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TTTT hhhh eeee AAAA mmmm aaaa z z z z iiii n n n n g g g g CCCC oooo gggg nnnn aaaa tttt eeee PPPP oooo eeee mmmm ssss

b b b b yyyy

EEEE l l i s l l i s l l i s l l i s TTTT o u s s i e r o u s s i e r o u s s i e r o u s s i e r BBBB i g i o i g i o i g i o i g i o

TTTT hhhh e Ae Ae Ae A mmmm aaaa zzzz iiii nnnn g C og C og C og C o gggg nnnn aaaa tttt e Pe Pe Pe P oooo eeee t t t t

c o p y r i g h t c o p y r i g h t c o p y r i g h t c o p y r i g h t EEEE l l i s l l i s l l i s l l i s T T T To u s s i e r o u s s i e r o u s s i e r o u s s i e r BBBB i g i o, 1 9 8 7 i g i o, 1 9 8 7 i g i o, 1 9 8 7 i g i o, 1 9 8 7

This book may not be copied by any means without the author's permission.


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A Note to Teachers and Students: This is a very special book. Thereis not another book of cognate poems in the whole of literature, in anylanguage that I know of... and it is a great help to learn languages.

But it is not "free..." Please do not copy it and give it away to yourfriends, because then you take away my possibility to earn a living.

Instead, if you like this book, I invite you to earn a nice fatcommission by recommending it to your friends. Please give themmy e-mail address as follows: etoussier(at) Thanks!

And by the way... I would love it if you will let me know how you usedthis book. In fact, I will reward you with more tables, in Italian andPortuguese!

Thanks! - Ellis Joseph Toussier Bigio (the Amazing Cognate Poet)


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Table of Contents: Table of Contents: Table of Contents: Table of Contents:

1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . T T T T h e h e h e h e LLLL a n g u a g e a n g u a g e a n g u a g e a n g u a g e RRRR e v o l u t i o n e v o l u t i o n e v o l u t i o n e v o l u t i o n

2. 2. 2. 2. AAAA CCCC o g n a t e o g n a t e o g n a t e o g n a t e FFFF a n á t i c o a n á t i c o a n á t i c o a n á t i c o

3. 3. 3. 3. SSSS p a n i s h p a n i s h p a n i s h p a n i s h IIII n n n n AAAA n n n n IIII n s t a n t e n s t a n t e n s t a n t e n s t a n t e

Special Bonus Section:Special Bonus Section:Special Bonus Section:Special Bonus Section:


The 20 Charts fromThe 20 Charts fromThe 20 Charts fromThe 20 Charts from

TTTT oooo uuuu ssss ssss iiii eeee rrrr '''' s s s s CCCC oooo gggg nnnn aaaa tttt e e e e WWWW oooo rrrr dddd ssssversion 1.1

3 poems

20 charts in Spanish- English, English - French

affiliate links: 0

Why English is Hard to LearnWhy English is Hard to LearnWhy English is Hard to LearnWhy English is Hard to Learn

Mayhem In Ce Klasrum... or... National Easy Language WeekMayhem In Ce Klasrum... or... National Easy Language WeekMayhem In Ce Klasrum... or... National Easy Language WeekMayhem In Ce Klasrum... or... National Easy Language Week


Resources for Language TeachersResources for Language TeachersResources for Language TeachersResources for Language Teachers

Resources for Language StudentsResources for Language StudentsResources for Language StudentsResources for Language Students


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T T T T h e h e h e h e L L L L a n g u a g e a n g u a g e a n g u a g e a n g u a g e R R R R e v o l u t i o ne v o l u t i o ne v o l u t i o ne v o l u t i o n

b b b b yyyy

EEEE l l i s l l i s l l i s l l i s T T T T o u s s i e r B i g i oo u s s i e r B i g i oo u s s i e r B i g i oo u s s i e r B i g i o

I'm not good as profetaSo I'll try it as poeta

Write about it in gacetaI announce it with trompeta.

"Toussier's Cognate Words" is here!

Now you start on new proyectoGet a dose of intelectoYou'll speak Spanish soon correcto(Or some other dialecto.)

For this method necesarioStudy short vocabulario

It might help increase salarioYou'll be linguist honorario


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Say it slow, with claridadYou'll be glad eternidadWhen you speak with variedadGives you more seguridad

You see, you know it, the definiciónYou know the root, by cognición

Now learn the ending by repeticiónSoon you'll speak by intuición!

It's really not so complicadoAll these words that I've aisladoThe best, the easiest, the most apropiadoIt's really not exagerado:Spanish words ilimitado


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This new method atractivoSomething new educativo

Results are in, they're conclusivoYou'll learn fast, I'm positivo

You don't believe? It's just promotion?Can't be so fast, such locomotion?But you see, I'm a magic marciano...Puf ! You're reading Italiano !

(read cognate in Italian)Another language! It's incredíbile!

( in cre DEE bee le )This is really impossíbile!

For the teacher the soluzione( so lu TZION ne )

A Second Language Revoluzione!

You want to start, you're impacienteThat's very good, it's excelente!But you've already started, it's evidenteThis was your first lesson equivalente!

© copyright 1987, Ellis Toussier-Ades Bigio-Antebi


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AAAA CCCC oooo gggg nnnn aaaa tttt e e e e FFFF aaaa nnnn áááá tttt iiii cccc o o o o bybybyby

EEEE l l i s l l i s l l i s l l i s J. J. J. J. TTTT o u s s i e r o u s s i e r o u s s i e r o u s s i e r BBBB i g i o i g i o i g i o i g i o

To speak Spanish and English is of great importanciaIt is something you need in any circunstancia.

I've a method that shows there's a great abundanciaSpanish words that you know each and every instancia.

It's a tool, it's a supplement, it's a new accesorioFor the student and teacher it is obligatorio."Toussier's Cognate Words" - like a word directorioGreat for students of languages, levelintroductorio


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For my book, as an exercise which is muy creativoI've a way to teach endings that is recreativo

Best of all, it is good, it is quite positivoIt gets right to the point, to the class objetivo

I just sit and I write, I forget my dietaand before I know how, I become a poeta.First I flip, then I flop, then I double piruetaI write poems galore, I'm a poet atleta!

I go into a trance, it's a type of hipnosisThen the words just come out, like a super osmosis.

It's just crazy, I know, it's a poet psicosisWhat a change this has been, such a


It is great, it is cool, it is really gloriosoI just cannot believe I am so ingenioso !Best of all, it is fun, it's a feeling curiosoIt's a game that I do, not at all laborioso.


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How much can I teach with this method gimnástico?It's never been tried in the world escolástico.

A heck of a lot, I am quite optimístico.They'll love it for sure in the classroom linguístico.

The words that I've chosen are very didácticoIt's a way to learn Spanish that is quite automático.Some say I'm a genius, some say I'm lunáticoBut they're wrong, I'm only A Cognate Fanático!

© copyright 1987 Ellis Toussier Bigio


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SSSS p a n i s h p a n i s h p a n i s h p a n i s h iiii n n n n aaaa n n n n I I I I n s t a n t e n s t a n t e n s t a n t e n s t a n t e

b b b b yyyy

EEEE l l i sl l i sl l i sl l i s T T T T o u s s i e ro u s s i e ro u s s i e ro u s s i e r BBBB i g i oi g i oi g i oi g i o

Oscar was worried, his mood was just trágicoFor Madrid he was going, on a trip transoceánico

He had items to sell, objects electrónicoBut he couldn't speak Spanish, it could be catastrófico.

A friend saw him sad, got this idea brillante"Don't worry," he said, "It's a fact importante

If you speak English slowly, at a rhythm constanteThat's exactly like Spanish, Spanish In An Instante."

"That's not bad" he decided "I'm much obligadoI'll speak Spanish indeed, I'll be comunicado"So he went to Madrid, his concern controlado

He'd speak Spanish now, he was not preocupado.

When he got there he thought "I am muy eficienteI'll ask that gentleman there if he'll be my cliente"So he stepped up and said, in a voice inocente

"Good... morning... to you..., I'm a... foreign... agente."


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"Good... morning... to you... sir," answered the London nativo."You... just... got here... today, I am... muy perceptivo.You... speak Spanish... like me, slowly... but... efectivo.Sit... and... practice... with me..., 'till... it's... superlativo."

