Page 1: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,


CITY OF TRURO Roger Gazzard Town Clerk

Town Clerks Departme Municipal Buildings Boscawen Street Truro TR1 2NE Tel. (01872) 274766 Fax. (01872) 225572 email: [email protected]

July 2020 To: The Mayor (Councillor B Biscoe) The Deputy Mayor (Cllr J Allen) The Chairman and members of the PLANNING COMMITTEE Dear Councillor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE will be held Via ZOOM Virtual Meetings on THURSDAY 6 AUGUST 2020 at 7.00 pm for the transaction of the under mentioned business: - A G E N D A Members of the public have the right to speak at meetings of Truro City Council’s Planning/Committee during consideration of planning applications on Schedule 2 only, under the following conditions:

Registration to speak must be made in writing, complete with your full name and contact details, either via email to [email protected] or letter to the Municipal Buildings, no later than 5pm on the Tuesday before the Thursday meeting. One of the Planning Clerks will confirm your request as soon as possible. This confirmation does not constitute that you will be able to speak – should there be more than one person requesting to speak this will be decided amongst the speakers themselves at the meeting. If this cannot be agreed, then the first to register will be permitted to speak. Any other member of the public is welcome to come to the meeting to listen. Please be aware that Truro City Council is only a consultee and that Cornwall Council determines the outcome of all planning applications.

1. APOLOGIES 2. DISCLOSURE OR DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. PLANNING CONSULTATION To consider plans submitted in accordance with planning consultation procedure: -

(i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications.

Recommendation “en bloc”, except for individual applications a Councillor may request to consider in greater detail at this meeting. (Appendix 2) (iii) Schedule 2 – Applications to be considered at this meeting (Appendix 3)


Members to consider an application to the CIL fund to convert the pathway into a pavement. It is the uppermost east side of Tregolls Road and the only part which is not formal walkway. The pavement would cut out car journeys, and would mean people do not have to cross the road twice, as well as reducing pollution. Chairman to report.

Page 2: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,

5. CORNWALL COUNCIL CONSULTATION (i) Compulsory Purchase Order & Side Roads Order Public Consultation. (Appendix 5)

Members to consider St Austell to A30 Link Road. (ii) Stopping Up Application (Appendix 6)

Members to consider a Stopping Up Application of the unclassified road at the Truro Day Centre, Kemp close. Closing date for comments 23rd September 2020.


Chairman to provide information on any developments received since the last meeting. For information only – resolutions cannot be made under this item.


Thursday 3 September 2020. The agenda for the next Planning Committee to be held on 3 September 2020 will be prepared on Friday 28 August 2020. In accordance with Minute 302 (03.12.12), should a member wish an item to be included on this agenda please inform the Town Clerk’s office by Thursday 27 August as no items other than those on the agenda can be considered at the meeting.


Page 3: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,

Schedule 1A



SCHEDULE 1A – To Receive a Single Recommendation for the Entire Schedule at the Meeting. If Members of the Planning Committee wish for an application to be transferred to Schedule 2, please inform the Chairman and Clerk by Thursday 30th

July at 5pm for it to be included on the agenda. Please use material planning considerations only. If the recommendation already states “transfer to schedule 2” there is no need to comment further on this application until the meeting.

Application Details Proposal Ward Comments from Case Officers Recommendation from

Chairman/ Vice-Chairman & Councillors

(1) PA20/00963 Carrick House, Pydar Street Mr Phil Mason, Cornwall Council

Outline with all matters reserved for up to 320 dwellings, up to 400 student bed spaces, up to 21,000sqm of employment space including leisure, office, hotel, community, small retail, education/innovation and food and beverage units and associated works including Environmental Impact Assessment

Boscawen Matt Doble:

Schedule 2

(2) PA20/05016 Chyangove, Comprigney Hill Mr Dale

Works to trees subject to a tree preservation order - crown reduce 1no. Beech (T1); reduce 1no. branch of a Blue Atlas Cedar (T2); crown raise 1no. Copper Beech (T3)

