Page 1: Trinity Lutheran Church · opposite sex, you are crossing a dangerous line. Protect against being in a place where you would have to make a difficult choice. Be ... and clean up after

Trinity Lutheran Church

“ S e r v i n g o t h e r s t h r o u g h C h r i s t , t o g e t h e r ! ”

Summer is here! People continue to feel safer and venture out to church and other normal life

activities! But most of all, the Love of God is here! In fact, nothing can separate us from this

love found in Jesus Christ our Lord! Not COVID, not our sinful nature, not evil forces at work in our world….nothing can separate us! Join us as

we continue our focus on the Book of Romans as we allow God’s Word to conform us into His

people living everyday for His purposes trusting that nothing can separate us from His great love!

July 4th-6th Lord, Deliver Me from Evil

July 11th-13th Abba! Father!

July 18th-20th A Future Full of Hope

July 25th-27th God Works

Aug 1st-3rd Grounded in Truth

Check us out at, and follow us on

Page 2: Trinity Lutheran Church · opposite sex, you are crossing a dangerous line. Protect against being in a place where you would have to make a difficult choice. Be ... and clean up after

I know this will not surprise too many of you, but spring has gone and summer has come (those who are surprised will probably be so because of all the craziness!). In that time you may have planted your garden or done some of the normal yard work. I find myself each year at about this time thinking about all that yard work. It seems like it is never ending. There are always weeds to pull. There is always grass to cut (as the kids get older, I pass off more of this work). There always seems to be some edging that needs to be done. There even seem to be times when I need to contain things so that they don’t get out of control – keep my tomatoes and pepper plants growing in the appointed cages, and keep my grass from taking over my garden. Marriage isn’t all that different. There is always regular maintenance that should be done to ensure a blessed harvest of love, joy and peace. The marriage that you always wanted, takes a lot of work! There are also certain parameters to keep in place so that the things of life don’t over grow and choke out your marital bliss. This July, look at these four parameters to protect your marriage relationship and pull out the weeds that threaten to choke out the blessings God has in plan for your marriage!

Your Eyes serve to let information in. If we let bad information in, then it isn’t a

stretch to see that we will often produce things that are not going to bless our marriage. We may need to trim out some of the things that we are looking at. If a TV show isn’t one that you would watch with children, your pastor, or God; then you might need to pull it from the schedule. Instead focus on Jesus, who is the author and perfector of your faith (Hebrews 12:1-3).

Your Mind can run in directions that we don’t want it to. It is easy to compare our marriage or our spouse to some other marriage or person. This is not a healthy process, because this isn’t what God calls us to. How can we encourage and help our spouse grow? This is what our mind should be focusing on instead of how other marriages or people may have something we think we want (coveting). God desires that we focus on things that bring us peace (Philippians 4:8-9), rather than those that grow over our marriage.

Managing Marriage____________________ Your Heart is called the wellspring of life (Proverbs 4:23) and we are called to protect it. We need to establish a boundary around who has open access to our heart. Our heart has been given to our spouse, therefore, it cannot be allowed in the hands of anyone else. We should not be sharing things of our heart in a way that could jeopardize our marriage relationship. Guard your heart from weeds of the world!

Finally, your Body has been created to do good works (Ephesians 2:10; 2nd Timothy 3:17). If you are regularly found meeting with a person of the opposite sex, you are crossing a dangerous line. Protect against being in a place where you would have to make a difficult choice. Be found with your spouse in the blessings of marriage!

Pastor Henderson

There is always regular

maintenance that should be done to ensure a blessed

harvest of love, joy and peace.

Page 3: Trinity Lutheran Church · opposite sex, you are crossing a dangerous line. Protect against being in a place where you would have to make a difficult choice. Be ... and clean up after

and bless others as we rejoice in a God who continually serves us with His grace and favor. Check out the newsletter for some of those volunteer opportunities. As we live the Christian life, obedience to His Word is important not for your salvation, but for the salvation of others. How you live should point others to Jesus! With all the calls against injustice, violence, and hurt in our world we know the one and only remedy to be Jesus! May you be Jesus to others as you treat all people with the dignity and respect that is required of God’s people who fervently strive to obey the 10 Commandments. May this life of love bring peace and unity in our world. But most of all, may it bring salvation to a world that needs to hear and know Jesus Christ! I pray that in these dark and difficult times, the church may shine bright with the Light of the World.

