Page 1: TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN VISION of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is to be thankful people of God anchored
Page 2: TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN VISION of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is to be thankful people of God anchored


Phone: (814) 445-5446 E-mail: [email protected]


The MISSION of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is to be people of God in Christ.


WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS! We are blessed to have you with us today. Please sign the guest book in the entrance hallway or a card in the pew rack and give it to an usher. The Nursery is on the first floor of the Educational Building. Rest rooms are in the entrance Narthex,

downstairs, and on both floors of the Educational Building.

REGARDING COMMUNION PRACTICES: All baptized persons who believe Christ is present in the sacrament are welcome to Communion. Pastor will instruct worshipers on today’s procedure. If you prefer a blessing, please bring your bulletin with you. If you desire communion in the pew, please tell an usher so that you may be served.

THE BREAD AND WINE for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist today at 10:00 worship are presented by Dale Kriner and George Stein.

THE FLOWERS on the credence tables of the Altar are given to the

Glory of God and in memory of husband, Robert (Whitey) Taylor, presented by his wife, Pat.

THE FLOWERS on the stand in the Chancel are given to the Glory of God and in honor of Loved Ones, presented by the Weimer Family and the Sanner Family.

TODAY’S FLOWERS: The Altar flowers and Chancel flowers are available for you to deliver to shut-ins or someone celebrating a special

occasion in their life. They may be picked up in the side hallway after 10:00 service.


the Fellowship Hall: TODAY and March 19, Nicholas Carroll will be exploring the history, musical structure, and Biblical texts of Handel’s

Messiah. Come and learn the whole story of this beloved work written

just for Lent. Come join us for this interesting presentation, along with fellowship and refreshments!

PRESIDING MINISTER: Pastor Linda M. Thomas

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Nicholas Carroll

COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: Roger Bailey, Peter Jacobson, and Dale Kriner


GREETERS: Dale Kriner (Council) and George Stein

LECTOR: Kathy Reed

ALTAR GUILD: Amy Weimer, Chair; Judy Klink; Rebecca Minnich; Andrea Weimer;

Kelsey Weimer

CHAPEL ALTAR GUILD HELP: Deborah Keller; Lois Miller; Kathy Mitchell; Nellie Stahl

TAPER: John Minnich

COUNTING TEAM: Melanie Miller, Captain; Lana Miller; George Stein

USHERS: Stephen Zufall, Capt.; Andrew Miller; Drew Miller; Mark Persun; George Stein; Todd Whaley

DRIVER: John Minnich

The VISION of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is

to be thankful people of God anchored in the Gospel. We grow through worship,

study, Christian fellowship, service, and sharing God’s love with all creation.







(Please continue to give when possible as we try to reduce this debt)


tion day for those financially eligible is on Thursday,

March 23 at 5:00 p.m. at the Somerset Jr. High School. Please bring a large container for your food items, and do not arrive before 4:00 p.m.

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scheduled for Monday-Friday, April 24-28, 2017 covering the topic:

Re-formation Is Local. The year of the 500th anniversary of the Refor-

mation calls for a new examination of the church’s mission and task in the world. Twelve presenters are scheduled. They will call us to see and feel what needs to be done where we live. Special opportunities to learn about the nuts and bolts of United Lutheran seminary will also be provided. For a registration form and to register for the numerous

meals, etc. by Thursday, April 13, stop in at Trinity’s Office weekdays.


BURG SEMINARY is Congregational Renewal for Lay People. Dates:

Sunday, July 23 beginning at 4:30 p.m. through Saturday, July 29 end-

ing at 12:30 p.m. ELCA Deacon Marsha Roscoe, Lower Susquehanna

Synod Center for Faith Formation & Resource Ministries Director, is the presenter. She has worked in all areas of faith formation for more than 18 years. She desires to help others grow in faith and discipleship. A full schedule will be available at by Saturday, April 1. Scholarships are available. Please stop in at Trinity’s Office for a registration form. Early Bird Reg-

istration is through May 25.

Some Sequanota Events to Note…


Trinity’s Office. Register by Friday, March 31 for the lowest,

printed registration fee. Many camping types are offered.

