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1997 Western Invitational Tournament UCSB

UCSB Questions by Zach Teitler, Gaius Stern, edited by David Levinson


1. This Roman author is perhaps overshadowed by the literary legacy of his adopted son and nephew, but he assembled Rome's greatest encyclopedia of natural history during the reigns of the Flavian emperors and at the same time achieved a political career. FTP, who was this man who was admiral of the fleet at the time Vesuvius erupted, and perished during rescue operations?

Answer: Pliny The Elder

2. In Robert Louis Stevenson's _The Master of Ballantrae_, he is depicted as a cowardly bully but most other accounts depict him as fearless and vicious in the extreme. FTP, who was this scourge of the Carolina coast whose short reign of terror was brought to an end in 1718 by Colonel Maynard ** ?

Answer: Blackbeard or Edward Teach

3. The first operational meteorological satellite was launched by the U.S. on April 1, 1960, and other satellites in this series were launched later. Equipped with specially designed miniature television cameras, infrared detectors, and videotape recorders, they were able to provide global weather coverage at 24-hour intervals. FTP What was the name of this series of satellites, supplanted in the 70s by the second-generation Nimbus satellites?

Answer: Television And Infrared Observation Satellite (Accept: TIROS)

4. If you are still looking for Lower Volta, do not come here. This country changed its name from Upper Volta in about 1985 and most people still can not pronounce its capital city. FTP, by what modern name do we know the country through which the Volta River runs - whose capital is Ouagadougou (Wag a doo goo) ?

Answer: Burkina Faso

5. Born into an old and distinguished Virginia family in 1879, many of this American novelist’s works were set in the imaginary medieval province of Poictesme. His works include The Cream of the Jest, Beyond Life, and The High Place. Fame arrived only after controversy developed over his most famous book, which contained an attack on American orthodoxies and institutions, in a story replete with sexual symbolism. FTP, name this author of Jurgen.

Answer: James Branch Cabell

6. Had the Conway Cabal succeeded, this man would have commanded the Continental army and probably lost the War for American Independence. His standing was high in 1777 from a

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1997 Western Invitational Tournament UCSB

great victory, though his staff really did all the work. Later he totally disgraced himself at Camden. FTP, who was this general unjustly credited with winning Saratoga?

Answer: Horatio Gates

7. You think writing Quiz Bowl questions without acknowledging sources is plagiarism? How about this: a French gentleman and mathematical enthusiast wants his name on a major theorem, but can't come up with anything on his own----so he BUYS a result from one of the Bernoullis, and puts his own name on it, by which it is still known today! FTP Whose name is illegitimately on the rule governing the evaluation of indeterminate limits such as infinity over infinity, or zero over zero?

Answer: L'Hopital

8. [dml] In his “The Science of Mechanics” he attacked ‘the conceptual monstrosity of absolute space’ as being an idea divorced from experience. A Viennese physicist, psychologist, and philosopher, he concluded the position was relative to other bodies in the universe, which only appeared static. For 10 points, name this man better known for lending his name to the speed of sound?

Answer: Ernst Mach

9. It happended when the Conservatives won electoral majorities in the midst of Mitterand’s term as France’s President. In general, this term refers to the time when the President of one party has to deal with a majority from the opposition party in the legislature. Now it has happened again in reverse - a Conservative president and Socialist legislature. FTP name this 5 syllable term which literally means "two sharing the same home" ?

Answer: Cohabitation

10. It may not have caused the scandal of _Luncheon on the Grass_, but this other painting by the same artist does depict a nude woman on a sofa, and it aroused some attention and even criticism in its time. FTP, what is this famous painting by Manet with a classical name?

Answer: Olympia

11. He had a profound influence on immunization and medical research, with such developments as a critically important staining technique for tuberculosis bacilli and an investigation into the relative oxygen consumptions of various tissue types. He is best known, however, for his "magic bullet" which was extraordinarily effective and harmless despite a large arsenic content. FTP who treated the sexually transmitted disease Syphilis with this "magic bullet"?

Answer: Paul Ehrlich

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12. Charles Guiteau probably did not have this legislation in mind when he assassinated James Garfield, but it is the most important legacy of Chester Alan Arthur's presidency. By requiring minimum standards with tests of those standards, it helped restrain the spoils system which had run rampant in the late 19th century. FTP, name this famous civil service reform act.

