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Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 32019

Aika 2032019 klo 1000 ndash 1200Paikka HR142

Tutkimusneuvoston jaumlsenettutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi puheenjohtajaprofessori Heli Jantunenprofessori Sanna Jaumlrvelaumlprofessori Jouni-Matti Kuukkanenprofessori Juha Pekka Lunkka (akatemiatutkija Henrikki Liimatainen)professori Tuija Mainelaprofessori Mika Raumlmetprofessori Mikko Sillanpaumlaumlprofessori Seppo Vainiotohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen

Muuthallinnollinen koordinaattori Ritva Saastamoinen sihteeritutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilauml (5sect)

1sect Avaus Kokouksen laillisuus ja paumlaumltoumlsvaltaisuus(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Kutsu kokoukseen ja esityslista liitteineen on laumlhetetty 1532019 Hallin-toelin on paumlaumltoumlsvaltainen kun puheenjohtaja mukaan luettuna vaumlhintaumlaumlnpuolet jaumlsenistauml on laumlsnauml

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto toteaa kokouksen laillisesti kokoon kutsu-tuksi ja paumlaumltoumlsvaltaiseksi

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kokouksen laillisesti kokoon kutsutuksi japaumlaumltoumlsvaltaiseksi

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2sect Kokouksen esityslistan hyvaumlksyminen(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Esityslista hyvaumlksytaumlaumln

Paumlaumltoumls Esityslista hyvaumlksyttiin seuraavin muutoksin

- Lisaumlys esityslistaan FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmis-tautuminen

- Lisaumlys esityslistaan kohtaan Muut asiat Esimerkkitapaus henkiloumls-toumln liikkuvuuteen liittyvaumlstauml ongelmakohdasta

- Lisaumlys kohtaan Muut asiat Tiedoksi Tulevia muutoksia professori-rekrytointiohjeistukseen

- Edellauml mainittuja lisaumlyksiauml seuraavien asiakohtien uudelleennume-rointi

3sect Tehtaumlvien taumlyttoumljen hyvaumlksyminen ndash nimitysesitykset(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

3sect Esitykseen liittyvaumlt dokumentit ovat naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Op-tima-tyoumltilassaKs myoumls yliopiston ohjeetOulun yliopiston henkiloumlstoumln rekrytointiohjeOulun yliopiston toimintaohje tenure track -rekrytointeihin

31 Esitys Tenure Track-tehtaumlvaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml jaumlttaumlmisestauml (orgaani-nen kemia) (Liite 1)

Tenure track position Organic Chemistry The candidate is expected tocarry out research in the field of Organic Chemistry The successful candi-date is also expected to establish an active research in the unit that involvessupervision of doctoral and undergraduate students and results in highly-ranked scientific publications Heshe should also take part in the educa-tional activities in the degree program for Chemistry The research fieldwill form an integral part of the research unit and will involve working inclose cooperation with the unitrsquos other groups and researchers The success-ful candidate is expected to conduct high-level research in the field of Or-ganic Chemistry including research management and funding acquisitionand to take actively part in international scientific community and collabo-ration Furthermore the duties include undergraduate and graduate levelteaching and supervision of academic theses Career assessment on the ten-ure track is based on regular performance assessment that measures thecandidateacutes merits in all these areas It is envisaged that the successful ap-plicant will possess the experience and competence to be placed at Assis-tant or Associate Professor level in the tenure track system

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 234 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 25 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln taumlytoumlnvalmisteluryhmauml laati lyhytlistan jonka mukaisesti hakijoiden dokumentitlaumlhetettiin ulkopuolisille asiantuntijoille arvioitavaksi Vain yksi hakijoista

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oli ilmaissut urapolkutason jolla halusi tulla arvoiduksi Muut hakijoista ar-vioitiin joko tasolla II (assistant professor) tai III (associate professor) Ura-polkutason valintaan vaikutti hakijan siihenastinen urakehitys sekauml vaumlitte-lystauml kulunut aika Lyhyelle listalle valittiin kahdeksan hakijaa Valintape-rusteina olivat julkaisuaktiivisuus vaikuttavuus ja henkiloumlkohtaiset opetus-ansiot Myoumls hakijan tutkimus- ja opetusalan sopivuus taumlytettaumlvaumlaumln tehtauml-vaumlaumln otettiin huomioon

Lyhytlistalle valittujen kahdeksan hakijan arvioinnin suorittivat seuraavatkolme asiantuntijaa

1 Professori Cathleen Crudden Queenrsquos University Canada2 Professori Gerhard Erker University of Muumlnster Saksa3 Professori Thomas Wirth Cardiff University UK

Liite 1 sisaumlltaumlauml arviointien numeerisen yhteenvedon Ulkopuolisten asian-tuntija-arvioijien antamien lausuntojen mukaan kahdeksasta arvioidusta ha-kijasta ainoastaan yksi (Vasu Dhananjayan) todettiin selkeaumlsti kelpoiseksitenure-tehtaumlvaumlaumln Assistant Professor -tasolla ja lisaumlksi Juha Heiskanen ylsilaumlhelle Assistant Professor -tason vaatimuksia Valmisteluryhmauml paumlaumlttihaastatella naumlmauml kaksi hakijaa

Valmisteluryhmauml suosittelee muistiossaan puheenjohtaja Risto Laitisen joh-dolla ettauml tehtaumlvauml jaumltetaumlaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml Ulkopuolisten asiantuntija-arvioijienantamien lausuntojen mukaan kahdeksasta arvioidusta hakijasta ainoastaanyksi (Vasu Dhananjayan) todettiin kelpoiseksi Assistant Professor -tasollaHaastattelussa kaumlvi ilmi ettauml haumlnellauml ei ole omaa julkaisuprofiilia eikauml ko-kemusta opetuksesta tai oman tutkimusryhmaumln muodostamisesta tai yllaumlpi-dosta Lisaumlksi haumlnellauml on hyvin vaumlhaumln kokemusta tutkimusrahoituksenhankkimisesta joten valmisteluryhmauml toteaa muistiossaan ettauml haumln ei olevielauml taumlssauml vaiheessa sopiva henkilouml tehtaumlvaumlaumln Valmisteluryhmauml totesi toi-sesta haastatellusta hakijasta Juha Heiskasesta ettauml haumln ylsi tasaisen hyvaumllletasolle kaikkien asiantuntijoiden arvioinneissa ja myoumls haastattelun perus-teella Todettiin ettauml haumln omaa todennaumlkoumlisesti potentiaalia kehittyauml laumlhi-vuosina riittaumlvaumllle tasolle mutta ettauml taumlllauml hetkellauml haumln ei kuitenkaan vielaumltaumlysin taumlytauml tenure track-vaatimuksia

Edellauml mainittujen syiden perusteella dekaani Riitta Keiski esittaumlauml valmiste-luryhmaumln esityksen mukaisesti tutkimusneuvostolle ettauml orgaanisen kemiantenure track ndashtehtaumlvauml jaumltetaumlaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml Keiski toteaa esityksessaumlaumln ettaumlorgaanisen kemian opetuksen ja tutkimuksen tarpeiden taumlyttaumlmiseksi harki-taan muita vaumlliaikaisia ratkaisuja ja ettauml tenure track ndashtehtaumlvauml pyritaumlaumln avaa-maan uudelleen mahdollisesti uudelleen suunnattuna muutaman vuoden ku-luessa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja totesi saaneensa tiedoksivalmisteluryhmaumln suosituksen perusteella tiedekunnan tekemaumln paumlaumltoumlksenorgaanisen kemian tenure track -tehtaumlvaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml jaumlttaumlmisestauml Tutki-musneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ulkoisten arviointien ja valmisteluryh-maumln lausunnon perusteella paras hakija Vasu Dhananjayan taumlyttaumlisi erin-omaisesti Oulun yliopiston maumlaumlrittelemaumlt assistant professor -tason tenure

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track -tehtaumlvaumln valintakriteerit Tutkimusneuvosto huomauttaa ettei Oulunyliopiston kriteereissauml edellytetauml tenure track -tehtaumlvaumlssauml assistant professor-tasolla kykyauml johtaa tutkimusryhmaumlauml tai hankkia taumlydentaumlvaumlauml tutkimusra-hoitusta vaan naumlmauml vaatimukset edellytetaumlaumln vasta seuraavalla associateprofessor -tasolla

4sect Professorinimitysten asiantuntijoiden hyvaumlksyminen(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

4sect Esitykseen liittyvaumlt dokumentit ovat naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Op-tima-tyoumltilassaKs myoumls yliopiston ohjeet Oulun yliopiston henkiloumlstoumln rekrytointiohje

41 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml joint professorship in bio-sensors -professuuri

Joint Professorship in Biosensors for a five-year period (3+2 years) Theposition is located at the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine(25) and the Faculty of Medicine (25) and VTT Technical ResearchCentre of Finland ltd (50) In line with the strategic objectives of UO andVTT it is anticipated that the candidate focuses on biosensor research inthe field of translational science The specific application fields of interestcould be but not limited to point-of-care diagnostics or disease monitoringResearch in multidisciplinary group includes the development of novel bio-sensor concepts and their validation in relevant environment Research ad-dressing biochemical and clinical questions is performed at UO while VTTprovides resources to fabricate biosensors with integrated electrical opticaland microfluidic functionalities The Professor will be a dynamic individualwho provides vision leadership and guidance in the multidisciplinary fieldof biomedical sensing research and translational medicine

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 1512019 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 16 henkiloumlauml Valmistelu-ryhmauml oli yksimielinen haastattelun tarpeellisuudesta ennen kuin hakemuk-set laumlhetetaumlaumln asiantuntijoille Hakijoiden esikarsinta tehtiin hakuilmoituk-sessa mainittujen vaatimusten perusteella Haastatteluun valittiin ne kolmehakijaa jotka taumlyttivaumlt seuraavat kriteerit tieteellinen paumltevyys (mm ohja-tut vaumlitoumlskirjat ja julkaisutuotanto) ulkopuolisen rahoituksen maumlaumlrauml ver-kostoituminen ja erityisesti hakuilmoituksessa mainittu vaatimus kokemuk-sesta saumlhkoumlisistauml tai optisista biosensoreista ja biotestien kehittaumlmisestauml bio-molekyylien (vasta-aineet aptameerit nukleiinihapot) tunnistamiseksiYksi haastateltu hakija karsiutui jatkosta koska haumlnen tutkimuksensa kat-sottiin olevan perustutkimusta jota rekrytoitavissa organisaatioissa jo oneikauml haumlnen katsottu tuovan lisaumlarvoa tai uutta ja innovatiivista tutkimus-suuntaa Haastatteluissa esille tulleiden seikkojen perusteella valmistelu-ryhmauml valitsi yksimielisesti jatkoon kaksi hakijaa Caglar Elbuken jaRaphaeacutel Trouillon

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

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1 Prof Ali Javey (mies) University of Berkley USA2 Prof emeritus Jukka Lekkala (mies) Tampereen yliopisto3 Prof Zhenan Bao (nainen) Stanford University USA

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle4 Prof Anthony Turner (mies) Cranfield University UK5 Prof Pasi Kallio (mies) Tampereen yliopisto6 Prof Luisa Torsi (nainen) University of Bari Italia

Jaumlaumlviystarkastelu on tehty kirjaston bibliometrisen analyysin perusteellaeikauml hakijoiden ja arvioitsijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml loumlytynyt yhteisjulkaisuja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name JAVEY ALIAddress University of Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Com-puter Science (EECS) Department 253 Cory Hall 1770 BerkeleyCA 94720-1770 USAEmail ajaveyberkeleyeduWeb page httpnanoeecsberkeleyeduQualificationsKey figures in the field over 28 000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Molybdenum compounds monolayers- Solar cells photoelectrochemical cells- Carbon nanotubes- Sensors flexible electronicsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsLeader in materials innovation for enabling new device structuresand concepts for example electronic skin

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Javey A Guo J Wang Q Lundstrom M Dai H Ballistic

carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (2003) Nature 424(6949) pp 654-657 Cited 2387 times DOI 101038na-ture01797

2 Fang H Chuang S Chang TC Takei K Takahashi TJavey A High-performance single layered WSe 2 p-FETs withchemically doped contacts (2012) Nano Letters 12 (7) pp 3788-3792 Cited 879 times DOI 101021nl301702r

3 Qi P Vermesh O Grecu M Javey A Wang Q Dai HPeng S Cho KJ Toward large arrays of multiplex functional-ized carbon nanotube sensors for highly sensitive and selectivemolecular detection (2003) Nano Letters 3 (3) pp 347-351Cited 823 times DOI 101021nl034010k

4 Javey A Kim H Brink M Wang Q Ural A Guo J Mcin-tyre P Mceuen P Lundstrom M Dai H High-κ dielectricsfor advanced carbon-nanotube transistors and logic gates (2002)Nature Materials 1 (4) pp 241-246 Cited 819 times DOI101038nmat769

5 Fan Z Razavi H Do J-W Moriwaki A Ergen O ChuehY-L Leu PW Ho JC Takahashi T Reichertz LA Neale

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S Yu K Wu M Ager JW Javey A Three-dimensional na-nopillar-array photovoltaics on low-cost and flexible substrates(2009) Nature Materials 8 (8) pp 648-653 Cited 812 timesDOI 101038nmat2493

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 80 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 292

Evaluator candidate 2

Name LEKKALA JUKKA OAddress Faculty of biomedical sciences and engineering TampereUniversity Kalevantie 4 FI-33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail jukkalekkalatutfiWeb page httpswwwtunifienQualificationsProfessor in Tampere University since 2002 before Research scien-tist in VTT for 17 years Expert in sensoring technology and biolog-ical measurements 1745 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Photoplethysmography blood pressure pressure sensors- Human computer interactionsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in sensoring technology and biological measurements

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Paajanen M Lekkala J Kirjavainen K ElectroMechanical

Film (EMFi) - a new multipurpose electret material (2000) Sen-sors and Actuators A Physical 84 (1) pp 95-102 Cited 221times DOI 101016S0924-4247(99)00269-1

2 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Vieytes M Bauer-Gogonea S Bauer S Hillenbrand J Kressmann R SesslerGM Paajanen M Lekkala J Large and broadband piezoelec-tricity in smart polymer-foam space-charge electrets (2000) Ap-plied Physics Letters 77 (23) pp 3827-3829 Cited 129 timesDOI 10106311331348

3 Paajanen M Vaumllimaumlki H Lekkala J Modelling the electrome-chanical film (EMFi) (2000) Journal of Electrostatics 48 (3-4)pp 193-204 Cited 96 times DOI 101016S0304-3886(99)00065-0

4 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Bauer-Gogonea SBauer S Paajanen M Lekkala J Piezo- and pyroelectricity ofa polymer-foam space-charge electret (2001) Journal of AppliedPhysics 89 (8) pp 4503-4511 Cited 95 times DOI10106311355719

5 Lekkala Jukka Paajanen Mika EMFi - new electret material forsensors and actuators (1999) Proceedings - International Sympo-sium on Electrets pp 743-746 Cited 90 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 20 (Scopus)

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Number of scientific publications 146

Evaluator candidate 3

Name BAO ZHENANAddress Standford Univeristy Shriram Center Chemical Engineer-ing 443 Via Ortega Room 129 StanfordCA 94305 USAEmail zbaostanfordeduWeb page httpschemestanfordeduQualificationsKey scientist in field of organic field-effect transistors and founderof Stanford wearable electronics initiative Numerous honours andawards and leading administrative positions Over 64 000 citationsCurrent academic position Professor Department chairMain topics of research- Flexible electronics sensors- Organic field effect transistors conjucated polymers- Semiconducting organic compoundsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials or-ganic electronic device design and fabrication and applications de-velopment for organic electronics

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Becerril HA Mao J Liu Z Stoltenberg RM Bao Z Chen

Y Evaluation of solution-processed reduced graphene oxidefilms as transparent conductors (2008) ACS Nano 2 (3) pp 463-470 Cited 2258 times DOI 101021nn700375n

2 Bao Z Dodabalapur A Lovinger AJ Soluble and processableregioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) for thin film field-effecttransistor applications with high mobility (1996) Applied PhysicsLetters 69 (26) pp 4108-4110 Cited 1561 times DOI1010631117834

3 Lipomi DJ Vosgueritchian M Tee BC-K Hellstrom SLLee JA Fox CH Bao Z

4 Skin-like pressure and strain sensors based on transparent elasticfilms of carbon nanotubes (2011) Nature Nanotechnology 6 (12)pp 788-792 Cited 1408 times DOI 101038nnano2011184

5 Mannsfeld SCB Tee BC-K Stoltenberg RM ChenCVH-H Barman S Muir BVO Sokolov AN Reese CBao Z Highly sensitive flexible pressure sensors with micro-structured rubber dielectric layers (2010) Nature Materials 9(10) pp 859-864 Cited 1246 times DOI 101038nmat2834

