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Twitter Research

Quantitative Analysis

Rania Alahmad

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Agenda Number of users in the Arab world

Used languages on twitter 1. 2.

3. Categories of the users (age groups, education …etc.)

4. 5.

Number of Arabic tweets Usage in the region and countries (numbers of users, tweets ...etc.)

How many of the users enable geo-tagging? 6. 7. Percentage of those accessing Twitter from

a mobile device vs. a desktop/laptop

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Number of users in the Arab world

• This data is sourced from Arab Social Media Report which provides an overview of Twitter users in the Arab World. As such, the number of users in all 22 Arab countries, in addition to Iran, Palestine and Turkey, are collected periodically (since January 2011 to date). Some of below are the findings of the latest report are in the following slides>>

Source: Arab Social Media Report

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Number of users in the Arab world

• Total number of active Twitter users in the Arab world reached 3,766,160 users as of March 2013. The country with the highest number of active twitter users is Saudi Arabia with 1.9 million users which accounts for over half of all active twitter users in the Arab region. The estimated number of tweets produced by twitter users in the Arab world in March 2013 was 335,792,000 tweets or 10,832,000 tweets per day. Saudi Arabia alone, produced almost half (47%) of all tweets in the Arab world, while Egypt produced 12% and the UAE produced 11%.

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Twitter users per country /50K+

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Twitter users per country /50K-

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Twitter Penetration in the Arab region Despite massive Twitter growth in Saudi Arabia, the

country does not have the highest Twitter penetration rate in the region. Kuwait, a much smaller country, has the highest penetration rate at 7.6%.

In general, GCC countries have the highest penetration rates in the region. Jordan and Lebanon are the only non-GCC countries with penetration rates above 1%. Mauritania, Somalia, Yemen and Syria, Algeria and Iraq remain the countries with the lowest Twitter penetration rates

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Twitter Penetration in the Arab region

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Twitter Penetration in the Arab region

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No. of Tweets in the Arab Region

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No. of Tweets in the Arab Region

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Twitter Penetration in the Arab region

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Current Languages on Twitter Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (UK), Farsi/Persian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Kurdish (Central), Kurdish (Northern), Latin, Latvian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese and Welsh.

Source: Twitter

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Categories of Users/Age Groups/Global Data

The percentage of internet users who

Twitter has more than doubled since • are on

November 2010, currently standing at 18%. Internet users ages 18-29 are the most likely to use Twitter. According to % of internet users who use twitter are as shown in the next slides:

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Who uses Twitter

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Age Groups on Twitter / Global Data

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Number of Arabic tweets

• The estimated number of tweets produced by twitter users in the Arab world in March 2013 was 335,792,000 tweets or 10,832,000 tweets per day. As for the language in which tweets are produced, Arab tweets account for over 76% of all tweets in the Arab world. This represents a growth of over 10% in the number of Arabic tweets since March 2012. The high number of new users in Saudi Arabia may have contributed to this growth, where 90% of tweets are produced in Arabic. Over 50% of tweets produced in other countries which have seen strong growth of users, such as Egypt the UAE, are also in Arabic. This growth also contributed to the 5% drop in English tweets

Source: Arab Social Media Report

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Percentage of Arabic Language

Tweets per

Source: Arab Social Media Report

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Percentage of Arabic Tweets per top Tweeting Arabic Countries

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Usage By Country The country with the highest number of active twitter users is Saudi Arabia with 1.9 million users which accounts for over half of all active twitter users in the Arab region.

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Mobile Twitter Usage (Globally) • Data in the coming slides were posted

Twitter blog by : Taylor Schreiner Co-Head Ad Research – Twitter Monday, February 11, 2013

URL source:


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Mobile Twitter Usage (Globally) • Users who primarily

are 47% less likely to than average Twitter

access Twitter via mobile use Twitter on the desktop users. They are also on

Twitter more often. They are 79% more likely to be on Twitter several times a day than the average Twitter user. And these mobile users don’t just use phones to access Twitter. 19% of primary mobile users say that the top way they access Twitter is on a tablet.

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Mobile Twitter Usage (Globally) Sixty percent of the 200 million active users on Twitter now log in via a mobile device at least once every month. So how is a user that accesses Twitter primarily on mobile different from the average Twitter user

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Mobile Twitter Usage (Globally) Compete found that 18 to 34 year olds are

21% more likely to be logging into Twitter primarily via a mobile device. Not a big surprise since younger consumers tend to be stronger adopters of mobile in general. We found no statistically significant difference in the gender breakdown of primary mobile users of Twitter. It’s a pretty even split.

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Primary mobile users engage with Twitter throughout the day.

As mobile users go about their daily routines, Twitter is a major part of nearly every aspect of their lives. Primary mobile users are twice as likely to use Twitter when they wake up and twice as likely to use Twitter when going to sleep.

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Primary mobile users engage with Twitter throughout the day.

Primary mobile Twitter users are also 181% more likely to use Twitter during their commutes. Once they get to work or school, they are 119% more likely keep using Twitter. And this Twitter use extends into their social time.

The study found that primarily mobile Twitter users are 127% more likely to use Twitter when they are out with friends. They are over three times more likely to use Twitter while shopping. Primary mobile users are also 202% more likely to use Twitter before and after attending a movie than the average Twitter user.

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Primary mobile users engage with Twitter throughout the day.

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Mobile Twitter are more engaged with brands.

• The average Twitter user follows five or more brands. Users who primarily access Twitter on mobile are 60% more likely to follow 11 or more brands. They are also 53% more likely to recall seeing an ad on Twitter than the average Twitter user.

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Twitter Geo Tagging No clear data was shown to tell about those who allow geo tagging on Twitter, whether globally or in the Arab world. The information below was posted by lead author Chris Weidemann, a graduate student in the Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) online master’s

program at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, in an article

• Twitter has approximately 500 million active users who are expected to tweet 72 billion times in 2013. Reports have shown that about six percent of users opt-in to allow the platform to broadcast their location with every tweet.

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More Useful Data - GSMA The GSM Association is an association of mobile operators and related companies devoted to supporting the standardising, deployment and promotion of the GSM mobile telephone system. The GSM Association was formed in 1995.

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Mobile increasingly important to get online

Analysys Masson's survey of mobile Internet users

in 2012–2013 in the Middle East and Africa (MEA)

also emphasized the importance – and impact – of

mobile broadband nnWz9


GSMA Report: nnWz9

The GSMA noted that:

“Eleven countries in

the region rank

above the world

average in mobile

web browsing.”

“87% of surveyed mobile

Internet users use a mobile

phone as the main means to

connect to the Internet…”

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Research • •

Rania Alahmad. Social Media Manager. Skype: rania.alahmad Twitter: @TweetRania Linkedin: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web:
