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  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    Angeles University Foundation

    Angeles City, Philippines

    College of Nursing

    A Case Study on


    Submitted by:

    Castro, Kimberlee M.

    Diaz, Raymoncler B.

    Garcia, Coco Chanel G.

    Santiago, Antonio Miguel O.

    Vitug, Shaneen Jenica M.

    BSN III 1, Group 1

    Submitted to:

    Marthia C. Dizon, R.N., M.N.

    August 23, 2010

    A.Y. 2010 2011

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    I. Introduction

    There are three wicks you know to the lamp of a man's life: brain, blood, and breath.

    Press the brain a little, its light goes out, followed by both the others. Stop the heart a minute,

    and out go all three of the wicks. Choke the air out of the lungs, and presently

    the fluid ceases to supply the other centres of flame,

    and all is soon stagnation, cold, and darkness.

    -Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

    Health is an essential part of a person, it is the fuel which gives every

    individual the physical drive needed to conquer a day. Without it no man can

    survive, a deficiency in health impairs the normal functioning of a person, it

    becomes a hindrance. Health pertains to the persons body systems as a whole,

    it is not achieved if even only one body system is impaired, a good heart with

    weak lung still does not signal health, there should be harmony and balance

    between the systems to achieve ultimate health.

    Typhoid fever

    Typhoid fever, also known as typhoid, is a common worldwide illness, transmitted

    by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with the feces of an infected

    person, which contain the bacterium Salmonella typhi. The bacteria then

    perforate through the intestinal wall and are phagocytosed bymacrophages.

    The organism is a Gram-negative short bacillus that is motile due to its

    peritrichous flagella. The bacterium grows best at 37 C/99 F human body

    temperature. Typhoid fever remains a serious disease especially difficult to treat

    in developing countries. Salmonella typhi, the bacteria causing typhoid fever,

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    have become resistant to several antibiotics increasing the difficulty of treating

    the disease. (


    In order to provide an updated assessment of the burden of typhoid fever

    in Asia, the World health Organization conducted a population-based

    surveillance in 5 asian countries namely: China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan and

    Vietnam. The age groups under surveillance were selected as those judged by

    local officials to be the most appropriate targets for typhoid vaccination: 560

    year-olds in the Chinese site; all ages in the Indian and Indonesian sites; 215year-olds in the Pakistani site; and school-aged children and adolescents (518

    years) in the Vietnamese site. The statistics revealed the following:

    A total of 441 435 persons in the targeted age groups were under surveillance

    for one year, during which 21 874 fever episodes lasting 3 days were detected

    and 475 persons had blood culture-confirmed S. typhi. The overall incidence offever lasting 3 days for the five sites combined was 49.6 per 1000 person-years,

    ranging from 12.4 to 184.9 for the sites in China and Pakistan, respectively. The

    incidence of typhoid ranged from 15.3 cases per 100 000 person-years among

    those aged 560 years in China to 451.7 cases per 100 000 person-years among

    215 year-olds in Pakistan. Overall, the S. typhi isolation rate (prevalence) was

    23.1 per 1000 cultured febrile episodes and ranged from 5.0 (Vietnamese site) to

    33.1 per 1000 (Indonesian site)

    A total of 42 typhoid cases required hospitalization: 6 (40% of all cases) in China,

    2 (2%) in India, 26 (20%) in Indonesia, 3 (2%) in Pakistan, and 5 (28%) in Vietnam

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    animals. If the O-acetyl pectin conjugate proves successful, it will be evaluated

    in children ages 5 to 14 years old and in infants, toward using it with routine

    vaccines for infants.(

    The study states that a another vaccine has been developed which

    resembles the first vaccine, the Vi polysaccharide vaccine. The new vaccine is

    said to have a more potent effect on children as compared to that of the Vi

    vaccine. The new vaccine is called the exoprotein A. If the evaluation of this

    vaccine is of success then this vaccine could be used as a routine vaccine for

    children to prevent typhoid fever.

    The group chose, typhoid fever since it is a very common and serious

    problem affecting several people especially young children. The group

    understood the seriousness of the matter since children at a very young age

    have developing immune systems that could be compromised because of

    typhoid fever and may lead to the deterioration of their health. The group sawthis case as an opportunity to gain more knowledge about the disease and with

    it enhances our abilities to take care of such patients with typhoid fever. This

    case will open our minds to the disease, not only the pathophysiology, but also

    to the ways on how this condition can be managed and how people could

    prevent this condition from occurring.

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    1. Personal Data

    To secure confidentiality, the patient would be referred as Nella

    throughout the study. Fe, the mother of Nella and Ver, the eldest sister of Nella

    are the primary source of information. Nella is a 7 year old girl and a naturally

    born Filipino citizen affiliated to the Adventist religion who lives in a barangay in

    Angeles City along with her parents and four siblings. She was born last January

    7, 2010 via Caesarean Section at Dr. Amando Garcia Medical Center. She is theyoungest among five siblings. Nella was admitted last August 8, 2010 at around

    11am at Ospital ning Angeles with complaints of having high fever with a

    temperature of 39.4C, difficulty of walking cause of body weakness, headache

    and abdominal pain upon admission and likewise the day beforeadmission to

    the hospital. The admitting diagnosis is T/C Typhoid Fever and was discharged

    on August 12, 2010 with a final diagnosis of Typhoid Fever.

    2. Pertinent Family History

    Nella a 7 year old girl, comes from a nuclear family composed of seven

    members the father, mother and five children. Her parents Mrs. Fe and Mr. Tay

    have no history of Typhoid Fever, her four other siblings has likewise no history of

    Typhoid Fever. Mrs. Fe has five children the first one is Ver who is 22 years old, thesecond one is 17 years old, the third one is 12 years old, the fourth one is 10 years

    old and last is Nella. She delivered the first four through normal spontaneous

    delivery and the last which is Nella was delivered via Caesarean Section.

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    Nella lives in a barangay which has easy accessibility to the hospital. Her

    father, Mr. Tay work as an automotive mechanic to sustain the needs of their

    family. While her mother, Mrs. Fe work as a housekeeper. Both of them earned

    money of an estimated amount of Php 6,000 per month. And her eldest sister

    Ver, who is a call center agent earns money of Php 9,000 per month with a total

    of Php 15,000 per month. Their income suffices the daily needs of the family. The

    breakdown of their expenses is as follows: food 500 per day, water 300 per

    month, electricity 500 per month, and grocery 2,000 per month. These would

    all amount to 3,300 php per month. The remaining from the salary is used for

    other expenses, such as medical emergencies and for the four children who

    were still at school. In terms of insufficiency, concerning financial needs, theywould ask help from their relatives. The family is affiliated to the Adventist

    Community and they serve well to their religion. At present, they live in a single-

    storied house or what they call as bungalow, which is made up of cement walls

    that is thrice as big as the private rooms in the hospital. Her mother describes

    their community as a peaceful one and her neighbours are hospitable.

    According to her eldest sister, if ever they have extra food, they put it in their

    refrigerator for storage. Moreover, the mother also puts the uneaten food inside

    the rice cooker for the food to be hot. The drinking water of the family comes

    from the faucet supplied by NAWASA. They drink unboiled water. However,

    mother sometimes buys distilled water for them.

    The family of Nella do not rely on cultural practices when it comes to their

    health, they do not believe in albularyos they readily consult for medical

    assistance like going to the health center or hospital. However, they use some

    medications like Tempra if one of the children is suffering from fever like what

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    they did to Nella and Solmux if someones suffering from cough but admitted

    that they never used herbal medicines. They have a Kapampangan culture

    which means most of their diet is mostly high in salt and fat since they are known

    for cooking food increasing the risk in acquiring disease of the heart and kidney

    problems. Morever, Nella has good habits which is conducive to health

    maintenance like taking a bath everyday, brushing teeth at all times and taking

    supplemental like Multivitamins but also stop two years ago. Regarding Nellas

    behaviour, she is fond of eating street foods like fish balls especially when she is

    at school, she also admitted that she always eats siopao at school which she

    knows is not that cleaned and student nurses had also observed that she is fond

    of biting her nails when she was doing nothing and student nurses haveobserved that Nella is fond of biting her nails when she is doing nothing.

    Regarding the Nellas activities of daily living, she usually wakes up at six

    oclock in the morning and she would be eating breakfast with her siblings than

    dress up for school. Then she will be heading to school picked up by her service.

