Page 1: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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24th October 2016 Term 4 Week 3

A school that provides a professional, stimulating and

challenging learning

Principal Mr John Southon

Head Teacher Secondary Mr Gerry Capell

Relieving Assistant Principal

Mrs Fiona Sanderson

Reminders Wednesday 26/10/16 Super 8s cricket Year 3/4/5/6 Excursion Information Session @ 2:30pm

P&C President

Mrs Joanne Coster

Secretary Ms Elysse Coomes

Treasurer Mrs Kelly-Lee Dunn

Trundle Central School Newsletter

(l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8),

Hamish Sanderson (7), Amy Mallard (8), Kylie Fernando (7), Lucy Aveyard (8),

Monique Morgan (8), and Jaxson Whiley (7)- front. (see story page 8)

Mrs Gallacher with students whose entries were selected for publication in the

2016 edition of Word Zone.

(back l-r) Eloise Hiller-

Stanbrook, Leah Martin

(middle l-r) Skye Wilson, Monique Morgan, Lucy

Aveyard and

Brooke Morgan

(front l-r) Ella Bridger, Willa Stokes, Hannah

Dunn and Kylie Fernando

Page 2: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 2 Term 4 Week 3



Week three of term is here already. This year

needs to slow down as I am getting too old to

keep up. This week at Trundle Central School is

Super 8s cricket on Wednesday. Hopefully it will

not rain and the match can go ahead. According to

the weather bureau this is the second wettest year

ever recorded in Trundle. Many people can

remember times of short periods of more intense

rain but according to the records this year to date

is the second wettest year. If you disagree ring

Canberra not Trundle Central School. This fact

proves to me yet again that Jesus Christ was a

fisherman not a farmer because I could almost

guarantee drought will come again.

Congratulations to parents attending Playgroup

run in partnership with Centacare Forbes. Last

week there was an amazing attendance making our

playgroup one of the most well attended in the

district. Playgroup has enormous social and

academic benefits for children and there is no

commitment to enrol your child in this school just

because yet again Public Education is providing a

free service to the community. In our budget

meetings the school has allocated money to help

local sporting and community organisations as part

of community engagement. This is in the form of

administration and facilities support.

In term three years 7/8 English students entered

the 2016 Write4Fun competition. Our students

received a Certificate of Excellence placing them in

the top 10 percent of over 10,000 entrants. Kylie

Fernando also has the honour of having her story

published by the organisation. This is an

outstanding achievement. Well done students and

Mrs Gallacher. The school will purchase a copy of

the publication for our library. The challenge for

us now is to do even better next year which I am

sure we will.

Last week the good people from Bunnings Forbes

came to plant the gardens for the sporting hall of

fame the school is establishing to recognise

current and former champions. The gardens will

make this area yet another feature of our school.

Whilst they were here they commented that our

school was the neatest and most attractive school

they have visited. Well done to Mr Grady and Mr

Mudge for the standard of school grounds. This is

high praise as this team visits numerous schools

across the region. The comment does not make

me think we have achieved our goal in terms of

grounds improvement it makes me wonder where

is the best kept public school in the state is and

how can we be better than them.

The school is currently looking back through the

records to determine the first inductee into the

hall of fame. The idea of this area of the school is

to recognise and celebrate sporting achievement.

The front office has boards for academic

achievement and citizenship. It seems natural for

sport also to be recognised.

The quote for the top dressing of the oval has

been returned. It is about what it would cost for a

new family car so even if I count the piggy bank twice it will not cover the costs. That is fine

because my stars said I was going to come into

some money. I found two dollars in the washing

machine today I hope that is not the extent of my

good fortune. Maybe a politician campaigning in a

tight election may want to drop a cheque in or a

wealthy former student.

The current weather is very mild but it will

become hotter. Please ensure your child has

plenty of water when attending sport or other

Page 3: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 3 Term 4 Week 3

outside events. The school water chiller will be

turned back on for the bubblers in the near future.

