Page 1: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity, “Grace, peace and every blessing be yours in the name of our risen Savoir, Jesus Christ!” That is the greeting which I wrote in my first April Trinity Times letter as pastor of Trinity in 1997. I still mean it and do pray that you will receive those things as gifts from our gracious God. But what follows in that letter is quite different than the situation today. Not because of major national (although who would ever have imagines an NDP majority government in Alberta!) or international political changes (there are now as there were then wars and rumours of wars, nations raging against nations and the like – only the names of some of the characters have changed). Nor because of major financial or economic upheavals or extreme changes in social mores or attitudes (again, those changes that have happened are almost as cyclical as clothing fashions – there really is nothing new under the sun). This is the major difference: “As I look out the office window I can see melting snow running in rivulets over the streets, sidewalks, lawns and fields. Grass that has long lain dormant under the heavy covers of white, kept from the harsh cold of this past winter, now begins to emerge . . .” I wrote. I remember that first winter here – snow by the third week of October which did not disappear until late into April, with some of the bigger piles lasting ‘til late May or even early June. And cold – I don’t remember a day above -25 for all of December through February. And this after well meaning people had told us we would love the winters in south eastern Alberta because they were so mild, with lots of sunshine and many Chinooks to melt whatever snow might appear through the winter. This past winter has been almost the complete opposite; much more like what I had expected

from those initial comments (with the exception of still no Chinooks, as there was never enough cold and snow to really experience one). What a microcosm of life. What we expect and what we get at any given time can be polar opposites. A booming economy is suddenly replaced by huge downturns that leave many unemployed and even more worried about their financial future. Others who had looked forward to retirement now wonder if there will ever be a time when they can fully retire. Good health is replaced by sudden illness or accident. Relationships that we felt would last for all time are ruptured by sinful actions on the part of ourselves or of others, or by differences of opinion which we never imagined could ever exist or be so destructive. In the midst of these realities I would invite you to remember four small words: “God is in control!” There is nothing that can happen, no matter how unexpected or different from that which you imagined, which happens apart from the knowledge and will of God. That first April letter also included the following: “After the season of Lent, with its seven weeks of somber reflection and repentance, Easter is here! With it comes the sense of new life, of eternal life, in the celebration of the resurrection victory of our Savior. The ‘Alleluia’ returns, shouted and sung in hymns of triumph and praise by God’ people who have heard again the most important of all messages – that of forgiveness, life and salvation found in the empty tomb." That has not changed – and it never will. It is the one thing that will never be different, the one expectation that you can trust to stay the same. May God bless you and comfort you with that reality of his grace.

Page 2: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

AT TRINITY ______________________________________________

TLC Quilters Appreciation Tea Saturday April 16th @ 2pm TLC Fellowship Hall


Ladies please note: Agape will resume April 6th.


Thanks for filling up the sippy cups and investing in

your community. Please drop off Change for

Babies sippy cups April 3rd

to your church.

Thank you for your support.


Did you know that the EID Ministerial has a Facebook page where the community churches can post what is happening at their churches other than Sunday services? Please feel free to check it out it is called “Newell Christian Community”.


The Lifetalk seminar "Anger & Its Many Faces" will run for 5 weeks on Tuesday evenings, April 12 to May 10, 2016 from 7-9pm. It will be held in our

usual location Room 207 of the Community Cultural Centre where our office is located. Cost is $20/person. Those who are interested can call 403-362-2210 to register and for further information. ______________________________________________


Thank you to all walkers and donors for your unfailing generosity towards Lutheran Hospital Ministries – Southern Alberta in the past walks. We are again asking for your support. Our annual fundraiser, a Walk/Run for Love, will take place on April 30, 2016. We will meet at Faith Lutheran Church and walk or run a 5 km course through Confederation Park. If you love to walk or run, come and join us. We meet at Faith Lutheran Church, 1903 – 19 Ave Calgary NW at 9:00 am. The Walk begins at 9:30. This once-a-year fundraiser supports the Ministry in our training program for volunteer visitors, who visit patients in hospitals and care facilities. If you cannot walk or run, consider being a “virtual walker” by collecting pledges. Our goal this year is to raise $19,000. Faith Life Financial is a sponsor and will match donations up to $500. Please contact your Church office for more information about the grant. For more information about the Walk please contact us at (403) 264-4045 or [email protected]. Thank you for your faithful support. ______________________________________________

Please do not park in the alley as it is not only illegal but it also is inconvenient for our neighbors. Also, please be considerate of our seniors & leave parking spaces for them at the back door.

