  • 7/28/2019 Training Interview Transcription - Session 4


    Mike Koenigs, John Jackson, Gregg Davidson


    [Beginning of Interview, session 4]

    JJ: Thank you for those great introductions. I really appreciate. Thank you! I

    appreciate all you do to get this train rolling. I do want to get this going.

    We have got a lot to cover here. We are going to do everything we can to

    get it. The lesson an hour, we may run pre-close to that, but welcome all of

    the Carbon Copy Pro members. Here we are at week 4 of our Internet

    video marketing training with Mike Koenigs. Mike, are you with me?

    Mike Koenigs: I most certainly am, JJ. Great to be here.

    JJ: Great to have you back. I know you have been travelling the world.

    Maybe on another call, another time you will share with us your

    experience with Tony Robbins. This morning on the wakeup call, Mike, I let

    everybody know that we have a little bit of twist today. We have got a --

    I'm not going to call him the third wheel; I am going to call him an

    inspiration to each and every one of us - Mr. Gregg Davidson. Are you with

    me, Gregg?

    GD: Present to this stage, JJ.

    JJ: Thank you for being here. My fellow members, let's do a brief recap on

    how we got to this point in time. Week one is really -- what an incredible 3

    weeks here. It has been -- By the way, Mike, the feedback that we had

    from all our members has been phenomenal. We are anxious for tonight

    on getting a clear understanding of leveraging our knowledge and you are

    using the 10x10x4 format that you have actually created here within

    Traffic Geyser to assist us in that. In the week 1 we covered "Introducing

    personal branding"; Week 2 -- really what we require to do to establish

    ourself as an expert and an authority; last week: phenomenal instructions

    on keyword research. And here we are, week 4, leveraging our knowledge

    using the 10x10x4. Did I briefly summarize that, where we stand at this

    moment time?

    Mike Koenigs: You did a great job as usual.

    JJ: I will tell you, I respect that. Gregg thank you so much for being here. All

    of our members understand. Gregg has used this tool. Gregg understands

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    the power of this. How much money Gregg -- you said you put a video a

    while back - I think we talked about this when we were on New York City.

    You have a video, one of the original videos that you did long time ago.

    You didn't spend much time or money on it and I think you said you have

    made what - right at 6 figures with that old video. Is that correct?

    GD: Yes. From one single video.

    JJ: One single video. It's still floating around out there. Mike, your stuff


    Mike Koenigs: It's great. That's -- my favorite stories are the ones that

    people say. Here is what I did. I took this much time. I didn't believe it

    would work. I was a skeptic so I gave it a try, I followed the exact step-by-

    step instructions you provide. I had my first video up in less than an hour

    and I got my first leads the very same day. And they were qualified and

    they were ready to buy. These people felt as so, they knew who I was, the

    liked me, they treated me like an expert and authority. And that is exactly

    what I love to hear. I get it all the time because that's exactly what this

    process does.

    JJ: We are hungry. We have got hundreds of people on the line tonight. I

    will tell you what. To get us going here, take just a brief minute and kind of

    explain again the basics of the 10x10x4 concept before you jump into the

    meat potatoes here. Is that fair?

    Mike Koenigs: Yes. That is perfectly fine and at some point we will also talk

    a little bit about some other questions that people are asking at The good thing is, I think they are almost

    everyone that we got, because I was actually looking through them today.

    I am going to cover all of these. They are really great and they are really

    dealing with: "how do you mean things?", "what do you call them?" and

    "what is the relationship between the keywords that I find online and the

    keyword phrases?" or "how I name my videos" and that kind of things. I

    will just let everyone know -- I think I will cover 95% of the questions thathave been asked since our last video. If you have some while we are on

    today, make sure you go to Having said that, let's

    go through the 10x10x4 process. I am going to start from the top, because

    I think it is really important to always "tell you what I am going to tell you"

    and then "tell you what I told you". Is that fair enough?

    JJ: Fair enough.

    Mike Koenigs: Ok. Here is the outcome: the whole point purpose of the

    10x10x4 was - I always got these calls from people or what we are callingthe sales world objections. The people were saying: "i don't know how to

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    make a video. I'm afraid to being on camera. I don't know what kind of

    content I should create. I don't know how I should name it and I don't

    understand what it's going to do for me." So I thought about it and, you

    know when I started out too, I lacked a structure as we said over and over

    again in these calls. I lacked a system that consistently generated results.As we talked about early on, the whole process of creating self-esteem is

    having a system that yields consistent predictable results. The 10x10x4

    was designed and engineered that way and overcome all the objections of:

    "I don't want to be on camera", "I'm afraid of being on camera", "I don't

    understand what kind of benefits are", "could I have someone else do it for

    me? The whole point is: what you want is you want traffic, you want

    qualified leads, you want what we call a "message to market match". In

    other words, you want to be able to communicate with a specific group of

    people. You want to present some kind of offer, so it can generate that

    traffic to your site and they understand what they are going to get when

    they get there. You want to be seen as an authority and as an expert and

    as a credible expert especially. You want to build trust and then you want

    to provide some kind of social proof, which would be in the form of -- so

    people actually do trust you. This system does all those things. It also

    shows true values you can demonstrate benefits of whatever you are

    talking about and ultimately it is going to lead to sales. The whole idea

    behind the 10x10x4 is you are answering questions and providing insights

    on whatever you have and you are also answering questions that people

    don't know to ask, because as you go through the pathway to mastery. Inthe world of becoming an expert -- I don't know. Have you read the book

    "Outliers", JJ or Gregg?

    JJ: Outliers?

    GD: No, I haven't.

    Mike Koenigs: "Outliers", by Malcolm Gladwell.

    JJ: Rain it down.

    Mike Koenigs: Malcolm Gladwell originally wrote I'm spacing on the title of

    the book right now. It will come to me in just a second. "The tipic point",

    that's what it is called.

    JJ: Yes, great book.

    Mike Koenigs: Awesome book. In "Outliers" he really talks about mastery

    and the tipic point was about how little things can make a big difference.