MEN ON A MISSION: On Saturday-Sunday, April 1-2, some

big camp projects need your help! Join us for two days of pro-

jects and an overnight of fellowship. Please reply to Sequanota’s

Office at (814) 629-6627 or email: [email protected] if

interested in helping out! Cost: Free!

A SEQUANOTA WOMEN’S RETREAT is planned for Friday-

Sunday, April 28-30. Conversations based on the book Here

and Now: Living in the Spirit by Henri Nouwen will be the topic.

It will be facilitated by Rev. Susan Winger. Cost of $130 in-

cludes your room and meals. Please register at Sequanota’s Of-

fice at (814) 629-6627 or email: [email protected]

Prelude Improvisation on Yigdal arr. N. Carroll

Welcome/Announcements/Joys and Concerns

GATHERING Invocation

Confession/Absolution (Silence for reflection) P: Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another. Gracious God, C: we confess that we have sinned in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. Forgive us and give us strength to turn from sin and to serve you in newness of life. Amen Absolution C: Amen

Sharing the Peace of God

Gathering Hymn My Faith Looks Up to Thee ELW #759


Kyrie (Pew Sheet) Even in the Darkness N. Carroll

Prayer of the Day Celebrate


First Lesson Genesis 12:1-4a Celebrate

L: The Word of the Lord. C: Thanks be to God.

Second Sunday in Lent March 12, 2017

Order for 10:00 Holy Communion Service

Our liturgy is found in the red hymnal, The Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW-red book) on pages 147-155 in the forepart of the hymnal, “Holy Communion, Setting Four.” Hymns and alternative options are referenced in the order of service below and are found in the back of the hymnal. Bold indicates Con-gregational parts. The Prayers and Scripture Readings are found in the Celebrate Insert.

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The Psalm (read responsively) Psalm 121 Celebrate

Second Lesson Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 Celebrate

L: The Word of the Lord. C: Thanks be to God. Gospel Acclamation Return to the Lord… p. 151

P: The Holy Gospel according to… C: Glory to you, O Lord.

Holy Gospel John 3:1-17 Celebrate

P: The Gospel of the Lord. C: Praise to you, O Christ.


Hymn of the Day God Loved the World ELW #323

Apostles’ Creed (p. 127) I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen Prayers of Intercession Celebrate MEAL Offering

Music O Lord, Hear Me arr. H. Hopson

Offertory Create in Me a Clean Heart (ELW #186)

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of your salvation,

and uphold me with your free Spirit.



January 2017 Peter Jacobson 443-3987

February Frank Morocco 443-1519

March John Minnich 445-7660

April Robert Thomas (c) 814-243-4102

May Robert Thomas (c) 814-243-4102

June Fred Morocco 445-4633

July Becky Minnich 445-7660

August Chad Mosholder 443-9757

September Jim Baker 442-7666

October John Barndt 443-4086

November William Kuhlman 445-2132

December 2017 John/Becky Minnich 445-7660

The above is the list of drivers for Sunday/Special Worship Ser-

vices for 2017. If you need a ride to 10 a.m. Sunday Worship,

you may call the driver for that month and arrange for a ride.

Our coordinator for this ministry is John Minnich. (Post the list

where you will see it.)

Page 5: TRINITY EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN VISION of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is to be thankful people of God anchored


Flor Hernandez is providing a few classes for

members who want to learn sufficient Spanish to

use in restaurants, on vacation, or when greeting

one of our Hispanic visitors at worship. A freewill offering helps

reimburse the church for use of facilities. The group meets each

Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. through March 28. Join the fun!

Women of the ELCA Tenth Triennial Gathering July 13-16, 2017: We have three Trinity women already registered, several rooms already booked, a special gift from members to supple-ment our costs, and we have plans to travel to the ELCA headquarters in Chicago on the way to Minneapolis. Our attendees last time in-cluded Flor Hernandez, Linda Himes, Deb Stewart, and Pastor Linda. They can tell you what a great experience it was. We have room for one more! Perhaps YOU would like to come along? Speak to Pastor Linda...a Triennial booklet is available to read all about it!