Page 3: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

Congratulations to Louise Berg on winning the beautiful quilt that was displayed in the Narthex. The proceeds of the sale go to offset the cost of purchasing quilting

supplies and shipping expenses.


The next TLCW meeting will be on April 6, 2016 at 10:00 am. All ladies are invited to attend.

_________________________________ CARING FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRIEVING

Trinity Lutheran Church cares for not only the people within the walls of our church but also for the people of our community at large during all the seasons of life and sometimes the season is one of grief and sorrow.

During times of sorrow and grief, the caring ministry at Trinity provides comfort to family and friends by organizing refreshments after funerals. We currently have 4 funeral coordinators whose responsibility is to organize the details concerning food, food preparations and workers for the funeral lunch.

We are in need of have more funeral coordinators. Please prayerfully consider helping out with this most valuable ministry. We have resources available to help with the obligations involved and would provide any assistance needed to help make the transition unstressed.

Pray about this call to ministry and feel free to talk to Gisela McGregor.

If you have a concern you would like to have placed on our Prayer Chain please call the church office. Please notify the office also if your email address or telephone number has changed. __________________________________________________

We invite all of the photographers in the congregation to submit your scenery photos to be used for background pictures for use on the screen for Sunday mornings. You can email them to the church office at

[email protected]. We are also looking for pictures of our members in ministry or scenery for the website and bulletin covers. We look forward to seeing the creativity of our church family. __________________________________________________

We are still in need of a volunteer to sign up for taking care of Trinity’s recycling needs for the year. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board across from the office. This is a monthly sign-up and March through December are still available. Please consider this opportunity to serve. _____________________________________________

IDEAS NEEDED “Church Council has approved a suggestion that the two upper windows on the West Wall of the Church Hall have stained glass windows installed. Funds from our Memorial Donations will be used for this suggestion that came from our 50th Anniversary planning. Leona Ferguson and Carol Stedel are looking for anyone who is interested in contributing ideas or assisting with this project to become part of a small working group. If you are interested please speak with Carol or Leona. Thank you.”


Check it out at

Page 4: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

Hey Youth Please look below for your stuff

Spring Youth Things

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth"

- Ecclesiastes 12:1


STARVE 2016 April 15-16 Grade 9-12

Help raise money to feed the hungry. For more information see the bulletin board across from the office


April 17th- After service we

will be having a youth meeting lunch and then go to the Rockwall Fitness.

**You will need to bring: clean inside shoes $20 (covers lunch and climbing expenses).


Youth Sunday mornings

@ 9:00 am

Join us for breakfast and

God’s Word.

One Christ Many Creeds

A Study of Denominations from a

Lutheran Perspective

One God, many gods

A Study of World Religions

We will alternate one week with One God,

many gods and one week with One Christ

Many Creeds.


ECHO Every Christian Holler Out Annual Youth Conference

Presented by the Canadian Mission District of North American Lutheran Church

August 19-21 CLBI, Camrose, AB Register by June 15 Cost: $300 / person

Grade 7+ Live music guest speakers, learning mission work and a canoe day out “On The River” “their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. Romans 10:18b Please talk to Maggie if you are interested in attending the above Youth gathering.

Our regular classes will resume on Wednesday,

April 6th at 4:45 p.m and will continue until June

15. We look forward to seeing you at class! Please

remember your binders and Bibles!!!

_______________________________________ .

Anyone who has a church key which they no longer need or use, please hand in to a Trustee or the office. Please make sure to sign the record book to indicate their return. __________________________________________


