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TranscribeMe clips:Chem lectureAnd so ... so now we have ourselves, now are we alone in the universe? We're made of the most common ingredients there are. And our chemistry's based on carbon. Carbon is the most chemically active ingredient in the entire periodic table. If you were to find a chemistry on which to base something really complex called life, you would base it on carbon. Carbon is like, the fourth most abundant ingredient in the universe. They're not rare. You can make more molecules out of carbon, than you can all other kinds of molecules combined. So, if we ask ourselves are we alone in the universe, it would be in spite of my diatribe about UFOs ... I tell you in the same breath, that it would be inexcusably egocentric to suggest that we are alone in the Cosmos. The chemistry is too rich, to declare that. The universe, too vast ... There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand in all the beaches of the world. There are more stars in the universe than all the sounds and words ever uttered by all humans who have ever lived To say we're alone in the universe No we haven't found life, outside of Earth yet. We're looking. Haven't looked very far yet. [audience chuckles] Galaxy's this big, we've looked about that far.

Radio broadcast:So I had no idea that there was an entire segment of the population not doing that, until I think I got to high school. It was a specialized school but it was still the issues of fitting in in the popular groups and certain cliques and how you're going to stand out or how you're going to fit in. The first thing that high school made me do was realize that I had to cut all my hair off, so that I didn't get killed, basically, by the older girls in the school. And I think it was about a month in, and I was like "I need to find something that helps me blend in" because this is too much, and I had no idea. And I think that experience kind of led to me being like "No that's not really going to work for me". So now I'm the girl with super super short hair, and really coming into teen years and trying to find a way to stand out and be like "Okay, so that's not me, it's not just about that".