In Christ, Pastor Henderson

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may

discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

There seems to be so much going on in our world today. Strive, fear, riots, protests, injustice, change, new regulations, more confusion, more name calling, more anxiety, more belittling. One can easily get overwhelmed by all that is going on. In fact, with all the noise in our world today, it may be difficult to listen closely to the Word of God and what He desires for us no matter what the circumstances bring. Proverbs 17:24 says, “The discerning sets his face toward wisdom, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth.” May we focus on the truth and comfort of God’s Word, which promises He will work all things for our good for

those who love Him (Rom 8:28). Some of the good that we don’t hear comes from His benevolent hands! The arrival of Pastor Matt and his family has been a great blessing for the staff and family of Trinity! We continue seeing His hand blessing us as we prepare to celebrate and install Pastor Matt as our Care Ministry pastor with a special service. Mark your calendars for August 30th, when we will have an afternoon service of installation and a fellowship meal to celebrate this great blessing! We also see the blessings of His people stepping forward in serving others. There are many ways that Trinity will continue to work to protect our members and prayerfully reduce the risk that exists; however, many have sought ways to serve others even in uncertain times. Consider where you might serve others. There are many opportunities to volunteer

Vision Statement

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Contact Pastor Henderson for more details or to get involved!

Greeters & Ushers (Contemporary & Traditional, especially 10:30)Greet worshipers with a warm smile and welcome; hand out bulletins as needed; answer questions and direct as needed; serve in the service with offering and communion; assist in clean up after the service (approximately 1:30 time commitment)

Readers (especially 10:30)Prepare for reading in worship by reading through the scripture lesson for the week; read in the worship service the first and second reading as scheduled

Scheduling Contemporary Readers Schedule servants who are willing to read at worship services and inform them of the schedule

Communion assistants (especially 10:30)Men only - spiritually mature men who the Christian life and assist the pastor in the distribution of the Lord’s Supper (host, individual cup, common cup) Altar Guild servants (especially contemp) Prepare the Sacrament of the Altar for the worship service and clean up after the worship service (1-2 hours beyond the worship service)

Contemporary Sound Once a month run sound for the praise team; attend rehearsal on Sat (4pm) and both Sunday services

Contemporary Projection Run presentation software for worship; attend rehearsal on Sat (4pm) and both Sunday services

MusicChoir, handbells, praise team, special musical offerings, Saturday piano

Video recording & editorRecord the service in traditional. Edit video recording of worship service, editing the sermon and service and posting to YouTube (3 hours)

Communications board Assist in the clear communication of the mission, vision, and activities of Trinity (using social media, print, and other means available) in a consistent man-ner

Missions board (service project planning team) 3 Champions for planning a service project each quarter of the year (totaling 12 service projects each year, alongside Pack Away Hunger, and church workdays in the spring/fall)

Small Group Facilitator (with Discipleship board) Someone to assist the pastor with the development and resourcing of new small groups

Assistant Treasurer Provide regular assistance in financial audit (annually), compliance, human resources, and other such needs

2nd Counting team (possible) Develop a team that can assist in times of need with our offering reception, counting, and recording processes

Page 5: Trinity Lutheran Church · opposite sex, you are crossing a dangerous line. Protect against being in a place where you would have to make a difficult choice. Be ... and clean up after

Fellowship CoordinatorPlan, prepare, and clean goodies and coffee for Sunday fellowship time (Sept - May)

Pictorial Directory committeeTeam leader and team to implement the development of a pictorial directory (either with a company or internally with Trinity resources)

Librarian Individual to support the school as librarian

School office support Volunteer available to help with regular tasks in the school office as needed

Trinity Cares Team Members Leaders who can direct the policies and decisions for the ministry

Trinity Cares Interviewers Individuals who can interview potential clients at the church and make recommendations within the policies of the ministry

Teacher/Helper Sunday school, confirmation, VBS teachers and helpers are always appreciated

Visitation Visiting the hospitalized and homebound to listen, pray, and encourage

Page 6: Trinity Lutheran Church · opposite sex, you are crossing a dangerous line. Protect against being in a place where you would have to make a difficult choice. Be ... and clean up after

It was raining just a little bit when I left Trinity today. I headed north for a few minutes, made a quick stop, and then turned the car for home, trekking down Broadway. By then, the rain had moved to the east, but bright sun was in the west. I looked hopefully across the farm fields on my left…. No rainbow this time. But it made me think of one of the most amazing moments of my life. My first call was to North Miami, Florida. The plan to move the oldest daughter/sister turned into the family vacation. Practically all my worldly possessions were stuffed in a U-Haul which I drove nearly the whole way, with one of my parents or sisters riding shotgun. For one long, straight, boring stretch, we quoted movie lines back and forth with the rest of the family in the minivan using walkie-talkies. I kid you not. My dad was co-pilot as we crossed the Florida state line. We stopped at the Welcome Center for orange juice and photos. Once back in the truck, Dad and I experienced our first “splash-n-dash” rain shower, one of those that happens once every summer day in Florida, pummels you for about 3 minutes and then is over like nothing ever happened. But something happened! There, on the road right in front of us, was the end of the rainbow! We couldn’t believe it! The cab was full of Dad’s whooping and hollering, “We are literally at the end of the rainbow!” That sign of promise and hope was one I carried with me into that first year of teaching, and then through a much more challenging second year - one so filled with emotional and professional storms that I even considered leaving teaching. But 22 years ago this month, God gave me another rainbow - His promise of hope that follows a storm - in Trinity, Crown Point. This summer, it feels as if we’re coming out of a storm. We’re still hearing Covid’s rumblings, and renewed tensions are striking around us. But the constant through these storms are the faithful promises of God’s protection and truth and love, and a reminder of THE single most amazing moment of our life, when were brought out of the storm by Word and water. If you know the One Who calms the storms, then be on the lookout for rainbows. They happen all the time!