    He talks about the different personality types and how they fit in, building

    a network. I highly recommend it. I you haven't read it, it really isimportant. In "Outlier" the ultimate thing is - he really talks about how

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    mastery is something that you build over a period that any kind of a

    master at all, no matter what it is, has spent about 10.000 hours crafting

    their skills set.

    GD: I have heard that before.

    Mike Koenigs: And everyone ultimately is always like: they want a short

    ser today. We live in a culture that thinks it really wants something for

    nothing and the reality is there is no such thing. There really isn't a magic

    bullet. There are shortcuts, of course. There are ways to get results

    quickly, but the whole deal is you want to find a way to come clean with

    people and let them know look: yet having success generating income,

    becoming famous, becoming rich, becoming whatever success is,

    becoming an authority and an expert just requires hard work. I know I

    mentioned that last week at least I thought I did, that I spent the entireday in the studio with Bryan Tracey. He wrote a whole book on the topic of

    "something for nothing". Prior to going on camera, he just said that is one

    the biggest problems of the American cultures. It really permeated the

    western world. In proof of that is gambling for example, the lottery. You

    meet people who are like planning how they are going to spend their

    lottery winnings when they win. The reality is it is never going to happen.

    Getting back to the point here, what the 10x10x4 allows you to do is take

    a single message, answer a single question, broadcast it to the entire

    connected planet and be recognized virtually instantly that you are an

    authority and an expert. We live in a time when you can -- again that is a

    big part of it -- we talk about building your brand. You can essentially wipe

    away your dominate keyword phrases associated with your name and tell

    your own story. Even though I said it takes 10.000 hours and you can't get

    something for nothing, you almost can, when you follow a simple system

    like this. It is a way that shortcut it and I won't go so far as to say: "It's a

    magic money pill or it's a magic bullet" but it's as close to it as you can get

    and it doesn't require a lot of work. We are going to give everyone the

    answer on a sober platter, because you actually came up with the

    questions that people should be answering. We also came up with someother keywords as well. I am going to continue on the pathway, but I at

    least wanted to start this out. I am going to assume that everyone here

    has done a little bit of keyword research on their own and determined

    certain keyword phrases to go after, that have demand. Then we are going

    to get into the questions that should be asked. So here is the basic

    structure: we will do that first and then we will get into it. In the 10x10x4

    we have the 10 frequently asked questions and that is what people ask

    you all the time. JJ, just for the sake of conversation here, why don't you

    give me 10 frequently asked questions that you get all the time, right

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    now? And people can model this. Get your pens and your papers out right

    now and write these down.

    JJ: I am going to go too, Mike. If you are hearing something, Gregg and just

    for your information, Mike, Gregg actually hosts our live business overview

    calls. He is one of our pros that we have. At the end of every one of those

    calls he gets a lot of these questions too, so Gregg if you would be kind of

    listening in and if I'm missing one of the common questions that are

    asked, obviously I want you to jump in. We may be going a bit more than


    JJ: That would be great. Let's make this a brainstorming session. Because

    here is the deal: I am going to just kind of break the buzz and tell you I

    have done this. I actually presented this concept on stage in front of what

    is now tens of thousands of people worldwide. Everywhere from Dubai anAustralia and first all over the United States. I am going to ask you: How

    long did it take for each of you to come up with your 10 frequently asked


    JJ: I have troubles just stopping at 10. To be honest with you, there are 15

    or 20, but they are so on the forefront of my brain not much timed at all.

    Mike Koenigs: What would you guess in minutes?

    JJ: 5.

    Mike Koenigs: Ok, good. All the time I had been doing this, the consistent

    response I get is it takes about 10 minutes to come up with the frequently

    asked questions, but I do a test. I have done it in 2 situations. One where I

    made a presentation in Sydney, Australia. I actually had a lunch brake, so I

    engineered my presentation to have a break right where I did the 10x10x4

    and we will explain the second time in a moment. I said: "Everyone go

    away for lunch and come up with as many 10x10x4s as you can. When we

    return, I am going to ask you how many you came up with and I am going

    to give you a big clue right now. There will be prizes for whoever comes upwith the most questions." We had an hour. Exactly an hour. The top 3: one

    person came up with over 250; the second had just over 200 and the third

    had 180. I believe there were 250, 212 and 180. What I typically do is I will

    run a little timer in a session where all have a little 3 minute timer on the

    screen and I will consistently get people. I would say half the audience

    comes up with 10 and the reason for that is getting back to mastery. Most

    people have been doing something all their lives and I just say: "Pick it on

    any topic: whether it's a money making topic or your current business or a

    business you wish you were in or a business that you know someone who

    has a business and they answer these questions all the time. So you can

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    act as what we call reporter, if you are not an expert." The point is, inside

    of three minutes most people come up with their 10 so they actually

    overestimate the amount of time it would take. Let's do the little


    JJ: Ok. We will start with mine, Gregg and then obviously I'm making some

    of yours so you get as well, by the fact that you are hosting the call, you

    may come up with some other ones that I am not thinking of here.

    Everybody gets this one:

    1."How much does it cost?"

    2."How quickly will I make money?"

    3."How hard is it?"

    4."What kind of support will I get?"

    5."What is the product?"

    6."Is it legal?"

    7."How much money can I make and how fast?"

    8."How many people actually make money?"

    9."What additional costs will I have to pay to make this work?"

    10."Will this work in my country?"

    I have got more, Gregg, what else?

    GD: Well: "How much time each week do I need to put into this?"

    JJ: "Is this a pyramid?"

    GD: "What kind of guarantee do you provide?"

    JJ: That is a good one.

    GD: "Will I get my money back if it doesn't work?"

    JJ: There is a good one. Those for the most part, what were we doing that?

    Maybe 18-20 seconds there, Mike.

    Mike Koenigs: Yes, in literally less than a minute.

    GD: Here is the most common one, Mike: "I have never done this before.

    Can I really do this?"

