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Transactive Control for Efficient

Operation of Commercial Buildings

Sneharaj Ramdaspalli, Manisa Pipattanasomporn, Murat Kuzlu, Saifur Rahman.

Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Advanced Research Institute,

Virginia Tech, Arlington, VA 22203, US

Abstract — This paper describes the model development of a

commercial building and investigates benefits of transactive

control for efficient operation of buildings. The model of a DOE

standard small office building is developed in GridLAB-D (an

agent-based distribution system simulation environment) and

validated with the model simulated in EnergyPlus. A passive

transactive control strategy has been applied to estimate the peak

demand reduction potential and energy savings of a building in a

transactive energy market. This analysis forms an outline for

efficient operation of commercial buildings by adopting market-

based control strategies and lays a corner-stone for studying

building-to-grid integration in a transactive control based

network. In addition, this paper also describes limitations of the

model and discusses the scope for future improvements.

Index Terms — Agent-based platform, Commercial Buildings,

Dynamic Pricing, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-

Conditioning), Transactive Control.


In today’s environment, with the penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) in commercial buildings, bidirectional energy transactions with the grid are feasible. This paper models a commercial building in a transactive control network to study the impact of building-to-grid integration in a transactive energy market. The commercial buildings energy consumption survey (CBECS) results show that there were 5.6 million commercial buildings in the United States in 2012 [1]. Office spaces show the highest growth rate in the category of small and medium sized commercial buildings. Empowering these buildings with intelligence and employing load reduction techniques during peak periods provide a significant impact on the distribution grid [2]. Research shows that there can be significant reduction in peak demand and overall electrical energy consumption by the incorporation of price elasticity [3]. Towards this end, a transactive control strategy effectively serves the purpose of load reduction during the peak demand period. In the transactive control environment, buildings/appliances actively participate in an electricity market. While there are several pricing schemes like time-of-use (ToU), critical peak pricing (CPP), variable peak pricing (VPP), real-time pricing (RTP), in this paper we consider a transactive control strategy based on a RTP scheme in a stubauction market.

Several studies [4-8] have modeled commercial building operation with the main objective to improve the efficiency of HVAC systems using model predictive control (MPC) schemes.

Among different simulation software currently available, EnergyPlus [9] offers the most comprehensive platform to model commercial buildings, taking into account external factors, such as occupancy and weather conditions, in addition to building parameters. On the other hand, GridLAB-D [10] offers a versatile platform that allows incorporation of transaction-based control to manage building operations. It provides an ideal environment to model the building-to-grid interaction and evaluate the impact of transactive control strategy on peak demand reduction and energy saving potential at the building level.

In a transactive control based approach, buildings are viewed as fundamental units connected to the power grid. The transactive energy vision enables buildings to transact with the grid and modify their electricity consumption profile in accordance with real-time grid conditions. While authors in [11] discuss about the importance of using transactive control for buildings, authors in [12,13] discuss how transactive control provides a means of coordinating the response of smart grid assets, the effect of a congestion market at the distribution feeder level and estimate its impact on customer bills. In [14] authors detail through theoretical and practical aspects of transactive control and provide analytical methods to operationalize such a design. Preliminary studies conducted in [15, 16] explore value streams and effects of a residential double-auction market with transactive controllers on the operation of electric power distribution system. In [17] the authors present a simulation model for the integration of DERs in the building and in [18], an energy scheduling algorithm supporting power quality management in commercial building micro grids is presented.

While GridLAB-D has in-built models for residential use, not much support is provided to model commercial buildings. Commercial buildings differ from residential models, especially in terms of HVAC requirements and usage of specific loads based on occupancy. This paper attempts to extend the application of transactive control to commercial buildings and estimate its benefits from the grid’s and commercial building’s standpoints. In this work, a DOE standard building model for a small commercial office space located in Maryland, USA is taken as reference [19]. This building is simulated in EnergyPlus and validated against real-life energy consumption profile. An equivalent office building model has been constructed in GridLAB-D and compared against the EnergyPlus model. A transactive controller has been developed in order to adjust the HVAC load in the modeled office building, hence making the

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building demand responsive to real-time electricity prices. This paper focusses on modeling a commercial office building in GridLAB-D, implementing a transactive control strategy and studying its impact on the building operation.


A. Model of a Small Office Building in GridLAB-D

Details of a DOE standard building for a small commercial

office space are provided in Table I. This building is located in

Baltimore, Maryland, USA. It has five zones – one core zone

and four surrounding zones. Schedule of operation and energy

consumption details of each zone are obtained by simulating the

building in EnergyPlus. Each zone has a rooftop unit (RTU) to

address its heating and cooling requirements. Primary loads in

this office building are cooling, heating, lighting and plug loads



Occupancy based hourly operating schedule of various loads on

a typical weekday in the building, is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Hourly schedule of occupants, lights and equipment in the building

Occupancy details and schedules for lighting and equipment

are provided as a number between 0 and 1. For example, a value

of 0.5 means that during that hour, the power consumption of

equipment is half of the maximum capacity. The maximum

number of occupants in the building is 255. This varies across

the day with an occupancy schedule shown in Figure 1.