    By seven oclock in the morning up to twelve oclock in the noon she was in theschool. By one oclock in the afternoon she was already in their house and she

    would be doing all her homework and study, after doing school stuffs she would

    be playing in the computer or just watch the television up to six oclock in the

    evening then by eight oclock in the evening she would be sleeping already.

    She never sleeps in the afternoon that she rather plays or watched T.V. than


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    A. Pertinent Family Health-Illness History

    Paternal Side Maternal S


    Heart Attack


    65 y/o * 47 y/o *

    Father 63 y/o




    46 y/o *


    44 y/o

    1 = 22 y/o 2 = 17 y/o 3 = 12 y/o 4 = 10 y/o

    42 y/o *

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    Family Health-Illness History


    = deceased

    *= did not specify any illness or disease

    1= 1st sibling

    2=2nd sibling

    3=3rd sibling

    4=4th sibling

    5=5th sibling

    There are no significant influences of the diseases/ illnesses of Nellas

    grandparents and parents to his present condition which is Typhoid Fever.

    Except for the diet of the family which most likely contributes to the said

    condition of Nella.

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    3. Personal History

    Mrs. Fe, has no specific habits during her pregnancies to her five children. All

    she does is to make her self-healthy for baby to come out very healthy too. She

    attends her prenatal check ups with her doctor regularly to make sure her

    baby is healthy and never misses one. She had also completed her vaccines

    needed for pregnancy, which is TT1 to TT5. Regarding the obstetric history of Mrs.

    Fe she had Gravida 7, Para 5, Term 5, Preterm 0, Abortion 2, Living 5, and

    Multiple pregnancies 0. According to her, she undergone DIC twice, the first one

    is when she was diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy, and two months after she

    undergone again. Nella was born via Caesarean section at Dr. Amando Garcia

    Medical Center at exact 9th month. She was born without any complications to

    herself and to her mother.

    According to Ver, Nellas eldest sister, Mrs. Fe have breast fed Nella from the

    day she was born until she reaches one year old. She never fed Nella with

    formula milk for she knows that breast feeding is much healthier than formula

    milks. Not only Nella was fed like that with the five children, but also the other

    four. After they reach one year old, she fed them with soft diet like lugaw.

    Nella is already vaccinated with 1 BCG, 3 OPV, 3 DPT, 3 Hepa B and measles

    at Lourdes Sur East Health Center. Her mother, Mrs. Fe makes sure that Nella was

    vaccinated on schedule and goes to the health center to avoid the

    preventable diseases. But Mrs. Fe could not remember the exact dates she was


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    Theories of Growth and Development (Client-centered)

    Erik Ericson

    Psychosocial Development

    Industry VS Inferiority

    (6 12 years old)

    During school age, children learn how to do things well. When they are

    absorbed in a project, children ask, Am I doing a good job? Am I doing this

    right? When they are encouraged in their efforts to do practical tasks or make

    practical things and are praised and rewarded for the finished results, their sense

    of industry grows. Parents who see their childrens efforts at making and doing

    things as merely busy work or who dont show appreciation for their childrens

    efforts may cause them to develop a sense of inferiority rather than pride and


    Jean Piaget

    Cognitive development

    Concrete Operational Thought

    (7 12 years old)

    Concrete operations include systematic reasoning. Uses memory to learn

    broad concepts and subgroups of concepts. Classifications involve sorting

    objects according to attributes such as color; seriation, in which objects are

    ordered according to increasing or decreasing measures such as weight;

    multiplication, in which objects are simultaneously classified and seriated using

    weight. Child is aware of reversibility, an opposite operation or continuation of

    reasoning back to a starting point (follows a route through a maze and then

    reverses steps). Understands conversation, sees constancy despite

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    transformation (mass or quantity remains the same even if it changes shape or

    position). Good activity for this period: collecting and classifying natural objects

    such as native plants, sea shells, etc.

    Sigmund Freud

    Psychosexual development

    Latent Stage

    (6 12 years old)

    Freud saw the school age period as a latent phase, a time in which

    childrens libido appears to be diverted into concrete thinking. He saw nodevelopments as obvious as those in earlier periods appearing during this time.

    In here, childs personality development appears to be nonactive or dormant.

    They should also help the child have positive experiences so his or her self

    esteem continues to grow and the child prepares for the conflicts of


    Anna FreudEgo Psychology

    Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies brought into play by

    various entities to cope with reality and to maintain self-image. Healthy persons

    normally use different defenses throughout life. Ego defense mechanism

    becomes pathological only when its persistent use leads to maladaptive

    behavior such that the physical and/or mental health of the individual isadversely affected. The purpose of the Ego Defense Mechanisms is to protect

    the mind/self/ego from anxiety, social sanctions or to provide a refuge from a

    situation with which one cannot currently cope. 6 12 years old children shows

    fear of separateness with their parents where they experience anxiety. They also

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    have fear of the loss of an object they loved, and the fear of being punished

    when they have done something wrong.

    4. Family Health-Illness History

    History of Past Illness

    According to Nellas eldest sister, Nella never had any illness when she

    was a baby. The time she had been sick was just last year, because of fever

    cause by cough and colds. She was brought to a doctor that time and was

    prescribed with some medications but she can barely recall it all she knows they

    let Nella drink Tempra for her fever. She never had chicken pox, measles and

    any other illness or sickness except for what was mentioned above. And

    according to Nellas eldest sister, this was the first time Nella was admitted to the


    5. History of present illness

    Nellas fever started at August 5, 2010 Thursday, they thought that she only

    got wet in the rain and thought that she only had a simple fever. Then the next

    day she still has fever which the temperature increases at 39.04C, they havent

    let her go to school and just gave her a bed rest and gave herTempra to lessen

    her fever. After that her fever would be decreasing up to 38C, then she would

    be complaining of headache then the next morning she has a high fever again.

    All they just do is gave her some medicines and then gave her some tepid

    sponge bath.

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    By August 8, 2010, her parents decided to bring her to the hospital

    because of high fever, sudden abdominal pain, headache and body

    weakness. She was diagnosed with Typhoid Fever. In her stay in the hospital,

    Nella had experienced diarrhea. According to Ver, she defacates 5 7 times at

    night with 2 3 cups of soft-watery stool per episode. During her stay also, she

    manifested cough and colds.

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    6. Physical Examination (IPPA Cephalocaudal Approach)

    August 08, 2010 (lifted from the chart)

    Vital Signs:

    T- 38.5C/axilla PR- 86bpm RR- 21cpm Weight- 21kg.


    y Pink Palpebral Conjunctiva

    y Icteric Conjunctiva

    Chest and Lungs:

    y Symmetrical chest expansion

    y No rales, no retractions

    y Clear breath sounds



    Adynamic precardiumy No murmur


    y Flat, Normal abdominal bowel sounds, nontender, soft


    y Not examined


    y Grossly normal, no edema, no cyanosis

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    August 09, 2010 (first nursing-patient interaction)

    Vital Signs:

    T- 36.3C/axilla PR- 108bpm RR- 28cpm Wt- 21kg

    General Appearance and Mental Status:

    Conscious, awake; oriented to time and place and aware of self and

    environment; responds to external stimuli; attentive, cooperative,

    demonstrates continuity of ideas; wears clean clothes (white t-shit and green


    General Appearance

    o Attitude is cooperative

    o Speech is understandable, slow paced, speaks tagalog and

    kapampangan and exhibits thought association

    o Appears weak with slow movement

    Heado Skull is round in shape and has normal contour with no palpated


    o Hair has fine strands, scalp is oily but no masses palpated

    o Facial features are symmetrical with no noted abnormalities

    o Hair evenly distributed and skin is intact

    o With straight, long and black hair

    o No dandruff was observed or any abnormal skin growth


    o Pupils are equally round and reactive to l ight, (+) PERRLA

    o Pink palpebral conjunctiva and icteric sclera

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    o Eyebrows are symmetrically aligned

    o Eyelashes are short, evenly distributed and curled slightly outward

    o No discharges present

    o Cornea is transparent, smooth and shiny

    o Details of the iris are visible, dark brown in color

    o Sclera appears white

    o Skin around the eyes is intact

    o Eyes move in consensus



    Ears are symmetrical and aligned with the outer canthus of the eye withno lesions noted

    o Color is same as facial skin

    o Pinna recoils after being folded

    o Absence of difficulty in hearing

    o No cerumen was noted in both ears

    Noseo Nose has no discharge, no lesions, not occluded & with patent airway

    o Nose is not tender, without masses or any displacement of bone and

    cartilage noted upon palpation

    o Color is same as facial skin

    o Normal size for the face

    o Absence of difficulty in breathing and no nasal flaring on both nostrils was

    observedo Able to breathe clearly and identify mild aromas presented to her

    Throat and Mouth

    o Throat & mouth have no sores and swellings or inflammation

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    o Teeth complete in number, yellowish, and slightly shiny