It is amazing to have this facility thank you to the

P&C. Please do not give your child mixed–up

cordial as the sugar content is enough to make

even a turtle hyperactive. Sports drinks are for

elite athletes so these are not necessary. A

rigorous game at recess is hardly reason to require

re-hydration with sports drinks so water is the


High School students should be studying for their

upcoming exams. These exams form part of the

assessment process. It is important that students

have formal examinations because many students

do not perform as well as they should because of

an inability to perform under exam pressure.

Whilst progressive assessment has reduced the

absolute focus on the exams students still need to

be able to perform under exam pressure especially

in the Higher School Certificate. Indeed, life

requires you on many occasions to move beyond

your nerves and fears and tackle situations and

issues that are confronting and uncomfortable.

School excursions for most students are an

exciting social time. For others unfortunately they

can cause considerable stress. Social isolation to

some is temporary. It can occur when a

breakdown of a peer group occurs or a child is

forced to move schools. For others it becomes a

permanent part of their life which they either learn

to cope with or it creates a permanent scar on

their self esteem and confidence. Social isolation is

often highlighted to children during activities such

as excursions which is ironic because one of the

main functions of excursions is to teach children

to socialise. I encourage parents to talk to their children about the challenges these types of

activities can create for your children but also

highlight the amazing opportunities they create. I

would also encourage parents to have a break

knowing your children are well cared for and safe.

There is no need to feel guilty if you have less

children in your house, savour the solitude.

Child sexual assault is one of the most horrendous

crimes that unfortunately is far too common in

Australia. 1 in 5 girls and 1in 15 boys will suffer some form of sexual assault before the age of 15.

The primary agent for protecting children is always

the family but the sad fact is the vast majority of

assaults on children occur from family members or

friends of the family. Another awful fact is the

majority of assaults are not reported meaning the

statistics I gave above are far from the real extent

of the problem. Contained in this newsletter is a

flyer that outlines five basic body rules that young

children should be taught. I realise some members

of the community believe the school newsletter

should not highlight these issues in society. I

believe however, that as the leader of public

education within the town I have a responsibility

to raise public awareness of what is a crime.

The school to work students have made a

considerable difference to the school this year.

The latest addition is increased seating and the

replacement of gardens. The boys would now like

to construct things for sale from old car steel car

rims. If you have them lying around your house,

please donate them to the school. School to work

is a program designed to make students more

work ready before they leave school allowing

them a head start in the job market.

A big thank you to Raymi Howarth who has

donated tubs of playdough to the school. It makes

me enormously proud when students think of the

school above themselves.

Another great week in Trundle

John Southon.

Raymi Howarth with the tubs

of playdough she has donated

to our school

Page 4: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 4 Term 4 Week 3

Page 5: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 5 Term 4 Week 3


FROM 1:10-1:20PM




Page 6: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 6


Term 4 Week 3

Students of the week K/1/2 - Holly Morgan

3/4 - Alecia Zerafa

5/6 - Ryan Dorman

Mrs Southon - Benjamin Strudwick

Special Reward - Renea Cotter, Jim Ramsay and

Aidan Kirk

Sportspersons - William Taylor and Aidan Kirk

What a great start to the term! Transition has

once again started and it is lovely to see our Pre-

schoolers settled in to the school so quickly. They

are thoroughly enjoying the activities Ms Downes

has provided for them and all the children can’t

wait to start in 2017.

Years 2/3/4/5 have been making good use of this

Transition time also. They have been participating

in whole group writing activities with Mrs Gray,

Mrs Southon, Mrs Bridger, Mrs Charlton and Mrs

Sanderson. This is allowing our students to engage

in explicit writing instruction. They are developing a

range of skills to ensure they become confident writers.

PSSA State Athletics in Sydney Congratulations to Jamie

Harper who participated in

the State Athletics carnival

last week. He competed in the 12/13 year old Boys

Long Jump event. This shows his dedication to

Athletics. This experience is something he will

remember for a very long time.