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    Mike Koenigs: Perfect! I am going to tell you this is interesting. Here is

    what I think we should do while we are doing this. These are the frequently

    asked questions; these are the questions that people don't know what

    they don't know. We talked about this before. The process of becoming

    master begins with unconscious incompetence. This is when you don'tknow what you don't know and your world is small. I you imagined the

    entire base of knowledge, everything you could possibly ever learn and

    you had a big circle in front of you and imagine a pie graph. You took a

    little slice and people, when they don't know what they don't know, they

    don't know a lot. And the reality is when they finally have reality kick in

    and they realize what they don't know that they don't know, the slice of

    what they know is a tiny little fraction and they only see the world as it

    really is. Reality kicks in and it's like: "I know nothing". That is the

    beginning of wisdom. The next phase is -- actually when what they don't

    know that they don't know, they actually think they know something. We

    will start there. That is when in the pie there is no slice. The next phase

    though is they are consciously incompetent. That's the first phase of

    wisdom. When they actually see the tiny slice they go: "I know nothing. I

    am just like a brand new baby. I am a boob." We all begin there. That's the

    thing that you always remember. Every single person, no matter what

    started out at that phase in their progress, whether it's their spiritual

    growth or emotional growth, the relationship growth, whether it's their

    career growth, their entrepreneurial growth, there is all these slices of

    knowledge and know how in wisdom. The third phase it's what we callconscious competence. That's when you actually learn some skills because

    you have been introduced to a system and you are able to actually create

    consistent replica, replicable results that actually do something, that

    provide value. The fourth phase is unconscious competence. That's when

    you have practiced it enough. That's really what mastery is. You practiced

    it enough and you do it automatically without thinking. You don't even

    know what you do that gets you your consistent results, because the

    system becomes part of your brain. You rewired your brain and you have

    got these neurons firing and you just know what to do and start like being-- I don't know if you remember that TV show: "MacGyver". He had this

    guy who was like a survival that knew all this little tricks on how to

    survive. This is the guy you want to be with on a desert island if you

    crashed, keep you alive and keep you from all the tigers. Every part of life

    is like that. To get back on track here, we got our 15 frequently asked

    questions. Let's do some should asked questions. These are the ones with

    the people who don't know what they don't know. If they knew something

    at all, they would be asking because usually the frequently asked

    questions don't really answer the questions people really know in order tosucceed. The process of having a successful system is learning what really

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    matters, learning the stuff that actually has value because the reality is,

    like someone says: "How much money can I make and how fast?".

    Although that is a valid question, the real question they should be asking

    is: "What kind of value, what specifically do the masters do, the people

    who make the most money? What do they do that I should be modeling toget consistent results? Is there a system I should follow that consistently

    gets good results? What are the top 3 things I can do that will help me

    make the most money the fastest with the most amount of integrity?"

    Questions like that. Those are the kind of questions -- and again there is a

    pattern, there is a system to asking great questions as well. As Tony

    Robbins would always say: "The quality of your life is directly related to

    the quality of questions that you consistently ask."

    JJ: In attempt to put this in a context of a continuing conversation that --

    actually I lead this kind of leadership conversations each and every dayhere within Carbon Copy Pro. We broke this down in this way. There are

    3% leaders and then there is the rest. This group on this line understands

    to show up as a 3 percenter. You have got to show up in this context with

    3% questions. What I see in this exercise -- and this was a great exercise

    by the way, because I understand members I think with Mike and Gregg

    here we all want to make sure -- by making this, you are creating a bridge

    and you are assisting these people and beginning to understand and think

    like a 3% leader. Think about that for a second. In the context of a 3%

    leader these questions have been -- you hear what the 97 percenters ask-- let's chalenge these people to begin to think and ask questions like a 3

    percenter. Am I making any sense here, Mike?

    Mike Koenigs: Yes, absolutely. The bottom line is: how do you model the

    leaders. Who can mentor me? Who has consistently succeed? What

    specifically do they do? What systems do they have that I can model? It's

    pretty simple. It really is.

    JJ: I am just going to be concludely authentic and I am going to be fully

    self-expressed. In my mission, Mike, to let you know this as well, in mymission to come up with the second 10 set of questions, I carefully chose

    who I was going to mastermind with. We actually came up with more than

    10. Not many more than 10, but there was a higher level of intellectual

    effort that was required from both Gregg and myself to come up with not

    the 10 questions people always ask, but the 10 questions they should be

    asking. Because as 3% leaders, we want to put them in a different kind of

    space. I remember the Andrews, Mike: the quality of the answer is always

    determined by the quality of the question. You want to give these people

    really good answers. Let's create great questions.

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    Mike Koenigs: Exactly, they yield great answers. So what are they in your

    experience here?

    JJ: Well, up to you Gregg. I would love for you -- you were a big part of

    coming up with these 10. If you have the 10 there in front of you, we can

    actually go a little further. So Gregg would you like to go over the 10 that

    we came up with?

    GD: I would love to. Let me just trash this -- it's really interesting guys that

    this exercise of going through the questions that should be really asking

    when they enter a new opportunity. I made a video about 15 months ago

    when I first started with Carbon Copy Pro and that one single video was

    based around some of these questions that made me 6 figures over the

    last year and a bit.

    Mike Koenigs: So what are they? Let's get in. What are the should asked


    GD: Really simple.

    1."Why should I learn internet marketing?"

    Mike Koenigs: Fantastic! And we are going to answer some of these as we

    move forward. Let's brainstorm on the top 10 and then we are going to go

    and we are going to answer some of these.

    GD: So we go through:

    1."Why should I learn internet marketing?"

    2."How does Carbon Copy Pro allow me to market and sell anything

    to anyone, anywhere?"

    Mike Koenigs: That's great.

    3."What is it that makes carbon Copy Pro unique in the arena of

    internet marketing education?"

    4."What is the mission of the leaders?"

    5."What are the important skill sets I will require to become a master

    internet marketer?"

    6."How will Carbon Copy Pro allow me to make more money?"

    7."How much time is required by me to invest each week?"

    8."How exactly is the training delivered?"

    9."What internet marketing skills will Carbon Copy Pro teach me?"

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    10."How is Carbon Copy Pro going to teach me to build residual


    So there we have the top 10.