Trehaverne Jacquie Byatt:

Approval recommended subject to the requirement of the CC Tree Officer

(3) PA20/05105 66 Highertown Mr G Rich

Outline planning application for demolition of house and construction of 6 dwellings with all matters reserved except access

Trehaverne Tim Marsh: It is an outline application with all matters except access reserved. The principle of redeveloping the site to a higher density is supported under CLP and NDP policies and therefore I am likely to support the application subject to any conditions as may be recommended by my colleagues.

Schedule 2

Page 4: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,

Schedule 1A


(4) PA20/02432 18-19 Tristan Road Anita Johnson, LiveWest Housing

Crown reduction to tree TRUO127, Fell TRUO128

Tregolls Janice Taylor:

Approval recommended subject to the agreement of the Tree Officer and to replacement with a nursery standard tree of a suitable species

(5) PA20/02132 Land rear of 43 Chirgwin Road Miss Angela Sheppard

Works to trees subject to a tree preservation order - Crown reduction of 3no. sycamore trees along hedge on St Clements Hill

Tregolls Camellia Bullingham: Refusal recommended

(6) PA20/05233 25 Tinney Drive Miss Harriet Parkin

Construction of a garage with loft room and enlargement of existing balcony with variation of condition 2 (approved plans) in respect of decision PA19/03408 dated 17.07.2019

Tregolls Janice Taylor: Approval recommended

(7) PA20/05330 Indy House, Lighterage Hill, Newham Mr Peter Masters

Felling of 10 Leylandii/conifer trees overhanging car park

Redannick Janice Taylor: Approval recommended subject to the requirements of the tree officer and to replanting with suitable species and a timeline as to when this is done.

(8) PA20/05192 Tredynas, 6 Barton Meadow, Kenwyn Dr & Mrs S Lavery

Proposed Balcony and WC Extension, Conversion of Garage to Study, External Cladding & Internal Alterations

Redannick Janice Taylor: Approval recommended

(9) PA20/04800 25 Chainwalk Drive, Kenwyn Mr and Mrs Hopper

Proposed internal alterations, replacement porch and rear ground floor extension inc roof lights

Trehaverne Sophie Rogers: Schedule 2

Page 5: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,

Schedule 1A


(10) PA20/05174 50 Carrine Road Mrs J Kaur and Mr H Sandhu

Proposed garage conversion to bedroom only

Trehaverne Camellia Bullingham: Approval recommended provided that there is still off-street parking available and subject to any sustainable objections from the neighbours.

(11) PA20/05167 Telephone Exchange, Calenick Street BT

Advertisement consent for 1no 'Halo' illuminated logo

Redannick Claire Broughton: Approval recommended

(12) PA20/05628 50 Tregolls Road Mr and Mrs Russell

Removal of roof and construction of new first floor level for bedrooms and replacement garage

Tregolls Claire Broughton: Schedule 2

(13) PA20/05789 7 Tremorvah Barton Mr Tim Wood

Application for works to tree subject to TPO: T1 Yew crown raise and prune

Boscawen Sophie Rogers: Approval recommended subject to the comments of the CC Tree Officer.

(14) PA20/05859 70 Highertown Mr Daniel Wallis, DW Architecture

Demolition of detached block lean-too and erection of a single storey extension

Trehaverne Janice Taylor: Schedule 2

(15) PA20/05415 Lemon Quay Car Park, Fairmantle Street Trade Sign Solutions Ltd Andy Harper Trade Sign Solutions Limited

Application for advertising consent for 1no non-illuminated single sided freestanding car park advisory sign

Boscawen Claire Broughton: Approval recommended

Page 6: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,

Schedule 1B



SCHEDULE 1B – APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE CONSERVATION AREA/LISTED BUILDING APPLICATIONS These applications have been seen by ward members/Planning Committee within the month and therefore have recommendations (far right column). However,

following recommendations from the Truro Conservation Area Advisory Committee, these applications may be revisited, upon request, at the Planning Committee meeting.