Summer days at Trinity are rarely lazy. Right now we’re working on our reopening plans

for fall. Please pray that God would direct our steps as we plan for August!

There’s still room in the Trinity family for PreKers through 8th graders for the new school year! Contact the school office for a tour! 219-663-1578 option 3


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First of all, thank you! Thank you for your support and donations from the very beginning. Thank you for your patience as we navigated new waters bringing you a new platform to fundraise, an thank you for your overwhelming financial support as we doubled our goal! We are still hard at work processing things and we’ll be happy to share our final numbers with you in next months newsletter. But we wanted to take a moment to say, while although this was not the event we anticipated, there were still abundant blessings present! Much time was taken to document every wonderful donation to prep for our online bidding website. Much time was taken in making sure we had all of the proper equipment needed to broadcast a live auction event from the Fox Farm. Much time was taken in getting a team together to make sure you were properly entertained during our live auction! That being said, much thanks to Todd Pflughoeft, Ryan Johnson, and Rachel Henderson who were a HUGE help pulling this off….and they weren’t even on the committee! While on the subject, if you see any of these hardworking committee members, give them a big ole hug!: Kortney Fox, Cody Fox, Aimee Kozlowski, Amy Lamphere, Apryl Bielwaski, Aubrey Nelson, Brian McCall, Lesley McCall, Connie Rainey, Elizabeth Forsythe, Karen Knapp, Melissa Maxwell, Christine Miller, Phil Sagissor and Kristy Hult. While we look forward to ‘hopefully’ meeting again soon in person for next year’s event, we realized that there were a lot of elements from this year’s hybrid version that was quite successful. So be on the lookout for an even bigger and better event next year! (enjoy the photos as well, you can tell we had an awful lot of fun!) Since Rachel Henderson did such a spectacular job during the live event, folks were asking to read her script, enjoy below!:

Thank you for the incredible and overwhelming support of the ANOAB Silent and Live Auction! It was so humbling to see how faithful the folks of Trinity are and it was so refreshing to have a light-hearted evening! In order to transition from one live auction item to the next, we filled some of the time with church history moments. A few fine folks were hopeful to read through that history a bit more in the newsletter, so here you go: 1868-1870: Trinity has been living out Christ’s witness in Crown Point for over 150 years and we continue to praise God for His mighty work. On August

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8th, 1868, 20 people organized the Lutheran church in Crown Point, In. The German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Trinity Congregation U.A.C. Among the names of signers of this constitution and by-laws were ancestors of some of Trinity’s present church members. By November 16,1868, the congregation had 70 members and had erected their first church building at a cost of $1,970 – using an Inflation calculator that converts to just shy of $36,000 in 2020 value – just think of what items out there in the US today are equivalent to $36,000. On April 17, 1870, the congregation decided that the pastor should hold 3 months of school. This church and school is what we have the opportunity to help support today. Thanks be to our incredible God who has been so faithful through so many years of education at Trinity. 1871-1972: Did you know that faithfulness is mentioned 78 times in the ESV? As we take time to reflect on the years of history at Trinity, God’s faithfulness is evident! On July 20, 1890, Rev. August Schuelke (Professor from Concordia College, Ft. Wayne, IN) was installed as pastor and at that time, the pastor took over teaching in addition to his pastoral duties. The school was conducted five days a week from 9:00am to 4:00pm. After school, they held daily confirmation classes. On Sunday, the pastor held morning worship, afternoon Bible studies, and evening mission classes. At this time, 280 communicant members and 32 students were in the school. On May 18, 1902, the new pipe organ was dedicated. On December 6, 1903, Trinity had its first English speaking church service, and held English services every second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. In May 1910, Rev. August Biester, grandfather of Helen Sauerman, was installed as Pastor, holding the longest pastorate at Trinity, serving until 1940. Perhaps if you would like to know more about this time period, find Helen, and chat awhile! November 1915, a chancel and adjoining rooms were added to the church. August 20, 1938, a new brick school was added to the church and dedicated on that day. There were four classrooms, four teachers, two grades per room, and 78 students. In 1952, with future expansion in mind, Trinity purchased 8 acres of land near the corner of Indiana and Joliet streets. By 1954, Trinity’s school enrollment had reached 138 students, and by 1956, enrollment was 163. On June 8, 1958, the new church was dedicated at its new site with over 1700 attending that service! In that same year, the congregation celebrated its 90th Anniversary. The Parent-Teacher League charter was received, and Erich Hinrichs was installed as Principal of the school. In 1962, the new parsonage was built on the north end of the church property on East Joliet Street. All this sets the stage for the next season of Trinity. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! 1973-2001: The next season at Trinity brings us to many we love and cherish. On November 4, 1973, Rev. H. Lothar Thoelke was installed as Pastor and served as Senior Pastor until July, 2002. “Ascribe to the Lord and worship the Lord” that He (the Lord) prepared the congregation for the challenges it faced. In August 1973, a complete new faculty was inducted for Trinity School with James Schmidt, as Principal (Nancy, his wife, still blessing us at Trinity). Accord-ing to the records on hand, by August 1973, the first Kindergarten class began. Then, in September, 1974, Preschool was started. There were some extreme time constraints placed on Pastor Thoelke at the immediacy of his arrival. Due to a generous gift, a Lutheran Home and Lutheran Day School were required to be constructed with estate funds within 5 years of the donor‘s death or the funds would return to the estate. From this gift and with the pressure of time, the City of Crown Point and our own community are blessed to have the Christian Life Center and School (gym, classrooms, library, cafeteria, kitchen, restrooms, and office complex) at Trinity and Wittenberg Village. Pastor Thoelke also shared that in 1976, the congregation journeyed through the Bethel Series: a