    Mike Koenigs: Great. JJ, do you have any others that popped out in yourhead as Gregg was going through those?

    JJ: Well, I'm just going to throw one in. Evidence defeats this belief. People

    want to know that Carbon Copy Pro is successful therefore the bonus

    question if you will. "How successful is Carbon Copy Pro, Whatever your

    results been on your mission to create 100 millionaires?" "Has the ticker

    started yet?" Yes, we should be excited this year that we are above


    Mike Koenigs: What was: "evidence defeats" what again? That was a reallygreat phrase.

    JJ: Evidence defeats this belief.

    Mike Koenigs: That is very good.

    JJ: That's why story self-facts tell story self. Tell people. Get people stories.

    That is why -- going back to your very first call that I repeated so many

    times. What is the most valuable gift that we have to offer people? That is

    our story. Gregg, I don't know if you know this or not, Mike, Gregg lived in

    the basement of his moms house in England. Quite broken that. And now

    he is living on 7 mile beach in Cayman Islands.

    GD: My first 3 to 4 months in Carbon Copy Pro - most people know my

    story - but I didn't have marketing budgets for paper click and that kind of

    thing. I had to almost beg, borrow and steal to get started in video

    marketing with the best free marketing tool that I knew so I created 50

    some free videos in the first few months and that is how I launched my


    Mike Koenigs: That is impressively fantastic.

    JJ: There is some evidence to defeat any of this belief that this method -

    You think it doesn't work? Well I have evidence that it does.

    Mike Koenigs: Great. Now I am going to give you the last part of the

    formula before we get into actually answering the questions and talking

    about how we combine all the stuff that we had learned in the past 3 calls

    all together here. Because we have been building a foundation and a base

    to get where we are today. The last 4 in here -- and again I am going to

    just go through this. The first 10 are the frequently asked questions, the

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    second 10 are the should asked questions which establish the authority,

    build credibility and trust and provide what we call a message to market

    match. The whole goal is: in the 4, what you are going to do is you are

    going to -- at the end of each one of the questions you are going to say: "If

    you would like more answers or videos that will answer your questionsabout whatever it is you are talking about: about internet marketing,

    Carbon Copy Pro and how you can make some money at home, go to my

    website at", whatever your domain is that you are

    driving people to. The second of the 4 is: "Hi, my name is Gregg Davidson

    and I would love to give you 20 free videos that will teach you everything

    you need to know about how to make some extra money at home, part-

    time, Carbon Copy Pro or if you even mention that. You may not want to

    give away the answer: "It will be a system, a proven system that I have

    used that has allowed me to have a lifestyle like this." Describe the

    lifestyle. "I am about to give you those free videos. Please enter your

    email address in the form you see and I will send you access to all those

    videos." The third is: "Thank you for signing up. I just sent a link to all 20

    videos that will help you get these results and these benefits. Just check

    your email for that link and you will access all." The fourth one is what we

    call the "Buy my stuff" video which essentially is a call to action to actually

    take action. I frequently combine 3 and 4 in the same sentence. I basically

    -- while the iron is hot, as they say, and we have got someone who is

    really interested in whatever I have, why not ask them to take action?

    Because if someone is looking for an answer, you at least give him anopportunity right there.

    JJ: Sometimes 3 and 4 are put together. It's a great sequence though. Can

    we repeat that, just in a quicker format? To understand because I have

    had a lot of questions, Mike, about: "Ok. I get the first 10, I get the second

    10." I want to make sure that our members really understand again. So

    number one -- You want me to answer these questions.

    Mike Koenigs: Call to action at the end of each video.

    JJ: A call to action at the end. Very good.

    Mike Koenigs: "If you want more, go here." Which is you are driving them

    to your lead capture page where you are capturing leads. If you go to for example, you can ask questions to us. That is a

    lead capture page. They are on this call. It means they filled out a lead

    capture page. We also call it squeeze page. On that squeeze page or on

    that lead capture page is a video of you saying: "If you would like 20 free

    videos that will teach you everything you need to know about XYZ and get

    these benefits, enter your contact information." On the "Thank you page":"Thank you for signing up. I just sent you a confirmation link. I really

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    appreciate you are trusting me with your contact information. It will not be

    used, sold, spammed in any way shape performed. You can always up out.

    The fourth one is the "Buy my stuff" the real call to action for whatever

    your real offer is which is: "Why don't you sign up right now for Carbon

    Copy Pro and see for yourself?" That is where you give them a link wherethey can actually go to the page where they can actually order the

    product. "You will be introduced to the system I use to get -- have the

    same lifestyle I have." Or whatever it is in your story.

    JJ: This is a great distinction, Mike and Gregg. I love to hear your

    perspective. I want to make sure our members get this. There is such

    power in this sequence. 97% marketers, they want to go from step 1 to

    step 4. I want our members -- because I am going to be really honest, I

    have just had a huge "Aha" moment.

    Mike Koenigs: What was it?

    JJ: It was the power in the sequence. Too many people, including myself,

    think - and again it's 97% way of thinking - "I give them what they want,

    now I want you to buy." No. In this, you are really adding value to who you

    are as your own personal brand. It's like you are in their computer, really

    in their living room or in their office with him; I am going to use the term

    'holding him by the hand' but you are literally guiding them through the

    process. They are put in a position where they have to trust you to take

    them through the process. I get now the power of the sequence and thereare no steps that deserve to be -- no steps should be eliminated in this

    process because there is power in that process, isn't there?

    GD: Yes, John. One of the common questions I always got from people

    doing video marketing was: "Gregg, I have done all these videos, but I am

    not getting the leads. Why?" People need to understand that a video is like

    a sales letter. You wouldn't put out a sales letter that had great headline

    and then it called to action. There has to be the value in the middle.

    JJ: You also noticed something else here. I am going to jump to gun a littlebit and explain what has happened before we actually go through the

    process and answer some of these questions and actually model this,

    actually do it with you. Remember in one of our first calls, I think in all of

    them, I always go to that Mary Key question series which is: "Is it easy?

