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The Seeding Of Spells

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!"#$%& Rubrik

For the purpose of clarification the cycle of events listed below serves to remind us of the time that has passed and the nature of our purpose. The periods of time we describe as Cycles, three in number, took place as a consequence of the arrival of our partner in this unfolding pageant appearing and thus informing the current with their current and presence. The three cycles named below were accomplished through the extensive use of ritual, described at length in Solus Noir – The Book Of The Black Sun. Rites which took place at numerous locations over the years of their design and execution. We are here concerned with the event named Trinity which took place in 2008 as it served as the culmination of the practical elements of the working and list the entire rubrik for convenience alone.


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In keeping with one of the many operating principles that evolved over time and through the process we continued to permit the prime method to unfold, namely, The Rite Writes Itself. Working as we had been in the configuration of triangles, both in respect of our temple of working and the number of discreet workings that covered each angle of the triangle. As is common knowledge we choose the triangle as the primary vehicle of manifestation. Our final act was to extend our triangle across an extensive area of geography. Whilst we confined ourselves to England, myself and two able assistants conceived of project Trinity. Using glass cylinders we assembled the remnants of our final Lilith working, in the form of rose petals, charcoal and silver sand, which along with the invokations, seals and sigils we sealed these in four cylinders to bury at four specific locations. Dates and times were calculated in respect of the angle of the triangle we were working with.


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The element of Earth. London. The cylinder was placed within the body of the earth itself.

The element of Air. Glastonbury. Hidden in plain sight.

The element of Water. Brighton. Placed deep beneath the shingles on the beach.

The element of Fire. Hampshire. A midpoint was calculated within our geographical triangle. The cylinder was buried and a fire was set at its location.

Having set the primary elements of the triangle placing the fourth cylinder at its midpoint effectively raised the triangle into its three dimensional construct, a pyramid which by reflection and inversion evolves into a diamond body aligned incidentally within the constellations of Triangulam and Ophiuchus within their respective hemispheres via its axis point. Each Lunar cycle the diamond turns once upon its axis and in this way the second aspect of the rays of Solus Noir are vibrated. The first being via the portal itself. The third by the virtue of the presence of the Avatars.


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February 26 – April 8 2008


A Journal Covering Events

& Projects To Fulfill

The Second Phase

Of Trinity

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Trinity Phase 2

Being Introductions & explanations of certain events which began in 1990 & continue to this day, 2008 & beyond.

Nativity Of Artemis February 26 2008ev Brighton Beach


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Introduction & Explanation

Trinity Phase 1 – 1990 – 2006 Cycle 1 The Dawn Of The Avatar Cycle 2 Namrael Cycle 3 Lilith Rising

* Operating Premise

A physical Atom – Infinite energy upon the plane of matter.

A Time Node – Eternity figured as The Portal Of The Black Sun.

A particle accelerator constructed out of mental material – Astarte in its magickal structure.

2 Avatars conjoin to invoke Lilith consort of Samael.



The Book Of The Black Sun Blood Moon Blood Rain

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The Portal opens through the conjoining and operates upon the plane of Time / Mind. Trinity – Phase 1 completed 1990 – 2006ev. Trinity – Phase 2 to earth the portal in matter. A secondary triangle created between the geographical locations of Brighton, Glastonbury and London. A series of detonators to be planted. A fourth – The Lilith Point central to the triangle [ pyramid ] Newton Stacey, Hampshire.

4 scrolls / detonators created, consecrated and planted each in accordance to their nature.

Artemis – Brighton Beach – Water

Aphrodite – Chalice Wells, Glastonbury – Air

Saturnus – London – Earth * See Dates

Lilith – Newton Stacey – Fire

Background and operating premises contained in the text of The Book Of The Black Sun. March 3 2008ev

All previous words and that written now, begins now. 9 days prior to planting Artemis I enter her service and consecrate her scroll / spell for implanting upon the beach, an act completed now. Speaking of the day and that which followed a few simple observations. We, C and I arrive at Brighton beach and check the nature of the sea and conclude that a 5 to 6pm is appropriate. Saturn rising and a Scorpio Moon deemed appropriate. We meet up with D at 1pm, the Trinity meets, the operator with his warrior and healer, his Sun and Moon, Cancer and Leo, perfect.

5.30pm. The act performed and in its aftermath a red sun sinks into the sea, a backdrop of the angel of victory. Drinks at a local coffee shop, we leave.

Events worthy of mention prior to the event.

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A dream in which I exchange hot / dry kisses with my consort, as such she attends me in this. Upon leaving the train I discover I have finally lost the silver dragonfly, I search for it and let it go, for reasons unknown.

At 1.00an Wednesday, the first time in over 20 years the UK has an earthquake, noted by many and connected to the event upon the beach, at last a synchronicity, at worse a coincidence, interesting. The following 36 hours troubling, heavy and intense pervasive feeling of ‘what have I started now?’ This developed to the point where I thought myself unwell. This was released by a dream, everything returns to normal ???

The Dream

Forest Glade. A huge fallen tree supporting bountiful life, a world in itself. I reach into an opening and upon withdrawing my hand, in the palm a perfect silver wedding ring [ feb. 29 ] The state shifts as does the energy and I spend the day collecting materials for Aphrodite.


Girt from, acknowledgement by Artemis. I sacrificed the silver [ Dragonfly ] to receive the wedding ring, Artemis speaks.

I consider burying each scroll in its element.

Artemis – The ocean – Water Aphrodite – A tree – Air

Saturnus – The earth – Earth Lilith - ??? – Fire

I speculate. Yesterday, March 2 giving collected materials for Aphrodite and Saturnus I acquire a map to calculate precisely the midpoint of the triangle created between the points of Brighton, Glastonbury and London. The cross hatches land upon a hamlet in Hampshire called Newton Stacey. We travel there on April 8. Meanwhile I prepare for Aphrodite and Glastonbury.

