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Agency Credentials

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is wholly focused on advertising, marketing, and branding.Altering perceptions is our primary love.

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OUR STORYOUR “elevator speech”

Building sustainable, profitable brands is about establishing an emotional bond between consumers and the company that serves them. We make our clients’ products and services more valuable by creating this bond and building our clients’ brand value.

OUR history

TURKEL Brands is a full-service, multicultural brand management firm located in Miami, Florida. We opened our doors for business in June of 1983, and have been in business for more than 30 years. We offer creative, account management, brand strategy, research, production, digital, media planning and placement (both offline and online), public relations and below-the-line marketing services.

The agency is wholly owned by two partners, Bruce Turkel, CEO/Executive Creative Director and Roberto S. Schaps, President.

WE are known for...

Quite simply, we are known for three things: unbridled creativity, measurable results and our unique Building Brand Value® protocol.

OUR philosophy

We have a different philosophy about how great brands are created and communicated. We call it Building Brand Value®. We are so committed to it, in fact, that we’ve even written a book about it. It’s called, believe it or not, Building Brand Value. In it, we explain the seven points that create a brand.








Similar to the classically trained ballerina who lives by the motto “Technique Sets You Free,” our seven points provide structure for our work. With them we can create more effective communications and deliver better results for you. Our seven points also sometimes challenge us to step outside of our safety zones but ultimately deliver the results you’re hiring us for.

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The Brand Value Agency Leader model.

At TURKEL Brands, serving as the lead agency and brand steward, we oversee our clients’ brands from a 360-degree perspective. We coordinate all marketing disciplines, including advertising, digital, media planning and buying, public relations, etc. to provide integrated seamless solutions. Our Brand Value Agency Leader model is somewhat unique in the world of independently-owned agencies, but it comes naturally to us. TURKEL Brands has always scored high in the “plays well with others” category.

We have a proven track record of managing and coordinating agencies around the world, whether these are brought along by us or invited by our client.

TURKEL Brands is one of the very few remaining independently-owned agencies. This independence has allowed us the freedom to collaborate with best-of-breed agencies that specialize in areas that align with our clients’ marketing strategies. We work with each of our partners to provide a seamlessly integrated work plan for all of our clients.

Think of TURKEL Brands as a general contractor that builds brand value. Our model addresses the expense, inefficiency and complexity you face when you have to interact with every service provider on their terms and then try to bring them all together. Plus, you’ll find confidence knowing we’re in charge of ensuring each marketing discipline helps you achieve your ultimate goals.

Let’s talk strategy.

At TURKEL Brands, strategy isn’t just something we talk about in new business presentations and forget about after we win your account. Instead, it’s the foundation of everything we do.

Take a trip up to our Creative Director’s office and read the photocopied ad taped to his wall. It’s a picture of a group of Roman galley slaves rowing under the headline,

“Doing ads without a strategic focus is like captaining a ship without a map. Sooner or later, the people rowing are gonna get pissed.”

Without a sound strategy not only can we lose our way, but no one enjoys the trip. Although there are people in our office with the word “strategy” in their titles, it is truly the responsibility of each and every one of us to make sure that we fully understand our clients’ products and their audiences.

As Sun Tzu wrote 2,300 years ago in The Art of War: “Tactics without strategy is the sound of failure. Strategy without tactics is the slowest path to success.”

What does all this mean in real life?

If we’re asked to work on a project without a strategy, we’ll help create the strategy first.

If we’re asked to work with a strategy that doesn’t make sense, we’ll try to find the meaning.

And if we see a solution that is off-strategy, we’ll speak up.

After all, we stand for sound strategies. And if we don’t stand for something, we’ll fall for anything.

What is creativity, anyway?

Ask the most creative person you know to describe creativity and they’ll just stare at you.

“Creativity? It’s, like, you know…”

Not such a creative answer, is it?

Ask a person who tells you that they don’t have a creative bone in their body to prove it and they’ll tell you that they

“can’t even draw a straight line.”

Funny enough, it doesn’t take any creativity to draw a straight line. All it takes is a ruler, a pen and a steady hand.