    o Dental caries were observed over her front teeth's enamel and whitish

    plaque were noted over her molars

    o Buccal Mucosa- dry, smooth and light pink in color

    o Tongue- pink in color, rough-surfaced, moist, no lesions, and aligned at the

    center of the mouth

    o Lips are dry, pink in color

    o No lesions in his lips and mouth, was able to purse his lips, protrude and

    move tongue from side to side, up and down

    o Gag reflex was elicited


    Palate appears pale; soft palate is smooth and light pink, hard palate islighter pink with more irregular texture

    o Uvula- positioned at the midline of the soft palate

    o Oropharynx- pink in color, smooth, with no discharge

    o Tonsils- pink in color, not inflamed or swollen

    o Pale gums

    Necko Neck is centered and aligned with the head

    o Able to move the neck without much effort from side to side, up and

    down and even in rotation

    o No palpable lymph nodes

    o Trachea is movable and aligned at the center

    o Thyroid gland not visible upon inspection and ascends while swallowing

    o Arteries and veins not distended


    - symmetrical


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    o No lesions

    o No abnormal swelling or presence of masses


    o Absence of chest pain and murmurs

    o Normal heart rhythm and regular rate

    o Veins are not visibly distended

    o No presence of sound/bruit heard upon auscultation

    o Adynamic precardium

    Respiratoryo Chest is symmetric; Anteroposterior to transverse diameter ratio is 1:2

    o Chest expansions are symmetrical

    o Absence of rales on both lung fields (clear breath sounds)

    o Spine vertically aligned

    o Spinal column is straight; left and right shoulders and hips are the same


    o Regular respiratory rhythm & normal respiratory rate: 28cpm


    o Skin is dry and has good skin turgor

    o Exhibits a fair complexion

    o No masses were observed and palpated all over his body

    o (-) Edemao (-) Jaundice, (-) cyanosis

    o Some blemishes on her lower extremities

    -> NAILS

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    o Pale in color

    o Capillary refill is less than 3 seconds

    o (-) Schamroths test

    o Untrimmed and dirty


    o Skin is fair

    o Abdomen is soft and flat

    o (+) Bowel sounds 4/min, (+) flatus, (+) bowel movement

    o (-) Organomegaly


    Non tender abdomen


    o Some blemishes were noted over the patient's legs

    o No edema noted on both upper and lower extremities, without numbness

    and tingling sensation

    o Grossly nomal

    o (-) edema, (-) cyanosis


    o No tenderness

    o Not examined

    August 10, 2010 (second nursing-patient interaction)

    Vital Signs:

    T- 35.4C/axilla PR- 72bpm RR- 15cpm Wt- 21kg

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    General Appearance and Mental Status:

    Conscious, awake; oriented to time and place and aware of self and

    environment; responds to external stimuli; attentive, cooperative,

    demonstrates continuity of ideas; wears clean clothes (blue t-shit and pink


    General Appearance

    o Attitude is cooperative

    o Speech is understandable, speaks tagalog and kapampangan and

    exhibits thought associationo Appears weak


    o Skull is round in shape and has normal contour with no palpated


    o Hair has fine strands, scalp is oily but no masses palpated

    o Facial features are symmetrical with no noted abnormalitieso Hair evenly distributed and skin is intact

    o With straight, long and black hair

    o No dandruff was observed or any abnormal skin growth


    o Pupils are equally round and reactive to l ight, (+) PERRLA

    o Pink palpebral conjunctiva and anicteric sclerao Eyebrows are symmetrically aligned

    o Eyelashes are short, evenly distributed and curled slightly outward

    o No discharges present

    o Cornea is transparent, smooth and shiny

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    o Details of the iris are visible, dark brown in color

    o Sclera appears white

    o Skin around the eyes is intact

    o Eyes move in consensus


    o Ears are symmetrical and aligned with the outer canthus of the eye with

    no lesions noted

    o Color is same as facial skin

    o Pinna recoils after being folded


    Absence of difficulty in hearingo No cerumen was noted in both ears


    o Nose has no discharge, no lesions, not occluded & with patent airway

    o Nose is not tender, without masses or any displacement of bone and

    cartilage noted upon palpation

    o Color is same as facial skino Normal size for the face

    o Absence of difficulty in breathing and no nasal flaring on both nostrils was


    o Able to breathe clearly and identify mild aromas presented to her

    Throat and Mouth

    o Throat & mouth have no sores and swellings or inflammationo Teeth complete in number, yellowish, and slightly shiny

    o Dental caries were observed over her front teeth's enamel and whitish

    plaque were noted over her molars

    o Buccal Mucosa- moist, smooth and light pink in color

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    o Tongue- pink in color, rough-surfaced, moist, no lesions, and aligned at the

    center of the mouth

    o Lips are slightly dry, pink in color

    o No lesions in his lips and mouth, was able to purse his lips, protrude and

    move tongue from side to side, up and down

    o Gag reflex was elicited

    o Palate appears pale; soft palate is smooth and light pink, hard palate is

    lighter pink with more irregular texture

    o Uvula- positioned at the midline of the soft palate

    o Oropharynx- pink in color, smooth, with no discharge


    Tonsils- pink in color, not inflamed or swollen

    o Pale gums


    o Neck is centered and aligned with the head

    o Able to move the neck without much effort from side to side, up and

    down and even in rotation

    o No palpable lymph nodeso Trachea is movable and aligned at the center

    o Thyroid gland not visible upon inspection and ascends while swallowing

    o Arteries and veins not distended


    - symmetrical


    o No lesions

    o No abnormal swelling or presence of masses


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    o Absence of chest pain and murmurs

    o Normal heart rhythm and regular rate

    o Veins are not visibly distended

    o No presence of sound/bruit heard upon auscultation


    o Chest is symmetric; Anteroposterior to transverse diameter ratio is 1:2

    o Chest expansions are symmetrical

    o Absence of rales on both lung fields (clear breath sounds)

    o Spine vertically aligned


    Spinal column is straight; left and right shoulders and hips are the sameheight

    o Regular respiratory rhythm & normal respiratory rate: 23cpm

    o Productive cough, unable to expectorate


    o Skin is dry and has good skin turgoro Exhibits a fair complexion

    o No masses were observed and palpated all over his body

    o (-) Edema

    o (-) Jaundice, (-) cyanosis

    o Some blemishes on her lower extremities

    -> NAILSo Capillary refill is less than 2 seconds

    o (-) Schamroths test

    o Untrimmed and dirty fingernails

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    o Skin is fair

    o Abdomen is soft and flat

    o (+) Bowel sounds 4/min, (+) flatus, (-) bowel movement

    o (-) Organomegaly

    o Non tender abdomen


    o Some blemishes were noted over the patient's legs

    o No edema noted on both upper and lower extremities, without numbness

    and tingling sensationo Grossly nomal

    o (-) edema, (-) cyanosis


    o No tenderness

    o Not examined

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case






    Date Ordered

    Date result(s) in

    Indication/Purpose Results Nor


    Typhidot August, 08, 2010 This procedure is a

    test for igG &igM

    detection of

    typoid .

    IgM: Positive

    IgG: Positive





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    Nursing Responsibilities:


    o Check the doctors order

    o Determine the prescribed test and other restrictions prior to the test

    o Get the laboratory requisition slip

    o Explain to the patient what the procedure to be done is


    o Explain to the patient what test should be done.

    o Prepare all the equipments to be used


    y Answer any questions or address any concerns voiced by the patient or family.

    y Evaluate test results in relation to the patients symptoms and other test performe

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    B. Complete Blood Count




    Date Order/Date Results In

    Indications orPurposes


    Normal Val

    (Units Used

    the Hospita


    Blood Count


    A procedure

    done to count

    the blood


    such as the RBC

    and WBC. It also

    shows thehemoglobin and


    count. It was

    done to assess


    infection, fluid

    status and other



    WBC =3.8 5-10x109/L

    Hgb. = 131 120-160mg

    Hct = 0.41 0.37- 0.47 L/

    Lymphocytes =


    0.10-0.40 %

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    RBC=4.79 4.2-5.4 x 10

    Platelet Count =



    Segmenters = 0.49 0.45-0.65 %

    Nursing Responsibilities:


    o Check the doctors order

    o Determine the prescribed test and other restrictions prior to the test

    o Get the laboratory requisition slip

    o Explain to the patient what the procedure to be done is

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    o Explain to the patient that she may feel slight discomfort from the ne


    o Inform the patient that this requires a blood sample


    Explain that this test evaluates the blood for the presence/absence of inbodys defense against infection, the number and condition of RBCs in

    possible bleeding tendencies, blood type and the presence/absence of a

    o Inform the patient how the procedure is performed, the equipment to be

    that she may eat and drink before collection of the specimen.



    o Explain to the patient what test should be done.

    o Prepare all the equipments to be used

    o Tell the patient when to insert the needle for her to be prepared

    o Do not use hand or arm receiving IV fluid this causes hemodilution. Do no

    more than one minute because doing so causes hemoconcentration

    o Encourage the patient to remain calm during the test

    o Assist the patient if necessary

    o Ensure a sterile blood sample from the patient

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    o Apply pressure on the puncture site

    o Ensure that subdermal bleeding has stopped before removing pressure

    o If a hematoma develops at the venipuncture site, apply warm soaks.