Answer: The Pendleton Act

13. Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” does end badly. Everyone in a small New England town looks very forward to the annual holiday at the end of the week. Everyone in town draws chits and one lucky resident becomes the center of attention - albeit in an undesired way. FTP what form of population control does the entire town then engage in?

Answer: They Stone Her (accept Stoning the winner, etc. Prompt on murder)

14. [dml] It enabled primitive industrial operations like moving a trip hammer to crush metal ore, or to push one end of lever and operate a suction pump on the other. A Hellenistic invention from the second century BCE, in its simplest form it is a piece of wood set on the side of a shaft so that as the shaft turns, the protruding piece of wood strikes anything in its place. For 10 points what is this 3 letter word, which coupled with the waterwheel, powered medieval Europe?

Answer: Cam

15. Treatment with Ginkgo Biloba may slightly reverse the consequences of this disease. It is now possible to test for the ApoE4 gene, but this has aroused great controversy and fear that insurance companies may deny coverage to those carrying it. ApoE4 predisposes carriers to what infamous disease no longer associated with the elderly alone whose symptoms include, FTP: poor memory, premature senility, and degeneration of the mind?

Answer: Alzheimer’s Syndrome

16. Her face is on the Italian 1000 lire note. She worked to replace the system of the switch as well as rote memorization. She is world famous for her contribution to education, specifically the teach and play schools for young children named for her. FTP, name this reformer and educator who took the violence out of learning.

Answer: Maria Montessori

17. Constantin had renounced the throne in advance, only they did not know it. Opposing the harsh and conservative Nicholai, they demanded liberal reforms along the lines of what they had seen among their allies during the wars against Napoleon. Unfortunately, Nicholai did get the throne and executed the lot of them. FTP, what was this 1825 ill-fated liberal movement in the army named for the month of its inception?

Answer: Decembrists Revolt

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18. In Dungeons and Dragons, it can shoot those spikes for 1-6 hit points each. Ouch. This nasty critter of legend was mostly lion with a man's head. It had many teeth and a spiky tail. FTP, name this monster of medieval legend, which unlike a chimera has only a single head.

Answer: Manticore or Manticorra

19. Elsa wants them, Victor wants them, and so do plenty of others in Casablanca. Everyone goes to Rick's American Cafe, but its not for the drinks, rather they want - and cannot find - what is hidden in Sam's piano. FTP what are the documents crucial to the Resistance -- and to the plot - which one needs to get out of Morocco?

Answer: Letters Of Transit

20. Oddly enough, she only has three scenes in the Iliad. The first is the teichomachy (tay com oh kee) where she points out important Achaean captains to Priam, but is bewildered at the absence of her brothers Castor and Polydectes. In the last she mourns Hector's death with Hecuba and Andromache (An drom a kee). In the middle scene she makes love. FTP, who is this wife of Paris and cause of the Trojan War?

Answer: Helen

21. Besides Blois (Bl wah), this dynasty also had only a single British monarch because its sole representative was foreign by birth, though his mother was British. The crown properly reverted to his cousin who was also his deceased wife's sister upon his death. FTP, name this dynasty which had many Dutch princes, but only William III of England.

Answer: The House of Orange

22. This 4 person card game is played with 40 cards of values 1 through 10. Each player has nine cards, and plays one per trick which can be put down or used to pick up any combination of cards whose total value equals the single card played. The goal is to earn points by picking up all cards on the table, thus forcing the opposing team to feed your hungry partner. FTP, what is this card game whose name in Italian means "broom" or "sweep?"

Answer: Scopa

23. To be forced to call an election and lose it is one thing, but to call one when your unpopular party has a big majority in the house and everything to lose is pure foolishness. Nevertheless, this mistake was made by what president of France who saw his majority swept away and was forced to accept his defeated Presidential rival as the new Prime Minister?

Answer: Jacques Chirac

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24. How his neighbor reacted when he learned this artist had been painting his wife in the nude for years is unknown, but it was in the news and something of a national scandal. FTP, what celebrated American artist had kept secret his many portraits of Helga until the late 80s when the paint hit the fan?