Page 5: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

"O give thanks to the Lord, call on His name, make known His deeds

among the peoples." - Psalm 105:1 Lent, Holy Week and the Festival of Easter were once again an amazing journey for us as God's people here at Trinity! We thank God for all the people He drew to each worship opportunity. Our series, "How to be a Disciple" helped us to walk with the 12 Disciples Jesus chose for Himself, to engage in their stories, and to consider which traits of each disciple are ours today and how Jesus is calling us to ministry. From the Orchestral sounds of Palm Sunday to the Jubilation and Triumph of Easter all gathered were blessed. Many hands, many talents and gifts went into the last 7 weeks and so it is right that many thanks be given to all who served. Please know that your time, your faith and your presence were part of growing the Kingdom of God. Thank you and blessings upon, All who provided Soup for the Journey, and all who set up, served, and cleaned up! This is such a valued and enjoyed time of fellowship. Our Confirmands and Senior Youth for their presence and willingness to serve as Readers, Dramatists, Ushers, Prayer writers and Worship Leaders. And our adults who took dramatic roles and helped to share the message. Our Musicians - vocal and instrumental. Music touches us in parts of our soul that nothing else can reach and we are so deeply blessed by your gifts. Your gift of time, rehearsal, and faith shine through! Our Sound & AV techs, who worked diligently to make sure that all could hear the message and be drawn into the theme of the day. Our people who change the Altar Paraments, Chancel dressings and banners many times in this busy season and the hands that prepare the Communion meal for us. Our Office Admin staff, Kari Bolen and Joey Armstrong, for their 'above and beyond' work in putting together our worship service materials that enable worship to flow and to be enhanced through thematic and carefully chosen artwork on screen.

All hands that worked creatively and diligently to provide the beautiful Easter Brunch, the decorated hall, narthex and chancel, and the majesty and glory of the Easter Festival Worship. Thank you to Randy, Joey, Mason & Jorja Hofer for the care and housing of our 8 baby chicks and to Robert, Nikki & Cayley Peltzer for our 2 day old lamb - the kids were thrilled! Blessings upon Rhea-Lynne Anderson and Maclaire and our youth for the Easter Egg Hunt and the carrot candy bags and to our youth for building the 92 "mason jar tombs"! - The Tomb is Still Empty. Thank you to Dustin McNamara, "Dust & Wood" (on Facebook), for building our "crate" table for Maundy Thursday and for loaning us the lovely stands. My thanks to Julie Musgrove for being a constant presence, servant, mentor and teacher for our young people and for me. I also want to thank Sarah Summach for working weekly with me in the creation and planning of our worships. Many hours and much thought and faith goes into developing each worship service and it is a joy to work together. May God be glorified always in each piece that fits together to praise His name, gather and equip His people, and further His Kingdom. I close with these words from 1 Thessalonians 2:8, which sum up how Pastor John and I feel about you, our faith family, God's gift to us!

"So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us." In Jesus' holy name, Maggie

______________________________________________ If you have a concern, question, bouquet, etc., you are invited to write it out, sign it & place it into the Comments & Suggestions Box that is located on the ledge of the office in the Library. The Deacons regularly check this box. It is

there for you.

Page 6: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

Article from: stewardshipresources LCMS April 2016

The greatest surprise about Easter is not that Jesus is alive, risen from the dead, out of the grave, that He conquered death and hell, and comes to meet you as He promised. The greatest surprise is that He did all that and is not angry. There is no fear for us in His return because He is not angry. He bears no grudge. He seeks no vengeance. He comes to give peace, with mercy and forgiveness and salvation. Jesus lives and is not angry. Imagine that. He is not angry. He doesn’t blame those who killed Him. He doesn’t blame you. For no one takes His life from Him. He lays it down of His own accord. He gives Himself into death to win us back from sin, death, and hell. He does it willingly without coercion. He does it sacrificially, Him for us. He gave what was His to give. Thus His petition to the Father from the cross, “Forgive them” is granted to you in His resurrection. He comes alive out of death to forgive and to give His life to you. There is nothing to be afraid of because Jesus is raised from the dead and is not angry. Thus we are free—free from worrying about how to make it up to Him, and free to give as He has given to us. He gave Himself as a gift, His life in exchange for our death, willingly and sacrificially. And so it is that we are now free to give in like manner: willingly, sacrificially, with what we have been given. We give to the church because it is in the church where our eyes have seen and our ears have heard that Jesus lives and is not angry. It is here where we learn of God’s mercy and forgiveness in Christ. It is here where we continually receive that message of life, where He visits us to give peace, with mercy and forgiveness and salvation.