Friday-Saturday, June 2 and 3 at the Blair County Conven-

tion Center in Altoona. Any delegate volunteers should speak with Pastor Linda or Trinity’s Office (445-5446).

MISSED WORSHIP BUT WANT TO STAY INFORMED? Extra bulletins are always available weekdays in Trinity’s Office from the previous Sunday and from several weeks before. Just call or stop in to pick one up when you’ve been away or need one for a shut-in, relative, etc.

DEVOTIONALS: Large print and regular print Our Daily Bread for

March, April, and May; and The Word in Season and Christ in Our Home

(regular and large print) for the months of April, May, and June are all available at the Chapel Kiosk and in the Narthex on the Ushers’ tables and Information Center. Pick up a copy on your way out.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Offertory Prayer

Great Thanksgiving p. 152

Proper Preface for Lent

Sanctus Holy, Holy, Holy… p. 153

Eucharistic Prayer

Lord’s Prayer (Version for Lent) p. 154

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen Communion Invitation to Communion

Lamb of God (please sing) p. 154

Music During Distribution:

Hymn We Are Baptized in Christ Jesus ELW #451

Post Communion Prayer

SENDING Blessing p. 155

Sending Hymn The God of Abraham Praise ELW #831

(Stanzas 1-4, 8)

Dismissal P: Go in peace. Remember the poor.

C: Thanks be to God!

Postlude A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth arr. J. Ferguson Parts of the liturgy are from Sundays and Seasons, Year B 2015, copyright © 2014 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved.

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TABLE TALK! - Tomorrow, March 13 at the Pine Grill Restaurant, at

6 p.m. Among writings in Luther’s Works is a collection

of his conversations with his Seminary students about God, theology, and life, where they enjoyed many hours outside the classroom over meals discussing the day’s events in public and private life—with a theological

twist! Join us for food and drink, fellowship, and a bit of theological con-versation as seen through a Lutheran lens.

CHILD CARE FUNDRAISER: Trinity’s Child Care is having a Garden

Seed Pack Fundraiser during the month of March. Feel

free to place an order on the clipboard in the Chapel,

Narthex, or Fellowship Hall and remit the money in your offering envelope labeled “Seed Packs.” You may also see our Child Care workers or stop in the Office to

order and pay. Orders and money are due to the Office by this Wednes-

day, March 15. You can pick up seeds ordered in Adult III (across from

the Office) on Friday, March 31. Thank you!


began February 5 and runs through April 29. Registration/log

forms are available in the Narthex, Office, and Chapel kiosk by the outside doors. See Sally Miller, Trinity’s Team Coordinator,

(or call her 814-395-5593) if you want to participate in either the Fitness Challenge or the Annual 5K/10K Run/Race, which

takes place on Saturday, June 10, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Somerset High School Track. Proceeds this year go to the Salvation Army,

SOS Secret Santa, and St. Francis Sharing and Caring.

THE NEXT WINTER COFFEEHOUSE at Friedens Lutheran Church,

6 miles North of Somerset along Rt. 281, takes place Fri-

day, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. in Friendship Hall. The music

team of Walt and Jackie (guitar and keyboard variety) will

be the entertainment. Light refreshments and coffee, tea, and punch will be served. Cost is $5.00 per person.


ING will be on Sunday, April 2 at 4:00 p.m. in Trinity’s Chapel.

There will be no March “traveling” communion/healing service this year due to facility scheduling issues.

A LAY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY will be offered during Lent from

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 25 (snow/ice

date is Saturday, April 1). “Holy Communion—Then and

Now” will be the topic, divided into two sessions—Eucharist

and The Reformation (a.m.); and Eucharist and Contempo-rary Challenges (p.m.). Our presenter will be The Rev. Dr. J. Jayakiran Sebastian, who is the Dean of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Dr. Sebastian is a

Presbyter of the Church of South India. A freewill offering will be re-ceived, and lunch will be provided for pre-registered persons. Please use the registration form below, or call Trinity’s Office at 445-5446.