This schedule (minus any applications revisited at the meeting) will then receive a single ‘en-bloc’ recommendation as per Schedule 1A If Members of the Planning Committee wish for an application to be transferred to Schedule 2, please inform the Chairman and Clerk by Thursday 30th July at 5pm

for it to be included on the agenda. Please use material planning considerations only. If the recommendation already states “transfer to schedule 2” there is no need to comment further on this application until the meeting.

Application Details Proposal Ward Comments from Case Officers Recommendation from

Chairman/ Vice-Chairman & Councillors

(1)(a) PA20/04883 28 Lemon Street Mr Scott Whitfield (b) PA20/04884 28 Lemon Street Mr Scott Whitfield

Change of use of existing offices forming basement to Grade II listed building to a flat Listed Building Consent for the above

Boscawen Boscawen

Claire Broughton: Claire Broughton:

Approval recommended Approval recommended

(2)(a) PA20/04945 Little Newham, Newham Road Mr and Mrs Taylor Mc-Hale (b) PA20/04946 Little Newham, Newham Road Mr and Mrs Taylor Mc-Hale

Proposed two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling to provide annex accommodation attached to main dwelling, replacement garden room and other internal alterations. Listed Building Consent for the above

Redannick Redannick

Camellia Bullingham: Camellia Bullingham:

Schedule 2 Schedule 2

Page 7: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,

Schedule 1B


(3) PA20/05341 Trefusis, Agar Road Mr Tony Howes

Works to trees namely - T1 Sycamore fell to ground level - subject to a Tree Preservation Order(TPO)

Boscawen Janice Taylor: Schedule 2

(4) PA20/04639 9 John Street Mrs Esther Rundle

To remove existing red brick chimney and replace with like, to install damp proof course lead tray soakers and flashings and install a lead cap on the parapet wall

Boscawen Jacquie Byatt: Approval recommended subject to any requirements of Historic Environment and/or TCAAC

(5)(a) PA20/05163 15 Victoria Square Mr J Beeching (b) PA20/05164 15 Victoria Square Mr J Beeching

Proposed change of use of first and second floor to 4 bedsits with reinstatement of existing door at ground floor level Listed Building Consent for the above

Boscawen Boscawen

Jeremy Content: Jeremy Content:

Schedule 2 Schedule 2

(6) PA20/05707 19 Falmouth Road Judith Roy

Listed Building Consent for the Installation of a Superfast Broadband spur cable to link with main cable located beneath public pavement to the front of the property continuing underground to external basement store. A small hole will be required to be made in the end wall of the bin store to allow cable to run along the perimeter wall to bin store meter cupboard continuing through the existing plastic sleeve which runs through the front wall of the property (if existing sleeve not suitable an additional small hole will be required through the basement front wall)

Redannick Sophie Rogers: Approval recommended subject to no impact on the granite paving slabs outside the property.

Page 8: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,

Schedule 2


PLANNING APPLICATIONS – FOR THE MEETING OF 6 AUGUST 2020 SCHEDULE 2 – Applications to be considered at the Meeting.

Application Details Proposal Ward Comments from Case Officers Recommendation

from Chairman/ Vice-Chairman & Councillors

(1) PA20/00963 Carrick House, Pydar Street Mr Phil Mason, Cornwall Council

Outline with all matters reserved for up to 320 dwellings, up to 400 student bed spaces, up to 21,000sqm of employment space including leisure, office, hotel, community, small retail, education/innovation and food and beverage units and associated works including Environmental Impact Assessment

Boscawen Matt Doble: Refusal recommended

(2) PA20/04800 25 Chainwalk Drive, Kenwyn Mr and Mrs Hopper

Proposed internal alterations, replacement porch and rear ground floor extension inc roof lights