Then they sat and they chatted, it was really curioso:These two gentlemen speaking "Spanish" muy estudiosos.

At the end of the day Oscar felt simply suntuoso"Not a doubt in my mind: I'm a Spanish virtuoso!"

"My... gosh..." thought Oscar "In all sinceridadI learned... Spanish with... such... velocidad

I think... that I... could teach... with great... facilidad.I know... a way... to teach... with great... simplicidad."

"I can dazzle the world, I can make an impacto

I'll make it a course, make it short and compactoIt will be very simple, not hard or abstracto

I'll teach Spanish right, and I'll teach it exacto."

"With the English they know, I'll teach it perfectoMoney back guaranteed, each and every aspecto

They'll learn quick, they'll learn right, they'll learn Spanish correctoTo speak English slow is the way predilecto!"


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So he found himself a student, a fellow quite estúpido.But Oscar had convinced him, his problem was: he's tímido.It's very good, this method new, not stuffy and too rígido.

He sat him down and taught him quick: Oscar's Spanish Híbrido.

"I've arrived," he thought. "It's the time to grow. I'm a world famous linguista.I'll put some schools, put them by the rules, of the world capitalista.

I'll grow and grow, I want to show I'm a Spanish 'specialista.If they cannot see it's the method best, then they need an oculista."

One day there came a man to school, from the White House Residencia.

He saw the school, he liked it too, he approved it's eficiencia."We need your help, please come to teach, down at the Presidencia

My Boss must speak in Spain next week, this is an emergencia."

So Oscar went to teach this man, the feeling was urgenteYou see, the man he had to teach was Mr. Presidente.

To Spanish teach in just one week to a man so prominenteThe Acid Test this was for sure, it would set a precedente.

So Oscar taught with extra care, he taught with precisión."You must speak slow, your English slow, do not cause confusión.

Remember they are Spaniards, Sir, they need comprehensión.When you give your speech in Spanish, Sir, you'll accomplish your misión."


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So off he flew, the President, to the Spanish ParlamentoThe meeting of two Governments, a very great evento

He studied well the speech he'd give, re-read the documentoHe felt prepared when there it was: the truly big momento!

They listened hard and listened well, a grand speech espectáculoAnd no one stirred, and no one moved, a teensy weensy músculoBut no one knew of what he spoke, his language an obstáculo

For Spanish-Not it surely was, to think else was ridículo.

Well, speeches come and speeches go, some good, and some horroresAnd plenty speeches they had heard, all types of oradoresBut this speech merely went away (those poor legisladores)

Went in ear one, and out ear two, of Spanish Senadores.

But one thing that there is in Spain is Spanish cortesía:His finished speech, the President, they clapped with energía

They clapped him high and clapped him low, they clapped with melodia.They clapped so much it sounded like a clapping sinfonía.

So clap clap clap, and clap clap clapAnd clap clap clap aplauso

And clap clap clap, and clap clapclap

And clap clap clap profuso.


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The President was pleased to hear those mittens clap furioso."My Spanish must have been quite good, I was a bit nervioso.That Oscar's great, he's really neat, I hope he's ambicioso.

When I get back I'll see to it that Oscar is famoso."

The President returned to find a sorry situation:The Minister of Ed resigned, no previous indication.

But Oscar fit his plans, you see, the best in all the nationSo Oscar was from that day forth, the Head of Education.

The President instructions gave to Señor Literario."The King of Spain is coming here, his country's misionario.He'll give his speech in Spanish, and it's very necesario

Our Congressmen should understand it all, his every comentario."

"Relax, dear Sir, to teach them fast, for me is no misterio.If I should fail this task for you, I'd wish the cementerio.

I'll start right now, I'll give today lessons introductorio.Tommorrow night I'll be for sure in advanced territorio."

So Oscar set himself to teach the Congress quick cultura.He taught them fast his version of a tongue in two lecturas.

But something wrong there surely was, we must be realista.A tragedy was soon to fall on our protagonista.

For Oscar knew their need to know, he knew its importancia...But he didn't know that Spanish was his major ignorancia!


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A day before the King arrived, a student came furioso"My money back I want right now, my Spanish's defectuoso.I went to Mexico last week, and something muy curioso

I couldn't understand them,

they couldn't understand me, my Spanish nebuloso!"

"That cannot be, my friend, there's something here erroneo.Perhaps your English fast you spoke, you spoke it too ambiguo..."

"My English Fast! My English Slow! Why, Sir, that is ridículo!They're separate tongues! You made me think they nearly are sinónimo!

To think that English slow is Spanish... well, that's simply incorrecto.For a while I thought that Spanish is an English dialecto!"

Well, Oscar listened to this man, his terrible hipótesisHe couldn't move, his body stiff, his brain was in parálisis"Can this be true? It can't be true! Mistaken diagnosis!If it is true then it will cause a governmental crisis."

Well, he called for help, called for outside help,and he asked them to clarificar:

"Is my method good, or does it just come close,is there something to modificar?"

But the truth was sad, at last he understood,he had the whole thing to rectificar.

He felt he must resign, tommorrow his disgrace,he prepared the President to notificar.


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The sun shone bright, the King arrived, the circumstance pomposo

The city decked in finery, the air ceremoniosoBut Oscar could not bear to go, his feeling desastroso

He called in sick, a stomach ache, he said muy doloroso.(He needed now a stroke of luck, or something milagroso.)

The Congressmen were feeling good, they all felt muy contentos.The King he was a speaker great, he had mucho talento.

He spoke in Spanish this and that, he spoke with sentimiento.His Spanish speech, they all agreed, a beautiful acento.

The Congressmen were quite impressed, the King apasionadoThey liked the way he spoke his words, his manner relajado

They wished his speech would longer be, a bit more prolongadoAnd when at last his speech was done, they all were encantado.

But Oscar sat at home and wrote his final comunicación.That he had failed them all was his biggest preocupación"Since I have failed my President, to resign is my obligación

I'm sorry, Sir, just make it fast, please spare me the humillación."

The President and Congressmen were asking "Where is Oscar?He is the master of this feat, no teacher like him similar.

For him to Spanish teach in just two days was something espectacular.If he's not here please send for him, our gratitude to aceptar."


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"Please come and see the President, please inmediatamente!"

"Well, this is it, the time has come, I know perfectamenteHe wants me to resign right now, he knows now finalmente

My method to teach Spanish quick was wrong completamente."

So Oscar went to see the President, he felt in agoníaBut he was received like a friend, the best categoría

"Oscar my friend! How do you feel? You have my garantía:We all missed you.

How's your stomach ache?" asked The Boss with simpatía.

"I'm sorry you missed the King's speech," he said with cortesía"I saved a copy here for you. Please read it, in Spanish poesía."


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The King's Royal Octave and Sonnet

Honorable Presidente, Honorable Congreso, Honorables Ministros:

Problemas económicos: miseria humana intolerableImposible: marcadas diferencias económicas simultáneas

Consecuencia: emergencia formidableSoluciones instantáneas: resultados momentáneosInmediatamente adoptaremos fórmulas aceptables

Necesario reformas sociales continuasExperiencia: decadencia igual violenciaEvidencia: ciencia igual abundancia.

Modelos eficientes: Solución humana, reformar defectos sociales.

Condiciones diferentes:Contemplamos prioridades:

1) comenzar incentivos fiscalesDecisiones inteligentes:

2) Crear condiciones atractivas especiales.Demandamos resultados excelentes:

3) Eliminar horribles estructuras coloniales.

Consideramos necesario transferencia tecnológica Eliminar métodos unilaterales, instalar diálogo

Necesitamos Alianza Universal Científica.

Necesitamos crear estructúras fluídas,comunicación académica

Estimular creatividad, terminar monólogosFinalmente, necesitamos proclamar comunidad universal científica !


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Oscar is saved! The Congressmen understood theKing's speech because it is all cognate words!

Oscar now realizes his mistakes and he has time torewrite his teaching method so that he really

teaches Spanish quickly but correctly, (of coursewith Toussier's Cognate Words as part of his revised


One day, in Rome, Oscar bumped into his friendwho had told him that if you speak English slowly, it

is exactly like Spanish...

