Page 1: Treasures in Heaven · In Matthew 6:19-34 Jesus teaches us about loving God first, focussing on God’s kingdom and God’s provision for all our needs. Read together Matthew 6:19-34

The ‘A Tale of Two Treasures’ story stars Billy who loved his things the most, and Benny who loved his creator the most.

1. How does loving his creator make a difference in Benny’s life?

2. What are some of the things that Benny did differently to Billy (especially when ......all his stuff was stolen)?

3. How can we, as Jesus’ followers, make sure we are loving God more than our ......stuff?

4. What are some ways we can “store up treasures in heaven”? (Try and think ......practically. For example, think about how we can use our time, our stuff, our, or our house to help others hear and learn more about Jesus)

PrayThank God for making us and giving us good things to enjoy. Ask God to help us love.him more than our stuff.

Enjoy this bonus video: Montague McBrain – Store up Treasures in Heaven. Find it in the Google drive folder for this week, or type into your web browser

Discussion Questions after Treasures in Heaven Kids Talk Video

SERMON ON THE MOUNT Treasures in HeavenOver four weeks Quiz Worx Home Delivery is exploring Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

The Sermon on the Mount is one of Jesus’ most memorable teaching blocks. He has such great visual imagery in his teaching and confronts us with the incredibly high standards that God expects his people to live by.

Matthew 5:1-2 sets the scene. While there is a large crowd, Jesus directs these words to his disciples. As such, these words do not teach how one “becomes a disciple”. Rather, these words teach how one “lives as a disciple.”

From start to finish, Jesus shows that anyone who is one of his people will live differently to the people of this world. Anyone who merely hears these words and does not put them into practise is a fool!

Through the series of four weekly Kids’ Talks videos we explore some particular aspects of Jesus’ teaching. Each Kids’ Talk video has some accompanying discussion questions for you to work through with your children.

We have also provided some further “Digging Deeper” Family Devotions. These will help you and your family discover more of Jesus’ teaching as you read all the way through the Sermon on the Mount.

Let’s pray that we can be both “listeners” and “do-ers” of His word.

Page 2: Treasures in Heaven · In Matthew 6:19-34 Jesus teaches us about loving God first, focussing on God’s kingdom and God’s provision for all our needs. Read together Matthew 6:19-34

Digging DeeperFamily Devotions

As we continue to study the Sermon on the Mount, this week's ‘Digging Deeper’ Family Devotions has three Bible passages to read. This will take you all the way through Matthew chapter 6. There are a couple of ways you can do this. You could have three smaller discussions reading one passage at a time. Or one big discussion, reading eachpassage as it comes up. There is no right or wrong way, simply whatever works best for your household.

Memory Verse Miriam has made another video to help us! You can find the video in the “Treasures in Heaven” Google Drive Folder. Or you can view it on YouTube at or search ‘Sermon On The Mount Memory Verse week 3’ on YouTube.

Something to rememberAs we keep looking at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is going to show us the way that we are to live if we follow Him.

As you look at each passage, keep asking:a) How is the way Jesus saying we should act, different to the way the world acts?b) The Bible says Jesus acted this way perfectly. How do we see that?c) How can we reflect Jesus?

Passage 1 - Matthew 6:1-4, 16-18 Giving and Giving Up for GodIn this part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus encourages his followers to not be ‘show offs’ or do good things to try to impress other people. For instance, Jesus says that when we give money, and when we fast from eating food (as a reminder to pray), our focus shouldn’t be on ourselves, to make ourselves look good, but rather our focus should be on God.

Read together Matthew 6:1-4 then Matthew 6:16-181. Instead of ‘showing off’, what does Jesus want his followers to do?2. Why should we do good things for God in secret, rather than showing off to people public?3. Jesus talks about using our money to help the poor. How can we as a family use .....our money and things to help people?4. How can we make sure that we are doing good things for God rather than to show to others?

Enjoy this bonus video: Montague McBrain – Do Good in Secret. Find it in the Google Drive folder for this week, or type this into your browser

Pray together.

Page 3: Treasures in Heaven · In Matthew 6:19-34 Jesus teaches us about loving God first, focussing on God’s kingdom and God’s provision for all our needs. Read together Matthew 6:19-34

Digging DeeperFamily Devotions

Passage 2 - Matthew 6:5-15 Talking to GodPraying is simply talking to God about anything, anytime and anywhere (remember our ‘Talking to God’ kids’ talk). In the first part of this section, Jesus tells us not to be ‘show offs’ when we pray. He then teaches us how to pray, using ‘The Lord’s Prayer.’

Read together Matthew 6:5-151. Jesus doesn’t want his people to ‘show off’ when they pray. What two things does .....Jesus tell his followers to do when they pray so that they aren’t showing off? What you think this means for us?2. In ‘The Lord’s Prayer’, Jesus covers three areas we can pray about. List in the table .....below what Jesus teaches us to pray about.

3. Isn’t it amazing?! Jesus tells us that we should speak to the God who made .....everything as “Our Father”. How does that make you feel?4. Spend some time as a family praying about the things Jesus tells us to pray about. .....Encourage everyone to spend time alone praying at other times during the week.

Passage 3 - Matthew 6:19-34 Love God and Focus on His KingdomIn Matthew 6:19-34 Jesus teaches us about loving God first, focussing on God’s kingdom and God’s provision for all our needs.

Read together Matthew 6:19-341. What does Jesus tell his followers not to worry about?2. What kind of things do you worry about?3. What does Jesus want us to do instead of worrying? Why? 4. How would loving God and focussing on him above everything else help you each

Enjoy this bonus video: Do Not Worry. Find it in the Google drive folder for this week or type this into your browser

Pray together

How should we pray to and about God (Verses 9 – 10)?

How should we pray about spiritual things (Verses 12 – 13)?

How should we pray about physical things (Verse 11)?

Page 4: Treasures in Heaven · In Matthew 6:19-34 Jesus teaches us about loving God first, focussing on God’s kingdom and God’s provision for all our needs. Read together Matthew 6:19-34

Memory VerseSermon on the Mount

Matthew 7:24-27

Jesus said, “If you hear these words of mine and put them into practice, you’re like a person who built their house on the rock.

The rain came down (swoosh), the streams rose (bubble, bubble, bubble), and the winds blew (whoosh); but it didn’t fall (NO!), ’cause it was built on the rock.

But if you hear these words of mine and don’t put them into practice, you’re like a foolish person who built their house on sand (oohhh).

The rain came down (swoosh), the streams rose (bubble, bubble, bubble), and the winds blew (whoosh); and it went crash, ‘cause it was built on the sand (oohhh).”