    Send the blood sample to the laboratory immediately

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    URINALYSIS August,08,2010 This is a screening

    test for abnormalitieswithin the urinary

    system that may

    manifest through the

    urinary tract




    s. Turbid






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  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case








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    y Inform the patient that the test is used to assist in the diagnosis of renal diseases

    inflammatory diseases.

    y Obtain a history of the patients genitourinary, surgical procedures and other dia

    y Obtain a list of medication the patient is taking.

    y Review the procedure with the patient.

    y There are no food, fluid or medication restrictions, unless by medical direction.


    y Instruct the patient to thoroughly wash his hands, cleanse the meatus, void a sma

    y Amount in the toilet and void directly into the specimen container.

    y Promptly transport the specimen to the laboratory for processing and analysis.


  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    y Instruct the patient to report symptoms such as pain related to tissue inflam

    during void or alterations in urinary elimination.

    y Answer any questions or address any concerns voiced by the patient or family.

    y Evaluate test results in relation to the patients symptoms and other test performe

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    D. Fecalysis




    Date ordered:

    Date results in:

    Indication or


    Results Norma


    Fecalysis Date Ordered:

    August 11,


    Date results in:

    August 11,


    y Help to




    affecting the

    digestive tract

    y Help find the

    cause of


    affecting the

    digestive tract

    y To determine

    the presence of

    parasitic worm

    in the GI tract of

    Color : Brown




    Bacteria -


    No Intestinal

    parasite seen

    Color: brow



    Bacteria: no

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case




    y Check doctors order

    y Explain to the SO the purpose and the procedure of fecalysis

    y Usual aseptic technique

    the patient

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    y Try to collect the freshest stool possible

    y Take a small piece of stool with the wooden applicator

    y Provide clean specimen cup


    Refer to the other member of the Health Care team


    y Collect the stool in a clean specimen cup

    y Report the consistency of the stool sample: Formed, semi-formed, soft or wate

    y Report the visible presence of blood, mucus or parasites. Look for adult worm

    orTrichuris trichuria.


    y Immediately label the specimen.

    y Remove gloves and wash hands.

    y Record the clients name, the test performed and disposition of the specimen

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    III. Anatomy and Physiology



    The digestive tract consists of the digestive tract, a tube extending from the

    mouth to the anus, plus the associated organs, which secrete fluids into the

    digestive tract. The term gastrointestinal tract technically only refers to the

    stomach and intestine but is often used as a synonym for the digestive tract. The

    inside of the digestive tract is continuous with the outside environment, where it

    opens at the mouth and anus. Nutrients cross the wall of the digestive tract to

    enter the circulation.

    The digestive tract consists of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach,

    small intestine, large intestine, and anus. Accessory glands are associated with

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    the digestive tract. The salivary glands empty into the oral cavity and the liver

    and pancreas are connected to the small intestine.

    Various parts of the digestive tract are specialized for different functions, but

    nearly all parts consist of four layers or tunics the mucosa, sub mucosa,

    muscularis, and serosa or adventitia.

    Digestive Tract Histology

    The innermost tunic, the mucosa, consists of mucous epithelium, a loose

    connective tissue called the lamina propria, and a thin smooth muscle layer, the

    muscularis mucosa. The epithelium in the mouth, esophagus and anus resists

    abrasion, and epithelium in the stomach and intestine absorbs and secretes.

    The sub mucosa lies just outside the mucosa. It is a thick layer of loose

    connective tissue containing nerves, blood vessels, and small glands. An

    extensive network of nerve cell processes forms a plexus (network). The plexus is

    innervated by autonomic nerves.

    The muscularis which in most part of the digestive tube consists of an inner layer

    of circular smooth muscle and an outer layer of longitudinal smooth muscle.

    Another nerve plexus, also innervated by autonomic nerves, lies between the

    two muscle layers. Together the nerve plexuses of the sub mucosa and

    muscularis compose the enteric plexus. This plexus is extremely important in the

    control of movement and secretion within the tract.


    he fourth, or outermost, layer of the digestive tract is either a serosa or anadventitia. Some regions of the digestive tract are covered by peritoneum and

    other regions are not. The peritoneum, which is a smooth epithelial layer, and its

    underlying connective tissue are referred to histologically as the serosa. In

    regions of the digestive tract not covered by peritoneum, the digestive tract is

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    covered by a connective tissue layer called the adventitia, which is continuous

    with the surrounding connective tissue.

    Peritoneum and Mesenteries

    The body wall of the abdominal cavity and the abdominal organs are covered

    with serous membranes. The serous membrane that covers the organs is the

    visceral peritoneum, or serosa. The serous membrane that lines the wall of the

    abdominal cavity is the parietal peritoneum.

    Many of the organs of the abdominal cavity are held in place by connective

    tissue sheets called mesenteries. The mesenteries consist of two layers of serous

    membranes with a thin layer of loose connective tissue between them. Specific

    mesenteries are given names. The mesentery connecting the lesser curvature of

    the stomach to the liver and diaphragm is the lesser omentum, and the

    mesentery connecting the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse

    colon and posterior body wall is the greater omentum. The greater omentum is

    unusual in that it is a long, double fold of mesentery that extends inferiorly from

    the stomach before looping back to the transverse colon to create a cavity orpocket, called the omental bursa. Fat accumulates in the greater omentum,

    giving it the appearance of a fat-filled apron that covers the anterior surface of

    the abdominal viscera. Mesentery is a general term referring to the serous

    membrane attached to the abdominal organs. The term is also used specifically

    to refer to the mesentery that attaches the small intestine to the posterior

    abdominal wall. This mesentery is also called the mesentery proper.

    Other abdominal organs lie against the abdominal wall, have no mesenteries,

    and are described as retroperitoneal. The retroperitoneal organs include the

    duodenum, pancreas, ascending colon, descending colon, rectum, kidneys,

    adrenal glands and urinary bladder.

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    Oral Cavity

    The oral cavity, or mouth, is the first part of the digestive tract. It is bounded by

    the lips and cheeks and contains the teeth and tongue.

    The lips are muscular structures, formed mostly by the orbicularis oris muscle. The

    outer surfaces of the lips are covered by skin. The keratinized stratified epithelium

    of the skin becomes thin at the margin of the lips. The color from the underlying

    blood vessels can be seen through the thin, transparent epithelium, giving the

    lips a reddish-pink appearance. At the internal margin of the lips, the epithelium

    is continuous with the moist stratified squamous epithelium of the mucosa in the

    oral cavity. The cheeks form the lateral walls of the oral cavity.

    The buccinators muscles are located within the cheeks and flatten the cheeks

    against teeth. The lips and cheeks are important in the process of mastication, or

    chewing. They help manipulate the food within the mouth and hold the food in

    place while the teeth crush or tear it. Mastication begins the process of

    mechanical digestion, in which large food particles are broken down into

    smaller ones.The cheeks also help form words during the speech process.


    The tongue is a large, muscular organ that occupies most of the oral cavity. The

    major attachment of the tongue is in the posterior part of the oral cavity. The

    anterior part of the tongue is relatively free. There is an anterior attachment to

    the floor of the mouth by a thin fold of tissue called the frenulum.

    The tongue moves food in the mouth and, in cooperation with the lips and

    cheeks, holds the food in place during mastication. It also plays a major role in

    the process of swallowing. The tongue is a major sensory organ for taste, as well

    as being one of the major organs of speech.