Answer: Andrew Wyeth

25. Jules Verne was born in this French coastal city near the edge of Normandy. Since it lies on the mouth of the Loire it is a busy port and was also home to the original Bluebeard. FTP name this city best known to students of history for Henry IV's edict of religious toleration.

Answer: Nantes

26. This system of empire was associated with Minos by Thucydides, and also with Athens, but one can also apply it to the British empire - especially from the 18th to 20th centuries. Alfred Mahon would agree that the power which controls the seas can maintain itself forever. FTP, what is this word derived from Greek which literally means "rule by the sea" ?

Answer: Thalassocracy

27. The 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was granted to Curl, Kroto, and Smalley for the discovery of what new family of carbon compounds, including such members as the soccer-ball shaped buckminster and various nanotubes?

Answer: Fullerenes

28. Claude Shannon pioneered the rigorous study of information and defined the information content of an event, such as receiving a certain transmission or message, in terms of the event's probability. What name is given to the amount of information contained in an event which has 50-percent probability?

Answer: Bit

29. This famous English novelist spent the latter years of his life writing Hollywood film scripts. His book "The Doors of Perception," about his use of hallucinogenic drugs, lent its name to the musical group "Doors". FTP, name this author of "Brave New World."

Answer: Aldous Huxley

30. This series of childrens books set in 1890s Utah won several awards such as the Newberry. They are a fictionalized account of the author's childhood in Adenville, Utah where his next older brother, Tom, swindeled everyone in town for money or candy. The author also wrote a truer to life version, _Papa Married a Mormon._ FTP, name this series by John Dennis Fitzgerald, known by the nickname of his genius older brother.

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Answer: the "Great Brain" Books (first in series is called _The Great Brain_ )

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1. (30) Math is great! We get to talk about "pencils", "fibers", "varieties", and "bundles", and no one understands us! For the stated number of points, identify the following mathematical objects, which have slightly less recognizable names than the ones listed above.

1. (5) The subspace of a vector space on which a linear transformation maps to the zero vector.

Answer: Null Space Or Kernel

2. (10) The collection of all subsets of a set.

Anwers: Power Set

3. (15) An inner product space (usually taken to be over the complex numbers) with the property that every Cauchy sequence converges.

Answer: Hilbert Space

2. Identify these non-Dickens works, all of whom are named for title characters (for 10 points each):

1. A governess is in love with her employer but is peturbed by a dark secret about the house. It turns out his insane wife lives in the attic, and she burns down the house.

Answer: Jane Eyre

2. A bastard grows up and has a series of romantic adventures with women who desire his body. In the end, his true identity is discovered so he is saved from the noose and able to marry the noblewoman who really loves him. Mr. Thwackum is much chagrined by this.

Answer: Tom Jones

3. A New England farmer in an unhappy mariage finally resolves to escape with his true love, but is crippled in a sleighing accident.

Answer: Ethan Frome

3. Given a digestive enzyme, tell what it digests best

1. (5) Lipase Answer: Fats Or Lipids

2. (10) Protease Answer: Protein

3. (15) Amylase Answer: Carbohydrates

4. Identify these Anglo-saxon earls, neither of whom became king though both were plenty ambitious (fifteen points each).

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1. This earl had put to death the brother of Edward the Confesser. His power was such that Edward married his daughter Edith, but on one occasion dismissed her and exiled him. He forced his recall and had been reinstated when he died well before 1066.

Answer: Godwin

2. This brother-in-law of Edward the Confessor became earl of Northumberland but was tossed out by his subjects who hated him. When his brother failed to reinstate him, he turned traitor and convinced Harald Haardraada to invade England. Both were killed at Stamford Bridge.

Answer: Tostig Godwinson

5. Name the musical works for 10 points each:

1. This composition was written during Haydn's first trip to England. He was annoyed that the audience tended to fall asleep during his symphonies; this was his way of waking them back up.

Answer: the Surprise Symphony

2. At the end of his life, Haydn penned this last great work (might be an oratorio)

Answer: The Seasons (NOT the four seasons)

3. When the Count of Esterhazy refused to grant the musicians a vacation, Haydn found this musical way of registering their dissatisfaction. It worked, but it nearly cost him his job.