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commitment of “2-years through the Bible” with 200 people in attendance. The Thoelkes shared a time when the family would set up 40-50 chairs in the basement of the parsonage (now the Canaday home!) for Bible study. If you have ever wondered about the balcony, the organ (Berghaus Pipe Organ installed & dedicated in 1984), the elevator, the sound in the sanctuary, consult Pastor Thoelke and thank the Lord for the gifts of His leadership. In 2001, the Trinity Center with atrium, reception area, offices, computers, and staff lounge were complete including air conditioning in the sanctuary and classrooms! Many of you have memories through this time and we pray you think back fondly on the highs and lows and praise the Lord of Glory and Strength. 2002-2020: Trinity has certainly experienced plenty of transition in this time period. We currently record 1,300 in membership; 582 families. Our oldest member currently is Elenor Groet 101, and our youngest member is Morgan Witvoet born in May. Our 2019-20 school enrollment was 224 including preschool (with an entirely new preschool staff). We have 3 fantastic pastors surrounded by an amazing team (administrative, technology, maintenance, and school). Through this shutdown we moved to the ability to stream services and make use of our YouTube Channel. We are back to our 6 services per weekend. We are humbled and amazed by how quickly our church and school family adapted to a new normal and we pray that some of the blessings and changes that emerged in this time might stick. Be sure to watch your Church Announcement on our YouTube Channel each week. We have seen the resilience of so many of you that are near and dear to us and pray that the Lord continues to shelter you – really these have been labeled uncertain times, but when do certain times truly exist, and in the same breath, is any of this truly “new” to the Creator of all things? The last “normal” day at Trinity was a beautiful display of joy and selflessness as the children of the school performed an incredible rendition of “Charlotte's Web.” The effort put forth by Lynn Yates, Chelsea Sagissor, John Zamojski, and Todd Pflughoeft, all the parents that helped with wrangling spiders and goslings, and bake sale, and tickets and attendance and all pointing to our theme for this school year: LOVE IN DEED. As Pastor Henderson pointed out at closing chapel for the school year, those styrofoam cups that went up on our northern property line fence in September (and have since multiplied to Love Endures...and now, Love Unites – thanks Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Ketcher, Thompsons & Nacks...and TRINITY), have stood the test of this unique, character building year. At the beginning of the

school year, our Day School Board and PTL took a look at some of the changes that have happened in the last 5 years - to be continued in the August Newsletter. Thank you, supporters of our church and school! May the Lord’s will continue to be done. He is FAITHFUL, and He is GREATER than our HIGHS and LOWS. (Read Romans 8 and see what the rest of Trinity is reading)

Jesus Loves You! Rachel Henderson

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One last report from Gary Diekelmann: HELP WANTED!!! You have seen that plea on signs before. Well here it is again. June looks to be my last active month as a member of Trinity Lutheran Church and School. In July, Martha and I will be packing and moving twice. First, a partial move to an apartment in Elkhart on July 6th and then pack the rest and move out of our CP house around July 25th. So, there will be a vacancy for the Board of Properties Chairman. It’s an interesting job. Much easier than it used to be. Ask me, I’ll tell you about it. The reason for the move is so we can be closer to our daughter, Sara, and her family by August 1st. Starting in July, we expect to break ground on a new house near Hoffman Lake. This is just west of Warsaw, IN. This will keep us close to Sara, put us in a ranch style house and put us near a quiet lake. We ask for your prayer support as we move through this process. As usual, as I type this article, we are just days away from the June 27th Trinity Work Day. So, I can’t tell you what we did or how many volunteers we had. I can tell you that we were able to receive two $250 credit cards from Thrivent to help cover the costs for the day. This year we are doing the normal clean up of the Prayer Garden. Joyce and Dennis Mills have already planted new shrubs in front of the church building. Some of us are scheduled to cut down a dying maple tree on the north edge of the parking lot, tomorrow. On Saturday we will purchase new decorative rock to spread across the front of the church and maybe along the north wall of the Atrium Building. Some of that assumes that we get some good volunteers and are able to remove some existing bushes from the north side of the Atrium. We also plan to place gutter guards on the Camp