6 Crone B Dodabalapur A Lin Y-Y Filas RW Bao Z La-Duca A Sarpeshkar R Katz HE Li W Large-scale comple-mentary integrated circuits based on organic transistors (2000)Nature 403 (6769) pp 521-523 Cited 1104 times DOI10103835000530

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 131 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 622

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Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name TURNER ANTHONY PFAddress Linkoumlping University Department of Physics Chemistryand Biology Linkoumlping Integrative Regenerative Medicine (IGEN)Centre IKE-Linkoumlping University Linkoumlping S-581 83 SwedenEmail anthonyturnerliuseWeb page httpswwwifmliuseapplphysbiosensors-and-bioe-lectrogroup-membersanthony-turnerQualificationsConsidered the ldquofarther of biosensoringrdquo Carried out a thirty-fiveyear academic career in the UK which culminated in the positions ofPrincipal of Cranfield University at Silsoe and Distinguished Profes-sor of Biotechnology Since 2010 in Univeristy of Linkoumlping wherehe established a new Centre for Biosensors and Bioelectronics Edi-tor-in-Chief Biosensors and Bioelectronics Over 16400 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Biosensors and biosensing techniques- Molecular recognition glucose sensors- Logic gatesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsGrounding scientist in biosensoring techniques

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Cass AEG Davis G Francis GD Allen H Hill O Aston

WJ Higgins IJ Plotkin EV Scott LDL Turner APFFerrocene-Mediated Enzyme Electrode for Amperometric Deter-mination of Glucose (1984) Analytical Chemistry 56 (4) pp667-671 Cited 1353 times DOI 101021ac00268a018

2 Wilson R Turner APF Glucose oxidase an ideal enzyme(1992) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 7 (3) pp 165-185 Cited926 times DOI 1010160956-5663(92)87013-F

3 Turner APF Biosensors Sense and sensibility (2013) ChemicalSociety Reviews 42 (8) pp 3184-3196 Cited 556 times DOI101039c3cs35528d

4 Newman JD Turner APF Home blood glucose biosensors Acommercial perspective (2005) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20(12) pp 2435-2453 Cited 506 times DOI101016jbios200411012

5 Bossi A Bonini F Turner APF Piletsky SA Molecularlyimprinted polymers for the recognition of proteins The state ofthe art (2007) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (6) pp 1131-1137 Cited 375 times DOI 101016jbios200606023

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 65 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 331

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Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name KALLIO PASIAddress Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampereuniversity Kalevantie 4 33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail pasikalliotutfiWeb page httpswwwtunififi httpstutcristutfiportalenper-sonspasi-kallio(472bb8e8-53cd-4996-91dc-d2cdeb6c0ed5)htmlQualificationsProfessor In Tampere University and Head of Research Group of Mi-cro and Nanosystems Research Group Part of Academy of FinlandCoE ldquoBody-on-Chip-Researchrdquo 2018-2025 Emerging scientist inthe biosensoring field 740 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Microfluidics microfluidic analytical techniques- Grippers Micromanipulators- PaperboardsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biomedical robotics and applications Closely linked to hu-man spare part development

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Ali Babar A Bjoumlrninen T Bhagavati VA Sydaumlnheimo L

Kallio P Ukkonen L Small and flexible metal mountable pas-sive UHF RFID tag on high-dielectric polymer-ceramic compo-site substrate (2012) IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters 11 pp 1319-1322 Cited 52 times DOI101109LAWP20122227291

2 Hemmilauml S Cauich-Rodriacuteguez JV Kreutzer J Kallio PRapid simple and cost-effective treatments to achieve long-termhydrophilic PDMS surfaces (2012) Applied Surface Science 258(24) pp 9864-9875 Cited 50 times DOI 101016jap-susc201206044

3 Kuncovaacute-Kallio J Kallio PJ PDMS and its suitability for ana-lytical microfluidic devices (2006) Annual International Confer-ence of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Pro-ceedings art no 4029618 pp 2486-2489 Cited 36 times DOI101109IEMBS2006260465

4 Kallio P Lind M Zhou Q Koivo HN A 3-DOF piezohy-draulic parallel micromanipulator (1998) Proceedings - IEEE In-ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 art no677432 pp 1823-1828 Cited 34 times DOI 101109RO-BOT1998677432

5 Kuncova J Kallio P Challenges in capillary pressure mi-croinjection (2004) Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 26 VII pp4998-5001 Cited 32 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 15 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 107

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Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

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Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

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4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

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4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

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5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 2: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

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2sect Kokouksen esityslistan hyvaumlksyminen(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Esityslista hyvaumlksytaumlaumln

Paumlaumltoumls Esityslista hyvaumlksyttiin seuraavin muutoksin

- Lisaumlys esityslistaan FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmis-tautuminen

- Lisaumlys esityslistaan kohtaan Muut asiat Esimerkkitapaus henkiloumls-toumln liikkuvuuteen liittyvaumlstauml ongelmakohdasta

- Lisaumlys kohtaan Muut asiat Tiedoksi Tulevia muutoksia professori-rekrytointiohjeistukseen

- Edellauml mainittuja lisaumlyksiauml seuraavien asiakohtien uudelleennume-rointi

3sect Tehtaumlvien taumlyttoumljen hyvaumlksyminen ndash nimitysesitykset(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

3sect Esitykseen liittyvaumlt dokumentit ovat naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Op-tima-tyoumltilassaKs myoumls yliopiston ohjeetOulun yliopiston henkiloumlstoumln rekrytointiohjeOulun yliopiston toimintaohje tenure track -rekrytointeihin

31 Esitys Tenure Track-tehtaumlvaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml jaumlttaumlmisestauml (orgaani-nen kemia) (Liite 1)

Tenure track position Organic Chemistry The candidate is expected tocarry out research in the field of Organic Chemistry The successful candi-date is also expected to establish an active research in the unit that involvessupervision of doctoral and undergraduate students and results in highly-ranked scientific publications Heshe should also take part in the educa-tional activities in the degree program for Chemistry The research fieldwill form an integral part of the research unit and will involve working inclose cooperation with the unitrsquos other groups and researchers The success-ful candidate is expected to conduct high-level research in the field of Or-ganic Chemistry including research management and funding acquisitionand to take actively part in international scientific community and collabo-ration Furthermore the duties include undergraduate and graduate levelteaching and supervision of academic theses Career assessment on the ten-ure track is based on regular performance assessment that measures thecandidateacutes merits in all these areas It is envisaged that the successful ap-plicant will possess the experience and competence to be placed at Assis-tant or Associate Professor level in the tenure track system

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 234 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 25 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln taumlytoumlnvalmisteluryhmauml laati lyhytlistan jonka mukaisesti hakijoiden dokumentitlaumlhetettiin ulkopuolisille asiantuntijoille arvioitavaksi Vain yksi hakijoista

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oli ilmaissut urapolkutason jolla halusi tulla arvoiduksi Muut hakijoista ar-vioitiin joko tasolla II (assistant professor) tai III (associate professor) Ura-polkutason valintaan vaikutti hakijan siihenastinen urakehitys sekauml vaumlitte-lystauml kulunut aika Lyhyelle listalle valittiin kahdeksan hakijaa Valintape-rusteina olivat julkaisuaktiivisuus vaikuttavuus ja henkiloumlkohtaiset opetus-ansiot Myoumls hakijan tutkimus- ja opetusalan sopivuus taumlytettaumlvaumlaumln tehtauml-vaumlaumln otettiin huomioon

Lyhytlistalle valittujen kahdeksan hakijan arvioinnin suorittivat seuraavatkolme asiantuntijaa

1 Professori Cathleen Crudden Queenrsquos University Canada2 Professori Gerhard Erker University of Muumlnster Saksa3 Professori Thomas Wirth Cardiff University UK

Liite 1 sisaumlltaumlauml arviointien numeerisen yhteenvedon Ulkopuolisten asian-tuntija-arvioijien antamien lausuntojen mukaan kahdeksasta arvioidusta ha-kijasta ainoastaan yksi (Vasu Dhananjayan) todettiin selkeaumlsti kelpoiseksitenure-tehtaumlvaumlaumln Assistant Professor -tasolla ja lisaumlksi Juha Heiskanen ylsilaumlhelle Assistant Professor -tason vaatimuksia Valmisteluryhmauml paumlaumlttihaastatella naumlmauml kaksi hakijaa

Valmisteluryhmauml suosittelee muistiossaan puheenjohtaja Risto Laitisen joh-dolla ettauml tehtaumlvauml jaumltetaumlaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml Ulkopuolisten asiantuntija-arvioijienantamien lausuntojen mukaan kahdeksasta arvioidusta hakijasta ainoastaanyksi (Vasu Dhananjayan) todettiin kelpoiseksi Assistant Professor -tasollaHaastattelussa kaumlvi ilmi ettauml haumlnellauml ei ole omaa julkaisuprofiilia eikauml ko-kemusta opetuksesta tai oman tutkimusryhmaumln muodostamisesta tai yllaumlpi-dosta Lisaumlksi haumlnellauml on hyvin vaumlhaumln kokemusta tutkimusrahoituksenhankkimisesta joten valmisteluryhmauml toteaa muistiossaan ettauml haumln ei olevielauml taumlssauml vaiheessa sopiva henkilouml tehtaumlvaumlaumln Valmisteluryhmauml totesi toi-sesta haastatellusta hakijasta Juha Heiskasesta ettauml haumln ylsi tasaisen hyvaumllletasolle kaikkien asiantuntijoiden arvioinneissa ja myoumls haastattelun perus-teella Todettiin ettauml haumln omaa todennaumlkoumlisesti potentiaalia kehittyauml laumlhi-vuosina riittaumlvaumllle tasolle mutta ettauml taumlllauml hetkellauml haumln ei kuitenkaan vielaumltaumlysin taumlytauml tenure track-vaatimuksia

Edellauml mainittujen syiden perusteella dekaani Riitta Keiski esittaumlauml valmiste-luryhmaumln esityksen mukaisesti tutkimusneuvostolle ettauml orgaanisen kemiantenure track ndashtehtaumlvauml jaumltetaumlaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml Keiski toteaa esityksessaumlaumln ettaumlorgaanisen kemian opetuksen ja tutkimuksen tarpeiden taumlyttaumlmiseksi harki-taan muita vaumlliaikaisia ratkaisuja ja ettauml tenure track ndashtehtaumlvauml pyritaumlaumln avaa-maan uudelleen mahdollisesti uudelleen suunnattuna muutaman vuoden ku-luessa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja totesi saaneensa tiedoksivalmisteluryhmaumln suosituksen perusteella tiedekunnan tekemaumln paumlaumltoumlksenorgaanisen kemian tenure track -tehtaumlvaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml jaumlttaumlmisestauml Tutki-musneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ulkoisten arviointien ja valmisteluryh-maumln lausunnon perusteella paras hakija Vasu Dhananjayan taumlyttaumlisi erin-omaisesti Oulun yliopiston maumlaumlrittelemaumlt assistant professor -tason tenure

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track -tehtaumlvaumln valintakriteerit Tutkimusneuvosto huomauttaa ettei Oulunyliopiston kriteereissauml edellytetauml tenure track -tehtaumlvaumlssauml assistant professor-tasolla kykyauml johtaa tutkimusryhmaumlauml tai hankkia taumlydentaumlvaumlauml tutkimusra-hoitusta vaan naumlmauml vaatimukset edellytetaumlaumln vasta seuraavalla associateprofessor -tasolla

4sect Professorinimitysten asiantuntijoiden hyvaumlksyminen(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

4sect Esitykseen liittyvaumlt dokumentit ovat naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Op-tima-tyoumltilassaKs myoumls yliopiston ohjeet Oulun yliopiston henkiloumlstoumln rekrytointiohje

41 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml joint professorship in bio-sensors -professuuri

Joint Professorship in Biosensors for a five-year period (3+2 years) Theposition is located at the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine(25) and the Faculty of Medicine (25) and VTT Technical ResearchCentre of Finland ltd (50) In line with the strategic objectives of UO andVTT it is anticipated that the candidate focuses on biosensor research inthe field of translational science The specific application fields of interestcould be but not limited to point-of-care diagnostics or disease monitoringResearch in multidisciplinary group includes the development of novel bio-sensor concepts and their validation in relevant environment Research ad-dressing biochemical and clinical questions is performed at UO while VTTprovides resources to fabricate biosensors with integrated electrical opticaland microfluidic functionalities The Professor will be a dynamic individualwho provides vision leadership and guidance in the multidisciplinary fieldof biomedical sensing research and translational medicine

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 1512019 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 16 henkiloumlauml Valmistelu-ryhmauml oli yksimielinen haastattelun tarpeellisuudesta ennen kuin hakemuk-set laumlhetetaumlaumln asiantuntijoille Hakijoiden esikarsinta tehtiin hakuilmoituk-sessa mainittujen vaatimusten perusteella Haastatteluun valittiin ne kolmehakijaa jotka taumlyttivaumlt seuraavat kriteerit tieteellinen paumltevyys (mm ohja-tut vaumlitoumlskirjat ja julkaisutuotanto) ulkopuolisen rahoituksen maumlaumlrauml ver-kostoituminen ja erityisesti hakuilmoituksessa mainittu vaatimus kokemuk-sesta saumlhkoumlisistauml tai optisista biosensoreista ja biotestien kehittaumlmisestauml bio-molekyylien (vasta-aineet aptameerit nukleiinihapot) tunnistamiseksiYksi haastateltu hakija karsiutui jatkosta koska haumlnen tutkimuksensa kat-sottiin olevan perustutkimusta jota rekrytoitavissa organisaatioissa jo oneikauml haumlnen katsottu tuovan lisaumlarvoa tai uutta ja innovatiivista tutkimus-suuntaa Haastatteluissa esille tulleiden seikkojen perusteella valmistelu-ryhmauml valitsi yksimielisesti jatkoon kaksi hakijaa Caglar Elbuken jaRaphaeacutel Trouillon

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

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1 Prof Ali Javey (mies) University of Berkley USA2 Prof emeritus Jukka Lekkala (mies) Tampereen yliopisto3 Prof Zhenan Bao (nainen) Stanford University USA

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle4 Prof Anthony Turner (mies) Cranfield University UK5 Prof Pasi Kallio (mies) Tampereen yliopisto6 Prof Luisa Torsi (nainen) University of Bari Italia

Jaumlaumlviystarkastelu on tehty kirjaston bibliometrisen analyysin perusteellaeikauml hakijoiden ja arvioitsijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml loumlytynyt yhteisjulkaisuja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name JAVEY ALIAddress University of Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Com-puter Science (EECS) Department 253 Cory Hall 1770 BerkeleyCA 94720-1770 USAEmail ajaveyberkeleyeduWeb page httpnanoeecsberkeleyeduQualificationsKey figures in the field over 28 000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Molybdenum compounds monolayers- Solar cells photoelectrochemical cells- Carbon nanotubes- Sensors flexible electronicsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsLeader in materials innovation for enabling new device structuresand concepts for example electronic skin

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Javey A Guo J Wang Q Lundstrom M Dai H Ballistic

carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (2003) Nature 424(6949) pp 654-657 Cited 2387 times DOI 101038na-ture01797

2 Fang H Chuang S Chang TC Takei K Takahashi TJavey A High-performance single layered WSe 2 p-FETs withchemically doped contacts (2012) Nano Letters 12 (7) pp 3788-3792 Cited 879 times DOI 101021nl301702r

3 Qi P Vermesh O Grecu M Javey A Wang Q Dai HPeng S Cho KJ Toward large arrays of multiplex functional-ized carbon nanotube sensors for highly sensitive and selectivemolecular detection (2003) Nano Letters 3 (3) pp 347-351Cited 823 times DOI 101021nl034010k

4 Javey A Kim H Brink M Wang Q Ural A Guo J Mcin-tyre P Mceuen P Lundstrom M Dai H High-κ dielectricsfor advanced carbon-nanotube transistors and logic gates (2002)Nature Materials 1 (4) pp 241-246 Cited 819 times DOI101038nmat769

5 Fan Z Razavi H Do J-W Moriwaki A Ergen O ChuehY-L Leu PW Ho JC Takahashi T Reichertz LA Neale

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S Yu K Wu M Ager JW Javey A Three-dimensional na-nopillar-array photovoltaics on low-cost and flexible substrates(2009) Nature Materials 8 (8) pp 648-653 Cited 812 timesDOI 101038nmat2493

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 80 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 292

Evaluator candidate 2

Name LEKKALA JUKKA OAddress Faculty of biomedical sciences and engineering TampereUniversity Kalevantie 4 FI-33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail jukkalekkalatutfiWeb page httpswwwtunifienQualificationsProfessor in Tampere University since 2002 before Research scien-tist in VTT for 17 years Expert in sensoring technology and biolog-ical measurements 1745 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Photoplethysmography blood pressure pressure sensors- Human computer interactionsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in sensoring technology and biological measurements

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Paajanen M Lekkala J Kirjavainen K ElectroMechanical