So do not be afraid. Jesus lives, and He is not angry. The sacrifice has been made. The debt is canceled and forgotten. Righteousness is declared. Jesus lives. He lives, and He is not angry. You are restored. You are reconciled to the Father in the Son. Your future is assured: Jesus lives. It is not just death and Hell, the devil and his demons, that are undone. Your sins, your fear are undone. They are gone, forgotten, destroyed. Jesus lives. Hallelujah! Jesus lives. And because He lives, you are just. You are right with God, pleasing and delightful to Him. You are forgiven, clean, pure, holy, and filled with His good works and with His Name. He is not angry. He is glad to have you. He wants you. He loves you. He gave everything that is His to and for you, willingly and sacrificially. In faith and trust in Him, let us do likewise.

Straight from the Treasurer’s Pencil Bank balance Feb 29 = ($-3,666.84) March 6 – 30, 2016 Income to date = $25,664.59 (average: $6,416.15/week) Expenses to date = $27,432.99 (average: $6,858.25/week) Bank balance Mar. 30/16 = (-$5,435.24)

Needed per week to meet budget = $6,160.94

*These numbers are being presented to the best of my ability solely for your information. Due to the nature of bookkeeping, adjustments may need to be made that will affect these numbers. *

Beyond the Budget If you are interested in making a

donation like this two possibilities

are purchasing the Vacation Bible

School Kit which costs $256 or

donating towards the Bibles that

were purchased to distribute at

VBS this year. The cost for these

Bibles was $270. If you feel led to

help in this way please call the

church office at 362-4259.

Thank you

Page 7: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ NW District As we are now a member of the North West district of LCMC we invite you to check out their website This is a good way to keep in touch with other churches in our area and find out what is happening in our district. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW TO ATTEND THE LCMC 2016 NORTHWEST DISTRICT “GATHERING” APRIL 15 & 16, 2016 It is our pleasure to invite you to the 2016 LCMC Northwest District Gathering with Pastor Mark Vander Tuig and Pastor Steven Lien from the LCMC main office, to be held in Wenatchee, Washington at the Red Lion Inn. WHERE: Red Lion Inn in Wenatchee, Washington 1225 N Wenatchee Ave., Wenatchee, WA (509) 663-0711 WHEN: APRIL 15 & 16, 2016 Early registration is strongly encouraged. Room rate: $134 per night with full breakfast. COST: Early Registration is very important this year. Cost is $50.00 (on or before March 25, 2016) per person After March 25, 2016 the Registration Cost is $55.00 per person (This includes materials, and meals. Children, (0-10yr.) FREE but must be registered) For more information and registration visit our website at or contact Shelly at 509-988-0824, Jeff at 541-405-6107,or Suzanne at 509-881-0611

Muslims turning to Christ in Denmark March 14, 2016 blog by Gene Veith As we’ve blogged about, large numbers of Muslim refugees are converting to Christianity. (Read Uwe Siemon-Netto’s compelling article on the phenomenon.) I knew this was happening in Germany and in France, though it is not happening everywhere. But it is also happening in Denmark, as I learned last week while I was there. The organization Inner Mission, whose conference I spoke at, does much of the evangelism work in that supposedly secularist country. Staffers told me about how they are being overwhelmed by Muslim immigrants and refugees who come to them wanting to learn about Jesus and asking to be baptized. I was told about a Muslim couple who showed up at a Mission House for the weekly Bible study. The next week, 14 Muslims attended. The next week, 50 crowded into the facility. This is happening in Mission Houses across the country. The inquirers are told up front that their becoming Christians would in no way make a difference to the Danish government considering their applications. “We don’t care. Tell us about Jesus.” And if you get sent back, you would be in severe danger as apostates to Islam. “We know. Baptize us!” Inner Mission staff encourage them to continue with the Bible studies. In the meantime, they are taken to a conservative Lutheran pastor for catechesis and eventual baptism. They usually want to be baptized immediately, I was told, but the pastor first takes them through some months of intensive catechesis (using Luther’s Small Catechism). And then, if they still want to be Christians and if the pastor believes they understand the elements of Christianity, they are baptized, whereupon they become active members of the congregation. A woman who works with internationals for Inner Mission told me that most of these converts are refugees from Iran. She said that many of the converts turned to Christ back home, but had to believe in secret and had no one to baptize them. (I was struck with the high view of baptism these former Muslims had. I remember years ago hearing about “secret believers” in Iran, some of them who lived outside the country, who did not dare to get baptized. That was the point of no return, the ultimate act of apostasy that meant rejection by family and a possible death sentence from the government. The