Answer: The Farewell Symphony

6. El Prado, Madrid's famous art museum, has the world's largest collection of Spanish painting and has been open to the public for over 175 years. Answer these questions about a very recent newcomer to the Spanish art museum scene.

1. (5) The new museum, opening this October, is part of what family of museums, including representatives in New York City and Venice? These museums were founded by a mining family of the same name.

Answer: Guggenheim

2. (10) The Spanish Guggenheim museum is located in this city, capital of the autonomous Basque province of Spain.

Answer: Bilbao

3. (15) In the tradition of Frank Lloyd Wright's radical design for the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, the new Guggenheim Museum Bilbao has a sculpted metallic roof reminiscent of a "metallic flower" and stretches underneath one of Bilbao's busiest traffic bridges, incorporating it into the building's design! Name the American architect of the museum and 1989 winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize.

Answer: Frank O. Gehry

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7. (30) According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, only 7 Nobel prizes have been declined since 1901----two in chemistry, three in literature, one in peace, and one in physiology or medicine, but none in physics! Identify the following decliners of the Nobel Prize for the stated number of points.

1. (5) This French philosopher and dramatist declined the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1964.

Answer: Jean-Paul Sartre

2. (10) This North Vietnamese political activist helped lead the Viet Minh, oversaw the Viet Cong insurgency that began against the South Vietnamese government in the late 1950s, and is best known for his part in the cease-fire of 1973, for which he was a corecipient with Henry Kissinger of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, an honor he declined, but which Kissinger accepted.

Answer: Le Duc Tho (accept original name Phan Dinh Khai)

3. (15) This Swedish poet, whose works include "Fridolin's Songs", "Fridolin's Pleasure Garden", and "The Horn of Autumn", wrote regional, tradition-bound poetry which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1918. He declined it at that time, but they must have really wanted to give it to him, since in 1931, it was awarded him posthumously following his death in that year.

Answer: Erik Axel Karlfeldt

8. Last year's Western Invitational Tournament was subtitled "Where is Gaius?" This year the answer really is Rome, now that he has achieved his goal. Answer these questions about monuments Gaius saw on his first day of sightseeing for 10 points each:

1. This round brick fortress near the Vatican was used for defensive purposes in the Middle Ages by the Popes. Originally it was Hadrian's Mausoleum.

Answer: Castel Sant Angelo

2. This column was installed to celebrate the Roman conquest of Dacia. The story spirals up the column to depict Roman glories and those of the emperor for whom it is named.

Answer: Column of Trajan (Trajan's column)

3. Gaius' favorite of all, this temple depicts the imperial family in 13 BC on their way to a dedication. The consuls Tiberius Nero and Publius Varus attend their father-in-law, marcus Agrippa and Augustus.

Answer: Altar Of Peace Or Ara Pacis

9. BONUS Identify the music act from clues on a 15 - 5 basis

1. (15) Once a 1970's pop-music icon, this folk singer/songwriter nearly died of tuberculosis.

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(5) This British convert to Islam wrote such hits as "Moonshadow".

Answer: Cat Stevens

2. (15) Among the most revolutionary folk bands of the 1970's and early 80's, this trio first played together in Joni Mitchell's living room and later played at Woodstock.

(5) This band’s hits include "Ohio" and "Suite Judy Blue Eyes".

Answer: Crosby, Stills, And Nash (Do not accept Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young)

10 (30) Identify this pioneer in data storage, 30-20-10.

1. (30) After graduating from the Columbia School of Mines in 1879 at the age of 19, he developed an electrically actuated brake system for the railroads, but the Westinghouse steam-actuated brake prevailed.

2. (20) Working for the U.S. Census, he developed a machine which automatically tabulated punched cards, and allowed the 1890 census to be completed two years ahead of time and $5 million below estimates. The punched cards used in computers were named for him.

3. (10) In 1896 he founded the Tabulating Machine Company, forerunner of the Computer Tabulating Recording Company (CTR), which in 1924 changed its name to IBM---The International Business Machines Corporation.

Answer: Herman Hollerith

11. 30-20-10 Name the artwork

1. (30) This series of paintings was inspired by the French invasion of Spain which installed Louis Bonaparte in Madrid.