Film (EMFi) - a new multipurpose electret material (2000) Sen-sors and Actuators A Physical 84 (1) pp 95-102 Cited 221times DOI 101016S0924-4247(99)00269-1

2 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Vieytes M Bauer-Gogonea S Bauer S Hillenbrand J Kressmann R SesslerGM Paajanen M Lekkala J Large and broadband piezoelec-tricity in smart polymer-foam space-charge electrets (2000) Ap-plied Physics Letters 77 (23) pp 3827-3829 Cited 129 timesDOI 10106311331348

3 Paajanen M Vaumllimaumlki H Lekkala J Modelling the electrome-chanical film (EMFi) (2000) Journal of Electrostatics 48 (3-4)pp 193-204 Cited 96 times DOI 101016S0304-3886(99)00065-0

4 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Bauer-Gogonea SBauer S Paajanen M Lekkala J Piezo- and pyroelectricity ofa polymer-foam space-charge electret (2001) Journal of AppliedPhysics 89 (8) pp 4503-4511 Cited 95 times DOI10106311355719

5 Lekkala Jukka Paajanen Mika EMFi - new electret material forsensors and actuators (1999) Proceedings - International Sympo-sium on Electrets pp 743-746 Cited 90 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 20 (Scopus)

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Number of scientific publications 146

Evaluator candidate 3

Name BAO ZHENANAddress Standford Univeristy Shriram Center Chemical Engineer-ing 443 Via Ortega Room 129 StanfordCA 94305 USAEmail zbaostanfordeduWeb page httpschemestanfordeduQualificationsKey scientist in field of organic field-effect transistors and founderof Stanford wearable electronics initiative Numerous honours andawards and leading administrative positions Over 64 000 citationsCurrent academic position Professor Department chairMain topics of research- Flexible electronics sensors- Organic field effect transistors conjucated polymers- Semiconducting organic compoundsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials or-ganic electronic device design and fabrication and applications de-velopment for organic electronics

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Becerril HA Mao J Liu Z Stoltenberg RM Bao Z Chen

Y Evaluation of solution-processed reduced graphene oxidefilms as transparent conductors (2008) ACS Nano 2 (3) pp 463-470 Cited 2258 times DOI 101021nn700375n

2 Bao Z Dodabalapur A Lovinger AJ Soluble and processableregioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) for thin film field-effecttransistor applications with high mobility (1996) Applied PhysicsLetters 69 (26) pp 4108-4110 Cited 1561 times DOI1010631117834

3 Lipomi DJ Vosgueritchian M Tee BC-K Hellstrom SLLee JA Fox CH Bao Z

4 Skin-like pressure and strain sensors based on transparent elasticfilms of carbon nanotubes (2011) Nature Nanotechnology 6 (12)pp 788-792 Cited 1408 times DOI 101038nnano2011184

5 Mannsfeld SCB Tee BC-K Stoltenberg RM ChenCVH-H Barman S Muir BVO Sokolov AN Reese CBao Z Highly sensitive flexible pressure sensors with micro-structured rubber dielectric layers (2010) Nature Materials 9(10) pp 859-864 Cited 1246 times DOI 101038nmat2834

6 Crone B Dodabalapur A Lin Y-Y Filas RW Bao Z La-Duca A Sarpeshkar R Katz HE Li W Large-scale comple-mentary integrated circuits based on organic transistors (2000)Nature 403 (6769) pp 521-523 Cited 1104 times DOI10103835000530

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 131 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 622

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Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name TURNER ANTHONY PFAddress Linkoumlping University Department of Physics Chemistryand Biology Linkoumlping Integrative Regenerative Medicine (IGEN)Centre IKE-Linkoumlping University Linkoumlping S-581 83 SwedenEmail anthonyturnerliuseWeb page httpswwwifmliuseapplphysbiosensors-and-bioe-lectrogroup-membersanthony-turnerQualificationsConsidered the ldquofarther of biosensoringrdquo Carried out a thirty-fiveyear academic career in the UK which culminated in the positions ofPrincipal of Cranfield University at Silsoe and Distinguished Profes-sor of Biotechnology Since 2010 in Univeristy of Linkoumlping wherehe established a new Centre for Biosensors and Bioelectronics Edi-tor-in-Chief Biosensors and Bioelectronics Over 16400 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Biosensors and biosensing techniques- Molecular recognition glucose sensors- Logic gatesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsGrounding scientist in biosensoring techniques

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Cass AEG Davis G Francis GD Allen H Hill O Aston

WJ Higgins IJ Plotkin EV Scott LDL Turner APFFerrocene-Mediated Enzyme Electrode for Amperometric Deter-mination of Glucose (1984) Analytical Chemistry 56 (4) pp667-671 Cited 1353 times DOI 101021ac00268a018

2 Wilson R Turner APF Glucose oxidase an ideal enzyme(1992) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 7 (3) pp 165-185 Cited926 times DOI 1010160956-5663(92)87013-F

3 Turner APF Biosensors Sense and sensibility (2013) ChemicalSociety Reviews 42 (8) pp 3184-3196 Cited 556 times DOI101039c3cs35528d

4 Newman JD Turner APF Home blood glucose biosensors Acommercial perspective (2005) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20(12) pp 2435-2453 Cited 506 times DOI101016jbios200411012

5 Bossi A Bonini F Turner APF Piletsky SA Molecularlyimprinted polymers for the recognition of proteins The state ofthe art (2007) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (6) pp 1131-1137 Cited 375 times DOI 101016jbios200606023

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 65 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 331

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Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name KALLIO PASIAddress Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampereuniversity Kalevantie 4 33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail pasikalliotutfiWeb page httpswwwtunififi httpstutcristutfiportalenper-sonspasi-kallio(472bb8e8-53cd-4996-91dc-d2cdeb6c0ed5)htmlQualificationsProfessor In Tampere University and Head of Research Group of Mi-cro and Nanosystems Research Group Part of Academy of FinlandCoE ldquoBody-on-Chip-Researchrdquo 2018-2025 Emerging scientist inthe biosensoring field 740 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Microfluidics microfluidic analytical techniques- Grippers Micromanipulators- PaperboardsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biomedical robotics and applications Closely linked to hu-man spare part development

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Ali Babar A Bjoumlrninen T Bhagavati VA Sydaumlnheimo L

Kallio P Ukkonen L Small and flexible metal mountable pas-sive UHF RFID tag on high-dielectric polymer-ceramic compo-site substrate (2012) IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters 11 pp 1319-1322 Cited 52 times DOI101109LAWP20122227291

2 Hemmilauml S Cauich-Rodriacuteguez JV Kreutzer J Kallio PRapid simple and cost-effective treatments to achieve long-termhydrophilic PDMS surfaces (2012) Applied Surface Science 258(24) pp 9864-9875 Cited 50 times DOI 101016jap-susc201206044

3 Kuncovaacute-Kallio J Kallio PJ PDMS and its suitability for ana-lytical microfluidic devices (2006) Annual International Confer-ence of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Pro-ceedings art no 4029618 pp 2486-2489 Cited 36 times DOI101109IEMBS2006260465

4 Kallio P Lind M Zhou Q Koivo HN A 3-DOF piezohy-draulic parallel micromanipulator (1998) Proceedings - IEEE In-ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 art no677432 pp 1823-1828 Cited 34 times DOI 101109RO-BOT1998677432

5 Kuncova J Kallio P Challenges in capillary pressure mi-croinjection (2004) Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 26 VII pp4998-5001 Cited 32 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 15 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 107

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Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

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Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

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1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

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4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

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4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

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5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

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3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

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3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

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1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

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Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

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Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 3: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

3 24

oli ilmaissut urapolkutason jolla halusi tulla arvoiduksi Muut hakijoista ar-vioitiin joko tasolla II (assistant professor) tai III (associate professor) Ura-polkutason valintaan vaikutti hakijan siihenastinen urakehitys sekauml vaumlitte-lystauml kulunut aika Lyhyelle listalle valittiin kahdeksan hakijaa Valintape-rusteina olivat julkaisuaktiivisuus vaikuttavuus ja henkiloumlkohtaiset opetus-ansiot Myoumls hakijan tutkimus- ja opetusalan sopivuus taumlytettaumlvaumlaumln tehtauml-vaumlaumln otettiin huomioon

Lyhytlistalle valittujen kahdeksan hakijan arvioinnin suorittivat seuraavatkolme asiantuntijaa

1 Professori Cathleen Crudden Queenrsquos University Canada2 Professori Gerhard Erker University of Muumlnster Saksa3 Professori Thomas Wirth Cardiff University UK

Liite 1 sisaumlltaumlauml arviointien numeerisen yhteenvedon Ulkopuolisten asian-tuntija-arvioijien antamien lausuntojen mukaan kahdeksasta arvioidusta ha-kijasta ainoastaan yksi (Vasu Dhananjayan) todettiin selkeaumlsti kelpoiseksitenure-tehtaumlvaumlaumln Assistant Professor -tasolla ja lisaumlksi Juha Heiskanen ylsilaumlhelle Assistant Professor -tason vaatimuksia Valmisteluryhmauml paumlaumlttihaastatella naumlmauml kaksi hakijaa

Valmisteluryhmauml suosittelee muistiossaan puheenjohtaja Risto Laitisen joh-dolla ettauml tehtaumlvauml jaumltetaumlaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml Ulkopuolisten asiantuntija-arvioijienantamien lausuntojen mukaan kahdeksasta arvioidusta hakijasta ainoastaanyksi (Vasu Dhananjayan) todettiin kelpoiseksi Assistant Professor -tasollaHaastattelussa kaumlvi ilmi ettauml haumlnellauml ei ole omaa julkaisuprofiilia eikauml ko-kemusta opetuksesta tai oman tutkimusryhmaumln muodostamisesta tai yllaumlpi-dosta Lisaumlksi haumlnellauml on hyvin vaumlhaumln kokemusta tutkimusrahoituksenhankkimisesta joten valmisteluryhmauml toteaa muistiossaan ettauml haumln ei olevielauml taumlssauml vaiheessa sopiva henkilouml tehtaumlvaumlaumln Valmisteluryhmauml totesi toi-sesta haastatellusta hakijasta Juha Heiskasesta ettauml haumln ylsi tasaisen hyvaumllletasolle kaikkien asiantuntijoiden arvioinneissa ja myoumls haastattelun perus-teella Todettiin ettauml haumln omaa todennaumlkoumlisesti potentiaalia kehittyauml laumlhi-vuosina riittaumlvaumllle tasolle mutta ettauml taumlllauml hetkellauml haumln ei kuitenkaan vielaumltaumlysin taumlytauml tenure track-vaatimuksia

Edellauml mainittujen syiden perusteella dekaani Riitta Keiski esittaumlauml valmiste-luryhmaumln esityksen mukaisesti tutkimusneuvostolle ettauml orgaanisen kemiantenure track ndashtehtaumlvauml jaumltetaumlaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml Keiski toteaa esityksessaumlaumln ettaumlorgaanisen kemian opetuksen ja tutkimuksen tarpeiden taumlyttaumlmiseksi harki-taan muita vaumlliaikaisia ratkaisuja ja ettauml tenure track ndashtehtaumlvauml pyritaumlaumln avaa-maan uudelleen mahdollisesti uudelleen suunnattuna muutaman vuoden ku-luessa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja totesi saaneensa tiedoksivalmisteluryhmaumln suosituksen perusteella tiedekunnan tekemaumln paumlaumltoumlksenorgaanisen kemian tenure track -tehtaumlvaumln taumlyttaumlmaumlttauml jaumlttaumlmisestauml Tutki-musneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ulkoisten arviointien ja valmisteluryh-maumln lausunnon perusteella paras hakija Vasu Dhananjayan taumlyttaumlisi erin-omaisesti Oulun yliopiston maumlaumlrittelemaumlt assistant professor -tason tenure

4 24

track -tehtaumlvaumln valintakriteerit Tutkimusneuvosto huomauttaa ettei Oulunyliopiston kriteereissauml edellytetauml tenure track -tehtaumlvaumlssauml assistant professor-tasolla kykyauml johtaa tutkimusryhmaumlauml tai hankkia taumlydentaumlvaumlauml tutkimusra-hoitusta vaan naumlmauml vaatimukset edellytetaumlaumln vasta seuraavalla associateprofessor -tasolla

4sect Professorinimitysten asiantuntijoiden hyvaumlksyminen(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

4sect Esitykseen liittyvaumlt dokumentit ovat naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Op-tima-tyoumltilassaKs myoumls yliopiston ohjeet Oulun yliopiston henkiloumlstoumln rekrytointiohje

41 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml joint professorship in bio-sensors -professuuri

Joint Professorship in Biosensors for a five-year period (3+2 years) Theposition is located at the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine(25) and the Faculty of Medicine (25) and VTT Technical ResearchCentre of Finland ltd (50) In line with the strategic objectives of UO andVTT it is anticipated that the candidate focuses on biosensor research inthe field of translational science The specific application fields of interestcould be but not limited to point-of-care diagnostics or disease monitoringResearch in multidisciplinary group includes the development of novel bio-sensor concepts and their validation in relevant environment Research ad-dressing biochemical and clinical questions is performed at UO while VTTprovides resources to fabricate biosensors with integrated electrical opticaland microfluidic functionalities The Professor will be a dynamic individualwho provides vision leadership and guidance in the multidisciplinary fieldof biomedical sensing research and translational medicine

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 1512019 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 16 henkiloumlauml Valmistelu-ryhmauml oli yksimielinen haastattelun tarpeellisuudesta ennen kuin hakemuk-set laumlhetetaumlaumln asiantuntijoille Hakijoiden esikarsinta tehtiin hakuilmoituk-sessa mainittujen vaatimusten perusteella Haastatteluun valittiin ne kolmehakijaa jotka taumlyttivaumlt seuraavat kriteerit tieteellinen paumltevyys (mm ohja-tut vaumlitoumlskirjat ja julkaisutuotanto) ulkopuolisen rahoituksen maumlaumlrauml ver-kostoituminen ja erityisesti hakuilmoituksessa mainittu vaatimus kokemuk-sesta saumlhkoumlisistauml tai optisista biosensoreista ja biotestien kehittaumlmisestauml bio-molekyylien (vasta-aineet aptameerit nukleiinihapot) tunnistamiseksiYksi haastateltu hakija karsiutui jatkosta koska haumlnen tutkimuksensa kat-sottiin olevan perustutkimusta jota rekrytoitavissa organisaatioissa jo oneikauml haumlnen katsottu tuovan lisaumlarvoa tai uutta ja innovatiivista tutkimus-suuntaa Haastatteluissa esille tulleiden seikkojen perusteella valmistelu-ryhmauml valitsi yksimielisesti jatkoon kaksi hakijaa Caglar Elbuken jaRaphaeacutel Trouillon

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

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1 Prof Ali Javey (mies) University of Berkley USA2 Prof emeritus Jukka Lekkala (mies) Tampereen yliopisto3 Prof Zhenan Bao (nainen) Stanford University USA

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle4 Prof Anthony Turner (mies) Cranfield University UK5 Prof Pasi Kallio (mies) Tampereen yliopisto6 Prof Luisa Torsi (nainen) University of Bari Italia

Jaumlaumlviystarkastelu on tehty kirjaston bibliometrisen analyysin perusteellaeikauml hakijoiden ja arvioitsijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml loumlytynyt yhteisjulkaisuja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name JAVEY ALIAddress University of Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Com-puter Science (EECS) Department 253 Cory Hall 1770 BerkeleyCA 94720-1770 USAEmail ajaveyberkeleyeduWeb page httpnanoeecsberkeleyeduQualificationsKey figures in the field over 28 000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Molybdenum compounds monolayers- Solar cells photoelectrochemical cells- Carbon nanotubes- Sensors flexible electronicsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsLeader in materials innovation for enabling new device structuresand concepts for example electronic skin

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Javey A Guo J Wang Q Lundstrom M Dai H Ballistic

carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (2003) Nature 424(6949) pp 654-657 Cited 2387 times DOI 101038na-ture01797

2 Fang H Chuang S Chang TC Takei K Takahashi TJavey A High-performance single layered WSe 2 p-FETs withchemically doped contacts (2012) Nano Letters 12 (7) pp 3788-3792 Cited 879 times DOI 101021nl301702r

3 Qi P Vermesh O Grecu M Javey A Wang Q Dai HPeng S Cho KJ Toward large arrays of multiplex functional-ized carbon nanotube sensors for highly sensitive and selectivemolecular detection (2003) Nano Letters 3 (3) pp 347-351Cited 823 times DOI 101021nl034010k

4 Javey A Kim H Brink M Wang Q Ural A Guo J Mcin-tyre P Mceuen P Lundstrom M Dai H High-κ dielectricsfor advanced carbon-nanotube transistors and logic gates (2002)Nature Materials 1 (4) pp 241-246 Cited 819 times DOI101038nmat769