But that story will have to wait to be told in theItalian-English edition of "Toussier's Cognate


And so...

They all lived happily ever after !

Y Colorín Colora'o...

Este Cuento Se Ha Acaba'o!

copyright 1987: Ellis Toussier Bigio (The Amazing Cognate Poet)


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From: Professor Sebastian ShaumyanProfessor of LinguisticsYale University

Hi Ellis,

How marvelous are your poems! You have discovered anew and efficient way to teach languages. It is aninteresting experiment in teaching languages. As a linguist,I am interested in it very much.

And if you are interested in linguistic theory, I will send youmy new book "Semiotic Linguistics: Language in itsRelation to Thought and Reality". The book is in press andwill appear next year.

With admiration,

Best regards,

Sebastian Shaumyan Professor of Linguistics, Yale University


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From: The University of Oklahoma

July 28, 1997 Ellis ToussierVazquez de Mella 429-5Colonia Los MoralesMexico City, D. F. 11510Mexico

Dear Mr. Toussier:

Thank you so much for telling us how we may obtain yourbook, Toussier's Cognate Words, and for sending us TheMost Amazing Cognate Poem, Spanish In An Instante!We've had so much fun reading your poems aloud to eachother.

I am a language consultant in the Foreign LanguageCenter, one of the academic centers in the AthleticDepartment of the University of Oklahoma. Our centerprovides cassette players for the listening activitiesrequired by the classroom instructors as well as varioussupport programs on the computers, video tapes andUnivision TV. We also provide personal assistance inunderstanding concepts that aren't clear to the students. Ifocus primarily on Spanish, secondarily on French. Thereare other consultants available for all the other languagesoffered by the University.

I discovered your Fantastic Cognate Poems while surfingthe Net (Infoseek) in search of some interesting Spanishlanguage teaching aids. I also teach English as a ForeignLanguage so your poems and the links are helpful for that,too.

Best wishes to you - - and please continue to write thesefantastic, delightful poems and anything else that will helppeople to have fun learning the "Latin" languages.



Norma LeeP. O. Box 2904Norman, OK 73030-2904


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From: Patty Davis Associate Professor of Spanish at Darton College

The University System of Georgia, Albany, Georgia.

To: [email protected], [email protected]: [email protected]: The Amazing Cognate PoemsDate: Sat, 22 May 1999

Dear Sir:

I have been charged by The University System of Georgiawith designing the first elementary Spanish course(SPAN1001) as a web course. I would like to requestpermission to include "The Amazing Cognate Poems" in thecourse. I will, of course, respect all directives you stipulatein doing so. If you grant permission, please respond inwriting to the address below and send me an emailconfirmation.

Thank you for your consideration. I think the poems are adelightful resource, and I would also like to read "Spanish inan Instante"


Patty DavisAssociate Professor of SpanishDarton CollegeAlbany, GA [email protected](912)430-6876


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From Cheri Pidala

From: "Cheri Pidala" <[email protected]>To: Ellis Toussier <[email protected]>Subject: Cognate poemDate: Tue, 19 Jun 2007


I LOVE your poem!! I found it while "googling" "cognates" for my Italian classassignment. I'd like to share it with my fellow Italian students if that's ok. Inaddition to learning the cognates, perhaps we will translate the entire poem intoItalian!!

I'm a teacher, a student, and a student involved with language in many ways.

I teach elementary and middle school grades - remedial reading and math. I amalso a student... studying Italian. And... this is the best part!! I will be studying inRome this summer, taking a CELTA class in Teaching English as a ForeignLanguage.

Thanks in advance for the use of your poem! Grazie mille!


Cheri Pidala


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Special Bonus

Toussier's Cognate WordsToussier's Cognate WordsToussier's Cognate WordsToussier's Cognate Words

The 20 ChartsThe 20 ChartsThe 20 ChartsThe 20 Charts


Ellis Toussier Bigio

A cognate word is a word in two or more languages that

is derived from the same root. There are thousands of

words with Latin roots in English that are cognate with

words in Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese. These

are words that can be learned almost immediately in a

second language because the student already knows the

root in his own language. It is unnecessary to waste

time and effort studying the definitions of words which

are cognate because the average student already knows

them in his own language. The only part of the word that

is new to him is the ending, or suffix.

It is sometimes said that a person has an "ability" to

learn languages. That statement is only partly true.

Nobody that speaks say, Chinese and Russian, has any

special ability to learn English or French or Spanish or

Italian or Portuguese. On the other hand, persons that

speak English and Spanish can definitely learn French,

Italian, and Portuguese more easily... These people can

pair words in both languages in their mind, thus

unknowingly they identify more than 7000 cognate words in

all five languages which they are then able to learn more


"Toussier's Cognate Words" attempts to give students who

speak English or Spanish this special ability to learn a

huge vocabulary. It gives students who speak English or

Spanish rules to identify large GROUPS of words with the

same ending, and then it shows how to translate the group

to the foreign language with a typical ending. Of course,

the same groups of words exist for French, Italian, and

Portuguese. In theory, students could study less than 50

words and be able to generalize to use about 3400 nouns

and adjectives, 800 adverbs, and 450 verbs correctly!


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The list of 600 cognate words in "Toussier's Cognate

Words" was specifically selected from a list of more than

7000 similar words. They were chosen because of their

value as a tool for learning a foreign vocabulary.

First, they are all cognate in English, Spanish, French,

Italian, and Portuguese. Second, they all are good

examples of the endings which they illustrate. And

third... These are the 20 endings that are used most

frequently in their respective languages (I counted

them...) thus these are the 20 endings most worth


The important question is: "Does it work?" The answer

is a qualified "Yes, it works, but with about 15%

exceptions..." First, the most frequently used words

with these endings are cognate, but not all words that

have the endings studied are cognate.

For example, from Spanish to English:

herman dad / brother hood

lavat iva / lavat ive (???)

In the second place, sometimes a specific word

translates using an atypical ending in the other


mantenimi ento/ maintain ance

asist encia / assist ance

And thirdly, most words, but not all, keep the same

definition when thus translated to a second language.

But for every rule that is mistaken, there are five

examples that are right! Try, for example, to think of a

word in English that ends in "...ify" that does not exist

in Spanish and does not end in "...ificar..." Or try to

think of a word in English that ends in "...ture" that

does not exist in Spanish and ends in "...tura"

It is difficult, isn't it? It is easier to find

exceptions from Spanish to English than from English to

Spanish. No rule is 100% perfect, but some approach that

figure. The student will make mistakes sometimes, but he

will be understood most of the time!

"Toussier's Cognate Words" is a systematic study of

rules, with examples and exercises, that students might

otherwise learn in months... or never... These rules are

worth studying at the very beginning of a second language

course, because they quickly show the student how to use

a huge vocabulary in the foreign language that he already

knows in his own language.


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The study of "Toussier's Cognate Words" as part of a

language course supplements all the traditional tools for

learning. It will immediately improve the ability to

read and write, and it will immediately improve the

ability to speak and understand. It will give the

student a new power to express himself in a second

language. This in turn will result in a more self-

confident student!

"Toussier's Cognate Words" is not a complete language

course. It is only a useful tool for the student to help

increase his vocabulary quickly. It has no phonetic or

other aid to pronunciation. It is assumed that the

student already knows the definitions, so they are not

defined here at all. Words are purposely not listed in

alphabetical order because these are examples, and there

is no reason to look up any word in particular.

Of course, many other words and grammar rules must be

learned before the student speaks the second language.

There are rules and 30 examples for every group of

words. The roots at the bottom of each group can be

completed as an exercise. The rules and text in one

language are not the same as the rules and text in the

second language. The student should read them in his own


I sincerely hope that "Toussier's Cognate Words" will be

found to be a useful supplement in second language and

linguistic courses... Because of the great care with

which the words were chosen, the rules learned will

result in an increased ability to learn another language,

perhaps, someday.

I also hope that it will give the student an increased

desire to learn another language.

The 20 Charts shown here are the meat of Toussier's

Cognate Words.

Ellis Toussier Bigio

(The Amazing Cognate Poet)

P.S. : "For my book, as an exercise, which is muy

creativo..." I branded my name forever into the list of

words in Chart 1.