House, remove the tall weeds from the tree line just north of South St., and remove two small dirt piles from the back yard. If we really get lucky with good help, we have purchased new bird screening for in-side the bell tower to replace that which had blown away last winter. Many things and faces have changed in the 36 years that Martha and I have been members here at Trinity. We have more paid staff than we did back then, but we still need a good base of volunteers to get things done. Harry and Edith Steinman and Will and Anne Luebcke aren’t in the building on a daily basis anymore. We are blessed to have Ryan Johnson on staff to maintain things and fix many problems as they happen. We used to have to contract much of that work or try to find a capable volunteer. Tom Thirion has become a regular figure on our campus. He is there to help Ryan or work with Frank Voyak and the other board members in getting things taken care of. Thanks to all of those guys. Special thanks to Gary Hammond and his 20 plus years of loyalty to our board and for being the contractor foreman for the Atrium addition. Dave Maxwell has become a regular volunteer when issues crop up. He likes to use his chain saw but is also available to fix things or haul things. Then there are the lawn mowers. Again, I will remind you how much time they spend making our property look good. Thanks to Paul Watland, Debbie Hammond, Chuck Alliss, Dennis and Joyce Mills. And then there are the rest of you who show up to help on work days. Show up to help Ryan. Show up to help with school projects, etc. Thanks for what you do and keep up the good work. Continue to support the ministry here at Trinity and take good care of the place after I’m gone. Gary Diekelmann

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Trinity Lutheran Church & School, Crown Point, will offer Grief Share again for those who have lost a loved one and are going through the grieving process. Through video presentation, small group discussion, and a personal workbook, you will work through the stages of grief and see how God is at work at this time in your life. Topics include: Is this normal? Challenges of Grief, The Journey of Grief, Grief and your relationships, Why? Guilt and anger, Complicating Factors, Stuck, Lessons of Grief, Heaven, and What do I live for Now? For more information about Grief Share you can go to their website: The thirteen week session begins Tuesday, August 18th, 2020, and will meet on Tuesdays from 7:00pm-8:30pm here at Church. Everyone is welcome. The first session will focus on the loss of a spouse. The last session will include information on surviving the holidays. Pastor Canaday, will be the facilitator. To register, or if you have questions, please call the church office at 219-663-1578. Please read the following 2 wonderful testimonials as you consider if Grief Share is the right fit for you: How much change are you able to tolerate? Are you comfortable handing off your grocery list to someone with a stronger immune response? Do you take pleasure in sizing down recipes rather than having to eat the same menu 4 times in one week? Can you find peace and renewal while worshipping in the presence of a computer monitor? Maybe you have thought about some of these things in the last 3 months. Prior to the upheaval of 2020, I experienced the deaths of the 2 most influential men in my life, my husband of 44 years on November 28, 2018 and my 93-year-old father on November 23, 2019. I think that I can draw all these together in the next few sentences. I have a God-given faith in The Trinity: Father,

Son, and Holy Spirit. This same God has provided for my total welfare through the support of a community: a church, my family, my neighbors and friends. And last fall I was able to participate in a support group here at Trinity Lutheran Church and School. It was Grief Share, Your Journey From Mourning To Joy. Starting on August 18th, 2020 this group will meet again. Our sessions will be led by Pastor Matt. I have always planned to embrace this experience a second time and with all that has happened in my life since Fall, 2019, I am excited that this remarkable material is going to be available again. If you feel the need to lay your grief at the feet of our Risen Savior and to surround yourself with the power of the Holy Spirit and the comfort of Scripture, please prayerfully consider attending with us. Our first meeting will deal specifically with the death of a spouse. Carol Hubacek My name is Jennifer Suslowicz and I have been a member of Trinity for over 20 years. I became a widow on Thanksgiving morning 2018. When my husband died, I wanted to keep things as normal as possible for my kids. I went back to work right away and just tried to keep busy. I read about the stages of grief, but was determined to not experience them. Everyone thought I was strong, and I believed them. It wasn’t until my son chose his college that I realized that I would soon be all alone. My husband and I looked forward to the ‘empty nest’, but things were different now. A friend told me about her experience in a Christian grief group at Trinity called Grief Share. Soon after we spoke, I saw the ad in the weekly announcements. I didn’t think I needed to join a support group, but Grief Share kept popping up. The program began around the time my kids would be leaving for college, so I decided to register. I was nervous to talk about my husbands death with strangers, but I soon learned that everyone in that room had experienced a loss. I was not alone in my grief and we all began to support each other. Each week there were different topics about grief, but my favorite part was when we would share our personal stories. Grief Share allowed me to open up and I learned everything I was feeling was normal. I found myself looking forward to each session and wishing it wasn’t just 13 weeks. I believe that anyone who has lost a loved one can benefit from attending Grief Share.