2. (20) The most famous painting in the series depicts a French firing squad executing accused guerillas. Some through up their arms to the heavens as the crudely painted French open fire.

3. (10) Goya is the artist.

Answer: The Disasters Of War

12. Name these events from Chinese history:

1. (5) This anti-foreigner movement in 1900 led to the deaths of scores of Europeans and thousands more Chinese as the European powers punished severely the Society of Harmonius Fists.

Answer: Boxer Rebellion (accept Boxer uprising, etc.)

2. (10) Prior to the Boxer Rebellion, this rebellion against the Manchus in the 1850s and 60s was led by a charismatic fanatic who combined Christian and Buddhist doctrine in his religion, proclaiming himself the 2nd coming of Christ.

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Answer: Tai'ping Rebellion

3. (15) Though it did not last as long as the Tai'Ping Rebellion, this 1840-42 rebellion challenged the power of the Manchus and revealed their weakness at the time fo the Opium Wars. Its name may refer to the opium plant.

Answer: the White Lotus Rebellion

13. Given a regular polyhedron, give the exact shape of each face for 5 points each:

1. tetrahedron Answer: Equalateral Triangle

2. hexahedron Answer: Square

3. octahedron Answer: Pyramidal Triangle

4. decahedron Answer: truncated Quadrilateral

5. dodecahedron Answer: Pentagon

6. icosohedron Answer: Equalateral Triangle

14. FTPE name the planet by its oddities:

1. Its north pole lies at 98 degrees allowing for very odd sunrises by our standards.

Answer: Uranus

2. Since its year is longer than its day, it took a long time to discover that it rotates at all.

Answer: Mercury

3. It has a great white spot.

Answer: Saturn

15. The film M*A*S*H was turned into a TV show with greater success than almost any other movie. Answer the following about the film which may differ from the TV show (10 each):

1. This surgeon is Hawkeye's best friend, not Trapper.

Answer: Duke Forrest

2. Hawkeye persuades Father Mulcahy and a nurse this sin is less serious than suicide, but he does not make this argument for himself.

Answer: Adultery

3. Provoked to violence by taunts, this religious fanatic is sent to the army's funny farm for psychiatric evaluation.

Answer: Major Frank Burns

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16. Zeus fathers a lot of heroes, but Hermes also got around, if less famously. Identify the following mythological figures sometimes listed as children of Hermes for the stated number of points:

1. (5) By Penelope (!) this musical god often kept the company of goats and satyrs.

Answer: Pan

2. (10) This Corinthian king invented handcuffs and once locked Hades up. His wily nature led to severe post mortem punishment.

Answer: Sisyphus

3. (15) By Aphrodite, this mythological figure encompassed both sexes.

Answer: Hermaphroditus

17. Name these American women pioneers in the field of politics:

1. (5) First woman to serve in Presidential cabinet

Answer: Frances Perkins

2. (10) First woman to serve in the House of Representatives

Answer: Jeannette Rankin

3. (15) First woman to be nominated for President

Answer: Victoria Woodhull (in 1876)

18. Bonus (30) You may have learned about Green's Theorem in calculus and Seaborg's synthesis of transuranic elements in your chemistry class, but did you know that the first names of these gentlemen were George and Glenn? Given a short description and the last name of each of the following mathematicians and/or scientists, give the first name for the stated number of points.

1. (5) This 18th century Swiss mathematician solved the famous Konigsberg bridge problem. He was the most prolific mathematician of all time, despite blindness later in his life. The symbol e for the base of the natural logarithm was introduced by this man, whose last name was Euler.

Answer: Leonhard

2. (5) There are two national laboratories named after this particle physicist within a short drive of Berkeley---Lawrence Berkeley Labs, and Lawrence Livermore Labs. Inventor of the cyclotron and proponent of "big science," what was the first name of Lawrence?

Answer: Ernest ( Middle name Orlando, for the curious)

3. (10) This French lawyer and prolific amateur mathematician found that his book margins were too narrow. He has a Little Theorem named after him, and a famous Last Theorem which was proved recently after 350 years of failed attempts. What was the first name of Fermat?