From "penetration" to "creation" the 7th letter from the

last spells out "T-o-u-s-s-i-e-r".


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1 800 MEDICA ción tion

INVA sión sion

2 350 POLIT ica ics

LOG ico ical

3 300 VAC ante ant

DEC ente ent

4 250 ANIM al al

5 200 FORMAL idad ity

6 200 COMPOS (it)or (--)er

INTERI or or

7 200 FASC ista ist

PACIF ismo ism

8 200 TRAGED ia y

9 200 FORMID able able

TERR ible ible

10 150 ELEG ancia ance

EVID encia ence

11 150 EVAS ivo ive

12 150 DESOL ado ate

13 150 MELODI oso ous


14 150 ORDIN ario ary

ADULT erio ery

TERRIT orio ory

15 50 CARICA tura ture

16 50 CLANDEST ino ine

17 800 LEGAL mente ly

18 300 CONSOLID ar ate

19 100 VOCAL izar ize

20 50 PAC ificar ify


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 1: 800 words


comunica ción

educa ción

imagina ción

reputa ción

civiliza ción

organiza ción

peneTra ción

decOra ción

acumUla ción

manifeSta ción

legiSla ción

consolIda ción

agrEga ción

cRea ción

aten ción

solu ción

revolu ción

combina ción

conjuga ción

termina ción

eva sión

inva sión

deci sión

televi sión

expan sión

ten sión

explo sión

confe sión

admi sión

discu sión

communica tion

educa tion

imagina tion

reputa tion

civiliza tion

organiza tion

peneTra tion

decOra tion

accumUla tion

manifeSta tion

legiSla tion

consolIda tion

aggrEga tion

cRea tion

atten tion

solu tion

revolu tion

combina tion

conjuga tion

termina tion

eva sion

inva sion

deci sion

televi sion

expan sion

ten sion

explo sion

confes sion

admis sion

discus sion


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 2: 300 words


electrón ica

matemát ica

fonét ica

polít ica

logíst ica

lóg ica

repúbl ica

clín ica

mús ica

aritmética ica

periód ico

específ ico

científ ico

psicológ ico

públ ico

metál ico

mecán ico

electrón ico

magnét ico

plást ico

lóg ico

mít ico

típ ico

satír ico

fís ico

práct ico

crít ico

polít ico

idént ico

náut ico

electron ics

mathemat ics

phonet ics

polit ics

logist ics

log ic

republ ic

clin ic

mus ic

arithmet ic

period ic

specif ic

scientif ic

psycholog ic

publ ic

metall ic

mechan ic

electron ic

magnet ic

plast ic

log ical

myth ical

typ ical

satir ical

phys ical

pract ical

crit ical

polit ical

ident ical

naut ical

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 3: 250 words


signific ante

abund ante

inf ante

eleg ante

radi ante

brill ante

estimul ante

particip ante

toler ante

inmigr ante

restaur ante

exorbit ante

result ante

dist ante

inst ante

dec ente

accid ente

evid ente

cli ente

paci ente

ac ento

tal ento

elem ento

experim ento

sentimi ento

mom ento

docum ento

argum ento

monum ento

instrum ento

signific ant

abund ant

inf ant

eleg ant

radi ant

brilli ant

stimul ant

particip ant

toler ant

immigr ant

restaur ant

exorbit ant

result ant

dist ant

inst ant

dec ent

accid ent

evid ent

cli ent

pati ent

acc ent

tal ent

elem ent

experim ent

sentim ent

mom ent

docum ent

argum ent

monum ent

instrum ent

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 4: 250 words


radic al

music al

ide al

soci al

anim al

norm al

margin al

termin al

liber al

flor al

rur al

digit al

capit al

orient al

instrument al

monument al

sentiment al

horizont al

tot al

post al

ofici al

confidenci al

profesion al

excepcion al

sensacion al

plur al

univers al

individu al

actu al

intelectu al

radic al

music al

ide al

soci al

anim al

norm al

margin al

termin al

liber al

flor al

rur al

digit al

capit al

orient al

instrument al

monument al

sentiment al

horizont al

tot al

post al

offici al

confidenci al

profession al

exception al

sensation al

plur al

univers al

individu al

actu al

intellectu al

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 5: 200 words


dificul tad

especial idad

soc iedad

var iedad

public idad

veloc idad

formal idad

original idad

moral idad

hospital idad

credibil idad

flexibil idad

probabil idad

hostil idad

proxim idad

human idad

infin idad

matern idad

popular idad

regular idad

sincer idad

autor idad

superior idad

dens idad

intens idad

curios idad

univers idad

ident idad

exclusiv idad

activ idad

difficul ty

special ty

soc iety

var iety

public ity

veloc ity

formal ity

original ity

moral ity

hospital ity

credibil ity

flexibil ity

probabil ity

hostil ity

proxim ity

human ity

infin ity

matern ity

popular ity

regular ity

sincer ity

author ity

superior ity

dens ity

intens ity

curios ity

univers ity

ident ity

exclusiv ity

activ ity


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 6: 200 words


amplific ador

falsific ador

rectific ador

control ador

transform ador

vaporiz ador

admir ador

explor ador

condens ador

cont ador

export ador

import ador

observ ador

totaliz ador

consum idor

indic ador

investiga ador

ventil ador

simul ador

altern ador

gener ador

refriger ador

fac tor

inspec tor

mo tor

vig or

hum or

vap or

confes or

agres or

amplifi er

falsifi er

rectifi er

control er

transform er

vaporiz er

admir er

explor er

condens er

count er

export er

import er

observ er

totaliz er

consum er

indic ator

investiga ator

ventil ator

simul ator

altern ator

genera ator

refrigera ator

fac tor

inspec tor

mo tor

vig or

hum or

vap or

confess or

aggress or

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 7: 200 words


fasc ista

real ista

material ista

especial ista

natural ista

extrem ista

optim ista

alarm ista

violin ista

oportun ista

terror ista

dent ista

art ista

lingü ista

marx ista

vandal ismo

real ismo

social ismo

liberal ismo

individual ismo

alcohol ismo

optim ismo

mecan ismo

comun ismo

hero ismo

terror ismo

favorit ismo

hipnot ismo

colectiv ismo

marx ismo

fasc ist

real ist

materal ist

special ist

natural ist

extrem ist

optim ist

alarm ist

violin ist

opportun ist

terror ist

dent ist

art ist

lingu ist

marx ist

vandal ism

real ism

social ism

liberal ism

individual ism

alcohol ism

optim ism

mecan ism

commun ism

hero ism

terror ism

favorit ism

hypnot ism

collectiv ism

marx ism


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 8: 200 words


farmac ia

democrac ia

traged ia

comed ia

bigam ia

academ ia

colon ia

ceremon ia

terap ia

industr ia

supremac ía

filosof ía

melancol ía

anatom ía

armon ía

bater ía

categor ía

geometr ía

fantas ía

cortes ía

ec ología

ginec ología

ge ología

bi ología

tecn ología

bio grafía

coreo grafía

geo grafía

oceano grafía

foto grafía

pharmac y

democrac y

traged y

comed y

bigam y

academ y

colon y

ceremon y

therap y

industr y

supremac y

philosoph y

melanchol y

anatom y

harmon y

batter y

categor y

geometr y

fantas y

courtes y

ec ology

gynec ology

ge ology

bi ology

techn ology

bio graphy

coreo graphy

geo graphy

oceano graphy

photo graphy

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 9: 200 words


aplic able

recomend able

negoci able

compar able

miser able

vulner able

ador able

respet able

irrit able

present able

acept able

adapt able

confort able

detest able

est able

agrad able

consider able

deplor able

favor able

honor able

leg ible

tang ible

horr ible

terr ible

invis ible

admis ible

pos ible

compat ible

combust ible

flex ible

applic able

recommend able

negoti able

compar able

miser able

vulner able

ador able

respect able

irrit able

present able

accept able

adapt able

comfort able

detest able

st able

agree able

consider able

deplor able

favor able

honor able

leg ible

tang ible

horr ible

terr ible

invis ible

admiss ible

poss ible

compat ible

combust ible

flex ible


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 10: 150 words


abund ancia

eleg ancia

arrog ancia

vigil ancia

ambul ancia

toler ancia

frag ancia

ignor ancia

import ancia

dist ancia

inst ancia

subst ancia

perserver ancia

ali anza

fin anza

inoc encia

adolesc encia

evid encia

intelig encia

ci encia

paci encia

excel encia

prefer encia

influ encia

difer encia

pres encia

sent encia

emerg encia

efici encia

frecu encia

abund ance

eleg ance

arrog ance

vigil ance

ambul ance

toler ance

fragr ance

ignor ance

import ance