    Does it work? Can I do it?" What you are going to find when we go through

    these questions virtually every one of them is answering one of those 3

    things. That is the beauty of it. What kind of support will I get? What is the

    product? How much money can I make and how fast?" Well, that is: "Does

    it work? Can I do it?". How many people actually make money? Is it easy?Does it work? Can I do it? It's really answering all 3 of those each time.

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    When you do answer those 3 questions you went, what you are doing is

    you are engineering this amazing amount of information. It's answering all

    3 of those virtually every time. I am also going to establish the other thing

    that happens which is beautiful. And this is so powerful. I hope people

    really appreciate how amazingly powerful this is, because when you havethe "Aha" it's when life changes. I have so many people come up and, they

    say: "You know, I have been struggling for 9 years trying to figure out how

    can I XYZ", whatever it is; becoming an expert, writing a book or whatever

    it is. This is the first time something actually made sense to me. What you

    are able to do once you answer these questions and you make it in little

    mini videos, you upload them in arcades with Traffic Geyser we have the

    transcription feature built-in. This is what I have been doing with our calls.

    You upload it, Traffic geyser transcribes it for you. Now you have got your

    first e-book or your first book. The process of writing books is having a

    structure. There is a structure to book writing of course. There is a system

    to it: a beginning, a middle and an end, but you have actually got the

    content enough to have your first e-book and your first book. What I have

    done with my own 10x10x4 is -- you will see this in a couple of my videos

    that I have done -- I say: "Hi! My name is Mike Koenigs. I am the author of

    the upcoming book, the ultimate guide to video marketing." and I hold it

    up. I have also held up a copy of an e-book I have written. "Hi! My name is

    Mike Koenigs. I am the author of 'How to make a perfect video

    testimonial?' Now, you can take your 10x10x4 and when you introduce

    yourself you can say, if you are smart and you will want to take your10x10x4, have it transcribed in a little e-book and say: "I am the author of

    the e-book 'How to make the top 20 questions you need or top 20 things

    you need to know in order to make money at home" or whatever you

    want. You give it a title that somehow has to do with answering these

    questions. You are suddenly an author. Talking about the credibility

    boosters is what you need to get on CNN and NBC and in anything else.

    You have got the foundation of what it takes to actually become that

    credible expert you need to be in order to really supercharge your career. I

    know I just said a whole bunch of stuff but you see the big, big picturehere.

    JJ: The possibilities are endless.

    Mike Koenigs: Yes. So, let's go through -- and the other thing that we still

    have to do is go through our keyword phrases and associate those with

    the answering our questions. But let's go through an example. Either one

    of you, let's answer one of the frequently asked questions or the should

    asked questions and include a call to action in there and tell people where

    to go to get more. I am also going to put in one little extra here and sayyou don't have to answer all 10 and all 10. You can do a 5x5x4 as well.

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    You can do a 5x4x4 if you want to. Having something is better than

    nothing. Don't get overwhelmed in the details and the manouche here. All

    that is really important is that you are answering questions; you are

    distributing videos that are named keyword phrases that people are

    searching for online. Obviously, one of the questions they would be askingis: "Is Carbon Copy Pro legal?" I'm sure that gets typed in the search

    engines all the time. You guys, each one of you, go through one. Let's

    open up and actually go through an answer question and tell people where

    to go when they are done. You can use a real domain if you want to.

    JJ: Go, Gregg. You can get this going.

    GD: I knew you would do that, buddy. I am going to choose: "What is it

    that makes Carbon Copy Pro unique in the area of internet marketing

    education?" Let me repeat that: "What is it that makes Carbon Copy Prounique in the area of internet marketing education?" The answer is that

    when you are a member of Carbon Copy Pro you really don't need to go

    outside of this community for any further education. We have it all. To

    become a master in internet marketing, you need to learn from the

    masters. This is really the one place where you are learning from the best

    vide marketing guy in the world, the guy that Tony Robbins goes to. There

    is no better. When it comes to maybe paperclick, we have one of the best

    trainers in the world who exclusively teaches our community. Which

    means you don't need to go buy more e-book or take additional courses.

    In addition to that, this is certainly my experience, the only educational

    community where the top producers, the 6 and even 7 figures earners --

    you get to look over their shoulder and spend some time in the office in

    the virtual context every single week. We pull no punches. You see exactly

    what we do, where we place the ads, how we do the videos, how we write

    the articles. It's all in one place, learning from the best. That's really the

    answer to the question and some keywords that you could use for that

    would be: internet marketing education or what about internet marketing

    training, internet business training. Not necessarily the big fruits, but some

    of the lower less volume hanging fruits. You can get yourself right up therepotentially on the first page of Google with some of these keywords. Is

    that right, Mike?

    Mike Koenigs: Yes. You know it is. Here is what I will do. I am going to give

    you a little bit of coaching on how you would make this really, really

    effective online. I want everyone to listen to this because -- first of all you

    did a great job, Gregg. That was excellent. The material that you provided

    was outstanding and very real. It's nothing about it that is not believable.

    When you structure an answer like that, I listened to a couple of things

    when I walked away with: "What is it that makes Carbon Copy Pro unique

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    in the area of internet marketing education?" You basically said it is the

    mentoring, it's easy to learn, you have got all your answers in one place

    and you can learn from the best. The way I would structure an answer to

    have the most mean is -- the title of the video which you (...) "Internet

    marketing education" So maybe the name of the video might be "How toget the best internet marketing education". That might be the name of the

    video. You would want that to get placed online and if you did a little bit of

    keyword research you would find that that keyword phrase probably gets

    searched for quite a few times. Let people search for it. The people who

    were searching for it are clearly looking for: "Where can I get a high

    quality internet marketing education?" I'm making a note here. Getting

    back to answering the question. I have to answer one other question as I

    go through here. "Hi! My name is Gregg Davidson and I am the author of

    'The 20 ways that you can get a high quality internet marketing education'

    or something like that. You hold up the front cover of your e-book. You

    have to make that little cover before you start doing your videos but you

    are holding it up. "One of the questions I get all the time is 'Where can I

    get a high quality internet marketing education?' I will tell you what. I have

    the answer. That is the system that I use. It's called Carbon Copy Pro. I am

    going to tell you what it is that makes Carbon Copy Pro unique in the area

    of internet marketing education. There are 4 things that you look for. First

    of all, you look for mentoring. You want something that is easy to learn.