5 Fan Z Razavi H Do J-W Moriwaki A Ergen O ChuehY-L Leu PW Ho JC Takahashi T Reichertz LA Neale

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S Yu K Wu M Ager JW Javey A Three-dimensional na-nopillar-array photovoltaics on low-cost and flexible substrates(2009) Nature Materials 8 (8) pp 648-653 Cited 812 timesDOI 101038nmat2493

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 80 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 292

Evaluator candidate 2

Name LEKKALA JUKKA OAddress Faculty of biomedical sciences and engineering TampereUniversity Kalevantie 4 FI-33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail jukkalekkalatutfiWeb page httpswwwtunifienQualificationsProfessor in Tampere University since 2002 before Research scien-tist in VTT for 17 years Expert in sensoring technology and biolog-ical measurements 1745 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Photoplethysmography blood pressure pressure sensors- Human computer interactionsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in sensoring technology and biological measurements

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Paajanen M Lekkala J Kirjavainen K ElectroMechanical

Film (EMFi) - a new multipurpose electret material (2000) Sen-sors and Actuators A Physical 84 (1) pp 95-102 Cited 221times DOI 101016S0924-4247(99)00269-1

2 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Vieytes M Bauer-Gogonea S Bauer S Hillenbrand J Kressmann R SesslerGM Paajanen M Lekkala J Large and broadband piezoelec-tricity in smart polymer-foam space-charge electrets (2000) Ap-plied Physics Letters 77 (23) pp 3827-3829 Cited 129 timesDOI 10106311331348

3 Paajanen M Vaumllimaumlki H Lekkala J Modelling the electrome-chanical film (EMFi) (2000) Journal of Electrostatics 48 (3-4)pp 193-204 Cited 96 times DOI 101016S0304-3886(99)00065-0

4 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Bauer-Gogonea SBauer S Paajanen M Lekkala J Piezo- and pyroelectricity ofa polymer-foam space-charge electret (2001) Journal of AppliedPhysics 89 (8) pp 4503-4511 Cited 95 times DOI10106311355719

5 Lekkala Jukka Paajanen Mika EMFi - new electret material forsensors and actuators (1999) Proceedings - International Sympo-sium on Electrets pp 743-746 Cited 90 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 20 (Scopus)

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Number of scientific publications 146

Evaluator candidate 3

Name BAO ZHENANAddress Standford Univeristy Shriram Center Chemical Engineer-ing 443 Via Ortega Room 129 StanfordCA 94305 USAEmail zbaostanfordeduWeb page httpschemestanfordeduQualificationsKey scientist in field of organic field-effect transistors and founderof Stanford wearable electronics initiative Numerous honours andawards and leading administrative positions Over 64 000 citationsCurrent academic position Professor Department chairMain topics of research- Flexible electronics sensors- Organic field effect transistors conjucated polymers- Semiconducting organic compoundsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials or-ganic electronic device design and fabrication and applications de-velopment for organic electronics

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Becerril HA Mao J Liu Z Stoltenberg RM Bao Z Chen

Y Evaluation of solution-processed reduced graphene oxidefilms as transparent conductors (2008) ACS Nano 2 (3) pp 463-470 Cited 2258 times DOI 101021nn700375n

2 Bao Z Dodabalapur A Lovinger AJ Soluble and processableregioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) for thin film field-effecttransistor applications with high mobility (1996) Applied PhysicsLetters 69 (26) pp 4108-4110 Cited 1561 times DOI1010631117834

3 Lipomi DJ Vosgueritchian M Tee BC-K Hellstrom SLLee JA Fox CH Bao Z

4 Skin-like pressure and strain sensors based on transparent elasticfilms of carbon nanotubes (2011) Nature Nanotechnology 6 (12)pp 788-792 Cited 1408 times DOI 101038nnano2011184

5 Mannsfeld SCB Tee BC-K Stoltenberg RM ChenCVH-H Barman S Muir BVO Sokolov AN Reese CBao Z Highly sensitive flexible pressure sensors with micro-structured rubber dielectric layers (2010) Nature Materials 9(10) pp 859-864 Cited 1246 times DOI 101038nmat2834

6 Crone B Dodabalapur A Lin Y-Y Filas RW Bao Z La-Duca A Sarpeshkar R Katz HE Li W Large-scale comple-mentary integrated circuits based on organic transistors (2000)Nature 403 (6769) pp 521-523 Cited 1104 times DOI10103835000530

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 131 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 622

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Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name TURNER ANTHONY PFAddress Linkoumlping University Department of Physics Chemistryand Biology Linkoumlping Integrative Regenerative Medicine (IGEN)Centre IKE-Linkoumlping University Linkoumlping S-581 83 SwedenEmail anthonyturnerliuseWeb page httpswwwifmliuseapplphysbiosensors-and-bioe-lectrogroup-membersanthony-turnerQualificationsConsidered the ldquofarther of biosensoringrdquo Carried out a thirty-fiveyear academic career in the UK which culminated in the positions ofPrincipal of Cranfield University at Silsoe and Distinguished Profes-sor of Biotechnology Since 2010 in Univeristy of Linkoumlping wherehe established a new Centre for Biosensors and Bioelectronics Edi-tor-in-Chief Biosensors and Bioelectronics Over 16400 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Biosensors and biosensing techniques- Molecular recognition glucose sensors- Logic gatesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsGrounding scientist in biosensoring techniques

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Cass AEG Davis G Francis GD Allen H Hill O Aston

WJ Higgins IJ Plotkin EV Scott LDL Turner APFFerrocene-Mediated Enzyme Electrode for Amperometric Deter-mination of Glucose (1984) Analytical Chemistry 56 (4) pp667-671 Cited 1353 times DOI 101021ac00268a018

2 Wilson R Turner APF Glucose oxidase an ideal enzyme(1992) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 7 (3) pp 165-185 Cited926 times DOI 1010160956-5663(92)87013-F

3 Turner APF Biosensors Sense and sensibility (2013) ChemicalSociety Reviews 42 (8) pp 3184-3196 Cited 556 times DOI101039c3cs35528d

4 Newman JD Turner APF Home blood glucose biosensors Acommercial perspective (2005) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20(12) pp 2435-2453 Cited 506 times DOI101016jbios200411012

5 Bossi A Bonini F Turner APF Piletsky SA Molecularlyimprinted polymers for the recognition of proteins The state ofthe art (2007) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (6) pp 1131-1137 Cited 375 times DOI 101016jbios200606023

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 65 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 331

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Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name KALLIO PASIAddress Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampereuniversity Kalevantie 4 33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail pasikalliotutfiWeb page httpswwwtunififi httpstutcristutfiportalenper-sonspasi-kallio(472bb8e8-53cd-4996-91dc-d2cdeb6c0ed5)htmlQualificationsProfessor In Tampere University and Head of Research Group of Mi-cro and Nanosystems Research Group Part of Academy of FinlandCoE ldquoBody-on-Chip-Researchrdquo 2018-2025 Emerging scientist inthe biosensoring field 740 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Microfluidics microfluidic analytical techniques- Grippers Micromanipulators- PaperboardsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biomedical robotics and applications Closely linked to hu-man spare part development

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Ali Babar A Bjoumlrninen T Bhagavati VA Sydaumlnheimo L

Kallio P Ukkonen L Small and flexible metal mountable pas-sive UHF RFID tag on high-dielectric polymer-ceramic compo-site substrate (2012) IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters 11 pp 1319-1322 Cited 52 times DOI101109LAWP20122227291

2 Hemmilauml S Cauich-Rodriacuteguez JV Kreutzer J Kallio PRapid simple and cost-effective treatments to achieve long-termhydrophilic PDMS surfaces (2012) Applied Surface Science 258(24) pp 9864-9875 Cited 50 times DOI 101016jap-susc201206044

3 Kuncovaacute-Kallio J Kallio PJ PDMS and its suitability for ana-lytical microfluidic devices (2006) Annual International Confer-ence of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Pro-ceedings art no 4029618 pp 2486-2489 Cited 36 times DOI101109IEMBS2006260465

4 Kallio P Lind M Zhou Q Koivo HN A 3-DOF piezohy-draulic parallel micromanipulator (1998) Proceedings - IEEE In-ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 art no677432 pp 1823-1828 Cited 34 times DOI 101109RO-BOT1998677432

5 Kuncova J Kallio P Challenges in capillary pressure mi-croinjection (2004) Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 26 VII pp4998-5001 Cited 32 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 15 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 107

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Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

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Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

13 24

4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 4: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

4 24

track -tehtaumlvaumln valintakriteerit Tutkimusneuvosto huomauttaa ettei Oulunyliopiston kriteereissauml edellytetauml tenure track -tehtaumlvaumlssauml assistant professor-tasolla kykyauml johtaa tutkimusryhmaumlauml tai hankkia taumlydentaumlvaumlauml tutkimusra-hoitusta vaan naumlmauml vaatimukset edellytetaumlaumln vasta seuraavalla associateprofessor -tasolla

4sect Professorinimitysten asiantuntijoiden hyvaumlksyminen(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

4sect Esitykseen liittyvaumlt dokumentit ovat naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Op-tima-tyoumltilassaKs myoumls yliopiston ohjeet Oulun yliopiston henkiloumlstoumln rekrytointiohje

41 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml joint professorship in bio-sensors -professuuri

Joint Professorship in Biosensors for a five-year period (3+2 years) Theposition is located at the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine(25) and the Faculty of Medicine (25) and VTT Technical ResearchCentre of Finland ltd (50) In line with the strategic objectives of UO andVTT it is anticipated that the candidate focuses on biosensor research inthe field of translational science The specific application fields of interestcould be but not limited to point-of-care diagnostics or disease monitoringResearch in multidisciplinary group includes the development of novel bio-sensor concepts and their validation in relevant environment Research ad-dressing biochemical and clinical questions is performed at UO while VTTprovides resources to fabricate biosensors with integrated electrical opticaland microfluidic functionalities The Professor will be a dynamic individualwho provides vision leadership and guidance in the multidisciplinary fieldof biomedical sensing research and translational medicine

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 1512019 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 16 henkiloumlauml Valmistelu-ryhmauml oli yksimielinen haastattelun tarpeellisuudesta ennen kuin hakemuk-set laumlhetetaumlaumln asiantuntijoille Hakijoiden esikarsinta tehtiin hakuilmoituk-sessa mainittujen vaatimusten perusteella Haastatteluun valittiin ne kolmehakijaa jotka taumlyttivaumlt seuraavat kriteerit tieteellinen paumltevyys (mm ohja-tut vaumlitoumlskirjat ja julkaisutuotanto) ulkopuolisen rahoituksen maumlaumlrauml ver-kostoituminen ja erityisesti hakuilmoituksessa mainittu vaatimus kokemuk-sesta saumlhkoumlisistauml tai optisista biosensoreista ja biotestien kehittaumlmisestauml bio-molekyylien (vasta-aineet aptameerit nukleiinihapot) tunnistamiseksiYksi haastateltu hakija karsiutui jatkosta koska haumlnen tutkimuksensa kat-sottiin olevan perustutkimusta jota rekrytoitavissa organisaatioissa jo oneikauml haumlnen katsottu tuovan lisaumlarvoa tai uutta ja innovatiivista tutkimus-suuntaa Haastatteluissa esille tulleiden seikkojen perusteella valmistelu-ryhmauml valitsi yksimielisesti jatkoon kaksi hakijaa Caglar Elbuken jaRaphaeacutel Trouillon

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

5 24

1 Prof Ali Javey (mies) University of Berkley USA2 Prof emeritus Jukka Lekkala (mies) Tampereen yliopisto3 Prof Zhenan Bao (nainen) Stanford University USA

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle4 Prof Anthony Turner (mies) Cranfield University UK5 Prof Pasi Kallio (mies) Tampereen yliopisto6 Prof Luisa Torsi (nainen) University of Bari Italia

Jaumlaumlviystarkastelu on tehty kirjaston bibliometrisen analyysin perusteellaeikauml hakijoiden ja arvioitsijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml loumlytynyt yhteisjulkaisuja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name JAVEY ALIAddress University of Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Com-puter Science (EECS) Department 253 Cory Hall 1770 BerkeleyCA 94720-1770 USAEmail ajaveyberkeleyeduWeb page httpnanoeecsberkeleyeduQualificationsKey figures in the field over 28 000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Molybdenum compounds monolayers- Solar cells photoelectrochemical cells- Carbon nanotubes- Sensors flexible electronicsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsLeader in materials innovation for enabling new device structuresand concepts for example electronic skin

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Javey A Guo J Wang Q Lundstrom M Dai H Ballistic

carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (2003) Nature 424(6949) pp 654-657 Cited 2387 times DOI 101038na-ture01797

2 Fang H Chuang S Chang TC Takei K Takahashi TJavey A High-performance single layered WSe 2 p-FETs withchemically doped contacts (2012) Nano Letters 12 (7) pp 3788-3792 Cited 879 times DOI 101021nl301702r

3 Qi P Vermesh O Grecu M Javey A Wang Q Dai HPeng S Cho KJ Toward large arrays of multiplex functional-ized carbon nanotube sensors for highly sensitive and selectivemolecular detection (2003) Nano Letters 3 (3) pp 347-351Cited 823 times DOI 101021nl034010k

4 Javey A Kim H Brink M Wang Q Ural A Guo J Mcin-tyre P Mceuen P Lundstrom M Dai H High-κ dielectricsfor advanced carbon-nanotube transistors and logic gates (2002)Nature Materials 1 (4) pp 241-246 Cited 819 times DOI101038nmat769

5 Fan Z Razavi H Do J-W Moriwaki A Ergen O ChuehY-L Leu PW Ho JC Takahashi T Reichertz LA Neale

6 24

S Yu K Wu M Ager JW Javey A Three-dimensional na-nopillar-array photovoltaics on low-cost and flexible substrates(2009) Nature Materials 8 (8) pp 648-653 Cited 812 timesDOI 101038nmat2493

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 80 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 292

Evaluator candidate 2

Name LEKKALA JUKKA OAddress Faculty of biomedical sciences and engineering TampereUniversity Kalevantie 4 FI-33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail jukkalekkalatutfiWeb page httpswwwtunifienQualificationsProfessor in Tampere University since 2002 before Research scien-tist in VTT for 17 years Expert in sensoring technology and biolog-ical measurements 1745 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Photoplethysmography blood pressure pressure sensors- Human computer interactionsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in sensoring technology and biological measurements

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Paajanen M Lekkala J Kirjavainen K ElectroMechanical

Film (EMFi) - a new multipurpose electret material (2000) Sen-sors and Actuators A Physical 84 (1) pp 95-102 Cited 221times DOI 101016S0924-4247(99)00269-1

2 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Vieytes M Bauer-Gogonea S Bauer S Hillenbrand J Kressmann R SesslerGM Paajanen M Lekkala J Large and broadband piezoelec-tricity in smart polymer-foam space-charge electrets (2000) Ap-plied Physics Letters 77 (23) pp 3827-3829 Cited 129 timesDOI 10106311331348

3 Paajanen M Vaumllimaumlki H Lekkala J Modelling the electrome-chanical film (EMFi) (2000) Journal of Electrostatics 48 (3-4)pp 193-204 Cited 96 times DOI 101016S0304-3886(99)00065-0

4 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Bauer-Gogonea SBauer S Paajanen M Lekkala J Piezo- and pyroelectricity ofa polymer-foam space-charge electret (2001) Journal of AppliedPhysics 89 (8) pp 4503-4511 Cited 95 times DOI10106311355719

5 Lekkala Jukka Paajanen Mika EMFi - new electret material forsensors and actuators (1999) Proceedings - International Sympo-sium on Electrets pp 743-746 Cited 90 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 20 (Scopus)

7 24

Number of scientific publications 146

Evaluator candidate 3

Name BAO ZHENANAddress Standford Univeristy Shriram Center Chemical Engineer-ing 443 Via Ortega Room 129 StanfordCA 94305 USAEmail zbaostanfordeduWeb page httpschemestanfordeduQualificationsKey scientist in field of organic field-effect transistors and founderof Stanford wearable electronics initiative Numerous honours andawards and leading administrative positions Over 64 000 citationsCurrent academic position Professor Department chairMain topics of research- Flexible electronics sensors- Organic field effect transistors conjucated polymers- Semiconducting organic compoundsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials or-ganic electronic device design and fabrication and applications de-velopment for organic electronics

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Becerril HA Mao J Liu Z Stoltenberg RM Bao Z Chen

Y Evaluation of solution-processed reduced graphene oxidefilms as transparent conductors (2008) ACS Nano 2 (3) pp 463-470 Cited 2258 times DOI 101021nn700375n

2 Bao Z Dodabalapur A Lovinger AJ Soluble and processableregioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) for thin film field-effecttransistor applications with high mobility (1996) Applied PhysicsLetters 69 (26) pp 4108-4110 Cited 1561 times DOI1010631117834