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Volunteers Needed! One of the main things that makes MOPS such a success is the fact that we are able to provide free childcare for the moms in our group, but we are only able to do this with help from volunteers. This past year we had wonderful volunteers who enjoyed holding babies, playing with toddlers or doing crafts with preschoolers. Many are coming back but some are unable to do so. Volunteers do not need to commit to every meeting, only to those meetings that fit with their schedule. If you are interested in volunteering and are available on even just one of the listed meeting dates from 9:00am - 11:30am, please contact Jené Lintz at [email protected] or 219-670-7786. 2020-2021 Trinity Crown Point MOPS Meeting Dates: September 10th & 24th October 8th & 22nd November 5th & 19th December 3rd January 14th & 28th February 11th & 25th March 11th & 25th April 8th & 22nd May 6th

MOPS is gearing up and getting ready to start our third year here at Trinity. If you don’t know, MOPS is a ministry for mothers with children preschool age and younger. It is a place where moms can come and bond over food, fun, and fellowship with other moms while strengthening their faith. We meet every other Thursday from September through May, from 9:30am -11:30am. Child care is provided, so each mom can focus on our topic of the day, and have some “Mom Time.” Our group is open to every woman with at least one child preschool age or younger. You do NOT have to be a member of Trinity to join! Spots are very limited at this time. Please contact Jene Lintz at [email protected] or 219-670-7786 if you are interested in joining to see if there are still open spots.

Lydia House in Gary is a min-istry Trinity supports with our mission funds. The women are encouraged and taught to be creative and resourceful with their limited funds. They worked with the director, found some wood from a building being torn down, got creative with some donated

items, used a piece of old material for reupholstering, purchased a can of spray paint and worked together to create a couple of peaceful areas to enjoy at Lydia House. They learn that even though they don’t have much, they can enjoy beautiful things.

Trinity Lutheran School is looking to fill the following part-time positions for the 2020-21 school year: Athletic Director, Preschool Aide, Childcare Aide. If you have a desire to serve in any of these capacities, or would like more information, please contact Principal Christine Miller at [email protected] or 219-663-1578.

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5 Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe Online This Summer! Last month was Internet Safety Month, making it a perfect time to talk to your kids about online safety. Kids run into so many risks online, including cyberbullying, inappropriate content, online predators and cyber criminals trying to steal personal information. It is important for parents to understand these risks so they can help keep their kids stay safe! Here are 5 online safety tips to share with your children: 1. Don’t share too much information. Create a list of personal information that your kids should never post or share online. Like birthday and year, full name, address and phone number. 2. Be careful about what you post. The internet is not private and once something is online you cannot control how others use it and it will never be permanently deleted. Talk to your kids about being cautious with what they are posting. 3. Only connect with people you know. “Don’t talk to strangers” is a good rule for the real world and for online as well. Predators and stalkers can easily make fake profiles to hide their identity. Let your kids know to only connect with friends they actually know in real life. Make sure to check their privacy settings so strangers cannot see their profiles. 4. Keep your location private. Many apps, networks and devices have geo tagging features that broadcast your location. Check these features and be sure they are turned off. 5. Protect your password. Show your kids how to create a strong password. Also, talk to them about never sharing that information with others.

You are certainly in our prayers, dear Sunday School families, throughout this season of non-gathering! I will be sending home some talk sheets again soon for some optional family discussion throughout July, but expect that we will begin to gather in larger group form for Sunday School on Sunday, August 9th. Just another friendly reminder, if you don’t have an email address associated with your family in our church software, now is the time to get current! Be sure to reserve a space for our one day VBS, God is Greater than our Highs & Lows! Any questions?: Rachel Henderson 563-386-1037 or [email protected].

Unfortunately, we are postponing Rocky Railway until 2021, but the Lord is working in our midst. Register by going to and click on the VBS Tab. There are registration opportunities for both children and volunteers. We will plan to have a few additional activities outside for the one day VBS. Volunteer Meeting: Friday, July 24th, 5pm - walk through our set up Donations: Check out the atrium for sign up on water bottles, goldfish crackers, and popsicles Thank you for your prayers and your support!

Faith Lutheran Church, 753 N Calumet Ave, Valparaiso IN 46383 is seeking a part time organist/pianist/accompianist for immediate assistance with our Sunday morning worship service. Pay is $100 a service. Other services and accompanying the choir may be added later. Instruments are a Berghaus tracker organ, one manual and a Young Chang baby grand piano. Send resume to above address or email to [email protected]. For more information call 219-462-7684.