The HVAC settings for the building are as follows:

The HVAC system runs from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.

During weekdays, the cooling set point is maintained at

75oF from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. and at 80oF for rest

of the day.

On Saturdays, the cooling set point is maintained at 75

oF from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. and at 80oF for the rest

of the day.

On Sundays and holidays, the cooling set point is at 80oF

for the entire day.

B. Model Validation

The office building is modeled in GridLAB-D by extracting

the information for load schedules, their ratings and necessary

building parameters from EnergyPlus. The period of simulation

is from 1st July 2012 to 7th July 2012, with a resolution of one

minute. Loads are modeled by configuring their schedules

appropriately in GridLAB-D, as per the details shown in Figure


Lighting load: The lighting load has been modeled indoor as

‘incandescent’ type with an installed capacity of 5.5 kW. It

must be noted that total lighting load for the building includes

both interior and exterior lights. This detail is taken into account

while configuring the schedule for lighting in GridLAB-D.

Plug load: The plug load model in GridLAB-D has an installed

capacity of 5 kW, following EnergyPlus data.

HVAC load: The building with a footprint of 5,500 sq. ft is

modeled in GridLAB-D. In case of both Energy Plus and

GridLAB-D, outdoor temperature information is obtained from

an appropriate climate file and HVAC power consumption is

calculated based on outdoor temperature and indoor set points.

Following building data from EnergyPlus, the building is

modeled in GridLAB-D to have five HVAC units, each of

which is associated with each zone. Then, the overall power

consumption of the building from GridLAB-D is scaled to

match with that from EnergyPlus. This is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Comparison of total load profiles modeled in EnergyPlus and


Note: Wednesday (Day 4) is a holiday (4th July, 2012) and hence the

load profile resembles that of Sundays.

This figure clearly depicts the close correlation between

office building modeled in EnergyPlus and GridLAB-D. The

discrepancy in the peak load of the HVAC system in

EnergyPlus and GridLAB-D is because EnergyPlus models the

commercial building taking into account finer details regarding

building envelope and position of doors and windows in the

building. Also the maximum allowance in schedule value for

safe operation of plug load is 0.9, as a result of which the power

consumption of plugload in GridLAB-D is lower than that in


This justifies the commercial office space model built in

GridLAB-D, taking into account an aggregate load behavior

based on the building’s net power consumption.


In a real-world environment, majority of small office

buildings have no building automation systems to control their

operation. Empowering a building with intelligence implies the

ability to automatically adjust its operating parameters to

optimize building functionality, reduce peak demand and save

Attribute Quantity Units

No. of floors 1 -

Area 5,500 sq. ft.

No. of zones 5 -

Interior lighting capacity 5.5 kW

Exterior lighting capacity 6 kW

Installed HVAC capacity 12 kW

Equipment load 5 kW

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energy [20]. As the first step, the impact of transactive control

in an active system is studied. In an active system a price signal

is sent from a utility to the end user. This method of control uses

passive controllers that provide information to consumers (such

as real-time market prices) so that the controllers’ setting can

be adjusted [21]. The model and scheme of operation of a

passive controller in the electricity market is detailed below.

A. Operation/Model of a Passive Controller

In an active market, a passive controller adjusts the internal

set point of selected building loads by responding to an external

price signal. This work examines an HVAC system in a

commercial building.

In GridLAB-D, the real-time market prices are fed to the

passive controller through the auction object. This object is

configured as a buyer-only market and hence cannot receive

bids. The real-time market price information for this simulation

is obtained from a utility company located in U.S. In addition

to this information, a rolling 24-hour average of the price signal

(Pavg) and a rolling 24-hour standard deviation of price σactual is

fed to the passive controller in the form of an external player

file in GridLAB-D.

The hourly profile of real-time market price from 1st July

2012 to 7th July 2012 used in this study is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. Real-time electricity market price profile

During the period of simulation, the real-time market price

deviates between 14.1 c/kWh and -2.7 c/kWh.

Mode of Control: The above mentioned passive controller is

configured in the RAMP mode of control (see Figure 4).

It uses a piece-wise linear function to adjust the set point as

a function of a rolling average of the real-time electricity price

and its standard deviation. From Figure 4, it can be seen that the

rate of change of set-point temperature (i.e., slope) can have

different values, indicating different end use preferences for

heating and cooling response. Additionally, Tmin (minimum

acceptable temperature) and Tmax (maximum acceptable

temperature) need not be symmetric. ΔT is the difference

between the desired temperature (Tdesired) and new set point

temperature (Tset), taking the current market price into account.

Tmin and Tmax define the temperature set point limits; the slope

of the ramp function determines the temperature sensitivity of

the controller with respect to the varying market price. This can

be configured as per the user comfort. σactual is the standard

deviation of the real-time market price from the mean price

(Pavg), which has the value between σmin and σmax.

