training programs shape the attitude of employees to achieve good

cooperation in an organization and help in improving work-life quality by devising employee

supportive workplace.

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This chapter moves on from establishing theory and context related to employee training in a

primary research setting. It deals with theory related to primary research and rationale for

choosing a meta-analysis approach for primary data collection and secondary sources analysis.

For this study, descriptive research method is utilised. Descriptive research method is used to

collect information about the current population or phenomenon under study. It describes the

characteristics of population but it does not make accurate prediction. This method is primarily

focused on 'what is', which is investigative in nature. In broader term, descriptive research can be

qualitative or quantitative.

3.1. Research Paradigm

Primary research framework requires a philosophical paradigm, a theoretical paradigm selected

to over the research design. It is pointed out that research methodology and strategies, data

collection methods and analysing techniques are shaped by the research philosophy. It is

accepted that overall paradigm of the scientific inquiry and philosophical basis determine the

research design of the study to find solution of particular research question. In this context two

philosophies are cited. The positivistic (or qualitative) and phenomenological (qualitative)

paradigm is different in their approach to gaining the knowledge by data collection (Kothari,

2011). A positivistic approach involves objective, formal, deductive approach to problem

solving, and a phenomenological approach will adopt more formal, inductive and subjective

approach, to test the theories. There are major differences between these two approaches.

3.2. Research Design

This refers to a composite strategy employed in identification of problem, collecting data and

analysis. The basic plan of the research and logic driving research designs should permit it to

draw general conclusion. In practice, research design devises the plan for making research,

selects the elements needed to be inspect and methods followed. It is agreed that a plan and clear

research strategy include clear objectives, which guide the researcher in data collection, location

and time of research and ethical issues involved (Saunders & Lewis, 2009).

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Developing the research design involves series of logical designs: identification of purpose of

research, whether project is exploratory, hypothesis testing or descriptive, identification of

investigating methods, degree of intervention by the researcher, identification of setting of

research, data collection methods, deciding measures and measurement, sampling design and

lastly, identification of unit of analysis. Hence, the research design involves classifying activities

like data collection, data analysis so as to achieve research objectives (Kumar, 2009).

In case of social research, selection of methodology is controversial. It is not possible to

determine the suitability of a given research methodology before it is applied to the problem at

hand. It is said that no single methodology is superior to other and the choice of research design

depends on the nature of the questions that the research is supposed to answer. There are

multiple important factors required to be consider choosing appropriate research design, based

on objectives and nature of research questions (Kumar, 2009). The philosophical paradigm

underlying the research issues like existence of the literature/nature of data collection methods

must be considered while choosing a proper research design. Later in this paper, the research

philosophy and characteristics of research objectives and rationale of the research design is


3.3. Data Collection

The method of data collection in this study was primarily decided to be secondary research

method (meta-analysis) approach to obtain rich data that would be explored in depth. But we are

going to collect some primary data as well for more consistent result; and for that we have

prepared a questionnaire. We have selected the chain restaurant Nando’s to collect the primary

data using the questionnaire as we have quite good access to the restaurant we are hoping that the

we will get would be trustworthy.

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Primary data:

The sample questionnaire for collecting primary data is given below;

Sample Questionnaire:

(Circle the correct one)

1) Gender

a) Male

b) Female

2) Age

a) 17-20

b) 20-30

c) 30-40

3) Were you provided pre-employment training?

a) Yes

b) No

4) The training programme was conducted?

a) External

b) Internal

5) Training programme Conducted by competent faculty?

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

6) How many hours of pre-employment trainings were provided to you?

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a) 30

b) 50

c) 70

d) 100

7) How would you rate that training out of 100?


8) Were you provided ongoing training?

a) Yes

b) No

9) Does the content of training and development meet the objective of training program?

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

10) Are the learning activities during training have given you the necessary competencies,

knowledge and skill?

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

11) Sufficient personal importance is given the training programme?

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

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c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

12) Training helps me to develop my career.

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

3) Training makes me to work better with job satisfaction.

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

14) The training &development offered to me minimize the accident and damages to


a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

15) The training programme is related to work development.

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

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c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly disagree

Secondary data

In this study, we reviewed various literatures on training and development published during

1990-2014. Post-1990’s is characterized by higher technical sophistication introduced in training

and using more comprehensive statistical and evaluation of training. It is critical for such studies

to have more focus on the quantitative methods in measurement of effectiveness of training. In

the same ways as previous studies on training and development reviews, this study also includes

practitioner-focused literature provided the studies satisfied inclusion criteria mentioned later.