To many people, creativity is a lot like good taste: “I don’t know what it is but I’ll know it when I see it.”

When Picasso combined a bicycle seat with a set of handlebars and created a bull’s head, that was creative.

When Sister Rosetta Tharpe recorded shouting and stomping music, when Big Joe Turner recorded “Roll ‘em Pete” and when Elvis Presley covered Big Boy Crudup’s

“That’s All Right Mama,” creating rock & roll from blues, gospel and hillbilly mountain music, that was creative. And when we stopped marketing Miami as a tourist destination and marketed it instead as a fashion brand, that was creative (and successful, too).

Creativity, quite simply, is combining old things in new ways. It’s giving people a new way of looking at things, a new way of understanding.

The designer Robert Cumberford says: “(Creative people)…see things before others do. That’s our job — that’s what we’re paid to do.”

Creativity is our stock in trade. It’s what our clients come to us for. It’s the lifeblood of our business. What it’s not is the sole province of our creative department. And even though our art directors and copywriters are lucky enough to have the word creative in their titles, creativity is the responsibility of each of us.

If that sounds like what we said about strategy just a page or two ago, maybe there’s a pattern forming here.

Now that’s creative, isn’t it?

The Creative Development Flow.

Our Building Brand Value protocol provides a roadmap for our Creative Team to be certain their ideas deliver the greatest results for our clients.


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1. All About Them.Most people will listen to you when what you say entertains and enlightens them. And when your message is crafted for a well-defined audience, you’ll persuade them. After all, an unforgettable customer experience isn’t about you. It’s All About Them.

2. Hearts Then Minds.People make a decision based on emotions and justify their decision with facts. Touch Hearts, Then Minds will be open to your message.

3. Make it Simple.Thoreau may have written “Simplify, simplify” but we’d advise you to “Simplify.” Make It Simple. Less is more.

4. Make it Quick.The world’s getting faster, and consumers are offered dozens of options every day. Make It Quick.

5. Make it Yours.The easiest way to communicate is to mimic your competitors. However, you run the risk of people thinking you’re the same as your competitors, or that you ARE your competitors. Make It Yours with a message that looks, sounds and feels like you alone.

6. All Five Senses.It’s not enough to just blurt out information. The most effective communication inspires all the senses. How will people feel when they’re experiencing your brand? What will they see and hear? Is there a scent or a taste? All Five Senses make an impact.

7. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.Say it and then say it again. Because nobody has enough time in the day to give you full attention. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat your authentic Brand Values often, and in new and inspiring ways to make sure it sinks in.

In a crowd of brands vying for attention, how will you stand out? Our Building Brand Value protocol gives us a unique perspective on what makes your brand communications effective. With our help, you will surely inspire your customers.



Production is where our team members are that oxymoronic combination of artist and engineer. In agencies, nothing happens until somebody produces something. Ideas, after all, are worthless and priceless at the same time. If a great idea never sees the light of day, what value does it actually have? On the other hand, if that same idea is carefully developed, meticulously crafted, and powerfully distributed, it could change the world. Or at least help you keep the cash register ringing. The production studio is truly the engine of the advertising business.


When we present our company to a potential new client, we pull out all the stops. Yet when we’re all done, the first question they invariably ask is “Who’s going to service my account?” It’s a simple truth of business — people hire people they want to work with, and great chemistry is a harbinger of even better things to come. But after the honeymoon phase is over we still need to maintain strong relationships.

We bring value to the relationship by taking a holistic approach to learning and understanding your business. By immersing ourselves in all aspects of your brand, we bring you intelligent business solutions – not just advertising solutions – that add value and increase ROI. In many ways we’re an extension of your marketing department and as such it makes more sense that we call ourselves marketing directors rather than account managers.

This innovative perspective on account management allows for a more synergistic relationship where we work in parallel with your marketing team. As we are your lead agency and brand steward, we treat you as a partner. A marketing director with a diverse set of skills will partner with you to oversee your brand from a 360-degree perspective. He or she will bring in teams of thought leaders from other departments and disciplines to meet your goals. Throughout the process, a marketing coordinator will ensure jobs are delivered on time and on budget.