3 Lipomi DJ Vosgueritchian M Tee BC-K Hellstrom SLLee JA Fox CH Bao Z

4 Skin-like pressure and strain sensors based on transparent elasticfilms of carbon nanotubes (2011) Nature Nanotechnology 6 (12)pp 788-792 Cited 1408 times DOI 101038nnano2011184

5 Mannsfeld SCB Tee BC-K Stoltenberg RM ChenCVH-H Barman S Muir BVO Sokolov AN Reese CBao Z Highly sensitive flexible pressure sensors with micro-structured rubber dielectric layers (2010) Nature Materials 9(10) pp 859-864 Cited 1246 times DOI 101038nmat2834

6 Crone B Dodabalapur A Lin Y-Y Filas RW Bao Z La-Duca A Sarpeshkar R Katz HE Li W Large-scale comple-mentary integrated circuits based on organic transistors (2000)Nature 403 (6769) pp 521-523 Cited 1104 times DOI10103835000530

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 131 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 622

8 24

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name TURNER ANTHONY PFAddress Linkoumlping University Department of Physics Chemistryand Biology Linkoumlping Integrative Regenerative Medicine (IGEN)Centre IKE-Linkoumlping University Linkoumlping S-581 83 SwedenEmail anthonyturnerliuseWeb page httpswwwifmliuseapplphysbiosensors-and-bioe-lectrogroup-membersanthony-turnerQualificationsConsidered the ldquofarther of biosensoringrdquo Carried out a thirty-fiveyear academic career in the UK which culminated in the positions ofPrincipal of Cranfield University at Silsoe and Distinguished Profes-sor of Biotechnology Since 2010 in Univeristy of Linkoumlping wherehe established a new Centre for Biosensors and Bioelectronics Edi-tor-in-Chief Biosensors and Bioelectronics Over 16400 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Biosensors and biosensing techniques- Molecular recognition glucose sensors- Logic gatesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsGrounding scientist in biosensoring techniques

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Cass AEG Davis G Francis GD Allen H Hill O Aston

WJ Higgins IJ Plotkin EV Scott LDL Turner APFFerrocene-Mediated Enzyme Electrode for Amperometric Deter-mination of Glucose (1984) Analytical Chemistry 56 (4) pp667-671 Cited 1353 times DOI 101021ac00268a018

2 Wilson R Turner APF Glucose oxidase an ideal enzyme(1992) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 7 (3) pp 165-185 Cited926 times DOI 1010160956-5663(92)87013-F

3 Turner APF Biosensors Sense and sensibility (2013) ChemicalSociety Reviews 42 (8) pp 3184-3196 Cited 556 times DOI101039c3cs35528d

4 Newman JD Turner APF Home blood glucose biosensors Acommercial perspective (2005) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20(12) pp 2435-2453 Cited 506 times DOI101016jbios200411012

5 Bossi A Bonini F Turner APF Piletsky SA Molecularlyimprinted polymers for the recognition of proteins The state ofthe art (2007) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (6) pp 1131-1137 Cited 375 times DOI 101016jbios200606023

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 65 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 331

9 24

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name KALLIO PASIAddress Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampereuniversity Kalevantie 4 33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail pasikalliotutfiWeb page httpswwwtunififi httpstutcristutfiportalenper-sonspasi-kallio(472bb8e8-53cd-4996-91dc-d2cdeb6c0ed5)htmlQualificationsProfessor In Tampere University and Head of Research Group of Mi-cro and Nanosystems Research Group Part of Academy of FinlandCoE ldquoBody-on-Chip-Researchrdquo 2018-2025 Emerging scientist inthe biosensoring field 740 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Microfluidics microfluidic analytical techniques- Grippers Micromanipulators- PaperboardsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biomedical robotics and applications Closely linked to hu-man spare part development

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Ali Babar A Bjoumlrninen T Bhagavati VA Sydaumlnheimo L

Kallio P Ukkonen L Small and flexible metal mountable pas-sive UHF RFID tag on high-dielectric polymer-ceramic compo-site substrate (2012) IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters 11 pp 1319-1322 Cited 52 times DOI101109LAWP20122227291

2 Hemmilauml S Cauich-Rodriacuteguez JV Kreutzer J Kallio PRapid simple and cost-effective treatments to achieve long-termhydrophilic PDMS surfaces (2012) Applied Surface Science 258(24) pp 9864-9875 Cited 50 times DOI 101016jap-susc201206044

3 Kuncovaacute-Kallio J Kallio PJ PDMS and its suitability for ana-lytical microfluidic devices (2006) Annual International Confer-ence of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Pro-ceedings art no 4029618 pp 2486-2489 Cited 36 times DOI101109IEMBS2006260465

4 Kallio P Lind M Zhou Q Koivo HN A 3-DOF piezohy-draulic parallel micromanipulator (1998) Proceedings - IEEE In-ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 art no677432 pp 1823-1828 Cited 34 times DOI 101109RO-BOT1998677432

5 Kuncova J Kallio P Challenges in capillary pressure mi-croinjection (2004) Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 26 VII pp4998-5001 Cited 32 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 15 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 107

10 24

Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

11 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

13 24

4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

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Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

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Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 5: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

5 24

1 Prof Ali Javey (mies) University of Berkley USA2 Prof emeritus Jukka Lekkala (mies) Tampereen yliopisto3 Prof Zhenan Bao (nainen) Stanford University USA

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle4 Prof Anthony Turner (mies) Cranfield University UK5 Prof Pasi Kallio (mies) Tampereen yliopisto6 Prof Luisa Torsi (nainen) University of Bari Italia

Jaumlaumlviystarkastelu on tehty kirjaston bibliometrisen analyysin perusteellaeikauml hakijoiden ja arvioitsijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml loumlytynyt yhteisjulkaisuja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name JAVEY ALIAddress University of Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Com-puter Science (EECS) Department 253 Cory Hall 1770 BerkeleyCA 94720-1770 USAEmail ajaveyberkeleyeduWeb page httpnanoeecsberkeleyeduQualificationsKey figures in the field over 28 000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Molybdenum compounds monolayers- Solar cells photoelectrochemical cells- Carbon nanotubes- Sensors flexible electronicsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsLeader in materials innovation for enabling new device structuresand concepts for example electronic skin

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Javey A Guo J Wang Q Lundstrom M Dai H Ballistic

carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (2003) Nature 424(6949) pp 654-657 Cited 2387 times DOI 101038na-ture01797

2 Fang H Chuang S Chang TC Takei K Takahashi TJavey A High-performance single layered WSe 2 p-FETs withchemically doped contacts (2012) Nano Letters 12 (7) pp 3788-3792 Cited 879 times DOI 101021nl301702r

3 Qi P Vermesh O Grecu M Javey A Wang Q Dai HPeng S Cho KJ Toward large arrays of multiplex functional-ized carbon nanotube sensors for highly sensitive and selectivemolecular detection (2003) Nano Letters 3 (3) pp 347-351Cited 823 times DOI 101021nl034010k

4 Javey A Kim H Brink M Wang Q Ural A Guo J Mcin-tyre P Mceuen P Lundstrom M Dai H High-κ dielectricsfor advanced carbon-nanotube transistors and logic gates (2002)Nature Materials 1 (4) pp 241-246 Cited 819 times DOI101038nmat769

5 Fan Z Razavi H Do J-W Moriwaki A Ergen O ChuehY-L Leu PW Ho JC Takahashi T Reichertz LA Neale

6 24

S Yu K Wu M Ager JW Javey A Three-dimensional na-nopillar-array photovoltaics on low-cost and flexible substrates(2009) Nature Materials 8 (8) pp 648-653 Cited 812 timesDOI 101038nmat2493

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 80 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 292

Evaluator candidate 2

Name LEKKALA JUKKA OAddress Faculty of biomedical sciences and engineering TampereUniversity Kalevantie 4 FI-33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail jukkalekkalatutfiWeb page httpswwwtunifienQualificationsProfessor in Tampere University since 2002 before Research scien-tist in VTT for 17 years Expert in sensoring technology and biolog-ical measurements 1745 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Photoplethysmography blood pressure pressure sensors- Human computer interactionsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in sensoring technology and biological measurements

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Paajanen M Lekkala J Kirjavainen K ElectroMechanical

Film (EMFi) - a new multipurpose electret material (2000) Sen-sors and Actuators A Physical 84 (1) pp 95-102 Cited 221times DOI 101016S0924-4247(99)00269-1

2 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Vieytes M Bauer-Gogonea S Bauer S Hillenbrand J Kressmann R SesslerGM Paajanen M Lekkala J Large and broadband piezoelec-tricity in smart polymer-foam space-charge electrets (2000) Ap-plied Physics Letters 77 (23) pp 3827-3829 Cited 129 timesDOI 10106311331348

3 Paajanen M Vaumllimaumlki H Lekkala J Modelling the electrome-chanical film (EMFi) (2000) Journal of Electrostatics 48 (3-4)pp 193-204 Cited 96 times DOI 101016S0304-3886(99)00065-0

4 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Bauer-Gogonea SBauer S Paajanen M Lekkala J Piezo- and pyroelectricity ofa polymer-foam space-charge electret (2001) Journal of AppliedPhysics 89 (8) pp 4503-4511 Cited 95 times DOI10106311355719

5 Lekkala Jukka Paajanen Mika EMFi - new electret material forsensors and actuators (1999) Proceedings - International Sympo-sium on Electrets pp 743-746 Cited 90 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 20 (Scopus)

7 24

Number of scientific publications 146

Evaluator candidate 3

Name BAO ZHENANAddress Standford Univeristy Shriram Center Chemical Engineer-ing 443 Via Ortega Room 129 StanfordCA 94305 USAEmail zbaostanfordeduWeb page httpschemestanfordeduQualificationsKey scientist in field of organic field-effect transistors and founderof Stanford wearable electronics initiative Numerous honours andawards and leading administrative positions Over 64 000 citationsCurrent academic position Professor Department chairMain topics of research- Flexible electronics sensors- Organic field effect transistors conjucated polymers- Semiconducting organic compoundsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials or-ganic electronic device design and fabrication and applications de-velopment for organic electronics

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Becerril HA Mao J Liu Z Stoltenberg RM Bao Z Chen

Y Evaluation of solution-processed reduced graphene oxidefilms as transparent conductors (2008) ACS Nano 2 (3) pp 463-470 Cited 2258 times DOI 101021nn700375n

2 Bao Z Dodabalapur A Lovinger AJ Soluble and processableregioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) for thin film field-effecttransistor applications with high mobility (1996) Applied PhysicsLetters 69 (26) pp 4108-4110 Cited 1561 times DOI1010631117834

3 Lipomi DJ Vosgueritchian M Tee BC-K Hellstrom SLLee JA Fox CH Bao Z

4 Skin-like pressure and strain sensors based on transparent elasticfilms of carbon nanotubes (2011) Nature Nanotechnology 6 (12)pp 788-792 Cited 1408 times DOI 101038nnano2011184

5 Mannsfeld SCB Tee BC-K Stoltenberg RM ChenCVH-H Barman S Muir BVO Sokolov AN Reese CBao Z Highly sensitive flexible pressure sensors with micro-structured rubber dielectric layers (2010) Nature Materials 9(10) pp 859-864 Cited 1246 times DOI 101038nmat2834

6 Crone B Dodabalapur A Lin Y-Y Filas RW Bao Z La-Duca A Sarpeshkar R Katz HE Li W Large-scale comple-mentary integrated circuits based on organic transistors (2000)Nature 403 (6769) pp 521-523 Cited 1104 times DOI10103835000530

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 131 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 622

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Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name TURNER ANTHONY PFAddress Linkoumlping University Department of Physics Chemistryand Biology Linkoumlping Integrative Regenerative Medicine (IGEN)Centre IKE-Linkoumlping University Linkoumlping S-581 83 SwedenEmail anthonyturnerliuseWeb page httpswwwifmliuseapplphysbiosensors-and-bioe-lectrogroup-membersanthony-turnerQualificationsConsidered the ldquofarther of biosensoringrdquo Carried out a thirty-fiveyear academic career in the UK which culminated in the positions ofPrincipal of Cranfield University at Silsoe and Distinguished Profes-sor of Biotechnology Since 2010 in Univeristy of Linkoumlping wherehe established a new Centre for Biosensors and Bioelectronics Edi-tor-in-Chief Biosensors and Bioelectronics Over 16400 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Biosensors and biosensing techniques- Molecular recognition glucose sensors- Logic gatesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsGrounding scientist in biosensoring techniques

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Cass AEG Davis G Francis GD Allen H Hill O Aston

WJ Higgins IJ Plotkin EV Scott LDL Turner APFFerrocene-Mediated Enzyme Electrode for Amperometric Deter-mination of Glucose (1984) Analytical Chemistry 56 (4) pp667-671 Cited 1353 times DOI 101021ac00268a018

2 Wilson R Turner APF Glucose oxidase an ideal enzyme(1992) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 7 (3) pp 165-185 Cited926 times DOI 1010160956-5663(92)87013-F

3 Turner APF Biosensors Sense and sensibility (2013) ChemicalSociety Reviews 42 (8) pp 3184-3196 Cited 556 times DOI101039c3cs35528d

4 Newman JD Turner APF Home blood glucose biosensors Acommercial perspective (2005) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20(12) pp 2435-2453 Cited 506 times DOI101016jbios200411012

5 Bossi A Bonini F Turner APF Piletsky SA Molecularlyimprinted polymers for the recognition of proteins The state ofthe art (2007) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (6) pp 1131-1137 Cited 375 times DOI 101016jbios200606023

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 65 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 331

9 24

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name KALLIO PASIAddress Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampereuniversity Kalevantie 4 33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail pasikalliotutfiWeb page httpswwwtunififi httpstutcristutfiportalenper-sonspasi-kallio(472bb8e8-53cd-4996-91dc-d2cdeb6c0ed5)htmlQualificationsProfessor In Tampere University and Head of Research Group of Mi-cro and Nanosystems Research Group Part of Academy of FinlandCoE ldquoBody-on-Chip-Researchrdquo 2018-2025 Emerging scientist inthe biosensoring field 740 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Microfluidics microfluidic analytical techniques- Grippers Micromanipulators- PaperboardsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biomedical robotics and applications Closely linked to hu-man spare part development

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Ali Babar A Bjoumlrninen T Bhagavati VA Sydaumlnheimo L

Kallio P Ukkonen L Small and flexible metal mountable pas-sive UHF RFID tag on high-dielectric polymer-ceramic compo-site substrate (2012) IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters 11 pp 1319-1322 Cited 52 times DOI101109LAWP20122227291

2 Hemmilauml S Cauich-Rodriacuteguez JV Kreutzer J Kallio PRapid simple and cost-effective treatments to achieve long-termhydrophilic PDMS surfaces (2012) Applied Surface Science 258(24) pp 9864-9875 Cited 50 times DOI 101016jap-susc201206044

3 Kuncovaacute-Kallio J Kallio PJ PDMS and its suitability for ana-lytical microfluidic devices (2006) Annual International Confer-ence of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Pro-ceedings art no 4029618 pp 2486-2489 Cited 36 times DOI101109IEMBS2006260465

4 Kallio P Lind M Zhou Q Koivo HN A 3-DOF piezohy-draulic parallel micromanipulator (1998) Proceedings - IEEE In-ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 art no677432 pp 1823-1828 Cited 34 times DOI 101109RO-BOT1998677432

5 Kuncova J Kallio P Challenges in capillary pressure mi-croinjection (2004) Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 26 VII pp4998-5001 Cited 32 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 15 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 107

10 24

Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

11 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

13 24

4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 6: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

6 24

S Yu K Wu M Ager JW Javey A Three-dimensional na-nopillar-array photovoltaics on low-cost and flexible substrates(2009) Nature Materials 8 (8) pp 648-653 Cited 812 timesDOI 101038nmat2493

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 80 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 292

Evaluator candidate 2

Name LEKKALA JUKKA OAddress Faculty of biomedical sciences and engineering TampereUniversity Kalevantie 4 FI-33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail jukkalekkalatutfiWeb page httpswwwtunifienQualificationsProfessor in Tampere University since 2002 before Research scien-tist in VTT for 17 years Expert in sensoring technology and biolog-ical measurements 1745 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Photoplethysmography blood pressure pressure sensors- Human computer interactionsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in sensoring technology and biological measurements

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Paajanen M Lekkala J Kirjavainen K ElectroMechanical

Film (EMFi) - a new multipurpose electret material (2000) Sen-sors and Actuators A Physical 84 (1) pp 95-102 Cited 221times DOI 101016S0924-4247(99)00269-1

2 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Vieytes M Bauer-Gogonea S Bauer S Hillenbrand J Kressmann R SesslerGM Paajanen M Lekkala J Large and broadband piezoelec-tricity in smart polymer-foam space-charge electrets (2000) Ap-plied Physics Letters 77 (23) pp 3827-3829 Cited 129 timesDOI 10106311331348