    You want all the answers in one place and you want to be able to learn

    from the best. Let me tell what makes Carbon Copy Pro unique." Then yougo through what you just said. Then: "To get more answers, I would like

    you to go to where I have made 20 free videos that

    will tell you more about internet marketing and the top 20 questions I get

    all the time that will answer your questions about how to make money

    online work from home, Follow me?

    GD: Yes, for sure.

    Mike Koenigs: There are different ways to structuring this and if you are

    feeling completely overwhelmed right now, I want you to welcome andembrace the feeling of overwhelm because it means your brain is getting

    rewired and you are going through a necessary evolutionary process to

    become a master. The beauty of this is you will be able to replay this audio

    and you will have a transcript of it so you can read it as well and you will

    actually have a script and a structure to work from. Why don't we do

    another one of these? This time, JJ, use a little bit of the structure that I

    gave you and I know I am kind of dropping a bomb on you because we

    didn't practice this or anything before and I know that you are learning this

    process as well. The bottom line is - the structure is: introduce yourselfand if it's possible, not required, open up with a little bit of authority: "Hi!

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    My name is JJ and I used to work at a home depot until I discovered a

    home based business and this is the lifestyle I have now and one of the

    questions I get all the time is 'blank' - here is the question." If it's possible

    break it down into the 3 things. Tell them what you are going to tell them

    and then tell them what you told them. The reason is you will keep themgripped and listening longer if you summarize what you are going to tell

    them at first. It does require a little extra work upfront because you can't

    just go ahead and answer the question and just leave it like that. I will be

    fine. But I am only telling you this right now because I have learned after

    using my own system for about a year now. About as long as it existed,

    once I started to answer the question by summarizing at first and then

    giving them the answer and then telling them what I told them afterwards,

    I know people watch my videos longer and I am more likely to respond.

    Learning from the masters here and mentoring and following someone

    else's stages it requires a little more thought upfront, but the results are

    much better. You can do it the easy way which is fine. You can still get

    great results. I am going to leave it to you. Why don't you do one of these?

    JJ: Hi! My name is John Jackson. I'm known within my circles as the ex-

    home depot guy that comes from the working 80 + hours a week wearing

    an orange apron and never being able to see my son. I was coming home

    one day and realizing my son didn't know who I was. In my quest to create

    an income for myself and create my home business where I have my own

    freedom and my own flexibility I understood that I had to learn a new skill.If you want something you have never had before, you have got to do

    something you have never done before. As a new entrepreneur, I knew to

    become successful as an entrepreneur in this new century that we live in. I

    get this question all the time: "Why should I learn internet marketing?" I

    am going to give you 3 of the main reasons why any business owner must

    become a master internet marketer, become efficient and proficient in this

    skill. The 3 main reasons:

    1. I understood as a business owner, I wanted to reach the fastest

    growing demographic in the world. Why should I learn internet marketing?I now know that 100 million people a day are being added to the internet.

    There is 100 million people today that are on the internet, that weren't on

    it yesterday. For my business to be successful I think that is why

    businesses are failing, more businesses are failing left and right because

    there is not enough people walking through their door. The internet has

    allowed me to create a virtual door and when I become a master internet

    marketer, I am now reaching one of the largest if not the largest

    demographic which is new customers coming every day to the tune of 100

    million people a day globally.

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    2. It's a very cost effective approach to get my message in my

    virtual door in front of the people who are looking for what I am selling.

    3. The internet works 24 hour a day, 7 days a week and it allows me

    the freedom and flexibility.

    If you want to know more about how to take advantage of this

    opportunity and why you should learn to become a master internet

    marketer go to the following webpage. Go to and you will get

    the information there. Thank you I look forward to seeing you on the next

    page. That was the first shot at it, Mike.

    Mike Koenigs: I think the -- first of all, great job -- the great news I will tell

    you what would work about this the best is: your guy speaks from the

    heart and you pull no punches and the reason it would work so well is you

    are real. That is the first thing anyone would notice about you when they

    listen to you. I believe it is the reason why you are so successful on this

    business and why people love you so much is because it is just obvious

    immediately you are real. Gregg, on the other hand has got the great

    British accent which works as hot kicks as well. The Americans think you

    are sophisticated and intelligent when they hear, whether you are not. So

    that is going to work for you too. I am serious. That is a really funny thing.

    I think your challenge is always going to be brevity. I know you are literally

    just kind of inventing it as you went along because there was no practice

    time and I kind of changed the rules on you a little bit by telling you whatworks really well. I said it is just like you do it, flat just answer the

    question. Which is fine. You can see here as listener, if you were listening

    to JJ, what would cause you to either skip interest or lose interest while

    right away he told us his story. This is interesting and this guy is kind of

    speaking from the heart. The key things what I would focus on is just make

    sure you are going to make your points which is - here are the 3 things

    that matter most in answering these questions: tell your story, cut through

    the chase and just tell them where to get more. You will also want to try to

    craft a little bit of a hook for who you are and where you came from. Iworked really well and I know you were thinking of a fly. The other thing is

    you know you can have some notes in front of you. The bottom line here

    is: I can tell you are going to do great with it as you build your own. I am

    giving you a structure. It doesn't mean you can't break it. It is just: follow a

    structure first . Follow a system first. So let's just summarize what you are

    going to do. You are going to say: "Hi! My name is so and so. I'm the

    author of XYZ or I'm the guy who 'blank' and I am going to answer the

    question ... There are 3 main points I am going to cover. It's this, this and

    this and here is what it is. If you can summarize it then just tell them

    where to get more." It is again: tell me what you are going to tell me, tell

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    me and then tell me what you told me. Because that makes you feel

    comfortable and again it follows this trust mechanism, because the people

    feel that there is structure, their confidence increases, their trust

    increases, their ability that they recognize you as an authority increases.