dist ance

inst ance

subst ance

persever ance

ali ance

fin ance

innoc ence

adolesc ence

evid ence

intellig ence

sci ence

pati ence

excell ence

prefer ence

influ ence

differ ence

pres ence

sent ence

emerg ency

effici ency

frequ ency

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 11: 150 words


persuas ivo

decis ivo

comprens ivo

intens ivo

explos ivo

agres ivo

poses ivo

conclus ivo

indicat ivo

negat ivo

afirmat ivo

administrat ivo

cooperat ivo

decorat ivo

ilustrat ivo

act ivo

atract ivo

adjet ivo

objet ivo

construct ivo

destruct ivo

product ivo

fugit ivo

primit ivo

definit ivo

repetit ivo

prevent ivo

descript ivo

digest ivo

ejecut ivo

persuas ive

decis ive

comprehens ive

intens ive

explos ive

aggress ive

possess ive

conclus ive

indicat ive

negat ive

affirmat ive

administrat ive

cooperat ive

decorat ive

illustrat ive

act ive

attract ive

adject ive

object ive

construct ive

destruct ive

product ive

fugit ive

primit ive

definit ive

repetit ive

prevent ive

descript ive

digest ive

execut ive

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 12: 150 words


comunic ado

complic ado

asoci ado

afili ado

abrevi ado

aisl ado

simul ado

ilumin ado

emancip ado

adulter ado

exager ado

moder ado

concentr ado

frustr ado

satur ado

laure ado

apropi ado

obstin ado

desafortun ado

vertebr ado

consider ado

degener ado

priv ado

certific ado

delic ado

consul ado

sen ado

cogn ado

doctor ado

adecu ado

communica ated

complic ated

associ ated

affili ated

abbrevi ated

isol ated

simul ated

illumin ated

emmancip ated

adulter ated

exagger ated

moder ated

concentr ated

frustr ated

satur ated

laure ate

appropri ate

obstin ate

unfortun ate

vertebr ate

consider ate

degener ate

priv ate

certific ate

delic ate

consul ate

sen ate

cogn ate

doctor ate

adequ ate

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 13: 150 words


delici oso

estudi oso

religi oso

misteri oso

victori oso

furi oso

ambici oso

ansi oso

maravill oso

fibr oso

desastr oso

rigur oso

por oso

virtu oso

nervi oso

instantáne o

misceláne o

simultáne o

homogéne o

análog o

crédul o

autónom o

sinónim o

monóton o

prósper o

sonor o

carnívor o

ambígu o

ingénu o

contínu o

delici ous

studi ous

religio ous

mysteri ous

victori ous

furi ous

ambiti ous

anxi ous

marvell ous

fibr ous

desastr ous

rigur ous

por ous

virtu ous

nerv ous

instantane ous

miscellane ous

simultane ous

homogene ous

analog ous

credul ous

autonom ous

synonym ous

monoton ous

prosper ous

sonor ous

carnivor ous

ambigu ous

ingenu ous

continu ous


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 14: 150 words


secund ario

benefici ario

ordin ario

imagin ario

vision ario

honor ario

contr ario

anivers ario

neces ario

heredit ario

sanit ario

volunt ario

nucle ar

popul ar

simil ar

mis eria

art eria

adult erio

cement erio

atmósf era

interrogat orio

laborat orio

preparat orio

conservat orio

observat orio

direct orio

contradict orio

vict oria

introduct orio

territ orio

second ary

benefici ary

ordin ary

imagin ary

vision ary

honor ary

contr ary

annivers ary

necess ary

heredit ary

sanit ary

volunt ary

nucle ar

popul ar

simil ar

mis ery

art ery

adult ery

cemet ery

atmosph ere

interrogat ory

laborat ory

preparat ory

conservat ory

observat ory

direct ory

contradict ory

vict ory

introduct ory

territ ory


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 15: 50 words


carica tura

cria tura

minia tura

legisla tura

muscula tura

litera tura

tempera tura

esta tura

frac tura

manufac tura

arquitec tura

conje tura

lec tura

acupunc tura

tin tura

estruc tura

primogeni tura

agricul tura

cul tura

sepul tura

aven tura

escri tura

escul tura

rup tura

aber tura

ober tura

tor tura

pos tura

su tura

tex tura

carica ture

crea ture

minia ture

legisla ture

muscula ture

litera ture

tempera ture

sta ture

frac ture

manufac ture

architec ture

conjec ture

lec ture

acupunc ture

tinc ture

struc ture

primogeni ture

agricul ture

cul ture

sepul ture

adven ture

scrip ture

sculp ture

rup ture

aper ture

over ture

tor ture

pos ture

su ture

tex ture

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 16: 50 words


turb ina

medic ina

máqu ina

vasel ina

discipl ina

doctr ina

nicot ina

guillot ina

paraf ina

mandol ina

insul ina

vitam ina

res ina

gelat ina

ru ina

tox ina

alcal ino

fel ino

mascul ino

can ino

femen ino

mar ino

libert ino

clandest ino

intest ino

div ino

ases ino

lat ino

cret ino

bedu ino

turb ine

medic ine

mach ine

vasel ine

discipl ine

doctr ine

nicot ine

guillot ine

paraf in

mandol in

insul in

vitam in

res in

gelat in

ru in

tox in

alcal ine

fel ine

mascul ine

can ine

femen ine

mar ine

libert ine

clandest ine

intest ine

div ine

assass ine

lat in

cret in

bedu in


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 17: 800 words


horrible mente

visible mente

posible mente

rápida mente

estúpida mente

sincera mente

completa mente

activa mente

relativa mente

firme mente

similar mente

curiosa mente

exacta mente

perfecta mente

discreta mente

elegante mente

decente mente

evidente mente

urgente mente

aparente mente

atenta mente

honesta mente

justa mente

periodica mente

teórica mente

ideal mente

especial mente

final mente

universal mente

total mente

horribl ly

visib ly

possib ly

rapid ly

stupid ly

sincere ly

complete ly

active ly

relative ly

firm ly

similar ly

curious ly

exact ly

perfect ly

discreet ly

elegant ly

decent ly

evident ly

urgent ly

apparent ly

attent ly

honest ly

just ly

periodical ly

theoretical ly

ideal ly

special ly

final ly

universal ly

total ly

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 18: 300 words


dedic ar

complic ar

comunic ar

educ ar

cre ar

oblig ar

interrog ar

asoci ar

negoci ar

calcul ar

estimul ar

anim ar

fascin ar

origin ar

domin ar

elimin ar

anticip ar

celebr ar

liber ar

exager ar

refriger ar

aceler ar

toler ar

gener ar

cooper ar

oper ar

colabor ar

decor ar

concentr ar

imit ar

dedic ate

complic ate

communic ate

educ ate

cre ate

oblig ate

interrog ate

asoci ate

negoci ate

calcul ate

stimul ate

anim ate

fascin ate

origin ate

domin ate

elimin ate

anticip ate

celebr ate

liber ate

exagger ate

refriger ate

acceler ate

toler ate

gener ate

cooper ate

oper ate

colabor ate

decor ate

concentr ate

imit ate


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 19: 800 words


metod izar

simpat izar

ideal izar

real izar

legal izar

normal izar

nacional izar

central izar

general izar

neutral izar

movil izar

esteril izar

util izar

monopol izar

econom izar

agon izar

colon izar

modern izar

familiar izar

popular izar

caracter izar

pulver izar

vocal izar

autor izar

vapor izar

sintet izar

dramat izar

magnet izar

material izar

hipnot izar

method ize

sympath ize

ideal ize

real ize

legal ize

normal ize

national ize

central ize

general ize

neutral ize

mobil ize

steril ize

util ize

monopol ize

econom ize

agon ize

colon ize

modern ize

familiar ize

popular ize

character ize

pulver ize

vocal ize

author ize

vapor ize

synthes ize

dramat ize

magnet ize

material ize

hypnot ize


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 20: 50 words


pac ificar

espec ificar

solid ificar

mod ificar

descal ificar

ampl ificar

simpl ificar

magn ificar

sign ificar

un ificar

clar ificar

ver ificar

glor ificar

electr ificar

pur ificar

gas ificar

fals ificar

divers ificar

clas ificar

grat ificar

rat ificar

rect ificar

cod ificar

ident ificar

not ificar

cert ificar

fort ificar

test ificar

mist ificar

simpl ificar

pac ify

spec ify

solid ify

mod ify

disqual ify

ampl ify

simpl ify

magn ify

sign ify

un ify

clar ify

ver ify

glor ify

electr ify

pur ify

gas ify

fals ify

divers ify

class ify

grat ify

rat ify

rect ify

cod ify

ident ify

not ify

cert ify

fort ify

test ify

myst ify

simpl ify

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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1 -20 copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 1: 800 words