Hence, the literature search covered the studies as published in books and journals and

presentation of papers and dissertations related to evaluation of organizational training programs

or by measuring some aspects regarding its effectiveness of training.

An exhaustive literature survey was done to identify the empirical studies involving evaluation

of training program or covered any aspects of measuring effectiveness of the training. The

search began by searching nine computerized databases (Econlit, defense Technical Information

Center, Educational Research Institute, National Technical Information Service, Government

Printing Office, PsycLIT / PsychINFO, SocioFile, Social Citations Index and Wilson) on

following words: training evaluation, effectiveness, and efficiency and training transfer. The

digital search was supported by manual search of reference lists from previous reviews of

training literature.

The reviews of abstracts, which were the outcomes of the initial search for proper content (i.e.,

Empirical studies used to actually evaluate the organizational training program and the

measurement of some aspects of the organizational training program effectiveness) and the

decision to keep only the articles in English language, produced a list of multiple papers and

articles initially. Next, the lists of references of these sources were also reviewed. Each one of

these sources was reviewed and was considered for including them in meta-analysis.

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3.4. Validity and reliability

Reliability and validity give credibility to research findings and processes. Validity is the level to

which collection and analysis of data is related to research questions; that is, the level, which the

procedure measures that which is supposed to be measured. Research errors undermine validity,

like poor samples, ambiguity regarding casual direction, misleading or inaccurate measurement

and faulty research processes valid data, and the researchers have to develop a perfect

measurement tool guaranteeing that ever. The use of meta-analysis method was used for

ensuring the validity data gathering method (Saunders & Lewis, 2009). It is asserted that

generally the validity of comprehensive review of literature is high.

Reliability may be evaluated as consistency, so that data should be related intent of research

questions. Conversely, research’s reliability cannot be completely determined as findings arising

from non-standardized research techniques are not essentially repeatable for they are reflective of

social reality at the time of their collection, in a context that might be subject to change. An

empirical analysis assists to collect rich data by exploring the subject deeply.

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4. Chapter 4 – Findings and Discussion

It is very essential for the organization to meticulously design the training. The training must be

designed in accordance with the requirements of the employees and also with the organization in

order to get best results. The various literatures and empirical analysis conducted reveals that a

very crucial role is played by training and developmental practices in the organizational as well

as the employee performance. A bad training design would be sheer waste of money and time.

Considerable effect of Training design is noticed on the organizational performance. Its positive

effect can be evidently seen on the organizational performance.

Importance of Training and Development in Fast Food industry

As described by Price (2007) Employment as well as the nature of work in the industry of fast

food dishearten training and causes scarcity of skills in the outlets of fast food. In the opinion of

Baum, in the fast food industry jobs are attributed have an inclination to skills scarcity and low

wages; non-existence of career structures; is family unfriendly, informal recruitment practices,

unsocial hours and high levels of labour turnover. The fast food industry is ruled by low skilled

workers .who are minimally productive, unskilled, untrained, uneducated and unmotivated

(Price, 2007). It is also stated that the industries of fast food function in such a labour culture

wherein labour is considered as skills and costs, and are not developed and valued. It is further

stated that fast food work offers several opportunities ranging from senior international business

management through to work inside the reach of people having a range of learning and physical

disabilities, however because of low skilled workers, such opportunities are neglected.

Poor Training and Development at Fast Food Outlets (2011) asserts that training and Development of employees is helpful for workers in

order to behave well with their customers. Majority of fast food outlets suffer from a poor

reputation of training and are not willing to enable their workers with training if they

consequently leave the organization. A job in the fast food industry is a job performed publicly,

implying that inadequate skill places at risk the services offered to their customers (,


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Several fast food workers particularly in the Australia fail to get sufficient training to empower

them to perform their work efficiently. Insufficient development and training affects workers’

work performance and job satisfaction, that on the other hand leads to staff turnover and quality

standards are also threatened. Shortage of skills is one of the greatest problems experienced by

the fast food industry. Current research regarding training in the fast food industry discovered

that merely 28% of this industry had a plan of training, while merely nineteen percentages had

budget for training (, 2000).

Schneier (2000) is of the opinion that training is a methodical process via that human resources

of an organization obtain knowledge and develop skills by practical activities and instruction that

lead to better corporate performance. As stated before, managers in fast food always do not

practice training in their organizations. Several reasons have been offered why they are not

engaged in training. Following reasons are given for a lack of training (Schneier, 2000)

Firstly, several fast food managers themselves do not possess formal training and therefore are

unaware of training advantages. Secondly, employers focus more on functional problems of the

organization instead of training and are short of time for planning ahead. Thirdly, majority of fast

food industries are unable to afford enough capital for investing in training. Lastly, it is their

belief that the responsibility to prepare their candidates with adequate training rests with

colleges. Therefore, in most of the fast food industries, training is a theory instead of reality.