    That is really what this game is all about. You want to increase that trustand that comfort and that confidence.

    JJ: I am going to example. I am way out of my comforts on, being really

    honest with you. I am completely embracing this because in this a new

    skill is created.

    Mike Koenigs: Absolutely.

    JJ: I am learning how to -- we have a simple kind of a funny story and it is a

    metaphor that we use here: "learning how to tie your shoes". My 6 years

    old has to think about every loop, where does this string go, it has got to

    go through this then the other. You don't even think about tying your

    shoes. I am learning how to tie my shoes.

    Mike Koenigs: Unconscious competence, right.

    JJ: I know we are getting close here to the top of the hour and I there is so

    much more that we want to cover here, but in the last few minutes here I

    do want to make sure that we put these pieces together for each and

    every member who has investing the evening with us tonight.

    Mike Koenigs: Let's do that. I am going to make one last point which I

    know we are going to get a bunch of questions about and it seems to me

    we may have to do it in a little extension of what we are doing here. What

    is the relationship between the keywords? They don't get the keywords.

    They don't get these whole things. So here is basically what you are doing.

    Every single one of the questions that you are answering when you submit

    them as a video - you basically come up with your keyword or your

    questions and then you are going to answer them and you are going to

    send people to a lead page. I am going to give you a place where you cango and see one of these that I did, interview style as a matter of fact. In a

    moment. What you do is you will just inject or imbed the keywords that

    you want to rank high for in the title of your video. One of the questions

    we had, was: "How should I learn internet marketing?" That is actually a

    really good one. You could leave them alone. What I would probably do is:

    if you want to rank high for the keyword phrase 'internet marketing

    education' you may say "How can I get an internet marketing education?"

    or "Internet marketing education made easy" would be another phrase.

    But the whole idea is you are just naming your videos the keywords that

    you want to rank high for. I know people are like: "Which ones do I pick?

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    The rule that we generally tell people is: you will find a keyword phrase

    that you have done your research, what we taught in our previous session,

    you will paste it in the Google and I usually look for keyword phrases that

    have 300.000 or fewer competing pages, because that has a high

    probability of getting ranked. Of course you are going to paste in some ofthese things and you are going to see 54 million or 100 million or

    something like that. That doesn't mean you can't possibly score or rank.

    No, it doesn't mean that at all. It just means you may want to combine

    more keywords or what we call "the long tail". Some people are like: "I

    want to rank high for internet marketing". That is never going to happen.

    Someone how types in internet marketing is a dabbler. They don't know

    what they are looking for and you are not going to be able to convince

    them of anything anyway. So the longer the tail, the longer the phrase, the

    more likely they are to take action and they are serious about what they

    are going to be doing. This is the part of this thing that requires some

    practice. You won't get it right away and you probably won't score right

    away. It doesn't mean it doesn't work. I am just telling you that right now

    because this is the part that requires some research and if you are feeling

    confused it is ok. Just go to provideoquestions and submit your question

    and JJ and I will maybe have to do a second session and maybe even a

    little webinar while we practice this again and kind of show you the path to

    find a niche. Do you have some other questions related to that because I

    know I kind of rambled and that is the part where I know some people are

    going to do like: "I feel overwhelmed" and the whole deal is you just haveto sit down and do this. Come up with your main questions, make some

    videos and submit them. You are going to see what happens. Test it out

    because this is something you get a feel for and you start seeing the

    pattern emerge. JJ, any questions?

    JJ: I'm piecing it all together. I am going to have and I am sure you are

    going to be getting more questions on the site. I just can't share with you -

    this is such a unique approach, but I now understand more than ever. Not

    so much a question, but a comment. Stick to the process. Stick to the - I

    am going to call it a recipe. Don't skip steps because I understand now

    today more than ever the value in each step. Gregg, are you seeing it the

    same way that I am, my friend?

    GD: Yes. I absolutely concur with everything Mike has said and just to add

    -- Remember folks, you don't have to get it perfect. Just get it going. It is

    not a reason why, if you pick a question and you come up with some

    keywords, you put it out there, it doesn't quite work the way you wanted

    to, you can do that video again. I used to do that all of the time. This is the

    evolution. This is the sequel. Again and again and again until you get it to

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    that perfect, but the most important thing is don't stand 5 hours doing one

    video. Just get on it, use the process and get it going.

    JJ: I have to tell you Mike, the way I am wired. I am 47 years old and I have

    been in this game now about 7 years and I am constantly fining the

    previous 40 years were of reprogramming and I am one of those people,

    Mike, that I want to get it perfect each and every time. I have an up

    formation that I keep on my board: "Perfectly and perfect. It's ok to be

    imperfect. Just be perfect to being imperfect."

    Mike Koenigs: You have pretty good past of fear except what you are

    afraid of. I appreciate that. Let me give, folks, a sampler too to check out

    because I am going to tell you a brief story. I know we are at the (...) here.

    I will make this nice and short. First of all here is a link to go to and check

    this out. Go to What that is - Iactually did an interview style 10x10x4 with a gentleman. You are going to

    see a different strategy. The bottom line -- let me tell you what I am going

    to tell you first which is: with these videos I am generating 5 to 20

    qualified leads a day and I kid you not. I take a screen capture of my

    computer right now. I have got 2 orders for the book while we were on this

    call. I am going to send you a screen capture of this just as proof JJ, that

    you can put in the back end if you want it. What is great about it is, Bill

    Glazer, who is the president of the Glazer Kennedy GKIC. I can't know what

    the I stands for, but Glazer Kennedy is something center. They are in the

    business of teaching marketing. Dan Kennedy is considered one of the

    greatest trick response marketers alive and he has been one of my

    mentors. His partner, Bill, came out with this new book called "Outrageous

    advertising". He called me up and -- He does research and my name kind

    of coming up what it came to like video promotion. He wanted to try video

    promotion. Because he is such a big shot, I invited him to come to my

    studio where I interviewed him. We did 9 video interviews. They varied

    from 5 to 16 minutes on each and we put them in the Traffic Geyser, we

    blasted them out and I sold about 300 copies of his book as a result of this

    campaign. That is pretty interesting. His goal is to sell 25000 copies. Whatelse I did is I promoted these videos to my own database and then goal in

    one and he is like - he was so impressed with what it happened he

    promoted it to his list and they are selling 500 copies of the book per video

    when they send it out. All of this was an interview. What we do is we

    clearly lay out the benefits of buying the book in the video. I want you to

    observe this and watch it first of all because there is some great content

    inside here and you will see exactly the way we do this in the 10x10x4

    environment. The other thing that I am going to provide, but I have get

    them to you in a little while because they are still being built right now. Ialso have 2 other 10x10x4s that I have done interview style with some

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    other people. I have a bunch of other ones as well that I can supply so you

    can see these in motion. I am going to get those links to you, JJ, because I

    actually have to go through my system and find some that I think are

    appropriate for the list.