Media used to be a left-brained discipline responsible for planning, negotiating, placing and following up on agency purchases of television, radio, billboards, magazines and newspapers. Now, all of a sudden, media is creative too. The Internet and the world at large offer a nearly infinite variety of ways to communicate. Not only is media responsible for placing these ads, they’re also charged with the task of figuring out where to put them, working right alongside art directors and copywriters to create new ways to reach our clients’ customers.


You’ve heard the old saying that money makes the world go ‘round. In our case, compelling the world to go ‘round makes money. Thanks to our operations department we not only make money, but we can track it and keep some of it, too.

The operations department is where we prove that the inmates are not in charge of the asylum. We’ve staffed this department with some of the most capable accounting minds around. How else could we track all our expenses? And speaking of tracking, how else could we track all of our creative resources? Most important, how else could we run our business like a business and make a living being creative?

Thanks to operations, our vendors feel as well served as our clients and our banker is happy to do business with us. Best of all, the rest of us are free to concentrate on our clients, rather than worry about the facts and figures of running our business.

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Convention Marketing


Direct Marketing

Event Management

Immigrant Marketing

Incentive Programs

International Marketing

Market Research


Mobile Marketing



Public Relations


Social Media

Services Provided:

AGENCYOnline Brand Strategy, Creative Technology, User Interface Design (UI), User Experience (UX)

FACTORYBrand Websites, Mobile Apps (iOs & Android), Videogame Deployments & Migrations

SOCIALCommunity Management, Strategy & Consulting, Social Advertising

CREATIVE CONTENTEditorial Strategy & Production, Film, Photo & Music Creative Network/Collaborations


Marketing programs incorporate all major social networks including, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. We employ a variety of tools to track and measure the success of our clients’ programs such as:

Percolate: Social Media Management.

Flowics (Partner at Convoy): Social Engagement (monitoring, metrics, etc.)

In addition, we provide comprehensive tracking and analytics, real-time dashboards and revenue generation and engagement analysis.

In today’s marketplace, we strongly believe that understanding and keeping up on the latest technology is key to any successful business – and we are 100% committed to assisting our clients in implementing the latest digital tools and technologies to help their businesses reach their full potential.

Digital and Social Marketing

As digital branding and advertising leaders, we don’t follow the trends in the industry — we innovate them. Our approach to creative is based on the fact that the online brand experience is usually the consumer’s first brand experience. Our concept of “experiential” creative is focused on giving consumers a compelling interactive brand experience. Our success lies in developing stellar creative and deploying it across multiple media channels such as social, mobile, websites and micro sites, and multiple rich media channels.

We apply a modern, forward-thinking way of engaging with current and future consumers who are always on the lookout for the next big thing. We are experts at building engaging digital experiences as well as compelling and effective online strategies.

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Bruce Turkel

CEO/Executive Creative Director

What drew Bruce Turkel, one of advertising’s most original and multi-faceted minds, to the industry in the

first place? Simple: “I don’t play harmonica all that well.” Born and raised on Miami Beach (which was like

being in Flipper), Bruce studied design at the University of Florida (which was like being in Animal House) and

began his advertising career in New York (which was like being in Brazil, the movie, not the country).

But preferring a tan to an ulcer, he returned to South Florida, where he served time at several agencies before starting the award-winning design and advertising firm

TURKEL Brands. Built on the belief that advertising should be well-designed, simple to comprehend and fun,

the company continues to break new ground with innovative work honored by Communication Arts, the Art Directors’ Club of New York, Clio and the One Show as

well as other accolades too numerous to list here.

Under Bruce’s guidance, TURKEL Brands has created wildly effective campaigns for its clients, including the Greater Miami Convention & Visitor Bureau, Discovery Channel, the Government of Puerto Rico, HBO Latin America, Peabody Hotels, Kissimmee Convention &

Visitors Bureau, Canyon Ranch Living and Sol Meliá Hotels & Resorts.

