Download pptx - UDL Stations



Common Questions • How does this exercise shed light on the concept of UDL

for you? • What have you learned about applying UDL principles in

classrooms? Share some useful practices you’ve learned. • What new understanding have you gained about the

relationship between AT and UDL?

UDL Stations

1. Drawing UDL classroom/school

2. UDL—Low tech and low-cost or free urban classroom solutions

3. UDL Lessons

4. UDL Guidelines 2.0


1. You will be divided into 5 groups of about 3-4 people.

2. Each group will explore two stations. Start with one station for the first 10 minutes

3. Jot down your answers to any questions corresponding to each station and be ready to share this with entire class.

4. When done with the first station, pick another station from the list and explore for the next 10 minutes.

5. Repeat step 3.

Drawing of UDL Classroom/School• Draw two pictures: a school building and a classroom that

is designed on the basis of UDL principles. • Label key parts of the classroom and mark out parts of

the school/classroom that are UDL features.• Consider all aspects of UDL: organization, grouping,

learning & instructional materials, navigation, etc. • Note: You can use the easy-to-use free online tool

Classroom Architect to create and save/print a copy your classroom floor plan:

UDL: Low-tech and Low-cost tools• Utilize the resources in the following two websites:


• Discuss with team members the top 5 low-tech tools for your classrooms from the first website

• Identify tools that are useful and affordable for low-resource urban schools from the second website

• Give rationales for your choices.

UDL Lessons• • You will pick a model lesson plan from the list of lesson

plans. Go through each section of the lesson plan and click on each of the available green UDL Connections tab on the right side of the screen. .

• What will the lesson have looked like without applying UDL principles? Mark your changes on the lesson.

• What else can you do to make this lesson better for all learners?

UDL Guidelines 2.0• The full guideline is available here:

• Provide multiple means of Representation

• Provide multiple means of action and expression

• Provide multiple means of engagement

• Pick and choose a guideline and some of its checkpoints that you want to learn about.

• Make sure to browse the View examples and resources link following each checkpoint.

• Which of the examples and resources do you think have great potentials as classroom applications of UDL?

Jot down answers in this slide and print out this slide only.