Conversely, managers, do not consider training as a continuous process and view it as a onetime

activity, which is tailored to prepare employees having skills to work. Industries of fast food are

well known for poor repute of training. Managers do not enable their employees with training if

they choose to leave. This results in poor performance of workers. Although workers are

untrained, they get punished for poor performance. It is stated that development and training

affects employees’ job commitment and satisfaction that on the other hand affects retention of

employees (, 2008). Moreover, several ways are there, through which employees of

fast food industry might be developed and trained.

In recent research the facts may be used in innumerable different ways by different

organizations. The remarkable opinion is that fundamentally companies place the greatest worth

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on their employees, and develop practices and beliefs, which display the greatest commitment of

the employees. Employees needed feeling like they are generating a remarkable modification for

corporate success and offering positive intentions and results for doing their jobs well. Moreover

it is quite difficult for majority of the companies to develop institutions of corporate level and

offer far-reaching opportunities for inner promotions; however organizations also discover that

they are enhancing a sense of loyalty from some other employees.

Key Findings

The training of staffs and their development is play very important roles for an organization and

effective performance, as per various scholars. In regards to the above statement, organizations

always receive huge encouragement for undertaking training and development of their staff so

that they can be utilized to the maximum extent to increase effectiveness.

Since the training results in reduction of the manager’s tasks with respect to keen supervision, it

also enhances initiative, quality and drive of the work carried out by employees. This helps them

to be committed towards the accomplishment of an organization’s objectives and goals and

thereby improves the effectiveness in workers (Deb, 2006).

It is concluded that, Training and Development role in fast food industry training gaps improves

employees’ capacity in relation to realizing total mission and vision statements in the business.

The effect of Training and Development must be on providing ample of opportunities in learning

and development of staffs and also enhancement of skills and knowledge of employees at every

level in an organization (Martin, 2006). Lastly, the research findings illustrate that training and

Development can enable the management of the fast food industry to be able to better appreciate

the challenge they face regarding the staff performance.

Methods of Training

Various dimensions or ways of training the fast food employees are there. A systematic training

course is capable of providing employee motivation and improves their performance. Various

kinds of training that could be used are suggested as follows.

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On –the-job training: this technique of training is provided to unskilled as well as semi-skilled

employees. It can be provided in working hours as employees are supposed to learn when they


Coaching: This is another method, which may be used to train the fast food employees. The

manager or supervisor can train the workers with the help of instructional guidelines and

materials (SCHENKEL, 2015).

Understudy: this involves training the employees through observation and experience. This will

empower employees for learning while practicing the job in real life situations.

Job-rotation: workers may be trained by their rotation from one division to another for helping

them to understand the company well, and learning to manage various situations they confront in

their workplace.

Off-the-job training: this entails sending the employees to the training center of the

organization outside their work environment to get training.

Training might be a failure in case the program lacks particular focus and direction, if it lacks a

means of transferring learning to the job and is viewed as a cost and not as an investment by the

management (Selko, 2015).

An essential function of the Human Resource Management and Development is employee

training and development and helps in improving productivity and enhancing employee

motivation. Employees must be developed having more skills in the existence of new

technologies. A passion for working, a harmonious work environment and accurate work

specifications are necessary for employee training (Leer, 2014). It inspires team spirit amidst

workers. Moreover it reinforces the employees’ capacities and provides them a competitive

advantage. Professional abilities and personal characters of workers will be improved.

Furthermore, it enhances job satisfaction of the employees and will be of help to them in

understanding their work better. Self- confidence and self-development in the workplace are

enriched by Training and development and turns them out to be more efficient problem solvers.

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For the organization, training results in greater productivity, lessening employee safety violations

and accidents, help organizational development and reducing employee turnover and wastage.

The analysis makes it clear that employee training and development in Australia’s fast food

outlets was not adequate and consequently staff performance has not been improved. This was

presumed to be a consequence of the technique of training and development; poor follow up

soon after training and how many times annually that this training was given.

In Australia’s fast food outlets, the management was advised to consider training and

development of their employees seriously, for this may mend or destroy their employees.