When the current market-clearing price (P) is higher than

Pavg, the new cooling set point temperature is raised.

Conversely, when the current market price is lower than Pavg, the cooling set-point is adjusted lower. The constraints on the

operation are subjected to the following inequality.

Tmin – Tdesired ≤ ΔT ≤ Tmax – Tdesired (1)

The configuration parameters of the designed passive

controller object in GridLAB-D are shown in Table II.


Details Parameter Type

1 Control variable Cooling set point

2 Control Mode Ramp

3 Expectation property Pavg

4 Observation property σactual

5 Ramp high 1.5 c/oF

6 Ramp low 3.5 c/oF

7 Range high 10.0 oF

8 Range low 0.0 oF

9 Tmin 75 oF

10 Tmax 83 oF

Ramp high: Rate of increase of the cooling set point with market price;

Ramp low: Rate of decrease of the cooling set point with market price. Range high and range low are the upper and lower limits to which the

participant allows the temperature swing.

The control period of this controller is one minute; which

means it updates the thermostat(s) with new information from

the market on a one-minute interval. Figure 5 depicts a flow

chart describing the working of passive controller in response

to the market price signal.

Figure 4. Ramp mode of control for a building’s cooling system

Figure 5. Flow chart showing the scheme of operation of a passive controller

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Since the ‘range low’ is configured at zero in our passive

controller model, when P < Pavg the cooling set point will not be

altered. In this paper, this method of transactive control is used

for HVAC control, but it can also be extended to the lighting

appliances and non-critical plug loads.


The model of an office building described in Section II is

simulated along with the developed passive controller

(described in Section III) in GridLAB-D. The ramp mode of

control has been adopted for the passive transactive controller.

In this mode of control, the base set point of the HVAC system

varies according to the mean market price, after the market is

cleared. In this study, the market is cleared at one-minute


Figure 6 shows the behavior of the HVAC system with and

without the passive transactive controller. It can be clearly seen

that in the case with no control, the air temperature is fluctuated

between 74oF and 76 oF during weekdays from 6:00 A.M. to

10:00 P.M, and between 79oF and 81oF during

weekends/holidays (except during transitions of schedules and

at night when indoor temperature decreases as outdoor

temperature decreases). Upon imposing the real time price

signal, the HVAC system now adjusts its cooling set point and

power consumption for a wider bracket of air temperature

(between 75oF – 86.9oF). This results in a significant reduction

in power consumption, especially during peak demand periods.

Figure 6. Profile of indoor air-temperature with and without control

Note: At the end of Day 1 and beginning of Day 2, the indoor temperature went down and reached the minimum of 69 oF. This is due to the drop in the outdoor


From Figure 6, the following points can be observed:

(i) Real time market price and indoor air temperature are in

positive correlation, in the case with passive control.

(ii) Although the air temperature increases with the price

signal, there is an upper limit which inhibits the violation

of comfort to the customer.

(iii) After the control period, the AC turns on and there is a

tendency to rebound. But the cooling set point temperature

is clamped by the Tmin, which is 75 oF in this case.

(iv) With passive control the cooling set-point is raised to 86.9 oF as against 80 oF (on Day 4).

From Figures 7 and 8, a decreasing trend in power

consumption is observed, as the market price reaches a high. In

particular, the power consumption of the HVAC system is

reduced by an average of 0.668 kW on a typical weekday and

0.452 kW when averaged over a week.

Figure 7. HVAC load profile without the transactive control

Figure 8. Operation of HVAC with the passive transactive control

The reduction in HVAC power consumption with respect to

the variation in real-time electricity price can be clearly

observed from one-day time sample shown in figure 9.

Figure 9. HVAC operating status with respect to real-time price for one day

When the electricity market price signal is relatively low, the HVAC system is active. As soon as the real time price reaches a peak, the HVAC system limits its consumption until a declining trend is observed in the price signal. In this way, by pricing the electricity high during the peak demand period, the occurrence of peak power consumption can be mitigated. It must be noted that although the peak load of the HVAC system remains the same, the occurrence of the peak load is now shifted to a low demand period.

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A passive transactive control scheme makes the energy

consumption profile of buildings price-responsive. In terms of

electrical energy savings, simulation results indicate an average

energy savings of 16.03 kWh over a typical weekday and 76

kWh over the simulated week, which can be translated to a

savings of about 3952 kWh annually. The average cooling load

is reduced and hence a significant reduction in aggregate energy

consumption can be observed across a group of buildings. This

control method can be further improved by modeling the office

building in a double auction market, having two-way

communication between building loads and the electricity

market. Unlike a stubauction market, in a double auction

market, market-clearing price is reached based on two-way

negotiations between building loads and market. As a result,

there is a dynamic equilibrium at all points of time.

This work can be further expanded to investigate the

integration of an aggregate group of buildings into electric grid

and study the overall behavior of the electric grid with a group

of smart buildings in a transactive control network.


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