communica tion

éduca tion

imagina tion

réputa tion

civilisa tion

organisa tion

pénéTra tion

décOra tion

accumUla tion

manifeSta tion

légiSla tion

consolIda tion

aggrÉga tion

cRea tion

atten tion

solu tion

révolu tion

complica tion

consola tion

toléra tion

effu sion

inva sion

déci sion

télévi sion

expan sion

ten sion

expul sion

confes sion

admis sion

discus sion

communica tion

educa tion

imagina tion

reputa tion

civiliza tion

organiza tion

peneTra tion

decOra tion

accumUla tion

manifeSta tion

legiSla tion

consolIda tion

aggrEga tion

cRea tion

atten tion

solu tion

revolu tion

complica tion

consola tion

tolera tion

effu sion

inva sion

deci sion

televi sion

expan sion

ten sion

expul sion

confes sion

admis sion

discus sion


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 2: 300 words


éléctron ique

mathémat ique

phonét ique

polit ique

logist ique

log ique

républ ique

clin ique

mus ique

arithmét ique

périod ique

spécif ique

scientif ique

psycholog ique

publ ique

métall ique

méchan ique

éléctron ique

magnét ique

plast ique

log ique

myth ique

typ ique

satir ique

phys ique

pract ique

crit ique

polit ique

ident ique

naut ique

electron ics

mathemat ics

phonet ics

polit ics

logist ics

log ic

republ ic

clin ic

mus ic

arithmet ic

period ic

specif ic

scientif ic

psycholog ic

publ ic

metall ic

mechan ic

electron ic

magnet ic

plast ic

log iquel

myth ical

typ ical

satir ical

phys ical

pract ical

crit ical

polit ical

ident ical

naut ical

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 3: 250 words


signifi ant

abond ant

enf ant

élég ant

radi ant

brill ant

stimul ant

particip ant

tolér ant

immigr ant

restaur ant

exorbit ant

résult ant

dist ant

inst ant

déc ent

accid ent

évid ent

cli ent

paci ent

acc ent

tal ent

élém ent

experim ent

sentimi ent

mom ent

docum ent

argum ent

monum ent

instrum ent

signific ant

abund ant

inf ant

eleg ant

radi ant

brilli ant

stimul ant

particip ant

toler ant

immigr ant

restaur ant

exorbit ant

result ant

dist ant

inst ant

dec ent

accid ent

evid ent

cli ent

pati ent

acc ent

tal ent

elem ent

experim ent

sentim ent

mom ent

docum ent

argum ent

monum ent

instrum ent

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 4: 250 words


radic al

music al

idé al

soci al

anim al

norm al

margin al

términ al

libér al

flor al

rur al

digit al

capit al

orient al

instrument al

monument al

sentiment al

horizont al

tot al

post al

ofici el

confidenci el

profésion el

éxcepcion el

sensacion el

plur el

univers el

individu el

actu el

intéléctu el

radic al

music al

ide al

soci al

anim al

norm al

margin al

termin al

liber al

flor al

rur al

digit al

capit al

orient al

instrument al

monument al

sentiment al

horizont al

tot al

post al

offici al

confidenci al

profession al

exception al

sensation al

plur al

univers al

individu al

actu al

intellectu al

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 5: 200 words


difficul té

spécial ité

soc iété

var iété

public ité

véloc ité

formal ité

original ité

moral ité

hospital ité

crédibil ité

fléxibil ité

probabil ité

hostil ité

proxim ité

human ité

infin ité

matern ité

popular ité

regular ité

sincér ité

autor ité

supérior ité

dens ité

intens ité

curios ité

univérs ité

ident ité

exclusiv ité

activ ité

difficul ty

special ty

soc iety

var iety

public ity

veloc ity

formal ity

original ity

moral ity

hospital ity

credibil ity

flexibil ity

probabil ity

hostil ity

proxim ity

human ity

infin ity

matern ity

popular ity

regular ity

sincer ity

author ity

superior ity

dens ity

intens ity

curios ity

univers ity

ident ity

exclusiv ity

activ ity


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 6: 200 words


amplific ateur

falsific ateur

rectific ateur

control ateur

transform ateur

vaporiz ateur

admir ateur

explor ateur

condens ateur

export ateur

import ateur

observ ateur

totaliz ateur

consomm ateur

comp teur

indic ateur

investiga ateur

ventil ateur

simul ateur

altern ateur

gener ateur

refriger ateur

fac ateur

inspec ateur

mo ateur

vig eur

hum eur

vap eur

conféss eur

agréss eur

amplifi er

falsifi er

rectifi er

control er

transform er

vaporiz er

admir er

explor er

condens er

export er

import er

observ er

totaliz er

consum er

count er

indic ator

investiga ator

ventil ator

simul ator

altern ator

genera ator

refrigera ator

fac tor

inspec tor

mo tor

vig or

hum or

vap or

confess or

aggress or

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 7: 200 words


fasc iste

réal iste

matérial iste

spécial iste

natural iste

extrém iste

optim iste

alarm iste

violin iste

opportun iste

térror iste

dent iste

art iste

lingu iste

marx iste

vandal isme

réal isme

social isme

libéral isme

individual isme

alcohol isme

optim isme

mécan isme

commun isme

héro isme

térror isme

favorit isme

hipnot isme

collectiv isme

marx isme

fasc ist

real ist

materal ist

special ist

natural ist

extrem ist

optim ist

alarm ist

violin ist

opportun ist

terror ist

dent ist

art ist

lingu ist

marx ist

vandal ism

real ism

social ism

liberal ism

individual ism

alcohol ism

optim ism

mecan ism

commun ism

hero ism

terror ism

favorit ism

hypnot ism

collectiv ism

marx ism


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 8: 200 words


pharmac ie

democrat ie

tragéd ie

coméd ie

bigam ie

académ ie

colon ie

cérémon ie

thérap ie

industr ie

suprémat ie

philosoph ie

mélancol ie

anatom ie

harmon ie

batter ie

catégor ie

géometr ie

fantais ie

courtois ie

éc ologie

ginéc ologie

gé ologie

bi ologie

techn ologie

bio graphie

coréo graphie

géo graphie

océano graphie

photo graphie

pharmac y

democrac y

traged y

comed y

bigam y

academ y

colon y

ceremon y

therap y

industr y

supremac y

philosoph y

melanchol y

anatom y

harmon y

batter y

categor y

geometr y

fantas y

courtes y

ec ology

gynec ology

ge ology

bi ology

techn ology

bio graphy

coreo graphy

geo graphy

oceano graphy

photo graphy

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 9: 200 words


applic able

recommand able

négoci able

compar able

misér able

vulnér able

ador able

respect able

irrit able

présent able

accept able

adapt able

confort able

détest able

st able

agré able

considér able

déplor able

favor able

honor able

lis ible

tang ible

horr ible

terr ible

invis ible

admiss ible

poss ible

compat ible

combust ible

fléx ible

applic able

recommend able

negoti able

compar able

miser able

vulner able

ador able

respect able

irrit able

present able

accept able

adapt able

comfort able

detest able

st able

agree able

consider able

deplor able

favor able

honor able

leg ible

tang ible

horr ible

terr ible

invis ible

admiss ible

poss ible

compat ible

combust ible

flex ible


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 10: 150 words


abond ance

élég ance

arrog ance

vigil ance

ambul ance

tolér ance

fragr ance

ignor ance

import ance

dist ance

inst ance

subst ance

persérvér ance

ali ance

fin ance

innoc ence

adolesc ence

évid ence

intellig ence

sci ence

pati ence

excell ence

préfér ence

influ ence

différ ence

prés ence

sent ence

émerg ence

effici ence

fréqu ence

abund ance

eleg ance

arrog ance

vigil ance

ambul ance

toler ance

fragr ance

ignor ance

import ance

dist ance

inst ance

subst ance

persever ance

ali ance

fin ance

innoc ence

adolesc ence

evid ence

intellig ence

sci ence

pati ence

excell ence

prefer ence

influ ence

differ ence

pres ence

sent ence

emerg ency

effici ency

frequ ency

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 11: 150 words


persuas if

décis if

compréhens if

intens if

explos if

agress if

possess if