We are a generous and giving congregation that takes Jesus’ mandate to care for the widows and orphans seriously through making food and taxable items available to those in need. Second Sunday Sharing has

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been one of the ways we replenish our little pantry shelves and also share with the Crown Point Community Food Bank. This month is the beginning of summer when kids, unfortunately, are left alone while Mom and Dad are at work. Statistics show children as young as 4 years old are left at home without meal provisions. We need to concentrate on items children can eat without a can opener and sometimes without a microwave. These items include cereals, pop top canned meals and vegetables, fruit and pudding cups, peanut butter and jelly, and canned soups.

Please continue to pray for: Cliff Cary (Ed Klingberg’s brother-in-law), Carolyn Gardin (Phil Gardin’s Aunt), Kathleen Hepburn (Dee Pocock’s daughter), Carrie Myers (relative of Gwen Cruz), Pam Silvas (Jill Klingberg’s sister), Sarah Binford, Brian Davis (Son-in-law of Sandra Certa), Linda Petroff, Kay Hoyer (friends of Cruz family), Diane Barolon (cousin of Sandra Certa), Bert Pagan, Michelle Fajman, Kristine Bikoff, Diana Dyba, Lori Swanson (sister in law of John Swanson), Christina Thomas, Bill Edwards, Ursula Andrews, Owen Arizmendi, Michelle Krapf, Julie Burkhardt, Bill Borsits, Carla Misner, Dorothy Teer, Carsten Falkenberg, Jim Keilman and Jim Terry. Those serving in the military at home and abroad: Denise Min-Monroe, Jon Parry, Justin Smith, Ely Ronguillo (friend of the Mullins family), Dan Seel (friend of the Mullins family), Tim Stanford, Jeffrey Smith, Tyson Daake, Kevin Jillson (Bill & Sandy Heiser’s grandson), John Luebcke (Gerry Luebcke’s nephew Jim Ponziano (Karol Ketcher’s son-in-law), Marcia Potter, Rose Thomas (Lori Hult’s goddaughter), Chris Tsirlis (Dave Zimmerman’s friend), Keith Hernandez, Bill Mitseff (grandson of Florence & Darrrell Sergent), Aaron Hensley, Michael and Kyle (Judy Wynn’s nephews), Dan Tobin (Nancy Schmidt’s grandson-in-law) and Sarah Board. Also, those serving in the mission field: Brian & Barbara Sorge, Randy & Rachel Stauner, Kevin & Ginny Holmes, Hispanic Mission Work, Lydia House, James & Crystal Neuendor, (Panama), Rev. David & Lois Mahsman, Pack Away Hunger, Compass, and

Ascension Christian Lutheran School.

7/1 Cheyenne Anderson, Kyle Berkshire, Linda Borsits, Joseph Riffle, Alexa Stefanovich, Lee Stephen, Paulette Urbanchock 7/2 Haley Carlin, Daniel Stinson, Kolleen Whitaker 7/3 Marina Klepsch, Angela Miller, Vicki Mowery 7/4 Ethel Schuffert 7/5 Julie Boettger, Emmersyn Kovach, Ami Pysh 7/6 Sharon Maguire, Owen Pace, Bridget Rayonec, Kathleen Rayonec, Connie Snow 7/7 Molly Buth, Jacob Robinson, Carl Sapper 7/8 Julie Barber, Casey Byrd, Cheryl Demmon, Eric Engleking 7/9 Hailey Loach, Alex Schmidt 7/10 Savana Asche, Julie Hinchy, Lauren Surufka 7/11 Kristine Bikoff, Emily Gardiner, Denton McCormick, Lillian Stadnik, Judith Wynn 7/12 Victor Illiev, Darren Klockenga, Jennifer Maxwell, Kim Murdock, Larry Nimetz, Alexander Whitmer 7/13 Emily Campbell, Brenda Fiegle, Sarah Schuffert, Elizabeth Swalby, Laura Vajda 7/14 Eli Hicks, Patricia Zimmerman 7/15 Torrey Cavanaugh, Anna Gardiner, Dennis Lunkes, Elizabeth Rager 7/16 Mason Cruz 7/17 Antonio Didonna, Donald Froenek, Kara Witaker 7/18 Anna Kenbok, Eric Neff, Chelsea Viers 7/19 Isabella Arreola, Karin Becker, Kameron Dixon 7/20 Donna Bartnik, Dorothy Shreve 7/21 Catherine Fanno, Richard Saager, Rowan Witvoet 7/22 Jacob Carey, Elaine Einsele, Elisabeth Garner,

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Charles Kerr 7/23 Judie Evans, Andrew Magruder, Kenneth Manning 7/24 Shirley Guske, Ralph Knipper, Chloe Morantz, Bart Rashin, Carol Saager, Vivian Wang 7/25 Jeanne Strunk 7/27 Nancy Anglis, Kristin Camery, Brianna Murdock 7/28 Caitlyn Doyle, Everett Gudenschwager, Jennifer Kulak, Brian Maxwell, Pete Nemeth, Nathan Nichols, Grant Robinson, Sally Skinner, Barbara Wigley 7/29 Michael Huitsing, Kailynn Nemeth, Evan Rashin, David Witvoet 7/30 Kevin Sparenberg, Isaac Thompson 7/31 Martha Diekelmann