Sun Safe Policy This term is a No Hat No Play term. Students

MUST wear a wide brimmed hat. This means

that if they do not have a hat, they cannot

participate in any outdoor activities including

lunch time play. We keep a small selection of spare

hats for those students who accidently forget their

hats. These hats are washed

regularly but are not to be used

every day by the same students.

We will endeavour to call parents

to let them know their child has

forgotten their hat so that it can

be found. Please make sure you put your

child’s name inside their hat.

Kindergarten/Year 6 Transition This week will be the third week of Kindergarten/

Year 6 Transition sessions that will run throughout

the term. This year the sessions will run from

8:55am – 11:20am. This will allow the Pre-

schoolers and Year 6 to engage in some fantastic

activities to ensure the transition from both

Preschool and Primary School is a smooth and

enjoyable experience.

All classes in primary will be moving up into the

next group for these sessions. It is a great way for

the students to practise being in a new class.

Year 3/4/5/6 Excursion to Sydney Our parent information session,

scheduled for this Wednesday

afternoon at 2:30pm, is to answer

any questions about our three days

away. It is very important for all

parents to attend to ensure there

is clear communication between the school and

parents. If you have not finalised your payments

please do so as soon as possible.

K-6 Swimming For Sport All K-6 children will be going to

the pool for sport from Week 4 until the end of

the term. Please return your

notes as soon as possible.

Page 7: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 7 Term 4 Week 3


League tag On Thursday the 20/10/2016 we went to Grenfell

to play League Tag. We finished second overall in

our pool. The first game was a forfeit as Peak hill

arrived late, so we had a very competitive game

against ourselves. Our second game was against

Parkes Christian school winning seven to one.

Brooke and Monique both scored three tries’ each

and Eloise scored one. Next game was against

Henry Lawson. We won four to one, Monique and

Willa each scored a try and Brooke crossed the

line twice. Our final game was tough against

Molong Central where we tied nil all. All the girls

played extremely well and to their hardest.

We would also like to thank Mrs Morgan for taking us and letting us eat our disappointment

away at McDonalds.

Written by Ella Bridger and Lucy Aveyard

Super 8's Central Schools Competition Best Wishes to the Year 9/11 Girls, Year 7/8 Boys

and Year 7/8 Girls teams who will all compete in

the Central Schools Cluster day at Dubbo on


All assessments must be submitted to the teacher before 8:55am on the due date. Penalties will ap-ply after this time.


In Class or At Home TOPIC

English 21/10/16 4/11/16

In class Advertising


In Class or At Home TOPIC

English 21/10/16 4/11/16 In class Shakespeare


In Class or At Home TOPIC

English 21/10/16 4/11/16 In class Shakespeare

Secondary Assessments & Homework

Ella Bridger Lucy Aveyard

Page 8: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

Telephone: (02) 68921303 Fax: (02) 68921184 Email: [email protected] School webpage – Facebook -

Page 8 Term 4 Week 3


Stay low go fast

kill first die last

One shot one kill

No luck all skill

No blood no tears

All here for our peers

1 down 2 to go

3 weeks until we go

Bullets flying through the air

I am one that does care

Suffering duties on the field

Watching mates get killed

Mates lying on the ground

Not making any sound

People say he might be dead

But he is with me in my head

Ryan Taylor

Write4Fun During term three a group of students in years 7 and 8 entered a short story and poetry writing com-

petition called Write4Fun. The Write4Fun is a competition open to students in all grades, kindergarten

to year 12, across Australia, which encourages students to write about topics that interest them, with

some great prizes for the winners.

This year Trundle Central School was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for Outstanding Student

Achievement in the Write4fun 2016 Schools Writing Competition. We received this award because our stu-

dents successfully progressed beyond the initial rounds of judging in the 2016 competition. This places

Trundle Central School students in the top 10% of the 10,000 entries received from the schools who

participated this year.