conclus if

indicat if

négat if

affirmat if

administrat if

coopérat if

décorat if

illustrat if

act if

attract if

adject if

object if

construct if

destruct if

product if

fugit if

primit if

définit if

répétit if

prévent if

descript if

digest if

éxécut if

persuas ive

decis ive

comprehens ive

intens ive

explos ive

aggress ive

possess ive

conclus ive

indicat ive

negat ive

affirmat ive

administrat ive

cooperat ive

decorat ive

illustrat ive

act ive

attract ive

adject ive

object ive

construct ive

destruct ive

product ive

fugit ive

primit ive

definit ive

repetit ive

prevent ive

descript ive

digest ive

execut ive

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 12: 150 words


communiqu é

compliqu é

associ é

affili é

abbrég é

isol é

simul é

illumin é

émancip é

adultér é

exagér é

modér é

concentr é

frustr é

satur é

laur é

appropri é

obstin é

infortun é

vertébr é

considér é

dégénér é

priv é

certific at

délic at

consul at

sén at

cogn at

doctor at

adéqu at

communica ated

complic ated

associ ated

affili ated

abbrevi ated

isol ated

simul ated

illumin ated

emmancip ated

adulter ated

exagger ated

moder ated

concentr ated

frustr ated

satur ated

laure ate

appropri ate

obstin ate

unfortun ate

vertebr ate

consider ate

degener ate

priv ate

certific ate

delic ate

consul ate

sen ate

cogn ate

doctor ate

adequ ate

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 13: 150 words


delici eux

studi eux

religi eux

mistéri eux

victori eux

furi eux

ambiti eux

anxi eux

merveill eux

fibr eux

désastr eux

rigour eux

por eux

vertu eux

nerv eux

ingéni eux

instantan é

miscellan é

simultan é

homogèn e

analogu e

crédul e

autonom e

synonym e

monoton e

prospèr e

sonor e

carnivor e



delici ous

studi ous

religio ous

mysteri ous

victori ous

furi ous

ambiti ous

anxi ous

marvell ous

fibr ous

desastr ous

rigur ous

por ous

virtu ous

nerv ous

ingenu ous

instantane ous

miscellane ous

simultane ous

homogene ous

analog ous

credul ous

autonom ous

synonym ous

monoton ous

prosper ous

sonor ous

carnivor ous

ambigu ous

continu ous


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 14: 150 words


second aire

bénéfici aire

ordin aire

imagin aire

visionn aire

honor aire

contr aire

annivers aire

nécess aire

hérédit aire

sanit aire

volont aire

nuclé aire

popul aire

simil aire

mis ère

art ère

adult ère

cimeti ère

atmosph ère

interrogat oire

laborat oire

préparat oire

conservat oire

observat oire

direct oire

contradict oire

vict oire

introduct oire

territ oire

second ary

benefici ary

ordin ary

imagin ary

vision ary

honor ary

contr ary

annivers ary

necess ary

heredit ary

sanit ary

volunt ary

nucle ar

popul ar

simil ar

mis ery

art ery

adult ery

cemet ery

atmosph ere

interrogat ory

laborat ory

preparat ory

conservat ory

observat ory

direct ory

contradict ory

vict ory

introduct ory

territ ory


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 15: 50 words


carica ture

créa ture

minia ture

législa ture

muscula ture

littera ture

tempéra ture

sta ture

frac ture

manufac ture

architec ture

conjec ture

lec ture

acupunc ture

tein ture

struc ture

primogéni ture

agricul ture

cul ture

sépul ture

aven ture

écri ture

sculp ture

rup ture

aper ture

ouver ture

tor ture

pos ture

su ture

tex ture

carica ture

crea ture

minia ture

legisla ture

muscula ture

litera ture

tempera ture

sta ture

frac ture

manufac ture

architec ture

conjec ture

lec ture

acupunc ture

tinc ture

struc ture

primogeni ture

agricul ture

cul ture

sepul ture

adven ture

scrip ture

sculp ture

rup ture

aper ture

over ture

tor ture

pos ture

su ture

tex ture

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 16: 50 words


turb ine

médec ine

mach ine

vasel ine

discipl ine

doctr ine

nicot ine

guillot ine

paraff ine

mandol ine

insul ine

vitam ine

rés ine

gélat ine

ru ine

tox ine

alcal ine

fel ine

mascul ine

can ine

fémen ine

mar ine

libert ine

clandest ine

intest ine

div ine

assass ine

lat ine

crét ine

bedu ine

turb ine

medic ine

mach ine

vasel ine

discipl ine

doctr ine

nicot ine

guillot ine

paraf in

mandol in

insul in

vitam in

res in

gelat in

ru in

tox in

alcal ine

fel ine

mascul ine

can ine

femen ine

mar ine

libert ine

clandest ine

intest ine

div ine

assass ine

lat in

cret in

bedu in


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 17: 800 words


horrible ment

visible ment

possible ment

rapide ment

stupide ment

sincère ment

complète ment

active ment

relative ment

ferme ment

similaire ment

curieuse ment

exacte ment

parfaite ment

discrète ment

élégam ment

décem ment

évidem ment

urgem ment

appare ment

attentive ment

honnête ment

juste ment

périodique ment

theórique ment

idéale ment

spéciale ment

finale ment

universale ment

totale ment

horribl ly

visib ly

possib ly

rapid ly

stupid ly

sincere ly

complete ly

active ly

relative ly

firm ly

similar ly

curious ly

exact ly

perfect ly

discreet ly

elegant ly

decent ly

evident ly

urgent ly

apparent ly

attent ly

honest ly

just ly

periodical ly

theoretical ly

ideal ly

special ly

final ly

universal ly

total ly

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 18: 300 words


dédicac er

compliqu er

communiqu er

éduqu er

cré er

oblig er

interrog er

associ er

négoci er

calcul er

stimul er

anim er

fascin er

origin er

domin er

élimin er

anticip er

célébr er

libér er

exagér er

réfrigér er

accélér er

tolér er

génér er

coopér er

opér er

collabor er

décor er

concentr er

imit er

dedic ate

complic ate

communic ate

educ ate

cre ate

oblig ate

interrog ate

asoci ate

negoci ate

calcul ate

stimul ate

anim ate

fascin ate

origin ate

domin ate

elimin ate

anticip ate

celebr ate

liber ate

exagger ate

refriger ate

acceler ate

toler ate

gener ate

cooper ate

oper ate

colabor ate

decor ate

concentr ate

imit ate


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copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio

EXAMPLES GROUP 19: 800 words


méthod iser

sympath iser

idéal iser

réal iser

légal iser

normal iser

national iser

central iser

général iser

neutral iser

movil iser

stéril iser

util iser

monopol iser

économ iser

agon iser

colon iser

modern iser

familiar iser

popular iser

caractér iser

pulvér iser

vocal iser

autor iser

vapor iser

sinthét iser

dramat iser

magnét iser

matérial iser

hypnot iser

method ize

sympath ize

ideal ize

real ize

legal ize

normal ize

national ize

central ize

general ize

neutral ize

mobil ize

steril ize

util ize

monopol ize

econom ize

agon ize

colon ize

modern ize

familiar ize

popular ize

character ize

pulver ize

vocal ize

author ize

vapor ize

synthes ize

dramat ize

magnet ize

material ize

hypnot ize


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EXAMPLES GROUP 20: 50 words


pac ifier

spéc ifier

solid ifier

mod ifier

disqual ifier

ampl ifier

simpl ifier

magn ifier

sign ifier

un ifier

clar ifier

ver ifier

glor ifier

electr ifier

pur ifier

gas ifier

fals ifier

divers ifier

class ifier

grat ifier

rat ifier

rect ifier

cod ifier

ident ifier

not ifier

cert ifier

fort ifier

test ifier

myst ifier

simpl ifier

pac ify

spec ify

solid ify

mod ify

disqual ify

ampl ify

simpl ify

magn ify

sign ify

un ify

clar ify

ver ify

glor ify

electr ify

pur ify

gas ify

fals ify

divers ify

class ify

grat ify

rat ify

rect ify

cod ify

ident ify

not ify

cert ify

fort ify

test ify

myst ify

simpl ify

copyright Ellis Toussier Bigio


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About Me: Ellis Toussier, the Amazing Cognate Poet

Ellis 1964, Age 19 Ellis 1995, Age 50 Ellis 2006, Age 61

I am the Amazing Cognate Poet...