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    There are 32 teeth in the normal adult mouth, located in the mandible and

    maxillae. The teeth can be divided into quadrantsright upper, left upper, right

    lower, and left lower. In adults, each quadrant contains one central and one

    lateral incisor; one canine; first and second premolars; and first, second, and

    third molars. The third molars are called wisdom teeth because they usually

    appear in a persons late teens or early twenties, when the person is old enough

    to have acquired some degree of wisdom.

    The teeth of adults are permanent, or secondary, teeth. Most of them are

    replacements of the 2 primary, or deciduous, teeth.

    Each tooth consists of a crown with one or more cusps, a neck and a root. The

    center of the tooth is a pulp cavity, which is filled with blood vessels, nerves and

    connective tissue, called pulp. The pulp cavity is surrounded by a living, cellular,

    bonelike tissue called dentin. The dentin of the tooth crown is covered by an

    extremely hard, acellular substance called enamel, which protects the tooth

    against abrasion and acids produced by bacteria in the mouth.T

    he surface ofthe dentin in the root is covered with cementum, which helps anchor the tooth

    in the jaw.

    The teeth are rooted within alveoli along the alveolar processes of the mandible

    and maxillae. The alveolar processes are covered by dense fibrous connective

    tissue and moist stratified squamous epithelium, referred to as the gingival, or

    gums. The teeth are held in place by periodontal ligaments, which are

    connective tissue fibers that extend from the alveolar walls and are embedded

    into the cementum.

    Palate and Tonsils

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    The palate, or roof of the oral cavity, consists of two parts. The anterior part

    contains bone and is called the hard palate, whereas the posterior portion

    consists of skeletal muscle and connective tissue and is called the soft palate.

    The uvula is a posterior extension of the soft palate. The palate separates the

    oral cavity from the nasal cavity and prevents food from passing into the nasal

    cavity during chewing and swallowing.

    The tonsils are located in the lateral posterior walls of the oral cavity, in the

    nasopharynx, and in the posterior surface of the tongue.

    There are three pairs of salivary glands the parotid, submandibular, and

    sublingual glands. They produce saliva, which is a mixture of serous and mucous

    fluids. Saliva helps keep the oral cavity moist and contains enzymes that begin

    the process of chemical digestion. The salivary glands are compound alveolar

    glands. They have branching ducts with clusters of alveoli, resembling grapes, at

    the ends of the ducts.

    The largest of the salivary glands, the parotid glands, are serous glands located

    just anterior to each ear. Parotid ducts enter the oral cavity adjacent to thesecond upper molars.

    The submandibular glands produce more serous than mucous secretions. Each

    gland can be felt as a soft lump along the inferior border of the mandible. The

    submandibular ducts open into the oral cavity on each side of the frenulum of

    the tongue. In certain people, if the mouth is opened and the tip of the tongue

    is elevated, saliva can squirt out of the mouth from the ducts of these glands.

    The sublingual glands, the smallest of the three paired salivary glands, produce

    primarily mucous secretions. They lie immediately below the mucous membrane

    in the floor of the oral cavity. Each sublingual gland has 10-12 small ducts

    opening onto the floor of the oral cavity.

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    The pharynx, or throat, which connects the mouth with the esophagus, consists

    of three parts the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx. Normally only

    the oropharynx and laryngopharynx transmit food. The posterior walls of the

    oropharynx and laryngopharynx are formed by the superior, middle, and inferior

    pharyngeal constrictor muscles.


    The esophagus is a muscular tube, lined with moist stratified squamous

    epithelium that extends from the pharynx to the stomach. It is about 25

    centimeters (cm) long and lies anterior to the vertebrae and posterior to the

    trachea within the mediastenum. It passes through the diaphragm and ends at

    the stomach. Upper and lower esophageal sphincters, located at the upper

    and lower ends of the esophagus, respectively, regulate the movement of food

    into and out of the esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter is sometimes

    called the cardiac sphincter. Numerous mucous glands produce thick,

    lubricating mucus that coats the inner surface of the esophagus.


    The stomach is an enlarged segment of the digestive tract in the left superior

    part of the abdomen. The opening from the esophagus into the stomach is

    called the cardiac opening because it is near the heart. The region of the

    stomach around the cardiac opening is called the cardiac region. The most

    superior part of the stomach is the fundus. The largest part of the stomach is the

    body, which turns to the right, forming a greater curvature on the left, and a

    lesser curvature on the right. The opening from the stomach into the small

    intestine is the pyloric opening, which is surrounded by a relatively thick ring of

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    smooth muscle called the pyloric sphincter. The region of the stomach near the

    pyloric opening is the pyloric region.

    The muscular layer of the stomach is different from other regions of the digestive

    tract in that it consists of three layers an outer longitudinal layer, a middle

    circular layer, and an inner oblique layer. These muscular layers produce a

    churning action in the stomach, important in the digestive process. The sub

    mucosa and mucosa of the stomach are thrown into large folds called rugae

    when the stomach is empty. These folds allow the mucosa and sub mucosa to

    stretch, and the folds disappear as the stomach is filled.

    The stomach is lined with simple columnar epithelium. The mucosal surface forms

    numerous, tube-like gastric pits, which are the openings for the gastric glands.

    The epithelial cells of the stomach can be divided into five groups. The first

    group consists of surface mucous cells on the inner surface of the stomach and

    lining the gastric pits. Those cells produce mucus which coats and protect the

    stomach lining. They are mucous neck cells, which produce mucous; parietal

    cells, which produce hydrochloric acids and intrinsic factors; endocrine cells,

    which produce regulatory hormones; and chief cells, which produce

    pepsinogen, a precursor of the protein-digesting enzyme pepsin.

    Small Intestines

    The small intestine is about 6 meters long and consists of three partsthe

    duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is about 25 centimeter (the

    term duodenum means 12, suggesting that it is 12 inches long). The jejunum is

    about 2.5 meter long and makes up two-fifths of the total length of the small

    intestine. The ileum is about 3.5 meter long and makes up three-fifths of the small


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    The duodenum nearly completes a nearly an 18degree arc as it curves within

    the abdominal cavity. Part of the pancreas lies within this arc. The common bile

    duct from the liver and the pancreatic duct from the pancreas join each other

    and empty into the duodenum.

    The small intestine is the major site of digestion and absorption of food, which

    are accomplished by the presence of a large surface area. The surface of the

    small intestine has three modifications that increase surface area about 600-

    foldcircular folds, villi, and microvilli. The mucosa and sub mucosa form a series

    of circular folds that run perpendicular to the long axis of the digestive tract. Tiny

    finger like projections of the mucosa forms numerous villi, which are 0.5-1.5 mm

    long. Most of the cells composing the surface of the villi have numerous

    cytoplasmic extensions, called microvilli. Each villus is covered by simple

    columnar epithelium. Within the loose connective tissue core of each villus is a

    blood capillary called lacteal. The blood capillary network and the lacteal are

    very important in transporting absorbed nutrients.

    The mucosa of the small intestine is simple columnar epithelium with four major

    cell types: Absorptive cells, which have microvilli, produce digestive enzymes,

    and absorb digested food Goblet cells, which produce a protective mucus

    Granular cells, (Paneths cells), which may help protect the intestinal epithelium

    from bacteria; Endocrine cells, which produce regulatory hormones. The

    epithelial cells are produce within tubular glands of the mucosa, called intestinal

    glands, at the base of the villi. Granular and endocrine cells are located in the

    bottom of the glands. The sub mucosa of the duodenum contains mucous

    glands, called duodenal glands, which open into the base of the intestinal


    The duodenum, jejunum, and ileum are similar in structure except that there is a

    granular decrease in the diameter of the small intestine, in the thickness of the

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    intestinal wall, in the number of circular folds, and in the number of villi as one

    progress through the small intestine. Lymph nodules are common along the

    entire length of the digestive tract. Clusters of lymph nodules, called Peyers

    patches, are numerous in the ileum. These lymphatic tissues in the intestine help

    protect the intestinal tract from harmful micro organisms.

    The junction between the ileum and the large intestine is the ileocecal junction.

    It has a ring of smooth muscle, the ileocecal sphincter, and an ileocecal valve,

    which allows material contained in the intestine to move from the ileum to the

    large intestine, but not in the opposite direction.

    Secretions of the Small Intestines

    Secretions from the mucosa of the small intestine mainly contain mucus, ions

    and water. Intestinal secretions lubricate and protect the intestinal wall from the

    acidic chime and the action of the digestive enzymes. They also keep the

    chime in the small intestine in a liquid form to facilitate the digestive process.