Not only is this an outstanding achievement for our students, but the students who progressed

through to this level (pictured above) have been invited to have their entries published as part of the

2016 Word Zone, a collection of outstanding works entered in the Write4fun competition each year.

Winners of the competition will be announced on Wednesday 26th October, however, each of these

students deserve a pat on the back for their outstanding achievement at a national writing level. This is

the English class equivalent of making State! Trundle Central School prides itself on providing the best opportunities for it’s students, and this is a

clear example of how the students of TCS rise to the challenges they are set, not only on the sporting

field but in the classroom as well!

If you see any of these students be sure to congratulate them on their hard work and creativity.

Mrs Gallacher

Page 9: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 9 Term 4 Week 3

Forbidden Love - By Emily Harper “It’s okay you can let me go.” “I will never let you go.” I awaked breathing heavily from the vivid dream I’ve had every time I’ve slept since my mother died. “Leora, are you awake?” My uncle’s voice jolted me from my train of thought. “Yes Uncle Colt.” “Come down as soon as your dressed for breakfast.” “Yes Uncle.” I grabbed my nightgown and swiftly put it on while walking out my doors and down the stairs to the grand dining room. “Uncle, you wanted to see me?” “Yes I did, sit.” I sat down slowly and looked worriedly at Uncle. “You only have today left of Witch Hunting training, make it worthwhile Leora.” Me and my whole family were proud and royal witch hunters. “I understand Uncle.” “Good, follow me.” I followed him until he stopped in front of a rusted, wooden door that had been locked for years. He unlocked it and we walked in together. I looked around and tried to squint to see and then he turned on the bright flo-rescent lights. “This is your present.” I looked around in awe and gasped. It was my own personal weapon room. Everything was sharpened and ready for use. I picked up a golden chest that made the whole room brighter. I wiped the dust of its lid and saw the initials J.C.R. “That chest you are looking at is you're great-great-great grandfathers, Johnathan Christopher Ravenswood.” “Can I open it?” “Of course. It is yours know.” I opened the lid carefully and picked up the ruby decorated dagger. “This is beautiful.” I whispered as I turned it over for further inspection. “That it is. It’s even blessed with angel blood. You stab a witch anywhere with this dagger and it will kill them nearly instantly.” “Okay. I’m going to start training now.” I took of my nightgown and got to training. I started by throwing knifes and shooting arrows at animatronics designed to look like witches. I never missed a single shot. A pair of hands started clapping slowly. I bowed knowing who was watching me train. “Hello Kellin.” I said still having my back to my best friend. “Hello Leora. I was just in and thought I would see you.” “Thanks” “How are the dreams going.” Kellin asked in a concerned voice. “They’re still the same. As always. They just feel like they’re getting closer and louder.” “Leora I need to tell you something-” “Who on earth are you talking to Leora?” My uncle boomed with his loud voice. He barged into the room and saw Kellin and his eyes filled with rage and anger. “What is a witch doing in our house?” He yelled out. “What do you mean?” I yelled back. “Him!” He pointed his gun at Kellin’s chest and pulled the trigger but I leaped out in front of the gun and got shot. The pain was pure agony. “It’s okay you can let me go Kellin!” “I will never let you go Leora!”

Page 10: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 10

Year 11 & 12





PowerPoint, Case Study & Practical

Cluster 6

Sports Coaching


With the Year 11 students starting their HSC it made me think that

they were really growing up. Enjoy the remaining time you have at

school guys.

This week Jessica will be sit-

ting the Ancient History ex-

amination. We wish her luck

for this exam and her up-

coming ones.

Year 11 have received their

HSC assessment schedule.

Year 10 students have made

their selections for next

years Preliminary courses.

Page 11: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 11


Students at the Magisterium are sup-

posed to be safe. Under the watchful

eyes of the mages, they are taught to

use magic to bring order to a chaotic

w o r l d .

But now the chaos is fighting back. Call,

Tamara, and Aaron should be worrying

about things like pop quizzes and magic

contests. Instead, after the shocking death of one of their classmates, they

must track down a sinister killer… and

risk their own lives in the process.