Certainly, training and development has to become a part of the culture of the majority of fast

food outlets of Australia and benefits of employees inclusive of other economic problems must

be underscored. Hence a policy promoting training and development of employees working in

the fast food outlets inside the Australia must be introduced for improving job performance of

workers (Khoreva, 2015). As mentioned above, the significance of training and development is

manifold and entails passion for work, precise work specifications and harmonious work

environment. It gives encouragement for team spirit amidst workers; It fortifies the capacities of

the employees and provides them a competitive benefit. Workers’ professional capabilities and

personal characters will be improved. In addition, it enriches job satisfaction of the employees

and assists them to have a better knowledge of their work. Training and development increases

self-confidence and self-development in the workplace and permits them to become more

proficient problem solvers.

The organization is benefitted, as training results in greater productivity and it lessens employee

accidents and violations of safety, helps in the overall development of the organization and

diminishes employee turnover and wastage. Lastly, there have to be a strategic approach of

training and development of workers and it should be introduced at fast food outlets for

enhancing job performance and reducing employee turnover (Sims, 2000).

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5. Chapter 5- Conclusion & Recommendations


These study findings clearly illustrate that training results in significant benefits for business and

individuals. The current assessment of literature suggests that such benefits differ from

organizational and individual performance. In order to understand the advantages of training and

development program we implemented various levels and various perspectives of different

researchers. The study also included the discussion about increasing the advantages of training.

Such features entail paying attention to the design of the training, transfer and delivery of

training. After the completion of the study regarding this topic, we strongly trust that for

organizations it is highly useful to develop employee development programs (Jayakumar, 2014).

A Meta analysis illustrates that training and development program is there for the employees, the

organizations will reap its benefits from the market and stay competitive in the job market. A

systematic and proficient development program having helpful apparatuses will remarkably

assist the organizations in retaining the precious human resource, particularly those who possess

a great deal of experience with the organization. If organizations are able to support all the

employees to meet their needs then both organizations as well as employees will gain long-

standing benefits. It is also very essential for the organization to evaluate timely the

accomplishment of employee training and development program.


We view a great deal of material in this research associated with the factors utilized in this

research and ultimately. In the light of all the material and this research that is being used for

conducting this research and the entire literature review we arrived at the decision that in every

organization, there must be Training and Development. While we have evaluation some

disadvantages such as it is expensive to train the employees, but the benefits of training are far

more than its disadvantages that are discussed in brief in this study. We strongly suggest that

every organization must provide best Training to their employees. Already, we have discussed

that Training and Development have benefits not only for the employee but also the organization

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as a whole is benefitted. The bad performance of the employee affects the entire organization

(Jayakumar, 2014).

For developing the capacities of employees for satisfying their existing and future needs, a

strategic approach of training and development must be introduced. This will ensure good

implementation of behavioural changes and tasks on the part of workers. It increases the abilities

and skills of workers in their job performances. Conversely, a necessity is there for managements

at fast food outlets to start a systematic, complete and formal methodology of training and

development of their workers for improving their abilities and skills and enhancing their

motivation for working (Milhem, 2014).

In Australia, fast food outlets, managements must train their workers, utilizing methods of on-

the-job training. Workers have to be trained within their real work environments as an actual life

situation that will be of help to employees in learning through experience, and thus be inspired to

work. Using job rotation, workers of fast food outlets must be trained in various departments of

the outlets, for this will permit workers to obtain meticulous experience of the job and be capable

of working in diverse posts without anybody’s help. An experienced worker must be invited to

train the workers by presenting an oral demonstration of the job. Moreover a list of steps or

instructions must be given to employees, which can be followed by them to do a given task.

Furthermore, new employees must be kept under the patronages of an experienced person that

will lead to greater levels of motivation amidst workers and also improved job performance.

It is also seen that On the Job Training is not only highly effective but also saves on time and

costs. On the Job Training, Training and Development, Training Design and Delivery Styles

show significant effects on the Organizational Performance and all of these factors together can

significantly improve the organizational performance. It implies that Training and development

result in increase in the overall performance of the organization (, 2000)

For any organization to be successful, the training and development of the entire staff by the help

of conferences, workshops and seminars must be pursued rigorously and must be made

compulsory. Hence, when an organization adopts such a culture of learning, they produce variety

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of training opportunities for their staff and enhance the performance expectations that are

instilled in the employees the values of training and development carried out continuously.

We will recommend that there is a need of skilled, broad & proper research in other fast food

industries like Mc Donald's, Kfc, Hungry Jacks, Oporto's. This research is based on pilot study of

just one fast food chain (Nando's). There can be different types of implementations of training in

different industries.

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