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Answer: Pierre ( Pierre de Fermat)

4.(10) This German geophysicist and meteorologist was the first to put forth the theory of continental drift, in 1912-15, but due to his implausible proposed causes of continental motion, his theory was not accepted until the 1960's. What was the first name of Wegener?

Answer: Alfred

19. Answer these questions about H.G. Wells _The Time Machine_ (the book, not the movie).

1. (10) What is the name of the hero of the story?

Answer: He Is Never Named (also accept The Time Traveller )

2. (5,5) What are the two subspecies of man in the future?

Answer: Morlocks And Eloi

3. (10) What common day item proves to be of great value to the Time Traveller against the Morlocks although he has a limited supply?

Answer: Matches

20. [dml] Place the following types of radiated energy in order from smallest to largest frequency, five points for each in correct position: AM Radio, Microwaves, Television, Ultraviolet, Visible Light, Gamma Rays

Answer: AM Radio, Television, Microwaves, Visible Light, Ultraviolet, Gamma Rays

21. Prince Charles and his sons rank 1-3 in the succession and are followed immediately by Prince Andrew, Duke of York. FTPE, which three royals rank after Andrew as 5th-7th in order of succession?

Answer: Princesses Beatrice, Eugenie, And Prince Edward

22. Given a city in Italy, name the major river that runs through it:

1. Turin, and forms some of the border of Lombardy.

Answer: Po River

2. Rome

Answer: the Tiber (accept Tevere)

3. Pisa and Florence

Answer: Arno River

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23. In the Middle Ages a story circulated that a Pope had resurructed the greatest Roman emperor in order to baptize him. FTP each, who was the Pope, who was the emperor, and what Florentine writer refers to this story in his longest work?

Answer: Pope Gregory The Great, Trajan, Dante Gregory VI

24. Give the common nickname of the following transit systems, 5 each with bonus for all:

1. Boston Answer: the T

2. London Answer: the Tube

3. Washington DC Answer: Metro

4. San Francisco Answer: Bart

5. Atlanta Answer: Marta

25. For the stated number of points identify these terms from Russian history:

1. (5) These nobles opposed Peter the Great unsuccessfully.

Answer: Boyars

2. (10) These nomadic peasants were exterminated by Stalin for resisting collectivization.

Answer: Kalmucks

3. (5) This body was Russia's shortlived 1905 Parliament.

Answer: Duma

4. (10) The name by which Russia's 8 month democratic regime of 1917 is known in America.

Answer: Provisional Government

26. Bonus (30) Identify the river, 30-20-10.

1. (30) Its major tributaries are the Abakan, Eloguy and Turukhan rivers from the west and the Tuba, Kan, Angara, Stony (Podkamennaya) Tunguska, Lower (Nizhnyaya) Tunguska, and Kureyka rivers from the east.

2. (20) Its headwaters rise in the mountainous borderland of south-central Russia and Mongolia. It flows northward along the eastern margin of the West Siberian Plain and empties into the Kara Sea.

3. (10) In terms of discharge, it is Russia's greatest river and the world's sixth largest, with an average discharge of 699,200 cubic feet per second and violent floods in the spring. It drains a basin that, at 996,000 square miles (2,580,000 square kilometers) is larger than all but nine of the nations of the world.

Answer: Yenisey (Accept: _Yenisei_, _Enisei_)

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27. Given a continent, name the largest water system with a delta (5 each):

1. Africa Answer: Nile

2. So. America Answer: Orinoco

3. Asia Answer: Mekong

4. No. America Answer: Mississippi (accepts Mississippi-Missouri)

5. Europe's 2 largest Answer: Volga And Danube

28. Germany still maintains a presence in four South American countries which were havens for Nazis, but also had some legitimate German settlements. Aside from Argentina, FTPE, name the other three.

Answer: Bolivia, Paraguay, And Chile

29. Bonus Answer these questions

1. For fifteen points, this African capital was the site of a revolutionary coup d'etat in spring 1997, ending a 30-year dictatorship, though fighting extended throughout the nation. Name the capital.

Answer: Kinshasa

2. For another fifteen points, give the new name assumed by this former Belgian colony following the coup d'etat in Kinsasha.

Answer: The Democratic Republic Of The Congo

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