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TV Scheduling

TV Scheduling

Scheduling This is when time management is involved as the pattern for the programmes will be presented to the viewers as a guide.

Watershed The watershed is targeted at mostly adults only so this means that the programmes will be on after 9pm e.g. TV series, reality shows.

Pre echoProgramme placed in a schedule to come before a popular programme.

For example, EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks are very popular soaps therefore by playing a programme before it allow to gain previous viewers.

Inheritance Programme placed after successful programme, in hope of some of its audience.

For example, EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyaoks are very popular soaps which means it allows the next show to have the opportunity to gain the same viewers.

HammockingThe strategic placement of a programme between two other/popular programmes, e.g. American Pie Presents the Naked Mile will have the opportunity to gain viewers as Celebrity juice and Two and a half men are very popular.

Theming When a particular channel will have special days/weeks dedicated to a topic e.g. Sharks/Shakespeare.

Bridging Advertisement of the next show- a technique used to discourage viewers from changing channels.

Stacking Involves grouping together particular programmes with similar appeal to sweep the viewer from one programme to the next e.g Futurama is very popular.