    Most of the secretions entering the small intestine are produced by the intestinal

    mucosa, but the secretions of the liver and the pancreas also enter the smallintestine and play important roles in the process of digestion.

    The epithelial cells in the walls of the small intestine have enzymes bound to their

    free surfaces that play a significant role in the final steps of digestion. Peptidases

    break the peptide bonds in proteins to form amino acids. Disaccharidases break

    down dissacharides, such as maltose and isomaltose, into monosaccharide. The

    amino acids and monosaccharides can be absorbed by the intestinal


    Mucus is produced by duodenal glands and by goblet cells, which are

    dispersed throughout the epithelial lining of the entire small intestine and within

    intestinal glands. Hormones released from the intestinal mucosa stimulate liver

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    and pancreatic secretions. Secretion by duodenal glands is stimulated by the

    vagus nerve, secretin release, and chemical or tactile irritation of the duodenal


    Movement of Small Intestines

    Mixing and propulsion of chime are the primary mechanical events that occur in

    the small intestine. Peristaltic contractions proceed along the length of the

    intestine for variable distances and cause the chime to move along the small

    intestine. Segmental contractions are propagated for only short distances and

    function to mix intestinal contents.

    The ileocecal sphincter at the juncture of the ileum and the large intestine

    remains mildly contracted most of the time, but peristaltic contractions reaching

    the ileocecal sphincter from the small intestine cause the sphincter to relax and

    allow movement of chime from the small intestine into the cecum. The ileocecal

    valve allows chime to move from the ileum into the large intestine, but tends to

    prevent movement from the large intestine back into the ileum.

    Absorption in the Small Intestines

    A major function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients. Most

    absorption occurs in the duodenum and jejunum, although some absorption

    also occurs in the ileum.


    The liver weighs about 1.36 kilograms and is located in the right upper quadrant

    of the abdomen, tucked against the inferior surface of the diaphragm. The

    posterior surface of the liver is in contact with the right ribs 5-12. it is divided into

    two major lobes, the right and left lobes, separated by a connective tissue

    septum, the falciform ligament. Two smaller lobes, the caudate and quadrate,

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    can be seen from an inferior view. Also seen from the inferior view is the porta,

    which is the gate through which blood vessels, ducts and nerves enter or exit the


    The liver receives blood from two sources. The hepatic artery brings oxygen-rich

    blood to the liver, which supplies liver cells with oxygen. The hepatic portal vein

    carries blood that is oxygen-poor but rich in absorbed nutrients and other

    substances from the digestive tract to the liver. Liver cells process nutrients and

    detoxify harmful substance from the blood. Blood exits the liver through hepatic

    veins, which empty into the inferior vena cava.

    Many delicate connective tissue septa divide the liver into lobules with portal

    triads at the corners of the lobules. The portal triads contain three structuresthe

    hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, and hepatic duct. Hepatic cords, formed by

    platelike groups of cells called hepatocytes, are located between the center

    and the margins of each lobule. The hepatic cords are separated from one

    another by blood channels called hepatic sinusoids. The sinusoid epithelium

    contains phagocytic cells that help remove foreign particles from the blood.

    Blood from the hepatic portal vein and the hepatic artery flows into the sinusoids

    and becomes mixed. The mixed blood flows towards the center of each lobule

    into a central vein. The central veins from all the lobes unite to form the hepatic

    veins, which carry blood out of the liver to the inferior vena cava.

    A cleft-like lumen, the bile canaliculus, is between the cells of each hepatic

    cord. Bile, produced by the hepatocytes, flows through the bile canaliculi to the

    hepatic ducts in the portal triads. The hepatic ducts converge and empty intothe right and left hepatic ducts, which transport bile out of the liver. The right

    and left hepatic ducts unite to form a single common hepatic duct. The

    common hepatic ducts is joined by the cystic duct from the gallbladder is a

    small sac on the inferior surface of the liver that stores and concentrates bile.

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    The common bile duct joins the pancreatic duct and opens into the duodenum

    at the duodenal papilia. The opening into the duodenum is regulated by a


    The liver performs important digestive and excretory functions, store and

    processes nutrients, synthesizes new molecules, and detoxifies harmful


    The liver secretes about 70mL of bile each day. Bile contains no digestive

    enzymes, but it plays an important role in digestion by diluting and neutralizing

    stomach acid and by dramatically increasing the efficiency of fat digestion and

    absorption. Digestive enzyme cannot act efficient on large fat globules. Bile salts

    emulsify fats, breaking the fat globules into smaller droplets, much like the action

    of detergent in dish-water. The small droplets are more easily digested by the

    digestive enzymes. Bile also contains excretory products such as bile pigments,

    cholesterol and fats. Bilirubin is a bile pigment that results from the breakdown of


    Bile excretion by the liver is stimulated by secretin, which is released from theduodenum. Cholecystokinin stimulates the gall bladder to contract and release

    bile into the duodenum. Parasympathetic stimulation through the vagus nerve

    also stimulates bile secretion and release.

    Most bile salts are reabsorbed in the ileum, and the blood carries them back to

    the liver, where they stimulate additional bile salts secretion and are once again

    secreted into the bile. The loss of bile salts in the feces is reduced by this

    recycling process.

    The liver can remove sugar from the blood and store it in the form of glycogen. It

    can also store fat, vitamins, copper and iron. This storage function is usually short


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    The liver transforms some nutrients into more readily usable substances. Many

    ingested substances are harmful to the cells of the body. In addition, the body

    itself produces many by-products of metabolism that, if accumulated, are toxic.

    The liver is an important line of defense against many of those harmful

    substances. It detoxifies them by altering their structure, making their excretion

    easier. The liver can also produce its own unique new compounds. Many of the

    blood proteins, such as albumin, fibrinogen, globulins, and clotting factors, are

    synthesized in the liver and released into the circulation.


    Pancreas is a fish-shaped spongy grayish-pink organ about 6 inches (15 cm)

    long that stretches across the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach. The

    head of the pancreas is on the right side of the abdomen and is connected to

    the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine). The narrow end of the

    pancreas, called the tail, extends to the left side of the body.

    The pancreas makes pancreatic juices and hormones, including insulin. The

    pancreatic juices are enzymes that help digest food in the small intestine. Insulincontrols the amount of sugar in the blood.

    As pancreatic juices are made, they flow into the main pancreatic duct. This

    duct joins the common bile duct, which connects the pancreas to the liver and

    the gallbladder. The common bile duct, which carries bile (a fluid that helps

    digest fat) connects to the small intestine near the stomach.

    The pancreas is thus a compound gland. It is compoundin the sense that it is

    composed of both exocrine and endocrine tissues. The exocrine function of the

    pancreas involves the synthesis and secretion of pancreatic juices. The

    endocrine function resides in the million or so cellular islands (the islets of

    Langerhans) embedded between the exocrine units of the pancreas. Beta cells

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    of the islands secrete insulin, which helps control carbohydrate metabolism.

    Alpha cells of the islets secrete glucagon that counters the action of insulin.

    Large Intestines

    The colon is made up of 6 parts all working collectively for a single purpose. Their

    purpose is ridding the body of toxins that have entered the body from food

    sources, environmental poisons, or toxins produced within the body. The colons

    role is to transfer nutrients into the bloodstream through the absorbent walls of

    the large intestine while pushing waste out of the body. In this process, digestive

    enzymes are released, water is absorbed by the stool, and a host of muscle

    groups and beneficial microorganisms work to maintain the digestive system.

    The colon is approximately 4.5 feet long, 2.5 inches wide, and is a muscular tube

    composed of lymphatic tissue, blood vessels, connective tissue, and specialized

    muscles for carrying out the tasks of water absorption and waste removal. The

    tough outer covering of the colon protects the inner layer of the colon with

    circular muscles for propelling waste out of the body in an action called

    peristalsis. Under the outer muscular layer is a sub-mucous coat containing thelymphatic tissue, blood vessels, and connective tissue. The innermost lining is

    highly moist and sensitive, and contains the villi- or tiny structures providing blood

    to the colon.

    The colon is actually just another name for the large intestine. The shorter of the

    two intestinal groups, the large intestine, consists of parts with various

    responsibilities. The names of these parts are the transverse colon, ascending

    colon, appendix, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and the rectum and anus.