Page 8: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

article said that maybe Christians should not require baptism, under the circumstances. But these new believers crave baptism, despite all the risk.) She also said that some had become Christians during their long journey from their homes, as Christians in the countries they were traveling through would give them Bibles. Most also have come to understand the connection between Islam and the oppression and violence they were fleeing. And, yes, some had dreams about Jesus. (Not a dream or vision of the type that Muhammed had, giving him a new religion. Rather, the type described in the Book of Acts, in which both Paul and Cornelius were directed to someone who would give them the Word and Sacrament.) “For years we have prayed for revival in Denmark,” she told me. “We didn’t realize the revival would be among the Muslims!” But there is a connection. She said that many Danes are seeing the difference Christianity is making among the Iranian converts and are starting to take Christianity more seriously themselves. And the zeal of the new converts is inspiring the other members of the congregations they are joining. The conversions of the Muslims would appear to be God’s work. It isn’t happening due to church programs or to outreach efforts (valuable as those may be). It isn’t that Christians are going to Muslims to try to convert them. Rather, the Muslims are coming to the Christians asking for the Gospel. The revival in Denmark–as well as other countries–may just start with the Muslims and then keep spreading. ______________________________________________

In the space of 16 days some major life changes

have happened to me – the loss of my dad, a 60th

birthday and a new knee!!! Thanks so much to our

Trinity family for supporting me and my family

through each of these – with your prayers, hugs, e-

mails, texts, cards, visits, food and so much more!

God knit us together as family and asks us to

support and encourage each other on our faith walk

when we mourn and celebrate, cry and laugh, study

and worship; and everything in between. Trinity

family – you have touched our hearts and shown us


Wendy & Gordon and family

P.S. Gordon has had an easy time in the cooking

department while I recuperate – thanks again!!

How Strong is Your Great Commission Conscience? Take the Quiz and See! Submitted by Gordon Frank Count how many of the following 10 statements you can say "yes" to: 1. I see the primary purpose of our church as responding to the Great Commission. 2. I have participated in an outreach training event in the last six months. 3. I have invited an unchurched friend or relative to a church event in the last six months. 4. I would support a motion to designate at least 10% of our church budget to outreach events and training activities. 5. I would prefer that the pastor call on non-members more often than on members. 6. I would be willing to take a new member or visitor home for dinner once every six months. 7. I have intentionally introduced myself to a new member or visitor in the past month. 8. I have talked with an unchurched person about my faith in the past three months. 9. I have prayed for a specific unchurched person in the past month. 10. I would be willing to be a pioneer in a new group or new church fellowship to help reach new people.

This quiz is taken from a book by Gary L. McIntosh and Charles Arn called, What Every Pastor Should Know - 101 Indispensible Rules of Thumb for Leading Your Church. Baker Books, 2013. It is the most complete 'recipe book' for church and spiritual growth that I have ever read.

They say that anyone who can answer 'yes' to at least seven of the statements likely has a reasonably strong Great Commission Conscience. Also, that if 60% of your church leaders (council, Sunday School teachers, ushers, others) can answer affirmative to seven out of 10, you have leaders with a Great Commission Conscience. And, if at least 20% of the whole congregation can answer affirmative to seven out of 10, you have the minimum number necessary to move the entire group forward.

Each of us can evaluate our own score and choose what we will do to maintain or improve our Great Commission Conscience. As a church, we can implement intentional strategies to move our whole congregation in this direction. There are many ways to do this. The authors offer four to start with:

Page 9: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”

1. Review the mission of the church to see if resources are appropriately allocated to this priority. 2. Have Church Council examine how to develop a Great Commission Conscience. 3. Use the authors' book to review and apply pertinent recommended strategies. 4. Preach on the topic and have small groups and studies focus on the topic.

This section of the book concludes with, "there is clear evidence that, when people grasp this passion, their churches come alive, reach people and change lives."

Jesus gave us the Great Commission in Matthew 28: 19 and 20 - "19 Therefore go and make disciples in all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and then teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you; and be sure of this—that I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”

Jesus has given us an awesome responsibility and the vehicle called the church to drive the message to a world that needs the church more today than ever before. The more people with a Great Commission Conscience, the more of us God has to accomplish His purpose. I encourage us all to practise doing more of the 10 ways listed above, as we strengthen our Great Commission Conscience.