7/1 Brenda Anderson, Dawn Casey, Michael Coy, Logan DeHaan, Peter Dyba, Tina Gardiner, Colin Hecht, Katelyn Huitsing, Debra Kish, Stephanie Korte, Luke Pysh, Ethel Schuffert, Ryan Smith, Vicki Stojkovich, Lynn Yates 7/2 Sandra Hnatusko, Mary Morantz, Abigail Morantz 7/3 Tyler Doyle, Rebecca Heineman 7/4 Elizabeth Buth, Michael Evers, Riley Knipper, Helen Melcher, Daniel Torkelson 7/5 Heather Arizmendi 7/6 Janet Rosenwinkel 7/7 Phillip Gardin 7/8 Kayla Egnatz 7/10 Gage Damjanovic, Isabel Malone, Nicholas Nelson, Grace Oosterhoff 7/11 Brandon Stieve 7/12 Karen Warner 7/13 Robin Luebcke, Jake Thunberg

7/14 Amanda Stieve 7/15 Sophia Genovese 7/17 Pacey Nack, Davison Rager, Michael Stephen 7/18 Melanie Johnson 7/20 Michael Feaster Jr., Abigail Feaster, Alexander Feaster 7/21 Sophia Handel 7/22 Judy Alliss, Brandon Schmidt 7/24 Keller Kosik, Chloe Morantz, Janie Socci 7/25 Ralph Nesbit, Timothy Stump 7/26 Terrance Claus, Bobbi Kujawski, Miranda Stephen 7/27 Andrew Dyba, Owen Nelson, Ky’per Nelson, Zachary Puent 7/28 Gabriella Aguillar, William Campbell, Melissa M. Maxwell 7/29 Ellen Richter, Chloe Richter 7/30 Shu Chen, Quentin Klingberg, Vivian Wang 7/31 Sharon Maguire, Paola Tellez

7/1 Paulette & Gary Urbanchock 7/3 Lewis & Patty Sue Eliou 7/4 Troy & Sally Skinner 7/5 Brett & Christine Miller 7/7 Richard & Lisa Anderson 7/9 Fred & Elaine Behnke 7/10 Ryan & Melanie Johnson 7/11 Charlie & Jene Lintz 7/12 Patrick & Leah Coffey, Myles & Diane Horst 7/14 Thomas & Cindy Chariton, Brian & Melissa Maxwell, Daniel & Felicia Schuster, Joseph & Donna Witham 7/15 Peter & Loma Sedrak 7/17 Ralph & Joyce Knipper, Michael & Darleen Maas 7/19 Phil & Chelsea Sagissor 7/21 William & Christine Good, Fred & Christi

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Oosterhoff 7/22 Charles & Susan Kerr 7/23 William & Deborah Anderson, Michael & Terry Chelap 7/24 Lothar & Traude Thoelke, Jamey & Mel Vester 7/26 Everett & Marilyn Gudenschwager 7/27 Mike & Laura Didonna, George & Sharon Letz 7/28 Kenneth & Sue Board, Gregory & Sandra Peyovich, Tim & Cynthia Pollert 7/29 Andrew & Christina Magruder 7/30 Garry & Laura Vajda 7/31 Michael & Diane Evers

7/12 8:00am T Noah Henderson, Bryce Zamojski 8:00am C Chas Reinholtz 10:30am T Frederik Kenbok, Caleb Miller 10:30am C Alizabeth Mazon 7/19 8:00am T Eric Hicks, Simeon Engleking 8:00am C Danica Bryant 10:30am T Zofia Bielawski, Ella Nemeth 10:30am C Quinn Shea 7/26 8:00am T Braydon Zamojski, Ashton Rager 8:00am C Ryan Whitaker 10:30am T Austin Leeming, Tyler Fanno 10:30am C Graham Knestrict 8/2 8:00am T Liam Wielert, Cade Hildebrandt 8:00am C Crea Reinholtz 10:30am T Beckett Pflughoeft, Zack Yates 10:30am C Nathan Slowiak

7/12 8:00am T Carsten & Georgia Falkenberg 8:00am C Christine Dixon 10:30am T Jeanne Strunk 10:30am C Christine Thomas 7/19 8:00am T Mary Nemeth 8:00am C Melanie Johnson 10:30am T Ben Ballou 10:30am C Cynthia Fitzsimons 7/26 8:00am T Robin Luebcke 8:00am C Jennifer McCord 10:30am T Gary & Marie Dienes 10:30am C Karen White 8/2 8:00am T Eileen Maxwell 8:00am C Connie Rainey

10:30am T Jeanne Strunk 10:30am C Mike Alwart

In person: Saturday 45 8:00am T 294 10:30am T 179 8:00am C 186 10:30am C 193 Monday 171 Live Streamed: 497

Next month’s deadline will be

Wednesday, July 22nd.

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