But I am also "The Amazing Dirty Old Man WHO DOES NOT

GROW OLDER." I use more anti-aging hormones and I

actually do more anti-aging therapies than anybody else I

know of, in the entire world... (If you know anybody who

has injected growth hormone every day since June 1998, or

if you know somebody who is NOT a diabetic but who

injects insulin several times a day every day to keep

blood glucose controlled; or if you know any doctor or

patient anywhere in the world who injects growth hormone

and teststerone and insulin and erythropoietin to stay

young and healthy, please let me know.)

I also eat foods that help to keep my blood glucose

levels from shooting up... and I do other anti-aging

therapies such as EDTA Chelation, Hyperbaric Oxygen,

Thermage, Fraxell, Botox, and others.

The proof is in the pudding: I am 62 years old and I

look and feel and think and talk about the same as I did

when I was 19.

If you would like to consult with me, or if you would

like to know more about my anti-aging activities, please

visit my website:

Ellis Toussier Bigio

Horacio 1729-5

Colonia Los Morales

Mexico City, D. F. 11510

Tel. 011 (52-55) 5280-3644


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About this e-book: how to write and publish your own e-


Resources: Dave's E.S.L. Cafe


Resources and resource directories for language teachers


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Why English Is Hard To Learn(anonymous)

We'll begin with box; the plural is boxes,

But the plural of ox is oxen, not oxes.

One fowl is a goose, and two are called geese,

Yet the plural of moose is never called meese.

You may find a lone mouse or a house full of mice;

But the plural of house is houses, not hice.

The plural of man is always men,

But the plural of pan is never pen.

If I speak of a foot, and you show me two feet,

And I give you a book, would a pair be a beek?

If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,

Why shouldn't two booths be called beeth?

If the singular's this and the plural is these,

Should the plural of kiss be ever called keese?

We speak of a brother and also of brethren,

But though we say mother, we never say methren.

Then the masculine pronouns are he, his, and him;

But imagine the feminine... she, shis, and shim!


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National Easy Language Week or...Mayhem in ze Klasrum...

by Dolton Edwards

first published in 1946

s m i l e

Because we are still bearing some of the scars of ourbrief skirmish with II-B English, it is natural that weshould be enchanted by Mr. Bernard Shaw's currentcampaign for a simplified alphabet.

Obviously, as Mr. Shaw points out, English spelling isin much need of a general overhauling and streamlining.However, our own resistance to any change requiring alarge expenditure of mental effort in the near futurewould cause us to view with some apprehension thepossibility of some day receiving a morning paperprinted in - to us - Greek.

Our own plan would achieve the same end as thelegislation proposed by Mr. Shaw, but in a lessshocking manner, as it consists merely of anacceleration of the normal processes by which thelanguage is continually modernized.

As a catalytic agent, we would suggest that a NationalEasy Language Week be proclaimed, which the Presidentwould inaugurate, outlining some short cut toconcentrate on during the week, and to be adoptedduring the ensuing year. All school children would begiven a holiday, the lost time being the equivalent ofthat gained by the spelling short cut.

In 1946, for example, we would urge the elimination ofthe soft 'c', for which we would substitute 's'.Sertainly, such an improvement would be selebrated inall sivic-minded sircles as being suffisiently worththe trouble, and students in all sities in the landwould be reseptive towards any change eliminating thenesessity of learning the differense between the twoletters.


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In 1947, sinse only the hard 'c' would be left, itwould be possible to substitute 'k' for it, bothletters being pronounsed identikally. Imagine howgreatly only two years of this prosess would klarifythe konfusion in the minds of students. Already wewould have eliminated an entire letter from thealphabet.

Typewriters and linotypes, kould all be built with oneless letter, and all the manpower and materialspreviously devoted to making 'c's kould be turnedtowards raising the national standard of living.

In the fase of so many notable improvements, it is easyto foresee that by 1948, 'National Easy Language Week'would be a pronounsed suksess. All skhool tshildrenwould be looking forward with konsiderable exsitementto the holiday, and in a blaze of national publisity itwould be announsed that the double konsonant 'ph' nolonger existed, and that the sound would henseforth bewritten 'f' in all words. This would make sutsh wordsas 'fonograf' twenty persent shorter in print.

By 1949, publik interest in a fonetik alfabet kan beexpekted to have inkreased to the point where a moreradikal step forward kan be taken without fear of unduekritisism. We would therefore urge the elimination, atthat time of al unesesary double leters, whitsh,although quite harmles, have always been a nuisanse inthe language and a desided deterent to akurate speling.Try it yourself in the next leter you write, and see ifboth writing and reading are not fasilitated.

With so mutsh progres already made, it might be posiblein 1950 to delve further into the posibilities offonetik speling. After due konsideration of thereseption aforded the previous steps, it should beexpedient by this time to spel al difthongs fonetikaly.Most students do not realize that the long 'i' and 'y',as in 'time' and 'by', are aktualy the difthong 'ai',as it is writen in 'aisle', and that the long 'a' in'fate', is in reality the difthong 'ei' as in 'rein'.Although perhaps not imediately aparent, the saving intaime and efort wil be tremendous when we leiterelimineite the sailent 'e', as meide posible bai thislast tsheinge.

For, as is wel known, the horible mes of 'e's apearingin our written language is kaused prinsipaly bai thepresent nesesity of indikeiting whether a vowel is longor short. Therefore, in 1951 we kould simply eliminateal sailent 'e's, and kontinu to read and wrait merilyalong as though we wer in an atomik ag of edukation.


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In 1951 we would urg a greit step forward. Sins baithis taim it would hav been four years sins anywun hadused the leter 'c', we would sugest that 'National EasyLanguag Week' for 1951 be devoted to substitution of'c' for 'th'. To be sur it would be som taim beforpeopl would bekom akustomd to reading ceir newspapersand buks wiz sutsh sentenses in cem as 'Ceodor caughthe had cre cousand cistles crust crough ce cik of hiscumb.'

In ce seim maner, bai meiking eatsh leter hav its ownsound and cat sound only, we kould shorten ce languagstill mor. In 1952 we would eliminate ce 'y'; cen in1953 we would us ce leter to indikeit ce 'sh' sound,cerbai klarifaiing words laik yugar and yur, as wel asredusing bai wun mor leter al words laik 'yut', 'yore',and so forc. cink, cen, of al ce benefits to be geindbai ce distinktion whitsh wil cen be meid between wordslaik:

ocean .. . . now writen oyeanmachine . . now writen mayinracial . . . . now writen reiyial

Al suty divers weis of wraiting wun sound would nolonger exist, and whenever wun kaim akros a 'y' soundhe would know exaktli what to wrait.

Kontinuing cis proses, year after year, we wouldeventuali hav a reali sensibl writen languag. Bai 1975,wi ventyer too sei, cer wood bi no mor ov ces teribltrublsm difikultiz, wic no too leters ioozd to indikeitce seim noiz, and laikwais no too noiciz ritn wic ceseim leter. Iven Mr. Yor, wi beliv, wood bi hapi in cenolij hiz drimz fainali keim troo.

s m a i e l