When he’s not creating advertising or design, he’s sharing his wisdom in places like CNN, MIT, NAMM, MPI, UM, NSA and the three books he’s authored. Yet somehow Bruce always finds time for more – besides writing and

illustrating books and articles on branding, practicing his harmonica in traffic, being a dad, a

husband and a mentor, Bruce is a professional speaker and branding expert. He tours extensively spellbinding

audiences with his simple, yet powerful brand building techniques.



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Roberto S. Schaps President

On the face of it, advertising and coffee beans would seem to have little in common. But the similarities are

there nonetheless. After all, both can be quite stimulating. And both have certainly kept the people at

TURKEL Brands up for many a night.

One more thing they share: Roberto S. Schaps. Born in El Salvador, Roberto grew up in Guatemala before

attending Texas A&M University, where he received a BS in Civil Engineering. After going on to earn an MBA at the University of Miami, Roberto managed the Miami-based roasting, distribution and processing plant for his family’s

Guatemalan adver… uh, coffee plantation.

By overseeing the operational and administrative ends of a business where deadlines must be met without

compromising quality (gee, just like advertising), Roberto refined his formidable management skills. And picked up such unbelievably pithy Latin sayings as “I’m going slow

because I’m in a hurry.”

Which brings us – and Roberto – to TURKEL Brands. Attracted by the creativity, energy and just plain craziness inherent in advertising, he became a partner with Bruce Turkel in 1989. Once he took the plunge, he hasn’t come up for air. His willingness to work long hours is the stuff of agency legend, as is his way with computers. (He’s

kind of like Bill Gates, only not as nerdy. Or as rich…yet.) Coworkers describe Roberto as a perfect blend of warmth

and smoothness. Kind of like his family’s coffee.


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Black & Decker - strategic planning, creation of advertising campaign and support materials, planning and execution of media plans

Oster - brand development, strategic planning, brand standards development, corporate identity, qualitative and quantitative research, brand execution, advertising campaign and support materials, media, planning/buying, digital/social media

Wahl - brand development, strategic planning, brand standards development, corporate identity, qualitative and quantitative research, brand execution, advertising campaign and support materials, media, planning/buying, digital/social media

TURKEL Brands has worked with some of the world’s leading houseware and appliance brands through our international network of agencies. We supported our partner agencies in developing marketing and promotional campaigns in key markets in Latin America. These brands include:

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Phase I: Data Mining All About Them – Most brand building processes start in the wrong place. They typically start with the category, the brand itself, or with a marketing toolkit. For us, success has proven to increase when firmly grounded in a strong understanding of the motivations and tensions driving people’s behavior. This is critical if we hope to connect with people in a meaningful way.

And, good data is the best way to cultivate an enlightened understanding.

Steps: • Kick-off meeting/strategic planning workshop

• Secondary research deep dive – Includes thorough competitive audit to better understand the category, the brand and how people currently perceive and interact with all the players

• Primary consumer research - Qualitative studies – e.g., 360 Immersion

[ethnography approach]

- Quantitative studies – To further understand/validate how people currently perceive/feel about your brand

- Segmentation studies [as appropriate]

• Data analysis

Deliverables: • Comprehensive category, competitive and

consumer analysis

• Identification of target[s], opportunity segment[s] and key tensions, insights, trends to build from

Phase II: Sculpting Your Purpose This is where we begin reducing Phase I’s foundation down to its core, motivating elements. Chiseling until we’ve identified the very soul of a brand by filtering against four criteria: Hearts Then Minds – People make decisions based on emotion and justify their decisions with facts. To get someone to pay attention, you must get them emotionally involved. Make It Simple – To make an impression and an impact, your message must be succinct and easily digestible. Make It Quick – It must also be said quickly. If you take your time, no one will wait around for you to explain.Make It Yours – It must be honest, ownable and intuitively ring true in the hearts and minds of people.

Steps: • Crafting an undeniable, unmistakable brand purpose • Defining how that purpose impacts product

line restructuring

• Molding that purpose into a marketing strategy that will drive both internal and external efforts

• Developing a big, media-neutral creative idea, and tailoring for specific segments as appropriate

• Qualitative/quantitative research validation [as appropriate]

Deliverables: • Brand purpose statement • Product line restructuring • Marketing strategy foundation • Brand mark, sell line and corporate ID standard • Big, media-neutral idea to guide all communications

We are in the business of creating desire. For more than 30 years we have been creating startlingly original and effective marketing solutions for our clients, including quite a few in the tourism and hospitality industries. Following is a brief synopsis of the process we would use to build and manage your brand image.