3 Paajanen M Vaumllimaumlki H Lekkala J Modelling the electrome-chanical film (EMFi) (2000) Journal of Electrostatics 48 (3-4)pp 193-204 Cited 96 times DOI 101016S0304-3886(99)00065-0

4 Neugschwandtner GS Schwoumldiauer R Bauer-Gogonea SBauer S Paajanen M Lekkala J Piezo- and pyroelectricity ofa polymer-foam space-charge electret (2001) Journal of AppliedPhysics 89 (8) pp 4503-4511 Cited 95 times DOI10106311355719

5 Lekkala Jukka Paajanen Mika EMFi - new electret material forsensors and actuators (1999) Proceedings - International Sympo-sium on Electrets pp 743-746 Cited 90 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 20 (Scopus)

7 24

Number of scientific publications 146

Evaluator candidate 3

Name BAO ZHENANAddress Standford Univeristy Shriram Center Chemical Engineer-ing 443 Via Ortega Room 129 StanfordCA 94305 USAEmail zbaostanfordeduWeb page httpschemestanfordeduQualificationsKey scientist in field of organic field-effect transistors and founderof Stanford wearable electronics initiative Numerous honours andawards and leading administrative positions Over 64 000 citationsCurrent academic position Professor Department chairMain topics of research- Flexible electronics sensors- Organic field effect transistors conjucated polymers- Semiconducting organic compoundsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials or-ganic electronic device design and fabrication and applications de-velopment for organic electronics

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Becerril HA Mao J Liu Z Stoltenberg RM Bao Z Chen

Y Evaluation of solution-processed reduced graphene oxidefilms as transparent conductors (2008) ACS Nano 2 (3) pp 463-470 Cited 2258 times DOI 101021nn700375n

2 Bao Z Dodabalapur A Lovinger AJ Soluble and processableregioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) for thin film field-effecttransistor applications with high mobility (1996) Applied PhysicsLetters 69 (26) pp 4108-4110 Cited 1561 times DOI1010631117834

3 Lipomi DJ Vosgueritchian M Tee BC-K Hellstrom SLLee JA Fox CH Bao Z

4 Skin-like pressure and strain sensors based on transparent elasticfilms of carbon nanotubes (2011) Nature Nanotechnology 6 (12)pp 788-792 Cited 1408 times DOI 101038nnano2011184

5 Mannsfeld SCB Tee BC-K Stoltenberg RM ChenCVH-H Barman S Muir BVO Sokolov AN Reese CBao Z Highly sensitive flexible pressure sensors with micro-structured rubber dielectric layers (2010) Nature Materials 9(10) pp 859-864 Cited 1246 times DOI 101038nmat2834

6 Crone B Dodabalapur A Lin Y-Y Filas RW Bao Z La-Duca A Sarpeshkar R Katz HE Li W Large-scale comple-mentary integrated circuits based on organic transistors (2000)Nature 403 (6769) pp 521-523 Cited 1104 times DOI10103835000530

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 131 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 622

8 24

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name TURNER ANTHONY PFAddress Linkoumlping University Department of Physics Chemistryand Biology Linkoumlping Integrative Regenerative Medicine (IGEN)Centre IKE-Linkoumlping University Linkoumlping S-581 83 SwedenEmail anthonyturnerliuseWeb page httpswwwifmliuseapplphysbiosensors-and-bioe-lectrogroup-membersanthony-turnerQualificationsConsidered the ldquofarther of biosensoringrdquo Carried out a thirty-fiveyear academic career in the UK which culminated in the positions ofPrincipal of Cranfield University at Silsoe and Distinguished Profes-sor of Biotechnology Since 2010 in Univeristy of Linkoumlping wherehe established a new Centre for Biosensors and Bioelectronics Edi-tor-in-Chief Biosensors and Bioelectronics Over 16400 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Biosensors and biosensing techniques- Molecular recognition glucose sensors- Logic gatesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsGrounding scientist in biosensoring techniques

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Cass AEG Davis G Francis GD Allen H Hill O Aston

WJ Higgins IJ Plotkin EV Scott LDL Turner APFFerrocene-Mediated Enzyme Electrode for Amperometric Deter-mination of Glucose (1984) Analytical Chemistry 56 (4) pp667-671 Cited 1353 times DOI 101021ac00268a018

2 Wilson R Turner APF Glucose oxidase an ideal enzyme(1992) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 7 (3) pp 165-185 Cited926 times DOI 1010160956-5663(92)87013-F

3 Turner APF Biosensors Sense and sensibility (2013) ChemicalSociety Reviews 42 (8) pp 3184-3196 Cited 556 times DOI101039c3cs35528d

4 Newman JD Turner APF Home blood glucose biosensors Acommercial perspective (2005) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20(12) pp 2435-2453 Cited 506 times DOI101016jbios200411012

5 Bossi A Bonini F Turner APF Piletsky SA Molecularlyimprinted polymers for the recognition of proteins The state ofthe art (2007) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (6) pp 1131-1137 Cited 375 times DOI 101016jbios200606023

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 65 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 331

9 24

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name KALLIO PASIAddress Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampereuniversity Kalevantie 4 33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail pasikalliotutfiWeb page httpswwwtunififi httpstutcristutfiportalenper-sonspasi-kallio(472bb8e8-53cd-4996-91dc-d2cdeb6c0ed5)htmlQualificationsProfessor In Tampere University and Head of Research Group of Mi-cro and Nanosystems Research Group Part of Academy of FinlandCoE ldquoBody-on-Chip-Researchrdquo 2018-2025 Emerging scientist inthe biosensoring field 740 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Microfluidics microfluidic analytical techniques- Grippers Micromanipulators- PaperboardsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biomedical robotics and applications Closely linked to hu-man spare part development

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Ali Babar A Bjoumlrninen T Bhagavati VA Sydaumlnheimo L

Kallio P Ukkonen L Small and flexible metal mountable pas-sive UHF RFID tag on high-dielectric polymer-ceramic compo-site substrate (2012) IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters 11 pp 1319-1322 Cited 52 times DOI101109LAWP20122227291

2 Hemmilauml S Cauich-Rodriacuteguez JV Kreutzer J Kallio PRapid simple and cost-effective treatments to achieve long-termhydrophilic PDMS surfaces (2012) Applied Surface Science 258(24) pp 9864-9875 Cited 50 times DOI 101016jap-susc201206044

3 Kuncovaacute-Kallio J Kallio PJ PDMS and its suitability for ana-lytical microfluidic devices (2006) Annual International Confer-ence of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Pro-ceedings art no 4029618 pp 2486-2489 Cited 36 times DOI101109IEMBS2006260465

4 Kallio P Lind M Zhou Q Koivo HN A 3-DOF piezohy-draulic parallel micromanipulator (1998) Proceedings - IEEE In-ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 art no677432 pp 1823-1828 Cited 34 times DOI 101109RO-BOT1998677432

5 Kuncova J Kallio P Challenges in capillary pressure mi-croinjection (2004) Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 26 VII pp4998-5001 Cited 32 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 15 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 107

10 24

Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

11 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

13 24

4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 7: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

7 24

Number of scientific publications 146

Evaluator candidate 3

Name BAO ZHENANAddress Standford Univeristy Shriram Center Chemical Engineer-ing 443 Via Ortega Room 129 StanfordCA 94305 USAEmail zbaostanfordeduWeb page httpschemestanfordeduQualificationsKey scientist in field of organic field-effect transistors and founderof Stanford wearable electronics initiative Numerous honours andawards and leading administrative positions Over 64 000 citationsCurrent academic position Professor Department chairMain topics of research- Flexible electronics sensors- Organic field effect transistors conjucated polymers- Semiconducting organic compoundsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in synthesis of functional organic and polymer materials or-ganic electronic device design and fabrication and applications de-velopment for organic electronics

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Becerril HA Mao J Liu Z Stoltenberg RM Bao Z Chen

Y Evaluation of solution-processed reduced graphene oxidefilms as transparent conductors (2008) ACS Nano 2 (3) pp 463-470 Cited 2258 times DOI 101021nn700375n

2 Bao Z Dodabalapur A Lovinger AJ Soluble and processableregioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) for thin film field-effecttransistor applications with high mobility (1996) Applied PhysicsLetters 69 (26) pp 4108-4110 Cited 1561 times DOI1010631117834

3 Lipomi DJ Vosgueritchian M Tee BC-K Hellstrom SLLee JA Fox CH Bao Z

4 Skin-like pressure and strain sensors based on transparent elasticfilms of carbon nanotubes (2011) Nature Nanotechnology 6 (12)pp 788-792 Cited 1408 times DOI 101038nnano2011184

5 Mannsfeld SCB Tee BC-K Stoltenberg RM ChenCVH-H Barman S Muir BVO Sokolov AN Reese CBao Z Highly sensitive flexible pressure sensors with micro-structured rubber dielectric layers (2010) Nature Materials 9(10) pp 859-864 Cited 1246 times DOI 101038nmat2834

6 Crone B Dodabalapur A Lin Y-Y Filas RW Bao Z La-Duca A Sarpeshkar R Katz HE Li W Large-scale comple-mentary integrated circuits based on organic transistors (2000)Nature 403 (6769) pp 521-523 Cited 1104 times DOI10103835000530

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 131 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 622

8 24

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name TURNER ANTHONY PFAddress Linkoumlping University Department of Physics Chemistryand Biology Linkoumlping Integrative Regenerative Medicine (IGEN)Centre IKE-Linkoumlping University Linkoumlping S-581 83 SwedenEmail anthonyturnerliuseWeb page httpswwwifmliuseapplphysbiosensors-and-bioe-lectrogroup-membersanthony-turnerQualificationsConsidered the ldquofarther of biosensoringrdquo Carried out a thirty-fiveyear academic career in the UK which culminated in the positions ofPrincipal of Cranfield University at Silsoe and Distinguished Profes-sor of Biotechnology Since 2010 in Univeristy of Linkoumlping wherehe established a new Centre for Biosensors and Bioelectronics Edi-tor-in-Chief Biosensors and Bioelectronics Over 16400 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Biosensors and biosensing techniques- Molecular recognition glucose sensors- Logic gatesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsGrounding scientist in biosensoring techniques

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Cass AEG Davis G Francis GD Allen H Hill O Aston

WJ Higgins IJ Plotkin EV Scott LDL Turner APFFerrocene-Mediated Enzyme Electrode for Amperometric Deter-mination of Glucose (1984) Analytical Chemistry 56 (4) pp667-671 Cited 1353 times DOI 101021ac00268a018

2 Wilson R Turner APF Glucose oxidase an ideal enzyme(1992) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 7 (3) pp 165-185 Cited926 times DOI 1010160956-5663(92)87013-F

3 Turner APF Biosensors Sense and sensibility (2013) ChemicalSociety Reviews 42 (8) pp 3184-3196 Cited 556 times DOI101039c3cs35528d

4 Newman JD Turner APF Home blood glucose biosensors Acommercial perspective (2005) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20(12) pp 2435-2453 Cited 506 times DOI101016jbios200411012

5 Bossi A Bonini F Turner APF Piletsky SA Molecularlyimprinted polymers for the recognition of proteins The state ofthe art (2007) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (6) pp 1131-1137 Cited 375 times DOI 101016jbios200606023

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 65 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 331

9 24

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name KALLIO PASIAddress Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampereuniversity Kalevantie 4 33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail pasikalliotutfiWeb page httpswwwtunififi httpstutcristutfiportalenper-sonspasi-kallio(472bb8e8-53cd-4996-91dc-d2cdeb6c0ed5)htmlQualificationsProfessor In Tampere University and Head of Research Group of Mi-cro and Nanosystems Research Group Part of Academy of FinlandCoE ldquoBody-on-Chip-Researchrdquo 2018-2025 Emerging scientist inthe biosensoring field 740 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Microfluidics microfluidic analytical techniques- Grippers Micromanipulators- PaperboardsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biomedical robotics and applications Closely linked to hu-man spare part development

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Ali Babar A Bjoumlrninen T Bhagavati VA Sydaumlnheimo L

Kallio P Ukkonen L Small and flexible metal mountable pas-sive UHF RFID tag on high-dielectric polymer-ceramic compo-site substrate (2012) IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters 11 pp 1319-1322 Cited 52 times DOI101109LAWP20122227291

2 Hemmilauml S Cauich-Rodriacuteguez JV Kreutzer J Kallio PRapid simple and cost-effective treatments to achieve long-termhydrophilic PDMS surfaces (2012) Applied Surface Science 258(24) pp 9864-9875 Cited 50 times DOI 101016jap-susc201206044

3 Kuncovaacute-Kallio J Kallio PJ PDMS and its suitability for ana-lytical microfluidic devices (2006) Annual International Confer-ence of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Pro-ceedings art no 4029618 pp 2486-2489 Cited 36 times DOI101109IEMBS2006260465

4 Kallio P Lind M Zhou Q Koivo HN A 3-DOF piezohy-draulic parallel micromanipulator (1998) Proceedings - IEEE In-ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 art no677432 pp 1823-1828 Cited 34 times DOI 101109RO-BOT1998677432

5 Kuncova J Kallio P Challenges in capillary pressure mi-croinjection (2004) Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 26 VII pp4998-5001 Cited 32 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 15 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 107

10 24

Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

11 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

13 24

4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

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3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

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Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

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Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 8: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

8 24

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name TURNER ANTHONY PFAddress Linkoumlping University Department of Physics Chemistryand Biology Linkoumlping Integrative Regenerative Medicine (IGEN)Centre IKE-Linkoumlping University Linkoumlping S-581 83 SwedenEmail anthonyturnerliuseWeb page httpswwwifmliuseapplphysbiosensors-and-bioe-lectrogroup-membersanthony-turnerQualificationsConsidered the ldquofarther of biosensoringrdquo Carried out a thirty-fiveyear academic career in the UK which culminated in the positions ofPrincipal of Cranfield University at Silsoe and Distinguished Profes-sor of Biotechnology Since 2010 in Univeristy of Linkoumlping wherehe established a new Centre for Biosensors and Bioelectronics Edi-tor-in-Chief Biosensors and Bioelectronics Over 16400 citationsCurrent academic position Professor EmeritusMain topics of research- Biosensors and biosensing techniques- Molecular recognition glucose sensors- Logic gatesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsGrounding scientist in biosensoring techniques

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Cass AEG Davis G Francis GD Allen H Hill O Aston

WJ Higgins IJ Plotkin EV Scott LDL Turner APFFerrocene-Mediated Enzyme Electrode for Amperometric Deter-mination of Glucose (1984) Analytical Chemistry 56 (4) pp667-671 Cited 1353 times DOI 101021ac00268a018

2 Wilson R Turner APF Glucose oxidase an ideal enzyme(1992) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 7 (3) pp 165-185 Cited926 times DOI 1010160956-5663(92)87013-F

3 Turner APF Biosensors Sense and sensibility (2013) ChemicalSociety Reviews 42 (8) pp 3184-3196 Cited 556 times DOI101039c3cs35528d

4 Newman JD Turner APF Home blood glucose biosensors Acommercial perspective (2005) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 20(12) pp 2435-2453 Cited 506 times DOI101016jbios200411012

5 Bossi A Bonini F Turner APF Piletsky SA Molecularlyimprinted polymers for the recognition of proteins The state ofthe art (2007) Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (6) pp 1131-1137 Cited 375 times DOI 101016jbios200606023

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 65 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 331

9 24

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name KALLIO PASIAddress Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampereuniversity Kalevantie 4 33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail pasikalliotutfiWeb page httpswwwtunififi httpstutcristutfiportalenper-sonspasi-kallio(472bb8e8-53cd-4996-91dc-d2cdeb6c0ed5)htmlQualificationsProfessor In Tampere University and Head of Research Group of Mi-cro and Nanosystems Research Group Part of Academy of FinlandCoE ldquoBody-on-Chip-Researchrdquo 2018-2025 Emerging scientist inthe biosensoring field 740 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Microfluidics microfluidic analytical techniques- Grippers Micromanipulators- PaperboardsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biomedical robotics and applications Closely linked to hu-man spare part development

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Ali Babar A Bjoumlrninen T Bhagavati VA Sydaumlnheimo L

Kallio P Ukkonen L Small and flexible metal mountable pas-sive UHF RFID tag on high-dielectric polymer-ceramic compo-site substrate (2012) IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters 11 pp 1319-1322 Cited 52 times DOI101109LAWP20122227291

2 Hemmilauml S Cauich-Rodriacuteguez JV Kreutzer J Kallio PRapid simple and cost-effective treatments to achieve long-termhydrophilic PDMS surfaces (2012) Applied Surface Science 258(24) pp 9864-9875 Cited 50 times DOI 101016jap-susc201206044

3 Kuncovaacute-Kallio J Kallio PJ PDMS and its suitability for ana-lytical microfluidic devices (2006) Annual International Confer-ence of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Pro-ceedings art no 4029618 pp 2486-2489 Cited 36 times DOI101109IEMBS2006260465

