  • 8/8/2019 Types of Internet Connections 1







    WiWi FiFi




  • 8/8/2019 Types of Internet Connections 1



    Also called dialAlso called dial--up access, it is both economical andup access, it is both economical andslow.slow.

    Using a modem connected to our PC, users connectUsing a modem connected to our PC, users connect

    to the Internet when the computer dials a phoneto the Internet when the computer dials a phonenumber (which is provided by our ISP) and connectsnumber (which is provided by our ISP) and connectsto the the network.

    Because dialBecause dial--up access uses normal telephone linesup access uses normal telephone linesthe quality of the connection is not always good andthe quality of the connection is not always good anddata rates are rates are limited.

    Analog connections are the most basic and commonAnalog connections are the most basic and commonform of Internet connectivity. Consider 56 Kbpsform of Internet connectivity. Consider 56 Kbpsperformance for a small office with basic businessperformance for a small office with basic businessneeds, or where higher speed access is unavailable.needs, or where higher speed access is unavailable.

    Typical DialTypical Dial--up connection speeds range from 2400up connection speeds range from 2400bps to 56 Kbps.bps to 56 Kbps.

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    Integrated services digital network (ISDN) is anIntegrated services digital network (ISDN) is aninternational communications standard for sendinginternational communications standard for sendingvoice, video, and data over digital telephone linesvoice, video, and data over digital telephone linesor normal telephone wires.or normal telephone wires.

    Typical ISDN speeds range from 64 Kbps to 128Typical ISDN speeds range from 64 Kbps to 128KbpsKbps..

    ISDN is a type of DialISDN is a type of Dial--up connection with fasterup connection with fasterspeeds,. Common speeds of 128Kbit and 256Kbitspeeds,. Common speeds of 128Kbit and

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    The most common highThe most common high--speed Internetspeed Internetconnection is called broadband.connection is called broadband.

    It is important to make it clear thatIt is important to make it clear thatbroadband is a general name for cable,broadband is a general name for cable,satellite and DSL types of internetsatellite and DSL types of internet

    connections. Broadband internetconnections. Broadband internetconnections are highly reliable and fast.connections are highly reliable and fast.Like other types of internet connections,Like other types of internet connections,they require modems to connect to thethey require modems to connect to theinternet.internet.

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    DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is also called anDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is also called analways ON connectionalways ON connection

    It uses telephone line connected to the premiseIt uses telephone line connected to the premiseand will not tie up your phone as a dialand will not tie up your phone as a dial--upup

    connection does.connection does. There is no need to dialThere is no need to dial--in to your ISPin to your ISP

    The two main categories of DSL for homeThe two main categories of DSL for homesubscribers are called ADSL and SDSLsubscribers are called ADSL and SDSL

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    L ADSL is short form for Asymmetric DigitalADSL is short form for Asymmetric Digital

    Subscriber line.Subscriber line.

    ADSL supports data rates of from 1.5 to 9 MbpsADSL supports data rates of from 1.5 to 9 Mbps

    when receiving data (known as the downstreamwhen receiving data (known as the downstreamrate) and from 16 to 640 Kbps when sending datarate) and from 16 to 640 Kbps when sending data

    (known as the upstream rate).(known as the upstream rate).

    ADSL requires a special ADSL modem.ADSL requires a special ADSL modem.

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    SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line) aSDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line) atechnology that allows more data to be senttechnology that allows more data to be sentover existing copper telephone lines.over existing copper telephone lines.

    SDSL supports data rates up to 3 Mbps.SDSL supports data rates up to 3 Mbps. SDSL works by sending digital pulses in theSDSL works by sending digital pulses in the

    highhigh--frequency area of telephone wires and canfrequency area of telephone wires and cannot operate simultaneously with voicenot operate simultaneously with voiceconnections over the same wires.connections over the same wires.

    SDSL requires a special SDSL modem.SDSL requires a special SDSL modem. SDSL is called symmetric because it supportsSDSL is called symmetric because it supports

    the same data rates for upstream andthe same data rates for upstream anddownstream traffic.downstream traffic.