Phase III: Creating the Human Connection This is where your brand purpose comes to life in-market, tapping into: All Five Senses – Memorable conversations involve all human senses. To communicate effectively you must engage as many of your audiences’ senses as possible.Repeat, Repeat, Repeat – Your message must be repeated often enough that your audience will remember and internalize the content.

Steps/Deliverables: • Communications strategy development – driving

internal and external efforts

• Creative execution – online and offline ideation, refinement and production

• Proofing and reviewing

• Trafficking

• Campaign performance evaluation and refinement

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Visita • Síguenos en OsterLatino

Da un paso simple a una vida más sana con la nueva licuadora Oster® Xpert Series.™





Visita: • Síguenos: @OsterLatino

Da un paso simple a una vida más sana con la nueva licuadora Oster® Xpert Series.™



Visita: • Síguenos: @OsterLatino

Da un paso simple a una vida más sana con la nueva licuadora Oster® Xpert Series.™



Visita: • Síguenos: @OsterLatino

Da un paso simple a una vida más sana con la nueva licuadora Oster® Xpert Series.™



Visita: • Síguenos: @OsterLatino

Da un paso simple a una vida más sana con la nueva licuadora Oster® Xpert Series.™


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Black & Decker

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Kissimmee Convention & Visitors Bureau

Stay in Kissimmee and you get more giggles, more photos,more moments, more togetherness. You get more wholesomefamily act ivi t ies, more dining options, more affordablenext-door access to Orlando’s theme parks. Get “more” fromyour Central Florida vacation - get your “Book of Dreams”vacation planner at or 866-928-KISS today.

KSCM343_O_Magazine_Apr06_1_A.qxd 12/14/05 5:45 PM Page 1

Stay in Kissimmee and you get more giggles, more photos,more moments, more togetherness. You get more wholesomefamily activit ies, more dining options, more affordablenext-door access to Orlando’s theme parks. Get “more” fromyour Central Florida vacation - get your “Book of Dreams”vacation planner at or 877-907-KISS today.

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Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau

©Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau – The Official Destination Sales & Marketing Organization for Greater Miami and the Beaches.


Welcome to label land, to shopaholics’ paradise, to menu mecca and the crossroads of culture and cachet. Welcome to Aventura. On Miami’s north side you’re blessed with unmatched shopping and innumerable indulgences. I’m Diego, the master of mustaches. Check out my video and learn about Aventura and other unique neighborhoods at

Turnberry Isle Resort & Club, Aventura


Bal Harbour Shops, Miami

Nestled between the Atlantic and the Intracoastal, exclusive Bal Harbour Village awaits your whims. Indulge in high-end shopping and five-star hotels, and relax in the lap of luxury. I’m Shaney – enjoy my Bal Harbour video and explore Miami’s other unique neighborhoods at

©Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau – The Official Destination Sales & Marketing Organization for Greater Miami and the Beaches.


I’m Jose and here in Little Havana we love our Cuban coffee so much you can find it everywhere. In local restaurants, hand-rolled cigar shops and Domino Park. Even at the local frutería juice stand in a banana milkshake. Come explore my Little Havana neighborhood and other great neighborhoods at


©Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau – The Official Destination Sales & Marketing Organization for Greater Miami and the Beaches.

Frutería ‘‘Los Pinareños’’on SW 8th Street

LITTLE HAVANA – IT’S SO MIAMI®©Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau – The Official Destination Sales & Marketing Organization for Greater Miami and the Beaches.


The Venetian Pool, Coral Gables

Immerse yourself in the historic Venetian Pool. Explore the famed Biltmore Hotel and Golf Course. Romance your special someone wandering Miracle Mile. Lose yourself in our shops and gourmet menus. I’m Mitchell, and I can tell you that a neighborhood with history is irresistible. See for yourself – watch my Coral Gables video, and then explore Miami’s other unique neighborhoods at


©Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau – The Official Destination Sales & Marketing Organization for Greater Miami and the Beaches.