    JJ: That will be good. I will make sure they get posted.

    Mike Koenigs: I do the same thing on your site, but check this one out first

    because it sort of breaks my own rules a little bit. It is not just a series of

    just Q&A stuff and there is only 9 in there. It is done interview style and

    you will see it is all done in my studio shooting with a flip camera. I want to

    see the whole approach because it can start as simple as just hold up a flip

    camera or do it with a webcam. It is ok. These multiple camera it's

    prettier. It is in my studio environment because I have got the means and

    the resources now. I started out raw in my early days and I got moresophisticated as I went along. You see that the core philosophy always

    holds true. It always consistently continues to work. I will find some more

    examples to share with you and send them along but I think we have

    come to a good closing point here. Is there anything that we didn't go over


    JJ: We have got to cover -- You and I and Gregg all know this that we can

    probably spend a day on each one of these topics, but I think people

    understand. The seed has been planted. Right now it is just a matter of -

    we talked about this this morning on our wakeup call. This is about action,about putting this into action. Thank you for my ever so humble cortigue

    and my fellow members understand. We didn't rehearse this on purpose

    because I wanted you to understand that people like Gregg and myself, we

    are forever the students. We are all about learning new skills. Thanks for

    your candor. I have a lot of room to improve here and I am really grateful

    to have the opportunity to move forward in this area now I am to use your

    language: I have gone through the consciously incompetence phase and

    I'm making a transition to conscious competence.

    Mike Koenigs: The great thing is, like I said, we all start there and you

    know that I coached you with love and all I want to do is I want to see you

    succeed even more than you already have. You don't need me or my

    systems to help you -- for you to succeed because you have already

    achieved it. Being on this call means you are successful. You are taking

    the first step and you are rewiring your brain to becoming even more

    successful than you already are. The beautiful thing is when you embrace

    a new system and a new process that proven to work over and over again,

    this is just another fabulous way of getting from here to there. You are


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    JJ: I want to thank Gregg too. Gregg we should have had you on all these

    calls, Gregg. Thank you! You added a lot of spice and flavor to this call, my

    friend. I appreciate you are being here, brother.

    GD: No thanks necessary. I am actually pleasured to be here and yes, I

    have learned so much going back down to that level of conscious


    JJ: Let's see. We are at week 4 now. We have done week 1: "Introducing

    personal branding", week 2: "Establishing yourself as an expert and an

    authority", week 3 was the "Keyword research". Tonight we have a great

    foundation on "Leveraging our knowledge, using the 10x10x4 model", next

    week you are going to be getting into a follow up, consistency, automation

    and obviously I know you are going to get to some questions as well.

    Gregg, if you can make the time or if it's convenient for you, we wouldlove you to join us in that call as well but that is completely up to you. I

    know this was kind of on-off live. It is great having a fellow marketer here

    in the mix. Are we setting that up for week 5. Is that your goal here, Mike,

    moving forward?

    Mike Koenigs: Yes. And I will tell you what. If we have the continue

    demand, I am here to serve. I am happy to do additional ones if we have

    to do like a follow up call or something that we get a little more in doubt

    based upon the demand. All you have got to do is go to and tell us what you want or let JJ know throughthe usual means. Let us know what else we can provide. I'm happy to do

    this. I will tell you what: teaching makes you better at everything you do.

    Every time I get an opportunity to speak and I am put into a position of

    having a deadline and a topic to talk about it means I think about it harder

    and I have to do it, to teach it. Every time I teach it makes me better as

    well and I know you know that too. Let's just continue down the path. Let's

    get through the first 5 and if there is more demand and let's continue

    down the path.

    JJ: Gregg, thank you! Any final comments, Gregg, before we put a bonus?

    GD: Not at all. What I need to say how to blast learn a lot, looking forward

    for more.

    JJ: Mike, any closing comments?

    Mike Koenigs: I think I am good here.

    JJ: We are all better marketers now.

    Mike Koenigs: It has been a lot of fun and what I am going to do is I

    actually took a screen capture of my 2 book sales that came in during our

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    call here that I will send you in case you wanted to -- you know what I will

    do is I will put these in the transcript. You all have a raw print to it in the

    transcript where we were like talking about how we generated these sales

    and I will also do my best to gather some of the other sales that have

    popped up to show proof that in the context of selling books is really,really hard. This works for everything. We have got tons of -- a lot of our

    clients that do the exact same things. They actually use this for other

    products, doesn't matter what business, where you are located, it works.

    JJ: We are excited about week 5. Personally, I am going to go back and

    listen this recording again and my fellow CC Pro members know that we

    will have this call posted no later than tomorrow, Wednesday, so keep an

    eye -- I know there are some notes you didn't catch. You will have the

    opportunity to listen to this call again. Gregg, thank you as always for the

    example you set for all of us. Mike, our gratitude -- please accept ourimmense gratitude. Thank you so much. My fellow CC Pro members we are

    proud of each and every one of you for investing in yourself this past hour

    plus. I know we are going over today, but it has been worth it. As we end

    every call: make sure you do something really good and really positive for

    somebody today. And do it in the knowing there is no way they could ever

    repay you. That is it. This call is a wrap. We will see you tomorrow morning

    on the wakeup call. Make it a great evening, folks. Take care.

    [End of Interview, session 4]