Please make your reservations for Trinity’s Lay School of Theology on March 25 by placing the form below in the offering plate, dropping it off at Trinity, or calling Trinity’s Office at 445-5446.

The deadline for reservations is Thursday, March 23



Please check below all that apply to you for Saturday, March 25:

_____ I will attend the morning session from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. _____ I will attend lunch provided by Trinity from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. _____ I will attend the afternoon session from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. (A freewill offering will be received to help defray costs for the program and lunch.)

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Come Worship During the Season of Lent...

2017 ELCA LENTEN DEVOTIONALS “free indeed”—

based on Luther’s Small Catechism and “flood prayer” [for Baptism] are available in the Narthex, Adult Class, Trinity’s Office, and Chapel kiosk. Please take one for your family’s Lenten devotions.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER to make a crockpot of

soup for the Wednesday evening Lenten suppers (two differ-ent kinds each week), please call Trinity’s Office (445-5446). We need volunteers for each of these Lenten Wednesdays: March 29 and April 5.


will be held in Trinity’s Chapel each Wednesday at

7:00 p.m. through April 5 with visits from “Grace and Ernest.” The messages for each day are in the form of a continuing conversation between ERNEST and GRACE – two new members who are asking questions

about the faith - a lighthearted but “earnest” exploration of

God’s Grace and Love. A Soup and Bread supper pre-

cedes each service in Adult III across from Trinity’s Office at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to come and share the com-

munal food and fellowship before worship! SOMERSET AREA MINISTRIES MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICES

followed by a luncheon will be conducted at the First United Methodist Church on West Patriot Street in Som-erset at 12:05 p.m. all Wednesdays in Lent and on Good Friday. Service Schedule of preachers and churches providing lunch is as follows:

March 15 Friar Daniel O’Neil, St. Peter’s Roman Catholic March 22 Rev. Arnie McFarland, Calvary United Methodist March 29 Rev. Rick Helsel, Pleasant Hill United Methodist April 5 Rev. Eric Raygor, Grace United Methodist April 14 Good Friday Service - SAM Clergy (No Luncheon)

LUTHERAN BASICS – Pastor is now offering a class for new members and seasoned members who want to explore how THIS congregation lives out its Baptismal Identity, Mission, and Ministry. Sessions are scheduled around the participants’ availability. Call Trinity’s Office if interested in participating at 445-5446.

WE THANK Nicholas Carroll for his special composition for the Lenten

season, “Even in the Darkness” in the Kyrie/Hymn of Praise section in the liturgy for Sundays and Wednesdays. For Sunday mornings, copies of it have been placed at the ends of the pews for you to pass across and share at the appropriate time in the service order.


TODAY: Second Sunday in Lent/Daylight Savings Time Begins

3/12/17 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion Service Chapel

8:45 a.m. Adult Sunday School Class: Fellowship Hall

Nick Carroll, presenter: Handel’s Messiah

Sunday School Classes for Children/Youth Educational Bldg

Toddler Sunday School/Parents Group Nursery/Parlor

10:00 a.m. Holy Communion Service Nave

11:15 a.m. TLC Choir Rehearsal Nave

MONDAY: 10:00 a.m.Special Bible Study: Children of Abraham

3/13 with Kate McCord, guest presenter in Adult III

6:00 p.m. Table Talk Pine Grill in Somerset

TUESDAY: 9:00 a.m. Men’s Group Fellowship Turnpike McDonald’s

3/14 DEADLINE: Sunday Bulletin Information

5:30 p.m. Spanish Language Class Adult III

WEDNESDAY: 8:00-11:00 a.m. Somerset Food Pantry Educational Building

3/15 Noon SAM Lenten Service/Luncheon 1st United Meth.