President: Gordon Frank

Vice- President: Bill Anderson

Secretary: Evelyn Harahus

Treasurer: Sharon Reid

Financial Secretary: Shirley Perry

Board of Deacon: Mark Altwasser

Harold Stedel

Brain Berg

Board of Trustees: Randy Flatla

Audrey Flatla

Colin Musgrove

Board of Education: Charlene Musgrove

Leta Babb

Julie Musgrove

Thank you to all of you for serving in this way.

Volunteers are needed

to help with GEMS

Where: Christian Reformed Church on Wednesday’s 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

GEMS Girls' Clubs is a non-denominational, non-profit Christian girls club. The mission of GEMS Girls’ Clubs is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. Their vision is to see girls around the world actively and enthusiastically expressing love for God and others.

Please call Melissa Slomp at 362-0906 if you can help

______________________________________________ Do you have eye glasses that you can no longer wear? Please drop your old glasses off in the box labelled “Glasses” underneath the portable bulletin board in the foyer and give someone the gift of sight. There are many in this world who could never afford to buy eyeglasses and you can contribute to renew their sight


Doreen Nester April 01 Wayne Sinclair April 02 Vi Olsen April 06 Elfriede Schuett April 07 Anita Chivers April 08 Liz Banek April 09 Marlene Schultz April 10 Betty Stica April 12 Janice Koza April 14 Josie Ball April15 Diane Enevold April 16 Esther Christman April 17 Rose Rasmuson April 20 Sharon Friesen April 22 George VanderLinden April 22 Fran Mortensen April 30

If you are a Senior and would like to have your name included on the Seniors’ birthday list, please call the church office.

Page 10: Trinity Times April 2016 - Amazon S3Trinity Times April 2016 “Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples” To God’s family of faith in Christ Jesus at Trinity,

Trinity Times April 2016

“Serve Christ our Lord by welcoming, equipping & sending disciples”


Brent & Rebecca Kroschel Apr. 04 Curtis & Heather Tornquist Apr. 07 Robert & Valerie Heiland Apr. 07 Kelly & Jackie Lester Apr. 09 Richard & Shelly Deunk Apr. 19 Daniel & Dione Christman Apr. 20 Brian & Roxanne Rivoire Apr. 21 Colin & Georgie Brown Apr. 26 Shawn & Brandy Gleisner Apr. 29

Danny & Danielle Thomas Apr. 30

If you would like to have your anniversary included in the Wedding Anniversary list please call the church office.

Worship Services Schedule of Volunteer Duties

April 03 10:00am with Communion Acolyte Liam Anderson Lector Val Deunk Storyteller Maggie Theiss Sound / Video Emmalyn Elgersma/ Doug

Erlandson Worship Assistant: Harold Stedel Communion Prep Doris B. Ushers Jim & Jeannie Culligan Candace Bloor/ Barb Tamura Scripture Readings: Acts 5:12-20(21-32) Revelations 1:4-18 April 10 10:00 am Acolyte Logan Andrews

Lector Mona Erlandson Storyteller Jeannie Culligan

Sound / Video Liam Anderson/ Kathryn Dyck

Worship Assistant: Brian Berg

Ushers Chris Deschner/ Gary Carter Randy & Corry Flatla Scripture Readings: Acts 9:1-22 Revelation 5:(1-7)8-14

April 17 10:00 am with Communion Acolyte Kaytin Beblow

Lector Leona Ferguson Storyteller Julie Musgrove

Sound / Video Myra Altwasser/ Randy Flatla

Worship Assistant: Mark Altwasser Communion Prep: Debbie Berg Ushers Pete & Patty Green Barry & Trudi Heal

Scripture Readings: Acts 20:17-35 Revelation 7:9-17 April 24 10:00am Acolyte Mackenzie Beblow Lector Trudi Heal Storyteller Pastor John Sound / Video Ian Altwasser/ Randy Flatla Worship Assistant: Harold Stedel Ushers Bruce & Julie Musgrove Colin & Charlene Musgrove Scripture Readings: Acts 11:1-18/ Revelation 21:1-7 ______________________________________________

Ushers are reminded to please make sure that all church doors are locked before leaving after Sunday worship.