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Full name TA VAN TUAN Gender Male DOB 21st Apr , 1985 Cell phone (+84) 0947 228 442 Email [email protected] Skype tuanglobal2000

Address 55/59 Thanh My, W.8, Tan Binh Dist, HCM City


• 5 years of experience in Flash, Flex technologies & Web (2008-2012). • 4 years of experience in Social Network: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram. • 4 years of experience in Mobile Application Development expertise in: iOS, Android,

PhoneGap (2012-2016). • Experienced on Objective-C as well as Swift language programming. • Have around 2 years experienced working with Scrum Methodology, Agile Method. • Extensive international experience through working in the team of Americans, French,

Canadian, Belgian, Israelian. • Proficient in communication skill in both English and Vietnamese. • Experienced on software development tools: JIRA, Confluence, Stash, GIT. • Experienced on various platforms & technologies: Mobile(iOS, Android, PhoneGap),

Web(PHP, .Net, HTML), Flash(Action script). • Communicate directly with US team, Clients. • Motivating, connecting, leading members are also my strong skills. • Good attitude and high responsibility. • Good confliction management.

EDUCATION & CERTIFICATION 2003-2007 Bachelor of Information Technology – Ho Chi Minh University of Natural

Sciences. ENGLISH 2007 English Degree – C Level: Ho Chi Minh City Pedagogical University 2009 TOEFL ITP

COMPETENCIES Communication Good. Capture and transfer idea clearly.

Presentation Good. Be an active speaker, use black board if necessary. Teamwork Tend to connect people. Be able to work with many kind of person. Willing

to help other members. Sense of leadership. Problem solving Excellent. One of my strength is ability to analyze/find out the root cause. TECHNICAL SKILLS Languages Objective-C, Swift, Java(Android), Javascript, Action script, C, C++,


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Database My SQL, MSSQL. Tools/Packages XCode, AndroidStudio, Eclipse, AppCode, Gits, CocoaPods, JIRA, Stash,

MixPanel, UserVoice, GoogleAnalytic, Crashlytics by Fabric Methodologies OOP, UML , JQuery, MVC, MVVM, ReactiveX. WORKING EXPERIENCE Company

Forix Viet Nam Website:

04/2016 – 11/2016


Senior iOS Developer

Project DESCHUTES Project Description: Deschutes is an application that controls the pump devices of Franklin Controls System (US). The application can read/write the device’s information via Bluetooth. User will set up Pump device by their phone instead of using physical buttons. After setting, user can make a setting template that can apply to another device.

Key features

ü Connect to Pump device via Bluetooth

ü User can change the device’s setting information.

ü User can make a template to apply to another devices

ü User can update device’s firmware via application.

• Team size: 9 members • Used technology: Objective-C, Android


Project FUELCLOUD Project Description: FuelCloudallowsuserstotrackandcontroleverygallonintheiron-sitetanksforafractionofthecostoftraditionalsystems.Trackinventory,rununlimitedcustomreports,andevenrequesttaxrefundsforoffroadusewiththeclickofabutton

Key features

ü Fill oil via application (Phone/ Tablet).

ü Track every gallons that user fills into their car.



Company Pyramid Consulting VN (PYCO) Website:

07/2008 – 4/2016

Title Senior iOS Developer

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Projects SpotHot Project 5/2015-4/2106

Description: SpotHot is a dating application in smartphone of IOS and

Android. Users can only see people in their immediate surroundings

(500m) and once they match, they start to chat with text and pictures.

Drawing on picture is also available for quick ice breaking. The users can

locate the hottest places in their city using a map, in order to find new

people to meet.

Key features

ü Log-in authorization via Facebook

ü Map display of Spo

ü Match friends & chat by text/imag

• Team size: Dedicated 5 people • Used technology: Objective-C,, • Third party: Facebook, GoogleMap

Link reference: ü Appstore: ü Google Play:

Lumenaki Project 11/2014 – 8/2015

Description: The mobile application for user to store their stories about all things happening in life. Or we can use the short term "Your digital memory". User can describe their trips for Places where they visit,, Things which they see. People who they meet, Notes which they need to remind themselves for next time. Key features

ü Album creations to keep all stories records ü Invite friends to become the contributors for album in order to manage records ü Create all records as the life stories in the represent of images, videos and

blog text ü Sharing and publish album to social • Team size: Dedicated 15 people • Used technology: iOS, SpringMVC, MySQL (Amazon RDS) • Third party: AFNetworking, FacebookSDK, TwitterSDK,Instagram

Link reference: ü Appstore: ü Website :

Pixhug Project 07/2013

- 07/2014

• Description: Pixhug is a social photo platform which helps users

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manage their photos by creating albums and upload the photos from their Phones/PCs or import them from Facebook, Flickr or Picasa which can be used to create photo books which can be viewed online or printed. Users can edit their photos by applying effects, adding text or scaling photos... After uploading photos or creating albums or books, User and his/her friends can like (hug), comment, share to other social networks such as Facebook, Tweeter or Pinterest. Every action of users on the site will get points. Users can print the books using the point they had earned. The system also supports user log in or register using Facebook account

• Project size: 500MD • Used technology: iOS, Android , .Net, MS SQL

My role: iOS Team lead Link reference:

ü Website : Folup Healthcare - Mobile Application Project 9/2012 -

04/2013 • Description: Folupisahealthcareapplicationthatpatientcantrack

theirhealthandthedoctorcangivethetreatment.Thepatientscanupdatetheircardiacrhythm,bloodpressure…Thedoctorcangetthisinformationandgivethetreatmentforpatients. Key features:

ü Patient: Update mood, rhythm, blood pressure, temperature, weight, pain locator, liquid, blood glucose…

ü Physician (Doctor): invite patient, give treatment, search pathology, search medication, get medication history, …

• Team size: 8 developers • Used technology: iOS, Android, Windows, IIS 7.5, .NET 4.0, C#,


Flash, Flex, HTML, PHP Projects 7/2008 - 12/2012

• Description: I worked many Flash, Flex projects when I started to work at Pyco. I also worked some others HTML & PHP projects during this time.

• Since 2012, I have started to research about Mobile technology. After that I moved to work in Mobile field.

Company FPT – FIS FPT Information System co ltd – A member of FPT Group

11/2007 – 6/2008

Title Junior .Net Developer Description: I joined FIS in 2007 as a Junior Net Developer. During this time, I joined & implemented a FPT Products – eHospital. eHospital was a Hospital Management System that manages patients, medical, devices,…. I joined to deploy eHospital for NhietDoi Hospital, AnSinh Hospital.