    Transverse Colon

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    The transverse, ascending, and descending colons are named for their physical

    locations within the digestive tract, and corresponding to the direction food

    takes as it encounters those sections. Within these parts of the colon,

    contractions from smooth muscle groups work food material back and forth to

    move waste through the colon and eventually, out of the body. The intestinal

    walls secrete alkaline mucus for lubricating the colon walls to ensure continued

    movement of the waste.

    The ascending colon travels up along the right side of the body. Due to waste

    being forced upwards, the muscular contractions working against gravity are

    essential to keep the system running smoothly. The next section of the colon is

    termed the transverse colon due to it running across the body horizontally. Then,

    the descending colon turns downward and becomes the sigmoid colon,

    followed by the rectum and anus.

    Ileocecal and Cecum Valves

    The ileocecal valve is located where the small and large intestines meet. This

    valve is an opening between the small intestine and large intestine allowingcontents to be transferred to the colon. The cecum follows this valve and is an

    opening to the large intestine.

    Rectum and Anus

    The rectum is about eight inches long and serves, basically, as a warehouse for

    poop. It hooks up with the sigmoid colon to the north and with the anal canal to

    the south.

    The rectum has little shelves in it called transverse folds. These folds help keep

    stool in place until youre ready to go to the bathroom. When youre ready,

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    stool enters the lower rectum, moves into the anal canal, and then passes

    through the anus on its way out.

    The rectum intestinum acts as a temporary storage facility for feces. As the

    rectal walls expand due to the materials filling it from within, stretch receptors

    from the nervous system located in the rectal walls stimulate the desire to

    defecate. If the urge is not acted upon, the material in the rectum is often

    returned to the colon where more water is absorbed. If defecation is delayed for

    a prolonged period of time constipation and hardened feces results.

    When the rectum becomes full, the increase in intrarectal pressure forces the

    walls of the anal canal apart, allowing the fecal matter to enter the canal. The

    rectum shortens as material is forced into the anal canal and peristaltic waves

    propel the feces out of the rectum. The internal and external sphincter allows

    the feces to be passed by muscles pulling the anus up over the exiting feces.

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    III. The Patients Illness


    a.) Book-Centered

    Medical Diagnosis

    Typhoid fever


    Typhoid fever - is a life-threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi.

    Schematic Diagram


    y Geographical area Asia, Africa, Latin

    America, the Caribbean, and Oceania

    y School-aged children and young adults

    PrecipitatingWashing of handsDrinking unpurifieEating foods fromEconomic status

    Ingestion of foods or fluids contaminated with

    Salmonella typhi bacteria

    Bacteria enter the stomach and survive a pH as low as


    Bacteria invades the Payers patches of the intestinal

    wall in the small intestines where it attach (incubation

    period is first 7-14 days after ingestion)

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    The bacteria is within the macrophagesand survives

    Bacteria spread via the lymphatics while inside

    the macrophages

    Bacteria will then injects toxins known as the effector

    proteins into the intestinal cells and interrupts with

    the cellular proteins & lipids & manipulate their

    function resulting in phagocytization of the epithelial

    cell membrane until it is engulf down into the inferiorpart of the host cells where macrophages is present.

    Macrophages & intestinal epithelial cells

    then attract T cells & neutrophils with

    interleukin 8 (IL-8 causing inflammation of

    the intestinal wall)

    Perforation and

    destruction of mucosa

    lining of the intestinal

    can lead to persistent


    The bacteria induced macrophage apoptosis,

    breaking out into the bloodstream and cause

    systemic infection

    Ulceration and bleedin

    the mucosal lining and

    leads to necrosis

    Tissue damage and

    inflammation causes lo

    of absorption due to

    damaged villi causing a

    increase in water,

    electrolytes, mucus,

    blood, and serum to be

    pulled into the intestin

    from immature crypt c




  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case



    - Pathophsiology

    - Signs and symptoms

    - Diagnostic exams

    - Complications

    Typhoid Fever

    Acute Gastroenteritis

    Abdominal spasm is

    induced to limit mucosal

    injury adding in

    stimulation of increased





    Hepatic and splenic abscesses

    Disseminated intravascular

    coagulation Myocarditis



    Signs/ symptoms:


    Warmth to touch


    Body weakness

    Rash/ Red spots

    Sore throat


    Bile is infected and typically shed

    in the stool and are then available

    to infect other hosts

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    b.) Client-Centered

    Medical Diagnosis

    Typhoid fever


    Typhoid fever - is a life-threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi.

    Schematic Diagram


    y Geographical area tropical islands inthe Pacific (Philippines) and Asia

    y Children aged 5-15


    y Washing o

    y Drinking u

    y Eating stre

    y Nail biting

    y Economic

    Ingestion of foods or fluids contaminated with

    Salmonella typhi bacteria

    Bacteria enter the stomach and survive a pH as low as


    Bacteria invades the Payers patches of the intestinal

    wall in the small intestines where it attach (incubation

    period is first 7-14 days after ingestion)

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    The bacteria is within the macrophages

    and survives

    Bacteria spread via the lymphatics while inside

    the macrophages

    Bacteria will then injects toxins known as the effector

    proteins into the intestinal cells and interrupts with

    the cellular proteins & lipids & manipulate their

    function resulting in phagocytization of the epithelial

    cell membrane until it is engulf down into the inferior

    part of the host cells where macrophages is present.

    Macrophages & intestinal epithelial cells

    then attract T cells & neutrophils with

    interleukin 8 (IL-8 causing inflammation of

    the intestinal wall)

    Typhoid Fever

    Perforation and

    destruction of mucosa

    lining of the intestinal

    can lead to persistent


    The bacteria induced macrophage apoptosis,

    breaking out into the bloodstream and cause

    systemic infection

    Ulceration and bleedin

    the mucosal lining and

    leads to necrosis

    Tissue damage and

    inflammation causes lo

    of absorption due to

    damaged villi causing a

    increase in water,

    electrolytes, mucus,

    blood, and serum to be

    pulled into the intestin

    from immature crypt cSigns/ symptoms:

    Febrile: T-38.5CWarmth to touch

    Headache of 3/10,

    body weakness

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case



    - Pathophsiology

    - Signs and symptoms

    - Diagnostic exams

    - Complications

    Abdominal spasm is

    induced to limit mucosal

    injury adding in

    stimulation of increased



    Bile is infected and typically shed

    in the stool and are then available

    to infect other hosts

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case



    1. DEFINITION OF THE DISEASE (book-based)

    Typhoid fever is acute, generalized infection caused by Salmonella typhi.

    The main sources of infection are contaminated water or milk and, especially in

    urban communities, food handlers who are carriers.

    Typhoid fever is contracted by the ingestion of the bacteria in

    contaminated food or water. Patients with acute illness can contaminate the

    surrounding water supply through stool, which contains a high concentration of

    the bacteria. Contamination of the water supply can, in turn, taint the food

    supply. About 3%-5% of patients become carriers of the bacteria after the acute

    illness. Some patients suffer a very mild illness that goes unrecognized. These

    patients can become long-term carriers of the bacteria. The bacterium

    multiplies in the gallbladder, bile ducts, or liver and passes into the bowel. The

    bacteria can survive for weeks in water or dried sewage. These chronic carriers

    may have no symptoms and can be the source of new outbreaks of typhoid

    fever for many years.


    After the ingestion of contaminated food or water, the Salmonella

    bacteria invade the small intestine and enter the bloodstream temporarily. The

    bacteria are carried by white blood cells in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.

    The bacteria then multiply in the cells of these organs and reenter the

    bloodstream. Patients develop symptoms, including fever, when the organism

    reenters the bloodstream. Bacteria invade the gallbladder, biliary system, and

    the lymphatic tissue of the bowel. Here, they multiply in high numbers. The

    bacteria pass into the intestinal tract and can be identified for diagnosis in

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    cultures from the stool tested in the laboratory. Stool cultures are sensitive in the

    early and late stages of the disease but often need to be supplemented with

    blood cultures to make the definite diagnosis.



    According to WHO, most documented typhoid fever cases involve

    school-aged children and young adults.