4 Kallio P Lind M Zhou Q Koivo HN A 3-DOF piezohy-draulic parallel micromanipulator (1998) Proceedings - IEEE In-ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 art no677432 pp 1823-1828 Cited 34 times DOI 101109RO-BOT1998677432

5 Kuncova J Kallio P Challenges in capillary pressure mi-croinjection (2004) Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 26 VII pp4998-5001 Cited 32 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 15 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 107

10 24

Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

11 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

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4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

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4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

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5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 9: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

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Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name KALLIO PASIAddress Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Tampereuniversity Kalevantie 4 33014 Tampereen yliopistoEmail pasikalliotutfiWeb page httpswwwtunififi httpstutcristutfiportalenper-sonspasi-kallio(472bb8e8-53cd-4996-91dc-d2cdeb6c0ed5)htmlQualificationsProfessor In Tampere University and Head of Research Group of Mi-cro and Nanosystems Research Group Part of Academy of FinlandCoE ldquoBody-on-Chip-Researchrdquo 2018-2025 Emerging scientist inthe biosensoring field 740 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Microfluidics microfluidic analytical techniques- Grippers Micromanipulators- PaperboardsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biomedical robotics and applications Closely linked to hu-man spare part development

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Ali Babar A Bjoumlrninen T Bhagavati VA Sydaumlnheimo L

Kallio P Ukkonen L Small and flexible metal mountable pas-sive UHF RFID tag on high-dielectric polymer-ceramic compo-site substrate (2012) IEEE Antennas and Wireless PropagationLetters 11 pp 1319-1322 Cited 52 times DOI101109LAWP20122227291

2 Hemmilauml S Cauich-Rodriacuteguez JV Kreutzer J Kallio PRapid simple and cost-effective treatments to achieve long-termhydrophilic PDMS surfaces (2012) Applied Surface Science 258(24) pp 9864-9875 Cited 50 times DOI 101016jap-susc201206044

3 Kuncovaacute-Kallio J Kallio PJ PDMS and its suitability for ana-lytical microfluidic devices (2006) Annual International Confer-ence of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Pro-ceedings art no 4029618 pp 2486-2489 Cited 36 times DOI101109IEMBS2006260465

4 Kallio P Lind M Zhou Q Koivo HN A 3-DOF piezohy-draulic parallel micromanipulator (1998) Proceedings - IEEE In-ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 art no677432 pp 1823-1828 Cited 34 times DOI 101109RO-BOT1998677432

5 Kuncova J Kallio P Challenges in capillary pressure mi-croinjection (2004) Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings 26 VII pp4998-5001 Cited 32 times

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 15 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 107

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Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

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Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

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4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

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4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

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5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

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3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 10: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

10 24

Evaluator candidate 6 (varalla)

Name TORSI LUISAAddress University of Bari Department of Chemistry Diparti-mento di Chimica Universitagrave degli Studi di Bari Aldo MoroVia E Orabona 4 -70126 Bari ItalyEmail luisatorsiunibaitWeb page httpswwwunibaitricercadipartimentichimicahttpwwwchimicaunibaititdipartimentopersonaleprofessori-ordinari198-torsi-luisaQualificationsFull professor of Chemistry since 2005 Immediate past-president ofthe European Material Research Society the largest in its field in Eu-rope She is the first women to hold this role Several internationalhounours and awards Served extensively as expert reviewer for theEuropean Commission being for three years the Chair of the Chem-istry Panel for the evaluation of the Marie Curie Research Fellow-ships Over 8000 citationsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of research- Thin film transistors- Chemical sensors biosensors- Nanostructured materialsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsExpert in biosensors and chemical sensors

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Dodabalapur A Torsi L Katz HE Organic transistors Two-

dimensional transport and improved electrical characteristics(1995) Science 268 (5208) pp 270-271 Cited 919 times DOI101126science2685208270

2 Crone B Dodabalapur A Gelperin A Torsi L Katz HELovinger AJ Bao Z Electronic sensing of vapors with organictransistors (2001) Applied Physics Letters 78 (15) pp 2229-2231 Cited 466 times DOI 10106311360785

3 Malitesta C Palmisano F Torsi L Zambonin PG GlucoseFast-Response Amperometric Sensor Based on Glucose OxidaseImmobilized in an Electropolymerized Poly(o-phenylenediamine)Film (1990) Analytical Chemistry 62 (24) pp 2735-2740 Cited465 times DOI 101021ac00223a016

4 Cioffi N Torsi L Ditaranto N Tantillo G Ghibelli L Sab-batini L Bleve-Zacheo T DAlessio M Zambonin PG Tra-versa E Copper nanoparticlepolymer composites with antifun-gal and bacteriostatic properties (2005) Chemistry of Materials17 (21) pp 5255-5262 Cited 440 times DOI101021cm0505244

5 Dodabalapur A Katz HE Torsi L Haddon RC Organicheterostructure field-effect transistors (1995) Science 269(5230) pp 1560-1562 Cited 398 times DOI 101126sci-ence26952301560

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 44 (Scopus)Number of scientific publications 186

11 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

13 24

4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

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Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 11: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

11 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Seppo Vainio ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan41 kaumlsittelyn aikana

42 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml varhaiskasvatuksen profes-suuri

Professor Early childhood education The professor is responsible for de-veloping research in this area in the faculty and at the University of OuluTogether with the other professors in the faculty the professor is expectedto participate in the design and development of new creative research andlearning environments and the infrastructures required by them at the Uni-versity of Oulu The post is located in the research unit Teachers Teachingand Educational Communities The research unit aims at developing re-search-based teacher education and understanding educational communitiesand environments to anticipate the challenges of the changing world Theresearch focuses on the development of teacher identity growth in variouschildhood and youth environments relationality and the construction ofparticipation emotions and experiences The field of the vacancy is educa-tion especially early childhood education The professor is responsible forthe development of education and research and for postgraduate educationin early childhood education The professorrsquos field of research and dutiesfocuses on theoretical and methodological development of research and onthe development of research-based teacher education in the area of educa-tional sciences and especially early childhood education

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 13 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumln-taumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml kaumlvi kokouksessaan 2412019 laumlpi kaikki tehtaumlvaumlauml hakenei-den hakuasiakirjat ja arvioi kunkin hakijan tutkimusorientaatiota ja keskei-siauml tutkimusalueita Paumlaumltettiin ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin lauml-hetetaumlaumln niiden hakijoiden hakuasiakirjat joilla on muodollinen kelpoisuustohtorin tutkinto suoritettuna haettavan tehtaumlvaumln kannalta soveltuvaltaalalta joilla on vaumlhintaumlaumln 10 korkeatasoista julkaisuja tai joilla on muutaalaan liittyvaumlauml erityisasiantuntijuutta Arvioitavien hakijoiden osalta myoumlskaikkien pyydettyjen hakuasiakirjojen tulee olla toimitettuna arvioitavaksiValmisteluryhmauml paumlaumltti ettauml ulkopuoliseen asiantuntija-arviointiin laumlhete-taumlaumln viiden hakijan hakudokumentit Gintautas Silinskas Pirkko SiklanderKarin Murris Riikka-Maija Mononen Johanna Heikka

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

13 24

4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 12: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

12 24

1 professori Bert van Oers Hollanti2 professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi3 professori Sue Dockett Australia

Kuhunkin esitettyyn asiantuntijaan on oltu yhteydessauml ja tarkistettu ettaumlheillauml ei ole yhteistyoumltauml tai yhteistauml julkaisutoimintaa asiantuntija-arvioin-tiin tulevien hakijoiden kanssa


Name Professori Bert van Oers Hollanti

Address Department Educational Sciences Faculty of Behavioraland Movement Sciences VU University Amsterdam The Nether-lands

Email bertvanoersvunl

Web page httpsresearchvunlenpersonsbert-van-oers

Current academic positionProfessor emeritus Cultural-historical theory of education Faculty ofBehavioral and movement sciences Vrije University Amsterdam

Main topics of researchHis expertise is in the area of cultural-historical theory Activity The-ory (Vygotskian theory CHAT) curriculum development early edu-cation development of (emergent) mathematical thinking and (emer-gent) literacy development and arts education His main research in-terest is the cultural-historical theory of play as a context for learningand development in primary school (4 ndash 12 year olds)

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor van Oersrsquo research is well-known in the domain of earlychildhood education He is very popular as a speaker and visitingprofessor in worldwide His publication list is extensive includingbooks book chapters and articles Based on his expertise he is verysuitable for evaluating the applicants for the early childhood educa-tion professorship

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Fleer M amp van Oers B (Eds)(2017) International Handbook

on Early Childhood education Two Volumes DordrechtSpringer

2 van der Veen C de Mey L van Kruistum C amp van Oers B(2017) The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommu-nication on young childrens oral communicative competence andsubject matter knowledge An intervention study in early child-hood education Learning and Instruction 48(April) 14 ndash 22httpdxdoiorg101066jlearninstruc201606001

3 van Oers B amp Duijkers D (2013) Teaching in a play-basedcurriculum Theory practice and evidence of Developmental Ed-ucation for young children Journal of Curriculum Studies 45(4)511 ndash 534 httpdxdoiorg101080002202722011637182

13 24

4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 13: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

13 24

4 van Oers B (2013) Challenges in the innovation of mathematicseducation for young children Educational Studies in mathemat-ics84(2) 267 - 272 httpdxdoiorg101007s10649-013-9509-z

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 4014

h-index 31i10-index 77

Scopus h-index 706 (566) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus64


Name Professori Susanne Garvis Ruotsi

Address University of Gothenburg Laumlroverksgatan 5 41117 Goumlte-borg Sweden Home address Monsungatan 82 41766 GoumlteborgPhone +46 7 02162814Email susannegarvisguseWeb page httpswwwsuseprofilessuga8706-1391357

Current academic positionProfessor of Child and Youth Studies University of GothenburgGuest Professor at Stockholm University (20)Adjunct Professor at Griffith University Australia (2019-2021)Leader of the funded Nordic Early Childhood Research GroupMain topics of researchEducational sciences Pedagogy International Education DidacticsLearning Pedagogical work Leadership Inequality Inclusion EarlyChildhood Education Early Childhood Teacher EducationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Garvisrsquo research is focusing on early childhood educationin Scandinavian countries which is relevant knowledge for evaluat-ing the applicants for the professorship in Finland Her research in-cludes early childhood education and care as well the pedagogy Shehas also studied pre- and in-service teacher education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Garvis S Phillipson S amp Harju-Lukkannin H (2018) Early

childhood education in the 21st Century volume 1 SingaporeRoutledge

2 Harju-Luukainen H Garvis S amp Flynn T (2018) A descrip-tive study of early childhood education steering documents inFinland Sweden and Australia around language immersion pro-grammes Asia Pacific Journal of Early Childhood 12(3) 1-22

3 Garvis S Lemon N Pendergast D amp Yim B (2013) AContent Analysis of Early Childhood Teachersrsquo Theoretical andPractical Experiences With Infants and Toddlers in AustralianTeacher Education Programs Australian Journal of Teacher Ed-ucation 38(9)

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 14: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

14 24

4 Garvis S (2013) The daily use of arts in kindergarten in Aus-tralia International Journal of the Arts Education 7(2) 47-54

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 1401

h-index 17i10-index 33

Scopus h-index 235 (196) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus82


Name Professori Sue Dockett Australia

Address School of Education Faculty of Education Charles SturtUniversity Albury AustraliaEmail SDockettcsueduauWeb page httpscdncsueduau__dataas-setspdf_file00093151773 Citation-Professor-Sue-Dockettpdfhttpsscholargooglecomaucitationsuser=9rfJqd-sAAAAJamphl=enampoi=aoCurrent academic positionEmeritus Professor School of Education Faculty of EducationCharles Sturt University Albury AustraliaMain topics of researchResearch fields relate specifically to early childhood education in-cluding educational transitions Education systems Early childhoodeducation Curriculum and pedagogy Curriculum theory and peda-gogy Specialist studies in education Aboriginal and Torres Strait is-lander education

Relevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Dockettrsquos research is highly acknowledged in the field ofearly childhood education Her expertise is very relevant for evaluat-ing the applicantsrsquo research and other achievements in the field ofearly childhood education

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Arthur L Beecher B Death E Dockett S amp Farmer S

(2018)2 Programming and planning in early childhood education (7th ed)

Melbourne Cengage3 Perry B amp Dockett S (2018) Using a bioecological frame-

work to investigate an early childhood mathematics education in-tervention European Early Childhood Education Research Jour-nal 26(4) 604-617 DOI 1010801350293X20181487161

4 Dockett S Perry B Garpelin A Einarsdottir J Peters S ampDunlop A-W (2017) Pedagogies of educational transition InN Ballam B Perry amp A Garpelin (Eds) Pedagogies of educa-tional research European and Antipodean research (pp 275-292) Dordrecht Springer

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 15: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

15 24

5 Dockett S amp Perry B (2016) Supporting childrenrsquos transitionto school age care Australian Educational Researcherdoi101007s13384-016-0202y

Research parametersGoogle Scholar Citations 6087

h-index 39i10-index 100

Scopus h-index 862 (773) All citations and citations without self-citations of all authors

Number of scientific publications Sum of publications in Scopus49

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml asiantuntijatesityksen mukaisesti

Sanna Jaumlrvelauml ei osallistunut keskusteluun eikauml paumlaumltoumlksentekoon kohdan42 kaumlsittelyn aikana

43 Esitys asiantuntijoiden nimeaumlmisestauml vaumlylauml- ja liikennetekniikanprofessuuri

The position is a Professor in Traffic Networks and Technology The focusof the professorship is on transport logistics automation and innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure In additionthe experience in traffic management automation systems and automotivesystems as well as in the operation and development of transport systemsespecially in the north and changing conditions are considered as a meritThe position is located in the Structures and Construction Technology Re-search Unit where the task is to lead the Traffic networks and technologyresearch team The Structures and Construction Technology Research Unitspecializes in the research and education for the design and implementationof exceptionally demanding structures as defined in the Finnish legislationin the design and implementation of so-called exceptionally demandingstructures The sphere of operations covers residential construction and de-manding industrial construction sites such as bridges power plants andmining facilities Construction technology research has focused on digitali-zation of construction processes in particular BIM in the design and pro-duction of routes bridges and buildings construction automation and ro-botics in factories and construction sites as well as automation for movingwork machines and vehicles The group of technical mechanics providescourses in material strength and mechanics required for Degree Programs inboth Construction and Mechanical Engineering

Maumlaumlraumlaikaan 30112018 mennessauml tehtaumlvaumlauml haki 6 henkiloumlauml Tehtaumlvaumlntaumlyt-toumltyoumlryhmauml paumlaumltti kokouksessaan 532019 rajata arviointiin laumlhetettaumlviauml ha-kemuksia jolloin jatkoon menevaumlt kelpoiset ja taustaltaan tehtaumlvaumlaumln ainoatsopivat hakijat ovat Pekka Leviaumlkangas ja Iisakki Kosonen Muiden haki-joiden osalta arvioimatta jaumlttaumlmisen perusteita olivat puuttuva tohtorin

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 16: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

16 24

tutkinto vaumlhaumlinen tai puuttuva Scopus-julkaisujen maumlaumlrauml tai tehtaumlvaumlnku-vaukseen sopimaton akateeminen tausta

Esitys arvioinnissa kaumlytettaumlvistauml asiantuntijoista on seuraava johon tehtauml-vaumlntaumlyttoumltyoumlryhmauml pyytaumlauml tutkimusneuvoston arviota

1 Maumlntynen Jorma2 Lundgren Jan3 Di Febbraro Angela

sekauml heidaumln kieltaumlytymisensauml varalle1 Blythe Phil2 Mulley Corinna

Mahdolliset intressiristiriidat on tarkistettu kirjaston bibliometriikkatiimintoimesta Scopus-tietokannasta ja hakijoiden hakudokumenteista Hakijoi-den ja asiantuntijaehdokkaiden vaumllillauml ei todettu intressiristiriitoja

Evaluator candidate 1

Name Maumlntynen JormaAddress WSP Finland Oy Heikkilaumlntie 7 FI-00210HelsinkiEmail jormamantynenwspcomWeb page httpswwwwspcomfi-FIQualificationsCurrently Prof Jorma Maumlntynen is working in the advisory servicesunit in WSP Finland Oy 1991 he started as assistant professor andsince 1998 to 2015 as a professor in Transport and TransportationTechnology at TUT (nowadays know as VERNE Transport Re-search Centre) He was involved in the establishment of the Depart-ment of Industrial Engineering in 1996 and as Director of the Depart-ment in several stages for a total of six yearsCurrent academic position ProfessorMain topics of researchThe main research topics of Prof Jorma Maumlntynen has been stronglyrelated to integrated transport system human-centred urban transportand efficient logistics and freight transportationRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jorma Maumlntynen has the expertise in transport innovative de-sign construction and maintenance of traffic routes

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Tieliikenne Poumlllaumlnen M amp Maumlntynen J (2002) Tampere TTY

Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka p 166 Tampereen teknillinen yli-opisto Liikenne- ja kuljetustekniikka Opetusmoniste nro322002

2 Liikennejaumlrjestelmaumln tila 2002 - valtakunnallinen ja alueellinentarkastelu (2003) Jokipii T Joutsensaari J Kalenoja H Kiis-kilauml K amp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministe-riouml p 126 Liikenne- ja viestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 29

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 17: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

17 24

3 Saumlaumlsteliaumlaumlmpiauml liikennevaumllineitauml ja tiiviimpiauml yhdyskuntia(2003) Kalenoja H Maumlntynen J amp Laurikko J Helsinki Te-kes

4 Liikennevaumlylien yllaumlpidon ja kehittaumlmisen haasteet tuotanto- jaaluerakenteen muuttuessa (2001) Joutsensaari J Maumlki J ampMaumlntynen Helsinki Unknown Publisher p 106 Liikenne- javiestintaumlministerioumln julkaisuja nro 8

5 Tienpidon kehittaumlminen asiakaslaumlhtoumlisemmaksi tieverkon hoi-don ja yllaumlpidon naumlkoumlkulmasta (2000) Maumlki J Joutsensaari Jamp Maumlntynen J Helsinki Tielaitos p 145 Tielaitoksen selvityk-siauml nro 4

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) -Number of scientific publications -

Evaluator candidate 2

Name Lundgren JanAddress Linkoumlpings universitet 58183 LinkoumlpingSwedenEmail janlundgrenliuseWeb page httpsliuseQualificationsJan Lundgren is full professor in Department of Science and Tech-nology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems (KTS) di-vision Linkoumlping UniversityCurrent academic positionProf Jan Lundgren is working in the Department of Science andTechnology (ITN) in Communications and Transport Systems(KTS) division The KTS-division includes research and educationwithin the areas of traffic systems quantitative logistics constructionlogistics mobile telecommunication mathematics and constructiontechnology Common for most areas is that they deal with problemsand issues related to the planning design control and analysis of sys-tems for logistics transportation traffic and telecommunicationsMain topics of researchThe research topics of prof Jan Lundgren are within the areas of traf-fic systems quantitive logistics construction logistics mobile tele-communication mathematics and construction technologyRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Jan Lundgren has expertise of transport and construct logisti-cals and innovative traffic planning and management

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Gunnarsson H Roumlnnqvist M Lundgren JT (2004) Supply

chain modelling of forest fuel European Journal of OperationalResearch 158(1) pp 103 ndash 123

2 Bredstroumlm D Lundgren JT Roumlnnqvist M Carlsson D Ma-son A (2004) Supply chain optimization in the pulp mill indus-try ndash IP models column generation and novel constrain branchesEuropean Journal of Operational Research 156(1) pp 2 ndash 22

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 18: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

18 24

3 Damberg O Lundgren JT Patriksson M (1996) An algo-rithm for the stochastic user equilibrium problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 30(2) pp 115 ndash 131

4 Holmberg K Joborn M Lundgren JT (1996) TransportationScience 32(2) pp 163 ndash 173

5 Lundgren JT Peterson A (2008) A heuristic for the bilevelorigin-destination-matrix estimation problem TransportationResearch Part B Methological 42(4) pp 229 ndash 354

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 12 (Scopus 432019)Number of scientific publications 23

Evaluator candidate 3

Name Di Febbraro AngelaAddress Universitagrave degli studi di Genova Via Balbi 516126 Genova ItalyEmail AngelaDiFebbrarounigeitWeb page httpswwwunigeitenQualificationsAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa since 2005 Previously she has been Pro-fessor in Control and Transportation Engineering at the Polytechnicof Turin and before that a Research Assistant at the University ofGenoa Born in 1963 in Genoa she got a Laurea Degree in ElectronicEngineering (1987) and PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineer-ing both at the University of Genoa At a European level she cur-rently holds the office of Italian National Delegate in the Horizon2020 Programme Committee of the Societal Challenge ldquoSmartgreen and integrated transportrdquo and she is a member of the STRIAGovernance Group Author of more than 200 scientific papersmostly published in international journalsconferences she partici-pated in several research projects Her transport research interests fo-cused on major aspects about planning control and optimisation ata system-level (with special reference to safety sustainability inter-modality and Intelligent Transport Systems)Current academic positionAngela Di Febbraro is Full Professor of Transportation Engineeringat the University of Genoa ItalyMain topics of researchProf Di Febbraro research themes are sustainable urban transporta-tion systems intelligent transportation systems safety and securityof transportation systems and of critical infrastructures as well asintermodal transportation systemsRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProf Di Febbraro has expertise smart and green transport logisticsand innovative design In addition the experience of traffic manage-ment and the operation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 19: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

19 24

1 Di Febbraro A Giglio D Sacco N (2004) Urban traffic con-trol structure based on hybrid petri nets IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems 5(4) pp 224 ndash 237

2 Di Febbraro D Sacco N (2004) On modelling urban transpor-tation networks via hybrid Petri nets Contronl Engineering Prac-tice 12(10) pp 1225 ndash 1239

3 Alessandri A Di Febbraro A Ferrara A Punta E (1998) Op-timal control of freeways via speed signaling and ramp meteringControl Engineering Practice 6(6) pp 771 ndash 780

4 Febbraro A Sacco N Saeednia M (2012) One-way carshar-ing Transportation Research Record (2319) pp 113 ndash 120

5 Alessandri A Febbraro AD Ferrara A Punta E (1999)Nonlinear optimization for freeway control using variable-speedsignaling IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Sys-tems 48(6) pp 2042 ndash 2052

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 14 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 98

Evaluator candidate 4 (varalla)

Name Blythe PhilAddress Transport Operations Research Group(TORG) School of EngineeringCassie Building (Room 227) Newcastle University NE1 7RUEmail philblythenclacukWeb page httpswwwnclacukQualificationsThe academic focus of Professor Phil Blythe has been the develop-ment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the use of informationcommunications and computing technology applied to transport Hisresearch portfolio covers a wide range of areas where ITS has beenapplied to transport including road to vehicle communications roaduser charging systems ITS for assistive mobility smartcards and ra-dio frequency identification (RFID) wirelesssmartdust technolo-gies electromobility and future intelligent infrastructure ProfessorPhil Blythe research is also forward-looking and attempts to bridgethe technology-policy gap in terms of what technologies may evolveto meet future policy objectives or influence future policy thinking tomeet the challenges Professor Phil Blythe chairs the Institute of En-gineering and Technology (IET)rsquos Transport Policy Panel is a mem-ber of their Lectures Committee and supports the IET in the UK andabroad in areas such intelligent transport connected and autonomousvehicles electro-mobility and smart cities and on the Big Data In-ternet of Things agendas In March 2012 Phil was awarded theReece-Hills Medal for a lifetime personal contribution to ITSCurrent academic positionProfessor Phil Blythe is Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems(ITS) at Newcastle University Prior to joining the Department forTransport he was Director of the Transport Operations ResearchGroup for 13 yearsMain topics of research

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 20: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

20 24

Professor Phil Blythe is working with innovations and technologiesthat may impact on the delivery of transport schemes Professor PhilBlythe and his team are focusing on supporting key technical areasof the Department including connected and autonomous vehiclesultra low emission vehicles drones spaceflight older travellers andaccessibility emissions and air quality improvements energy andthe IoT big data and smart citiesRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Phil Blythe has an experience of transport logistics auto-mation and innovative design In addition he has the experience ofautomation and vehicle automation systems and technologies and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Robinson AP Blythe PT Bell MC Huumlbner Y Hill GA

(2013) Analysis of electric vehicle driver recharging demandprofiles and subsequent impacts on the carbon content of electricvehicle trips Energy Policy 61 pp 337 ndash 248

2 Neaimeh M Hill GA Huumlbner Y Blythe PT (2013) Rout-ing systems to extend the driving range of electric vehicles IETIntelligent Transport Systems 7(3) pp 327 ndash 336

3 Neaimeh M Wardle R Jenkins AM () Blythe PT Tay-lor PC (2015) A probabilistic approach to combining smart me-ter and electric vehicle charging data to investigate distributionnetwork impacts Applied Energy 157 pp 688 ndash 698

4 Blythe PT (2004) Improving public transport ticketing throughsmart cards Proceedings of the Institution of Civil EngineersMunicipal Engineer 157(1) pp 47 ndash 54

5 Blythe PT (1999) RFID for road tolling road-use pricing andvehicle access control IEE Colloquim (Digest) (123) p 67 ndash 82

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 13 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 118

Evaluator candidate 5 (varalla)

Name Mulley CorinnaAddress H73 - 378 Abercrombie Street The Univer-sity of Sydney NSW 2006 AustraliaEmail corinnemulleysydneyeduauWeb page httpssydneyeduaubusinessQualificationsProfessor Emerita Corinne Mulley was the inaugural Chair of PublicTransport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at theUniversity of Sydney Corinne is a transport economist and was ac-tive in transport research at the interface of transport policy and eco-nomics Professor Mulley achieved her PhD in Economics at the LSE(London University) having graduated in 1976 from London Univer-sity (LSE) with a Masters in Economics as the holder of the ReesJeffreys Scholarship and in 1975 from Nottingham University witha BA Honours in EconomicsCurrent academic position

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 21: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

21 24

Professor Emerita Corinne Mulley is working at Institute ofTransport and Logistical Studies at the Universtity of Sydney Aus-traliaMain topics of researchProfessor Mulley has directed numerous research projects in the fieldof public transport Projects fall into the five main areas of evaluationof public transport investment network planning and public transportmanagement flexible transport in urban and areas of low densityorganisational frameworksinstitutional structures the connectionsbetween health and public transport and how evidence on how thebuilt environment affects travel behaviour and benchmarking qualityand efficiency in public transport Her research has been multi-disci-plinary with the connections to health (Charles Perkins Centre of theUniversity where she is involved with nodes researching physical ac-tivity and workplaces wellbeing and dog ownership) and planning(connections with the School of Architecture including the HenryHalloran Trust and academics in the Architecture School in relationto parking electric vehicles urban form and built environmentwork) Professor Mulley has also collaborated with Archaeology inlooking at how cities grow and decline and the impact of this formegacities Beyond the University Professor Mulley has worked withcolleagues globally and she has just completed her three year term asthe Chair of the World Society of Transport and Land Use ResearchRelevance of research by evaluator to evaluate applicantsProfessor Mulley has experience of transport logistics and and theoperation and development of transport systems

Selected examples of most relevant publications1 Daniels R Mulley C (2013) Explaining walking distance to

public transport The dominance of public transport supply Jour-nal of Transport and Land Use 6(2) pp 5 -20

2 Aditjandra PT Cao X Mulley C (2012) Understandingneighborhood design impact on travel behavior An applicationof structural equations model to a British metropolitan dataTransport Research Part A Policy and Practice 46(4) pp 22 ndash32

3 Clement F Orange D Williams M Mulley C Eppreht M(2009) Drivers of afforestation in Northern Vietnam Assessinglocal variations using geographically weighted regression Ap-plied Geograpgy 29(4) pp 561 ndash 574

4 Hongbo D Mulley C (2006) Relationship between transportaccessibility and land value Local Model approach with geo-graphically weighted regression Transportation Reserch Record(1977) pp 197 ndash 205

5 Brake J Mulley C Nelson JD Wright W (2007) Key les-sons learned from recent experience with Flexible Transport Ser-vices Transport Policy 14(6) pp 458 ndash 466

Research parametersH-index (indicate source) 17 (Scopus 532019)Number of scientific publications 147

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 22: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

22 24

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta ja tekee tarvittavat paumlauml-toumlkset

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti hyvaumlksyauml esitetyt asi-antuntijat Tutkimusneuvosto totesi kuitenkin ettauml ensisijaiseksi arvioitsi-jaksi ehdotetulta kotimaiselta asiantuntijalta Jorma Maumlntyseltauml puuttuu kan-sainvaumllinen julkaisuprofiili Taumlmaumln vuoksi tutkimusneuvosto suositteleeettauml valmisteluryhmauml harkitsisi haumlnen tilalleen jompaakumpaa varasijalle si-joitettua ulkomaista ehdokasta (Phil Blythe tai Corinna Mulley)

5sect FIRI2019-haun esittely ja priorisointiin valmistautuminen(esittelijauml Suvi Hentilauml)

5sect esittelymateriaali loumlytyy tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilasta

Suomen Akatemia rahoittaa kansallisesti merkittaumlvien ja tieteellistauml tutki-musta edistaumlvien tutkimusinfrastruktuurien hankkimista perustamista taivahvistamista Infrastruktuureilla tarkoitetaan tutkimusvaumllineiden -laitteis-tojen -aineistojen ja -palvelujen varantoa joka mahdollistaa tutkimustyoumlnedesauttaa tutkimusyhteistyoumltauml sekauml vahvistaa tutkimus- ja innovaatiokapa-siteettia Tutkimusinfrastruktuurit voivat sijaita yhdessauml paikassa tai ne voi-vat olla hajautettuja tai virtuaalisia kokonaisuuksia

FIRI 2019 -haussa avataan haut tutkimusinfrastruktuurien tiekartalla ole-ville (haku 1) ja tiekartan ulkopuolisille tutkimusinfrastruktuureille (haku2)

Suomen Akatemian tutkimusinfrastruktuurihaku FIRI 2019 hakuaika on24-1552019 Oulun yliopiston sisaumlinen hakuaika paumlaumlttyy 842019 Hake-mukset priorisoidaan ensin tutkimusneuvoston ja tutkimuksen johtoryhmaumlntoimesta minkauml jaumllkeen rehtori vahvistaa hakemusten priorisoinnin

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta Hakemusten priorisointi teh-daumlaumln tutkimusneuvoston huhtikuun kokouksessa Tutkimusneuvoston sih-teeri laumlhettaumlauml hakemusten priorisointiin valmistautumista varten jo ennak-koon hakuun liittyviauml materiaaleja ja ohjeistuksia jotka kootaan myoumls tutki-musneuvoston Optima-tyoumltilaan

6sect Vuosikello(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee tulevista tehtaumlvistaumlaumln ja paumlivittaumlauml tarvittaessavuosikelloa Vuosikello on naumlhtaumlvissauml tutkimusneuvoston Optima-tyoumlti-lassa

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivittaumlauml vuosikelloa

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto paumlivitti vuosikelloa

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 23: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä

23 24

7sect Tiedoksi Oulun yliopiston tutkimuksen kansainvaumllinenkokonaisarviointi RAE2020(esittelijauml Taina Pihlajaniemi)

RAE2020-suunnittelu on kaumlynnistynyt ja prosessista on paumlaumltetty seuraavatasiat

1 Rehtori on paumlaumltoumlksellaumlaumln vahvistanut RAE2020-valmisteluryhmaumln ko-koonpanon tutkimusneuvoston esityksen mukaisesti Valmisteluryhmaumlnjaumlsenet ovat- Tutkimusrehtori Taina Pihlajaniemi (pj)- Koulutusrehtori Helka-Liisa Hentilauml (vpj)- Laatupaumlaumlllikkouml Aija Ryyppouml- Suunnittelupaumlaumlllikkouml Pertti Tikkanen- Kirjaston johtaja Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen- Associate Professor Henrikki Liimatainen teknillinen tiedekunta- Professori Tuija Mainela Oulun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu- Tohtorikoulutettava Pauli Vaumlisaumlnen luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta

2 Arviointikohteina ovat yliopiston tutkimusyksikoumlt3 Arviointi toteutetaan muodostamalla kolme Suomen Akatemian toimi-

kuntajaon mukaista arviointipaneelia4 Sopimusesitys panelistiehdokaslistan laatimiseksi on laumlhetetty Suomen


8sect Muut asiat(esittelijauml Ritva Saastamoinen)

81 Yliopiston osa-aikaisten tyoumlntekijoumliden liikkuvuus

Paumlaumltoumlsesitys Tutkimusneuvosto keskustelee asiasta

Paumlaumltoumls Tutkimusneuvosto keskusteli asiasta ja paumlaumltti ettauml tutkimusneuvos-ton sihteeri keskustelee henkiloumlstoumlhallinnon kanssa alle 100 hoito-osuu-della olevan henkiloumlstoumln tyoumlkomennuksiin kuten tutkijavaihtoon liittyvistaumlyliopiston linjauksista Tutkimusneuvosto seuraa asiaa

82 Tiedoksi muutoksia professorirekrytointiohjeistukseen

Professuuriarviointeihin on tulossa muutoksia ja professorien rekrytoin-tiohjeita ollaan tarkentamassa henkiloumlstoumljohtajan ja rehtoraatin toimesta

Page 24: Tutkimusneuvoston kokous 3/2019 -¶ytäkirja-3-20032019.pdf · tutkimusrahoitusasiantuntija Suvi Hentilä (5§) 1§ Avaus: Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus (esittelijä