As Call, Tamara, and Aaron discover,

magic can only be as good as the per-

son who wields it. In evil hands, it has

the capacity to do immeasurable harm,

unless it is stopped in time.

This time Zombie is up against some of

the meanest and scary mob bullies at

school. Will he be able to stop the mob

bullies from terrorizing him and his

friends, and make it back in one piece?

Joke of the week

When Halt and Crowley discover that

the ambitious Morgarath has been infil-

trating the Rangers in order to corrupt

the Corps, the young Rangers travel

north to find Prince Duncan, seeking a

royal warrant to stop Morgarath before

it is too late. By weakening the Rangers,

the most powerful force in support of

the King, Morgarath plans to steal the

t h r o n e .

Page 12: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 12


Term 4 Week 3

Swimming Club News Our raffle is out in the shops please drop into any

shop in Trundle to purchase tickets.

1st – Family Season Ticket

2nd – Spring Food Hamper.

To be drawn Friday 28th Oct.

Registrations this year Under 7 are FREE. If they are swimming across the

pool they MUST have an adult in the water with

them. NO ADULT NO SWIMMING. Over 7’s for across the pool is $25.00, They still

must have an adult with them.

All other swimmers $70.00. Our first swim meet is on Friday 4

November. On this day Kellylee Dunn will

be available at the pool for advice on NEW

registrations and membership if needed. Registration emails for all previous

members will be going out within the next


BBQ and presentation for the opening of

our new Lane Ropes!! Has changed to the

11th Nov. All community members are

welcome. If you are able to RSVP (for

catering purposes)to Kellylee 0401583761

or Rhonda 0477699256 this would be


All parents will need to have a working

with Children Check. This is free for

volunteers just need to login to this site:


Complete your application form and pop in

the RTA with your ID. Once you have

your WWCC Number can you please give

it to Jo Coster for our Register. Thanks Also please remember we do need at least

8 parents help each week for swimming

club to run. Time Keepers are always

needed. Swimming Club can not run

without parent help.

Trundle MPS Happenings Community Health Nurse 2 days a


Ring 68921051 for further information.

Dietician visiting on Wednesday,

9th November

Women’s Health Nurse will be here on

Tuesday, 1st November.

For all appointments Please ring the

Trundle MPS on 68921051.

Page 13: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 13 Term 4 Week 3

Trundle Junior Cricket Registration Registrations are now open online to all players.

Go to www.playcricket and type in Trundle as

the town and it will come up with the junior

cricket and follow the steps. If you have any

questions please phone Libby on 68699237.

Trundle Junior Cricket At junior cricket on Saturday, Trundle hosted Condobolin

Colts. Trundle won the toss

and Captain Noah Byrnes

elected to bowl. Trundle

restricted a talented Colts team to 100 runs

with Riley Keen top scoring with 9 runs for

them. In reply, Trundle lost early wickets and

were unable to score the required runs, finishing

with 36 runs. Eric Fernando top scored with 4

runs. The points for the Trundle team went to Jake

Callow 3, Nicholas Taylor 2, and Eric Fernando

1 Please complete your registrations on line as

soon as possible at

Training Wednesday 5pm. Game Saturday 29

October 8:30am at Berryman Oval.

GARDEN COMPETITION Trundle P&A Society Inc wishes to advise that

this year's Garden Competition has been

cancelled due to extreme wet weather and


Please be advised that the Competition or

Garden Open Day will be held in

September/October next year (date to be

advised). So now is the time to start preparing

those beautiful gardens.

Further notice and reminders will be given later,

but if you require any information please

contact: Jennifer Jones, Garden Competition

Steward on 68699242 or

[email protected]

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Page 15: Trundle Central School Newsletter · (l-r) Emily Harper (8), Skye Wilson (7), Hannah Dunn (8), Ryan Taylor (8), ... free service to the community. In our budget meetings the school

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Page 15

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Page 16 Term 4 Week 3 Page 16 Term 4 Week 3 Page 16 Term 4 Week 3

In the market for timber, Then you need us!

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