2 signs concerning the midpoint, Newton Stacey. The initials N S or S N Solus Noir – Black Sun Newton Stacey – Namrael Samael

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Interesting observations / comments? Henceforth I will treat this book as a journal and make entries as and when appropriate.

I continue.

Thursday March 6 10.05am

In preparing for Aphrodite a dream of note last night and a sign of the Goddess. Magickal invocation within the dreamscape, a full ritual, incantations occur, speech similar to goetia, howling almost, certainly not English. Upon completion a connection with OTO occurs. I believe that MS assures me and I quote, the ritual will commence next week [ ? ] perhaps connected with the 7 days of preparation? One very notable element, amidst the invocations etc the presence of a perfect apple green square. Symbolic, colour wise of Aphrodite [ ? ] Upon waking a distinct feeling of receiving her blessing. And the signs, as always unfold. To continue the metaphor, having traversed The Mountains Of The Moon [ Artemis ] and received her wedding band and Reflection I now enter The Valley Of Aphrodite and lie within her embrace prior to the visit to Chalice Wells, week Tuesday.

Rose petals and heartsease, green glass, fills the glass cylinder this time. Still working on the logistics of the journey itself. This will be resolved easily enough.

I continue.

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Nativity Of Aphrodite March 18 2008ev Chalice Wells


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Wednesday March 19

The day after the event. The event itself very good. Met up with the party and though a long day most enjoyable.

The day itself began at 5am, Bus ride to Victoria. Coach to Bristol. Bus to Glastonbury. Arrived at 11.30am. Shopping, a light meal. Met up with Solar Healer then off to Chalice Wells. After a false start buried the scroll in Air, as required. Rose petals etc. Burned replicas in fire pit along with rose petals and heartsease. Planted rose in view of the tor. Left and parted with D. Went to LA Love for coffee. Great place. Left early and caught early coach. Great journey back, lots of laughter. Arrived in London at 9.30 ish. It is done.

One days grace and then preparations for Saturnus on Saturday. [ March 22 ] Scroll prepared and arrangements to meet up at 2.30 made. Brompton at 3.00.

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Nativity Of Saturnus March 22 2008ev Brompton London


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Note – July 8 2011

As of 2011, 3 years post the event of 2008. An area of the site of planting the Saturnus detonator in earth, the immediate area was cleared of overgrown brambles etc and beneath the mound of growth the angel above was exposed to the light of day after years of being buried. Significant in itself and 3 years post the event, 3 being significant in respect of Saturnus, as such I call the figure The Trinity Angel.

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Sunday March 23

The day after planting the Saturnus scroll and a Rosemary plant [ In Remembrance ] The preceding, lightning storm and winds. The morning before, high winds, sleet and rain, though on departing the site the weather clears. All is well and the triangle now set.

We now prepare for Lilith and Newton Stacey on April 8. 13 Days of preparation starting on Thursday.

So Mote It Be

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Sunday March 30

An event worth recording. A sequence of sorts. Last Thursday – commenced 31 days preparation for Lilith and midpoint – Invoked Namrael / Lilith. Friday Night – Erotic dreams, a sign of sorts concerning conjunction. Saturday – Sadhana practice, peaceful. All is well. Missed call, number not recognized. Text from Y saying call was a mis dial, good will [ ? ] from her. In short we opened the triangle and as predicted she stepped in. Invoked Lilith and 2 days later she ‘accidentally’ arrives. Her pattern continues to unfold as predicted. My response – I play not her game.


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Nativity Of Lilith April 8 2008ev Newton Stacey


Lilith contained within 29 degrees of her native sign of Scorpio

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April 10 2008 Smooth journey to Winchester with Lunar element. Arrived mid day and half an hour later met up with Solar element. A light meal and then off to Newton Stacey. Lost and found a few times. Parked beside fields. 3 deer appear, gallop off and mark the spot. Ceremony performed. Final detonator planted in fire. It is complete and the triangle, now a pyramid raised, inverted as a diamond and aligned along of North [ Triangulum ] and South [ Ophiuchus ] stellar wise. Benedictions beside the path and car, beneath the sign Footpath Heaven. Benedictions, wishes and prayers performed. We depart. A perfect day in a field owned by the MOD. Arrived in Winchester, gifts bought. D departs and C and I share time in a pub. Coach trip smooth. Arrive back in London, 1o ish. The following day I receive thanks and a card from C. I give her a gift. Saturday I see D and will give her a gift also. We are complete in respect of Phase 2. Phase 3 dependant on what now unfolds between Y and myself. We are well.




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amael Grigori

I speak to thee, yes thou who art writing these words and even unto thee who in turn reads these words, from the Boundary Lands I speak. Cast aside all that thou art, for i seek naught that is of thee, from thee, your form but dissolves in my presence. Your Mind, the Reflection which thou art clouds over. The Heart which thou seekest, empties itself into the eternity which thou art. I accept All of this and more, I take only that which is freely given. I grant naught in return, for what in truth would thou, creature of Earth do with such, you alive in your world, I in mine.

Yet still you seek me. Look into your world, does not nature, my fairest sister stir from her slumbers, casting aside her mantle of repose. See you not the lifeblood stirring within her heart. The bounty of her body giving rise to the eternal cycle of Life and Death.

Liber 131 March 2 1992ev

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" "

The Final Grigori Prophecy

At The End Of Days

There Shall Be Two Grigori Upon The Earth

And They Will Die

" # # # "

" "

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