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1ST Climate change caused by green house effect, fuel pollution, forest fire, natural disaster Indonesia (the 3rd Largest Tropical Forest countries) should can reduce green house effect (Deforestation and Forest Degradation) REDD this program should success if we can manage our forest, but our forest border hard to identified.

2ND Global Warming is real Impact of Global Warming (climate, food production, disease, biodiversity) What is Biodiversity? Its importance for ecosystem function Impact of Global Warming on Biodiversity To sum up, we need to minimize activities that causing Global Warming to sustain our ecosystem

3RD Global Warming causes climate (change/extremities) Climate Extremities ( heavy rain flood ; prolonged dry season drought) One of government program is to promote tree planting Impact of tree planting (store water during rain; release water during dry; absorbs CO2 during Global Warming) One man One tree can reduce Global Warming and its impact

4TH Flood problem in Indonesia (the 3rd World Most Flooded Countries) is worsening Flood, impacts on infrastructure and its economics consequences The causes of flood is worsening (deforestation, waste, spatial plan expanding cities, flood getting worse because of climate change) How to minimize the causes Flood cant be prevented, but can be controlled and reduced the impact

Keempat tema tersebut ditulis dalam bentuk paragraph Setiap topik dikembangkan Format tugas bebas Dikumpulkan hari Jumat, 29 November 2013 dalam perkuliahan (hardfile)

good luck@banugh