Trehaverne Sophie Rogers: Refusal recommended

(3)(a) PA20/04945 Little Newham, Newham Road Mr and Mrs Taylor Mc-Hale (b) PA20/04946 Little Newham, Newham Road Mr and Mrs Taylor Mc-Hale

Proposed two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling to provide annex accommodation attached to main dwelling, replacement garden room and other internal alterations. Listed Building Consent for the above

Redannick Redannick

Camellia Bullingham: Camellia Bullingham:

Conditional approval recommended Conditional approval recommended

Page 9: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,

Schedule 2


(4) PA20/05105 66 Highertown Mr G Rich

Outline planning application for demolition of house and construction of 6 dwellings with all matters reserved except access

Trehaverne Tim Marsh: It is an outline application with all matters except access reserved. The principle of redeveloping the site to a higher density is supported under CLP and NDP policies and therefore I am likely to support the application subject to any conditions as may be recommended by my colleagues.

Deferral recommended

(5) PA20/05163 15 Victoria Square Mr J Beeching (b) PA20/05164 15 Victoria Square Mr J Beeching

Proposed change of use of first and second floor to 4 bedsits with reinstatement of existing door at ground floor level Listed Building Consent for the above

Boscawen Boscawen

Jeremy Content: Jeremy Content:

Refusal recommended Refusal recommended

(6) PA20/05341 Trefusis, Agar Road Mr Tony Howes

Works to trees namely - T1 Sycamore fell to ground level - subject to a Tree Preservation Order(TPO)

Boscawen Janice Taylor: Refusal recommended

(7) PA20/05628 50 Tregolls Road Mr and Mrs Russell

Removal of roof and construction of new first floor level for bedrooms and replacement garage

Tregolls Claire Broughton: Approval recommended

(8) PA20/05859 70 Highertown Mr Daniel Wallis, DW Architecture

Demolition of detached block lean-too and erection of a single storey extension

Trehaverne Janice Taylor: Refusal recommended

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Page 11: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,

St Austell to A30 Link Road: Compulsory Purchase Order & Side Roads Order Public Consultation


Start : Jul 21, 2020 End : Jul 31, 2020

Results Published : Aug 1, 2020 Subject : Roads transport and parking

Consultation Reference Number : 1929 Scheme Reference Number :



Consultation Summary

Under the provisions of the Highways Act 1980, Cornwall Council has made: The Cornwall Council (St Austell to A30 Link Road) (Classified Road) (Side Roads) Order 2020 ("SRO"); and The Cornwall Council (St Austell to A30 Link Road) Compulsory Purchase Order 2020 ("CPO") (the SRO and the CPO together being the "Orders")

Background: Cornwall Council is about to submit the Orders to the Secretary of State for confirmation, and if confirmed: (a) the CPO will authorise Cornwall Council to purchase compulsorily the land and the new rights over the land described in the key documents listed below for the purposes of enabling the construction of 3.85 miles (6.2km) of new single carriageway with 4.3 miles (6.92km) of off-road cycle paths and bridleways and a further mile (1.61km) of new footpath in the County of Cornwall. It will be a vital strategic link to bring opportunities to the area including: improving economic growth by upgrading links to St Austell from the rest of the United Kingdom and making it easier to get to Cornwall's growing employment sites. (b) the SRO will enable Cornwall Council to improve, raise, lower, divert or otherwise alter highways, stop up highways, stop up private means of access and provide new private means of access to premises required as a consequence of the construction of the St Austell to A30 Link Road. All the relevant information and documents will be stored on the following webpage:

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Page 13: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,
Page 14: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,
Page 15: TRURO CITY COUNCIL · (i) Schedule 1A – Recommendation “en bloc” (Appendix 1) (ii) Schedule 1B - Conservation Area and Listed Building Applications. Recommendation “en bloc”,