A sunset paddle on the bay. Pitchers and pool at a local dive bar. Cracking stone crabs with a mallet. Rooftop lounge sofas. Welcome to my South Beach. I’m Morgan. When we hit the water in my video you’ll see my neighborhood from a whole new angle. You can find it and learn about our other cool neighborhoods at

View from Sunset Harbor, Miami Beach

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keiretsu (系列, lit. system, series, grouping of enterprises, order of succession) is a set of companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings. It is a type of informal business group.


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The “Brands” behind TURKEL Brands are a team of carefully-curated, multi-disciplined companies and best-of-breed marketing specialists that can be specifically tailored to meet your needs. Our portfolio of agencies includes some of the most respected communications professionals in the industry, who stand out for their ingenuity, creativity, and proven results.

Serving as the lead agency and brand steward, we oversee our clients’ brands from a 360-degree perspective. Based on our clients’ needs, we create a customized team of experts in the disciplines required. We coordinate all marketing initiatives, including advertising, digital, media planning and buying, public relations, etc. to provide integrated seamless solutions. We call this structure the Brand Value Agency Leader Model. It is unique in the world of independently-owned agencies, but it comes naturally to us.

Our model addresses the expense, inefficiency, and complexity you face when you have to interact with every service provider on their terms and then try to bring them all together. Plus, you’ll have confidence in knowing we’re in charge of ensuring each marketing discipline helps you achieve your ultimate goals.















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We are a dynamic agency based in Buenos Aires and Paris. The work we specialize

in sits at the crossroads of creative content and digital developments. We advise our

varios clients into building engaging digital experiences, as well as compelling and

effective online strategies

established in 200928 employees

The agencyOnline Brand StrategyCreative Development

User Interface Design (UI)User Experiences (UX)

headquartersbuenos aires & paris

The facToryBrand Websites

Apps (Ios & Android)Casual Games

Deployments & Migrations


creaTive conTenTEditorial Strategy

Content productionCollaborations

Creative Coding

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our clienTs

our clienTsCASE


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fashion and Technology have used one anoTher for generaTions.BuT never like This.

Google introduces “rose”, a WebGL experiment that blends

fashion and technology like never before.

With this WebGL-based experiment, Google gives four up-and-coming Mexican designers the opportunity to rediscover their creative processes through the help of artificial intelligence technology, allowing them to find new inspiration and build a body of work with unconventional shapes, fabrics and silhouettes. Rose helps push the boundaries and design with the codes of the internet age.

ROSE is the first step towards anchoring individuality and experimentation into our imagined futures. In terms of fabric, shapes and silhouettes, technology

CONVOY Case Studies

design and developmenTof a cusTom youTuBe gadgeT

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design & developmenT of a responsive weB plaTform for developer experTs communiTy.

CONVOY Case Studies

social media managmenT

We took over the community management of Mastercard, whose positioning is based on emotion and F ́s experience. We continuously develop the brand ́s voice on social media by creating content, developing

acebook apps, and offering promotions & sweepstakes. In a 6 month period we raised the page engagement and likes by a 30% average.

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digiTal sTraTegy & developmenT

Social, Web & Mobile. We developed the new digital identity for the brand including: Website, mobile apps, social media management and media planning

CONVOY Case Studies

design & developmenT responsive weB plaTform for g+ profile images cusTomizaTion

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digiTal sTraTegy + 360o approach

We set the foundations of the new digital strategy of Kenzo Paris. We developed the new digital identity for the brand including: an all new e-commerce website, product strategy, video production, and social media re-target. Through our work with Kenzo, we gained experience in brand deployment, and addressing new markets. We brought a traditional

fashion house into the contemporary scene.

CONVOY Case Studies

design asseTs for google official g+ pages.