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    VDSLVery High DSL (VDSL) is a DSLVDSLVery High DSL (VDSL) is a DSLtechnology that offers fast data rates overtechnology that offers fast data rates overrelatively short distancesrelatively short distances the shorter thethe shorter thedistance, the faster the connection rate.distance, the faster the connection rate.

    All types of DSL technologies are collectivelyAll types of DSL technologies are collectivelyreferred to as xDSL.referred to as xDSL.

    xDSL connection speeds range from 128 KbpsxDSL connection speeds range from 128 Kbpsto 8 8 Mbps.

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    Cable internet is connected through the coaxialCable internet is connected through the coaxialcables that you would normally use for cable tv. Itcables that you would normally use for cable tv. It

    is very fast, Cable gives you 4Mbps download andis very fast, Cable gives you 4Mbps download and256256--384Kbps Upload.384Kbps Upload.

    It allows connection via cable TV lines. The CableIt allows connection via cable TV lines. The Cableinternet connection uses TV channels for datainternet connection uses TV channels for datatransmission. Cable internet provides fast internettransmission. Cable internet provides fast internet

    access. Cable TV uses coaxial cable, whichaccess. Cable TV uses coaxial cable, whichsupport higher bandwidth than telephone lines higher bandwidth than telephone lines do.

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    Satellite connection provides uninterrupted internetSatellite connection provides uninterrupted internetconnectivity. Internet over Satellite uses aconnectivity. Internet over Satellite uses acommunication satellite that is on a stationarycommunication satellite that is on a stationaryposition in orbit. Due to the huge distance the dataposition in orbit. Due to the huge distance the datahas to be transmitted, the speed of satellite is a bithas to be transmitted, the speed of satellite is a bitlower than Broadband types of internetlower than Broadband types of internetconnections.connections.

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    These types of internet connections are used byThese types of internet connections are used byInternet Service Providers (ISP) to connect to theInternet Service Providers (ISP) to connect to theinternet backbone.internet backbone.

    The main difference between TThe main difference between T--1,T1,T--2,T2,T--4 and T4 and T--33internet connections are the number of individualinternet connections are the number of individualchannels.channels.

    Each individual channel, that can carry both dataEach individual channel, that can carry both dataand voice traffic, has a band width close toand voice traffic, has a band width close to64Kbps.64Kbps.

    A TA T--1 line consists of 26 individual channels1 line consists of 26 individual channelswhereas Twhereas T--3 has 672 individual channels.3 has 672 individual channels.

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    WIRELESS Internet, or wirelessWIRELESS Internet, or wirelessBROADBAND is one of the newestBROADBAND is one of the newestInternet connection typesInternet connection types

    The name of a popular WIRELESSThe name of a popular WIRELESSnetworking technology that uses radionetworking technology that uses radiowaves to provide wireless highwaves to provide wireless high--speedspeedINTERNET and NETWORK connections.INTERNET and NETWORK connections.

    WiWi--Fi works with no physical wiredFi works with no physical wiredconnection between sender and receiver byconnection between sender and receiver byusing radio frequency (RF) technology, ausing radio frequency (RF) technology, afrequency within the electromagneticfrequency within the electromagneticspectrum associated with radio wavespectrum associated with radio wave


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    'Mobile Internet' refers to access to the internet'Mobile Internet' refers to access to the internetfrom a mobile device, such as a smartphone orfrom a mobile device, such as a smartphone orlaptop via integrated capabilities or via anlaptop via integrated capabilities or via anindependent device (such as a USB modem orindependent device (such as a USB modem orPCMCIA cardPCMCIA card

    Nowadays USB modems are there smartphones toNowadays USB modems are there smartphones totheir laptop or personal computer with thetheir laptop or personal computer with the

    wireless device providing access to the internetwireless device providing access to the internetvia 3G, GPRS or CSD.via 3G, GPRS or CSD.