5:30 p.m. Trinity Lenten Soup Supper Adult III

7:00 p.m. Trinity Midweek Lenten Service Chapel

DEADLINE: Child Care Seed Fund Raiser Orders

THURSDAY: 6:30 p.m. Finance Committee Adult III


NEXT SUNDAY: Third Sunday in Lent/ Daffodil Sunday

3/19/17 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion Service Chapel

8:45 a.m. Adult Sunday School Class: Fellowship Hall

Nick Carroll, presenter: Handel’s Messiah

Sunday School Classes for Children/Youth Educational Bldg

10:00 a.m. Holy Communion Service Nave

11:15 a.m. TLC Choir Rehearsal Nave

3:00 p.m. Conference Meeting/Dinner: Faith Lutheran

A Re-Formation Conversation - Revealing Our Identity

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VOLUNTEERS Are “Working Parts”


Read Romans 12 and Pray Daily!


THE ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS meets in the Fellowship Hall at 8:45 a.m. each Sunday. Join us for fellowship, food, and study

each week. TODAY and March 19: Nicholas Carroll will be exploring the history, musical structure, and Biblical texts of Handel’s Messiah.

March 26: Pastor Linda will begin the study of the Biblical stories in the

Lenten Lectionary and how they can help us reflect on parts of Luther’s Catechism.

Join Us for a Special Bible Study in Adult III...


10:00-12:15 a.m. in Adult III: Join the Monday Morning Bible Study for

a look at the stories about Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar and their off-spring: Ishmael and Isaac - the foundation of the three faiths: Judaism,

Christianity and Islam. Our guest, Kate McCord will help us explore how

these faith traditions look at the same story! BYOB (Bible)

TRINITY’S MEN’S GROUP meets every Tuesday at the McDonald’s by the Turnpike Entrance, starting at 9:00 a.m. We welcome any men wanting to join us for this coffee fellowship.

MARYS AND MARTHAS Bible study group for women of all ages nor-

mally meets two times each month at 7:00 p.m. The group uses the ELCA women’s magazine, Gather. (Extra copies are in

the Chapel Kiosk, Office, and Narthex.) During Lent, they will

meet again on Monday, March 20 at the Lutheran Commons at 443 Berlin Plank Road in Somerset at 7:00 p.m. (Deb Stewart

and Alice Fritz will host.) Join us for study, refreshments, and fellowship!

LOVING JESUS study group usually meets on the first or second

Thursday of the month at 11 a.m. in Adult III. (Bring a lunch.) Next

study is on April 6 on the book FIERCE: Women of the Bible and Their Stories of Violence, Mercy, Bravery, Wisdom, Sex, and Salvation by Alice Connor ($13 each, available in Trinity’s Office. See Ann for a copy or call her at 445-5446).


Sunday, March 5, 2017: Worship Attendance: 103

Sunday School Attendance: 56


asked to pray for Rostered Leaders of the Allegheny Synod—today pray

for courage for our leaders as they minister in difficult situations.

TODDLER SUNDAY SCHOOL: The class for 2-4 year olds and their

parents meet today, March 12. They meet once or twice a month in the Nursery, after the Sunday School opening at 8:45 a.m.

TODDLER SUNDAY SCHOOL PARENTS’ GROUP – During Toddler Playtime, the parents are invited next door (to the Parlor) for a cup of coffee and conversation.

Karen Frantz (a counselor by profession) is willing to meet

with parents to talk about parenting issues and share resources she can offer. It is a gift to connect with other parents and share child rearing experiences. Watch the bulletin to participate each time.


WORSHIP, Katie Decker and Chris Milahalki, on the birth of

their daughter, Malia Irene, this past Monday, March 6.

Sunday, March 19 is Daffodil Sunday

Laurel Highlands Conference—A Re-Formation Conversation! You are invited to join the conversation about the future of ministry in

Somerset County: How have our communities, the church, and the culture

recently been changing? What do those changes mean for the ministry of congregations? What might the future look like? The first meeting is on

Sunday, March 19, at Faith Lutheran Church, 6567 Glades Pike,

Somerset, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. and will include dinner and fellowship time. The main topic of discussion: Revealing Our Identity.

NEXT WELCA FUND RAISER: Hoss’ Steak House, Sunday, April 23.

These items are available at the Narthex Information Center and Chapel Kiosk:

Prayer Lists/Military Prayer Lists Living Lutheran and Gather magazines Devotionals (Regular/Large Print) Newsletters (Regular/Large Print)

Various Sign-up Forms Please see Posters about special events