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social engagemenT

We created a variety of social media oriented interactive experiences for the Japanese retailer Uniqlo. The goal of the platforms was to earn the client new Facebook fans. Two weeks into the launch, our client’s

goals were already doubled, thus highlighting a great need for more such operations involving their younger

CONVOY Case Studies

responsive weB plaTform for sTudenT exam pracTices. Timss, pisa, fesBa

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Our mission was to reach out to a vast network of developers in the region, by building instructional websites and communication strategies. To spearhead the

project, Google has trusted us to lead this operation and through our collaboration,

CONVOY Case Studies

radio franceApp Development

Radio France is France’s biggest public service radio broadcaster. With arguably the widest network of radio stations in the country, including six themed stations with separate targets and goals, Radio France is a

juggernaut that rarely changes but understands the need to freshen up once in a while. We were called in to team up with the Radio France to redefine the ambitions and revamp their signature radio application. In doing so, we

created a unique app for all 6 radio stations, helping for a seamless experience.

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responsive weB developmenT

CONVOY Case Studies

moBile app design & developmenT

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In 1996, TURKEL Brands President Roberto S. Schaps built a 10-office agency network in Latin America to serve the company’s top tier international brands, including HBO, Black & Decker, Discovery Networks, and Sony. Building on our success in the Latin American market, we have grown into a truly global strategic communications network called TURKEL Brands International.

TURKEL Brands International’s team of independently-owned agencies operates in 43 countries throughout North, Central & South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Australia. For more than 30 years, we have been providing a full suite of marketing services, including advertising, public relations, direct marketing, digital and promotions & events.

(our international experience)• Argentina

• Brazil

• Canada

• Chile

• Colombia

• Costa Rica

• Dominican Republic

• Ecuador

• El Salvador

• Guatemala

• Grand Cayman

• Honduras

• Mexico

• Nicaragua

• Panama

• Paraguay

• Peru

• Puerto Rico

• Uruguay


• Venezuela

■ Belgium■ Czech Republic■ Denmark■ Finland■ France■ Germany■ Greece■ Hungary■ Italy■ Poland■ Portugal■ Slovak Republic■ Spain■ Sweden■ Switzerland■ The Netherlands■ Turkey■ United Kingdom

■ Australia■ China■ India■ Singapore

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WE ARE ORGANIZED IN A UNIQUE WAY.While TURKEL Brands International’s agencies are fully independent, they are also interdependent. Every agency in our network stands shoulder to shoulder, sharing and collaborating to support our clients. This innovative method allows us to become more inspirational in thought, leading to a myriad of shared local and global insights.

EMBRACE YOUR BRAND.To work effectively with a product, you must first honor its origins. No matter where your brand is headquartered, we will pair it with our agency in that country to leverage its cultural heritage. All About Them

EMBRACE YOUR CUSTOMER.A local agency will always have a superior grasp of the nuances of its natives. All Five Senses TURKEL Brands International has Brand Culturalists in each market to ensure that the messaging a homegrown consumer receives will be entirely personalized and always relevant. Each message we articulate is deliberately designed to resonate with your audience’s unique culture. Hearts Then Minds

HOW WE WORK.WE GRASP: If you don’t know your client, their brand, the history, and all the ins and outs, you can’t succeed. We dig in deep so we know everything you know. Additionally, we take a long, hard look at your consumer and figure out exactly what makes them, them. Make It Yours

WE ADJUST: We are nimble and able to adapt to each client’s individual needs. Make It Quick Our client relationships are managed and headquartered from that client’s country of origin. When a client decides to extend their reach into other markets, we give them access to our agency in that country. We maintain consistency across countries by using our Miami office as its Brand Steward. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

WE RELATE: Our Brand Culturalists are located in all the countries your consumers are from. From strategy development to campaign rollout, these are the folks who know. When required, the Brand Culturalists work closely with the Miami office to maintain brand stewardship and message consistency. Make It Simple

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IF you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably figured out we have a different way of doing things. You know what we do, why we do it and who gets it done.

What you might not know yet is what our ultimate goal is.

It’s simple: We are going to be the best advertising, marketing, branding and public relations agency in the world.

We’d like you to help us accomplish that.

Together we can do it.

Thank you.

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2871 Oak Avenue • Miami, FL 33133 • USA T: +1 305.476.3530 • [email protected] •