    Typhoid fever occurs worldwide, primarily in developing nations

    whose sanitary conditions are poor. Typhoid fever is endemic in Asia,

    Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Oceania, but 80% of cases

    come from Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, or

    Vietnam. Within those countries, typhoid fever is most common in

    underdeveloped areas. Typhoid fever infects roughly 21.6 million people

    (incidence of 3.6 per 1,000 population) and kills an estimated 200,000

    people every year.

    y Work in or travel to areas where typhoid fever is endemic

    y Have close contact with someone who is infected or has recently been

    infected with typhoid fever

    y Have an immune system weakened by medications such as


    y Drink water contaminated by sewage that contains Salmonella typhi

    y Low economic status

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    y Poor hand washing practice


    The symptoms of typhoid appear 10 to 14 days after infection;

    . In some cases you may not become sick for as long as two months after


    First stage

    Once signs and symptoms do appear, the patient would likely to experience:

    y Fever, often as high as 103 or 104 F (39 or 40 C) - body has raised its

    temperature to fight an infection or condition

    y Headache

    y Weakness and fatigue

    y A sore throat

    y Abdominal pain

    y Diarrhea or constipation

    y Rose spots in the abdomen- pathognomic sign

    Children are more likely to have diarrhea, whereas adults may become severely

    constipated. During the second week, the patient may develop a rash of small,

    flat, rose-colored spots on your lower chest or upper abdomen. The rash is

    temporary, usually disappearing in two to five days.

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    Second stage

    If the patient doesnt receive treatment for typhoid fever, he/she may enter a

    second stage during which you become very ill and experience:

    y Continuing high fever

    y Either diarrhea that has the color and consistency of pea soup or severe


    y Considerable weight loss

    y Extremely distended abdomen

    The typhoid state

    By the third week, he/she may:

    y Become delirious

    y Lie motionless and exhausted with eyes half-closed in what's known as the

    typhoid state

    Life-threatening complications often develop at this time.


    Chloramphenicol is the most effective drug in combating typhoid,

    - DOC


    High caloric diet


  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    1. Wash hands

    Frequent hand washing is the best way to control infection. Wash hands

    thoroughly with hot, soapy water, especially before eating or preparing food

    and after using the toilet. Carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for times when

    water isn't available.

    2. Avoid drinking untreated water.

    Contaminated drinking water is a particular problem in areas where typhoid is

    endemic. For that reason, drink only bottled water or canned or bottled

    carbonated beverages, wine and beer. Carbonated bottled water is safer than

    uncarbonated bottled water. Wipe the outside of all bottles and cans before

    opening. Ask for drinks without ice. Use bottled water to brush teeth, and try not

    to swallow water in the shower.

    3. Avoid raw fruits and vegetables.

    Because raw produce may have been washed in unsafe water, avoid fruits and

    vegetables that can't be peeled, especially lettuce. To be absolutely safe,

    avoid raw foods entirely.

    4. Choose hot foods.

    Avoid food that's stored or served at room temperature. Steaming hot foods are

    best. And although there's no guarantee that meals served at the finest

    restaurants are safe, it's best to avoid food from street vendors it's more likely

    to be contaminated.

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    5. Vi polysaccharide vaccines

    Typhim Vi is a sterile solution containing the cell surface Vi polysaccharide

    extracted from Salmonella typhi Ty2 strain and is for intramuscular use.

    According to the approved package insert (PI), Typhim Vi is indicated for active

    immunization against typhoid fever for persons two years of age or older. The PI

    further states:

    "Based on the available efficacy data, vaccination with Typhim Vi may

    not be expected to protect 100% of susceptible individuals."

    "An optimal reimmunization schedule has not been established.

    Reimmunization every two years under conditions of repeated or

    continued exposure to the S. typhi organism is recommended at this time."

    6. TY21a

    Primary vaccination with oral Ty21a vaccine consists of a total of four

    capsules, one taken every other day. The capsules should be kept refrigerated

    (not frozen), and all four doses must be taken to achieve maximum efficacy.

    Each capsule should be taken with cool liquid no warmer than 37 Celsius (98.6

    Fahrenheit), approximately one hour before a meal. The vaccine manufacturer

    recommends that Ty21a not be administered to infants or children younger than

    6 years of age. The vaccine offers between 33 and 78% protection. The vaccine

    is most commonly used to protect travelers to endemic countries

    To prevent infecting others

    If you're recovering from typhoid, these measures can help keep others safe:

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    1. Wash hands often.

    This is the single most important thing that can do to keep from spreading the

    infection to others. Use plenty of hot, soapy water and scrub thoroughly for at

    least 30 seconds, especially before eating and after using the toilet.

    2. Clean household items daily.

    Clean toilets, door handles, telephone receivers and water taps at least once a

    day with a household cleaner and paper towels or disposable cloths.

    3. Avoid handling food.

    Avoid preparing food for others until the doctor says it is no longer contagious. If

    he/she works in the food service industry or a health care facility, he/she won't

    be allowed to return to work until tests show that he/she is no longer shedding

    typhoid bacteria.

    4. Keep personal items separate.

    Set aside towels, bed linen and utensils for own use and wash them frequently in

    hot, soapy water. Heavily soiled items can be soaked first in disinfectant.


    Monitor patient temperature degree and pattern.

    Observe for shaking chills and profuse diaphoresis

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    Wash hands with anti-bacterial soap and after each care of activity and

    encourage proper hygiene.

    Provide tepid sponge baths and avoid the use of ice water and alcohol.

    Monitor for signs of deterioration of condition or failure to improve with



    Administer antipyretics as prescribed.-administer antibiotics as prescribed.


    According to the patient, she is fond of eating street foods especially fish

    balls and siopao. The main sources of infection caused by salmonella typhi are

    contaminated foods and water.


    The patient ingested a contaminated food or water, the Salmonella

    bacteria invade the small intestine and enter the bloodstream temporarily. The

    bacteria are carried by white blood cells in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.

    The bacteria then multiply in the cells of these organs and reenter the


    The patient developed symptoms, including fever, when the organismreenters the bloodstream. Bacteria invade the gallbladder, biliary system, and

    the lymphatic tissue of the bowel. Here, they multiply in high numbers. The

    bacteria pass into the intestinal tract and can be identified for diagnosis in

    cultures from the stool tested in the laboratory. Stool cultures are sensitive in the

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    early and late stages of the disease but often need to be supplemented with

    blood cultures to make the definite diagnosis.

    Predisposing and precipitating factors:

    Drinking water (water from the faucet) and eating contaminated

    food by sewage that contains Salmonella typhi (street foods)

    Low economic status

    Poor hygiene (biting untrimmed nails as manifested by the patient)

    Poor hand washing practice


    The symptoms of typhoid appear 10 to 14 days after infection;

    . In some cases you may not become sick for as long as two months after


    First stage

    y Fever, often as high as 103 or 104 F (39 or 40 C) - body has raised its

    temperature to fight an infection or condition ( August 8, 2010 )

    y Headache due to decreased perfusion in the brain and fever (August 8,

    2010 )

    y Weakness and fatigue related to decreased absorption of nutrients (

    August 8, 2010 )

    y Abdominal pain ( August 8, 2010)

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    y Diarrhea ( August 9, 2010 )

    y Rose spots in the abdomen- pathognomic sign (did not manifest)

    Second stage

    If the patient doesnt receive treatment for typhoid fever, he/she may enter a

    second stage during which you become very ill and experience:

    y Continuing high fever ( date manifested)

    y Either diarrhea that has the color and consistency of pea soup or severe (

    date manifested)

    y Considerable weight loss- - did not manifest

    y Extremely distended abdomen- did not manifest

    The typhoid state:

    y Become delirious- did not manifest

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    V. The Patient and her care:

    A. Medical Management:

    a. IVFs




    Date ordered

    Date(s) performed

    Date changed/D/C

    General description Indication(s)

    Or Purpose(s)

    PLRS 1L X 10-12 X

    8hoursDate ordered:

    August 08, 2010

    Date(s) performed:

    August 08, 2010

    It is an isotonic

    crystalloid volume

    expander that

    expands circulating

    blood volume. It

    approximates the

    fluid and electrolyte

    composition of

    blood and provides

    9 cal/L.

    PLRS was ordere

    for the patient

    replace fluid loss.

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case


    Date changed:

    August 09. 2010

    Nursing Responsibilities:

    Prior to:

    y Prepare the equipment

    y Verify doctors order

    y Use strict aseptic technique

    y Explain the procedure to the S0 and give formation about the purpose of IVF to b

    y Identify the client

    y Assess vital signs for baseline data

    y Assess skin turgor, allergy to tape

    y Check the status or veins to determine appropriate venipuncture site

  • 8/8/2019 Typhoid Fever Case



    y Use the smallest gauge needle possible.

    y Check for patency of the tubing

    y Spike the solution container

    y Cleanse the fluid to be given, make sure it is the same with the prescribed flui

    y Partially fill the drip chamber gently with solution.

    y Select a suitable vein for venipuncture